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Come Away with Me

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An unexpected journey leads one woman to discover that life after loss is possible, if only you can find the courage to let go... One minute, Tegan Lawson has everything she could hope for: an adoring husband, Gabe, and a baby on the way. The next, a patch of black ice causes a devastating accident that will change her life in ways she never could have imagined. Tegan is consumed by grief-not to mention her anger toward Gabe, who was driving on the night of the crash. But just when she thinks she's hit rock bottom, Gabe reminds her of their Jar of Spontaneity, a collection of their dream destinations and experiences, and so begins an adventure of a lifetime. From the bustling markets of Thailand to the flavors of Italy to the ocean waves in Hawaii, Tegan and Gabe embark on a journey to escape the tragedy and search for forgiveness. But they soon learn that grief follows you no matter how far away you run, and that acceptance comes when you least expect it. Heartbreaking, hopeful and utterly transporting, Come Away with Me is an unforgettable debut and a luminous celebration of the strength of the human spirit.

Kindle Edition

First published May 26, 2015

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About the author

Karma Brown

11 books1,273 followers
KARMA BROWN is a Canadian award-winning journalist, speaker, and the #1 bestselling author of seven novels, including RECIPE FOR A PERFECT WIFE. She has also written the non-fiction bestseller THE 4% FIX, and has co-authored two holiday rom-coms under the pen name Maggie Knox. In addition to her books, Karma's writing has appeared in publications such as Redbook, SELF, and Chatelaine. Karma lives just outside Toronto with her husband, daughter, and a labradoodle named Fred. Her next novel, WHAT WILD WOMEN DO, will be released in November 2023.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 845 reviews
Profile Image for Always Pouting.
576 reviews931 followers
July 23, 2017
I'm not sure why everyone but me enjoyed this book but I found it hard to finish. The writing was mediocre and felt childish and Tegan was insufferable through out the book. I couldn't stand the way she was treating Gabe and even though the ending explains some of it, and yeah ok I cried when I read it damn it, it doesnt change how I felt reading the other 4/5ths of the book. The twist doesn't make up for me wanting to strangle Tegan for hours and it just felt manipulative to put it in after everything.
Profile Image for Melissa.
1,325 reviews
October 4, 2015
Hard to believe this is a debut novel, as it is so beautifully written and so emotionally brave. It's a roller coaster of sadness and laughter along with an armchair adventure. I learned some interesting things about some places that would be fun to visit.
Karma Brown has written an incredible story with characters that will stay with readers long after the final page is turned. (Just be sure to have tissues handy.) I was not able to put it down and have been recommending it to everyone I know.
I don't want to say anything more as to not spoil the story. Just know that you will not regret adding it to your book collection.
As far as casting, I pictured Anne Hathaway (http://imdb.to/1iWhc79) as Tegan. I think Jared Padalecki (http://imdb.to/1hjbxXr) would be cute as Gabe. I'm interested in hearing casting ideas from anyone else who has read this amazing novel already.
Profile Image for Wendy.
1,810 reviews641 followers
January 1, 2018
Wow! What an incredible Journey the author takes us on!
Even an "OMG" moment that changes everything you thought you knew was happening to something totally different.
A beautifully written, heart-wrenching story of love and loss.
Profile Image for Denise.
761 reviews106 followers
July 27, 2018
Come Away With Me is a heart-wrenching story of young love and tragic loss. Tegan, a young wife, begins a emotional and physical journey after losing her baby (during her pregnancy) in a awful accident. After months of grief, I began to wonder why she did not return to teaching and her life. Tegan journeyed to Thailand where she experienced elephants painting and she even ate fried crickets. I loved the Amalfi Coast and her cooking classes and the wine. Tegan then travels to Hawaii and surfs. In each country she meets amazing people, experiences depression and her heartbreaking fight with her husband Gabe over the accident. The ending is tear provoking and I will definitely look for more books by Karma Brown. 4.5 stars
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal.
Love leaves a memory no one can steal."
Profile Image for Kim.
Author 4 books291 followers
April 9, 2015
This book will take you on a journey. The journey is a physical one—an adventure to gorgeous global destinations—but more importantly, it's a powerful emotional journey.

I was swept along as Tegan and Gabe struggled through a devastating loss, trying to find their way when life dealt them a horrible hand.

COME AWAY WITH ME is an achingly beautiful story, with nuanced characters you'll truly care about, and details so finely rendered you'll feel like you're right there (which, in this case, happens to be drinking wine in Italy and riding elephants in Thailand…).

And then, there's a heart-shattering twist that--if you're anything like me--will impair your ability to think about anything else for a long, long while.
Profile Image for Sara Strand.
1,177 reviews32 followers
August 25, 2015
You guys? NO WORDS. Honestly, it's up there for Book of the Year for me.

DEBUT novel, folks. Debut. I would not have believed that at all if someone on the street told me that, but it's clearly a debut and holy cripes- it's amazing. I don't care who you are, if this book doesn't punch you in the gut repeatedly? You are a dead soul. You are dead and just nobody I want to know. I'm going to tell you I was doing JUST FINE until chapter 53 and then... then I had to stop drinking liquids because I started choking and started with the full on ugly cry to the absolute end of the book.

WHAT KIND OF PLOT TWIST IS THAT, KARMA?! I feel like a page before chapter 53 that says, "Stop reading here unless you can commit to finishing the book in one sitting. Stop reading if you are in a public place, wearing eye makeup, eating/drinking, or have small children who will be concerned when you start sobbing."

OK. *calming breath*

The book is about Tegan. Tegan is happily married to what is easily the best guy in all of the world, Gabe and currently 6 months pregnant with their first son. The chapters flash back to "before the accident" and "after the accident" because that accident is the catalyst for the entire story. Tegan and Gabe are driving to his parents house, running late, and they hit black ice. It's a horrific accident that it's amazing there were any survivors. Tegan loses the baby and subsequently undergoes an emergency hysterectomy to save her life. Upon learning that, Tegan spirals into a world of pity, depression, and immense sorrow. Friends and family are deeply concerned that she's never going to come back to normal. When she's hit the absolute bottom, Gabe asks her to bring out their Jar of Spontaneity, which is full of things they wanted to do in their shared life together, to be done when things were feeling dull or stressful during married life. Reluctantly she does so and it starts their six week journey to Bangkok, Italy, and Hawaii. They meet amazing people along the way and Tegan struggles to mourn the life she thought she would have and figure out what life is going to be now.

All along the way, Gabe talks to her and reassures her that she can do this. She's not sure and you just feel absolutely awful for her. And then chapter 53 happens and you feel like you've been punched in the face. So much so that I had to go back and RE-READ the entire first 52 chapters and I could not believe I was that stupid and missed all of the clues.

Seasoned reader here missed ALL of the clue.

Slow clap, Karma Brown, slow clap.

I cannot tell you any more. I can't. It ruins it for you and I swear to you this book is something you need in your life. I think what else drew me to this book was I identified with Tegan. Her and I feel like kindred spirits and one section of the book early on sealed the deal there:

I'm a beacon for the talkers. It's as if I have a flashing sign that reads, "I want to hear all your stories, especially about your pet or disgusting medical issue!" No matter where I am, whether on the "L" train or walking through a shopping mall or sitting at a picnic bench in the park, the talkers flock to me. "It's your eyes," Gabe says by way of explanation. "You have curious eyes."

Then, at the end of the book, Tegan's dad says something to her and it encompasses everything I believe about marriage:

"I don't love your mother any more that I did all those years ago, but the way I love her has changed."

And isn't that just the truth? I feel like having this printed on little note cards so that every time an idiot says, "I love him, I'm just not "in" love with him" I can throw the card at them. That phrase is the basis for so many divorces because people don't get that love changes. No matter what happens to any of us in life, the way we love changes.


I highly recommend this book. I can't recommend this to enough people. If you know me at all, you know one of my favorite authors of all time is Susanna Daniel because she is just amazing. Her books are in my heart forever and I have a feeling Karma Brown will be there right with her. This book... gut wrench but amazing. Review first posted on http://strandupdate.blogspot.com
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ugnė | pilna_lentyna.
286 reviews142 followers
April 18, 2020
Didžiausiais paradoksas kalbant apie šią knygą yra tai, kad visada maniau, jog Svajonių knygų leidyklos knygos yra tas cukruotas ir banalus popsas, kurio niekada neskaitysiu. O varge, kaip aš klydau.. Knyga ne tik nenuvylė, bet ir tapo viena iš geriausių šiemet skaitytų.⠀

Tigana ir Geibas džiaugiasi sukūrę gražią šeimą ir laukia į pasaulį tuoj pasibelsiančio vaikelio. Jiems papuolus į avariją, visas jų gyvenimas apsiverčia aukštyn kojomis. Nelaimingo įvykio metu pora netenka savo dar negimusio sūnaus. Moteris puola į neviltį ir sunkiai randa priežąsčių gyventi toliau. Krūtinę veriantis skausmas, dėl žuvusio sūnaus, nuolatiniai kaltinimai tą vakarą vairavusiam vyrui, Tiganą įtraukia į vis gilėjančią liūdesio pelkę iš kurios moteris nebenori ir nebegali išlipti. Geibui kyla mintis, kaip padėti žmonai. Pora atsimena prieš kurį laiką judviejų pripildytą stiklainį su planais, kuriuos turi kartu įgyvendinti. Taip prieš juos atsiranda kelionės planas - piešiantys drambliai Tailande, maisto gamybos paslapčių pamoka saulėtoje Italijoje ir plaukimo bandlentėmis mokykla Havajuose.. Belieka išsiaiškinti, ar suplanuota kelionė padės atsitiesti ir pabandyti vėl sulipdyti savo sudužusio gyvenimo šukes. ⠀

Knyga man be galo patiko. Tekstas lengvas ir įtraukiantis. Priešingai nei tema, apie kurią ir sukasi visas pasakojimas. Moters jausmai primena amerikietiškus kalnelius - vieną akimirką ji gilioje neviltyje, kitą jau atrodo, kad padėtis taisosi. Ir tada vėl tenka greitai ir skausmingai leistis žemyn. Puikiai suprantu, ką šeima jaučia netekus ilgai laukto ir mylėto kūdikio, bet labai pykau ant Tiganos dėl nuolatinio vyro kaltinimo bei bandymo visiems parodyti, kad tik ji viena kažko neteko ir niekas negali suprasti ją veriančio skausmo. ⠀

Daugelis skaičiusių šią knygą kalbėjo apie įpatingą jos pabaigą. Žinojau, kad laukia kažkas įdomaus, bet skaitant niekaip nepavyko jos nuspėti. Pagaliau sulaukusi tos vietos sėdėjau ir klapsėjau akimis. Autorė tikrai meistriškai viską susuko ir paliko be žado. Detalių neatskleisiu - turit perskaityti patys.⠀

Jei norite jautrios, įtraukiančios ir ašaroti priversiančios knygos - nuoširdžiai rekomenduoju ❤
Profile Image for Melissa.
647 reviews29.1k followers
January 30, 2016
3.5 stars

This was a heartbreaking story of love, loss and navigating your way back to life after tragedy.

Tegan loses her baby, in a tragic accident, and it’s like she’s totally given up on life. She can barely get out of bed, forget about showering. The hardest part is watching her blame her husband, Gabe. She’s downright nasty and he’s nothing but patient and sweet, almost to the point of being too much. Somehow, he convinces Tegan to set out on some of the adventures they had hoped to experience years down the road, in an attempt to get her back.

The author’s writing and level of detail made it easy to put myself in the places they visited. It almost felt like the story got a little lost in the middle though. It became more about the destinations, than Tegan and Gabe's healing.

The ending was unexpected and sad, but I liked how it pulled everything together.
Profile Image for Colleen Turner.
437 reviews113 followers
August 27, 2015
Find my full review at http://aliteraryvacation.blogspot.com.

Please excuse me while I gush a little bit (well, maybe a lot!) about Come Away With Me by Karma Brown. It has been quite a while since a book made me actually, physically cry...like big, fat, hiccup-inducing tears...but that is exactly what happened on and off as I read this story. The raw emotions these characters are experiencing are written so vividly I at times felt like I could feel their pain, anger, anxiety and hollowing sadness along with them. While this did bring about some strange looks from my husband and dogs I am so happy to have experienced these feelings along with Tegan. This is a story that will consume you, and in my opinion that makes one hell of a great read.

After the accident Tegan can't seem to get out of her own head or see past her grief, and is so filled with an emptiness and livid anger that she can't help but want to hide away from the world and lash out at anyone who even attempts to get her to think about a time when she can start healing and moving on. While I have thankfully never experienced a tragedy like Tegan's, my son was born two months early and had to spend the first month of his life in the hospital. He is now a healthy, happy ten year old, but I will never forget going home from the hospital without him and the abject emptiness I felt the first time I walked through the door without him in my arms. Ms. Brown nails describing this feeling and made me instantly sympathize with Tegan and the myriad physical and emotional symptoms that come along with an accident like she experiences.

As the story progresses the reader not only gets to go along with Tegan and Gabe as they travel to three dream locations but, disbursed throughout, are chapters that go back into Tegan and Gabe's life so we get to see how their love developed and the life they had been living up until the horrible accident. These chapters are filled with laughter and love, and if you haven't fallen a little in love with Gabe by the end I would be shocked. He is such a kind, patient person with Tegan and his careful treatment of her as they travel to Thailand, Italy and Hawaii was beyond touching. Oh, and be prepared to add these three locations to your bucket list, if you haven't already, because Karma Brown's ability to transport the reader made me feel like I was riding an elephant, taking a cooking class filled with ripe tomatoes and garlic and learning how to surf right along with Tegan and Gabe. She hits all the senses with a bang and I am now ready to put my backpack on and take off!

There is a twist towards the end of the novel that actually made my heart start beating faster. I honestly didn't see it coming and it really hit me harder than I would have expected given the fact that these things weren't really happening. Regardless, I think it was perfectly done as it drives the story in a direction that will finally come to a conclusion with a sense of satisfaction and hopefulness. After all the tears I was very happy to come to this sort of conclusion!

I can't recommend Come Away With Me enough, to anyone who wants to travel along on a sometimes sad yet always fascinating adventure with some unforgettable characters. The fact that this is Karma Brown's debut novel is astounding to me, and I can tell you that she has found a forever-fan in this reader.
Profile Image for Heather.
128 reviews56 followers
April 4, 2019
I originally rated this one with four stars but as I’ve thought about this throughout the day, I decided to change it to five stars. Any book that can keep me thinking about it the whole day after I finish it deserves an extra star! ! I really enjoyed this book, the author brought this story together beautifully.
Profile Image for Amanda - Mrs B's Book Reviews.
2,086 reviews314 followers
November 9, 2019

*3.5 stars

Come Away With Me is the debut novel, published in 2015, by Canadian author Karma Brown. A story of love, loss, memories, self discovery and the unexpected, Come Away With Me is a tightly wound read, which looks the stages of grief and the emphasis on exotic travel experiences to overcome heartbreak.

Come Away With Me is the story of lead protagonist Tegan Lawson’s life, and how one earth shattering event can change your pathway in life. For Tegan, life was once incredibly fulfilling. With a loving husband, a good career and a family on the way, life couldn’t be more happier. However, all that changes in an instant when a tragic accident snaps Tegan’s whole existence in two. In the aftermath of this horrific accident Tegan cannot see through her grief, there is no light, only darkness. As Tegan works through the stages of her immense grief, she is utterly consumed with anger towards her husband, who was at the wheel the night of the awful accident. In a bid to lift Tegan’s spirits, her husband Gabe re-introduces their special Jar of Spontaneity. This incentive is a jar full of ideas of where this couple planned to travel to and experience, a bucket list of sorts. Although apprehensive about travelling in her current state of mind, Tegan embarks upon an adventure abroad. The reader becomes Tegan’s loyal travel companion as she works her way through three different exotic destinations. Along the way Tegan is faced with many tough moments and she slowly begins to take tentative steps towards acceptance.

Come Away With Me is the first book I have read by Karma Brown. I have had Come Away With Me sitting on my shelves since it first released. I recall purchasing Karma Brown’s book for the stunning and very inviting tropical feel cover, which just seemed to speak to me at the time. I decided to finally dust this one off the TBR shelf for my current round of Book Bingo 2019. Come Away With Me, has helped me to tick off the category of ‘book set in an exotic destination.’

There are actually three exotic locales that feature in Come Away With Me. Karma Brown’s debut novel begins in Chicago, but it later moves to Thailand, Italy and Hawaii. I found the travel sequences in this book to be authentic and immersive. I have been to two out of three travel locales in the novel and I do feel that Karma Brown successfully presented these locales on the page. I felt like a constant travel companion with the characters of this book, it was a nice feeling to indulge in a spot of armchair travel. Karma Brown made sure her destinations sprung to life on the pages of her novel.

Aside from travel as a form of healing and escape, Come Away With Me is centrally focused on the sense of grief experienced by the lead of this novel. I had a bit of a difficult relationship with Tegan and I almost felt a little wrong feeling the way I did about her. On the one hand I felt absolutely awful for Tegan in the wake of the accident and the loss she experiences. On the other hand, Tegan’s spiral into pits of dark and inescapable grief ended up grating on me in the end. It became too much and almost repetitive. I do find myself questioning this response, as I know I have never been close to Tegan’s predicament, so I shouldn’t judge. I do feel that the author tackled the grief process well and with plenty of insight. By the close of the book, I was glad that there were some glimmers of hope for this woman!

Karma Brown takes an interesting approach to her first novel. We move back and forth in time to key moments before and after the accident. This gives the reader a good picture of Tegan’s past and her present day predicament. Come Away With Me adequately handles the various different storylines and flashbacks preset in the novel, all within a strong first person narrative. What I also appreciated most about Come Away With Me was the creative narrative device of the ‘Jar of Spontaneity’, which seemed to kick start a process of acceptance, forgiveness and self-discovery for Tegan. It an inventive tool that I thought complimented the unfolding story well. It also helped to pivot the book a hopeful conclusion.

Come Away With Me is a novel that follows the lines of grief , in order to find a sense of hope and peace, in the wake of unexpected tragedy. It is an immersive read, that is perfect for the upcoming summer holidays. Add this one to your beach bag, along with a much needed box of tissues for the heartbreaking moments!
Profile Image for Gabrielė|Kartu su knyga.
640 reviews289 followers
September 1, 2019
Jau su šia autore esu pažįstama, nes prieš kelis mėnesius teko skaityti jos knygą "Lemtingi mūsų pasirinkimai". Knyga mane sujaudino ir paveikė, tad net neabejojau, jog ir iš šios galima tikėtis kažko panašaus.

Atrodo, jog Tiganos Loson gyvenimas yra tobulas. Mylimas bei mylintis vyras Geibas bei netrukus turintis į pasaulį pasibelsti jų kūdikis. Toks gyvenimas buvo iki lemtingos avarijos, kuri viską pakeitė..
Jaunai moteriai atrodo, jog jos širdis sudužo į tūkstančius dalelių.. Ir niekas negali padėti jai pasijusti geriau. Ji gedi savo dar negimusio kūdikio, bei pyksta ant savo vyro, kuris jos manymu taip pat yra kaltas dėl juos ištikusios nelaimės.. Būtent jis tą vakarą vairavo automobilį.
Kuomet atrodo, jog Tigana iš lovos nebeatsikels bei negyvens savo įprasto gyvenimo, jos vyras jai primena apie jų vis dar neįvykdytus planus bei svajones. Nieko nelaukdami sutuoktiniai leidžiasi į kelionę, kurios metu jie bandys susitaikyti su skaudžia netektimi, bei stengsis atrasti būdų atleisti vienas kitam..
Jos metu jie aplankys egzotiškas Tailando vietoves bei ryškiaspalvius turgus.. Ragaus skaniausius itališkus valgius.. O pabaigai Havajuose bandys suvaldyti šėlstančias bangas stovėdami ant banglentės..
Skaniausi valgiai bei gražiausios vietos neleidžia niekaip pamiršti tai, ko jie neteko.. Tigana svarsto, jog metas grįžti į Čikagą, nes panašu, jog kelionė neduoda norimų rezultatų. Pasirodo, jog visai netikėtai išsilaisvinimas suranda ją pačią..

Iš karto galiu pasakyti, jog žinojau, kad knyga bus gera.. Bet, kad tokia gera ir taip patiks tikrai nesitikėjau.. Vakar vakare nebūčiau nors ir norėdama parašiusi šiai knygai apžvalgos, nes pirmiausia reikėjo kažkokiu būdu nustoti verkti.. Knyga labai labai jautri bei skausminga. Tikiu, jog jautresnius žmones ypač paveiks, nes net neįsivaizduoju kaip galėtų būti kitaip. Perskaičius daugiau nei pusę knygos atrodė, jog istorija nėra kažkuo labai išskirtinė, bet paskutinieji knygos skyriai istoriją apvertė aukštyn kojomis.. Sėdėjau išsižiojusi, o ašaros krito lyg pupos.. Negalėjau patikėti tokia knygos atomazga. Tikrai tai nėra literatūrinis šedevras, bet knyga labai gyvenimiška, jautri bei kupina vilties. Tikiu, jog dar ilgai jos nepamiršiu..
Profile Image for Shana.
29 reviews1 follower
December 5, 2016
Karna Brown is one AMAZINGLY talented writer! I literally resented life getting in the way of my reading Come Away With Me in one straight shot! I encourage anyone who hasn't read this book yet to make it your NEXT BOOK! I do not want to give any plot details away but if you read the book description you will know that this book deals with tragic loss. I still encourage you to read this beautiful story because the author also allows you to experience the power of love and healing through her amazing storytelling. Throughout the book I was transported on a journey, both emotional and physical. I also loved the characters in Come Away With Me, which only added to my enjoyment. (They don't have to be perfect to be lovable!) Karma Brown is a truly gifted author. If she writes it, I will read it. (Yes, I'm about to purchase her second book after I finish this review.) I encourage you to become a Karma Brown fan also! You'll thank me. (I haven't been asked to post a review. These thoughts are my own but I had to share them the moment I finished the book.) Thank you for sharing your talent with the world Karma Brown!
Profile Image for Mary Kubica.
Author 25 books21.5k followers
March 20, 2015
I was thrilled to get my hands on an ARC of Karma Brown's debut COME AWAY WITH ME. Brown's characters are likable and distinct, and the story is both heartbreaking and uplifting at the very same time. As main characters Tegan and Gabe set out on a journey around the world to help cope with an immense loss, Brown immerses the reader in each of these cultures and locales with remarkable detail. A stunning debut from a talented new author.
Profile Image for Laura Skladzinski.
1,164 reviews43 followers
February 7, 2017
This was highly recommended by Amber, and it took me a while to get into. I loved the descriptions of each of the travel locations (and it made me really want to plan a vacation!), but I just didn't love the main character until close to the end. Overall, it was a good novel that I would definitely recommend.
Profile Image for Kruimel.
488 reviews50 followers
March 9, 2018
Drie sterren, dacht ik tijdens het lezen van dit boek. Mooi, maar niet het allerbeste in zijn genre.
En toen kwam het laatste deel en zat ik te snotteren boven de pagina's. Huilen door een boek is een extra ster bij.
Profile Image for Lori.
220 reviews2 followers
October 7, 2019
Wow! Such a great book, but I feel like I need to read it again to truly appreciate it.
Profile Image for Ana Vizentim.
447 reviews23 followers
October 3, 2021
I cried from the beginning till the end!!!
I loved this journey through the world.
The end blew my mind!!!
Profile Image for Danielle.
360 reviews12 followers
January 18, 2015
NO SPOILERS!!!! I had the pleasure of getting a ARC of this book. Having been a fan of Karma's writing, I was excited to read her debut novel. It takes a lot for me to cry and sniffle in public when reading, this did just that. The love story of Tegan and Gabe is a beautiful and tragic one that will have you order take-out for the family so you can keep reading. You experience with them the trip of a lifetime, from their home in Chicago, Thailand, Italy and Hawaii. Karma writes in exquisite detail that you can almost smell the ocean from your room.
I have never been surprised by an ending like this in a long time.
I will be buying a copy for my shelf and you should too!
Profile Image for Lisa Steinke.
Author 13 books624 followers
September 5, 2015
I was up way too late reading this book for two nights straight. I could not stop reading it. I had to know what happened next. The pacing is perfect. The writing is beautiful. The story is unforgettable. (With an OMG twist that will hit you hard!) I will be thinking about this captivating debut for a long time. Hands down, it's one of the best books I've read in a very long time. Bravo, Karma Brown! You are a supremely talented new voice in women's fiction!
Profile Image for Caryn.
960 reviews74 followers
March 24, 2016
If you liked Eat, Pray, Love, think of this as a fictionalized version. After a terrible accident, Tegan is overcome with grief and doesn't know how to get back to feeling like herself. When her husband suggests a worldwide adventure, she learns how to forgive. This book will have you feeling all the emotions, and I shed many tears.
Profile Image for Ingrida | mrsingrida.
50 reviews5 followers
July 16, 2019
Knygos pradžia stipri, jautri, skausminga... Tolimesnė pasakojimo eiga niekuo neypatinga... Istorijos pabaiga viską apvertė aukštyn kojom! Negalėjau suvokt, įvyko šokas perskaičius vos vieną pastraipą. Wow! Labai stipru, skaudu, jautru... Man patinka istorijos su netikėtom pabaigom, kas verčia permąstyt visą skaitytą istoriją.
4 reviews1 follower
May 5, 2015
A little too depressing. Outdated travel writing with a selfish main character who is the kind of traveller I avoid.I know many people have loved this book- just not me.
Profile Image for Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader.
2,445 reviews31.6k followers
November 22, 2015
Beautifully poignant, I adored every word of this book. It is about a journey with exotic destinations and raw emotions. Even in great loss, there is great hope here.
Profile Image for Kate Hilton.
Author 4 books256 followers
September 20, 2015
A smartly-written tale about the painful journey through grief. Moving, unexpected and devastatingly honest.
Profile Image for Clarabel.
3,535 reviews50 followers
January 9, 2019
- Ça peut paraître dingue, mais peut-être que je n'ai pas envie de surmonter tout ça.
Je suis soulagée de l'avoir enfin dit tout haut.
- Est-ce que j'ai vraiment envie d'aller mieux ? D'aller de l'avant ? Parce que... parce que...
Je m'interromps, le souffle coupé par le chagrin.
Gabe m'interroge d'une voix douce, compréhensive.
- Parce que tu as peur d'oublier ?
Je hoche la tête en aspirant un peu d'air.
- Et si j'oubliais tout l'amour que... tout l'amour que...
- Tu ne l'oublieras pas, m'interrompt Gabe d'une voix imprégnée de détermination. Je ne te laisserai pas oublier.
Profile Image for San.
93 reviews20 followers
September 24, 2020
Jau antra Karmos knyga, ir abi jos tobulos! ❤️ Skaudžiai tobulos. Kai pradedi skaityti ir nebegali sustoti! 🙏🏼 5 🌟
Profile Image for Arlene.
1,191 reviews636 followers
December 8, 2016
Come Away with Me was one of those books I picked up because I was in the mood for something emotional. Well, Karma Brown definitely delivered! Not only was this story filled with a good amount of tissue material, but it also came with a nice little added bonus of a surprise twist that had me wanting to go back to chapter one and figure out why I let that little clue slide. I know where it happened, but I chose to ignore it.

In this novel, we meet Tegan Lawson who has just about everything going for her. She’s married to Gabe, an amazing husband, and they have a child on the way. However, Tegan’s life takes an awful turn when a horrific accident shatters her dreams and grief becomes her constant companion. In an attempt to move passed the pain, Gabe and Tegan take out their Jar of Spontaneity and embark on a journey that takes them to Thailand, Italy and Hawaii. As they travel to these beautiful places, they soon realize that you can’t run from your grief. You just have to face it head on in order to start to heal.

First off, I have to say how wonderful Gabe was in this novel. He’s one of those too-good-to-be-true fictional males that had me falling for him from the very first pages. I appreciated how he handled Tegan through her grief despite her anger and resentment that was often directed at him. There were moments where I lost my patience with Tegan, but I had to quickly reel that in because the loss she suffered is probably beyond anything I could ever cope with myself.

I also enjoyed the journey Tegan and Gabe took to several exotic locations. It was exciting to see these places through their eyes despite the constant shadow of grief and pain. The places and people they met along the way was an experience to remember.

Come Away with Me is my first encounter with Karma Brown. She definitely captured my interest, and I’ll be sure to check out The Choices We Make, which I’ve had my eye on for some time. Good story that was exactly what I was in the mood for.
Profile Image for Kristy.
Author 4 books123 followers
January 14, 2015
This book absolutely destroyed me. And I mean that in a very good way.

I fell in love with Tegan and Gabe from page one, and as I became more and more vested in the story, the twist came and ripped my heart out.

Karma is a brilliant writer and I'm so lucky to have had the privilege of reading this story before it was published. The only other story that actually made me bawl my eyes out was John Green's The Fault in Our Stars, and if you loved that story, I'm sure you will love this one too.

COME AWAY WITH ME is a story that you can never forget because it teaches you so much about love, loss, and becoming whole again.

Seriously, you MUST read this book. Drop everything you're doing and read it now. You WON'T be disappointed.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 845 reviews

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