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Thought Pieces

1st Quarter 2024 Publishing Trends

See highlights and year over year comparison data.

Mapping the Multi-ID Landscape

The advertising industry is currently navigating through a transformative phase, driven by significant changes in technology and regulation. This necessitates a fresh approach to mapping the advertising value chain.

Identity Driven Marketing Value Chain

The Identity Driven Marketing Value Chain

Learn how to use people-based data and identity as the foundation for every step in the Driven Marketing Value Chain.

Enterprise Identity Solution

The Enterprise Identity Solution

Political and behavioral trends have offset raw technological innovation in such a permanent way that marketers must now find new approaches in how they manage customer identity and data to remain successful over time.

Gaining control of your customer dialogue pdf cover

Gaining Control Of Your Customer Dialogue

Learn more about the ways brands are managing the flow of customer identity and data going forward and one of the primary answers many brands are considering: in-housing their ID graph entirely.

The Multiple Views of the Identity Ecosystem

Time to solve the problems in thoughtful and effective ways vs the reactionary, hope and see what happens approach many brands had been taking.

Cookieless Future: Anchors for Marketers pdf cover

Anchors for Marketers

How can Marketers address a future that may disrupt their organization? Our Whitepaper “Cookieless Future: Anchors for Marketers” address many of the key issues that have been left out of the discussion.

Decision Value Attribution pdf cover

Decision Value Attribution

While there is no doubt that the evolution of “Big Data” has been transformative in the way companies do business we do have doubts around the effectiveness on how companies have harnessed the value offered by big data in the realm of marketing and customer management.

3rd party cookies pdf cover

3rd Party Cookies

With Google announcing the depreciation of 3rd party cookies on Chrome, there is understandable anxiety within the advertising and marketing ecosystem. Learn more about Adstra’s answer to a cookieless future.

MAIDs in a world operated by apple and google pdf cover

MAIDs in a world operated by Apple and Google

We at Adstra have developed technology solutions for identity management that in the past have successfully handled regulatory and competitive changes and will continue to do so in the future.

Ideal Insights

Ideal Insights – June 2024

The evolution of Big Data has transformed business practices and customer expectations. Despite advancements, companies still struggle to harness big data effectively for marketing and customer management. Significant improvements have been made, but vast opportunities...

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Ideal Insights – April 2024

In today’s marketing world, the fusion of digital and traditional channels is essential for reaching diverse audiences. To do it well, brands need to blend technology — like identity graphs and new first-party data —...

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Relax. The Multi-ID Landscape Is Already Here

By Lance Brothers,Chief Revenue Officer, Adstra As the advertising industry grapples with signal deprecation, a clearer picture of the post-cookie future is emerging. Innovations such as RampID, UID 2.0, ID5, and a suite of other...

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Ideal Insights – February 2024

2024, Identity Resolution at a Tipping Point for MarketersInterest in Identity Resolution has hit an all-time high in 2024. With Google’s continued push to phase out third-party cookies, marketers are feeling greater pressure to effectively...

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Ideal Insights – December 2023

Happy Holidays!As we come to the close of 2023, we wanted to pause and thank our readers, clients and followers for being part of the Adstra journey. We hope that you, your family, friends, and...

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Ideal Insights: Privacy

“Don’t gain the world and lose your soul; wisdom is better than silver or gold” – Bob Marley As we are all aware, the race for states to enact new consumer privacy laws is well...

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