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第15行: 第15行:

维斯特洛原本被分成七个独立王国before the consolidation of the [[《冰与火之歌》中的战争#征服战争|征服战争]]. After this war the different regions were united under the rule of 坦格利安家族 in what is known as 七大王国. After it was conquered, 坦格利安家族 divided it into four principal regions -- North, South, East, and West, and named one of its bannermen as the Wardens and Lord Protectors of each region. 在本系列的开始, [[兰尼斯特家族]]为西境守护;[[史塔克家族]]为北境守护;[[提利尔家族]]任南境守护;[[艾林家族]]任东境守护.

北境指颈泽以北的所有地区,由临冬城的[[史塔克家族]]统治了数千年,起先以北境之王的名义,后来臣服于伊耿。It is colder and much less populated than the South. 这里大多数的居民仍然信奉旧神, but some, mainly around the area of 白港, have taken the faith of the Seven. Its northern border is 绝长城, home of the [[守夜人]]. 北境和南境以颈泽---一道遍布沼泽的[[地峡]]为界,颈泽 is home to small, marsh-dwelling [[crannog]]men and ruled by 黎德,临冬城的封臣。The narrowness of the region and the difficulty of the terrain make it a natural border for the North, 保护她免遭入侵。北境的私生子冠以姓氏“雪诺”。

第24行: 第24行:

河间地是三叉戟河流域的富饶地区的总称,这里是奔流城的[[徒利家族]]的封地。在旧的河间王世系灭绝后,河间地在南方各国之间数次易手,经历了一段动荡不安的历史。征服之战时期河间地由铁群岛的[[霍尔家族]] 统治,因此徒利家族从来不是什么河间地之王,而只是背叛了黑心赫伦并且转投征服者伊耿的地方领主。河间地的私生子冠以姓氏“河文”。


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多恩位于维斯特洛最南部。It stretches from the high mountains of the 多恩边疆地to the southern coast of the continent. It is the hottest kingdom in 维斯特洛 and features the only desert on the continent. Dornishmen have a reputation for hot-bloodedness as well. They differ both culturally and ethnically from other 维斯特洛人 due to the 历史上洛伊拿人的[[《冰与火之歌》中的战争#洛伊拿人入侵|大迁徙]]。Their food, appearance, and architecture resemble those of Mediterranean cultures such as Greece and Turkey more than the Western European feel of the other kingdoms.They have adopted many 洛伊拿习俗as well, including [[primogeniture#Absolute primogeniture|equal primogeniture]]. 多恩 was the only kingdom in 维斯特洛 to successfully resist 伊耿's conquest. It joined 七大王国 through marriage over a century after the 坦格利安 invasion. This accomplishment has allowed 多恩 to retain a small measure of independence. Lords of the ruling [[马泰尔家族]]仍然按照洛伊拿习俗自称“亲王”和“公主”。多恩的私生子冠以姓氏“沙德”。
多恩位于维斯特洛最南部,它的疆土自多恩边疆地的崇山峻岭一直延伸到大陆南端的海边。这里是维斯特洛大陆气候最炎热的国度,全大陆唯一一处沙漠就在其境内。“一方水土一方”,多恩人也有着热血的名声。由于历史上洛伊拿人的[[《冰与火之歌》中的战争#洛伊拿人入侵|大迁徙]],多恩人在体貌特征和民族文化两方面都和维斯特洛其他地区有很大差别他们的食物、着装和建筑风格都更接近于希腊和土耳其等国的地中海风格,而不像其他地区那样给人以生活在欧洲西部之感。此外,多恩人也沿袭了许多洛伊拿习俗,包括[[primogeniture#Absolute primogeniture|equal primogeniture]]多恩 was the only kingdom in 维斯特洛 to successfully resist 伊耿's conquest.坦格利安入侵大陆一个世纪后,多恩才通过联姻加入了七大王国,这让多恩保留了一定程度的自治权。统治多恩的[[马泰尔家族]]仍然按照洛伊拿习俗自称“亲王”和“公主”。多恩的私生子冠以姓氏“沙德”。

====The Crownlands====
====The Crownlands====
第45行: 第45行:
The Crownlands are lands ruled directly by the crown on the Iron Throne. These lands include 君临 and the surrounding areas including the towns of Rosby and Duskendale. They are south of 谷地, southeast of the 河间地, east of the Westlands, and north of the Reach and Stormlands. The Crownlands overlook Blackwater Bay and contains the largest city in 维斯特洛 which is Kings Landing. 私生子 born in the Crownlands are given the surname维水.
The Crownlands are lands ruled directly by the crown on the Iron Throne. These lands include 君临 and the surrounding areas including the towns of Rosby and Duskendale. They are south of 谷地, southeast of the 河间地, east of the Westlands, and north of the Reach and Stormlands. The Crownlands overlook Blackwater Bay and contains the largest city in 维斯特洛 which is Kings Landing. 私生子 born in the Crownlands are given the surname维水.

*'''龙石岛''' is an island fortress located in 狭海. It rules a few other islands in 狭海 which are The Driftmark and Claw Isle, it also controls the fortress of Sharp Point which is located on the mainland. These Islands were originally annexed by 瓦雷利亚自由堡垒 and ruled by a 坦格利安家族,一支瓦雷利亚贵族的后代,取得了统治权。After 伊耿s conquest it became a princedom for the 龙石岛亲王 who were heirs to the Iron Throne and indirectly part of the Crownlands. After the [[War of the Usurper]] it became the seat of Stannis Bara席恩.
*'''龙石岛''' is an island fortress located in 狭海. It rules a few other islands in 狭海 which are The Driftmark and Claw Isle, it also controls the fortress of Sharp Point which is located on the mainland. These Islands were originally annexed by 瓦雷利亚自由堡垒 and ruled by a 坦格利安家族,一支瓦雷利亚贵族的后代,取得了统治权。After 伊耿s conquest it became a princedom for the 龙石岛亲王 who were heirs to the Iron Throne and indirectly part of the Crownlands.[[篡夺者战争]]后它成了[[拜拉席恩家族#史坦尼斯|史坦尼斯拜拉席恩]]的封地。


2010年1月1日 (五) 07:05的版本






File:Westeros Labels.png

《冰与火之歌》的故事主要发生在维斯特洛大陆上。它的面积大约与南美洲相等。[1] 尽管如此,由于酷寒的气候和当地居民(通称“野人”)对外来者的强烈敌意,极北部地区仍有大片区域未曾测绘。尽管维斯特洛的北方和南方面积几乎相同,但北方的人口密度却比南方少得多。维斯特洛的前五大城市是:君临,旧镇,兰尼斯港,海鸥镇,白港。
















河湾地 is the fertile ground ruled by 高庭的提利尔家族. The 提利尔s were stewards to House Gardener, the Kings of the Reach before 伊耿's conquest.在最后一位河湾王死于“怒火燎原”战役后,提利尔家族 surrendered Highgarden to 伊耿 and were rewarded with both the castle and the position of overlords of the Reach. Bannermen of the 提利尔s frequently fight with the Dornishmen of the south. The borderlands between the two regions, called the Dornish Marches, are populated on the north side by marcher lords loyal to the 提利尔s. The most prominent city in the Reach is 旧镇. It is the oldest city in 维斯特洛, home to the 学城, and the previous seat of the Faith.河湾地的私生子冠以姓氏“佛花”。


风暴之地 are the areas between 君临和多恩海. In the east they are bordered by Shipbreaker Bay and the Dornish Sea to the south. Before 伊耿's conquest they were ruled by the Storm Kings, and afterwards by 拜拉席恩家族,坦格利安家的私生亲戚。多恩边疆地 are located within this region, having been conquered by the 暴风王,and are ruled by house Caron and lesser marcher lords.边疆地 were common battlegrounds between the Stormlands, the Reach and 多恩 until the last century, when 多恩 joined the Seven Kingdoms.风暴之地的私生子冠以姓氏“风暴”。


多恩位于维斯特洛最南部,它的疆土自多恩边疆地的崇山峻岭一直延伸到大陆南端的海边。这里是维斯特洛大陆气候最炎热的国度,全大陆唯一一处沙漠就在其境内。“一方水土一方人”,多恩人也有着热血的名声。由于历史上洛伊拿人的大迁徙,多恩人在体貌特征和民族文化两方面都和维斯特洛其他地区有很大差别。他们的食物、着装和建筑风格都更接近于希腊和土耳其等国的地中海风格,而不像其他地区那样给人以生活在欧洲西部之感。此外,多恩人也沿袭了许多洛伊拿习俗,包括equal primogeniture。多恩 was the only kingdom in 维斯特洛 to successfully resist 伊耿's conquest.坦格利安入侵大陆一个世纪后,多恩才通过联姻加入了七大王国,这让多恩保留了一定程度的自治权。统治多恩的马泰尔家族仍然按照洛伊拿习俗自称“亲王”和“公主”。多恩的私生子冠以姓氏“沙德”。

The Crownlands

The Crownlands are lands ruled directly by the crown on the Iron Throne. These lands include 君临 and the surrounding areas including the towns of Rosby and Duskendale. They are south of 谷地, southeast of the 河间地, east of the Westlands, and north of the Reach and Stormlands. The Crownlands overlook Blackwater Bay and contains the largest city in 维斯特洛 which is Kings Landing. 私生子 born in the Crownlands are given the surname维水.

  • 龙石岛 is an island fortress located in 狭海. It rules a few other islands in 狭海 which are The Driftmark and Claw Isle, it also controls the fortress of Sharp Point which is located on the mainland. These Islands were originally annexed by 瓦雷利亚自由堡垒 and ruled by a 坦格利安家族,一支瓦雷利亚贵族的后代,取得了统治权。After 伊耿s conquest it became a princedom for the 龙石岛亲王 who were heirs to the Iron Throne and indirectly part of the Crownlands.篡夺者战争后它成了史坦尼斯拜拉席恩的封地。


维斯特洛没有确定的季节,每一季可能持续很多年,但确切的长度却不得而知。《冰与火之歌》开始时,大陆已经经历了持续十多年的夏天,于是很多人担心接踵而至的会是同样漫长而严酷的冬季。人们尚不知晓东方大陆的气候在多大程度上和维斯特洛相似。乔治·马丁不止一次强调这个星球的气候成因会在系列的最后揭示出来, 在那之前他不能透露更多的信息。他同时声称这个解释会是某种魔法力量,而与科幻元素无关。

  • 209 AL - 夏季
  • 209 AL – Great Spring Sickness
  • 211 AL - 夏季
  • 254 AL – 冬季
  • 281 AL – 错误的春天
  • 288–298 AL – 长夏



  • 人类 - 与地球上的人类几乎相同。Some noticeable differences include the propensity for families in noble houses to share a common trait; for example, the Lannisters appear to have all been blondes for thousands of years, although this could be a result of genetic inbreeding.此外,维斯特洛的人类 are often larger than would be expected from a roughly medieval civilization.许多男性身高超过六英尺,and abnormally large men frequently approach and exceed seven feet. Some bloodlines of humans are known for having unusual physical traits.坦格利安家族 often have platinum hair and violet eyes, while descendants of the 吉斯cari often have both red and black hair. Natives of 维斯特洛 have predominantly European features, with regional variations.盛夏群岛的居民and the continent of Sothoryos[3] have predominantly African features. Natives of other areas have a variety of features from many real-world populations.
  • 巨人 - huge, shaggy humanoids of slightly below human intelligence, vaguely resembling bipedal . Giants are a dwindling species found only in the lands to the extreme north, beyond 绝境长城. They ride mammoths into battle, wielding crude clubs that are little more than logs.他们说先民的语言,但至少有一部分巨人能听懂一般的维斯特洛话。
  • 森林之子 - 这些维斯特洛的原住民常常被人提及,但数千年来从没有人见过他们。They are thought to be diminutive humanoid creatures; dark and beautiful, with mysterious powers over dreams and nature. They are said to have used obsidian weapons and weirbows in battle. Little of their legacy exists at present beyond their worship of nameless nature gods still practiced by some in the North, and the remaining Weirwoods. 乔治·R·R·马丁反复强调他们并非精灵,关于此事他曾说: “森林之子就是...呃,森林之子。Elves have been done to death.”[4]
  • 异鬼 - a mysterious and malevolent race of creatures found beyond 绝境长城。They have only been seen at night, and are always accompanied by intense cold. 异鬼 appear as tall, gaunt humanoids with glowing blue eyes. They wear armor that shifts in color with every step, and wield thin crystal swords with blades so cold they can shatter iron. Others move silently, but their voices sound like cracking ice. It is hinted that they have their own language. Creatures they kill soon reanimate as wights: undead zombies with similarly glowing eyes. However, the Others exhibit a weakness to weapons made of obsidian (also known as dragonglass), which can pierce their armor easily. In death, they seem to melt into a pool of extremely cold liquid. Wights do not exhibit the same weakness to obsidian, but are vulnerable to fire. The origin of the Others, as well as the motive for their actions, remains unclear.


Some species of animals inhabiting the planet are very similar to Pleistocene megafauna of Earth.

  • Aurochs - large relatives of the bull. They are frequently used as a symbol of size, strength, and stupidity. An aurochs was used as a mount by the mythical Clarence Crabb as a display of his prowess.
  • 冰原狼 - relatives of the wolf, but unlike their real-world equivalent they are much larger and stronger than regular wolves, reaching the size of a pony when fully grown. They are almost never seen south of 绝境长城.
  • Lizard-Lions - massive, swamp-dwelling reptiles found in the Neck, these creatures are most likely large crocodilians.
  • 猛犸 - inhabitants of the far north and apparently the only pachyderm in 维斯特洛 other than the elephants mentioned in a book describing the Dornish Wars. They are used as mounts by Giants.
  • 洞穴狮 - 曾出现在某个人物的梦中。

Other animals appear to be altered versions of contemporary animals or have no real-world equivalent.

  • Krakens - 一种据说能把捕鲸船拖下海的巨型章鱼。
  • 蝎尾兽 - small creatures that look like scarabs when folded up. Their faces are malign and vaguely human. 被它们的毒刺刺中对人是致命的。蝎尾兽可能产自狭海对岸
  • Ravens - physically similar to common ravens of Earth, ravens in 维斯特洛 are used to carry messages between castles. The maester of each castle usually tends to its stock of ravens. The Citadel raises a breed of large, white ravens that are said to be more intelligent. Ravens sometimes imitate human speech.
  • 影子山猫 - large predatory cats with black fur and white stripes who seem to be native to mountainous regions. Their pelts are prized.
  • 斑马 - 有黑白条纹的马,很像现实中的斑马。brought over and used as mounts by some foreigners in 维斯特洛. (注意: "Zorse" is the name used for zebra-horse crossbreeds in real life. They are sterile, like mules.)

一度遍布全世界,它们在维斯特洛已经绝迹了 before they were brought back during 伊耿's Conquest by the Targaryens from 瓦雷利亚 via 龙石岛, and raised in captivity. Dragons are scaled, reptilian creatures with animal-level intelligence. They have leathery wings for forelegs, like bats, though some accompanying artwork for 《冰与火之歌》 portrays them with four legs and a detached set of wings. They have long necks and tails, with spiny crests running down their backs. Great heat emanates from their bodies, to the point that they steam during cold nights. 它们呼出灼热的火焰,并用它在进食前烤熟自己的食物。




参见: 《冰与火之歌》中的战争

所有的日子都基于伊耿登陆(Aegon's Landing),伊耿登陆之前的时间使用负数。

黑暗纪元 (-12,000年前)
在黑暗纪元, 维斯特洛居住着神秘的森林之子,此外,大陆的极北部地区可能还生活着巨人。
ca. -12,000
先民通过当时仍连结着两块大陆的,被称作石阶列岛陆桥东方大陆来到维斯特洛。先民带来了铜器、皮甲和马匹。在initial fights以后,which include the destruction of the land bridge, they reconcile with the Children and sign the Pact on 千面屿, 合约的签订为维斯特洛带来了四千年左右的和平。先民接纳了森林之子的神灵,the nameless gods of the forest. 卡林湾要塞 is built circa 10,000 years ago.
长夜 (英雄纪元,ca. -8000)
At the time of a terrible winter that seems to last for a generation, 一种被称作“异鬼”的恶魔般的生物自北方入侵 and nearly destroy all men in 维斯特洛. 异鬼 are finally defeated at the 黎明之战 by an alliance of men wielding fire and obsidian weapons led by a great hero, who in an eastern tradition is named 'Azor Ahai', and wields a great sword of fire, Lightbringer. This is the time when 绝境长城 is built, a giant fortification in the north of the continent protecting the races of men from the menaces of the north. The Sworn Brotherhood of the 守夜人 is created to man and guard it. 根据其他的传说,南方的风息堡也在这一时期建成;与此同时,and the designer of 绝境长城, 筑城者布兰登, also constructs 临冬城 and becomes the first King in the North.
ca. -8,000
第13任守夜人指挥官 is seduced by a wildling woman from beyond 绝境长城 and becomes the 夜王, with the Watch as his personal army.临冬城的史塔克家族和野人王乔曼联合起来打败了夜王,恢复了守夜人的荣耀。这个乔曼可能就是找到冬之号角的那位乔曼,传说他用这支号角唤醒地底的巨人。
ca. -6,000
七神信仰开始在东方大陆的安达洛斯丘陵出现,apparently avatars of a supreme god. 丘陵地带的人们很快便成为了它忠实的信徒。The 安达尔s, as they become known, 入侵维斯特洛 with steel weapons and the new religion of the 七神信仰。他们同时与先民和森林之子开战,最终在绝境长城以南彻底杀光了森林之子。经过几个世纪的战争,安达尔人在南方建立了六个王国,然而北方仍在先民的手中,这很大程度上得益于卡林湾特殊的战略位置。在抵挡了多次攻击之后,卡林湾成为了连接北境和南境的咽喉要道。
ca. -5,000
The shepherds of the lands of 瓦雷利亚 on the eastern continent discover dragons lairing in the Fourteen Fires, a great ring of volcanoes across the neck of 瓦雷利亚半岛。他们驯服了这些龙并且凭借它们建立了一个伟大的帝国,throwing down the eastern rival of 吉斯 in warfare five times before it finally capitulates. 瓦雷利亚自由堡垒形成了。
ca. -1,700
ca. -1,100
ca. -700
瓦雷利亚自由堡垒逐渐westward expansion brings it to the lands watered by the great River Rhoyne, a vast waterway near the west coast of the eastern landmass. They destroy the city of Arnar when it refuses to surrender. Nymeria, warrior-queen of 洛伊拿人 city-states, evacuates her people in ten thousand ships that cross 狭海 and land in Dorne. Winning an alliance with Lord Mors Martell, 洛伊拿人 unify the fractious land under the rule of Sunspear and establish House Martell as the ruling house of Dorne. Mors adopts the Rhoynish title “亲王”而不是“国王”。洛伊拿人 bring no greater political turmoil, though the southernmost kingdoms are heavily influenced by their customs, including equal primogeniture.
ca. -500
瓦雷利亚自由堡垒 conquers much of what is now the area of the southern 自由贸易城邦. 一个宗教团体,the Moonsingers, lead many thousands of refugees north to a remote northern lagoon protected by encircling mountains and mists, and there found the Secret City of 布拉佛斯. 后来他们修筑了''布拉佛斯的泰坦像'',a great statue which also serves as defensive fortification.
ca. -300
ca. -200
瓦雷利亚自由堡垒 annexes the island of 龙石岛 in 狭海 between the western cities and 维斯特洛.一个瓦雷利亚贵族家庭,坦格利安家族,控制了该岛。
ca. -100
瓦雷利亚毁灭。The nature of the 末日浩劫 is unclear, save that heavy volcanic activity is involved. The 瓦雷利亚半岛 is shattered and the city of 瓦雷利亚 is laid waste, although not completely destroyed. The dragons of 瓦雷利亚 are virtually wiped out. 瓦雷利亚自由堡垒 fractures apart. The western coastal cities become independent, naming themselves the Free Cities. Braavos reveals itself to the other cities, eventually becoming the most powerful of them through their vast fleet and economic power. The cities of 奴隶湾 become independent again, although 吉斯cari power begins building again in the south. The warrior-nomads of the vast eastern plains become more emboldened by the fall of 瓦雷利亚 and their dominant tribe, the Dothraki, begins raiding the surrounding lands. The 坦格利安s remain safe on 龙石岛, the guardians of possibly the last three dragons in the western world. The rulers of the Free City of Volantis, which remains the most 瓦雷利亚n-like of the former colonies, requests aid from the 坦格利安s in conquering the other Free Cities in the name of 瓦雷利亚, but are turned down. This century-long period of collapse after the Doom becomes known as the Bleeding Years.
登陆后一年--- 征服战争
瓦雷利亚毁灭一个世纪后,伊耿 坦格利安征服战争 subdues, and unites the majority of 维斯特洛 under his banner and constructs a new capital city at 君临.他没能征服多恩,于是允许它享有自治权。With the destruction of the Storm King, Argilac the Arrogant, and the death of the last 河湾王,风息堡的控制权便落到了伊耿的私生兄弟Orys 拜拉席恩,and of Highgarden to Lord Harlen 提利尔。奔流城的艾德蒙 徒利被封为河间地领主,同时派克岛的维肯 葛雷乔伊成了铁群岛之王。
37 AL(登陆后37年)
伊耿一世死后,the Faith of the Seven revolts against the 坦格利安s. King Aenys assigns his brother and heir, 梅葛,to deal with the crisis.
48 AL
残酷的梅葛去世。杰赫里斯国王通过谈判手段结束了叛乱,承诺promising amnesty if the Faith Militant disbands. They agree. Jaehaerys becomes known as “仲裁者”。
129-131 AL
维斯特洛的第一次大规模内战爆发,史称“血龙狂舞”。between 伊耿·坦格利安二世 and his half-sister 雷妮拉·坦格利安 for control of the Iron Throne. Many lesser branches of 坦格利安家族 and most of their dragons are extinguished in the conflict. After 雷妮拉's death, the war continues in the name of her son, 伊耿 III. When 伊耿 II dies without issue, the war ends by default with 伊耿 III being crowned. The last 坦格利安 dragon dies during 伊耿三世统治时期,这使他背上了“龙祸”的外号。有三颗石质龙蛋存留于世,但是坦格利安家族再也没能孵化它们。
157-161 AL
戴伦一世(少龙主)统治期。他征服了多恩,但并未能长期占领。四万人死于这场战争。戴伦的兄弟贝勒王,makes his peace with Dorne by walking the Boneway barefoot and rescuing his cousin 龙骑士艾蒙从毒蛇口中救下。
161-171 AL
“受神祝福的”贝勒在位,他也兼任大主教一职。贝勒修建了君临的大圣堂,后来人们称它为“贝勒大圣堂”.Baelor locks his sisters in the 红堡的处女居 so the sight of them will not tempt him to carnal thoughts. 尽管这样,他的妹妹Daena the Defiant has an affair with her cousin 伊耿(后来的伊耿四世)并生下了一个私生子,戴蒙·黑火
170 AL
Prince Daeron, second cousin of King Baelor, and Princess Myriah Martell of Dorne are married and have their first son, Prince Baelor.
172-184 AL
Reign of 伊耿·坦格利安四世, the Unworthy. On his deathbed 伊耿 IV legitimises his 'Great 私生子': Daemon Blackfyre, Aegor 'Bittersteel' Rivers, Brynden 'Bloodraven' Rivers and Shiera Seastar. He is succeeded by his son, King Daeron II, but his legitimacy is called into question due to his mother's close relationship with Aemon the Dragonknight.
195-196 AL
The Blackfyre Rebellion is fought, which ends at the Battle of Redgrass Field. Daemon Blackfyre is killed by Bloodraven, but several of his sons escape to the Free Cities with Bittersteel. Bittersteel later forms an elite mercenary army, the Golden Company, which becomes one of the most feared forces in the east.
197 AL
Dorne formally joins 七大王国 through the marriage of Daeron II's sister to Prince Moran Martell.
200 AL
Raymun Redbeard, the King-beyond-the-Wall, invades the North thanks to the lax behaviour of the 守夜人, whose Lord Commander is later nicknamed Sleepy Jack for his failure. Lord Willam 史塔克 of 临冬城 and Lord Harmond Umber, the Drunken Giant, catch the wildlings between their forces on the shores of the Long Lake and destroy them. Lord Willam is killed and is succeeded by his brother, Artos the Implacable.
209 AL
The events of The Hedge Knight take place. Prince Baelor 'Breakspear' 坦格利安, the heir to the throne, is killed in a tourney mishap. A few months later, King Daeron II and Baelor's two sons die in the Great Spring Sickness. Daeron II's second son, Aerys I, becomes king. Prince Baelor's nephew 伊耿 becomes squire to a hedge knight, Ser Duncan the Tall, in the hope of improving his mettle.
211 AL
The events of The Sworn Sword take place. House Webber and House Osgrey of the Reach become allies. Bloodraven has become the King's Hand by this time, angering Prince Maekar, brother to Aerys and the late Baelor.
221-233 AL
The reign of King Maekar after Aerys dies with no issue. During Maekar's reign his eldest son Daeron dies of the pox and his second son Aerion 'Brightflame' dies after drinking wildfire. His third son, 伊蒙,journeys to 旧镇 to become a maester. Maekar dies battling an outlaw king. Aemon refuses the crown and removes himself to 绝境长城. Prince 伊耿 becomes 伊耿 V, the Unlikely as he is the fourth son of a fourth son. Bloodraven is exiled to 绝境长城, later becoming Lord Commander.
255-260 AL
The War of the Ninepenny Kings erupts when the Band of Nine, including Maelys Blackfyre and the Golden Company, conquers the Free City of Tyrosh and the Stepstones before plotting an attack on 七大王国. Ser Barristan Selmy kills Maelys. Ser Brynden Tully distinguishes himself in the war. The Golden Company is defeated but not destroyed, and later regroups in the Free Cities.
259-262 AL
The Tragedy of Summerhall. The 坦格利安 summer palace burns down. King 伊耿 V and others are killed. Prince Rhaegar 坦格利安 is born to 伊耿's grandson Prince Aerys and his sister-wife Rhaella. Jaehaerys II succeeds 伊耿 but dies only a few years later. Aerys II becomes king, naming the young Tywin 兰尼斯特 as his Hand.
270-280 AL
King Aerys 拒绝了泰温·兰尼斯特's offer of his daughter Cersei for Prince Rhaegar, instead marrying Rhaegar to Princess Elia Martell of Dorne. The Defiance of Duskendale takes place when House Darklyn refuses to pay taxes to the Iron Throne. Aerys, eager to sort out the situation himself, ends up being taken prisoner. Duskendale is besieged for six months before Ser Barristan Selmy manages to free the king. House Darklyn is destroyed and House Rykker takes over the town. It is said that it was the Defiance that began Aerys' descent into madness. Around this time Prince Rhaegar begins corresponding with Aemon 坦格利安, maester of Castle Black, and ponders if he is 'The Prince Who Was Promised', who shall be reborn to fight the great darkness when it returns. Later they conclude the prince is actually Rhaegar's baby son, 伊耿.
281 AL
错误的春天。Defeat of the Kingswood Brotherhood by a number of knights commanded by a detachment of the Kingsguard. Arthur Dayne kills the leader of the Brotherhood。詹姆·兰尼斯特在战斗中表现英勇,被封为骑士。Lord Whent holds a great tourney at 赫伦hal, where 雷加 坦格利安王子 distinguishes himself in battle,但他却为临冬城的莱安娜 史塔克 (betrothed to Robert Bara席恩)戴上了爱与美的皇后的桂冠,而非给自己的妻子。Eddard 史塔克 meets and befriends Howland 黎德 of Greywater Watch. Jaime becomes a member of the Kingsguard and is disinherited from being his father's heir. Tywin Lannister resigns the Handship in angry protest and returns to Casterly Rock.
282-283 AL- 篡夺者战争
雷加 坦格利安 abducts 莱安娜 史塔克 from 君临. 莱安娜's brother, 布兰登 史塔克 angrilly rides into the Red Keep with several companions to kill 雷加, Aerys has them arrested & summons the fathers to court to answer for their sons treason, the Mad King kills them all but Ethan Glover. Eddard 史塔克, Robert Bara席恩 and their mentor, Jon Arryn, raise the standard of rebellion. Robert claims the throne through his descent from his great-grandfather, 伊耿 V 坦格利安.篡夺者战争(或称劳勃叛乱)就此爆发。霍斯特 徒利 agrees to join the rebellion as well. The Tyrells remain loyal to the king and besiege Robert's castle of 风息堡, held by his brother 史坦尼斯. 国王之手Jon Connington of Griffon's Roost, is defeated in 鸣钟之役中被击败,因此被放逐到了自由贸易城邦。The rebel army defeats the royalists at the Battle of the Trident.雷加王子在此战中被杀。兰尼斯特家族号称领兵勤王,但事实上起兵攻陷君临,并且劫掠了全城。伊里斯二世被詹姆·兰尼斯特杀死。Princess Elia Martell and her children, 伊耿 and Rhaenys 坦格利安, are brutally murdered by Lannister bannermen, causing a rift between 艾德·史塔克 and Robert·Bara席恩. 奈德·史塔克 and Howland 黎德 defeat the Kingsguard holding Lyanna prisoner, only to find her dying. Ned and Robert are reconciled. Robert becomes King of 维斯特洛, marrying Cersei Lannister. 奈德 returns home to 临冬城 with his bastard son, Jon·Snow. Loyal 坦格利安 retainers carry Aerys' two youngest children, Prince Viserys and Princess 丹妮莉斯, to safety in the Free Cities.
289 AL
298 AL



The worship of numerous and nameless nature spirits was brought to 先民 by the 森林之子. After the introduction of the 安达尔s' Seven to 维斯特洛, the spirits were dubbed the Old Gods and the practice of their worship became limited to the North. The religion of the Old Gods has no organization, clergy, evangelical movements, or holy texts, but some traditions are passed down by their followers. Various actions, such as incest and kinslaying, are considered offensive to the gods. Weirwood trees with faces carved into them, called heart trees, are considered sacred. Prayer, oaths, and marriages are often performed in the presence of a heart tree. The faces were carved into the weirwoods by the 森林之子, but their meaning or purpose is not completely understood to humans. Once all noble houses had a godswood with a heart tree in its center, but many families that no longer follow the Old Gods converted their godswoods into secular gardens.


七神 is/are a septune god, a single deity with the following seven aspects: 天父,战士,铁匠Mother, Maiden, Crone和陌客。The religion is often simply called "The Faith." It includes a book of scripture called 七神-Pointed Star.

Adherents of the Faith use seven-pointed stars, crystal prisms, rainbows, and the number seven to represent the deity, and rites of worship heavily involve the use of light and crystals. The 安达尔s brought the Seven with them into 维斯特洛, and through their conquest it became the dominant religion of the continent. The Faith of the Seven has a highly organized church structure that is strongly integrated into the government and culture of 维斯特洛. It is headed by the High Septon, a figure of papal authority, and a council of yet-undetermined size comprising the "Most Devout", which seems to be a vague analogue of the College of Cardinals, by whom a High Septon is elected. A High Septon abandons his name when elected.

The places of worship of the Seven are called "septs", and every sept houses representational art portraying each of the seven aspects. In rural septs, they may simply be carved masks or simple charcoal drawings on a wall, while in wealthy septs, they are embodied by statues inlaid with precious metals and stones. The High Septon and the Most Devout are situated in the Great Sept of Baelor in 君临, a vast building of white marble with seven crystal towers, which serves as the seat of the Faith. Prior to being headquartered in 君临, before the advent of the Targaryens, the seat of the Faith was the ornate Starry Sept in 旧镇, constructed in black marble with stained glass windows set in pointed arches.

Male clergy of the Faith are called "septons" and female clergy called "septas", and there are various orders of devotion amongst them, each concentrating their devotion on one aspect of the Seven. For example, there are septons sworn to the Smith, and they wear small metal hammers on a thong around their necks. Monastic orders of septons can live in 'septries' (plural of 'septry'), self sustaining enclaves of sworn brothers who are called "Brown Brothers." Septons without a sept wander the countryside ministering to the smallfolk in exchange for food and shelter. They are sometimes disparaged as "begging brothers", and they wear a small metal bowl around their necks. The Silent Sisters, a special order of women with vows of chastity and silence, serve the Stranger, commonly understood to represent Death. Among their duties are handling the dead and preparing corpses for funerals and burials.

There are convents of septas called 'motherhouses,' including a large one in 旧镇. There are orders of septas, called white, grey or blue septas, but it is unrevealed to which aspect of the deity each of them is devoted. Septas often serve as governesses in the households of the high nobility. A trial of a woman conducted by the Faith will have septas sitting among the seven judges. High ranking septas are counted as members of the "Most Devout", revealing that they have a voice in the selection of a High Septon, but it is unknown if a septa can be raised as High Septon. The Silent Sisters are not regarded as septas.

Militant orders of the Faith have also existed at times in its history, the Warriors Sons, a knightly order composed of the noble classes, and the Poor Fellows, drawn from the common folk. They are known as the "Swords" and "Stars" respectively, and were brutally repressed by Maegor the Cruel.

Believers in the Faith pray to specific aspects of the Seven for help and guidance depending on their circumstances: to the Warrior for courage and skill in battle, to the Father for justice, to the Mother for mercy, to the Smith for making whole what is broken, to the Crone for wisdom, to the Maid for innocence and pleasure in life, and to the Stranger for death. Candles are lit before the altars symbolizing each of the seven aspects, and hymns are often sung. Weddings are conducted standing between the altars of the Father and the Mother. Grandiose rites of worship contain choirs comprising seventy-seven septas.

During trials by combat, the Seven are expected to intervene on the side of the just combatant. In order to become a knight, a squire must spend a nightlong vigil in a sept and become anointed in the name of the Seven; for this reason, there are few knights in areas where the Faith is not kept (the North, for instance).


Worshipped solely by the Ironmen in 维斯特洛, 淹神's domain is the sea. The religion of 淹神 is old, dating back to before the 安达尔 invasion. The 安达尔 invaders of the Iron Islands converted to the local religion rather than supplant it with the Seven as they did in the South. 淹神 religion supports the Ironmen's naval, Viking-like culture. They believe that 淹神 created them to rape, reave, and carve out kingdoms. 淹神 himself is believed to have brought flame from the sea and sailed the world with fire and sword. The eternal enemy of 淹神 is called the Storm God.

Drowning and resurrection feature prominently in the prayers and rituals of 淹神 religion. Drowning is the traditional method of execution for the Ironmen, but it is also considered a holy act, and the most faithful have no fear of it. Newborn are "drowned" shortly after birth, being submerged into or anointed with saltwater. Clergymen, called Drowned Men, are drowned a second time in earnest and brought back to life with a crude form of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Drowned Men wear roughspun robes of mottled green, grey, and blue. They carry driftwood cudgels to use in battle, and skins of saltwater to perform ritual anointments. A common prayer is, "What is dead can never die, but rises again, harder and stronger."

Mother Rhoyne

In Dorne, the orphans of the Greenblood continue to worship their Rhoynish gods from 狭海对岸. Their chief god is Mother Rhoyne, a personification of their ancestral home, the river Rhoyne. She is also called Mother River. The religion has other, lesser gods as well, including the Old Man of the River, a turtle god who fought King Crab to gain dominion underwater.


拉赫洛 is a prominent god 狭海对岸, 但在维斯特洛只有为数不多的信徒。He is also called the Lord of Light, the Heart of Fire, and the God of Flame and Shadow. His symbol is a fiery heart. The followers of 拉赫洛 worship him as the god of light, heat, and life. His enemy is the "great Other", whose name is not spoken, the god of darkness, cold, and death. 拉赫洛 and the great other wage an eternal war over the fate of the world. Followers of 拉赫洛 believe that Azor Ahai, the messianic figure prophesized to return in ancient books of Asshai, will tip the balance of this war. Azor Ahai is also called the Prince that was Promised, the Warrior of Light, and the Son of Fire. Prophecy holds that he will wield a flaming sword called Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes, and raise dragons of stone.

拉赫洛的祭司们因为他们穿着的宽松的猩红色长袍而被称作“红袍僧” 。In the east, children are often given to temples of 拉赫洛 to be raised into the priesthood. Every evening, red priests light fires and sing prayers at their temples, asking 拉赫洛 to bring back the dawn. "The night is dark and full of terrors", is a common phrase in prayers to 拉赫洛. Priests believe that 拉赫洛 will occasionally answer his followers' prayers by granting magical favors. They often gaze into flames in an effort to see visions of the future. Trials by combat are an accepted practice in the 拉赫洛 faith; prayers before the combat ask 拉赫洛 to give strength to the just party.


Some of the wildling who live north of 绝境长城 worship the ice-creatures known as the Others as gods. They often refer to the Others as the "cold gods" who come with the snows, and believe that they must appease them to ensure their own survival. One wildling, Craster, left all of his male children for the Others. Some of his wives claimed the Others were Craster's sons. Also, the infamous 13th commander of the 守夜人, the Night King, was said to have sacrificed to the Others. The red priestess Melisandre claimed the Others are servants of 拉赫洛's arch-nemesis, "The Great Other".


参见: 《冰与火之歌》中的城市《冰与火之歌》中的要塞


学城 is the place the order of 学士s call home, where they forge their chains with years of study. 学城位于维斯特洛最古老的城市,河湾地的旧镇。


君临是维斯特洛和七大王国的首都。It is situated on the Blackwater river on the spot where 伊耿 the Conqueror landed in 维斯特洛 to begin his conquest. The main city is surrounded by a wall, manned by a city watch known as the Gold Cloaks. Within 绝境长城s, the city's natural landscape is dominated by three hills, named after 伊耿 and his two sisters. Poorer smallfolk build shanty settlements outside the city. 君临 is extremely populous, but rather unsightly and dirty. The stench of the city's waste can be smelled far beyond its walls.

The royal castle, called the Red Keep, sits on 伊耿's Hill. The Keep holds the Iron Throne, the seat of the monarch. 伊耿 commissioned the throne's construction from the swords of his defeated enemies. According to legend, he kept the blades sharp because he believed that no ruler should ever sit comfortably. Centuries later, kings still cut themselves on the throne. It is a common belief that someone who cuts themselves on the throne is not fit to rule (thus the throne 'rejects' them).

The city also holds the Great Sept of Baelor, where the Most Devout convene with the High Septon. It is the holiest sept of the Seven.

君临的贫民窟 are called Flea Bottom, where residents are so poor they regularly subsist on "bowls of brown", a mystery stew that can include the meat of puppies and murder victims.

根据提利昂迎接奥伯伦 马泰尔抵达君临时的说法,君临的人口据估计有五十多万. 乔治·R·R·马丁 has also stated that the city is larger than Medieval London or Paris but smaller than Medieval Constantinople or Ancient Rome (each had a population of about 1,000,000).


坐落于神眼湖北岸, a lake in the central part of 维斯特洛, 赫伦hal was built by 赫伦 the Black to be the greatest castle ever constructed. Made of black stone, with numerous massive towers and a great hall large enough to hold an army, the castle was a monument to 赫伦's hubris. But 赫伦 had scarcely finished his work when 伊耿 the Conqueror began his invasion. 赫伦hal's thick, high walls were useless against 伊耿's dragons. Dragonfire cracked and melted the castle's stone, killing 赫伦 and his sons. 赫伦's line was obliterated and his kingdom conquered.

自从赫伦身死以来,the castle has been occupied by a variety of houses. Some residents over the ages have met bad ends, giving the castle the reputation of being cursed. This, combined with the logistical and economic difficulties inherent in keeping such an enormous castle maintained and garrisoned, has made the castle something of a white elephant.

At the start of the War of the Five Kings, the castle was in poor shape, with only a fraction of it maintained. After Tywin Lannister seized the castle his daughter, Queen Cersei, gave ownership to Janos Slynt, but her brother and the Hand of the King, Tyrion Lannister quickly revoked the award and sent Slynt to 绝境长城. Tyrion gave the castle instead to Petyr Baelish, who has held nominal ownership of 赫伦hal ever since, without ever setting foot in it.

Over the course of the war, 赫伦hal changed hands numerous times, and was the site of many atrocities. After the Brave Companions mercenary company betrayed the castle's Lannister garrison, Roose 波顿 took over. After 波顿 abandoned the castle, Gregor Clegane demolished the Brave Companions and retook the castle for the Lannisters.


临冬城 is the name given to the ancient castle of 史塔克 (and an aptronym being the German word for winter coat). It has been the seat of the 史塔克s for thousands of years. Hot water from the spring beneath the castle is piped through its walls to heat various rooms. Some of the rooms and towers are abandoned and not upkept. 临冬城拥有一片面积达3平方英亩的神木林,林地中心有一棵古老的鱼梁木。It is also surrounded by a moat. The castle has deep 地下陵寝 where the bodies of 史塔克s are buried. Statues mark the crypts of the former lords of 临冬城 and the old Kings of the North.

在《权力的游戏》开始时,艾德·史塔克公爵是临冬城城主并任北境守护,他的大儿子罗柏·史塔克是他的继承人。鲁温学士 was a trusted counselor, healer and tutor to the 史塔克 boys, and Septa Mordane was the family's priestess and governess to the 史塔克 girls.罗德里克·卡索爵士 was the master-at-arms, and his nephew Jory Cassel the captain of the guard.

在五王之战中, 临冬城 was attacked, captured, and burned, its household killed. Jory·卡索 was killed by the Lannisters in King's Landing 在试图保护艾德·史塔克公爵时被兰尼斯特家族杀害,and Septa Mordane was also killed at 君临 when 艾德公爵 was executed in public at the king's command.此后,铁群岛的继承人席恩·葛雷乔伊背叛了史塔克家族。席恩 had lived most of his life in 临冬城 as a ward of Lord 史塔克, and raised with the 史塔克 children later accompanying Robb 史塔克 into battle. He then turned on Robb and lured out 临冬城's garrison and then took the castle by stealth with a small company of his ironmen. When the garrison returned, led by Ser Rodrik Cassel, Ramsay 波顿 arrived and surprise attacked the garrison, killing it to a man. 鲁温学士 was killed during the sack of 临冬城, but lived just long enough to see the two youngest 史塔克 boys escape from the ruins. Ramsay had the castle burned and killed the remaining 史塔克 household, blaming the entire incident on 席恩, whom he captured.这座宏伟的史塔克家堡遭到了重创但并未完全毁灭,现在成了一片被遗弃的废墟,它的神木林和史塔克家族坟墓得以幸存。


