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User Tracking Opt-out

We take our customers’ privacy very seriously and provide mechanisms for opting out of data collection features, which are identified below. You can learn more about the types of data that we need to collect for our core service here: We collect limited device information to improve our deep linking technology and to provide attribution and analytics services, but we understand that some users would like to opt out of this data processing.


Branch’s Browser Cookie Opt-Out: Our cookie-based opt-out can be accessed by clicking here. This will place a Branch opt-out cookie on your browser. Where Branch detects the presence of that opt-out cookie, we will no longer set cookies (beyond the opt-out cookie itself). Due to the nature of the Services, some functionality will be degraded or no longer work as a result. Cookie-based opt-outs must be performed on each device and browser that you wish to have opted-out. For example, if you have opted-out on your computer browser, that opt-out will not be effective on your mobile device.

NAI Browser-Based Opt-Out: Branch is a member of the Network Advertising Initiative (“NAI”), and adheres to its Codes of Conduct. NAI provides you with the opportunity to opt-out (on a browser-by-browser basis) from data collection by participating NAI members, including Branch. That opt-out is available here.


Mobile Device Identifier: To exercise the mobile device privacy settings controls, please visit the privacy settings of your Android or iOS device and select “opt-out of interest based ads” (Android) or “limit ad tracking” (Apple iOS). Branch will only be able to collect information as permitted by these settings.

Branch’s Device-Based Opt-Out: You can submit a request to opt-out of the Branch Services on a particular device by submitting a request here. Due to the nature of the Services, some functionality will be degraded or no longer work once that request is executed.