MediaWiki talk:Gadget-RotateLink.js

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 Info: Documentation is at Help:RotateLink.

This is the combined talk page for MediaWiki:Gadget-RotateLink.js and MediaWiki:RotateRequest.js.

The new API action=imagerotate is currently not usable due to several bugs: bugzilla:46547, bugzilla:46548, bugzilla:46549

SpBot archives all sections tagged with {{Section resolved|1=~~~~}} after 3 days.

Mirroring as Rotation


Is it possible to add mirroring as a rotation method? Pictures taken from slides (e. g.) can be “wrong side”, but how to rotate that? An example is: <> – I think I reported that before, but nothing changed. The arabic scripts on the picture show, that the whole scenery is wrong sided, the picture has to be rotated, not in grades from a midpoint but from a thought vertical center axis. Alabay (talk) 08:29, 19 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]

This is something that has to be implemented in Rotatebot before. This talk is just about the User Interface. Luxo, a volunteer and the operator of Rotatebot is quite busy so if no one else will code it or it is implemented in MediaWiki, I doubt it will be done in the near future. Regards -- Rillke(q?) 16:24, 19 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]
If you like to know how to request features for MediaWiki (the server software that generates all these pages), I can show you how. IMHO the Wikimedia Foundation who gets Million Dollars of donations every year is not investing enough into the development of MediaWiki. -- Rillke(q?) 16:28, 19 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Mirroring is still not implemented...--MOSZCZ (talk) 12:28, 01 Aug 2013 (UTC)
Mirroring would really be a useful feature, has there been any progress on that issue? --Charlik (talk) 11:24, 29 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Yes please to mirroring - it is needed.
This File need also a mirroring. -- sk (talk) 07:54, 18 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]
This too. --MetaNest (talk) 16:02, 9 January 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Please add this image to the waiting list. Thanks, DGtal (talk) 06:21, 16 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@DGtal: ✓ Done.   — Jeff G. please ping or talk to me 04:58, 2 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]
@MetaNest: ✓ Done.   — Jeff G. please ping or talk to me 16:58, 29 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@Stefan Kühn: ✓ Done.   — Jeff G. please ping or talk to me 04:41, 2 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]
I mentioned this at phab:T35186#4845774.   — Jeff G. please ping or talk to me 17:22, 29 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@Alabay: Mirroring of File:Street Scene Aden Yemen.jpg was ✓ Done by @Tuvalkin.   — Jeff G. please ping or talk to me 17:26, 29 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Perfect. Took six years but finally the picture ist corrected. Alabay (talk) 17:19, 1 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]
@Jeff G.: At the moment I put all images in c:Category:Images to be flopped back. Can you mirror this images too? Thanks. -- sk (talk) 09:35, 2 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]
@Stefan Kühn: Thanks, I am working on them and putting the results in Category:Photos flopped by User:Jeff G.. As I do, are you sure about File:Fotothek df n-10 0000525.jpg, as the watermark on the bottom left is legibile?   — Jeff G. please ping or talk to me 14:15, 2 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]
@Jeff G.: In Main Train Station Dresden was this Letter "Prakticas Kameras". Here you see the right direction of this letter File:Fotothek df n-10 0000516.jpg. Oups, I see see this secound image was taken milliseconds after the first one. :-) Please flopp the image 525. --sk (talk) 20:48, 2 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]
@Stefan Kühn: Thanks, Category:Images to be flopped back is now empty.   — Jeff G. please ping or talk to me 05:17, 3 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Is there a template that adds images to this category (like what {{Crop}} does)?--Roy17 (talk) 19:47, 6 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]
@Roy17: No, there is no {{Mirror}}, {{Flopback}}, {{Flop}}, or {{Flip}}.   — Jeff G. please ping or talk to me 18:33, 7 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]
File:Erechtheum, Western PorticoInvert.jpg should be the mirror of what it is now. --Io Herodotus (talk) 08:23, 9 February 2020 (UTC)[reply]
✓ Done --Io Herodotus (talk) 10:33, 9 February 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Please add Pinto Colvig to Category:Images to be flopped back waiting list. Thanks, 0mtwb9gd5wx (talk) 07:03, 1 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Source is mirror of cropped upload, inspecting full photo, source has evidence of error, photo process side-effect? So DO NOT MIRROR Pinto Colvig. Thanks, Also is this lossless? 0mtwb9gd5wx (talk) 07:46, 1 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]
FWIW: 3 axes of rotation: roll, pitch, and yaw.... 0mtwb9gd5wx (talk) 07:12, 1 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Please add Pinto Colvig, classroom group portrait to Category:Images to be flopped back waiting list. Thanks, source photo has evidence of mirror. .... 0mtwb9gd5wx (talk) 08:47, 1 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]
JPEG image Lossless Transform is a how-to I made on lossless JPEG DIY rotate mirror flip spin crop. Comments? .... 0mtwb9gd5wx (talk) 13:44, 2 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]
This file also need mirroring File:Pseudo-Galen, Anathomia; WMS 290 Wellcome L0022470.jpg Wound man. --Ashashyou (talk) 12:07, 7 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]

disable for certain filetypes?


Would it be an option to disable/hide the rotate button for filetypes it can't rotate like SVG, PDF or video files? Or at least show a big bold warning once the rotate template had been placed on a file of these types? --Denniss (talk) 16:11, 1 November 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Hiding is possible at MediaWiki:Gadget-RotateLink.js - $.inArray(ext, ['ogg', 'oga', 'mid']); if the file is not processable by Rotatebot, the user is made aware of this: This type of file cannot be rotated automatically; rotation will have to be done manually, which may take some time., the template can be changed at {{Rotate}}.
TODO: Automatically add nobot=-param if script detects that MIME type can't be rotated by bot. -- Rillke(q?) 23:58, 1 November 2012 (UTC)[reply]

wrong rotation orders set by users


Occasionally I run across images with wrong rotation orders issued by the script because the user did not wait for the thumbnail image to appear. Would it be possible to highlight the message to wait for the thumbnail to appear and/or move it to the text above the angle buttons? --Denniss (talk) 10:55, 17 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Update the Spanish (es) translation


{{Edit request}} Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: MediaWiki:Gadget-RotateLink.js

  Label/link text: solicitar rotación

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: MediaWiki:RotateRequest.js‎

'es': {
			'submitButtonLabel': 'Confirmar la solicitud de rotación',
			'cancelButtonLabel': 'Cancelar',
			'headline': '¿Cuántos grados debería girarse esta imagen? ' + 
				'<a %ERRLINK%>Notificar fallos o ideas</a>.',
			'intro': 'Puedes usar esta funcionalidad para corregir imágenes que no muestran una orientación correcta (algo que ocurre con frecuencia en fotos digitales tomadas en vertical).',
			'clockwise': 'En el sentido de las agujas del reloj:',
			'noteheader': 'Nota: ',
			'noteAngle': 'Si solicitas una rotación de %1º o %2°, Rotatebot lo hará en unas horas. Para los otros valores tardará más tiempo en completar la tarea.',
			'noteMime': 'Este tipo de archivos no se puede <a %ROTATEBOTLINK%>rotar automáticamente</a>; la rotación tendrá que hacerse manualmente, algo que puede llevar más tiempo.
			'noteBot': 'Rotatebot puede realizar esta solicitud en unas horas.',
			'imgCaption': 'Corrige la orientación de esta miniatura seleccionando un ángulo.'

Please change the translation by this. --Vivaelcelta {discussion  · contributions} 18:43, 10 March 2013 (UTC) ✓ Done by Blackcat --Vivaelcelta {discussion  · contributions} 12:42, 14 March 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I’ve done the french translation :

'fr': {
'submitButtonLabel': 'Confirmer la demande de rotation',
'cancelButtonLabel': 'Annuler',
'headline': 'De combien de degrés l’image doit-elle être tournée ? ' +
'<a %ERRLINK%>Rapporter les bogues et les suggestions</a> s.v.p.',
'intro': 'Vous pouvez utiliser cet outil pour corriger les images ayant une mauvaise orientation (comme cela arrive fréquemment avec les photos numériques verticales).',
'clockwise': 'dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre',
'noteheader': 'Note : ',
'noteAngle': 'Si vous soumettez une rotation de %1° ou %2° Rotatebot le fera dans quelques heures.',
'noteMime': 'Rotatebot ne prend pas en charge ce format de fichier. Il y a de grande chances pour que cela prenne plus de temps.',
'noteBot': 'Rotatebot peut s’occuper de cette requête dans quelques heures.'
'imgCaption': 'Corrigez l’orientation de cette miniature en sélectionnant un angle.'

--Paralacre (talk)

New translation to de


{{edit request|technical=yes}} en:ISO 639-1: 'en'

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: MediaWiki:Gadget-RotateLink.js

  Label/link text: request rotation

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: MediaWiki:RotateRequest.js‎

'submitButtonLabel': 'Drehen!',
'cancelButtonLabel': 'Abbrechen',
'headline': 'Um wieviel Grad soll das Bild gedreht werden? ' + 
	'<a %ERRLINK%>Report</a> Fehler und Ideen.',
'intro': 'Du kannst dies Funktion verwenden, um Bilder zu korrigieren, die in falscher Orientierung angezeigt werden (wie es oft bei hochkant fotografierten digitalen Fotos passiert).',
'clockwise': 'Im Uhrzeigersinn:',
'noteheader': 'Beachte: ',
	// Hint for translation:
	// The following message is displayed e.g. if you request a rotation of e.g. 3° because Rotatebot can't rotate by this angle. 
	// A volunteer has to do this.
'noteAngle': 'Wenn Du eine Drehung um %1 oder %2° erbittest, wird Rotatebot das in ein paar Stunden tun. Voraussichtlich wird das hier viel mehr Zeit erfordern.',
	// Hint for translation:
	// The following message is displayed e.g. on djvu or pdf-files because Rotatebot can't rotate them. 
	// A volunteer has to do this.
'noteMime': 'Dieses Dateiart kann nicht <a %ROTATEBOTLINK%>automatisch gedreht werden</a>; das Drehen muss von Hand erledigt werden, was einige Zeit dauert.',
'noteBot': 'Rotatebot kann diese Anfrage in ein paar Stunden erledigen.',
'imgCaption': 'Korrigiere die Orientierung des Vorschaubildes indem Du einen Winkel auswählst.'

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: User:Rotatebot/approx max wait time rotatelink

 noteBot: [[User:Rotatebot|Rotatebot]] can execute this request in %NUMBER% hours.

Sebastian Wallroth (talk) 07:16, 9 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

@Sebastian Wallroth: Eine Deutsche Übersetzung gibt es schon. Wie soll ich Deinen Request behandeln? -- Rillke(q?) 18:18, 22 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]
@Rillke: Meine Übersetzung ist besser. Bitte die vorhandene überschreiben. Danke. --Sebastian Wallroth (talk) 15:23, 25 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]
@Sebastian Wallroth: ✓ Done I've applied your suggested changes. However, I'm far from a native speaker of German so I'd appreciate if you would check the results. —RP88 (talk) 07:19, 16 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]



After recently trying to help out Fae (with his upload of images from the Internet Archive's Flickr stream), I've come into a slight drama. While I watch any page I touch by 'default', and really don't want to change that setting, I am currently having my watchlist flooded with notifications that images have been successfully rotated. These are images I really have no interest in watching, I'm just running through the category and putting the request in for the (maaany) rotated ones. Point being, would it be possible to add a configuration option to the gadget that specifically prevents rotation requests from watchlisting the page? Revent (talk) 20:44, 18 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Invoke the dialog one time and then on the same page do the following to get surely rid of the old revision: Please purge your browser’s cache. (You only need to do it once.)

Microsoft Windows or Linux macOS
Internet Explorer Press Ctrl+F5
Mozilla Firefox Hold down  Shift while clicking Reload
(or press Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl+ Shift+R)
Press  Cmd+R (reload page) or
 Cmd+ Shift+R (reload page and rewrite cache)
Opera Press Ctrl+F5 or  Shift+F5
Apple Safari Hold down  Shift+Alt while clicking Reload
Press Ctrl+R Press  Cmd+ Option+E (clear browser cache)
or  Cmd+R (update)
Chrome Press Ctrl+F5 or  Shift+F5
or hold down  Shift while clicking Reload
Press  Cmd+F5 or  Shift+F5
or hold down  Shift while clicking Reload
-- Rillke(q?) 22:06, 18 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

The newly uploaded image File:New-York (NYPL Hades-118715-54840).tif by @Fae: needs rotating, but the rotate link is missing. Is there a technical reason (e.g. TIF files can't be rotated), or some other reason for this? Optimist on the run (talk) 16:51, 20 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Some people urged me to disable the link for file formats not supported by the bot. So yes, it's technical but not entirely, social as well. -- Rillke(q?) 18:09, 20 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks - I've tagged it manually. Optimist on the run (talk) 21:42, 21 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

New translation to hr


{{Edit request}} en:ISO 639-1: 'hr'

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: MediaWiki:Gadget-RotateLink.js

  Label/link text: zahtjev za okretanjem slike

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: MediaWiki:RotateRequest.js‎

'submitButtonLabel': 'potvrdi zahtjev za okretanjem',
'cancelButtonLabel': 'odustani',
'headline': 'Za koliko stupnjeva bi slika trebala biti okrenuta? ' + 
	'<a %ERRLINK%>Napišite</a> probleme i prijedloge.',
'intro': 'Rabite ovu mogućnost za slike krive orijentacije.',
'clockwise': 'U smjeru kazaljke na satu:',
'noteheader': 'Napomena: ',
	// Hint for translation:
	// The following message is displayed e.g. if you request a rotation of e.g. 3° because Rotatebot can't rotate by this angle. 
	// A volunteer has to do this.
'noteAngle': 'Ako zatražite okretanje za %1 ili %2° Rotatebot će to učiniti za nekoliko sati, a inače će trebati nešto više vremena.',
	// Hint for translation:
	// The following message is displayed e.g. on djvu or pdf-files because Rotatebot can't rotate them. 
	// A volunteer has to do this.
'noteMime': 'Ova slika ne može biti <a %ROTATEBOTLINK%>automatski okrenuta</a>. Okretanje treba napraviti ručno, za što će trebati neko vrijeme.',
'noteBot': 'Rotatebot će riješiti zahtjev za nekoliko sati.',
'imgCaption': 'Ispravite orijentaciju ove sličice označavanjem kuta.'

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: User:Rotatebot/approx max wait time rotatelink

 noteBot: [[User:Rotatebot|Rotatebot]] can execute this request in %NUMBER% hours.

MaGa 08:59, 24 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done I added Hr versions to MediaWiki:Gadget-RotateLink.js and MediaWiki:RotateRequest.js‎, but I don't understand the what to change with User:Rotatebot/approx max wait time rotatelink--Jarekt (talk) 04:02, 26 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
@Jarekt: , I don't know. Text of request is automatically added by a click on "Translate the Gadget" at the top of this page. I don't know if I should translate it or not.--MaGa 12:45, 26 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
[[User:MaGa you should. Edit User:Rotatebot/approx max wait time rotatelink and it will be clear what is needed. --Jarekt (talk) 13:20, 26 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
@Jarekt: , done. Thank you very much.--MaGa 14:06, 26 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]



According to this speech (by Geagea) "other degree" must be canceled --ديفيد عادل وهبة خليل 2 (talk) 08:21, 4 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Don't be confused. this is a warning to stop violate COM:OVERWRITE by asking to rotate files to unacceptable degrees like this file (145°). -- geagea (talk) 08:56, 4 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]
@Geagea: "other degree" Helps to "violate COM:OVERWRITE by asking to rotate files to unacceptable degrees" --ديفيد عادل وهبة خليل 2 (talk) 13:00, 4 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]
In this case, Yes. -- Geagea (talk) 13:03, 4 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Cancellation will not help at this --ديفيد عادل وهبة خليل 2 (talk) 13:47, 4 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Translation to Arabic


{{Edit request}} Hello.please add 'ar': 'طلب تدوير', Thank you --ديفيد عادل وهبة خليل 2 (talk) 12:36, 1 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done --Hedwig in Washington (mail?) 14:57, 2 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]

New translation to ru


{{Edit request}} en:ISO 639-1: 'en'

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: MediaWiki:Gadget-RotateLink.js

  Label/link text: request rotation

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: MediaWiki:RotateRequest.js‎

'submitButtonLabel': 'confirm rotate request',
'cancelButtonLabel': 'cancel',
'headline': 'About how many degrees this image should be rotated? ' + 
	'<a %ERRLINK%>Report</a> bugs and ideas.',
'intro': 'You can use this function to correct images which display in the wrong orientation (like it frequently occurs with upright digital photos).',
'clockwise': 'Clockwise:',
'noteheader': 'Note: ',
	// Hint for translation:
	// The following message is displayed e.g. if you request a rotation of e.g. 3° because Rotatebot can't rotate by this angle. 
	// A volunteer has to do this.
'noteAngle': 'If you request a rotation by %1 or %2° Rotatebot will do this in a few hours. Likely that it will take more time to be done, if not.',
	// Hint for translation:
	// The following message is displayed e.g. on djvu or pdf-files because Rotatebot can't rotate them. 
	// A volunteer has to do this.
'noteMime': 'This type of file cannot be <a %ROTATEBOTLINK%>rotated automatically</a>; rotation will have to be done manually, which may take some time.',
'noteBot': 'Rotatebot can execute this request in a few hours.',
'imgCaption': 'Correct the orientation of this thumbnail by selecting an angle.'

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: User:Rotatebot/approx max wait time rotatelink

 noteBot: [[User:Rotatebot|Rotatebot]] can execute this request in %NUMBER% hours.

Gio-NePe (talk) 00:48, 1 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]

 Not done, en exists Sebari – aka Srittau (talk) 21:26, 5 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

New translation to uk


{{Edit request}} en:ISO 639-1: 'en'

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: MediaWiki:Gadget-RotateLink.js

  Label/link text: запит на обертання

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: MediaWiki:RotateRequest.js‎

'submitButtonLabel': 'підтвердити запит на обертання',
'cancelButtonLabel': 'скасувати',
'headline': 'На скільки градусів слід обернути це зображення? ' + 
	'<a %ERRLINK%>Повідомте</a> про баги та ідеї.',
'intro': 'Можете скористатись цією функцією для виправлення зображень, що мають хибну орієнтацію (як це часто буває з вертикальними цифровими фото).',
'clockwise': 'За годинниковою стрілкою:',
'noteheader': 'Примітка: ',
	// Hint for translation:
	// The following message is displayed e.g. if you request a rotation of e.g. 3° because Rotatebot can't rotate by this angle. 
	// A volunteer has to do this.
'noteAngle': 'Якщо Ви подаєте запит на обертання на %1 або %2°, Rotatebot виконає його за кілька годин. Якщо ж ні, то найімовірніше, таке обертання потребує більше часу.',
	// Hint for translation:
	// The following message is displayed e.g. on djvu or pdf-files because Rotatebot can't rotate them. 
	// A volunteer has to do this.
'noteMime': 'Цей тип файлу не можна <a %ROTATEBOTLINK%>обернути автоматично</a>; обертання треба буде зробити вручну, що може зайняти трохи часу.',
'noteBot': 'Rotatebot зможе виконати цей запит за кілька годин.',
'imgCaption': 'Виправте орієнтацію цієї мініатюри, вибравши відповідний кут.'

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: User:Rotatebot/approx max wait time rotatelink

 noteBot: [[User:Rotatebot|Rotatebot]] зможе виконати цей запит за %NUMBER% годин.

Piramidion (talk) 13:31, 14 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]

✓ mostly done, User:Rotatebot/approx max wait time rotatelink seems to have changed. Sebari – aka Srittau (talk) 21:30, 5 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Fractional degree angles


I see that now it's possible to rotate an image by any number of degrees (e.g. 2 degree or 358 degrees), which is very convenient. Thanks to the designers for adding this feature! Would it be possible to enable fractional degrees (e.g. 1.5 degree or 358.5 degrees) as well? If the underlying tool is something like ImageMagick, then the cost of rotation should be the same... --Vmenkov (talk) 21:09, 15 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Similarly, please provide an option for a bigger thumbnail - when we request small rotations (e.g. 2 degree or 358 degrees), a bigger thumbnail is needed to accurately determine the correct degree of rotation to correspond with vertical/horizontal. Even when moving a separate window (Notepad, Calculator, FireFox etc) onto the thumbnail to align for comparison, the current thumbnail is so small that it is difficult to see if the rotated temporary thumbnail is aligned to horizontal/vertical. TGCP (talk) 11:12, 7 March 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Proszę o zmianę zdjęcia


{{edit request}} en:ISO 639-1: 'en'

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: MediaWiki:Gadget-RotateLink.js

  Label/link text: request rotation

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: MediaWiki:RotateRequest.js‎

'submitButtonLabel': 'confirm rotate request',
'cancelButtonLabel': 'cancel',
'headline': 'About how many degrees this image should be rotated? ' + 
	'<a %ERRLINK%>Report</a> bugs and ideas.',
'intro': 'You can use this function to correct images which display in the wrong orientation (like it frequently occurs with upright digital photos).',
'clockwise': 'Clockwise:',
'noteheader': 'Note: ',
	// Hint for translation:
	// The following message is displayed e.g. if you request a rotation of e.g. 3° because Rotatebot can't rotate by this angle. 
	// A volunteer has to do this.
'noteAngle': 'If you request a rotation by %1 or %2° Rotatebot will do this in a few hours. Likely that it will take more time to be done, if not.',
	// Hint for translation:
	// The following message is displayed e.g. on djvu or pdf-files because Rotatebot can't rotate them. 
	// A volunteer has to do this.
'noteMime': 'This type of file cannot be <a %ROTATEBOTLINK%>rotated automatically</a>; rotation will have to be done manually, which may take some time.',
'noteBot': 'Rotatebot can execute this request in a few hours.',
'imgCaption': 'Correct the orientation of this thumbnail by selecting an angle.'

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: User:Rotatebot/approx max wait time rotatelink

 noteBot: [[User:Rotatebot|Rotatebot]] can execute this request in %NUMBER% hours.

Woytass (talk) 20:08, 2 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]

 Not done nonsense request -- User: Perhelion 15:32, 6 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

MediaWiki:RotateRequest.js Textänderung / Differenzierung 90/180/270° Botbearbeitung von frei wählbarer händischer Bearbeitung


Die Maske der Funktion Bild drehen textlich/inhaltlich bitte etwas überarbeiten:

Wenn Du eine Drehung um 90, 180 oder 270° erbittest, wird Rotatebot das in ein paar Stunden tun. Voraussichtlich wird es so viel mehr Zeit erfordern.

Das Voraussichtlich wird es so ... ist missverständlich. (In der englischen Version ist das besser: If you request a rotation by any other angle it will probably take longer.) Änderung so in etwa:

Davon abweichende Drehungen werden durch erfahrene Nutzer manuell durchgeführt. Erfahrungsgemäß wird das nicht zeitnah erfolgen.

Besser wäre eine generelle Überarbeitung. Die Ursache, warum die Bilder 90, 180 oder 270 Grad falsch liegen, ist hier nicht von Bedeutung.
Macht es viel Arbeit, die Maske dahingehend zu ändern:

  • den Text über die ganze Maskenbreite laufen zu lassen?
  • das freie Eingabefeld zu separieren?

Es ergäbe sich:

Du kannst diese Funktion verwenden, um Bilder, die in falscher Orientierung angezeigt werden, von Rotatebot korrigieren zu lassen:
Im Uhrzeigersinn
|_| 90°
|_| 180°
|_| 270°
Davon abweichende Drehungen werden durch erfahrene Nutzer manuell durchgeführt:
Erfahrungsgemäß wird das nicht zeitnah erfolgen.

Entsprechend dann auch die englische Version. Simpler, verständlicher. Danke & SWE --Frze > talk 08:47, 8 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Der Text ist da: MediaWiki:RotateRequest.js, kannst du eine Edtrequest auf der Disk dann aufmachen? Weil ich habe gerade keine Zeit es zu testen, usw. --Steinsplitter (talk) 14:58, 8 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Mach ich hier mal, mit der Bitte um Beachtung. CC:Magog the Ogre CC:Srittau CC:Krinkle CC:Jarekt ... THX --Frze > talk 11:11, 10 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Durch die geänderte Anordnung des freien Eingabefeldes wird für den beantragenden Nutzer der Unterschied Botbearbeitung/manuelle Bearbeitung deutlicher.--Frze > talk 11:11, 10 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Add "opus" to line 13


{{Edit request}} The button to request an image rotation is visible on audio file with the extension "opus". This can be fixed by adding "opus" to line 13 of the script. Robin van der Vliet (talk) 11:56, 18 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Thank you! -- User: Perhelion 00:26, 20 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]



The next issued rotation request would take approximately 6:48 hours to be processed. 1 day, 0:50 hours seems awfully long. What can be done to reduce it?   — Jeff G. ツ please ping or talk to me 12:25, 20 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]

@Jeff G.: Changed --Steinsplitter (talk) 14:24, 13 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]



Could we add horizontal and vertical flipping? This is specially needed for digital copies like for example Druja. --Arnd (talk) 12:49, 27 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

@Aschroet: I and the others who posted at #Mirroring as Rotation above would like to see that, too.   — Jeff G. please ping or talk to me 13:05, 27 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Jeff G., even if the bot is not able to rotate such files, shouldn't we mark the files so that it can be later rotated? --Arnd (talk) 14:26, 29 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@Aschroet: {{Rotate}} displays no syntax for requesting flipping / mirroring.   — Jeff G. please ping or talk to me 16:38, 29 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Jeff G., clear. However my question is if we could now extend the template for flipping. This way we don't loose the info which files need to be flipped. And when somewhen in future a bot can deal with flipping it can perform the task. --Arnd (talk) 23:13, 29 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]
@Aschroet: We could, if we had the syntax for it. Please do yourself a favor and compare wikt:loose to wikt:lose.   — Jeff G. please ping or talk to me 01:11, 31 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

New translation to fr


{{Edit request}} en:ISO 639-1: 'en'

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: MediaWiki:Gadget-RotateLink.js

  Label/link text: demander la rotation

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: MediaWiki:RotateRequest.js‎

'submitButtonLabel': 'confirmer la demande de rotation',
'cancelButtonLabel': 'annuler',
'headline': 'De combien de degrés (environ) devrait-on faire pivoter cette image? ' + 
	'<a %ERRLINK%>Signalez</a> des bugs ou des idées.',
'intro': 'Vous pouvez utiliser cette fonction pour corriger des images qui ne s’affichent pas avec une orientation correcte (comme cela peut arriver fréquemment avec des photos numériques).',
'clockwise': 'Dans le sens horaire :',
'noteheader': 'Note : ',
	// Hint for translation:
	// The following message is displayed e.g. if you request a rotation of e.g. 3° because Rotatebot can't rotate by this angle. 
	// A volunteer has to do this.
'noteAngle': 'Si vous demandez une rotation de %1 ou %2°, Rotatebot ne pourra pas le faire avant au moins quelques heures. Cela devrait sans doute prendre beaucoup plus de temps, voire ne pas pouvoir être fait.',
	// Hint for translation:
	// The following message is displayed e.g. on djvu or pdf-files because Rotatebot can't rotate them. 
	// A volunteer has to do this.
'noteMime': 'Ce type de fichier ne peut pas subir une <a %ROTATEBOTLINK%>rotation via un robot</a> ; la rotation devra être réalisée manuellement, ce qui peut prendre un peu de temps.',
'noteBot': 'Rotatebot peut traiter cette demande d’ici quelques heures.',
'imgCaption': 'Corrigez l’orientation de cette miniature en choisissant un angle.'

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: User:Rotatebot/approx max wait time rotatelink

 noteBot: [[User:Rotatebot|Rotatebot]] pourra traiter cette demande dans %NUMBER% heures.

AlNo (discuter/talk/hablar/falar) 11:06, 16 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Thank you! -- User: Perhelion 01:10, 24 February 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Translation error in Malayalam translation


{{Editprotected}} Please update this part of Malayalam (ml) translation since it is not complete (MediaWiki:RotateRequest.js)

noteAngle: 'താങ്കൾ %1 അല്ലെങ്കിൽ %2° തിരിക്കാനാണ് ആവശ്യപ്പെടുന്നതെങ്കിൽ റൊട്ടേറ്റ്ബോട്ട് ഏതാനം മണിക്കൂറുകൾക്കുള്ളിൽ അത് ചെയ്യുന്നതായിരിക്കും. അതിനു സാധിച്ചില്ലെങ്കിൽ, കൂടുതൽ സമയം എടുക്കാനിടയുണ്ട്.',

--Praveen:talk 18:13, 11 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done -- User: Perhelion 00:43, 30 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]


It is requested that an edit or modification be made to this protected page.
Administrators: Please apply <nowiki> or {{Tl}} to the tag after the request is fulfilled.


Right now the instructions to when the gadget is used are:

		// Only File pages
		title.getNamespaceId() !== mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' ).file ||
		// Ignore these extensions
		[ 'ogg', 'oga', 'ogv', 'opus', 'webm', 'mid', 'svg', 'pdf', 'djvu', 'stl' ]
			.indexOf( ext = title.getExtension().toLowerCase() ) !== -1 ||

Instead of specifying which mime type it shouldn't be used on, perhaps it should be specified which file mimes it should be used on instead? As far as I can see in Special:ListFiles/SteinsplitterBot it is JPEG/JPG, PNG and TIF/TIFF. I can't see any GIF files however it should probably be added as well. Perhaps @Lucas Werkmeister: can fix this? The problem now is that all mime types it shouldn't pop up at aren't listed in the ignored list, for exampel all .mp3 files.Jonteemil (talk) 09:53, 7 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Oh, I noticed now that @Steinsplitter: also is an interface admim. What do you think? It is after all your bot.Jonteemil (talk) 11:38, 7 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
You are welcome to propose the coding change by providing the new code (which is a while list then). Best --Steinsplitter (talk) 11:49, 7 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]
@Steinsplitter: If only I new how to code :).Jonteemil (talk) 13:59, 7 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

i think this code to replace MediaWiki:Gadget-RotateLink.js#L-18 to 20 should do the job. i didnt test the code, please review before adding it.

		// Only accept these filemime
		[ 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png' ]
			.indexOf( ext = title.getMimeType() ) === -1 ||

@Steinsplitter which mime can your bot rotate? is xcf supported?--RZuo (talk) 11:20, 1 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]

i think my code is probably buggy. i dont know how to use getMimeType or get a file's type/mime. RZuo (talk) 10:26, 5 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
@RZuo: mw.Title doesn’t seem to have a getMimeType() method. But no problem, the bot doesn’t use MIME types either… It uses file extensions:
        if(substr(strtolower($picture['title']),-4) == ".jpg" OR substr(strtolower($picture['title']),-5) == ".jpeg") { $catcontent[$arraykey]['filetype'] = "jpg"; }
        else if(substr(strtolower($picture['title']),-4) == ".png") { $catcontent[$arraykey]['filetype'] = "png"; }
        else if(substr(strtolower($picture['title']),-4) == ".gif") { $catcontent[$arraykey]['filetype'] = "gif"; }
so the JS code would be
		// Only File pages
		title.getNamespaceId() !== mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' ).file ||
		// Only extensions Rotatebot can handle
		[ 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif' ]
			.indexOf( ext = title.getExtension() && title.getExtension().toLowerCase() ) === -1 ||
Tacsipacsi (talk) 09:05, 25 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]
on second thought, this is probably not a good idea. other file types do have the needs of rotation. it's ok to let the bot reject such requests and so the file is tagged for rotation manually or by another bot. RZuo (talk) 15:30, 17 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
If the goal is making it possible to ask rotating as many file types as possible, then the current code is also too restrictive, not only what I proposed. Why couldn’t SVGs or PDFs require rotation? Maybe we should work with MIME types indeed, and allow rotating anything that’s not audio/*. application/* is problematic, though: application/pdf (PDF) makes sense, probably application/sla (3D models) as well, but application/ogg can be both audio and video, can’t it? —Tacsipacsi (talk) 15:09, 20 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Russian translation/Перевод на русский язык


{{Edit protected}}

If there is a way to add i18n for the tooltip message, line 95 in the Gadget-RotateLink.js,

title: 'Request a (permanent) correction of the rotation if the thumbnails display in the wrong orientation. Please try to purge the server’s and client’s cache before if this file is an upload before middle of October 2011.'

could please someone add the following translation in Russian:

title: 'Запросите (бессрочное) исправление поворота, если миниатюры отображаются в неправильной ориентации. Перед запросов попробуйте, пожалуйста, очистить кэш сервера и браузера, если этот файл был загружен до середины октября 2011 года.'

Thanks a lot! — Pacha Tchernof (talk) 10:26, 22 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]

 Not done unfortunately not possible. —‍Mdaniels5757 (talk • contribs) 18:49, 9 February 2023 (UTC)[reply]

New translation to fi


{{Edit request}} en:ISO 639-1: 'en'

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: MediaWiki:Gadget-RotateLink.js

  Label/link text: pyydä kiertoa

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: MediaWiki:RotateRequest.js‎

'submitButtonLabel': 'vahvista kiertopyyntö',
'cancelButtonLabel': 'peruuta',
'headline': 'Kuinka montaa astetta tätä kuvaa pitäisi suurin piirtein kiertää? ' + 
	'<a %ERRLINK%>Kerro</a> bugeista ja ideoista.',
'intro': Voit käyttää tätä ominaisuutta korjataksesi kuvia, jotka näkyvät vääräsuuntaisesti (kuten yleisesti käy pystysuuntaisten digitaalisten valokuvien kanssa).',
'clockwise': 'Myötäpäivään:',
'noteheader': 'Huomautus: ',
	// Hint for translation:
	// The following message is displayed e.g. if you request a rotation of e.g. 3° because Rotatebot can't rotate by this angle. 
	// A volunteer has to do this.
'noteAngle': 'Jos pyydät a kiertoa astemäärällä %1 tai %2°, Rotatebot tulee tekemään tämän parin tunnin sisällä. Tämän tekeminen tulee todennäköisesti kestämään kauemmin, jos Rotatebot ei voi suorittaa pyyntöä.',
	// Hint for translation:
	// The following message is displayed e.g. on djvu or pdf-files because Rotatebot can't rotate them. 
	// A volunteer has to do this.
'noteMime': 'Tämäntyyppistä tiedostoa ei voida <a %ROTATEBOTLINK%>kiertää automaattisesti</a>; kiertäminen on tehtävä manuaalisesti, joka voi kestää jonkin aikaa.',
'noteBot': 'Rotatebot voi suorittaa tämän pyynnön parin tunnin sisällä.',
'imgCaption': 'Korjaa tämän pienoiskuvan suunta valitsemalla kulma.'

Note to the admin fulfilling the request: This code will go to: User:Rotatebot/approx max wait time rotatelink

 noteBot: [[User:Rotatebot|Rotatebot]] voi suorittaa tämän pyynnön %NUMBER% tunnissa.

NeonItem (talk) 19:10, 27 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Awesome! Thank you! —‍Mdaniels5757 (talk • contribs) 17:27, 29 October 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Tempi lunghi


Si riscontrano, da qualche mese, tempi molto lunghi per una rotazione di fotografia. Momimariani1962 (talk) 13:42, 8 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Long times
For a few months, very long times have been encountered for a photography rotation.
translator: Google Translate via   — 🇺🇦Jeff G. please ping or talk to me🇺🇦 18:41, 8 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Momimariani1962: Ciao e benvenuto. Secondo User:SteinsplitterBot/Rotatebot, l'SteinsplitterBot di Steinsplitter non ha eseguito le funzioni di User:Rotatebot dalle 01:15, 28 Dicembre 2023 (UTC) (11 giorni, 17 ore, 26 minuti fa). Quali file ti interessano?
Hi, and welcome. Per User:SteinsplitterBot/Rotatebot, Steinsplitter's SteinsplitterBot has not performed the functions of User:Rotatebot since 01:15, 28 December 2023 (UTC) (11 days, 17 hours, 26 minutes ago). What file(s) have you concerned?   — 🇺🇦Jeff G. please ping or talk to me🇺🇦 18:41, 8 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Tnks, but today, 15 january, I saw the file rotated : Momimariani1962 (talk) 21:35, 15 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
@Momimariani1962: You're welcome. The underlying problem has been fixed thanks to @Tacsipacsi.   — 🇺🇦Jeff G. please ping or talk to me🇺🇦 16:24, 16 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Make preview thumbnail zoomable


For "odd" rotation angles other than 90/180/270°, it is difficult to estimate the required angle from the tiny preview thumbnail (example: c:File:1841_halfpenny_reverse.jpg which, after rotation by 357° as requested, is still not straight). As a remedy, may I suggest to make the thumbnail zoomable so one can assess the rotation effect more precisely in advance -- thanks! --HReuter (talk) 20:48, 7 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]