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robot Adding: et:Dekstrometorfaan
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== 化學 ==
Dextromethorphan右美沙芬 is a [[salt]] of the methyl ether [[dextrorotatory]] [[isomer]] of levorphanol, a [[opioid|narcotic]] [[analgesic]]. It is chemically named as 它的化学命名是''3-methoxy-17-methyl-9(alpha), 13(alpha), 14(alpha)-morphinan hydrobromide monohydrate''. DXM occurs as white 右美沙芬为白色[[crystals晶体]], is sparingly soluble in water微溶于水, and freely soluble in 易溶于[[ethanol酒精|alcohol乙醇]]. The drug is [[dextrorotation|dextrorotatory]] in water (at 20 degrees [[Celsius]], Sodium D-line) with a specific rotation of +27.6 degrees.
Dextromethorphan is metabolized by various liver [[enzyme]]s and subsequently undergoes O-demethylation, N-demethylation, and partial conjugation with glucuronic acid and sulfate ions. Hours after dextromethorphan therapy, (in humans) the metabolites (+)-3-hydroxy-N-methylmorphinan, (+)-3-morphinan, and traces of the unchanged drug are detectable in the [[urine]].