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Lavo also appeared in the Marco Polo's book that mentioned to lavo as Locak that had a location on the hinterland of Chao Phraya basin. The place that too far to launch an attack by the Kublai Khan's army of Yuan (1271-1368).
also appeared in the Marco Polo's book that mentioned to lavo as Locak that had a location on the hinterland of Chao Phraya basin. The place that too far to launch an attack by the Kublai Khan's army of Yuan (1271-1368).

==高棉時代 / Khmer era ==
==高棉時代 / Khmer era ==

2008年1月10日 (四) 09:53的版本


Later, it was influenced by the art and culture of India in the 11th century when it entered the historical era. This first period under the influence of Indian culture was called the Dvaravati Period. Since that time, Lavo has been ruled by the Khmer, coming under the influence of their art and culture, in the 15th century, a time commonly called the Lopburi Period in Thai art history.

Eventually, when the Ayutthaya empire was established, Lavo decreased in importance until the reign of King Narai the Great. He had a palace built in Lavo, and each year spent most of his time there. After the time of King Narai the Great, Lavo had been abandoned, until the 19th centuries, King Mongkut (Rama IV) had it restored to be used as an inland royal city.

Later, in the 20th centuries, Prime Minister Marshal P. Piboolsongkhram developed Lopburi to be a national military center. The improvements he made to city are apparent even to the present day.


Lavo is located in central Thailand at a river named "Talae Chubshorn", which descends from the mountains "Sam-Yod" (Khao Sam Yod) above the city, and runs into Lopburi river at the west of the city. This river runs into Chao Phraya river in Singburi province.


青銅製造的箭頭, 4th century BCE.


該國最早在唐朝和尚玄奘所作的《大唐西域記》中被提及。 羅渦在唐、宋朝代曾均向中國納貢。所以在唐代記載中的「陀和羅」是指羅渦國和陀羅缽地國。這和玄奘的記載中的「陀羅缽地」名稱是相容的,雖然現在尚不清楚此名是指其中一國呢還是指這一地區。

羅渦又分別於1115年1155年兩度向宋朝納貢,在宋史的記載中其國名變成了「羅壺」。 後來到了元代,馬哥勃羅在他的游記中提到昭拍耶河(湄南河)平原上的 小國Locak也是指她。 also appeared in the Marco Polo's book that mentioned to lavo as Locak that had a location on the hinterland of Chao Phraya basin. The place that too far to launch an attack by the Kublai Khan's army of Yuan (1271-1368).

高棉時代 / Khmer era

Prang Sam Yot, the Khmer temple in LopburiIn 10th century, when it was known as Lavodayapura (Khmer language). Lavo was subordinate to Khmer empire that rapid rise to prominence by the migration of Kambojas from the south India, therefore Lavo often be mentioned as Kambojarat (rat - kingdom) in some old Thai records. (Kambojas, in this case, is not Cambodia) came with the influence of their art and culture, in the 15th to 16th centuries. The new constructions were made by the rocks onto the ruined Dvaravati holy place that made by the bricks without mortar, therefore the oldest ruins that can now be found in Lopburi always be the Khmer style on the Dvaravati foundation.

大城時代 / Ayudhya era

叻他叻科辛時代 (近代泰國)

納奈王King Narai)之後,羅渦城邦逐漸荒廢,直到近代叻他叻科辛王國孟固王King Mongkut、拉瑪四世)才將她重建為一個內地別都,並且孟固王把她命名為:「華富里」。