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Forbidden Men #1

Price of a Kiss

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*new adult romance*
**explicit scenes and language**

I don’t care what my cousin says; I am not the queen of impossible relationships. I mean, just because my last boyfriend tried to kill me and left a bit of a scar on my neck, then forced me to move across the country and legally change my name to Reese Randall to escape him, does not mean—

Oh, who am I kidding? For a freshman in college, I have to have the worst dating track record ever.

It’s no wonder love is the last thing on my mind when Mason Lowe enters my life. But the chemistry between us is like bam! Our connection defies logic. And he’s just so freaking hot. Being around him makes me feel more alive than I’ve ever felt before. I even like bickering with him. He could be my soul mate...except for one teeny tiny glitch.

He's a gigolo.

Boy, do I know how to pick them.

373 pages, ebook

First published August 14, 2013

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About the author

Linda Kage

49 books5,524 followers
Linda writes romance fiction from YA to adult, contemporary to fantasy.

Published since 2010, she first went through a 2-year writing correspondence class in children’s literature from The Institute of Children’s Literature, then graduated with a Bachelor's in Arts-English with an emphasis in creative fiction writing from Pittsburg State University.

She currently lives with her husband, two daughters, a cat named Holly, and nine cuckoo clocks in southeast Kansas.

She started out reading with the Baby-Sitters Club, then moved to Sandra Brown, Linda Howard, Julie Garwood, and LaVyrle Spencer in high school. Now, she's all over the place with her romance reading tastes.

A few of her favorite things have been:
Stranger Things, Supernatural, Cheers, Teen Wolf, Umbrella Academy, Outlander, Yellowstone, Grey's Anatomy, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Shawshank Redemption, Dirty Dancing, Harry Potter, Tangled, A Walk to Remember, Dr. Pepper, Roast Beef with mashed potatoes and onion rings, the poem "Equipment" by Edgar A. Guest, and To Kill a Mockingbird.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,380 reviews
Profile Image for Blacky *Romance Addict*.
486 reviews6,508 followers
March 25, 2015
“Every woman treats me that way, Reese. I’m not a person to them. I’m just…a good time or something vile to be avoided at all costs. And then you came along and you… you hugged me.”

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I think this gif describes this book perfectly:

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It's a swoon and squee book, for me at least :)
I've had a huge smile for the first 70% of the book, it was just that amazing :)
And since I read YA/NA exactly for the swoon/squee thing, this one was perfect for me :)

The story

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I'm gonna keep it short so I don't spoil much :)
This is the story about a guy who is ostracized from society because of rumors about him being a gigolo, and a girl who wants to be his friend no matter what he does.
A tortured hero and an awesome brave heroine, what more do you need :)

The romance

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Very slow build, but with some uber-beautiful scenes <3
I completely loved the romance part, it was perfect :)
It starts as insta-attraction for both of them, but they form a friendship and try to ignore their feelings, only it doesn't work as easily as that :D


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That first chapter did me in, I knew I was going to love him <3
He is confident, hot as hell, has a way with words, OMG all those flirty times *be still my heart*, but he also has a vulnerable side, and one that makes me want to hug him like crazy <3
I hated what he was forced to do, though I think it could've been prevented, but then, we wouldn't have this story now would we :D
Anyway, I really really loved him, even with his shady profession :D


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She has a psycho stalker ex-boyfriend dude who she's hiding from.
You can put two and two together on what will happen with that storyline :D
Anyway, she is a GREAT heroine.
Seriously, she didn't get on my nerves at all, she is so funny, and I loved it that she didn't care what people will think, she continued her friendship with Mason whatever the cost.
I just loved her for it :)

The writing

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This is my first book by this author, and let me tell you, my next read will also be from her!
The writing here is great, funny, and a type of humor that works for me, so yay :D
The romantic scenes were simply amazing, the dialogue fantastic!
So yes, I am very very happy to have discovered a new author to read :)

Why the 4 stars?

This is more of a 4,5 rating but I'm rounding down :S
Well, I really really loved, and I mean loved the first half/first 70%.
But then, the story got weird. For me. I couldn't believe some of the things they did and I don't know, I was raising my eyebrows a lot thinking; "are they serious???".
Maybe it was rushed so that's why I got that feeling, but I just wish some things were done differently or not at all :DDDD
But then, I have UBER weird tastes when it comes to YA/NA (or books in general), and in my experience, things that bother me are things people actually love in YA/NA, so I don't think you should mind what I say here, I just wanted to tell what bothered ME and that's it :)

The ending was still amazing and overall I loved this one, and I recommend this book to everyone <3

March 8, 2017
3 Conflicted Stars

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***********Oh there will be Major Spoilers and Ranting***********

Like I'm going to be telling major parts of this book so if you don't like spoilers don't read because I am going to spoil this whole book!

God help me. I have been having total shit luck lately when it comes to my contemporary romance reads. And this one is no different. I mean what do you rate a book you absolutely love for 80% then at the 81% you feel like it takes a big smelly shit right on your chest? Well I went with a 3 star after going back and forth between a 4 and 2 for hours. It took me hours to start this review because I felt so conflicted about this read. Here is me reading this book....

Wow this book is funny. I am lovin' Reese she is so goofy and quirky. Yummy Mason is so sexy. My heart hurts for Mason and for the things that have happened in his life, for how everyone treats him. God Reese's cousin Eva is a bitch! Awe Mason's sister is so adorable. God Mason and Reese are so cute. I am loving their relationship. Tons of playfulness and sexual tension. (Right before the 80% mark) OMG they are finally kissing! Awe they said I love you to each other and lots of other sweet things. More hot making out. (81%) Whammmm! What the fuck? No! Noooooo. What? no way. Don't do it!! OMFG he is going to do it! FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! Why? Why would you do this to me book? I trusted you and loved you? Why? Ruined! Fuck you book! Fuck you and your mom! I'm out... fuck off! Damn I can't be out because I have to see how this ends...... Eww gross cringe worthy stuff. OMG Reese don't put that in your mouth you know where that was like just a few hours ago..... in a old washed out whore. EWWW! Their first time love making is ruined cuzz all I can think about is that Mason's dick was in another woman just a few hours ago eewwwwwwww. Don't care anymore. Blah blah blah. One, two skip a few pages and the end.

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Yup that was me reading this book. I feel so betrayed by this book. It would have been a total five star read if Mason hadn't fucked another woman five seconds after telling Reese he gave up his body selling ways and how he felt about her. For all my safety gang friends out there that will want more details here they are. Mason's landlord blackmails Mason into sleeping with her to keep the roof over his disabled sister's head and turns him into a gigolo. Reese changed her name and moved across the country to her cousin Eva's home to get away from her ex boyfried who tried to kill her. Mason and Reese start out as friends with lots of sexual tension because they know they can't be with each other. They slowly fall madly in love. Mason gave up his gigolo ways. 80% into the book Mason and Reese are just declaring their love for each other. They are kissing and getting hot and heavy and Mason's landlord and pimp calls and tells him she can see him making out with Reese through his window and he needs to come over to her right now. Now Reese begs him not to go but he tells her he is going to tell landlord it's over. He goes over there. Tells Landlord it's over. Landlord tells him if he doesn't have sex with her right now she is going to tell Reese's crazy ex where she lives so he can come kill her. Reese begs Mason not to have sex with landlord. Mason walks right pass Reese and goes and has sex with landlord.

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Reese goes to Mason's house and waits for Mason, while he is having said blackmail sex with his landlord. She is sobbing the whole time. When Mason comes home and finds Reese there Reese tells him she still loves him and wants to clean him. She helps him undress to get into the shower where she sees a gross hickey on his chest from the old whore landlord. He sees it too and he pukes his guts out. Brushes his teeth and gets into the shower then they hold each other. Then a few hours later they "make love" for the first time. So I guess he didn't cheat because they hadn't been in a relationship but they kissed and said I love yous. So to me it was just ruined.

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Here is yet another book all my friends loved and I ended up not loving. I guess I will try the next book in this series just to see if it's any better. GOD let it be better!
Profile Image for Akanksha❤ Søren♰.
654 reviews2,659 followers
December 16, 2015
Re-reading is always fun!!
Its not everyday that I love the chick in a book as much as the guy! :P

I hope even your faces hurt as much as mine did after reading this because of all the grinning ;))


Aug 17- 2013
Profile Image for Christy.
4,234 reviews35.1k followers
August 25, 2015
5 Sweet Pea Stars!!!
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I absolutely love it when a book comes out of no where and takes you by surprise! Thats exactly what happened to me with this one. I was minding my own business, following my reading schedule, then I get a text from one of my best book friends. A drop everything and read this kind of text. I take those pretty seriously. So I started this book with zero expectations and I ended up LOVING it! The prologue drew me in and I couldn’t put it down. Yep... great feeling!

So we start with Reese. Reese just moved. She has a situation with a psycho ex that requires her to have a fresh start. She’s changed her name, moved and is trying to move on. She is in school, living close to her cousin. While waiting to go to class she sees him. Mason Lowe... a man who took her breath away. But she learns very quickly that Mason isn’t available. Not for her, not for anyone. At least not without a price.
‘Girl don’t even think about it. You couldn’t afford him even if you emptied all the money in your piggy bank.’

You read that right... Mason Lowe is a gigolo. Mason may have a messed up occupation, but he does all the wrong things for all the right reasons. He has a sick little sister, he makes sacrifices to support his family. Mason doesn’t like what he does. But he doesn’t see any other option.

Reese gets a job babysitting a special needs child. That child just happens to be Mason’s little sister, Sarah. Reese see’s first hand all that Mason goes through at home and the more she learns about him, the more she likes him. She knows she can’t have him... he is forbidden, but that won’t stop her from being a friend to Mason. Something he desperately needs.

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The more Reese thinks about it, the more she gets Mason. She knows why he does what he does, and they are able to talk candidly about it. She starts to understand him and feel for him like no one else does.
“Honestly, would you date a... person of my occupation?”
I gulped. Hells to the no. I would not. “Good point.”
“Yeah.” He let out a long lonely sigh. “Exactly.”
“Well, that’s just sad.” I finally decided. “You can’t date or have... recreational... fun, or even fall in love because you went to drastic measures to save your family?”
Yes I was feeling bad for a gigolo. Sue me.

For the first time in a long time, Mason has a friend. Someone he can talk to, be open with. Who understands him and sees him as a person. Not just an object used for sex.
‘You are the first person who sees me, Mason, not sex for sale.’

Mason and Reese have the best relationship. They have a fun and flirty friendship. There is so much sexual tension between the two of them. So much chemistry. Things get a little heated, but Mason won’t go there. He can’t. With his job, it wouldn’t be fair to anyone, especially Reese. He cares for her too much to hurt her in that way.
‘I respect you,’ he graded out the words. ‘I admire you, and adore, and respect you, Reese Randall. I will not do this.’

They can only deny their feelings and stay ‘just friends’ for so long... Reese is falling for Mason, and she’s falling hard.
I was in love with him.
Dear God. 
I was in love with a gigolo.
It was crazy, insane; I was fully aware of that. But this was Mason. My spider killer. My left over food vacuum. My fellow Harry Potter fan. He was my soul mate. It was easy to look past the gigolo detail when I was with him.

There are a lot of hard choices to make. Will Mason be able to find away to be with Reese and still keep his family a float? Will Reese’s past come back to haunt her? Will these two ever be able to truly just be together? Read for yourself and find out!
‘God, I don’t deserve you.’
‘And yet you have me anyway.’
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Not only will you fall in love with Mason, you will fall in love with Reese too! I loved both of these characters so much! The most likable characters I have read about in a long time. The both of them! Reese is one of the best heroines! She is witty, understanding, patient, kind and amazing! Then there is Mason. Mason who sacrifices himself for those he loves. Mason has the best heart. Seeing him with his sister Sarah had me melting! Talk about totally swoon worthy, sweet, sexy, intriguing, adorable, the best kind of leading man!

The start of a fun and flirty friendship, turns into full blown attraction, sexual tension, and dare I say love. They had the best back and forth banter, and when they were finally together... it was passionate, sensual and straight up hot!

I smiled, I laughed, I teared up, I swooned... hardcore. I just had the best case of the happy feels. The friendship, love, and laughter between Mason and Reese... I just want to read this one all over again. There is some drama as the book goes on, but it is never overkill.

Sweet, steamy, romantic, 5 bright and shining stars for this gem of a book! A great mix of friends to lovers and forbidden love... two of my favorite types of stories! I highly recommend!!!

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‘You’re the warm sun that shines when everything is dark. A smile and a hug in a room full of disapproval. You’re... you’re everything.’
Profile Image for • Lisa •.
561 reviews1,576 followers
August 24, 2013

"It was official. Mason Lowe was perfect. Well besides the whole gigolo part. But yeh, other than that, no one else could even compare."


Would it be crazy to say I think this author wrote this book just for me? Everything about this book screamed - 'perfect for Lisa'. I was looking for something light, sexy and funny and came across this book by chance, read the blurb and thought why not? From the first page I knew I would be hooked. 'Price of a kiss' had the potential to be a heavy, depressing read instead the author made it into a sexy, light, hilarious and touching story and I loved every page.

What's it all about?
Mason Lowe is a man with a heart of gold and a touching determination to look after his single mum and sister, but this dedication comes at a price - his body. From a young age Mason has lived a secret life servicing the rich women in his community in order to provide for his family and keep them financially stable. Mason has dreamed of finding a way of moving away from this lifestyle and finds a new motivation when he meets Reece Randall a girl who lands in his life and shakes his whole world. Reece is a feisty, geeky and outspoken college student who has had her fair share of the bad luck when it comes to relationships. Moving to a new city to avoid her psycho ex boyfriend should mean a fresh start with no dramatic relationships in sight, well that is until Mason and Reese forge a friendship that is just one step away from breaking all the rules. But with Mason's shady choice of earning cash and Reese's painful past the duo have more than a mountain to overcome to make their happily ever after perfect.



What did I love?
I'm a huge fan of drawn of love and slow-build relationships. The sexual tension was heart stopping and the chemistry made my heart race. 'Price of a kiss' is home to characters that are simply gorgeous, Mason was the perfect son, brother and tortured hero, he is as sweet and sexy as he is moody and protective. I loved the banter and dialogue between Mason and Reese, often times with the YA/NA genre authors tend to opt to create annoying female characters, but not here Reese was one of the most endearing characters I've read about her humor was laugh out loud funny and witty and she had enough back bone and like-ability to make me happy. The love was heart meltingly perfect, I was sold on this story right from the outset, the prologue set the mood for a sweet, funny, emotional story and it carried on to be all that i could have hoped for in a book of this genre.'Price of a kiss' pulled at my heart strings without being too demanding or heart wrenching and I loved it to pieces.


Final thoughts ...
For anyone who likes a well written NA book, 'Price of a kiss' must be an instant one click for you. With enough sweet and sexy to satisfy most romance readers you will not want to miss out. Reading this book I felt like a love struck idiot and i'd gladly label 'Price of a kiss' as a favourite of 2013. I'm off to one click more from this author. Don't take my word for it, go grab it readers, kisses.
Profile Image for ♥️DevLee♥️.
320 reviews359 followers
November 6, 2022

“I will find work wherever I am. But I won't find another you.”

What does it feel like to want a man you can't have?
To have a friend who loves you just like you do but yet can't be together?
To love a guy who you can't touch but everyone else can?


5 "Sweet Pea" stars!!!!

“If you love someone enough, you can make them invincible. Like your feelings for them are so strong they work as a magical shield, protecting them from all harm and pain.”

Reese, a girl running from her horrors in the past.
Mason, a boy living in a nightmare in the present.

Reese a sweet, innocent girl, running away from her abusive ex who has nearly tried to kill her. Her cousin, Eve is the only person she trusts. Boys are out of limits for her. Until.....she meets the most beautiful boy she's seen on her first day of job as a babysitter. Well, they have met before. Once across the hall when she caught him staring at her, the second time her two left feet caused him to bump right into her and now he's scowling at her, standing beside his sister, Sarah a girl with CPR.

Reese can't help but feel this strange magnetic pull she feels towards him.

Mason an innocent guy, whose life change when he was 18. He is a male prostitute, a fuck toy, a shame for the school. Everyday he wishes he could go back into time but he hold all his pain, self-disgust inside for his family. Most of all for his sister Sarah. Because this is the only way he could keep them alive.

He also know the landlady who stole his innocence and made him go through all this won't let him go. Things take an unexpected when he sees the most beautiful girl in the world across the ground.

Can they forever be friends when they know they can't have each other? How can they be together when everyone in the world looks down on them with disgust?

OH MY FREAKING LORD I LOVED THIS!!!!!!!!!! This is one of my favourite romances of all times. I just can't have enough of this. So beautiful, so perfect. The emotions displayed through this pages was incredible.

“You are so…”
He grinned. “Charming? Handsome? Intriguing?”
“I was going to say confusing.”
“Ahh.” He nodded in an astute manner. “We’ll slot that under intriguing.”

Mason, my favourite book boyfriend No: 2. So far I've come across guys, who would sacrifice their life for his love. But Mason is the only guy I've met who was willing to sacrifice his freedom, his future, his hopes, his dreams for his girl. The amount of sacrifice in him.......oh god I'm tearing up. He is just so amazing.

“I don’t know where to start.”
Mason’s gaze warmed . He wrapped strong warm fingers around my wrist and drew my palm forward, leading me where he wanted my hand to follow. When he set it on the center of his chest, right over his heart and pressed my flesh to his as if fingerprinting my soul to his. I blinked back gratified tears.
“Start here. No one’s ever touched me here before.”

His possessiveness and jealousy is not toxic. I really love that. He allows his partner to grow, socialize, spread her wings. He doesn't stalk and get mad at his girl every time a guy talks with her. Even when hears the girl he loves going on a date with another guy, he just became protective and let it go because he wants her to be happy.
“That sucks. He can ask you out and take you to dinner and try to steal a goodnight kiss. He can go as far into it as you’ll let him take you. And I can’t even compete.”

I love how he loves his sister. No matter how tired he is, or how bad he felt he always had time for his sister. He reads to her, make her laugh, play with her, make her feel loved and never ashamed of her condition. A perfect brother.

“His sense of responsibility toward his family was everything to him. Everything. He didn't care if his obligations made him do things that caused him to feel trapped or had him feeling dirty until he hated a part of himself. He wasn't going to stop taking care of Dawn and Sarah in the only way he knew how. He had sold his soul to ensure every bill his mother forgot to pay was taken care of, even the fricking babysitter's bill.”

What I really love about these Forbidden Men is their obsession with food. No diet plans or salads for them. If they see any kind of food they just grab it and eat it. Especially if it's their girl's leftovers. Can this man be more perfect?
I really hate the landlady. She was so disgusting and dirty. In my mind I put 5 bullets to her head, cut her throat, skinned her and threw her off a cliff. I hated her so much!

“Every woman treats me that way, Reese. I’m not a person to them. I’m just…a good time or something vile to be avoided at all costs. And then you came along and you…you hugged me. You are the first person who sees me, Mason, not sex for sale.”

Ah I LOVE Reese. She is my No: 1 favourite book heroine. Sweet, goofy, weird, understanding, loving, dorky and the list goes on. And what more? She is a HARRY POTTER FAN!!!!!
I love how thoughtful she is, her kindness, how she doesn't judge others, understanding, loving, sacrificing , everything a girl should be. And oh I love her jokes. This girl.........I just can't. She's so amazing. I really love how she handles situations like how she handled the disaster at Sarah's birthday party with the landlady, how she didn't care Mason was gigolo and stood up for him, how she washed him after that devastating encounter with the landlady.

PERFECT couple. Perfect chemistry. Perfect love. Perfect story. A story full of laughter, pain, regret, understanding, love and kindness.


-Male Prostitute/Sweet Girl
-Friends to Lovers

Note: No violence, no cheating, HEA guaranteed, ex dramas included

“You’re the warm sun that shines when everything else is dark,” he went on, lifting his hands to rest them on the wall on either side of my face. “A smile and a hug in a roomful of disapproval. You’re…” Wincing, he pressed his forehead against mine. “You’re everything."

Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
September 26, 2013

Casting for Mason:


Price of a Kiss  was a  cute, swoony, heartwarming standalone New Adult romance. It was lighthearted and romantic but still had emotional depth. The banter was awesome, the writing was great and the story was sweet. I really enjoyed it!

The prologue instantly hooked me. It it we see the hero, Mason, at eighteen years old, put in an impossible situation by his mother's landlady. With his sister sick and their single mother struggling to make ends meet, the rent was months overdue. Threatening them all with eviction, the landlady backs Mason into a corner and propositions him. If he agrees to sleep with her, the balance would be voided. So, despite her being over twice his age, the fact that this might be the only way to save his family from immediate eviction had Mason going along with her wishes.

Two years later, Reece is starting her life over in a new college after her last relationship ended in a horrible mess when her ex-boyfriend crossed the obsessed stalker line and tried to kill her. She changed her name, changed towns and started over. A new relationship was the last thing she was looking for but the minute she locked eyes on Mason, she fell head over heels in swoon with him.

From fifty yards, he'd taken my breath away. From ten feet, I'd been ready too have his babies.

Of course there was the one teensy tiny glitch... he was a gigolo. Totally and completely off-limits. But that did not stop her from swooning hard or wanting a friendship with him. She wasn't looking for anything more at that point and honestly, he couldn't give her any more even if she'd wanted it so between them they struck up an unlikely friendship brimming with fun, flirty sexual tension.

Every female instinct in me wanted to reach out and trace the wrinkles in his brow he was making as he frowned.
Must. Soothe. The hottie.

Oh and...
Brace yourself for this one, ladies: He had a tattoo. I know. I almost spontaneously combusted right then and there.


Ok honestly, this book just made me happy. Flat-out happy. So much of my book is highlighted. I laughed and snorted my way though a good chunk of the book in a way that made me glad I wasn't sitting in public at the time I was reading ;)

But I felt so bad for Mason! The poor guy was literally sacrificing everything for his family. He couldn't have real relationships, everyone either wanted to take something from him or shunned him, and you could just see the pain it was causing him. He gave it all up - friends, relationships, a social life, everything - just to keep a roof over his family's head.

But that was what made their friendship mean so much more. She was literally the first person to see him as HIM. Just Mason Lowe. She fell hard for him but knew and understood where he was coming from. She didn't ever judge him and I have to say, I loved her as a heroine for that.
"Every woman treats me that way, Reece. I'm not a person to them. I'm just… a good time or something vile to be avoided at all costs. And then you can along and you… you hugged me. You are the first person who sees me, Mason, not sex for sale."

In a certain way, they were kind of perfect for each other because she wasn't looking for a new relationship and he quite literally could not commit so their mutual understanding led them into a really wonderful friendship. But their attraction was palatable, their chemistry was combustible and their flirty banter was just pure gold.

I loved Reece. She was a strong heroine and totally in control of her life. Yes, she's been through a huge trauma but she was not about to let it dictate her life. It was really refreshing to just never be annoyed with the heroine.

And Mason... ohhhh Mason. Seriously, just the sweetest guy! With a hilariously insatiable appetite (and I'm talking real food here, get your mind out of the gutter!) and a gorgeously protective nature, he was easy to love.

The more time they spent together, the more apparent it was that their feelings for each other ran deeper than they each expected but it was heartbreaking to see how tainted Mason felt. They were crazy for each other but he just couldn't bring himself to be with her. Not while... well, you know.

I'm going to try and anticipate some questions you might have about this book given the hero's um... *cough* profession.

First, they do not sleep together while he's "taking clients". Second, they don't become a couple immediately but their friendship did begin to build early on and got developed quite a bit so that by the time they actually were ready to make it official, they fell into it very easily into their relationship given their already established connection.

This book had a little bit of everything - laughs, heart break, and a really sweet, impossible romance that I rooted for from the first few pages. It was my first book from this author and it certainly will not be my last. The writing was funny, witty and easy to read. I'll definitely be looking forward to more from Linda Kage.

At 370 pages, it's definitely a full-length novel but it flew by fast. I read it in a couple hours and was left with a warm, fuzzy, happy feeling. It's a standalone with a HEA and epilogue so you really get a complete story here.

If you're looking for something fun and swoony or something to read after a heavily emotional book, this would be a great choice!

4 - 4.5 stars.


For more of my reviews, book news and updates:
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Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15k followers
August 15, 2017
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★★★★! The Price Of A Kiss (stand-alone). A feel-good story about a misunderstood outsider and the friendship he forms with the new corky girl at campus, who has a dark past!

“God, he looked good. Up close, from a distance, it didn’t matter. The boy didn’t have a bad side.”

The Price Of A Kiss opens up with Reese Randall starting over, having moved cross-country to live with her cousin attending her first year of college. Mason Lowe with his uncanny good looks and splendid physique is the hot guy on campus, yet an outsider because rumor has it he’s a gigolo.

Spotting each across campus they have an instant attraction. When Reese answers an advertisement for part-time job she finds herself taking care of Mason’s younger sister who has CP. They develop a friendship of sorts, but things get complicated with his reputation and her secret and tragic past. The story follows them in their ups and downs and the budding, undeniable romance that ensues…

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Mason Lowe was the perfect “oh so sweet” hero; Misunderstood and an outcast. I was rooting for him from page one. Six words to describe Mason: Charismatic, lovable, misjudged, proud, noble, caring and lonely.

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I have mixed feelings about Reese Randall. I found her endearing yet annoying and predictable. Ultimately she worked in the story. Six words to describe Reese: Endearing, loyal, smart, corky, predictable and annoying.

Price of a Kiss is told mostly from Reese’s POV. As for ending… Compelling and “oh so sweet” hero! Entertaining plot! A feel-good read!

“He touched me with such reverence, his fingertips light and curious as they cruised up my spine while his mouth was bold and knowing, his tongue lavishing taut, puckered skin with deadly precision.”

Hero rating: 4.5 stars
Heroine rating: 3 stars
Sex scenes rating: 4 stars
Sex scenes frequency: 3.5 stars
Storyline concept rating: 4 stars
Storytelling skills rating: 4 stars
Story ending rating: 4.5 stars
Book editing rating (5 = no edits spotted): 4.5 stars
Overall rating: 4 stars

Would I recommend this book: Yes.
Would I re-read this book: Maybe later.
Would I read future books by this author: Yes.

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Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,598 followers
June 3, 2021
"A sugary sweet, melting hot and heart-warming love story”

This book is like "a big chocolate cake treat", inducing euphoria... I am high above the clouds now...

It put a big smile on my face and caressed my soul. I feel like a happy cat full of love...

I rarely adore a heroine because they don’t usually act like I would if I were them, so they usually get on my nerves. But here, she was adorable. I would die for a friend like her.

And this book was recommended to me by my dear friend Gökçe and I hesitated for a while knowing that the hero was a gigolo. I avoided the book for a while because I thought I would never love his story, but boy, I was so wrong. I absolutely adored him, too.

Don’t make my mistake and avoid reading it just because he is a gigolo. Read his story. It is sad. He doesn't want to do it. He was forced into it in some way. I believe you will love him, too.

Despite not being totally safe, I recommend this book wholeheartedly, hoping that it can also put a big smile on your face...

"A huge thank you to the writer” for this sugar-coated book, it was very sweet, indeed!

Now, let me talk about it a little - or it will most probably be longer than a little :)))


Reese, our heroine, is a lovable character, beautiful inside and out. Mason, the hero, despite what he does for money, is another beautiful soul. He is beautiful inside and out, as well.

Their relationship begins as insta-lust, a sudden and huge attraction, but because of his “situation”, they cannot be more than friends for a while, but they become the best kind of friends.

Reese is more than what Mason needs, she is someone who sees "the real Mason", not the man candy only. And Mason, although he attracted her attention by his gorgeous looks first, also manages to enter her heart.

Mason is not the typical cocky gigolo. He has a “plan” – a plan to protect his family so he sacrifices himself for their good until he finishes college but Reese turns out to be the “game changer”... and what a game changer she was! Her big heart, her funny and pure spirit showed Mason that “love” can overcome all.

Reese had a bad, no the worst kind of relationship before: A psycho boyfriend who beat her, hurt her and threatened her! And when she wanted to leave him, he tried to kill her. Now, she is kilometers away from her home-town and family with a different identity.

Having lost all her trust in men, this scared beautiful girl finds her “safe haven” in Mason and they are good for each other, healing each other’s souls.

Mason’s sister Sarah is also another sweet contribution to their story. I loved her existence in the novel as well.

Eva, Reese’s cousin was a bit of a puzzle for me at first, but she also ended up being OK.


The prologue is told by the third person but the whole book is told by Reese, the heroine. And she is funny... no, she is hilarious. I couldn’t get enough of her silly and funny comments. She is now one of my favorite heroines.

And Mason - despite everything - made me love him. He was a great surprise indeed, not the cocky gigolo I was expecting but such a darling person.

So, if you are a romantic soul, read their beautiful and heart-warming story.

It will make you laugh.
It will make you sigh and swoon.
It will make you hot... hot hot hot.
It will make your heart ache.
It will make you cry.
Then, it will put all the broken pieces together and make you feel light-hearted and happy :)

At least, it did stir all these emotions in me...


Safety info:

Well, if you need safety in your books, then this book may upset you as there is one "blackmail sex" Mason has while being in love with Reese. He doesn't cheat on her, he just does it to protect her as he was blackmailed and it was her safety he would risk otherwise. He pukes afterwards and needs to clean himself desperately. It is a sad scene and it leaves a bitter taste...


Now, if you like, read some quotes from it and see if you like to read the rest of it...

Okay, so maybe I was about to start drooling just the teeny tiniest bit when my cousin bumped her elbow into mine, distracting me from feasting on the hunk of man candy across the quad I might possibly have been—i.e., was totally—undressing with my gaze.
“Girl, don’t even think about it. You couldn’t afford him if you emptied all the money in your piggy bank.”
I blinked, cleared my throat, and murmured, “I’m sorry, what?”
“I said, uh-uh. No way. You can’t afford him.”
Wrinkling my nose, I kept staring because, well, really, how could I stop? He was hotness exemplified. That was my new name for him, actually: Hotness. “What? Is he, like, for sale or something?” I snickered at my own joke.
Eva patted my knee in a sympathetic gesture. “Yes. Actually, he is.”

But seriously. He was naked under that terrycloth. Hello. Fully clothed, Mason Lowe was one hell of a yumsicle. But shirtless, he was simply indescribable.

With his hair wet, his thick locks looked extra dark—almost black—and curled even more around his ears and neck. Water droplets dripped off the clumped strands and splashed down the side of his face and throat. More beads streaked across his chest, some having the good sense to cling possessively to his über-defined guns and pecs. Not that I blamed them. If I was a droplet of water and had the great fortune of landing on Mason Lowe, I’d cleave to his muscles too.


I rolled my eyes and let out a big sigh. When I realized he was still just standing there, watching me, I lifted an eyebrow. “So, are you going to sit down or not?”
His smile fell flat. “You don’t mind?”

Mind? Sitting beside the most gorgeous guy on the planet? He obviously needed to get to know me better. The surprise in his voice made my throat go dry, however. If he could look so stunned by a girl asking him to sit by her, then it must be a rare occurrence. Did his gigolo status really make him that much of an outcast?

He arched his eyebrows. “Dating? Personal life? Are you serious? The only girls who sniff around me are willing to pay or they’re looking for free services rendered, which only pisses me off.”
“And all you monogamous, relationship-conscious ladies stay as far away from me as possible for obvious reasons.”
I made a face. “That can’t be true. I’m sure plenty of—”
“Reese.” He stopped me mid-word by lifting his hand. “Honestly, would you date a…person of my occupation?”
I gulped. Hells to the no, I would not. “Good point.”
“Yeah.” He let out a long, lonely sigh. “Exactly.”
“Well, that’s just sad,” I finally decided. “You can’t date or have recreational…fun, or even fall in love just because you went to drastic measures to save your family?”
Yes, I was feeling bad for a gigolo. Sue me.


“Every woman treats me that way, Reese. I’m not a person to them. I’m just…a good time or something vile to be avoided at all costs. And then you came along and you…you hugged me. You are the first person who sees me, Mason, not sex for sale.”


“You said we were just friends.” My voice went hoarse as I studied his taut features. “I thought—”

“We are.” He glanced away and closed his eyes. “Damn it. We are, but the only reason we’re just friends is because there’s no way we could possibly ever be anything more.”


“All you have to do is stretch out your hand, Mason.” Pressing my palm against my chest, I whispered, “I’m right here.”

He shook his head. “I can’t. I’m tainted.”


“Shh,” he murmured against my mouth just before he kissed me long and tenderly. His lips had the power to kill brain cells; it didn’t even occur to me to resist after that.


He nodded and kissed me, but I didn’t taste passion. This kiss was desperate and seeking; he needed reassurance that I wasn’t going to leave him. Kissing him back, I put my heart into it, and it seemed to pacify him.

“Thank you,” he said. “I’ve always wondered what it felt like to make love.”


You can follow my Instagram page from here
Profile Image for Jen .
807 reviews610 followers
September 9, 2013
”Can I touch you?”
His lashes closed, resting on the tops of his tanned, sculpted cheeks as his smile grew broad. “You don’t have to ask.” I reached out immediately but paused within inches of contact. He must’ve sensed my hesitation because he reopened his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
I swallowed, utterly overwhelmed. “I don’t know where to start.”
Mason’s gaze warmed . He wrapped strong warm fingers around my wrist and drew my palm forward, leading me where he wanted my hand to follow. When he set it on the center of his chest, right over his heart and pressed my flesh to his as if fingerprinting my soul to his. I blinked back gratified tears.
“Start here. No one’s ever touched me here before.”

Sweet baby Jesus, I loved this book! Normally a story geared around a male gigolo and a sweet but tormented eighteen year old wouldn’t work for me. Surprise! This one worked for me in a big way. Mason’s uncomfortable leap into the world of professional sexing disturbed me and the hit it took to his soul every time he had to follow through with one of his “clients” made my cold heart break just a little. The fact that Reese, even after everything she’s been through at the hands of an abusive and psychotic ex-boyfriend, recognizes Mason’s worth as person and fights for it from the beginning gave this book an emotional depth I’m not quite used to in the NA genre.

I was standing in the doorway of a steamy bathroom, staring at an honest-to-god gigolo who was wet and naked and covered by nothing but a bath towel. This was going to be the Christmas letter I was going to write all my girlfriends.

In my opinion the big fist bump, rocks my socks aspect of this book is the dialogue. Every bit of its righteous! I’m SO INCREDIBLY TIRED of authors not using contractions in their writing and making situations way too formal and awkward based on the conversations the characters are having. These characters are Twentyish and their interactions need to reflect that. Linda Kage did an absolutely fantastic job of making all of her characters believable in every way. I never felt like I was reading a Masterpiece Theatre version of the story. Instead it all worked for me and was authentic and real.

For some reason this book managed to touch me in a way most New Adult novels don’t. Loved the characters, loved the story and I can’t recommend it enough.
Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,681 reviews1,035 followers
October 6, 2015
For more free books ➜ http://amzn.to/1FS9KEY

Price of a Kiss is a different kind of romance. When I read the prologue I thought, "What am I reading?!" I decided I better read the blurb to see what I had gotten myself into. The prologue made me squirm because cougar claws were out and digging into a young male.


Mason is a gigolo. Used for his body and not seen as a person. Urban Dictionary defines gigolo as a male prostitute equivalent to a high-class call girl; gigolos service wealthy women...

Reese is running from her past and trying to start over.

One little sweet girl, Sarah, brings Mason and Reese together. Sarah is Mason's sister and has cerebral palsy. She's in need of a part time baby-sitter and Reese accepts the job. Even though she had not known what she was getting into.

To be free from their past Mason & Reese's relationship will be put through many obstacles.

Profile Image for TheCrazyWorldOfABookLover.
362 reviews914 followers
September 22, 2017

DON'T HATE ME. I know almost everyone LOVES this book and this series.


Sweet Jesus this was like a Jerry Springer episode on crack. Between the gigolo hero, the special needs sister, the psycho ex boyfriend..it was all SO. OVER. THE. TOP. The Gahs and Grrs, and Squees in Reese’s thoughts. Her obsessive explanations of how hot Mason Lowe was (the first 30% of this was literally her talking about how her toes tingled every time he was near). The amount of clichés (you know them: the electric jolt whenever he touched her, claiming to be falling for him after 2 conversations, the bitchy best friend, etc.) And that whole crazy ex boyfriend plot line just seemed so random.

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I thought I could handle this and overlook most of it.

I tried.

What got me the most though was how Mason decides it would be such a GREAT IDEA to to go and sleep with his landlord. Who by the way magically knows alllllllll about Reese's past, her real name, every single time her ex boyfriend hit her and in the exact location, along with her social security number, shoe size, and the last time she wiped her ass. Ok ok, so maybe she didn't know those last three things but what the fuck? Does she work for the FBI? How did she even find out about any of it?

Sorry, I digress. Back to Mason. So he sleeps with her AFTER TELLING REESE HE LOVED HER? After telling her he stopped sleeping with all those women? AFTER REESE TELLS HIM SHE LOVES HIM? I don't care about his reasoning. Just no.

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And then this (after he boinks his neighbor):
He shied away, refusing to look at me.
"Don't, I'm not clean."
"Do you want to be clean?"
He glanced at me, his eyes crushed yet full of hope. "Yes"
"Then I'll clean you."

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Hmmm, how about you stop sticking your dick in old hags, Mason? While the girl who just told you she loves you is taking care of your sister. That may help with that "clean" dilemma of yours. After Reese turned Mason sleeping with the land lady into some heroic act, I couldn't take anymore. I can't even get into all the other things that bothered me and made absolutely no sense to me, or I'd be writing this review for hours.

I know this is a ranty review, but I actually had to put my kindle down to wipe the tears from my eyes from laughing at how ridiculous and farfetched this was.

To all my book friends who loved this:

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If nothing else, this gave me a good laugh but, wow. This book was CLEARLY not for me.

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August 26, 2016

**Absolutely amazing and totally made my week!! Mason will forever and always be my favorite forbidden man!!!! ♥

Leaning down, he hugged me and buried his face in my neck. "It feels like a dream, like I'm going to wake up any second and you'll be gone. I don't want to wake up from this."

So…..this was unexpected. Lately I’ve been…off. So, naturally, my reading schedule has been disturbed. Don’t worry, I’ll save you the repetitive details. But, just know, this is definitely a new trend for me. At least, as of late. I’ve grown to hate these cheesy, overly worked smutty books, mostly because somewhere around the time I found GR, I realized just how badly I was trapped in these types of worlds. I didn’t know what I liked or how to find it. Sure, as a kid/middle-schooler, etc. etc., I was drawn toward paranormal, fantasy, peril type books-I just didn’t know it. I didn’t know there was a label for these types of stories. I just knew, when my mom took me to the bookstore, that when faced with a normal romance and a book with…edge…I was most certainly going to pick up the one with edge.

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Shaking my head, I muttered, "You are so..."
He grinned. "Charming? Handsome? Intriguing?"
All three, not that I'd ever admit it to him. He appeared to have a big enough ego as it was. I scowled hard. "I was going to say confusing."
"Ahh." He nodded in an astute manner. "We'll slot that under intriguing."
"Actually, I think it really deserves its own classification."
"Fine. Whatever you like." Shrugging as if it made no difference to him, he sent me a look full of smug, glittering eyes.

But another thing I never realized was that there was a constant there-did you guess it?? Well, let me make it simple for you because I’m a complicated soul-Romance. I didn’t realize it, but as I read my books, the thing that made me all happy and tingly inside (naïve fool that I was) was the romantic aspect (shh, aside from the peril…self-discovery can be a beautiful thing). But, again, I didn’t realize that was the common thread. Fast forward to pre-GR and pre iPad/ereader-I realized I wanted romance, sex appeal, adult contemporary….but I was in a slump. All the books tended to be sexy and…not much else. Sure, it seemed there were nice build ups and even some cool action scenes and I even found two favorites out of the pile of crap, but something essential was missing, like a piece of my soul was absent.

I rolled my eyes and let out a big sigh. When I realized he was still just standing there, watching me, I lifted an eyebrow. "So, are you going to sit down or not?"
His smile fell flat. "You don't mind?"

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I was losing all hope that adult romance was anything different. I was like…this is what adults have always read? My mom was addicted to this? I couldn’t believe it. Fast-forward like…a year and a half? I don’t know-it was a painfully dry reading time. My friend makes me get GR and…all of a sudden I start getting emails, alerts, ‘your books are similar to’, and etc. Then I made friends one by one, found books one by one….and genres started expanding and…you get the picture-My world exploded in a rainbow of Technicolor. So, back to my original point: I grew to resent smutty books. I resented how cheesy they were. I resented how I had been stuck for years in a slump with those disasters. And, hell, I even grew to resent how popular they were among my friends.

He lifted a finger to hush me. "We're not talking about me. We're taking about you. And you are...you're..." He paused to shake his head.
"I'm...?" I prompted, not sure if I wanted to know where this was going, but my curiosity was too intrigued not to push for more.
"You're quirky...and yet conventional. Innocent but worldly. Reserved yet outgoing. Candid yet guarded. Trendy but also practical. And childlike while still managing to be mature. It's like....you're the perfect contradiction."

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So, I concocted a list. A list of…don’ts, if you will. I follow my list with rigid precision, rarely faltering in the fear that I’ll get stuck reading another eye-roll worthy bow-chicka-wowow romance. And, I admit, the list isn’t foolproof-I still find stinkers now and then. But it’s so rare that I’m beginning to become spoiled with such a high success rate. But then there come dark times in a person’s life, and it turns out that those can really drain you, exhaust you, make you want to throw in the towel and give up trying so hard because you just don’t have time to read as much anymore and it effects the fun of it all.

"Okay, okay." I lifted my hands to stop her rambling. "Just...keep calm and think of Chris and Liam."
"Okay," Eva repeated. "Okay." She panted a few times as if she was already When an expression of shock lit her face, she straightened and gaped at me. "Hey. That actually worked."
With a grin, I tossed my hair. "I know, right."
No hetero female on the planet could panic with a mental image of the Hemsworth brother combo running through her head.

Enter my forbidden little weakness. As it turns out….I do have a soft spot for tortured boys. Just so happens? They’re my favorite. The bad part about that?? Forbidden boys are oh-so-hard to find in the sci-fi and dystopian sections-at least, harder to find than in, say, the NA section. The section I studiously avoid. The section that, while alluring, is so fucking corny that it sets your teeth on edge…*starts in whiney voice and stomps foot* but I. Don’t. Care. I am tired, busy, and I just want my GD tortured male lead and I want to put in minimal work for it. So, here I am. On that side of the realm I hate. That side I swore I’d stay away from. That side that, until a week ago, I had forgotten existed until I searched my iPad and found Forbidden Men #2 from years ago sitting unread and looking oh-so-easy and ready for the taking. And take I did. And far did I fall….And never did reading something so cliché ever feel so good.

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So, yeah, I fucking went there.

Dumb, you say? Nah. Just not what I normally read.
Cliché, you say? Hmm…..maybe.
Cheesy, you say? Oh, undoubtedly, yes.
…You ask?


It caught my attention, didn’t it?

After he accepted praise from them, he turned to Sarah and bent down to hug her. "You're...my...hero...too," she told him in her halting voice.
He looked like he might start bawling. Cupping her cheek, he grinned at her and murmured, "For you. Always."

Rule #1 : Cheesiness. I hate it. I hate it hate it hate it hate it. Yet…sometimes, if the story is just good enough, alluring enough, I don’t care. Yeah, I mean, I do care. It’s just…sometimes the story just works for me, you know? Like, it takes all the stupid out of the inner thoughts that make me roll my eyes and just makes me…laugh. Makes me shrug and giggle and say, C’est la vie! And, hey, this book did it for me. Normally I’d be ashamed, but, why should I be? This boy, this story, no matter how stupid it was, because it was just plain moronic, really, did it for me. And you know what? I’m so happy. That’s all that matters.

Rule #2: The blurb and it’s sexual content ‘warning’. Gag. Really. These make me run away, but…eh. Whatever. My bitchdar is lowered…for now.

Rule #3: Genre. Tried and failed too many times, my friends. It begins to get tedious, you know?

And so many more rules, really, but I proved my point: Rule book? Meet window. And Mason? Come to Mama. Just a word about him, ‘kay?? Just a widdle quick word, teeny-tiny:

I lied. Suck it.

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And I even loved Reese. Though, hey, those inner monologues? Psst-she’s the culprit. I went from wanting to strangle her in chapter one to loving her to thinking ‘is this chick real?’ to ‘okay she’s cute’ to…whatever. I like the girl…even if her thoughts are out of this world odd…and a lot like mine. Whoops.

What I didn’t like:

-Idiotic, bitchy cousin: Go to hell, asshole
-Twirling her lady mustache-like villain: Yeah, this is soooooo realistic, bahahah not
-How the little sister was introduced: It wasn’t bad….but it certainly wasn’t good. It felt….wrong. But, then, I don’t know how it should have been handled.
-The back and forthness
-The writing: Damn the writing!
-Probably a ton more I’ll think of after posting but ugh-so fucking tired sooo….

Mrs. Garrison had actually kind of disappointed me. She'd let me go without a fight. Humph. Chicken. I'd been all keyed up to kick some cougar ass, too.
Oh, well, such was life. C'est la vie. Maybe I could beat up the next woman who tried to hurt my man.

All in all, this was exactly what I needed. Sexy and fun and light without being too light, I fell under this book’s spell…even though it was so unbelievable. Like…so soooo unbelievable. But…eh. The inner dialogue, the quirky humor, the way they became friends on campus and his vulnerability and willingness to do so was just…perfection. I’ll never forget those moments in this book. There was a lot wrong but, sometimes wrong is right, ya know? I fell in love, despite its many flaws, and that’s really all I could ask for. Mood=lifted. Just…sigh. Shut up, Pea.

For more of my reviews, please visit:
descriptive text here

Profile Image for Jess-i-ca .
796 reviews777 followers
August 23, 2013
4 stars.

Mason is a hot gigolo. A really HOT gigolo....He's a high class one too doing the ladies at the country club.

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Reese is starting the community college and notices him across the campus and is like

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then she finds out he's a gigolo

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and after their first meeting in class

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So then she goes to babysit for his sister Sarah and finds out he's being a gigolo to help his family

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But they try to remain friends and of course that never works ;)
Some of this happens

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and all is right in the world again...

"I was in love with a gigolo"

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Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,718 followers
August 21, 2013
4.5 Stars!!

Loved! This was my second book by this author and I am definitely a fan!!! This story was perfect.....it was sweet, it was funny, it was sexy, it was intriguing. I loved Reese and Mason. The writing was excellent....no cheesy dialogue.....great banter amongst the characters.....no virgin heroine.....and no insta-love. Yay!

Reese has moved to Florida to start college after her ex boyfriend's failed murder attempt. She's taken on a new identity, is looking for a fresh start and steering clear of guys and relationships. On her first day of class she spots Mason Lowe....only to be informed that he's a gigolo. Yep....that's what I said. A gigolo.

Look out Deuce!

Mason and Reese eventually become friends. Reese babysits his sister who has cerebral palsy. My heart broke for poor Mason and discovering the lengths he has gone to for his family and why and how he came to be a gigolo. Mason's clients consist of often married, rich older women--professors, neighbors, doctors included. As their friendship grows, Mason and Reese begin to have real feelings for each other. But they're both kind of stuck. Mason believes being a gigolo is the only way he can save his family and Reese knows they can never be more as long as Mason is a gigolo.

“You’re the warm sun that shines when everything else is dark,” he went on, lifting his hands to rest them on the wall on either side of my face. “A smile and a hug in a roomful of disapproval. You’re…” Wincing, he pressed his forehead against mine. “You’re everything.”

I loved the chemistry and the connection between Mason and Reese. It was HOT. I found myself begging Mason to just quit so that he and Reese could be together.

Reese is one of my favorite book heroines.....she had a great personality and she had me laughing out loud throughout the whole book.

Eventually, Reese's past catches up with her. Will Mason find a way to help his family outside of being a gigolo? Can Reese ever get passed Mason's past as a gigolo?

“If you love someone enough, you can make them invincible. Like your feelings for them are so strong they work as a magical shield, protecting them from all harm and pain.”

This story sucked me in from the very first chapter and never let go. It had great characters, the pacing of the story was perfect and it had a little bit of everything--sweet, funny, sad, smutty, drama. This was a standalone with a HEA.
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,352 followers
September 2, 2013
4 1/2 "I'd Pay for That" Stars


This book was really witty, butterfly inducing and just a good good read!

Reese Randall, the main character was aces in my book! She was real, sweet, funny and totally kick ass. She is in hiding from her pyscho ex and living under an alias while attending community college in Waterford with her cousin, Eva. From the first scene she is completely taken with the rumored gigolo of the town…Mason Lowe.


Mason was an extremely well written character as was his little sister, Sarah. Mason has been selling himself to pay the bills for his mother and disabled sister. Mason never had a best friend or girlfriend and any intimacy he has ever encountered was paid for by his clients.

“Every woman treats me that way, Reese. I’m not a person to them. I’m just…a good time or something vile to be avoided at all costs. And then you came along and you… you hugged me.”

What I loved most about this story was the friendship that was built off of Reese and Mason’s attraction towards one another. The progression of their relationship was perfectly paced and completely believable. I was completely giddy about this couple.

"You're quirky...and yet conventional. Innocent but worldly. Reserved yet outgoing. Candid yet guarded. Trendy but also practical. And childlike while still managing to be mature. It's like...you're the perfect contradiction."

Reese and Mason definitely have my heart!


Profile Image for Brandi.
656 reviews1,467 followers
June 4, 2015
☆4.5 Stars ☆


He could be my soul mate...expect for one tiny glitch. He is a gigolo. Boy, do I know how to pick them.

Reese is starting over, after an unfortunate turn of events, she ends up living with her cousin's family. On her first day of college she sees Mason, and is immediately interested, but there is a rumor about him.

‘Girl don’t even think about it. You couldn’t afford him even if you emptied all the money in your piggy bank.’

So he is off limits, but they become friends and the attraction continues to grow. The sexual tension between these too was awesome. What is a girl to do, Mason is pretty damn irresistible, but Reese doesn't want to share.


Mason has had to make some tough choices to help support his mother and sister. At 18 he is offered an ultimatum, and becomes a gigolo. Bless his heart, I just loved his character. Mason is sweet and caring, and I hated the way he was treated. Evil ass bitches. But Reese is different, she treats him like a person, instead of something with a price tag. He wants her, but doesn't feel like he deserves her.


I adored this book! I read most of this one with a huge grin on my face. Friends to lovers with forbidden love - A steamy, fun, sweet, romance with a little drama. I highly recommend!!!

"You’re the warm sun that shines when everything else is dark,"
Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,229 followers
August 31, 2013
4 Sweet-pea scented stars! ;)

Meet Reese and Mason’s story.
Reese is running away from her ex-boyfriend who tried to kill her and when she starts her new life in a college across the country, she meets hot and mysterious guy, Mason.
Well, long story short: Mason is a gigolo. (Yeah, she sure knows how to pick them!!)


But one night she gets a baby-sitting job and when she gets there she finds out is no one less than Mason’s little sister. And that’s when she finds out why he does what he does and starts to get another idea of him. After all, he’s doing it for his family, even if it means sacrifice himself.
So, they start as being friends.


But soon feelings start to grow and things will eventually start to change.


But his situation isn’t easy… or her past.
And how can they build something real… when she doesn’t think she can deal with is… hobby, and when he believes that he’ll never be worthy of her?


This was such and sweet and romantic book!
Believe, I was expecting something full of angst (and I’m kind of on a angsty-books vacation :P ) and drama… but although there was some angst and some drama it was a light and very enjoyable reading.
There were moments that made me want to smile and hug a pillow and the characters were pretty likeable.
Definitely, a book worth reading. :)
Profile Image for Sophie's Reading Corner .
878 reviews394 followers
January 5, 2016
5 Freaking Yummy Gigolo stars

Reese has ran away from her home in an effort to escape her crazy psycho ex boyfriend who tried to kill her. She's changed her name and has moved far away under living now at her aunt's house. The day she meets mr. Hotness aka Mason Lowe, she learns by her cousin, Eva , that he is a gigolo, or that is rumoured at least.

Reese also needs to find a job, so when she gets accepted to babysit she gets excited. Only the child she's supposed to babysit has CP and she has no clue about it. And not only that but Sarah's brother is Mason the gigolo.

It's hard not to fall for him, but what happens since he can't give up his job and his plan? Even if she had a chance for him to reciprocate , could she ignore his job and his clients, who no matter what keep trying to hold them apart?

I really really enjoyed this one!! It was funny, the dialogues made me chuckle and giggle, it was sweet and sexy and I'll definitely never see jam the same way again ;)

"You might not have charged me a fee, but kissing you is too big of a price for me."

Great writing, characters and plot. Totally recommended! :)

PS: A song that was on my mind when I was reading this book was this: Helena Paparizou - Gigolo
Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,048 followers
October 2, 2013
4 stars
"…kissing you is too big of a price for me."

Reese, had the worst luck when it came to me, her first and only love turned out to be some crazed-psycho-stalker-turned-attempted-murderer, him being the main reason she is across the country hiding out at her cousin’s place. Her luck proved to be true when the man who has finally caught her eye, who made her actually feel normal, happened to be the town gigolo to the cougars.
"Resist the hunky gigolo, Reese. Resist!"

Needing some extra cash, Reese gets a job as an evening sitter to a sweet little girl suffering from cerebral palsy, she also happens to be Mason’s little sister. It all becomes clear why he does what he does. The more time she spends in their home getting to know the little angel, has proven there is no limits to what you would do for someone you love
He had sold his soul to ensure every bill his mother forgot to pay was taken care of, even the fricking babysitter’s bill.

Reese see’s past the gigolo, and comes to his defense time and again when he seems to just accept the gossip, she can’t believe how cruel people are, especially her cousin. Being confronted with his just proves her point that there is no future in store for them, even if she’s slowly falling for Mason. The one man who understood her, accepted her for all her quirks and ways.
Dear God. I was in love with a gigolo. It was crazy insane; I was fully aware of that. But this was Mason. My spider killer. My leftover food vacuum. My fellow Harry Potter fan. He was my soul mate. It was easy to look past the gigolo detail when I was with him.

But how could it all possible work ??? She can’t expect him to stop what he is for her, there is no way he would ever stop knowing that the bills would just pile up.
I needed a freaking miracle . Or maybe a crowbar to beat some sense into him. Or maybe I needed to beat some sense into myself, because hell, I couldn’t tell which one of us was being the stupidest right now.

Price of a Kiss was such a sweet steamy read, I loved the parts with Reese and Mason, Reese and Sarah, Sarah and Mason, it was all so heartwarming. This had me feeling all out of whack, one moment, I’m laughing and the next I’m pissed as hell, I was so mad at their shituation. Mad at his mom, even though I know she did try, I wanted to kick the land lady’s ass for just being the ultimate cougar bitch and I especially wanted to scream at all the ignorant people they had to deal with. There was a part in the book, that I really could have done without, it broke my heart and I honestly didn’t know how to feel afterwards, like was it supposed to be okay ?!? who knows, but regardless I really enjoyed this one.
Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.2k followers
March 22, 2020

(BR with my Babes Denisse and Shannon!!)

Jen...my dear friend, why oh why didn't I read this all those months ago when you told me to?!!!!


This book had me hooked from the very first page!!!
I'm on such a book high right now and I've met a new book boyfriend that is TOP TEN WORTHY!!!

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Reese Randall sets her eyes on the most beautiful man she's ever seen, on her first day at Waterford County Community College.
"Hotness" aka Mason Lowe, is utterly drool inducing perfection.
She quickly hears that he's rumored to be the town gigolo.
Just her luck!
Reese doesn't have the best track record with guys.
Her ex, Jeremy, was physically abusive and extremely psychotic.

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Mason Lowe, carries the weight of taking care of his little sister, Sarah, who has cerebral palsy, and helping his mom pay the rent and bills.
The rumors are true.
He is a gigolo and many of the towns wealthy cougars are his clients.
This is not the life he had planned for himself and if it weren't for his evil Landlady, Mrs Garrison, he probably never would have ended up in that profession.

The chemistry between Mason and Reese is pretty instant and WAY HOT!!
Circumstances keep bringing these two together and their relationship progresses slowly but this did not in any way make the story less fabulous!!
I loved their encounters at school and at lunch time.

Reese aka "Sweet Pea" was such a lovable heroine.
With everything that she has gone through it is a miracle that she is not a basket case.
She's vibrant, witty, sweet, and just about the most hilarious chick!!
I loved all her inner monologues, her funny banter with Mason, and her affections towards his sister, Sarah.

What isn't there to love about Mason?
This guy is "HOTNESS" but he's a tortured soul.
He's never had sex with someone he loves.
Mason doesn't do "freebies".
He doesn't know what it is like to make love to a woman.

My heart broke for him.
The way he thought he wasn't worthy of Reese and was so desperate for her to give their relationship a chance was just tearing me up inside.

It takes QUITE A WHILE to get to the sexy time but HOLY HELL, when it finally happens, I swear that it is PANTY SOAKING GOOD!
I LITERALLY read one of the scenes a couple of times!!!

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I am a new fan of strawberry jam and kitchen table sex!!

I could go on forever about how AMAZING I think this book is.
This is a book not to be missed!
It's funny, sexy, and has a bit of suspense thrown in.
It will leave you with a big smile on your face at the end.

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Denisse and Shannon, you ladies are so AWESOME!
I loved every second of this buddy read.
You made it all the more of a perfect reading experience for me.
Love my fellow Lady Pervs!!!

From fifty yards, he'd taken my breath away. From ten feet, I'd been ready to have his babies. With a bare foot of nothing separating us in that cramped aisle between desks, there I was, on my knees in front of him.

But as he shifted, the terrycloth stretched down in the back, and I swear I saw a peek of crack.
Oh, how I could become addicted to crack, especially when those two taut, tanned globes hugging the blessed crevice molded so perfectly to the back of his towel. They were like twin mounds of ecstasy.

I wanted to keep bawling my eyes out, curl into a fetal ball, and call my mommy while drinking hot cocoa and stroking my childhood blankie.

Sweet baby Jesus. Talk about turning my panties to mush.

"I think I fell for you the moment I heard you laugh across the campus courtyard. When I looked over and saw you, I knew. You were something different. Something incredible. I knew from that first glance that nothing was ever going to be the same again. You were...a complete game changer."

"I love being with you, Reese." He looked down at my mostly naked body and let out a breath. "I love doing this with you. I love...I love you, period."

"Don't break up with me already. It's only been one day. That's not enough time, not nearly enough. Please don't give up on us yet."
Profile Image for Chelcie Dacon.
307 reviews10 followers
September 4, 2013
6 "smexy, hot damn, ill pay you whatever you want" stars

God look at the cover. Hot,cover for an amazing hot book.

When I got this ARC I couldn't wait to start it. I actually think I was sneaky and started reading at work
stiles teen wolf photo: Kung fu kung-fu.gif

I loved loved loved this book. It was funny, sweet, sexy, amazing heroine and hero. I crushed on Reese like crazy. Her inner dialogue was just fabulous. I laughed so much during this book. I think there was a grin plastered on my face the entire book. She was exactly the heroine I love. strong, sexy, funny. I want to be her friend.

Mason, oh how swoonworthy you are. You are at the top of my book boyfriend list. You are just gorgeous and sweet and sexy and ruined. I want to make u better. I wanted to yell at you towards the end. what you did just pissed me the fuck off. But I love you still.

Mason will make you feel so hot and bothered
stiles teen wolf photo: Stiles arroused tumblr_m7ds24p8Rq1qmge0i.gif

author provides an ARC for an honest review.

Wow another phenomenal book. Everyone put this on your TBR list. Review to come when release. There is no way I will ruin this story for any of you.

stiles teen wolf photo: Stiles - Teen Wolf tumblr_lzocomqHYN1qjkui5o2_500_zps6db28810.gif

I got an ARC. I got an ARC. what what. holla
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I WANT THIS BOOK!!!! I just read the tease chapter and Im hooked

impatient photo: Impatient cat.gif
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,950 reviews1,523 followers
January 7, 2015

I read this while I was on vacation and I’m JUST now getting to write my kind – of review. I remember A LOT of people recommended this book and gave it glowing reviews.

All the reviews were justified. It’s an excellent book and has everything you could want in read.

Great characters Check

Great plot Check

Great writing flow Check

Steam Check


Price of a Kiss was a cute and easy read. I liked how the summary doesn’t really explain anything, except for the fact the Hero is a gigolo. I don’t know what it is with me, but I love reading books when the Hero whore’s himself for money, it just makes a great read in my opinion.

Reese is adorable. She takes care of special needs children on the side while she goes to college. How cute is that right? I love the relationship she has with the child and it will make your heart melt.

Mason doesn’t want a relationship and doesn’t have time for that. For the time being Reese and Mason just exists in each other’s lives.

The banter and steam is off the hook. It’s just an overall happy go-lucky kind of read. You will not regret it.

Price of a Kiss (Forbidden Men, #1) by Linda Kage AMAZON
Profile Image for ✝✝ Ⓓaisy ❣ ✝✝ .
493 reviews276 followers
May 19, 2014
I am officially in love with Mason Lowe!!!!

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Forbidden boys are such a kick, am so there with you girls! And Mason Lowe was simply scrumptious. Why did I take so long to read this book is a good question!!!

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Reese is such a darling heroine, loved every bit of her moments but damn that cousin of hers needs to learn some manners and not behave like brat all the time! She was really handful, I def wanna smack her!

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My Reese:

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This was beautiful real life story, it felt so real reading their forbidden love story. Damn to rich cougar ladies who spoilt teen boys !!!!!!

If you haven't meet Mason, please meet him!

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And their UST will make you explode!!!

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Gonna cool myself off!

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Happy reading

D xo
Profile Image for Maya .
97 reviews80 followers
August 29, 2014
¸.· ´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸¸.·1,5 Stars


What I liked:

►First of all: I finished!!! (And lost some brain cells on the way )

► There were some funny parts^^

►Mason's sister was relly cute.

What I didn't like:

►shallow, shallow, shallow characters...


-Reese and Mason's relationship = mostly insta-lust
-Reese and her cousine's relationship = yeah right, they are very close *eye-rolling*
-Mason's mom = she.... just no -.-

►The MC was totally annoying.


and the whole book is from her POV

Yes, she deserves 2 gifs

►The whole thing with her Ex


Was that even necessary? I can't see what he had to do with the whole story. It would have been much better without him and his history with reese

►Everything that happend after 80%
I mean really? Are you kidding me???? This was all so unbelievable...


►One last thing:

If somebody is going to say "gigolo" again....

All in all I didn't like this book but still there are a lot of good reviews so it seems like this is one of those books everyone loves but me :/

Profile Image for NiCoLeTa E. {Addicted To Books}.
1,464 reviews85 followers
August 28, 2016
***5 "Hotness VS Sweet Pea" stars from me***

I was very hesitate to start this book, but at the end it took me by surprise and i enjoyed it way too much!!!

So now, i can say that i'm extremely happy that i dive into this series and i'm just wondering what the next books will bring to me...
More forbidden men??? Hell, yeah!!! But can i handle them???

You're probably wondering why this is my biggest fear...

Well, this story was very delightfull, but at the same time was so heartbreaking!!!
I laugh, i smile, i had a great time, but at some point some tears blurred my vision and my heart ached so much about the heroes...

Except that, i was torn badly between the right and wrong!!! My morality was in stake...
But i will explain you in a while what i mean by that...

Reese forced to move away from her hometown, her family, her intendity, her own life and that's because her ex violent boyfriend was obsessed with her and he tried to kill her...
So now, she is hiding far away from him, she was forced to throw away her dreams, she changed her name and she attended a community college...
The only good thing is that she had her cousin by her side to make her life seems less miserable...

One day, she spots a hottie, handsome man and she gets infatuated by him, but her cousin warns her about him...
There are rumors around campus that he is a gigolo...
That takes her by surprise but she decides to ignore that awful gossips...
Once or twice she comes closer to Mason and everytime she is more awe with him, but he always gets andry and mad around her... But why???

Few days later, she is attending her new job as a night babysitter for a thirteen years old girl and there are waiting for her two surprises...
Firstly, Sarah is having a cerebral palsy and she is in a wheel chair (That fact terrifies her!).
And secondly, Sarah is Mason's baby sister and he is overprotected of her...
But from the first moment that she is staying alone with Sarah a unique bond forced between them...

And that is the key to come closer to Mason!

As the time passes and with baby steps, Mason and Reese become some kind of friends...
They started to know each other and that makes Reese to fell every day a little bit more in love with him...
They are very open with themselves... Mason admit to her that he is attending this particular job and he explain to her the reasons why he did what he did...
And Reese even though she knows that she can not ever be with him, she can help to inform strong feelings about him!!!
Even though that she gets warns all the time from her cousin and Mason himself...
Mason is too expensive for her pocket and he is not from these men that they will give freebies...
So she will decide to take whatever he wants to offer her... and this is his friendship...

And now, it's Mason's turn!!!
What can i say about Mason??? From the prologue already, he climb upon my heart!!!
I really loved that guy and he really made me to question myself many times!!!
Mason unwillingly got himself in a shitty situation that he couldn't escaped from it!!!
I felt so much pitty for him and his story!!! My soul was crying about his sake!!!
He was such a wonderfull guy!!! Yep, in the beginning he was distant, but as i started to know him, i fell in love with him too...
He was so devoted to his little family that sometimes that fact was pissing me off... Because he was sacrificing his own soul for the others...
He adore his little sister and he could do anything for her well-fare...
His messy situation broke my heart over and over again...
Reese was the only person that saw beyond his outside beauty and that touched something inside of him...
He developed strong feelings about her, but he couldn't drug her to a certain heartbroken situation. He couldn't ruin her in that way!!!
So he kept his distance... For good, for worse???? I can not tell you!!!

I liked Reese so much...
She went through so many shit with his ex, but she was still full of life...
Yeah, she was scared like a bitch for him to finding her for once again, but she wasn't giving up...
She was weird and very funny... She was so strong and non judgemental...
She was accepting the others the way they were...
Damn, she accepted Mason's job, even though she was hurting like hell inside of her...
She was focusing only to his outside beauty, but to his inner beauty as well...
She was by his side all the way...

And now, i reach the point that i will talk to you about my morality question...
Mason was a gigolo... He was slept with lots of women who paid him very well for that... How the hell could i adore this person???
And yes, i adored him... and not only me, but Reese also...
But i'm not in her shoes!!! That's why i admired her... She was so strong and brave...
I was reading the book and i was torn... I was so jealous of all the other women but at the same time i wanted like crazy for those two to be together...
I felt repulsive the one moment and the other i was overwelming!!! Oh, shit??? What was wrong with me???
And there near to the end with the landlady???

My heart broke in small pieces and that hurt like a bitch!!! For both Mason and Reese...
And that's why i loved Mason very much. Because he hated himself for what he was doing but he could do anything for those who loved and i loved him just for that!!!

A few more things i would like to say before i close...
1. I really liked Linda Kage's writing and i thought that the theme was non common (at least for me!) and i found it very interesting...
2. Eva annoyed the hell out of me... She was such a bitch toward Mason, but i don't have bad feelings for her and i really can not wait to found out more about her story...
3. I don't want to be judgemental, but Dawn was really so ignorant???
4. I loved Sarah. She was such a nice kid... I understand why all loved her so much...
5. I want to tell Mason that even he thought that he didn't deserve to have Reese, my opinion is that he totally deserve her!!! Don't doubt yourself, man!!!

And now, i have to leave you... I have many more forbidden men to read about...
Profile Image for Melissa.
384 reviews642 followers
September 8, 2016

♥{Ever So Mela}♥{Bloglovin}♥{Google+}♥





*sounds of crickets chirping*

As you can tell I abosultely adored this! The chemistry was off the charts and had me with the goofiest grin ever. I loved the slow burn and Dear Lord the anticipation to the big da-da-da-dum moment was worth Every.Single.Tease.Frickin.Fest.

The angst was on point. Not too much but just enough. Mason was perfection and got me hot as hell. Reese was truly likable. And did I mention the chemistry?! In case you missed it the first time. Chemistry was off the charts!

Was it perfect?

Hell no! Completely ridiculous at times.

Did I care?

Profile Image for Sarah.
348 reviews131 followers
August 25, 2013
4 star, really enjoyable read.


I loved the heroine of the book, she was witty and sassy and made me laugh out loud quite a few times. I just loved the fact that even though she had been through a great deal, she wasn't miserable or depressive.

Engaging and captivating storyline and generally likeable characters, although I wanted to slap the heroines cousin a few times. Not really angsty which I also liked, not a great deal of steam but then this is NA/YA. A book to draw you in, keep you engaged, make you laugh, give you some drama and leave you with a smile on your face.

Would definitely recommend.
Profile Image for Patrycja.
639 reviews4,057 followers
November 16, 2014

My excitement about this book is still present despite the fact I finished reading it hours ago, books like this remind me exactly what I adore in New Adult novels and why I started reading them in the first place. The Price of Kiss is definitely one of the best NA books I’ve read this summer. Sexy, funny and extremely romantic story, Price of Kiss knocked my socks off and blew my mind. Linda Kage created cute and heartbreaking novel full of hilarious and passionate moments that made me laugh and tingle in anticipation. Pure perfection!

The story follow Resse Randall who flew across the country to hide from her psycho ex-boyfriend. She starts attending community college, where she meets Mason Lowe, and instantly feels attraction toward him, but mind you, it’s not book with insta love. Mason is not a boy for her, especially because he’s a gigolo. As sophisticated prostitute he’s treated poorly. Every woman sees him as a whore and nothing more. Reese knows he’s off limits but something in him pulls her toward him.

Mason is phenomenal hero, I couldn’t help but fall in love with him along with Reese. He’s a keeper, that have hard time in his life. He’s tangled in web of responsabilities that are thigting around him. My heart ached every time he spoke about being a prostitute for cougars. Reese is the only one who sees him as human and not something for sale. That’s why Mason and Reese quickly develop amazing friendship, that is the sweetest and the funniest relationship I’ve ever read about.

This book is awesome! I don’t know how differently describe it. It’s just hooked me and never let me go. When I finished last page I had chesire cat grin on my face and at the same time I wanted to cry it ended so soon. I wanted more! As much as I loved the ending I hoped there would be more.
Overall, Price of a Kiss is so good it could be stunning Hollywood movie. This is a perfect story for romance junkies, it will give you the best thrill possible! Now I know I have to read every book by Linda Kage and I’m quickly going to do so. I can’t believe someone so talented didn’t catch my attention sooner!

Profile Image for Daiane.
179 reviews211 followers
April 23, 2018
Dear God.
I was in love with a gigolo.

This book was such a surprised that I can't even say it is not good. It's awesome!

Reese is on the run from her crazy ex-boyfriend and she goes directly to where Mason lives. The thing is, he is a gigolo.

As we all know, to choose this path is not easy. It wasn't easy for him either.

If I looked for flaws in everyone I encountered, I’d find them one hundred percent of the time, and I’d always be disappointed.

I have to tell you this. It wasn't perfect. I even started the book not liking Reese!

"I suppose I could give him the benefit of the doubt. All hotties deserved a second chance, right?"

And even though there were some really ridiculous parts, it gets so cute that I just don't care anymore.

“Well. I have this theory. If you love someone enough, you can make them invincible. Like your feelings for them are so strong they work as a magical shield, protecting them from all harm and pain.”
“Like the protective spell Harry’s mom used to save his life from Voldemort? Her love protected him.”
“Yeah. Kind of exactly like that.”
“I like that theory. I wish it were really true.”

Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,380 reviews

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