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The IMA #1

Cloak and Dagger

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Michael Boutilier is a young assassin working for a mysterious organization of mercenaries called the IMA; an organization so powerful that government denies its existence. When a hacker breaks into their computer's mainframe, they send Michael out to finish off the loose ends. But so far, there's just one lead to go on. The hacker's daughter, Christina Parker.

Christina seems like any other high school senior. And she is — until she gets kidnapped by a group of people who think she's the key to the malicious code that has infected their mainframe system and she is plunged into a world where the lines between right and wrong are blurred beyond all recognition and terror knows no bounds. What do you do when the odds are against you, and the stake is your life?

As she quickly learns, there are good guys and there are bad guys. Sometimes Michael's one, sometimes he's the other--but usually he's both. And right now he's the only one who can save her.

Cover design by Louisa.

336 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 23, 2012

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About the author

Nenia Campbell

57 books20.4k followers

Hi there. I'm Nenia! I'm an author of several villain romances, and creator and moderator of Unapologetic Romance Readers.

I read a lot of amazingly trashy books that I would be happy to rec you. Coffee flows through my veins like ichor. Also, check out what I've written sometime!

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Nenia-Campbell/...

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176 (8%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 252 reviews
December 17, 2022
12/17- FREE today: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00...

Someone told me that this bitch thinks she can write. This bitch can't write at all. I wouldn't pay money for this, and was about to say so, but then I saw that this bitch made her book free. This bitch has a lot of nerve, making her shitty book free so more people will read her trash. If I could rate lower than one star, I would.

Looks like this crappy book is free again and so is the rest of the series:

I might be biased. I am the bitch of the shitty book. But if I'm not going to give it 1 star, who will? After all, I wrote it, so obviously my opinion is the most trustworthy. Prove me wrong if you dare... or join me in a hate read. Either way, it's free, so you come out a winner. ;-)
Profile Image for Samantha.
449 reviews73 followers
February 12, 2014

This book... I can't even. There were so many times I just wanted to quit, but I had this crazy little idea in my head that it would get better. I'll not be making that mistake again.

The most important thing you should know about this little gem is that I don't think I've ever read a story where rape is mentioned more, or a character is nearly raped in such excess. Seriously, it made me throw shit. I'll break this down for you, seeing as I marked almost every occurrence. You may also need to get a friend because you will surely run out of fingers and toes if you're counting along at home!

Christina is kidnapped for leverage against her family by Michael, a mercenary for a secret organization of fellow mercenaries called the IMA. He has her for about a month or two and threatens to rape or considers raping her no less than 5 times.

Then in a game of politics, another rival mercenary steals her away from Michael and threatens to rape her about 3 or 4 times.

Michael comes to get her back because, gosh!, he maybe has feelings for her, and they both get held captive. He then intimidates her into thinking he might possibly rape her 2 more times to get her to follow his plans to keep them alive. While both are captive, aforementioned rival mercenary threatens her with rape twice as well, but see, the difference is he means it!

Up to this point, poor Christina has been appalled or terrified with these rape threats/attempts. However, upon their escape from a prison island, she strikes a deal with Michael that if he helps save her parents from the same prison, she will give him what he wants... her body. They free her parents and escape on a boat.

Whilst traveling the coast by said boat, Michael decides it's time for her to settle the deal, but Christina is appalled and refuses. That night, he gets in her bed, and although she doesn't want to because she is all confused about her feelings for Michael, she doesn't say no, and let's him take her virginity. She does cry during the whole thing and call him a monster afterwards though, so I mean... there is THAT.

They get to his apartment in Seattle, and there is a lot of do I/don't I have feelings for him/her, as well as a few more shady scenarios of him almost forcing himself on her because he just can't resist her. But see, he LOVES HER now. (At this point I'm banging my head against a wall repeatedly)

But, surprise! The rival mercenary has taken over the IMA and takes Christina, making Michael come get his one true love. While waiting for Micheal to arrive, rival mercenary threatens to rape her a handful of times, and cuts her clothes/her and is on top of her bleeding body when Michael arrives. Oh the horror Micheal feels not knowing if the rival mercenary raped his Christina!!!

If only I had a gun at this point...

Rival mercenary lets them both go under the condition that Michael works for him now. Michael cleans her wounds and then leaves in the morning. The one person he trusts in the whole world shows up to give Christina Micheal's goodbye letter (two sentences) and takes her to find her parents. Christina maybe-possibly loves Micheal back now. THE END!

August 24, 2013

The Assassin

Meet Michael Boutilier, member of secret government organisation, IMA. He's good at what he does, so when he's next job is to clean up an attempted infiltration, he does it with the same cold and detached precision he is known for. He isn't prepared for the way he feels around his captive and controlling himself becomes a daily struggle.

The Job

Meet Christina Parker, 18 year old high school student. She's naive and sheltered. Her biggest problem being her over bearing and controlling mother. When Michael comes crashing into her life, she doesn't know what to do, she's never met a man like him before. Trying to reason with him won't work, he's ruthless and 100% committed to his job!

My Thoughts
Kidnap Romance!!! Woohoo!!!

Wow! What an absolutely thrilling ride!!! This book owned me from start to finish! I love Michael, a dangerous anti-hero, my weakness! The story is fast paced, gritty and unputdownable! I loved the writing, I loved the fact that the story is written in dual POV's. I loved that when I got inside Michael's head he didn't sound like a girl! What else? I love, love, loved this book! Michael is just so damn sexy in all his wrongness!

Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,107 followers
October 15, 2013
4,5 STARS!!!

Christina's father is a hacker and he breaks into IMA's computer mainframe, IMA send Michael an assassin to kidnapped her!He kept her alive only in exchange of information about the virus her father has created to infect the IMA’s computers..but things don't go as planned and slowly Michael starts feeling more for her...


I like Christina so much!!She is so real!In most books with kidnapping stories, women want to have sex with their captor but in this book Christina is so different!The only thing she wants is to get out...and she hates with a passion Michael even when he is the one who tell her about his feeling...
She is smart, strong and she doesn’t care that Michael is so hot!!
This is what I love most in her!!

Mmmm What can I say about the hot assasin???
I really like him from the begining!Sometimes he was an asshole!He is not your typical knight with the white horse!He is cold and ruthless . He does what he is trained for,follows orders and gives his loyalty...


The sexual tension was slowly building up!And I think Christina loves him but she doesn't want to admit it and to believe that deep down he is a good guy.

Wow what a ride!!!It's my first book from Nenia and I really love it!!This is fast paced,full of action!Once you start it you won't be able to put it down!!If you like action and real characters this is what you need!!!

Profile Image for XxTainaxX Curvy and Nerdy.
1,486 reviews487 followers
May 31, 2016
Could not put it down! This is one wild ride. It reads like you're watching an action flick. It's seriously non-stop. It's not conventional in the slightest. In fact, it's uniqueness is what makes it stand out. This is not a hearts and flowers tale at all. It'a raw. It's honest. It's really not pretty...even the love scenes. There is such a remarkable transformation in Michael. You really don't like him through most of the story. You feel Christina's emotions right along with her: rage, disgust, pain. All of it. That girl goes through quite the ordeal but I admired her strength. She's a fighter through and through. The plot keeps you on your toes, wondering what's next. This is really unlike anything I've read and it was a pleasant surprise. This may take you out of your comfort zone as far as the romance is concerned but if you can handle it, it's worth it :) Safety: Your alarms will ring on this one. Although there are no OW/OM/Sharing, the abuse here is heavy. And yes, some of this comes from the H. I don't want to give away too much but their first time is also going to raise some red flags. This is very much a dark anti-hero tale.

Review copy provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Debra.
474 reviews2,449 followers
March 31, 2014

★★★★ 4 stars!

This book has:

Lots of action. ✔

Lots of suspense. ✔

A brooding, "jerk-ish" but dangerously hot alpha male. ✔

A feisty, strong heroine. ✔

Lots of sexual tension. ✔

Witty dialogue. ✔

An interesting, intriguing and captivating storyline. ✔

No cliffhanger. ✔

All of this together =

Moving on to the next book ASAP!

Profile Image for Fatima.
758 reviews347 followers
September 8, 2013
“There are two things about me you should know. Don't fight me, unless you're prepared to kill me. And don't kiss me, unless you're prepared to fuck me.”

Well damn those fucking

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Nenia Campbell , I love you !!

That is all ... for now !

Full review to follow !

I need to read book 2 ASAP !

Profile Image for Sarah.
348 reviews131 followers
August 19, 2013
3.5 'action packed, I want my own bloody assassin/kidnapper' stars!!!

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I absolutely love a good old assassin/kidnapper story line. I especially love them when the girl being kidnaped turns out to be feisty, mouhty and strong minded ....and in this book I got exactly that.

This is the action packed story of high school senior Christina Parker, who thanks to her parents, finds herself kidnapped by Michael Boutilier, a young assassin working for a mysterious organisation called the IMA. Christina soon finds herself thrown into a dark and intensely violent world, a world in which her captor is both brutal and sadistic.....

....But what happens when her captor actually becomes her protector?

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I was really drawn into this story. It's fast pace and drama filled storyline certainly meant I was never bored. The characters were engaging; I loved that Christina developed into a fiesty female, and I also loved how Michael brought out so many of my emotions..... there were times when all I wanted to do was kick his arse and shout........

....and there were other times when i ......well lets just say I wanted to do other things to his arse!!!!



Oh and the steam when I got to it was ........HOT, HOT, HOT.

So why 3.5 stars? Well 3.5 is still a really good rating for me but for reasons, that I am sure are entirely my own personal preferences, I had to knock off a star and half for three reasons. The first one is because I really wanted to see more chemistry/steam between Christina and Michael from an earlier point in the book, I felt like I had to wait an eternity for the obvious to happen. Secondly, I seriously wanted Christina to and thirdly.....the ending....what can I say.....it just stopped....I was like WTF......ok so it's not so bad because we get to read the next book in the series straight away but it was still an abrupt end!!

HOWEVER please don't let the fact that I'm a raving pervert who is impatient for a smutty read and a good arse kicking, put you off this book. The writing is seriously, seriously good, it's an engaging, captivating page turner that is sure to have you on the edge of your seat.

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Profile Image for JB.
377 reviews234 followers
January 2, 2013
**Find this and other reviews at The Demon Librarian**

An exciting, action-packed read, first in a new series!

For weeks now, I've been craving a book with action, complicated characters, and a tension-fueled romance. Something with bang and oomph and kick. You know the kind of book I'm talking about - the kind that leaves you purring like a satisfied cat and reaching instinctively for a cigarette (even if you don't smoke) because DAMN, that was good.

Cloak and Dagger was that book for me. It rocked my little socks off, and then some.

Rather than summarizing the plot for you (read the book's blurb - it tells you everything you need to know), I'm going to skip straight to the good stuff :)

Christina Parker. Oh, how I love this girl. Only 18 years old, kidnapped by an assassin and thrust into a dangerous, violent world, you would think she would be a frightened mess, incapable of anything but tears. And she is afraid. She does cry. But Christina is made of surprisingly strong stuff. She wants very much to live and escape this nightmare she has been dragged into, so what does she do? She fights back. Verbally, physically, any way she can, even if it is to no avail. She is smart, too, and remarkably resourceful for someone so young.

I kept waiting for Stockholm syndrome to kick in, for Christina to start romanticizing Michael because, you know, he's hot and all. That's the formula for these books, right? Helpless female falls for sexy, misunderstood hero, and after much trouble, drama and slaying of figurative dragons, they declare their undying love, ride off into the sunset, and live Happily Ever After. The end. Um, yeah, apparently Nenia Campbell did not get that memo! Instead, in the most brilliant of brilliant twists, what we get is Stockholm in reverse.

Christina spends most of the book torn between hating Michael and being afraid of him. Even when they are forced to become reluctant allies, she doesn't trust him and is never fully comfortable around him. Michael, on the other hand...well, let's just say it's complicated and leave it at that.

Speaking of Michael, he is exactly what you would expect a successful assassin to be. He's ruthless, intelligent, and terrifyingly good at his job. Warm and fuzzy? Puh-lease. He would shoot me for even suggesting it. He isn't angst-ridden or tortured, he isn't going to hold anyone's hand in times of crisis, and he sure as hell isn't waiting for the right woman to come along and put him in touch with his inner hero. Screw that noise. He's got a job to do and if you get in his way, you may not live long enough to regret it.

I love that Nenia Campbell did not attempt to pretty Michael up to appeal to readers. Instead, she throws down the gauntlet and dares you to pick it up. Take him or leave him, she seems to say. Love him, hate him, there is no middle ground. Because Michael is not and will never be a classic hero. He's an anti-hero to the core. And you know what? I wouldn't have him any other way.

As far as villains go, there are quite a few to choose from, but if I'm picking a winner for the King Douchecanoe Award, it has to go to Adrian Callaghan. Gah, I hated that guy! When he dies - and he MUST die - I hope his death is slow and horribly painful. And I want ringside seats so I can watch.

So what do you think? Have I convinced you yet? Are you ready to give Cloak and Dagger a try? If you are, don't wait. Waiting is for sissies. Purchase your copy today and start reading!

Reviewed By:
Profile Image for Jasmine.
269 reviews687 followers
August 11, 2016

“There are two things about me you should know. Don't fight me, unless you're prepared to kill me. And don't kiss me, unless you're prepared to fuck me.”

Nothing makes me happier than discovering a nice little gem read within my TBR pile & Cloak and Dagger truly took me by surprise when I was looking to enjoy a suspenseful read!

Michael Boutilier, an assassin from a secret organisation known as IMA, was sent on a mission to handle an infiltration attempt that hit IMA’s computer mainframe. After tracing down the hacker, the only attainable lead that he could go on was to go through the hacker’s 18-year old daughter, Christina Parker. In a typical assassin style, all he needed to do was get the job done; kidnap the girl, get the information & finish her off.

Only problem is what happens when the line between a captor and a captive becomes blurred?


What I truly loved about this book is that it stands out from the typical kidnap-romance stories whereby usually the Stockholm syndrome kicks into play & the victim starts developing feelings for the captor & does some 180 change shenanigans (sorry, too cliché). But nope, not in this book! Told from a dual POV, I’m superbly pleased with both MC’s characters; no insta-lust, their reactions/feelings were realistic & stayed true to the premise of the story.

It was refreshing to read Christina’s character as she strayed away from the typical clichéd heroine of a kidnap-romance story. For an 18-year old girl, I was quite amazed by her resilience during the entire kidnapping ordeal. I can obviously sense the overwhelming distress and distraught she’s going through, but she’s a feisty fighter & doesn’t take shit from Michael eventhough he’s more likely to react worse to that.

Also she can be quite quirky during distress times which makes up for some light-hearted humor.

"Please God, let me get out of this and I swear, I'll start going to church again. I'll lose the twenty pounds my mother keeps insisting on. Just don't let him hurt me. Please, please don't let him hurt me."

And well, for Michael’s character I had some love/hate going on with him. He’s that kind of anti-hero you wanna hate but you can’t help but love him later. I wanted to kick his balls for a good portion of the book but he slowly grew on me. Started off as a cold & rather violent bastard, he closed himself off from emotions but once the lines of morality started blurring, you start to see a different side of him.

"You shouldn't trust me. But trust me on this: I am coming back."

The best part is that I LOVE the villain in this book/series! Nothing makes a story more utterly compelling than having a truly devious, manipulative psychopath to keep you on the edge. Adrian Callaghan is simply brilliant in his evil ways. I mean seriously, he offers his captive a cup of tea and tells them very nicely & politely on his murderous ways. Gotta love a well-mannered baddie ;D


Only a minor issue (hence the lack of 0.5 stars) which I encountered with this book is that I couldn’t really grasp on what triggered Michael’s feelings for Christina during the entire ordeal. Was it her resilience or something she said/did that made him feel more...human? However, the chemistry and sexual tension between these two is undeniable as lust and confusion is thrown into the mix as the story progresses.

Overall, Cloak & Dagger is a well-paced gritty, intense read with a good dose of thrilling action! Please do note that it is a slow buildup romance story. Also, loved all the characters in the book (except Christina’s mum who I wanted to bitchslap!), had great witty banters and it ended on a bearable cliffie that has left me with heart-ache.

It’s my first book by Nenia Campbell & I truly enjoyed her writing style in this one, especially with a slight undertone of the Greek reference, Pandora’s Box ;) Looking forward to jump into the next book!
Profile Image for Didi.
865 reviews286 followers
October 8, 2013

I can't believe it took me so long to read this! I had seen it around and getting good reviews but I was under the impression that it really lacked in the romance category so I kept putting it off.


I'm shamed to say that it took this book being a freebie on Amazon for me to get it and read it.


I have taken the liberty of placing a 'dunce' cap on my head and sitting in the corner wallowing in shame. THAT'S HOW GOOD THIS WAS!

True, it's not a traditional romance, but damn, the story, writing, witty dialogue and action made up for it in spades! There was a romantic element there between Christina and Michael that wasn't romantic at all in the beginning. It was more animal attraction on Michael's part and reluctant attraction, although self-denied, on Christina's part.

It slowly changes however and so well that I found myself falling for the hope of romance between the two without even knowing it. It was a gradual, slow and progressive turn of heart that was both realistic and very refreshing.
Christina and Michael didn't fall in lust with each other. They didn't experience insta-love. But the realization that Michael cared for Christina shocked him as much as it did me. I loved that. It made it much more believable.

I often found myself thinking what an asshole he was being. How cruel and cold. But he is an assassin, a lethal weapon. So considering that, he was kind of easy on her, at least compared to the alternative.

The story was jam-packed with action and mayhem. It was almost non-stop and I loved it. It kept me on the edge of my seat and I became so heavily invested in Michael and Christina's story that I mourned the ending and jumped on my kindle to get Armed and Dangerous!

Did I say how much I loved this?! I've had a good book streak lately and that makes me so happy. But not as happy as soon reuniting with M and C!!! This was such a good book, such a good story, such a fantastic soft, brewing romance that steals your heart like a thief in the night. And the cliffhanger we're left on? broke my heart! but not for long.

Thank you Angie girl, for being the first one of my GR friends to bring this to my attention!!

Profile Image for ✝✝ Ⓓaisy ❣ ✝✝ .
493 reviews276 followers
November 2, 2013

MICHEAL OOO MICHEAL, this man is one gorgeous secret assassin, he made my legs go wobbly from time to time <3

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Christina Parker never expected to be kidnapped. Returning home like a normal teenager after school and BAM, she is gone. Christina is being as a hostage in order to obtain the information her father hacked from a secret agency.

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And Micheal is one who does that kidnapping as his mission.

What he never expected was to have his emotions flying all over..... And with the internal chaos going on with in his agency, everything becomes into a big mess!!

"I am not a goddamn science project that you can experiment on"

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"There are two things about me you should know. Don't fight me, unless you're prepared to kill me. And don't kiss me, unless you're prepared to fuck me"

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Well, if you need a fast action book, pick it one up! Micheal will def keep you going!
Profile Image for Terence.
1,137 reviews365 followers
July 5, 2017
An organization of mercenaries called the IMA had their mainframe hacked. One of their operatives Michael Boutilier follows his leads to a man named Rubens Parker. He plans to apprehend the man, but when he arrives at his house he only finds Parker's daughter, Christina, who he takes as a hostage.

I'm not sure what I expected when I picked up Cloak and Dagger, but I didn't expect what I read. There are so many things that irritated me about this book. The utter lack of sense from the majority of the characters was alarming. Christina for instance had quite possibly the worst parents of all time. I mean how can people be scared enough of an organization that they flee the country yet they don't consider taking their child or having her hidden away. Nope just leave a note on the fridge saying to get out of the house. The note should have read, "if you're reading this, your father and I have completely screwed you. Sorry hun. Love Mom. PS: don't forget to diet, no one likes a fat hostage."

If the parents were the only thing that bothered me in the story, then I could have read it without being annoyed. Unfortunately there is more. Christina has practically no sense of self preservation. The girl gets kidnapped and she can't stop giving her kidnapper attitude. What does a kidnapper have to do to instill fear? Michael hit her repeatedly, pistol whipped, and attempted to rape her. Only the rape attempt slowed Christina's mouth down at all. Where is the girls common sense? I don't know the answer because it certainly isn't on display in the book.

In all honesty I felt like Christina wasn't the only hostage in Cloak and Dagger. As a reader I felt like the story held me hostage in hopes of a coherent enjoyable story that didn't arrive. In it's place the story was long and meandering with lots of kidnappings, imprisonments, and out of nowhere emotions. The storytelling as a whole fell flat throughout the entire book.

1.5 out of 5 stars
Profile Image for Natalie Monroe.
612 reviews3,771 followers
December 21, 2014
EDIT 21/12/2014: Nenia is giving away an autographed copy of Cloak and Dagger! It's all shades of awesome as is she.


Original review:

3.75 stars
3 stars for the first half, 4.5 stars for the second

'I shook my head. "I said emotions make people weak, too. Fucking look at me now. Look at you. Look what love gave us. You're worth ten of me."'

YA/NA bad boys are a dime a dozen these days. They all have that panty-dropping smirk, fantastic abs and a dark and horrible past that justifies their douchebaggery.

A little something like this actually.

But then along comes the heroine and suddenly, the bad boy isn't bad anymore. All crap he pulled before becomes irrelevant. Whether he stalked her, wanted to kill her, murdered her parents...all is forgiven because of the power of Tru Luv.

But really, toss your rose-tinted glasses aside and scrub out his washboard abs for a minute and ask yourself this: can you do that? Love a guy who kidnapped you, bitch-slapped you on more than one occasion or even .

Yeah, well, welcome to the fucked-up relationship of Christina and Michael.

Christina is your average teenager with an bitchy overbearing mother and school problems. Until one day, Michael shows up at her house and holds her hostage because her dad fucked with his organization, the IMA. Her parents have a limited time to turn themselves in or Christina dies.

Despite the tension-driven premise though, the first half of the book didn't really capture my interest. The set-up is confusing and all too often, I found myself asking questions like: so what does the IMA actually do, or why the hell did Christina's dad screw with them in the first place, or if Michael is so badass, why is it taking him so long to do the deed even if he does fall in love with Christina eventually. Most of the time, I just hung onto the rails, went along for the ride and hoped it would get better as the book went on.

Good news: it does.

The second half was more focused on Christina and Micheal, which I thought, were the most interesting part of Cloak and Dagger. Their relationship (I balk at calling it a romance) is all shades of twisted. Michael is a huge dick to Christina in the beginning. Like seriously, this guy blows Edward Cullen out of the water. He hits her, sexually assaults her and scares the shit out of her so much that in the end, when he finally changes for the better, she still identifies his touch with a real-to-God psychopath, Adrian.

What I love about Christina is that she doesn't fall into Micheal's sinewy arms the moment he tells her he loves her. Sure, he changed for the better and did some seriously heroic shit later on, but she also remembers the unforgivable stuff he did. She acknowledges that and how sick she is for having feelings for him despite it.

Their relationship is a freaking tragedy, that's what is.

In between all this confusion and sexual tension, there's also a butt-load of action and running around with guns. And grenades.

Okay, there aren't really grenades, but there are gunshots. And curse-ridden confessions.

If you want to read an action-loaded, realistic love story with dark elements, Cloak and Dagger is your fix. Be warned though, there is no happily ever after.

Still want them to though.
Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,692 reviews1,383 followers
August 2, 2016
I had a real love/hate relationship with this book. It had a great premise and included what I usually look for, such as subterfuge, action, conspiracy, suspense, betrayal, and somehow the author even wove a love story in it too. The writing was amazing, it was fast-paced, and definitely kept me interested right until the end.

Now let me get into why this wasn't a 5 star read:

One answer. Christina.

Many people will probably excuse her behaviour because of her whole 'woe is me. I'm only 18yo and I've found myself in quite the predicament' routine, but I wasn't fooled. Being ONLY 18 isn't a freaking excuse. Age ain't nothin' but a number sweetheart. And if this were reality, not fiction, I would expect more of




Or even


Maybe the fact that I wanted Michael to punish her for her insolence makes me a terrible person. Maybe. Maybe the fact that whenever Michael did physically discipline her made me cheer makes me a horrible person. Maybe. I don't really think so ;)

Although it was later revealed that her mother didn't really deserve any niceties, Christina was rude to her own mom yo.

She mouthed off to her captor, Michael

She tried to attack Michael

She was rude and tried to fight Michael's boss, leader of all of the mercenaries

She played herself as a fool with Michael's rival, Adrian

How the frig is she still alive? Really??? And what stupid idea flew into her head to make her think that she, an 18yo nobody, could possibly hold her own against trained and lethal mercenaries???

Honestly, I wanted to kill her ass a LONG mothereffin time ago!!

I didn't like Christina. Not even a lil bit. There was only one part of the story that gave me even a glimmer of hope that I may like her in the future and that was when she refused to betray Michael for evil Adrian.

I know many of you reading this review are probably agog about how I feel regarding the heroine. Alas and alack! IDGAF!! I like my female MCs feisty, fierce, spunky, etc. But I also like them smart. I really tried to escape reality. I did. I tried to go with the flow of the story and accept it at face value, but reality seemed to have a firm hold on me.

Am I going to continue the series? Hell yeah!! Michael's freaking HOT and the action and suspense were freaking intense!!

Profile Image for Lindz..
1,024 reviews123 followers
May 23, 2013
OH, ladies, ladies, ladies...

The bad boy is the thing. All these new books loaded with the bad boy--but they are bad boys that can be fixed--

So cliche, give me a real baddie that is locked and loaded, dangerous as all get out, and there is no room for redemption--he just is.

Not since Mackayla Lane and Jericho Barrons have I been awed by a literary pairing!!

I gotta be honest I had no clue what I was getting into with this book. I know the author on Goodreads casually we comment on each others stuff. I realized she wrote books and downloaded the sample of this book about a month ago I would say. Well, I decided to go back and read. Then it came to the end of the sample and I knew that I was totally screwed! I had to keep going. BUY IT NOW! Came up on my kindle screen and I did. Then I was up until 4AM reading this story. It wasn't pretty, it wasn't hearts and flowers. It wasn't an endless parade of "How can we fix the bad guy." It was "How can I accept the bad guy and survive!"

God, Michael-- Michael Oh, Michael! It is sick, disturbing, and I probably need therapy for this but I LOVED Michael. I think I realized the exact moment that Christina became his exception. And yes, a bad guy can have an exception. Christina is his. She wasn't wilting, she wasn't too stupid to live. She was a fighter. A realistic fighter! I knew when I saw a book two that there was going to be an evolution with these characters. It was the driving force behind me reading book two! God, well written, fast paced, and epic in and of itself I highly recommend this series to all those lovers of the bad boy! Trust me! You won't be disappointed!
Profile Image for Amanda.
1,392 reviews325 followers
December 31, 2013
Wow! This is absolutely fan-freaking-tastic!

I had one hell of a wild ride and stayed up to 2am to finish it up. Cloak and Dagger is full of action-packed moments, a lovable anti-hero at his worst/best, a heroine that causes whole loads of mayhem and a villain that is so sick he makes Javier looks normal.

Christina Parker is like any normal high school senior minding her own Spanish studies and dealing with an over demanding mum. Her mum is one wicked woman, yet I find her hilarious most of the time. Her normal life turned upside down when both her parents goes missing and she got captured by a masked man.

My mother's religion was thinness; it was her false idol, her golden calf - and she was determined to convert me.

Michael Boutilier is an IMA agent assign to handle Parker's case. Their security had been hacked into by Parker and now he need to capture his daughter as hostage. Now you must be thinking, another Stockholm story again? Well, kind of. But it didn't make the book any less entertaining.

"You always threaten me. You don't respect me. You're violent, and cruel, and sadistic, and -"
"No - "
"Too bad. Game over. Insert new fucking quarter."

From the blurb, my first impression of Michael Boutilier is that he is an assassin with a heart of gold. How wrong that turn out to be. From his POV, he sounds like a normal lad who might be working for a government agency. Turns out he is like one of those Anne Stuart's gamma hero that we should loathe, but we ended up loving him anyway. He is a killer for hire and he acted like one. Non of those hallmark bullshit and chick flick moments. I abhor some of the things he did to Christina, but that's what make their time together felt realistic. That's normal procedure for a captor, anyway. The author didn't romanticize the situation and she gives us the raw and gritty bits of being captured.

His is full of sarcasm, which I later learn he use to hide his own emotion.

"God, for a moment I thought - "
"What? That I've started my own BDSM club and your invite got lost in the mail?"

Christina is suppose to be an easy job. Held her hostage to flush out the parents, but luck is not on Michael side and things just turn complicated for him. With a paranoid boss, a sadistic colleague who wants to take him out and a young hostage that looks at him as if he is a devil incarnated, Michael has his plate full of ugly worms. One wrong move, he will be dead. And so is Christina.

Where the hell had she gotten her education? A parochial school? Remembering the name of it - Sacred Heart, or something like that - I suspected that might not be too far from the truth. And here I thought Catholic schoolgirls were supposed to be kinky.

Considering the things that happens in the book, this sounds like something dark like 'The Dark Duet'? But is not. I find this quite a light-hearted read with both the hero and heroine full of sarcasm, is action-packed ala Hollywood style, whereby you know the protagonist is going to come out on top.

"I'm sorry! Are you in a lot of pain?"
No I'm just lying here because I feel like it.

Overall, I find this is one hilarious read with a lot of action and suspense that kept me at the edge of my seat bed. Michael had a lot of one liner that makes me laugh or roll my eyes. Although he is kind of a villain in itself, I find him totally likeable from the start. Okay, there might be seriously something wrong with me. But even if you hated him in the beginning, I'm sure by the end he is going to win you over.

Things sorta died down in the end and they no longer in imminent danger. We are treated to a bittersweet ending that seems fitting, although it did make me shed some sad tears. I can't wait to read the next book, of course. I'm so glad I have all 3 books with me right now. I can't wait to read more on Michael and Christina shenanigans to bring down the bad guys.

One of my favourite Michael's line.

"Stop that gasping. You're not in a porno, for fuck's sake."
Profile Image for Daiane.
179 reviews211 followers
June 27, 2015
It is actually a 3.5 but I gave 4 here because of how I couldn't take this book out of my head.

“If you care about him, and yourself, you'll let him go. Some people,” and here, he sighed, looking wistful, “Truly aren't meant to be together.”

It is really hard to rate this book. It got me out of my comfort zone treating really crazy issues in a way that even though I was disturbed sometimes, I couldn't stop reading it. Also, we have two main characters: a normal girl who lives in a normal family and is really ordinary except that her mother is a fashion fanatic (but she is not and she isn't too thin and all that crappy that woman must be slim and pretty and etc - bonus points here) and a crazy psycho hero who is something like a spy/mercenary who has some really serious problems...

However, by being inside of their heads I could understand them. When I was looking from another POV sometimes I was like "OMGSH, he is such a son of a bitch!" But then, after seeing it from his POV I was like "Omgsh, give me a break girl! Stop whining that much".

The hunter had become the hunted.

It also had some really interesting twists and the action never stopped. It wasn't predictable at all and I was always trying to scream to help the MCs. Plus it was a getaway from the common where bad guys are good in the end. Here there are no bad guys and good guys. Everybody has a little bit of both. They are who they are an no heroine can change them. I really liked how they ended up accepting themselves as they were and accepting each other. Or at least, almost.

Anyway, this book is not the usual "the world is made of flowers, we just need to get away from the thorns to find the roses" kind. I really recommend this but only if you are up to some crazy shit.
Profile Image for Fani *loves angst*.
1,744 reviews215 followers
April 5, 2017
Not in a mood for a detailed review right now, because I'm already busy reading #2:) A total bad-ass hero with few morals, a feisty, intelligent heroine who doesn't fall in love with her captor and swoon over his handsome looks but hates his guts, lots of action, plot twists, drama and suspense, make this a highly addictive entertaining read.

I loved how for once the kidnapped girl doesn't fall for her captor despite his looks, but sees him for what he is: a killer and a threat to her life. I loved how Michael didn't turn into a nice guy, bringing her flowers and falling to his knees to ask for her forgiveness by chapter five or seven, but continued being ruthless and rough for the better part of the book.

I didn't love how many mistakes he made near the end, that even someone who's seen a spy movie or two would have avoided (Really Michael? Continue staying in a house that's already been infiltrated is considered safe procedure? tsk, tsk, tsk). But that's a minor grievance mind you, cause I absolutely LOVED everything else in this story. Enough to ignore more than a few grammar & syntactic mistakes here and there:) Because all in all, the story and the characters were captivating and quite unique.

Warning: Readers who hate abusive heroes, should NOT pick it up. This guy is much closer to Anne Stuart's heroes (and actually worse than many) than to those semi-bad-asses/troubled youngsters frequenting many NA romances.
Profile Image for Paige  Bookdragon.
938 reviews631 followers
June 30, 2015
It's finally time to give this a beauty a review. (Actually,this review is overdue).

First of all, just to make things clear for those trolls out there, I didn't read this book just because Nenia Campbell is a friend. No one could make me do something I don't want to do. I read this book purely because it's fucking awesome.


I wouldn't give any spoilers because I'm not feeling bitchy today. My review would be about why you should read this book.

What I really liked about Cloak and Dagger are:

The characters.

One example of this is Michael Boutilier. When Nenia Campbell said that the character is "young assassin working for a mysterious organization of mercenaries" he fucking acts like a young assassin. He's badass. He's an asshole without remorse. He acts like Jason Statham and he's the epitome of a heartless killer and don't you just love it when the hero sticks to his character?

The pacing

Perfect. It's not dragging. It's fast paced but not rushed. You can savor the parts piece by piece because as I've said, it's well adjusted. Just think of it as a steak. In order for you to get the "well done", you have to set the heat/fire in properly.

The romance

One big amen for not giving us an insta-love!


Nothing, and I mean nothing sets me off more than a so-called declaration of love just because you saw the hero with his shirt off


or because the heroine gave you a dazzling smile.

I mean, fuck that. Am I supposed to believe that love is that easy? Love is a fucking Odyssey and Cloak and Dagger didn't disappoint me. The romance is perfect without being cheesy and unbelievable.

The ending

Just a friendly reminder that you probably should buy the whole set before reading the first book.The ending?It's a killer.

Nenia, looking forward to more books of yours.
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,669 reviews3,277 followers
September 16, 2013

4 Man from Uncle, Bond, Assassinating Stars * * * *

First, Thanks to Nenia for the Free Purchase

I came in to the book without much research. Had a little awareness from those in my circle hearing this and that but really came into this blind.

WOW, this was a real experience. The main characters were very strong from the introduction. Christine, 18, can never live up to her mother's wishes. They are impossible and cruel. The mother was a model and is still holding on to those days and vision of herself. The father is a computer programer.

Just a regular family, right? Wrong! Father hacks into a covert agency IMA and sets in motion this tale. We see parents act selfishly leaving Christine to fend for herself with Michael, a hitman sent by IMA.

We follow all of the action. Will her parents save her? Will Christine survive? Will Michael recognize his feeling for Christine?

One of the most impressive things of this book was the character Christine. Though she was only 18, it seemed she had a maturity level which helped her question and cope better than most of her age.

This story touches on very violent acts. You will not like all that takes place but if you want an action packed, covert agency tale with some self discovery thrown in... then this works.

It really begs to have Armed and Dangerous ready to read right after you finish. Lucky for me, it is :D
Profile Image for Vishous.
610 reviews579 followers
February 23, 2015
the reason why I devoured this book in one day was because I saw an update on my feed from a friend for book #3 which was:


Well, thank you sweetie for making me start reading this because I loved it!!!! Now I only need to come to book #3...

This was action packed and steamy packed the whole time! I can not wait to see them together again on a second book, which I have a feeling will love even more! Michael is simply *drool worthy* and I love a heroine that has a backbone!
Profile Image for Angie **loves angst**.
270 reviews15 followers
September 14, 2013
"Please God, let me get out of this and I swear, I'll start going to church again. I'll lose the twenty pounds my mother keeps insisting on. Just don't let him hurt me. Please, please don't let him hurt me."


Reading this felt like James Bond met Mission Impossible. There was action, romance and the one liners and jokes nailed it every time. When I started reading this book I wanted a break from the erotica and love stories that I've been reading recently and this was just perfect.

Michael Boutilier
"Welcome to my world. It's called Reality. Buy some property and settle down, 'cause you're going to be here for a long f*cking time."


Christina Parker
"My life had been full of tough choices, ever getting harder."


The Story
Michael and Christina...Oh boy! These two take the "its complicated" relationship status to a new level. I think most of this is largely due to Christina's actions. Being very young (she's only eighteen) there were lots of stuff that went right over her head, and things that she just didn't understand. At times I really wanted to shake her, or slap some sense into her. Even though Michael is an assassin there were still some redeeming qualities that endeared me to him. I loved seeing the change in Michael and I'm happy that even though he changed Christina did not forgive him or jump into his arms. If we go back to the beginning, he did some really cruel things to her while she was his hostage.

This brings me to mention the most loathsome parents I have ever read about, Christina's mom and dad. If there was an award for Worst Fictional Parents they would win it hands-down. These two don't give a shit about their daughter. Christina's mom is a washed up beauty queen who hates herself and in turns hates her daughter. I felt terrible when Christina's mom kept insulting her about her weight. Her dad seems to have no backbone and makes stupid decisions that hurts his family.

The "bad guy" Adrian Callaghan is truly a sick, twisted person. Actually I'm not sure he's human so I use that term lightly. "Callaghan is a psychopath. He doesn't feel pain or emotion." Yes, I certainly agree this is an accurate description of him.

I enjoyed both Michael and Christina's POVs it helped me gain a better connection with the characters. I felt as if the book could've lost a couple pages. I felt a little tired after reading it for a while. I will definitely be reading book two to see how things play out when Michael and Christina are reunited.
"He would hurt me, I knew it. If not physically, then emotionally."

One a side note:There were a few words missing and some grammatical errors. I'm not picky so they didn't bother me, but a bit more editing was needed.

Rating: 4 Action-Packed Stars
Profile Image for Ji.
252 reviews
August 25, 2013
I feel really confused, empty and just a whole lot of darkness.
This book is not the usual captive/captor book for sure.


Michael is a cold blooded assassin. He's strong, smart, and dangerous. He doesn't feel emotions that could lead him to weakness. He does his job efficiently. He doesn't truly believe in torture, but he does it anyway...as long as it gets the job done. His job was to kidnap 18 year old Christina, get information out of her and dispose her. This particular job is not easy for Michael. Christina gets on Michaels nerves. It opens a closed door of emotions hidden deep inside Michael. The ruthless and cold killing machines slowly becomes "Human."


Christina's life has been sheltered. She has a crazy mother who is a control freak. She's expected to behave a certain way. She's smart and her morals are definitely stronger than any other adult. Sometimes it's unbelievable she's only 18. Christina's character is strong. She doesn't break down easily. She does anything to save her family, but she eventually realises that her family doesn't really care for her. She learns more things about life being a captive. Her sheltered, perfect life will never be the same since she has been kidnapped by Michael.

This book is worth 4 stars because it's very different than the other captive/captor books out there. There wasn't any hot romance involved. I see glimpses of it between Michael and Christina in the future. I'm usually a sucker for romance, but this book has definitely caught me by surprise. I guess it's because a lot of things unexpected happened. This is realistic and action packed. Overall it was a good book, but there were definitely some things about the books that made my eyes roll!.

I really hated Christina's mother. She was a true hypocrite. She was a former model and designs clothes now. She doesn't allow Christina to attend proms and she constantly bitches about how girls act slutty. I mean come on! She was a model, doesn't she understand the modelling world??? I wanted to slap some sense into that lady. I hated her from the beginning, and hated her even MORE towards the end of the book.

Christina truly frustrated me as well. I get that she's terrified and on the brink of losing her life, but she sometimes acted really immature. Michael is a scary bastard, but honestly there are scarier characters a.k.a Adrian and her parents, than Michael.

I really hope I don't read about Christina's mother in the next book. LOL
And I'm a hopeless romantic, so I'm gonna cross my fingers and hope for some hot romance between Michael and Christina.
Profile Image for Lea.
147 reviews86 followers
May 15, 2015
Remember that time Cloak and Dagger was free on Amazon ? Well, guess what ? IT'S FREE AGAIN !
What this means: Stop whatever you're doing and go download the book.

Edit 05/03: Cloak and Dagger is free on Amazon today ! If you need reasons to read it, see my post below. I'm too lazy to write anything else.

To the general population of the US,

Nenia Campbell, her Highness, is hosting a giveaway for her wonderful book, Cloak and Dagger.

Sadly, this is only available to US residents.

Eight reasons (but there are more, I'm just lazy) why you should apply for the giveaway, or buy the book if you're not the winner:

1. It's Nenia Campbell
2. It's shiny and pretty. Just look at it:

3. It's a signed copy. THE FIST EVER, PEOPLE. One day this will be worth 20 times your annual salary. (Unless you're unemployed, in which case it will be worth a lot)

4. It's fucking awesome.

5. The characters are, you know, realistic (<-- crazy, right ?)

6. They're not complete idiots.

7. The writing's amazing.

8. You don't want to miss it.

Here's where you can apply for the giveaway:


Spread the word, people !

The giveaway ends on Feb 14. As you all know, a good book is way more useful than a boyfriend. See my point ?
Profile Image for [~Ami~]♥Sexy Dexy♥ .
501 reviews475 followers
October 28, 2013
5 stars

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

I was really surprised by this one. To sum up the beginning of the story, Michael is an assassin and he is ordered to tie up some loose ends which ends up him kidnapping our heroine, Christina.

Michael started out as captors normally do, distant, uncaring, violent, a jerk. But of course we started to see the real Michael and I love him!!!

I came back...For you

This got my 5 stars because the storyline kept my interest throughout with all the action, I was gasping a few times at the turn of events and aww I love Michael.

I'm not human enough to want something I can't have?

If you like the type of book with captor/captive storyline, with plenty of action and violence and a slow building romance, I would give this book a go. I will definitely be reading the next book.

Buddy Read with Daisy
Profile Image for Booknut 101.
849 reviews997 followers
May 3, 2013
What's that I can hear?

*listens hard*

Hmm...I think it just may be the sound of my heart breaking into microscopic pieces !

See, this book gives away just about everything in the title: Cloak AND Dagger.

So, first you get the cloak. Everything's all hidden, you've got a great storyline with twists and turns. But Nenia keeps the cloak on, keeping you safe and warm and making you think you totally know what's going to happen.

And then...and then...she brings out the dagger and plunges it into your heart.

This book was simply amazing because it achieved what most books in the 21st century don't - it captured what I like to call 'rawness'. It was believable. There were no illusions, no glossed-over details. It stayed true to what it was talking about. There were no purple ponies running around going, "It's alright, everything's fine - want a lollipop?!" Nenia brings a rough edge that makes this book hard to put down, and incredibly magnetic.

Like weapons?
Like guys with weapons?
Like danger?

If so, you have three options:
1.) See a psychologist
2.) Each chocolate
3.) Read Nenia's IMA series

I suggest 2.) and 3.) combined for the ultimate experience :)
Profile Image for Plamena.
166 reviews
October 20, 2013
3.5 stars

“Welcome to my world. It’s called Reality. Buy some property and settle down, ’cause you’re gonna be here for a long fucking time.”

Michael Boutilier is an assassin working for the IMA. He is strong, dangerous, heartless, and perfect in what he does. For him it all starts with a job- to kidnap the daughter of a hacker who breaks into their computer's mainframe. But nothing goes to plan and soon Michael realises that his hostage (Christina Parker) is becoming much more than simply a job.

This story is action-packed, fast-paced and most importantly ... so REAL. Michael is definitely not your typical hero. I admit I didn’t like him at the beginning. The way he treats Christina... I really hated him! But then... that’s why I liked this book- everything felt so real. He is a killer... He is dangerous...Heartless!

Until... one “naive girl” manages to melt his cold heart. I really like Christina! She is an amazing heroine... a SURVIVOR!

I will definitely read book 2 :)
Profile Image for Pilar ☽.
194 reviews171 followers
May 14, 2016
Sooo good! I forgot how much I enjoyed reading this type of books, thank you Nenia Campbell for reminding me.

Cloak and Dagger was such an amazing and action packed book!

The characters were so entertaining, I loved Christina, she was a feisty one. I really liked her will to survive and how she always put up a fight whenever she felt threatened. She didn't take shit from anyone, especially our dear hot assassin Michael. He's the typical cold bad boy who make us question our morality constantly. I must say that I felt a little bit uncomfortable towards the ending because of how things turned out between them, it happened too fast and that thing he said came out of nowhere. I wasn't expecting it so soon. Also, I would have liked to see more of Michael "dark side".... Yes, there was a lot of action in the book but there was only one part where we saw Michael "working" .

Anyway, beside those particular things I mostly enjoyed the story! The writing? Great. Plot? Great. Characters/dialogues? Great. I need to read book 2 asap! And also, Although I hated him, I feel a little bit curious about Mr. Callagham... I want to know more of him even though he's a crazy son of a bitch :)
Profile Image for Cyndi.
2,401 reviews107 followers
September 22, 2018
Wow! What a book! If you can put this down you’re a stronger person than I am. Whew!
Our heroine is a regular highschooler in an all-girls Catholic school. She argues with her mom about her weight, her dad is occupied with his computer job. She thinks life just kinda sucks. Until she finds out how bad it can get. Then life is terrifying!
A wonderful action story that folds out like an excellent movie! We have kidnapping, assassins, torture, just the whole lineup of action films.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 252 reviews

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