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<!-- [[Image:LocationThailand.svg|thumb|left|270px|Location of Thailand]]
{{History of Thailand}}
{{History of Thailand}}
Known as Lavo during most of its history, [[Lopburi province]] is one of the most important cities in [[Thai history]]. The city has a long history, dating back into the prehistory period since the [[bronze age]] of more than 3,500 years ago. br --><P>
Later, it was influenced by the art and culture of India in the 11<sup>th</sup> century when it entered the historical era. This first period under the influence of Indian culture was called the Dvaravati Period. Since that time, Lavo has been ruled by the Khmer, coming under the influence of their art and culture, in the 15<sup>th</sup> century, a time commonly called the Lopburi Period in Thai art history.<p />
Eventually, when the Ayutthaya empire was established, Lavo decreased in importance until the reign of King Narai the Great. He had a palace built in Lavo, and each year spent most of his time there. After the time of King Narai the Great, Lavo had been abandoned, until the 19<sup>th</sup> centuries, King Mongkut (Rama IV) had it restored to be used as an inland royal city. <p />
Later, in the 20<sup>th</sup> centuries, Prime Minister Marshal P. Piboolsongkhram developed Lopburi to be a national military center. The improvements he made to city are apparent even to the present day.

== 古國地點、地域==
Known as Lavo during most of its history, [[Lopburi province]] is one of the most important cities in [[Thai history]]. The city has a long history, dating back into the prehistory period since the [[bronze age]] of more than 3,500 years ago. br -->
Lavo is located in central Thailand at a river named "Talae Chubshorn", which descends from the mountains "Sam-Yod" (Khao Sam Yod) above the city, and runs into [[Lopburi river]] at the west of the city. This river runs into [[Chao Phraya]] river in [[Singburi province]].

== 史前時期==

最終[[大城王國]]建立,羅渦不再佔主導地位,直到[[那莱王]](''King Narai'')登基。他建造新的宮殿並在此統率全國。
[[Image:Arrow-head Olynthus BM GR1912.4-19.4.jpg|thumb|200px|left|[[青銅]]製造的[[箭頭]], 4th century BCE.]]
This city is located in the Chao Phraya river basin where historical, archaeological, and cultural evidence has been discovered that prehistoric humans lived here about 3,500 - 4,000 years ago or in [[Bronze]] age. A lot of abandoned ancient cities with many pre-historic instruments and human skeletons has been found in several parts of the modern-day province.

在納奈王後,羅渦城邦再度逐漸荒廢,直到十九世紀的[[孟固王]](''King Mongkut'')才將她重新作為王城規建。
[[Image:DvaravatiMapThailand.png|thumb|200px|Territory of Dvaravati]] -->

20世紀中葉,泰國首相[[鑾披汶·頌堪元帥]](''Phibul Songkhram'')將華富里作為軍事要地,他對該城市作出的貢獻有很多保存至今。
== 中國文獻記載中的羅渦國==
該國最早在[[唐朝]]和尚[[玄奘]]所作的《[[大唐西域記]]》中被提及。 羅渦在唐、宋朝代曾均向中國納貢所以在唐代記載中的「陀和羅」是指羅渦國和陀羅缽地國。這和玄奘的記載中的「羅缽」名稱是相容的,雖然現在尚不清楚此名是指其中一國呢還是指這一地區。<!--
A portrait of XuanzangIn 6th century, Lavo firstly sent tribute to the emperor of Tang (618-907) and afterward Song (960-1279). Refer to Tang's chronicle, they mentioned Lavo and Dvaravati as Tou-ho-lo. While the record of Xuanzang monk in the same period (629-645), he mentioned to Lavo or Dvaravati as Tou-lo-po-ti. -->

== 古國地點、地域==
根據泰國古史記載,羅渦城邦建立在泰國中部、一條名叫「朱布什空海」(''Talae Chubshorn'' )的河流上。該河流發源於「三育山」(''Khao Sam Yod'' )之麓,在流經該城邦之後匯入{{le|華富里河|Lopburi River}},隨後再流到今天[[信武里府]]境內匯入昭拍耶河(即[[湄南河]])。
also appeared in the Marco Polo's book that mentioned to lavo as Locak that had a location on the hinterland of Chao Phraya basin. The place that too far to launch an attack by the Kublai Khan's army of Yuan (1271-1368).

==高棉代 / Khmer era ==
== 史前==
<!-- 4th century BCE. -->
Prang Sam Yot, the Khmer temple in LopburiIn 10th century, when it was known as Lavodayapura (Khmer language). Lavo was subordinate to Khmer empire that rapid rise to prominence by the migration of Kambojas from the south India, therefore Lavo often be mentioned as Kambojarat (rat - kingdom) in some old Thai records. (Kambojas, in this case, is not Cambodia) came with the influence of their art and culture, in the 15th to 16th centuries. The new constructions were made by the rocks onto the ruined Dvaravati holy place that made by the bricks without mortar, therefore the oldest ruins that can now be found in Lopburi always be the Khmer style on the Dvaravati foundation.

根據泰國史籍的記載,來自泰北塔西拉(''Taxila'')的嘎嘎巴通王(''King Kakabatr'')於638年建立朱拉沙卡叻王國(''Chulasakaraj''),開創了新時代。這個時代在該地區至今仍享有極重要的意義。十年以後,他的兒子嘎拉華納第叻王(''King Kalavarnadishraj'')即建立[[華富里城]]。數年之後,他派出冉馬黛維(''Jamadevi'')至泰北把持[[駭黎朋猜王國]]的王位。

這些王國都秉承來自印度的[[上座部佛教]](''Theravada Buddhism''),並將她發揚光大。[[孟族]]對她於11-12世紀亦有所影響;第一個時期被稱為[[陀羅缽地]]時期,在該時期羅渦被以孟語稱著''Saruka Lavo''。即便有很多該時代的銘文是用孟語寫的,但卻不能就此斷定羅渦的統治者就是孟族。
== 大城時代 / Ayudhya era ==

== 中國文獻記載中的羅渦國==
According to the Thai records, King Kakabatr from Taxila (believed to be one of the ancient cities in northern Thailand) set the new era, Chulasakaraj in 638. This era is favourite in region until now. His son, King Kalavarnadishraj founded this city in a decade later. And several years later he assigned [[Jamadevi]] to reign the throne of [[Hariphunchai|Haribhunjaya]] kingdom in the northern Thailand.
A portrait of XuanzangIn 6th century, Lavo firstly sent tribute to the emperor of Tang (618-907) and afterward Song (960-1279). Refer to Tang's chronicle, they mentioned Lavo and Dvaravati as Tou-ho-lo.
While the record of Xuanzang monk in the same period (629-645), he mentioned to Lavo or Dvaravati as Tou-lo-po-ti. -->

亦有指為隋、唐時的[[赤土]]國,後分為'''羅斛'''、'''暹'''二國。 暹國土地貧瘠,不宜耕稼,羅斛地肥沃,種多獲,暹國糧食仰賴羅斛供給。人民煮海水取鹽,將秫米釀酒,出產氣味清遠的羅斛香,還出產蘇木、犀牛、象牙、黃蠟。
These kingdoms adopted Indian culture together with Theravada Buddhism and grew up under the post Indian (the local technology that adapt from Indian) and [[Mon]] influence in the 11<sup>th</sup> to 12<sup>th</sup> centuries, as it entered into the historical era. This first period under the influence of Indian culture was called the [[Dvaravati]] period. For the time being this kingdom was known as Saruka Lavo ([[Mon language]]). Although the inscription stones found in this area are the Mon language, however there is not clear evidence to prove if the population of Lavo were actually of Mon ethnicity.

及至[[宋徽宗]][[崇寧]]二年(1103年)年,[[泉州]][[市舶司]]派遣劉著到羅斛招商,[[政和 (年號)|政和]]五年(1115年),羅斛派遣使來華貿易,後又在1155年向宋朝納貢,在[[宋史]]的記載中其國名變成了「羅壺」。
== Lavo in Chinese records ==
至[[元代]],[[馬哥勃羅]]在他的游記中提到[[昭拍耶河]](即[[湄南河]])平原上的一個小國「羅迦''(Locak)''」也是指她。根據該書上記載,[[忽必烈]]曾考慮興兵去攻打她,但是最後因為路程太遠、大軍行進艱難而作罷。至[[元成宗]][[元貞]]二年(1296年),元貞三年(1297年)夏,[[大德 (元朝)|大德]]元年(1297年),三年(1299年)羅斛國多次來朝。後來,羅斛國力增強,併吞暹國,《[[明史]]》稱為'''暹羅斛'''國,後又簡稱為[[暹羅]]。
[[Image:Xuanzang w.jpg|thumb|left|110px|A portrait of Xuanzang]]
In 6th century, Lavo firstly sent tribute to the emperor of [[Tang dynasty|Tang]] (618-907) and afterward [[Song dynasty|Song]] (960-1279). Refer to Tang's chronicle, they mentioned Lavo and Dvaravati as Tou-ho-lo. While the record of [[Xuanzang]] monk in the same period (629-645), he mentioned to Lavo or Dvaravati as Tou-lo-po-ti.

==高棉時代(''Khmer era'' ) ==
Lavo sent tributes to [[Song dynasty]] 2 times in 1115 and 1155. The Song's chronicles mention Lavo at that time as Lo Hu.
<!-- Prang Sam Yot, the Khmer temple in LopburiIn 10th century, -->

Lavo also appeared in the [[Marco Polo]]'s book that mentioned to lavo as Locak that had a location on the hinterland of [[Chao Phraya]] basin. The place that too far to launch an attack by the [[Kublai Khan]]'s army of [[Yuan dynasty|Yuan]] (1271-1368).

== Khmer era ==
[[Image:Lopburi Prang Sam Yot.jpg|thumb|200px|right|Prang Sam Yot, the Khmer temple in Lopburi]]
In 10<sup>th</sup> century, when it was known as Lavodayapura ([[Khmer]] language). Lavo was subordinate to [[Khmer empire]] that rapid rise to prominence by the [[migration of Kambojas]] from the south India, therefore Lavo often be mentioned as Kambojarat (rat - kingdom) in some old Thai records. ([[Kambojas]], in this case, is not Cambodia) came with the influence of their art and culture, in the 15<sup>th</sup> to 16<sup>th</sup> centuries. The new constructions were made by the rocks onto the ruined Dvaravati holy place that made by the bricks without mortar, therefore the oldest ruins that can now be found in Lopburi always be the Khmer style on the Dvaravati foundation.

== Ayudhya era ==
== 大城時代(''Ayudhya era'' ) ==

[[大城王國]]由[[拉瑪鐵菩提王]](''Ramathibodi I'' )創建於1350年,不久他將羅渦併入[[素攀國]](''Subharnabhumi'' )的版圖歸其治理,中國史籍對此事件曾有記載,並且第一次使用了「暹羅國」的字眼。
[[Image:Lopbprnivet0306f.jpg|thumb|150px|Dusit Sawan hall]]
In 1350 [[Ayutthaya kingdom|Ayudhya]] kingdom was founded by King [[Ramathibodi I|Ramadhibodi-I]], which merged Lavo with the kingdom ruled from [[Suphanburi|Subharnaburi]] called Subharnabhumi or Pan Pum, which according to the common Thai history to be identical with the [[Suvarnabhumi]] kingdom. This event had been recorded in the Chinese texts that called Thai as Xian-lo-guo or Siam-Lavo-country.

At that time Lavo became a "[[Mueang]] Luk Luang", an important city ruled by a crown prince for a several years in the beginning of Ayudhya period. There were not any evidences the prosperity of Lavo was transferred from Lavo to Ayudhaya, but with time Lavo decreased in importance to become only a border town to the north of Ayudhaya.

17世紀中葉,第26任大城國王[[那莱王]](''King Narai'' )看重該城市,1666年他命令在原來''Ramesuan'' 王的王宮原地建造新宮,羅渦城自從以後作為「別都」直到那莱王駕崩。他每年在此居住長達八個月之久。
In the reign of King [[Narai]] the Great, the 26<sup>th</sup> king of Ayuadhya, in the mid of the [[17th century|17<sup>th</sup> century]] it raised again. He commanded to reconstruct the palace at the same place of King [[Ramesuan|Ramesavara]]'s Palace as a summer palace, [[King Narai's Palace]] in 1666. Lavo thus served as a second capital, next to Ayudhya, the king stayed here for about eight months a year.
== 叻他叻科辛時代 (近代泰國) ==
[[納奈王]](''King Narai'')之後,羅渦城邦逐漸荒廢,直到近代[[叻他叻科辛]][[孟固王]]([[King Mongkut]]、拉四世)才將她重建為一個內地別都,並且孟固王命名為「華富里」。
<!--Lavo had also been renamed to [[Lopburi]] in this period.

== 卻克里王朝時代(近代泰國) ==
Later, in 1937, Prime Minister Marshal P. [[Phibul Songkhram]] desired to set up Lopburi as the [[military]] center of Thailand. Therefore the city had been expanded. He relandscaped the Lopburi city, with its modern center located about 4 km. east from the historical center. His building style, [[Art Deco]] is showing along Narai Maharat road. The improvements he had made to the city are apparent even to the present day. -->
[[那萊王]](''King Narai'' )之後,羅渦城邦逐漸荒廢,直到近代[[卻克里]][[曼谷朝]])的[[拉瑪四世]](西方人叫他:[[孟固王]]、''[[四世]]'' )才將她重建為一個內地別都,並且城重新命名為「[[華富里]]」。

在1937年,當時的[[泰國首相]][[鑾披汶·頌堪]]元帥(พิบูลสงคราม,''Marshal Phibul Songkhram'' )出於戰略需要,著手把[[華富里府]]建立為泰國軍隊的大後方基地。在這段時間城市被擴大與重新規劃,市中心被東遷四公里,新城的格局十分為人所稱道。在納奈王-瑪哈叻路今天依然可見當時留下的很多地標式建築,建築風格與舊城區弗同。

*(元)[[汪大淵]]著《[[島夷志略]]》,[[蘇繼廎]]校釋 1981年, 2000年 中華書局,ISBN 7-10102028-7


2024年2月26日 (一) 19:47的最新版本



最終大城王國建立,羅渦不再佔主導地位,直到那莱王King Narai)登基。他建造新的宮殿並在此統率全國。

在納奈王後,羅渦城邦再度逐漸荒廢,直到十九世紀的孟固王King Mongkut)才將她重新作為王城規建。

20世紀中葉,泰國首相鑾披汶·頌堪元帥Phibul Songkhram)將華富里作為軍事要地,他對該城市作出的貢獻有很多保存至今。



根據泰國古史記載,羅渦城邦建立在泰國中部、一條名叫「朱布什空海」(Talae Chubshorn )的河流上。該河流發源於「三育山」(Khao Sam Yod )之麓,在流經該城邦之後匯入華富里河英语Lopburi River,隨後再流到今天信武里府境內匯入昭拍耶河(即湄南河)。





根據泰國史籍的記載,來自泰北塔西拉(Taxila)的嘎嘎巴通王(King Kakabatr)於638年建立朱拉沙卡叻王國(Chulasakaraj),開創了新時代。這個時代在該地區至今仍享有極重要的意義。十年以後,他的兒子嘎拉華納第叻王(King Kalavarnadishraj)即建立華富里城。數年之後,他派出冉馬黛維(Jamadevi)至泰北把持駭黎朋猜王國的王位。

這些王國都秉承來自印度的上座部佛教Theravada Buddhism),並將她發揚光大。孟族對她於11-12世紀亦有所影響;第一個時期被稱為陀羅缽地時期,在該時期羅渦被以孟語稱著Saruka Lavo。即便有很多該時代的銘文是用孟語寫的,但卻不能就此斷定羅渦的統治者就是孟族。




亦有指為隋、唐時的赤土國,後分為羅斛二國。 暹國土地貧瘠,不宜耕稼,羅斛地肥沃,種多獲,暹國糧食仰賴羅斛供給。人民煮海水取鹽,將秫米釀酒,出產氣味清遠的羅斛香,還出產蘇木、犀牛、象牙、黃蠟。

及至宋徽宗崇寧二年(1103年)年,泉州市舶司派遣劉著到羅斛招商,政和五年(1115年),羅斛派遣使來華貿易,後又在1155年向宋朝納貢,在宋史的記載中其國名變成了「羅壺」。 至元代馬哥勃羅在他的游記中提到昭拍耶河(即湄南河)平原上的一個小國「羅迦(Locak)」也是指她。根據該書上記載,忽必烈曾考慮興兵去攻打她,但是最後因為路程太遠、大軍行進艱難而作罷。至元成宗元貞二年(1296年),元貞三年(1297年)夏,大德元年(1297年),三年(1299年)羅斛國多次來朝。後來,羅斛國力增強,併吞暹國,《明史》稱為暹羅斛國,後又簡稱為暹羅

高棉時代(Khmer era


在十世紀羅渦臣服于高棉,這時她被以高棉語稱為:Lavodayapura, 由于大量來自南印度劍浮沙地區的工匠來到,她的地位迅速提昇。 請注意區別,雖然發音相似,但劍浮沙地區的人並非高棉人,更非今天的柬埔寨人。他們帶來了自己的文化影響和豐富了這裡的藝術和文化。



大城時代(Ayudhya era


大城王國拉瑪鐵菩提王Ramathibodi I )創建於1350年,不久他將羅渦併入素攀國Subharnabhumi )的版圖歸其治理,中國史籍對此事件曾有記載,並且第一次使用了「暹羅國」的字眼。


17世紀中葉,第26任大城國王那莱王King Narai )看重該城市,1666年他命令在原來Ramesuan 王的王宮原地建造新宮,羅渦城自從以後作為「別都」直到那莱王駕崩。他每年在此居住長達八個月之久。



那萊王King Narai )之後,羅渦城邦逐漸荒廢,直到近代卻克里王朝曼谷王朝)的拉瑪四世(西方人叫他:孟固王拉玛四世 )才將她重建為一個內地別都,並且他把城重新命名為「華富里」。

在1937年,當時的泰國首相鑾披汶·頌堪元帥(พิบูลสงคราม,Marshal Phibul Songkhram )出於戰略需要,著手把華富里府建立為泰國軍隊的大後方基地。在這段時間城市被擴大與重新規劃,市中心被東遷四公里,新城的格局十分為人所稱道。在納奈王-瑪哈叻路今天依然可見當時留下的很多地標式建築,建築風格與舊城區弗同。


  1. ^ 《大唐西域記》,"從此東北大海濱。山谷中有室利差呾羅國。次東南大海隅有迦摩浪迦國。次東有墮羅缽底國。次東有伊賞那補羅國。次東有摩訶瞻波國。即此雲林邑是也。"