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美女森理世留言 | 贡献
美女森理世留言 | 贡献
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According to the Thai records, King Kakabatr from Taxila (believed to be one of the ancient cities in northern Thailand) set the new era, Chulasakaraj in 638. This era is favourite in region until now. His son, King Kalavarnadishraj founded this city in a decade later. And several years later he assigned Jamadevi to reign the throne of Haribhunjaya kingdom in the northern Thailand.

These kingdoms adopted Indian culture together with Theravada Buddhism and grew up under the post Indian (the local technology that adapt from Indian) and Mon influence in the 11th to 12th centuries, as it entered into the historical era. This first period under the influence of Indian culture was called the Dvaravati period. For the time being this kingdom was known as Saruka Lavo (Mon language). Although the inscription stones found in this area are the Mon language, however there is not clear evidence to prove if the population of Lavo were actually of Mon ethnicity.

== 中國文獻記載中的羅渦國==
== 中國文獻記載中的羅渦國==

2008年1月15日 (二) 09:30的版本



最終大城王國建立,羅渦不再佔主導地位,直到納奈王King Narai)登基。他建造新的宮殿並在此統率全國。

在納奈王後,羅渦城邦再度逐漸荒廢,直到十九世紀的孟固王King Mongkut)才將她重新作為王城規建。

20世紀中葉,泰國總理鑾披汶·頌堪元帥Phibul Songkhram)將華富里作為軍事要地,他對該城市作出的貢獻有很多保存至今。


根據泰國古史記載,羅渦城邦建立在泰國中部、一條名叫「朱布什空海(Talae Chubshorn)」的河流上。該河流發源於「三育山(Khao Sam Yod)」之麓,在流經該城邦之後匯入華富里河(Lopburi River),隨後再流到今天信武里府境內匯入昭拍耶河(即湄南河)。





According to the Thai records, King Kakabatr from Taxila (believed to be one of the ancient cities in northern Thailand) set the new era, Chulasakaraj in 638. This era is favourite in region until now. His son, King Kalavarnadishraj founded this city in a decade later. And several years later he assigned Jamadevi to reign the throne of Haribhunjaya kingdom in the northern Thailand.

These kingdoms adopted Indian culture together with Theravada Buddhism and grew up under the post Indian (the local technology that adapt from Indian) and Mon influence in the 11th to 12th centuries, as it entered into the historical era. This first period under the influence of Indian culture was called the Dvaravati period. For the time being this kingdom was known as Saruka Lavo (Mon language). Although the inscription stones found in this area are the Mon language, however there is not clear evidence to prove if the population of Lavo were actually of Mon ethnicity.



該國最早在唐朝和尚玄奘所作的《大唐西域記》中被提及。 羅渦在唐、宋朝代曾均向中國納貢。所以在唐代記載中的「陀和羅」是指羅渦國和陀羅缽地國。這和玄奘的記載中的「陀羅缽地」名稱是相容的,雖然現在尚不清楚此名是指其中一國呢還是指這一地區。

羅渦又分別於1115年1155年兩度向宋朝納貢,在宋史的記載中其國名變成了「羅壺」。 後來到了元代馬哥勃羅在他的游記中提到昭拍耶河(即湄南河)平原上的一個小國「羅迦(Locak)」也是指她。根據該書上記載,蒙古忽必烈漢曾考慮興兵去攻打她,但是最後因為路程太遠、大軍行進艱難而作罷。

高棉時代 / Khmer era


when it was known as Lavodayapura (Khmer language). Lavo was subordinate to Khmer empire that rapid rise to prominence by the migration of Kambojas from the south India, therefore Lavo often be mentioned as Kambojarat (rat - kingdom) in some old Thai records. (Kambojas, in this case, is not Cambodia) came with the influence of their art and culture, in the 15th to 16th centuries. The new constructions were made by the rocks onto the ruined Dvaravati holy place that made by the bricks without mortar, therefore the oldest ruins that can now be found in Lopburi always be the Khmer style on the Dvaravati foundation.

大城時代 / Ayudhya era


According to the Thai records, King Kakabatr from Taxila (believed to be one of the ancient cities in northern Thailand) set the new era, Chulasakaraj in 638. This era is favourite in region until now. His son, King Kalavarnadishraj founded this city in a decade later. And several years later he assigned Jamadevi to reign the throne of Haribhunjaya kingdom in the northern Thailand.

These kingdoms adopted Indian culture together with Theravada Buddhism and grew up under the post Indian (the local technology that adapt from Indian) and Mon influence in the 11th to 12th centuries, as it entered into the historical era. This first period under the influence of Indian culture was called the Dvaravati period. For the time being this kingdom was known as Saruka Lavo (Mon language). Although the inscription stones found in this area are the Mon language, however there is not clear evidence to prove if the population of Lavo were actually of Mon ethnicity.

叻他叻科辛時代 (近代泰國)

納奈王King Narai)之後,羅渦城邦逐漸荒廢,直到近代叻他叻科辛王國拉瑪四世(西方人叫他:孟固王King Mongkut)才將她重建為一個內地別都,並且他把城重新命名為:「華富里」。

1937年,當時的泰國總理鑾披汶·頌堪元帥(พิบูลสงคราม,Marshal Phibul Songkhram)出於戰略需要,著手把華富里城建立為泰國軍隊的大後方基地。在這段時間城市被擴大與重新規劃,市中心被東遷四公里,新城的格局十分為人所稱道。在納奈王-瑪哈叻路今天依然可見當時留下的很多地標式建築,建築風格與舊城區弗同。