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A booty call. A stuck elevator. A chance to move on.

Three years after her ex-boyfriend left her to pursue his Hollywood dream, Riley Eames' love life is still on hold, hindered by questions only he can answer. So when he asks to meet her for a booty call while he's in town, she reluctantly agrees, only to find herself stuck in the hotel elevator with charming British actor, Ashe Hunter, who's in town to promote his latest movie.

But even as sparks fly between them, Riley realizes that to fall in love again, she has to move on from the past, even if it means letting go of the questions she's been seeking answers to, and uncovering secrets meant to be hidden.

380 pages, Paperback

First published November 1, 2014

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Liz Durano

48 books396 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 158 reviews
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,279 reviews956 followers
September 16, 2021

Loving Ashe is not what I expected. The plot promising so much drama and lies and twist. I thought this could be a good book.

The more I am listening to the audiobook, the more it is clear I can not follow the plot. Or maybe at one point, I lost interest. The first hour is interesting and promising.
Then it goes downhill from there.

2 stars
Profile Image for Karin.
2,178 reviews
April 6, 2017
This is my first book by Liz Durano and I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it and I already am waiting in anticipation for Loving Riley book 2 of this series to come out!

Riley is dealing with a lot of insecurities and anxieties stemming from a bad break up when her ex Gareth left her behind to pursue his dreams and the heartache spiraled Rileys life out of control. Years later her scars are very much still there until one day she meets Ashe while running away from a would be meeting with the ex that broke her heart.

It broke my heart when Riley learns that all is not what it seems when her past collides in her present with full force, she's already broken but needs to take back her control.

I adored Ashe so sweet and so gentle, Riley needed strength and he gave that to her. I loved seeing him show her she's so much more than what she thinks she is!
Profile Image for Cassandra (Thebookishcrypt).
585 reviews54 followers
December 26, 2015
*Copy provided in exchange for an honest review*

"...Pain was a tough emotion to hide..."

This was my first book by Liz Madrid and I am glad to say that I enjoyed it a lot!
Riley, our main character, has a dark part that a lot of us can relate to which automatically forms a bond with her. Once I started this story, I couldn't flip the page fast enough. Next thing I knew, I was well over past the halfway point.
I saw a small detail coming but that was nothing compared to the extreme plot twists Liz had in store for me. After those last couple of chapters, I cheered so hard for Riley and my heart went out to her poor soul. I wish I could be there for her and hug her pain away but of course, I can't. She begins this story without a backbone, which, I admit, annoyed me, but by the end of the book she has backbone I was completely proud of. The heart-breaking part about was that she had to pay dearly for earning that backbone. I seriously don't wish that things that she went through for anybody, not even my worst enemies. This poor woman, I can still feel her pain as if I had just read this a second ago. I learned to love every part of her/ even her flaws.
I just noticed that I haven't talked about the main love interest yet!! I swear, Ashe made me tear up indefinitely. That man is so imperfectly perfect that it made my heart hurt. He is is EXACTLY the person Ashe needed in her life and the unbelievable trust they had in each other melted me to the core. I hope for the day that I meet my own Ashe and get stuck with him in an elevator. (Which might not happen since I hate elevators but one can dream right?)
All of the characters were so incredibly realistic that I found myself surprised to no end. I have to say that out of everybody, I didn't hate anybody as much as I hated Paige. I completely DESPISE her and I am so glad I don't have a person like that in my life. Good riddance!
Besides that small hatred for one of her characters, Liz is now one of my favorite authors and I can't wait to read more of her works!
March 9, 2018

When choosing Loving Ashe I honestly did not notice that there were supposed to be more than one book. Meaning that it was supposed to be a series. Well when I discovered that fact it was already to late and I had started reading it.

So all the time I was afraid that I would be left with a cliffhanger of epic proportions as the story continued in such a way and at such a pace that I felt it could only end THAT way.

Than I discovered that the author really had a lot of plat that she packed into this one book – it was really a “WOW – I SO DID NOT SEE THAT COMING” read for me. And I could even live with the way she left the readers at the end of the book.

Why can’t all authors be like that. ?

Where others struggle to come up with enough plot to fill one book Ms. Durano almost had TOO much to tell for this one book. I almost got a whiplash a certain points and several “wait what?” moments.

All of this plot packed in a very intriguing writing style that captured my attention from the first to the last page are guarantees that I can hardly wait for “Loving Riley” to be released …


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1 review
June 12, 2015
This is an amazing book I read the whole thing cover to cover in like 8 hours! Liz Madrid is an amazing author whose stories hold a really deep meaning. I first came across this book on Wattpad and I just ordered an actual copy of it so I can have it forever!
Profile Image for TSN ☮.
1,507 reviews28 followers
May 31, 2018
This was like a Soap opera.

Everyone seems to be bogged down by past baggage, and their behavior was just that little bit too much.
Profile Image for Natasha.
Author 11 books37 followers
February 3, 2019
This book left me dazed. I was unprepared for the plethora of lies this cast of characters was hiding. Only Ashe crossed the finished line with clean hands. Everybody else was a hot mess.

At the beginning of the book, we're led to believe Riley is the typical damaged heroine. Her father verbally abused her. We're told her boyfriend cruelly dumped her when his Hollywood career exploded. She was so devastated, she started using drugs and nearly died after overdosing on heroin. In the first chapter, years have now passed. Riley had planned to meet the ex for a booty call, but wisely changed her mind. As she prepares to leave the hotel, she finds herself stuck in an old elevator with the ex-boyfriend's co-star, Ashe. Let me say at this point, I am loving this story! The charming British actor strikes up a conversation with her in the elevator. Ashe is amazing. He rubs her aching feet. I thought it was kind of creepy that he offered to rub a strange woman's feet, but it was also kind of sweet. Hey, some people don't have an aversion to feet like I do.

Riley's sister Paige has looked after her since their MS-stricken mother died from smoke inhalation. It was Paige who found Riley unconscious in the bathroom after her overdose. Paige coddles Riley and tries to control her. At first, I assumed it was because she was concerned about Riley's mental state, and I guess that was part of it. We later learn the other part was due to guilt over a shocking betrayal. Unfortunately, the deception surrounding what happened between Riley and her ex-boyfriend overshadowed the romance between Riley and Ashe. Just when you thought the story couldn't get any crazier, CRAZY just kept coming. Read on for spoilers.

So, as I said, we are led to believe Gareth, Riley's ex, dumped her as soon as he became a successful actor. We're told this endearing backstory of how they'd been friends since they were kids. Gareth was abused at home and found solace in Riley's household. He slept in the bottom bunk of her bedroom. They dated as teens and young adults. They lived together. At a risque Hollywood party, Riley hears Gareth tell his manager she's just a crazed fan. This upsets Riley so much she goes on a drinking and drug binge. When the furniture is moved out of their apartment and $20,000 is left in a bag, Riley assumes this is Gareth's way of telling her to hit the road. So, this misunderstanding festers until they grow apart and she nearly dies from a heroin overdose. Paige, who's married to a wealthy man twenty years her senior, puts Riley in rehab and helps her get back on her feet.

Let's fast forward years later, the ex-boyfriend is in NYC to promote his new movie with his two co-stars. Gareth contacts Riley on social media and asks her to meet him at his hotel. She goes, but later decides she's more than a booty call and won't fall for Gareth's charm again- not after the way he dumped her. She meets Ashe in the elevator and they end up going to dinner that night.

Moving things along, 'cause this isn't gonna be the Spark's Notes version of the book- We learn that Gareth didn't dump Riley in the manner she assumed. Gareth wanted to protect her from the destructive Hollywood scene. At this point, I'm reconsidering my affection for Ashe and wondering why this wasn't written as a second-chance-at-love novel for Gareth and Riley. Then, Gareth proved why he isn't leading man material. He has a girlfriend- the female co-star the public has been led to believe is dating Ashe. The lies don't end there.

Even more shocking is the discovery that Gareth slept with Riley's protective sister while he was dating Riley. Riley fell from her pedestal when she refused to see her three nephews because she was angry with Paige. I get not wanting to see your backstabbing sister, but those babies were innocent. Riley took "bitch" to a whole new level when she told her sister's husband about the affair. Then, just when you thought you knew everything . . . We learn that Gareth is the father of the triplets and Paige's husband encouraged her to sleep with Gareth so she could get pregnant.

Did you think I was done? Not yet. Because in a final reveal, we discover Paige's wealthy husband has been the great puppet master the whole time. He arranged for Gareth to get signed with a Hollywood agent. He moved their furniture out of the apartment, intending for both of them to move to CA. He wanted Gareth out of the triplets' lives. He left the $20,000 for Riley. He is the reason Riley was offered part-ownership of the coffee shop where she works.

Some people thrive on drama. Lifetime shows movies like this daily. Oprah has a network that airs tv shows about families like this. If you love stories full of devastating secrets and acts of betrayal, this is the book for you. I prefer to avoid emotional roller coasters and soap operas.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Katerina.
796 reviews304 followers
March 5, 2016
Okay, I read Loving Ashe a year or so ago whilst I was still on Wattpad. After finding it on Goodreads, I wanted to review it. I remember the details...well enough.

This is a truthful review, so caution to anything which may cause an uproar. Again, it's my opinion and the way I received the book.

Now, the start of Loving Ashe was explosive, witty, fun and totally flirty. I loved it. The scenario of being stuck in the elevator with Ashe ( growing Hollywood A-lister) whilst Riley had decided attend to her booty-call wearing a f*ck-me dress... Well it was nice. The dinner Ashe had invited her to after was great, and their chemistry was sizzling.

From then on things started to decline. This book was angsty. Serious angst that can honestly be annoying to a reader when handling. Things that pull on your heart strings. Ambivalent. You love it or hate it. There's good and bad. There's characters that wrong and really p*ss you off. I felt like there wasn't enough retribution.

It's fair enough that things go down, and misunderstandings occur, and the past catches up to some characters. A lot of Riley's family screw her over in more ways than one, people she trusted who abuse and manipulate her love for them, who take advantage of her vulnerable state. I couldn't forgive. It's impossible to find forgiveness for such characters when it didn't feel as if they repented. When you read angsty books, and mistakes are made there usually is something that happens to make up for it and ease the reader. Because as much as we hate to say it, it would have nicer to have found a resolution where you didn't feel like tearing down some of these characters faces. They were close integral parts to the novel and it plummeted because of the hate level that manifested in me for some of them. There was no come back. Yes, as an adult we should forgive and move on. But it wasn't possible. There was something void, and I wanted Riley to see them suffer just as much as she had over the years of secrecy and betrayal.

Ashe and Riley's life is more entwined than we can first care to admit and he was the only good. Until that too is stripped away.

Angst, angst, angst. Slightly annoying. It gets worse in book 2.

Profile Image for Valeen Robertson (Live Thru Books Blog).
5,516 reviews201 followers
April 29, 2017
Loving Ashe is sexy and sweet with secrets roiling around underneath.

Riley is an awesome heroine. She's about to meet up with her ex, an actor who dumped her to go off and become famous, when the elevator in his hotel quits and she's stuck in it with another actor, the gorgeous, sweet Brit, Ashe. I absolutely adore Ashe. He's swoony and sweet and sexy, and BRITISH! I love me some sexy British guys ( Tom Hardy anyone?!?!)

But, there are lots of secrets that Riley doesn't know about, and when she finds them out, how will it affect her relationship with Ashe? What about her relationship with her ex? Or her relationship with her sister, Paige? Argh...so many, many secrets. Poor Riley. But, she's tough and she got through it all.

If you like your romance with sexy and secrets, Loving Ashe is the story for you!

I received an ARC for an honest review.
1,424 reviews6 followers
April 19, 2017
I really enjoyed this book. The story is a little slow at the start but soon develops into a gripping story. It definitely isn't a standard romance.

Riley has just changed her mind about visiting her ex (now a big movie star) who had dumped her three years ago and is catching a staff elevator to avoid having to walk through the hotel foyer. Ashe also catched the elevator to avoid the press as well. However, the elevator stops and leaves them stranded. They start chatting while waiting for rescue, then go out for dinner. There is an attraction between them, but Riley is very insecure after her last breakup. Her sister has always provided support for her, but she has also controlled a lot of Riley's life as well. The book has a range of subplots that keep the reader both surprised and interested.

Having read this book I am eagerly waiting for the second book.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
211 reviews
April 2, 2017
I was between a 3 and 4 for this. A 3, as in how possible really was all of this, but a 4 because I literally could not put it down! I loved the main character, Riley, as she was incredibly clueless in the 21st century, only loving books (not having a TV)--woman after my own heart!

But everyone was always taking care of her and she was just stuck in her own world which I really didn't enjoy. I also thought multiple times "no one can be that lucky and unlucky all at the same time!"

As in...she's incredibly beautiful and able to snag TWO Hollywood actors...but the reader is supposed to believe that she doesn't know that?

I was shocked at the turn of events on the end! I shouldn't have been but the author was able to wrap up an incredible story. I just felt like there was so much that was glossed over (hello, her father? Entire other book!).
Profile Image for Maida.
Author 15 books462 followers
October 12, 2023
great study in character growth

Angsty with messed-up characters. It’s great to know that I can still be surprised because I didn’t anticipate where Liz Durano was going with the storyline until the big reveal. Drama!

Riley is not normally a heroine I sympathize with — young, low self-esteem, pushover—but her growth here is tremendous. Ashe is pretty perfect. The other characters are a mixed lot—some more realistic than others.

I listened to the audiobook of this concurrently and I found the reading experience better with the ebook than the audio. The narrator’s speech cadence is weird.
1,641 reviews6 followers
April 12, 2017
What an amazing book by this author. The author sure knows how to keep you hooked. The characters were just so great and I loved the chemistry between them. I just felt for both of them. Can not wait to read the next one.
Profile Image for Liz.
Author 48 books396 followers
June 5, 2017
I wrote this book and it was one of the most fun experiences ever to bring Ashe and Riley to life. I hope you enjoy their story.
Profile Image for Fos.
1,053 reviews2 followers
July 31, 2021
Riley and Ashe

Most of this book is inner monologue, it's a bit of a negative.

But it explores family trauma and it's wide effects. It is a romance but the exploration of intergenerational family dysfunction was really profound.

I really liked this audiobook.
This is my first Liz Durano book, but not my last.
Profile Image for Grace.
278 reviews28 followers
April 1, 2017
2 stars

This book was a free ibooks read. I always have some free books on hand so I can always have something to read with me. I didn't hate it, but it wasn't very good. I probably will never continue on in the series.
Profile Image for Emily.
451 reviews1 follower
March 31, 2017
Riley and the drama of her past quickly became repetitive and annoying to read...Ashe Hunter saved this book.
Profile Image for Pragati.
288 reviews28 followers
January 31, 2016
Loving Ashe is a really heartfelt story that will leave you reeling and wanting for more. The way that Liz describes her characters and brings them to life is amazing to witness. Each and every word of this story is beautifully written.

The characters are real, deep and flawed. People make mistakes. They lie and they manipulate. But, what matters in the end is that they try to redeem themselves and that they love.

I'm absolutely smitten by Ashe. Ashe Hunter is really a force to be reckoned with, you know? He's so honest and real and persuasive and not ready to let go that you just can't help but give into him. I mean, which girl can turn down noodles in a crowded restaurant, coffees, talks and lots of flowers and texts? Certainly not me and definitely not Riley.

Riley is an amazing and strong protagonist. She has a lot of her own demons that she's fighting, but the way she appears to the world - happy and normal - shows just how strong she is in dealing with everything. Yes, she's been sheltered a lot by her elder sister and she's done a lot of stuff she's not proud of, but she's learning and growing up. She's trying to stand her own and to fall in love again. I love that she isn't perfect and that she misses things easily. It makes her character more real. She's smart and honest and passionate about anything and everything she does. The love that she has for her nephews is amazing. I love her.

All in all, Loving Ashe is an amazing read!
2 reviews
October 24, 2016
I first read Loving Ashe on Wattpad, it was a draft with such detail for sensations, feelings and states of mind that I was hooked instantly. This edited and published version grasps all of that and goes beyond, to my utter delight. If you think this is a disguised fan fiction, rethink that notion. Other than having a great looking and charming actor as a romantic interest what matters is going deep inside Riley's mind, and she's got many layers. She's beautifully flawed and in the end, shows us that only when we open ourselves to new experiences is when we can move forward.
Liz Durano will take you on a journey of tears, laughter, outrage and surprises that I don't want to spoil. And you want to know the best part? It has a sequel :)

I was provided a digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Danielle.
132 reviews3 followers
September 3, 2015
First off I want congratulate the author. You wrote an amazing book that me up all night and waiting for the next update. Congratulations for publishing it. I hope you the very best in all future endeavors.

When I first read the summary of this book on Wattpad I was so intrigued. I am what you call a hopeless romantic and the story of Ashe and Riley really captured me. I fell in love with both of them. They're both strong characters. And I this Liz Madrid did amazing job on portraying their love. Both of them a issues in the past but they both overcame them an found a love that I would want.

This book kept me up all night and when it ended I wanted more. It's an amazing read. It's not your everyday run of the mill love story. There is so much more the story of Riley and Ashe
Profile Image for Anais919.
241 reviews38 followers
July 17, 2016
This is an amazing novel! Riley is not over her childhood love. She remains in New York, part owner of the Library Café, roommate to Miss Bailey and a non-existent love life. All this while Gareth is realizing his Hollywood dream. Needless to say their break up was acrimonious.

Riley makes an ill-advised calling on Gareth only to get stuck an elevator with a acting rival, Ashe Hunter. This dashing Brit slowly works his way into her heart and may help her heal from her troubled past.

Loved this book! Reminds me of Colleen Hoover (one of my favorites)!
3 reviews
March 9, 2016
Loving Ashe is a compilation of loves, all kind of them. Not a cliché story. There's no villain or hero but humans that struggle to find happiness with all they've got. Yes, the main characters are Riley,an hardworker barista and Ashe, a famous actor, but as "he is so much more than just a collection of pixels on a screen" , their story is more than the couples of moments they share for its realistic setting ,with obstacles that Riley has to face on her own, in order to achieve real adultness. Useless to say I loved its depth.
Profile Image for NarniaGirl.
181 reviews
March 9, 2016
Received free through GoodReads First Reads - thank you.

Really enjoyed this book from the start. We're into the story straightaway with good visual descriptions. Well rounded characters with facets of characterisation coming out in the dialogue between Riley and Ashe. More to Riley's life than just her developing relationship with Ashe.

I like the look and feel of the cover. The length is just right and the print was perfect.

Would certainly read another of Liz Madrid's title, especially the next in the series, Loving Riley.
Profile Image for BP34.
5,975 reviews38 followers
April 13, 2017
Well written with a strong plot and interesting characters. At times the book is sad and painful as we learn how the scars from child abuse never go away and follow us into our adult life. The story of Riley an insecure girl who has been betrayed by so many including her boyfriend. A chance meeting in an elevator throws her with a famous movie star. The drama, heartbreak, suspense and surprises continue as Riley learns to trust again. No spoiler here- but a great book that you'll want to read.
Profile Image for Alysha.
40 reviews
May 2, 2017
Yuck. Drama on top of drama! This could rival the plot of any soap opera with the amount of nonsense I just read. Riley's perspective was easy enough to enjoy but so much of what was written for shock factor could have been left out. It was just one relavation after the other, from a recovering drug addict to the mysterious~ Hollywood heart throb with secrets of his own, the asshole ex-boyfriend and controlling sister. I was so grossed out by the end of this I didn't see how any of the characters were sane enough to move on without lots of therapy.
465 reviews9 followers
July 24, 2016
Loving Ashe

Amazing, beautiful and heartbreaking all at the same time. Loved every single page, word and couldn't put the book down if I wanted to. Basically I read the book in a day and a half - 418 pages? That should tell everyone how good this book is and personally, I can't wait for the second book that is coming out in July and I hope the God that the date won't change.

Liz, thanks fir a great read and I can't wait to read you're other books.

Fondly - Hengy Etebar
Profile Image for Leah.
3 reviews1 follower
July 22, 2015
L - Love Story, created by an
O - Outstanding author
V - Vogue
I - Interesting characters
N - Nice plot
G - Great protagonists

A - Amazing
S - Sweet, Sensual, and Sexy
H - Heartbreaking
E - Exciting to read
Displaying 1 - 30 of 158 reviews

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