
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Looking Forward: April

Sometimes it's really hard for me to keep track of what comes out what month, especially while juggling early reviews and publisher catalogues and all the other confusing bookish things bloggers deal with. It's just a LOT OF BOOKS ALL THE TIME. How do you ever keep them straight?! So on the last day of the month, I post a guide to what books I'm most looking forward to in the following month and that you should keep an eye on. So, since it's the last day in March (AHHHH IT'S ALMOST APRIL I TURN 24 IN APRIL I DON'T LIKE IT LET'S GO BACKWARDS), here are the April releases most tempting me:

Featured book of the month:

Monday, March 30, 2015

Review: Things We Know by Heart by Jessi Kirby

Review: Things We Know by Heart by April Lindner
Release date: April 21st, 2015
Publisher: HarperTeen
Length: 304 pages
Source: ARC from ALAMW15/eARC via Edelweiss
Rating: Bah bah black sheep

When Quinn Sullivan meets the recipient of her boyfriend’s donated heart, the two form an unexpected connection. 

After Quinn loses her boyfriend, Trent, in an accident their junior year, she reaches out to the recipients of his donated organs in hopes of picking up the pieces of her now-unrecognizable life. She hears back from some of them, but the person who received Trent’s heart has remained silent. The essence of a person, she has always believed, is in the heart. If she finds Trent’s, then maybe she can have peace once and for all. 

Risking everything in order to finally lay her memories to rest, Quinn goes outside the system to track down nineteen-year-old Colton Thomas—a guy whose life has been forever changed by this priceless gift. But what starts as an accidental run-in quickly develops into more, sparking an undeniable attraction. She doesn't want to give in to it—especially since he has no idea how they're connected—but their time together has made Quinn feel alive again. No matter how hard she’s falling for Colton, each beat of his heart reminds her of all she’s lost…and all that remains at stake.

I'm really disappointed in this book, actually. It had the potential to be GREAT, and I know Kirby has the mega chops to pull that off. I was ready to get my heart stomped on, but it wasn't even really grazed. And I'm an emotional reader. I cry when fictional puppies stub their toes, so a book about a girl dealing with the death of her boyfriend and the grief of moving on should have WRECKED me. But there as no wreckage to be found. But everyone else was devastated by this book! What's wrong with me? Why can't I feeeeeeel??

Sunday, March 29, 2015

I'M BACK! And With a Giveaway! (Cuz Dark Lord Funk Gon' Giveaway)

HIIIIII, GUYS! I missed you and your gorgeous internety faces! Life got super lifey lately, that rat bastard, so I took a bit of an internet hiatus. But I plan to return with a VENGEANCE, just like His Royal Voldyness, taking on my enemies with Dark Lord style.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Top Ten Books For Readers Who Like Diverse Fantasy

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

This list is inspired by the truly excellent diverse high fantasy I've been reading lately (looking at you, The Wrath and the Dawn). High fantasy has, historically, been a genre severely lacking in diversity of any kind--cultural, racial, sexual, gender, and on and on--so I want to make a point to go out of my way to read more of it. So first, a few of the best diverse high fantasy books I've read, and then the ones I want to get to!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Review: Love, Lucy by April Lindner

Review: Love, Lucy by April Lindner
Release date: January 27th, 2015
Publisher: Poppy (Little, Brown)
Length: 304 pages
Source: ARC from ALAMW15
Rating: Though not wholly terrible, I, sadly, did not love Lucy


While backpacking through Florence, Italy, during the summer before she heads off to college, Lucy Sommersworth finds herself falling in love with the culture, the architecture, the food...and Jesse Palladino, a handsome street musician. After a whirlwind romance, Lucy returns home, determined to move on from her "vacation flirtation." But just because summer is over doesn't mean Lucy and Jesse are over, too.

In this coming-of-age romance, April Lindner perfectly captures the highs and lows of a summer love that might just be meant to last beyond the season.

A Room With a View is one of my favorite books of ALL TIME. I read it when I was fourteen and it's lived very happily in my heart ever since. Not long after, I saw the movie version of A Room With a View and fell in love with that too. So going into Love, Lucy I was half excited, half wary, because a great adaptation of my fave book could be great, but a bad one could make me crankypants.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Looking Forward: March

Sometimes it's really hard for me to keep track of what comes out what month, especially while juggling early reviews and publisher catalogues and all the other confusing bookish things bloggers deal with. It's just a LOT OF BOOKS ALL THE TIME. How do you ever keep them straight?! So on the last day of the month, I post a guide to what books I'm most looking forward to in the following month and that you should keep an eye on. So, since it's the last day in February, here are the March releases most tempting me:

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Blogging on Vacation (AKA How to Disconnect)

True fact: I'm an internet addict. Other true fact: I don't really see this as much of a problem. I like to think I'm not unhealthy about the amount of time I spend on the internet. Most of my favorite people live in it, and my community is on it, and TWITTER IS SUPER FUN, RIGHT? So really, i don't feel about about how much of my life centers around social media. Even beyond that, I'm ALWAYS connected. Need to Instagram a pic? I can do that. Need to Google something? I can do that. I'm always connected to the rest of the world somehow. I've always got my "Friends" and "Bloggers" Twitter lists open, keeping up to date with the happenings in the blogging world.