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Fightin' Texas Aggie Band

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Template:CollegeMarchingBandInfoBox The Fightin' Texas Aggie Band (also known as The Noble Men of Kyle or the Aggie Band) is the official marching band of Texas A&M University. Composed of approximately 350 men and women from the school's Corps of Cadets, it is the largest military marching band in the world. The complex straight-line maneuvers, performed exclusively to traditional marches, are so complicated and precise that computer programs say they cannot be performed.

Since its inception in 1894, its members eat together, sleep in the same dormitories, and practice up to forty hours per week on top of a full academic schedule. The Aggie Band performs at all home football games, some away games, and university and Corps functions throughout the year. Other events in which the band participated include inauguration parades for many United States Presidents and Texas Governors, major annual parades across the country, and the dedication ceremony for the George H. W. Bush Presidential Library.


Early years

The Aggie Band owes its existence to Joseph Holick. In 1885, Holick and his brother Louis boarded an empty boxcar bound for Orange, Texas so that they could gain employment in a lumber mill. En route, the two stopped in Bryan, Texas, near the campus of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. The 22-year-old Holick began to doubt his choice, stating, "I was a small boy and couldn't do lumbering work",[1] and chose to remain in Bryan working under Raymond Blatherwick, owner of a prominent boot shop. Lawrence Sullivan Ross, the president of the nearby college and a former Governor of Texas, stopped into Blatherwick's boot shop and noted how inconvenient it was for cadets to go to Bryan for their boots. Ross requested Holick be stationed at the new military college to perform cobbler duties.[1][2][3]

The Aggie Band's first 13 members led by Joseph Holick.

Holick accepted the proposal and moved to work at Texas A&M. Shortly after his arrival, the Commandant's staff discovered his musical talents. They requested him to play the bugle for Corps functions and for US$65 a month, he was assigned to play Reveille and Taps. Because the new job paid much more than his previous one, Holick wanted to give the school "more than just two tunes for its money and he asked the commandant for permission to start a cadet band".[1] The commandant agreed and named Joseph Holick its first bandmaster. Under his tutelage and the leadership of subsequent bandmasters, the band grew from 13 members at its inception in 1894 to 75 bandsmen in 1924.[1][2]

The origin of the name of the band started with the early drum majors of the band. The first student drum major was H.A. "California" Morse, but he did not last the year in his leadership role and was asked to leave the college because of fighting. In addition, the early drum majors were chosen in physical combat, with the best fighter being named to the coveted position. This tradition of aggressiveness and physical combat was noted by band members, who then took to calling themselves the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band.[1]

Dunn years

"ATM" formation during halftime at Kyle Field, a variation of the "Block T" created by Dunn

In 1924, Lieutenant Colonel Richard J. Dunn was appointed as bandmaster. As a former member of John Phillip Sousa's Marine Band and with 26 years of military band leadership experience, Dunn quickly instituted changes within the band. The first was to the position of bugler, whose duties had fallen to the bandmaster since 1894. When informed that he was expected to fill the role, Dunn told college officials, "I have blown enough bugles. I am the Bandmaster. Someone else can blow the bugle calls."[1] From then on, the Corps Bugler was chosen from the ranks of the Aggie Band.[4]

Dunn also instituted uniform changes which added white canvas to the band uniform, resulting in a "flash effect" every other step. Dunn tried, to no avail, to rid the band of the Senior Boots, but this tradition was too well-established. Other additions included crossed white belts, later discarded in favor of a white Sam Brown belt, silver buckles, and the addition of a bugle rank to lead the band in its maneuvers. Changes in the drills included the "Block T", the band's signature, and such intricate designs which led to talk amongst fans about the band "always winning halftime".[1]

Under Dunn's experience, the band instituted some traditions that the university uses to the present. In 1925, Marvin H. Mimms wrote the lyrics for an alma mater for the school. Dunn, who found the War Hymn "inappropriate"[1] for social functions and solemn occasions, wrote its accompanying music and presented it to the student body titled Spirit of Aggieland. In 1926, the tradition of Elephant Walk began when two seniors in the band led a procession of seniors throughout the school grounds visiting all the important places on campus. All the seniors in one single file was "quite a site to behold",[1] and one junior commented that they looked like a bunch of old elephants wandering around trying to find some place to die. The name stuck and the tradition continues to the present.[1][5]

Beginning in 1939, the U.S. Army required all cadets to be in either infantry or field artillery units. Accordingly, the band was split into two separate units at opposite ends of the campus dormitories and named Infantry and Artillery Bands. When the two units performed together, they formed the Combined Band. 1942 saw the band expand to 250 members, but the need for manpower for the war effort caused membership to plummet. By the end of the 1942–1943 school year, it dropped it to only 90 bandsmen. As "a crusty old army man",[1] Dunn understood the nation's urgent need for troops, but he accepted the fact that the Aggie Band could only return after the war was over.[1]

Adams era

Dunn once told then-cadet Edward Vergne Adams, "One day I want you to direct this band."[1] Adams thought the Colonel was joking, but "went to music school after graduation just in case he wasn't".[1] After music school, he joined the Army and put his musical skills to rest for the duration of the war, with one notable exception. While on regimental staff during the retreat ceremony at the end of the day, the assigned bugler had no experience and couldn't even play a single note. So Adams stepped out of formation, took the bugle from the bugler's hands, blew the appropriate calls, handed the bugle back, and marched back into his spot in the formation.[1]

This intolerance for incompetence served him well when he accepted the invitation of Dunn to be his replacement as director of the Aggie Band. Adams began his tenure with a undisciplined band devoid of experience and ravaged by years of war, but in his first year of leadership, the ranks of the band quickly swelled to 225 members. Infantry and field artillery associations were no longer required by the Army and Adams changed the units' names to the Maroon and White Bands.[1]

More notably, Adams began to make the drills far more intricate and precise than they had in the past by adding a countermarch, maneuvers from the Army Drill Manual, and established a 30 inch (76 cm) step, or six steps for every five yards (4.57m), as the band standard. Adams also added the criss-cross maneuver. First performed 27 November 1947 at the annual Thanksgiving Day game with the University of Texas, the criss-cross maneuver and its later variations became the band's most anticipated maneuver. Other band directors said it was impossible because it required two people to be in the same place at the same time.[1] To accomplish this, band members step between each other's feet.[6] In later years, people who did not know that the maneuver was first done in 1947 claimed that the drill was designed by a computer. Adams explained, "It's all a matter of mathematics. One man can take up only a certain amount of space at one time and moves in one direction at a predictable rate of speed."[1]

E. V. Adams Band Hall

The band's reputation spread and other bands had began to have some apprehension about performing in the same halftime as the Aggie Band. One Southwest Conference band director stated, "I dread going against the Aggie Band.... What is so humiliating is to see the Aggie Band do things band directors talk about as being impossible, and do them perfectly. It takes two weeks to recover from the trauma."[1] The band was so intimidating that, in 1960, one band gave up without a fight: the Trinity Tiger Band opted to sit instead of perform and gave the Aggie Band the entire halftime to perform.[1]

During Adams' tenure, the college acquired a mascot to replace the original Reveille, who died in 1944. Reveille II, like the original Reveille, was cared for and attended to by band members. During halftime performances, the young dog was allowed to be on the field with the band without her leash. During these breaks where she could get out and run, she had a tendency to "do her business"[1] on Kyle Field's playing surface. This didn't bother the band members much, as Reveille stayed away from the band, but Adams discovered a gambling scheme whereby cadets were took bets on what yardline the dog would defecate. He quickly ended the practice and turned the responsibility of caring for Reveille over to Company E-2, which has since been called the Mascot Company.[1]

On 7 October 1967, the first meeting of the Aggie Band Association took place to support the band. The organization, comprised of former members and supporters, continue to assist the band through fundraising, scholarships, instrument repair, and general welfare of the cadets in the band. In 1970, Adams acquired funds and built a new band hall which was named in his honor.[1]

The Joe T. Haney Drill Field, considered by bandsmen to be a "working memorial" as the ashes of some former bandsmen have been scattered across it.

Modernization and expansion

Colonel Joe T. Haney took over the band in 1973. He felt his obligation was, "not to build up the band ... [but] to keep it at its already exceptional level".[1] During Haney's years, the band expanded to include a concert band, a symphonic band, the Aggieland Orchestra, and a Drum and Bugle Corps, and the names of the two subunits reverted to their earlier designations of Infantry and Artillery Bands.[1]

This simple philosophy was tested as Texas A&M went through transition from an all-male military college to being a world-class coeducational research university. The addition of women to the Corps presented some challenges, including one high-profile lawsuit and fierce resistance from former Corps and Band members. When women were finally admitted under court order, the first three women had to be housed in a separate dorm until accommodations could be made within the band dorms. Reporters were relentless and Haney finally called an open press conference with the three young ladies. The female cadets refused pictures unless their fish buddies (members of their freshman class in their unit) were included in the photos. With a band dropout rate of 33% the odds were against all of the female cadets succeeding and two dropped out, but Andrea Abat stayed and completed her senior year. Haney realized the separate living conditions were not conducive to good order and discipline and integrated the dorms, grouping females at one end of the dorm and designating one bathroom for exclusive female use.[1]

Amidst these drastic changes, large proportions of the freshmen classes (some as high as 30%) contained all-state high school band members. As the band's experience and musical talents grew, the quality of the music improved dramatically. Haney even rewrote the drills to include a portion where the band stopped moving and played to the audience. This innovation was well-received and became a staple of the band's repertoire. In 1975, at a televised game versus the University of Arkansas, the Aggie Band was repeatedly asked to play music during lulls in the game. By the fourth quarter, the Aggie Band had played on TV during every break and Colonel Haney, trying his best to be fair, told the cameraman that they really should let the Razorback Band play a little too. The cameraman called up to the broadcast booth to get guidance and then replied, "The director doesn't want to hear the Arkansas band, he wants to hear the Aggie Band."[1]

The drills became even more complicated as Haney added formations and maneuvers never before seen. The excellence shown on the field belied its heavy dependence on precision. On 24 October, 1981 disaster struck during the halftime show at Rice University when four members of a lead element turned early and, before anyone could make a correction, colliding band members ground the drill to a halt. With so many members doing exactly what the person in front of them does with mere inches of clearance, the cascade effect was unrecoverable and the band simply stopped and left the field. Rumors surfaced that Rice students were using whistles to throw off the band's response to drum major whistle commands. In response, the band now performs all drills in Houston without whistle commands.[1]

The disaster was nullified when the band attempted their most complicated drill the following weekend and performed flawlessly. Each subsequent week, the drills became more complicated. The Bryan-College Station Eagle's editor opined, "A&M is probably the only school anywhere that throws in a free football game with its performance. One of these days, I fully expect the band to be invited to a bowl game—and to be told it can bring along its football team if it wants to."[1] The band weathered the catastrophe and emerged with a greater legacy.

Into a new millennium

The bugle rank leads the band into Kyle Field.

Lieutenant Colonel Ray E. Toler replaced Haney when he stepped down in 1993. As a veteran of many Air Force Bands and with a Grammy nomination under his belt, Toler was quick to realize the potential and traditions of the Aggie Band and quickly set about publicizing it.[1] Under his direction, the Aggie Band began a weekly television show that showcased the band, the Corps of Cadets, and the daily life of a band member. As of 2007, the Aggie Band is the only university or college band with its own weekly television show.[7] In 2001, the Aggie Band was recognized nationally as the 2001 recipient of the Louis Sudler Trophy for collegiate marching bands, administered by the John Philip Sousa Foundation.[6][8] During Toler's leadership of the Aggie Band, its presence was personally requested by President-elect George H. W. Bush for his inauguration parade.[1]

Serving under Toler, Dr. Timothy Rhea wrote many of the Aggie drills and music and succeeded Toler as Director of Bands in 2002. Dr. Rhea is an accomplished director and actively arranges and composes music. His publishers include TRN Music Publisher, RBC Music Publisher, and Arranger's Publishing Company. Moreover, Dr. Rhea is known throughout the marching band community for writing extremely difficult drills.[9][10]

Cadet life

A senior cadet from the band carrying a sabre (note the brass lyre on the collar indicating this cadet is from the band).
An example of senior Boots, which Dunn tried to banish

The members of the band are called BQs and, since the band's inception, are part of the Corps of Cadets.[11] All BQs are assigned to one of four units: A-Battery, B-Battery, A-Company, or B-Company. The band is a major unit within the Corps, comparable in size to a Brigade or a Wing. Due to its status as a Senior Military College all cadets are required to take ROTC classes at least their first two years, though follow-on military service is not required.[4]

The Aggie Band is unique among college bands; no other band eats and lives together as a military unit, even at the Service Academies and military colleges. Bandsmen wear their cadet uniforms to class, drill, meetings, and other functions on campus. As a requested component of football away games, they perform at more football games than any other band. As of 1993, the band performed at 125 of the last 131 football games, including a streak of 42 straight from 1981 to 1984. Demand is extremely high for the band and one person, upon finding out the Aggie Band would not be performing at the local football game versus A&M, returned and requested a refund for 40 tickets.[1]

The Aggie Band performs a new show each week during the football season and does not generally repeat drills from week to week. During the fall semester, the Aggie Band practices one to three hours every weekday morning and on Saturdays every week with a football game. In addition, some components of the band also practice on Sunday afternoons and planning of the drills takes place throughout the fall semester. During weeks with complicated drills, extra practice and planning time is sometimes also done on weekday afternoons. All told, drills can take up to 40 hours per week on top of a full academic schedule and Corps/ROTC activities.[3]

All seniors in the Corps of Cadets wear distinctive cavalry riding boots with their uniforms. These boots usually cost more than US$1,000 and are generally made at Victor's or Holick's, owned by the family of Joseph Holick, the first Band Director.[1][3][12]


Unlike many bands, the drum majors are not in charge of the band as a whole. Since the band is part of the Corps, it has its own unit commander. The Band Commander, a Cadet Colonel, is in charge of the band. Due to necessity for military functions, the commander is accorded the privilege of the first file in the bugle rank (the front of the band), but during formal military ceremonies, the commander carries a sabre instead of a bugle, as do all other commanders. Underneath him are the unit commanders of A-Battery, B-Battery, A-Company, and B-Company; the Batteries are compose the Artillery Band and the Companies are called Infantry Band. The two bands perform together for halftime shows, but are often split for minor performances such as local parades. Furthermore, the band is comprised of three different ROTC programs and appoints commanders to manage and train the cadets within their respective ROTC affiliations.[4]

On the field, the band is led by three drum majors and the twelve members of bugle rank. Each drum major carries a mace and directs the band based on its position and whistle commands during a drill. The drum majors give commands of the mace . The head drum major is a Cadet Lieutenant Colonel, while the two side drum majors, the Infantry Side Drum Major and the Artillery Side Drum Major, are Cadet Majors. Bugle Rank is comprised of the Band Commander and eleven other senior cadets who are well-respected in the band and have impeccable marching abilities. Each Bugle rank member carries a bugle with a banner; most of the bugles are functional, but are never played during a performance. Together, the drum majors and bugle rank lead the band through the maneuvers on the field. In addition to their primary functions within the band, the bugles and maces also serve a military ceremonial function and are used to salute commissioned officers, much as a rifleman would salute with a rifle or a commander would salute with a sabre.[4]


The band has approximately 350 members with more than 80 trumpets and cornets, 70 trombones, 30 french horns, 30 baritones, 45 bass horns, 35 drummers, and 80 assorted woodwinds, though the actual composition varies annually.[13] All members of the band must have high school marching experience, an audition during the Summer New Student Conferences to include major scales and sight reading, and an individual interview with the band director. The Aggie Band highly recommends that all members participate in the Spend the Night with the Corps program to better understand the rigors of life in the Corps of Cadets.[14]


The Band finishes an oblique movement as they march past the Lone Star Showdown logo at the Darrell K. Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium

Complex maneuvers

The repertoire of the Aggie Band's maneuvers is designed by the directors and drum majors and can include obliques, flanks, countermarches, and other Army marching maneuvers. The band is generally led by the bugle rank with each person following the person in front of them, also known as follow-the-leader. Space between band members during countermarches is less than six inches and during other maneuvers even less. This space is insufficient for the bass horns and some members must turn their horns to complete the maneuver.[15] Some of these close-quarters drills are so complex and precise that they cannot be reproduced by computer programs that design marching shows.[16]

The Fightin' Texas Aggie Band has performed at inauguration parades for many Presidents of the United States in Washington D.C., including one by-name request from President-elect George H. W. Bush.[6][17] Other events in which the band participated include inauguration parades for Governors of Texas, major annual parades across the country, and the dedication ceremony for the George H. W. Bush Presidential Library.[1][17]

Typical halftime show

The Fightin' Texas Aggie Band's Bugle Rank leads the band at halftime at the 2007 Maroon and White football game.

The halftime show always begins with the band running into place at the command of the drum major's whistle. The announcer (Lieutenant Colonel Jay Brewer) then states, usually in unison with the crowd, "Now forming at the north end of Kyle Field, the nationally famous Fightin' Texas Aggie Band."[15] A whoop and cheers come from the audience. The drum majors then march out in front of the band and the head drum major calls the band to attention and vocally gives directions to the band, referencing the composition of the Aggie War Hymn, by shouting, "Recall! Step off on Hullabaloo!"[15] These directions are not amplified in any way, but can be heard across the entire stadium. The drum majors signal for the horns to be lifted into playing position with two quick whistle blasts and the bugle rank does a flourish.[15]

The drill then begins with the band playing the opening notes of the War Hymn and stepping off into the initial formation. At some point in the drill, the band converts from Spread formation to Block formation. With no cessation of the music until the band leaves the field, the drill continues and often stops with the band playing the last stanza in place in the center of the field before moving into the signature "Block T" or "Block ATM". When done playing, the band runs off the field. Specific maneuvers in the drill can include:[1][6][15]

  • The Criss Cross — the band files split into two halves and march through each other at 90° angles
  • The Four-way Cross Through (and many variations on it) — The band splits into four groups of 3 files and march through each other from each of the corners of the field
  • Menstrual Turns — band members pass through each other by stepping between each others' feet.
  • Spread-to-Block — the band moves from being 30 files wide by 12 ranks deep to 12 files wide by 30 ranks deep
  • Block-to-Spread — the opposite of Spread-to-Block
  • Continuous Countermarch — the bugle rank leads two successive countermarches following the back of the band through the maneuver
  • Wheel Turns — A turn of a block of the band where the people on the inside of the turn reduce their step size. This is also done during parades when going around corners.


As a military marching band, the Aggie Band exclusively plays traditional marches. Among many other marches, its primary repertoire includes:[3][18][19]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai The Fightin' Texas Aggie Band (Centennial Series of the Association of Former Students, Texas A&M University). Texas A&M University Press. 1994. ISBN 978-0890965955. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  2. ^ a b "Over 100 Years of Holick's". Holick's Mfg Co. Retrieved 2007-06-13.
  3. ^ a b c d "Texas A&M University Corps of Cadets:Forging Leaders of Character". Texas A&M University Corps of Cadets. Retrieved 2007-06-13.
  4. ^ a b c d "The Standard" (DOC). Texas A&M Corps of Cadets. Retrieved 2007-06-13.
  5. ^ "Glossary of BQ Traditions". aggieband.com. Retrieved 2007-06-13.
  6. ^ a b c d Cite error: The named reference BQ about was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  7. ^ "The Texas Aggie Band Association DECEMBER 2006" (PDF). Texas Aggie Band Association. Retrieved 2007-06-13.
  8. ^ "Sudler Trophy" (PDF). Loyola University of Fine Arts. Retrieved 2007-06-13.
  9. ^ Cite error: The named reference BQ Spec was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  10. ^ "Dr. Timothy Rhea". Texas A&M University Bands. Retrieved 2007-06-13.
  11. ^ "Corps Dictionary". Texas A&M University. Retrieved 2007-05-13.
  12. ^ "Senior Aggie Boots". hotboots.com. Retrieved 2007-06-13.
  13. ^ "The Fightin' Texas Aggie Band". AggieAthletics.com. Retrieved 2007-06-13.
  14. ^ "Membership Requirements". Texas A&M University Bands. 2002. Retrieved 2007-06-13.
  15. ^ a b c d e "The Fightin' Texas Aggie Band Show" (WMV). The Association of Former Students. Retrieved 2007-06-13.
  16. ^ "Traditions" (WMV). The Former Students Association. Retrieved 2007-06-13.
  17. ^ a b Foley, Sara (1 January 2005). "RVs, Texas A&M U. band to attend Bush's inauguration". The Battalion. Retrieved 2007-06-14. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  18. ^ Hensley, Laura (12 May 2002). "By the Grace of God:After 14 years, Ray Toler steps down as head of the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band". The Bryan-College Station Eagle. Retrieved 2007-06-13. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  19. ^ "Audio of The Aggie Band". Texas Aggie Band Association. Retrieved 2007-06-13.