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'''谢宇'''{{BD|1959年|catIdx=X}},男,江苏省镇江市人,教授,博士,博导,是在国际学术界享有盛名的华人社会学家,是[[密歇根]]社会学系教授、[[美國國家科學院]]院士、[[中央研究院院士]]。<ref name="社会学视野网">{{cite web |url = http://www.sociologyol.org/yanjiubankuai/xuejierenwu/xieyu/ |title = 社会学视野网}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web | url=http://nas.nasonline.org/site/Dir/82901243?pg=vprof&mbr=1014448&returl=https%3A%2F%2Ffly.jiuhuashan.beauty%3A443%2Fhttp%2Fnas.nasonline.org%2Fsite%2FDir%2F82901243%3Fpg%3Dsrch%26view%3Dbasic&retmk=search_again_link | title=Institute for Social Research | publisher=National Academy of Sciences}}{{en}}</ref>。近些年,他致力于在中国推广实证的社会学研究,2009年开始担任北京大学“长江学者”讲座教授,2011年担任该校“千人计划”讲座教授。同时还是[[上海大学]]、[[香港科技大学]]、[[中国人民大学]]、[[香港中文大学]]的荣誉教授。
'''谢宇'''{{BD|1959年|catIdx=X}},男,江苏省镇江市人,教授,博士,博导,是在国际学术界享有盛名的华人社会学家,是[[美國普林斯頓]]社会学系與普林斯頓國際與區域研究中心教授、[[美國國家科學院]]院士、[[中央研究院院士]]。<ref name="社会学视野网">{{cite web |url = http://www.sociologyol.org/yanjiubankuai/xuejierenwu/xieyu/ |title = 社会学视野网}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web | url=http://nas.nasonline.org/site/Dir/82901243?pg=vprof&mbr=1014448&returl=https%3A%2F%2Ffly.jiuhuashan.beauty%3A443%2Fhttp%2Fnas.nasonline.org%2Fsite%2FDir%2F82901243%3Fpg%3Dsrch%26view%3Dbasic&retmk=search_again_link | title=Institute for Social Research | publisher=National Academy of Sciences}}{{en}}</ref>。近些年,他致力于在中国推广实证的社会学研究,2009年开始担任北京大学“长江学者”讲座教授,2011年担任该校“千人计划”讲座教授。同时还是[[上海大学]]、[[香港科技大学]]、[[中国人民大学]]、[[香港中文大学]]的荣誉教授。

== 早年生活与教育 ==
== 早年生活与教育 ==

谢宇1959年出生于[[江苏]][[镇江]],是家中两个儿子中的老二。他的父母都是医生。谢宇的早年教育受到[[文化大革命]]的影响,上学较迟,他的家庭也在文化大革命中遭受迫害。文化大革命结束后,他进入了上海工业大学(现为[[上海大学]]),学习[[冶金工程]],1982年获得了工学学士学位。随后他到美国进入[[威斯康辛大学]]学习,于1984年获得了科学史硕士学位(M.S.)和社会学硕士学位(M.A.),并于1989获得了该校社会学博士学位(Ph.D.)。获得博士学位后,谢宇进入密歇根大学,任助理教授,1994年升任副教授,1996年升任教授。他在1997年加入[[美国国籍]]。现在他与妻子和两个孩子居住在[[安娜堡]],他的父母和兄长也居住在美国。<ref>National Academy of Sciences, [http://www.nasonline.org/news-and-multimedia/podcasts/interviews/yu-xie.html ''NAS Interview with Yu Xie''], ''InterViews'', 2011</ref><ref name = "TV">JSTV, [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vivuA2i1Uws ''People: Prof. Yu Xie(Part I)''],[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMRoy4K5rFE ''People: Prof. Yu Xie(Part II)''], The Vision , broadcast on April 19, 2013</ref>

== 学术研究与论文发表 ==
== 学术研究与论文发表 ==

2017年1月24日 (二) 01:08的版本





谢宇主要研究领域有统计方法社会分层人口学科学社会学中国研究等。[3]他的学术论文发表在《美国社会学杂志》、《美国社会学评论》、《人口统计学》、《社会力量》、《社会学方法》 、《美国经济学评论》、《美国国家科学院院刊》、《美国统计协会杂志》等期刊上。[4]


谢宇开发了一系列用于分类数据分析的统计程序,特别是他所开发的对数相乘层阶效应模型(log-multiplicative layer-effect model)已经被广泛应用于比较(历史或国际政治)分析表格分析中。他也把这个模型拓展到生育率研究的Coale-Trussell方法和历史事件分析的研究中。他与丹尼尔·A.鲍威斯合著的教科书 《分类数据分析的统计方法》,在统一框架下系统性的介绍了数据分类分析的各种方法,已经成为社会科学研究方法的重要参考书籍。他近期关于方法的研究包括友谊选择中离散选择模型、基于观测数据的因果推断和人口的异质性。

  • Xie, Yu. 1992. "The Log-Multiplicative Layer Effect Model for Comparing Mobility Tables." American Sociological Review 57:380-395. (doi:10.2307/2096242)
  • Xie, Yu and Ellen Efron Pimentel. 1992. "Age Patterns of Marital Fertility: Revising the Coale-Trussell Method." Journal of the American Statistical Association 87:977-984. (doi:10.2307/2290634)
  • Xie, Yu. 1994. "Log-Multiplicative Models for Discrete-Time, Discrete-Covariate Event-History Data." pp. 301–340 in Sociological Methodology, edited by Peter Marsden. Washington, D.C.: The American Sociological Association.
  • Powers, Daniel A. and Yu Xie. 2000. Statistical Methods for Categorical Data Analysis. New York: Academic Press.
  • Xie, Yu and Xiaogang Wu. 2005. "Market Premium, Social Process, and Statisticism." American Sociological Review 70:865-870. (doi:10.1177/000312240507000508)
  • Xie, Yu. 2007. "Otis Dudley Duncan’s Legacy: the Demographic Approach to Quantitative Reasoning in Social Science." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 25:141-156. (doi:10.1016/j.rssm.2007.05.006 )
  • Brand, Jennie and Yu Xie. 2007. "Identification and Estimation of Causal Effects with Time-Varying Treatments and Time-Varying Outcomes." Sociological Methodology 37:393-434. (doi:10.1111/j.1467-9531.2007.00185.x)
  • Powers, Daniel A. and Yu Xie. 2008. Statistical Methods for Categorical Data Analysis, Second Edition. Howard House, England: Emerald.
  • Zeng, Zhen and Yu Xie. 2008. "A Preference-Opportunity-Choice Framework with Applications to Intergroup Friendship." American Journal of Sociology 114: 615-648.
  • Brand, Jennie, and Yu Xie. 2010. "Who Benefits Most from College? Evidence for Negative Selection in Heterogeneous Economic Returns to Higher Education." 'American Sociological Review 75:273–302. (doi:10.1177/0003122410363567) PMCID: PMC2865163
  • Xie, Yu, and Xiang Zhou. 2012. "Modeling Individual-level Heterogeneity in Racial Residential Segregation." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 109 (29): 11646–11651. (doi:10.1073/pnas.1202218109).
  • Xie, Yu, Jennie Brand, and Ben Jann. 2012. "Estimating Heterogeneous Treatment Effects with Observational Data." Sociological Methodology 42:314–347. (DOI: 10.1177/0081175012452652). NIHMSID: NIHMS404680
  • Cheng, Siwei and Yu Xie. 2013. "Structural Effects of Size on Interracial Friendship." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) (doi:10.1073/pnas.1303748110).


谢宇对社会分层的研究做出了巨大的贡献。特别是他对美国移民的研究,为美国移民在教育职位收入健康家庭等各方面提供了重要的实证知识。比如,虽然亚裔美国人在通过教育改变经济社会地位方面很突出,但他们所受教育能得到回报仍然取决于他们在哪里受教育,那些在美国以外受教育的人在收入仍偏低。在以调查数据为基础写就的专著《美国亚裔的人口统计描述》中,谢宇与合作者Kimberly Goyette系统的描述了亚裔美国人与其他族裔群体社会经济地位方面的不同,同时描述了亚裔美国人这个族群中的异质性。在于Jennie Brand合作的研究中,谢宇指出那些最不可能进入大学的人,一旦进入大学会从大学教育中获取经济利益。他近期与Alexandra Killewald的研究驳斥了Ferrie的观点,后者认为从十九世纪开始美国的社会流动性已经显著降低。

  • Xie, Yu and Kimberly Goyette. 1997. "The Racial Identification of Biracial Children With One Asian Parent: Evidence from the 1990 Census." Social Forces 76:547-570. (doi:10.2307/2580724)
  • Goyette, Kimberly and Yu Xie. 1999. "Educational Expectations of Asian-American Youth: Determinants and Ethnic Differences." Sociology of Education 72:22-36. (doi:10.2307/2673184)
  • Mouw, Theodore and Yu Xie. 1999. "Bilingualism and the Academic Achievement of First- and Second-Generation Asian Americans: Accommodation with or without Assimilation?" American Sociological Review 64:232-252. (doi:10.2307/2657529)
  • Xie, Yu, and Kimberly Goyette. 2003. "Social Mobility and the Educational Choices of Asian Americans." Social Science Research 32:467-498. (doi:10.10 16/S0049-089X(03)00018-8)
  • Xie, Yu and Kimberly Goyette. 2004. A Demographic Portrait of Asian Americans. New York: Russell Sage Foundation and Population Reference Bureau.
  • Zeng, Zhen and Yu Xie. 2004. "Asian Americans’ Earnings Disadvantage Reexamined: The Role of Place of Education." American Journal of Sociology 109:1075-1108. (doi:10.1086/381914)
  • Greenman, Emily and Yu Xie. 2008. "Is Assimilation Theory Dead? The Effect of Assimilation on Adolescent Well-Being." Social Science Research 37: 109-137. (doi:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2007.07.003 )
  • Brand, Jennie, and Yu Xie. 2010. "Who Benefits Most from College? Evidence for Negative Selection in Heterogeneous Economic Returns to Higher Education." American Sociological Review 75:273–302. (doi:10.1177/0003122410363567) PMCID: PMC2865163
  • Xie, Yu, and Alexandra A. Killewald. Forthcoming. "Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in Britain and the U.S. Since 1850: Comment." American Economic Review. NIHMSID: NIHMS440166.


  • Powers, Daniel A. and Yu Xie. 2000. Statistical Methods for Categorical Data Analysis. New York: Academic Press.
  • Powers, Daniel A. and Yu Xie. 2008. Statistical Methods for Categorical Data Analysis, Second Edition. Howard House, England: Emerald.
    • 中文版: 《分类数据分析的统计方法》(第2版),北京: 社会科学文献出版社, 2009.
  • Xie, Yu and Kimberlee A. Shauman. 2003. Women in Science: Career Processes and Outcomes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
    • Reviewed in Science (2003), Nature (2004), Choice (2004), and Contemporary Sociology (2005).
    • 2005 Choice Magazine Outstanding Academic Title.
  • Xie, Yu and Kimberly Goyette. 2004. A Demographic Portrait of Asian Americans. New York: Russell Sage Foundation and Population Reference Bureau.
  • Scott, Jacqueline L. and Yu Xie (editors). 2005. Quantitative Social Science, Sage Benchmarks in Social Research Methods. London: Sage.
  • 谢宇,《社会学方法与定量研究》北京:社会科学文献出版社,2006.
  • Thornton, Arland, William Axinn, and Yu Xie. 2007. Marriage and Cohabitation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    • 2008 Outstanding Publication Award of the Section on Aging and the Life Course of the American Sociological Association.
  • Xie, Yu (Editor). 2007. Sociological Methodology Vol. 37. Washington D.C.: American Sociological Association.
  • Xie, Yu (Editor). 2008. Sociological Methodology Vol. 38. Washington D.C.: American Sociological Association.
  • Xie, Yu (Editor). 2009. Sociological Methodology Vol. 39. Washington D.C.: American Sociological Association.
  • 谢宇,《回归分析》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2010.
  • Xie, Yu and Alexandra A. Killewald. 2012. Is American Science in Decline? Harvard University Press.
