Negeri 5 Menara Quotes

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Negeri 5 Menara Negeri 5 Menara by Ahmad Fuadi
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Negeri 5 Menara Quotes Showing 31-60 of 48
“..., there are two things most important in preparing yourself for success. One is going the extra miles. Never settle for average. If other people study for one hour, study for five. If other run two kilometers, run three. If people give up in 10 seconds, don’t give up until 20. Always try to be more than ordinary...” ... “Another recipe is to never let yourself be influenced by elements outside of yourself. By anyone, anything, or any atmosphere. Meaning, don’t be sad, angry, or disappointed because of external factors. You are the ones with power over yourselves, do don’t give that power to others. Someone may hold a gun, but you have a choice, to feel fear or stand tall. You have choice, most deeply inside, and it has nothing to do with outside influence.” -101”
Ahmad Fuadi, Negeri 5 Menara
“Clever and civilized men will not stay home
Leave your homeland and explore foreign fields
Go out! You shall find replacement for those you have left
Give your all, the sweetness of life will be tasted after the struggle
I have seen that standing water stagnates
If it flows, it is pure, if it does not, it will become murky
If the lion doesn’t leave his den, he will not eat
If the arrow does not leave the bow, it will not strike
If the sun stands still in its orbit
Man will tire of it
Gold dust merely soil before excavated
Aloewood is just ordinary wood if in the forest

Travel by Imam Syafii”
Ahmad Fuadi, Negeri 5 Menara
“Man thalabal ‘ula sahiral layali.” He who wants glory will work late into the night. -184”
Ahmad Fuadi, Negeri 5 Menara
“man jadda wajada! This magical Arabic chant had a short but powerful meaning: “He who gives his all will surely succeed”. -39”
Ahmad Fuadi, Negeri 5 Menara
“Stress is just for those who have not yet tried and trusted in God. -178”
Ahmad Fuadi, Negeri 5 Menara
tags: stress
“Uthlubul ilma minal mahdi ila lahdi. Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. -178”
Ahmad Fuadi, Negeri 5 Menara
“He who studies with sincere will, will be honored as a mujahid, defender of Allah. -178”
Ahmad Fuadi, Negeri 5 Menara
“knowledge is like nur, a ray of light. And light cannot come and be in a dark place. Because of that, clean your hearts and your minds, so that light can come, touch, and brighten your soul,” -178”
Ahmad Fuadi, Negeri 5 Menara
“Don’t hope the world will change, but we have to be change. ..., Allah said He will not change people’s fate, until the people themselves make the change. If you want something and want to be something, don’t just dream and pray, but make it, change it, do it here. And now!” -148”
Ahmad Fuadi, Negeri 5 Menara
tags: change
“Ilahi lastu lilfirdausi ahla,
Walaa aqwa ‘ala naaril jahiimi
Fahabli taubatan waghfir dzunubi,
Fainaka ghafirudz- dzanbil azhimi...
Dzunubi mitslu a’daadir- rimali,
Fahabli taubatan ya Dzal Jalaali,
Wa ‘umri naqishu fi kulli yaumi,
Wa dzanbi zaaidun kaifa -htamali
Ilahi ‘abdukal ‘aashi ataak,
Muqiraan bi dzunubi wa qad da’aaka
Fain taghfir fa anta lidzaka ahlun,
Wain tadrud faman narju siwaaka

O, my Lord, I never deserve to be in the paradise of Yours,
But I could never bear the torments i the hell of Yours,
Hence, please hear my repentance, forgive my sins,
Truly, you are the Great, Merciful forgiver of sins
My sins are as uncountable as grains of sand
So please, O my Great Lord, bless me with Your mercy
Everyday I’m getting older
Everyday my sins grow in number
How can I be responsible for them?
Oh God, Your sinful slave
Comes to bow before You
To confess all of his sins
To pray and to beg only of You
If you give me your mercy
It’s all besouse of You, who is the only one capable,
But if you regret it, of whom should I ask for mercy but of you? -135”
Ahmad Fuadi, Negeri 5 Menara
“When you see disavowal, change it with your hands, if you can’t, change it with your words, and if you can’t as well, change it with your heart.” -131”
Ahmad Fuadi, Negeri 5 Menara
“History is not nostalgic art, but history is ibrah, lessons, that we can pull to the present, to prepare for a better future,” -105”
Ahmad Fuadi, Negeri 5 Menara
“listen, follow, shout, and repeat again.” -104”
Ahmad Fuadi, Negeri 5 Menara
“Uthlubul ilma walau bisshin,” meaning, “Seek knowledge, even if it’s as far as China.” -17”
Ahmad Fuadi, Negeri 5 Menara
“Be independent so you can be one who is free and get ahead. I’timad ‘ala nafsi, depend on yourself, not others. God’s help is enough to be your principle.” -76”
Ahmad Fuadi, Negeri 5 Menara
“... Foreign languages are the true keys to unlocking the doors of the world.” -49”
Ahmad Fuadi, Negeri 5 Menara
“How lucky are you as seekers of knowledge because God will ease your way into heaven, angels will spread their wings for you, even the inhabitants of the heart and sky, down to the whales beneath the sea, will ask mercy for those who have knowledege...” -48”
Ahmad Fuadi, Negeri 5 Menara
“put an intention in your hearts. Intend to study because of Allah, lillahi taala. -47”
Ahmad Fuadi, Negeri 5 Menara
tags: study

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