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Topic on Extension talk:Wikibase Repository

GeorgeBarnick (talkcontribs)

When trying to install Wikibase, I get the following PHP error after adding the require_once to LocalSettings.php:

PHP Fatal error:  Class 'Wikibase\TemplateRegistry' not found in /home2/georgfd9/public_html/wikibase/extensions/Wikibase/lib/WikibaseLib.php on line 95

I get this on any wiki I try to install Wikibase on. I'm not using composer to install since I can't use composer on my server (and of course there no installation instructions for Wikibase without composer). Any help would be appreciated.

Bene* (talkcontribs)

I created a page on labs where you can download nightly builds of the Wikibase software including all dependencies: toollabs:bene/wikibase/. I hope this can help you.

GeorgeBarnick (talkcontribs)

I'm still getting the same error. Maybe I'm using a branch of Wikibase or mediawiki/core that aren't working together? I'm using master MediaWiki and was on master Wikibase, but it's as if it isn't finding the "Wikibase\TemplateRegistry" class. Where should this class be found? I'm seeing references to it in WikibaseLib.php which is the file where these errors are coming from.

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