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Dancing with Cats

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While researching their groundbreaking book, Why Cats Paint , Burton Silver and Heather Busch uncovered another phenomenon that seemed to merit further people who dance with their cats, or, more accurately, cats who dance with their people. It turns out that thousands of people today are rediscovering the ancient practice of cat dancing, tapping into this remarkable method of channeling feline energy and bonding with their pets. Some whisper to horses; others dance with cats. Both are manifestations of humankinds continual striving to connect with their animal companions on a higher spiritual level. Dancing with Cats presents scores of delightful and inspiring photographs of people and cats engaging in their favorite routines, as well as moving testimonies of the personal transformations brought about through this uniquely joyous form of communion. A brave leap forward in the history of human-feline relations, Dancing with Cats gives people and cats reason to rejoice, jump up in the air...and dance!

96 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1999

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About the author

Burton Silver

38 books1 follower
Silver was born in 1945 and attended Wellington College, later completing a B.A. at Victoria University of Wellington in psychology and sociology and Asian Studies.[1] He worked initially as a boilermaker's assistant on Groote Eylandt, Northern Territory, Australia and later as safari guide based in Darwin. Returning to NZ he developed and sold short skis, the Fiessen Resin 120 before travelling in Asia where he worked briefly as an advisor to the Indian High Altitude Warfare school in Gulmarg. At London’s Tulse Hill School in the UK he taught English as a second language.

His best-known cartoon series, Bogor, was written for the Listener Magazine and featured a lone woodsman and the forest animals that were his only companions (especially a hedgehog). An earlier cartoon, OB (written under the pseudonym "Roux"), had as its main characters a bird, a snake, and a rock, and was initially inspired by Silver's time spent in the Australian outback. Bogor first appeared in the Listener in 1973, and was New Zealand's longest-running published cartoon series.[2]

He is well known in New Zealand for his spoof Country Calendar television programs like The Radio Controlled Sheep Dog, Rural Music, Non Stress Farming and Rural Fashions.

He is known internationally for his humorous cat art books (created in collaboration with painter and photographer, Heather Busch: Why Cats Paint, Why Paint Cats, and Dancing with Cats, and the Museum of Non Primate Art, (monpa.com), as well as his spoofs Kokigami: The Intimate Art of the Little Paper Costume (Japanese paper decoration for the tumescent male genitalia, also in collaboration with Heather Busch), and The Naughty Victorian Hand Book: The Rediscovered Art of Erotic Hand Manipulation (with illustrator Jeremy Bennett). Other books include What Bird Did That? A Driver's Guide to Some Common Birds of North America (co-authored with Peter Hansard), The Kama Sutra for Cats (illustrated by Margaret Woodhouse) and Versability, a poetry game similar to Dictionary, where players create new lines for poems rather than new meanings for words (co-authored by his wife Melissa da Souza). His most successful book to date is Why Cats Paint that has sold over 750,000 copies worldwide. He has over one million books in print and been interviewed about them on television in the USA, Germany, and the UK. (The Daily Show, Jon Stewart, "The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing.")

One of his inventions is the sport of GolfCross, played on a golf course with aerial goal-nets and a golf ball in the shape of a rugby ball. There are Golfcross courses in France, Germany, Argentina, Scotland, England, Ireland, and New Zealand.

Silver's last project (co-authored with Martin O'Connor) was a relationship book titled "Everything He Hasn't Told You Yet: A New Way to Get Men talking About Stuff That Matters". The book uses the Scenario Method that works by putting a man at the center of hypothetical situations thus allowing him to share what he really thinks and feels. Everything He Hasn't Told You Yet was released in the United States in October 2007. The book received a starred review in the Library Journal

Silver has also developed "The Fringe Games" (Fringe Games-Christchurch, New Zealand) which is an international festival of new and experimental sports designed to run in conjunction with the Olympic Games.

He lives with his wife near Martinborough in New Zealand and is currently working on a novel.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 90 reviews
Profile Image for inciminci.
535 reviews241 followers
March 3, 2022
I was never sure whether this is serious or just a joke but the texts are hilarious and the photos even more so!
Profile Image for jenna.
165 reviews2 followers
May 11, 2009
This is my new favorite book. Never before has a book brought me so much joy and laughter; a solid 45 minutes of tears streaming down my cheeks as a try to choke out passages to my husband. (Note: I'm not sure if the fact that I really hate cats enhanced the book or not.)

What's most useful is that it is also instructional and will teach you how to "answer your cat's invitation to dance" (this is because cat's have an open invitation to sychronize their cosmic energies and vibrations with you!) These instructions include an hour or more a day of mimicry to attune to your cat, how long these sessions will need to go on for depends upon your cat's "channels" and the channel's degree of "openness".

Let it be said, in all fairness, i did take into account that perhaps dancing with cats is the one true way to reach God, the universe and eternal peace. I looked deep into Coco, the cat's, crossed-eyes and sent a visual bubble into her head, 'I will join you in dance, Coco'. But, I suspect she sensed my skepticism b/c she is currently keeping her ancient feline secrets to herself. Perhaps if I dress as a giant bird, as illustrated in this brilliant book...But, more realistically, if the path to enlightenment is thru cats, I'll happily accept illusion.

In conclusion, please read this book. If I had the resources I would buy it for everyone I know!
Profile Image for Sarah.
366 reviews12 followers
January 21, 2018
I really hope this is a Stealth Parody of "new-agey" books, but I doubt it, considering the elaborate nature of such a hoax (a Google search has shown nothing that would indicate the authors aren't completely serious). People aren't kidding when they say it's so funny it made them cry. Behold:

... and this....

... AND this little trauma-inducing one...

... and that is just the start. Wait til you read the text...
Profile Image for Martel.
225 reviews33 followers
June 22, 2018
The only reason I didn't give this book 5 stars is its format. The artist's photos deserved a bigger frame. Otherwise, this book is almost perfect. Hilarious and beautiful in the same time.
Not to be taken seriously, the book is nonetheless spiritually lifting: the dark clouds of the day will evaporate right away as you'll burst out in a big, healthy laughter. At least, I hope so ;)
I wish I could find some of these pictures in poster format ^^
Some define the book as a parody, I don't think it's quite that: parody is mockery. This is more like a good-humored teasing, with a lot of love behind it.
Profile Image for Peacegal.
10.9k reviews107 followers
March 1, 2017
3.5 stars -- I kept thinking to myself, this is ripping off WHY CATS PAINT--until I realized the same folks are behind them both. Anyway, if you love cats, parodies, and bizarre humor, be sure not to miss it!
Profile Image for Jessica Thurlow.
148 reviews4 followers
August 6, 2012
Dancing with Cats – A Peek into the Insane

I’ve just finished Burton Silver and Heather Busch’s Dancing with Cats. I’m not sure what to say about this book. I can’t tell if it was produced in seriousness or if it’s meant to be a parody. It’s a book about people dancing with cats as a way to transfer feline energy from cat to owner. If it’s meant to be a serious endeavor, I am deeply sad for the both the participants and the authors because they are quite clearly mentally disturbed. If it’s meant to incite humour, it’s a brilliant parody of high-fashion, haut couture and interpretive dance. There’s not much else I can say about this book other than I feel it was king of a waste of my time either way.
Profile Image for Redfox5.
1,596 reviews66 followers
January 26, 2019
While I enjoyed the pictures of people dancing with their cats, and I wouldn't judge someone for partaking in this particular hobby. I did feel that the writing that accompanied the pictures, was a load of pretentious old bollocks.

The only bits I didn't mind, was the text that was with the kids dancing with their cats. The best quote was "Cats never ever eat fairies, except sometimes by mistake".

Take in the great photos and skip the text would be my recommendation with this one.
Profile Image for Oriana.
Author 2 books3,625 followers
January 21, 2008
Omigod this is the best coffee table book ever. Well, ok, this and the Deviant Desires book.

Why Cats Paint is probably more apalling in its earnestness, but this is maybe the best unintentionally(?) hilarious thing you'll ever see.
Profile Image for Sara Parker.
Author 2 books24 followers
April 15, 2018
This is a great book to read with your drunk husband. These people take dancing with cats seriously! For instance, it’s important to hire a Cat Feng Shui expert to make sure your dancing space is properly laid out or a Cat Dancing Instructor to teach you proper technique. Who knew there was a demand for such occupations!
Profile Image for Hillary.
390 reviews27 followers
November 21, 2012
The import with which these cat owner-dancers mesh their moves with their feline dance partners should not go unnoticed by the book reading public. It is available for check-out at the North Hollywood branch library.
Profile Image for Hannah Polley.
637 reviews10 followers
July 25, 2020
Maybe I should not have attempted this because I don't like cats, or any animals really. Obviously, this book was not for me. Maybe if you are a crazy cat person, you would like it.

I could not get if this book was a wind up or it was actually saying you can dance with your cat.

I was worried about the cats in this book. In some of the pictures it looked like the cat had been thrown in the air and then photographed. But I'm sure that was not the case.

I just don't think that cats want to dance with people.
Profile Image for Kricket.
2,308 reviews
July 31, 2018
"Once when we were dancing I visualized a bright red rose and then the fleeting image of a speeding red sports car entered my mind. At that very moment Wiky leapt sideways and crashed into the bookcase, which completely wrecked the dance sequence, not to mention one of my mother's vases. I've spoken to other dance visualizers about this and the general consensus is that she responded to the flower as a bee and then had no time to change roles when the sports car came along."
Profile Image for Amanda Brockman.
83 reviews6 followers
July 22, 2024
I still have no idea if this book was a complete joke or if the authors were serious but I loved every moment of reading. Thanks, Qing! 😻💃🏻
Profile Image for Literary Strawberry.
381 reviews21 followers
October 16, 2014
I came across this today completely at random while book shifting at the library. It's probably the most bizarre thing I've managed to uncover yet, so of course I had to sign it out.

At first I was laughing really hard, because it was just so strange and ridiculous and they seemed to take it so seriously; but now with things so over the top I'm beginning to suspect more and more that it must be a satire. I mean, it /has/ to be; there's no way any of them could be taking this seriously-- right?



"Petipa responds with vigor equal to Ralph's robust song and flamboyant gestures. Once the energy level is raised, Ralph feels that his postures become imbued with an unconscious spiritual significance which Petipa affirms by countering with her own complementary moves. A hopping arabesque from Ralph may provoke a series of elegant stalking leaps from Petipa, while a fluttering of fingers may be countered with tiny aerial flurries. Poignant moments of unconcerned fur licking punctuate the patterns of the dance."

"Dancing with a tail of his own attached, Fred becomes a psychic extension of the cat. 'I share its grace, power, and oneness with the universe. I relate to Fluff and the whole spectrum of feline physicality on a profound level--I even regard birds differently.'"

"Cat dancing is likely a complex vocabulary of gestures that we have yet to recognize and fully understand. Helen, along with others who share her covenant, has come to feel that Boot's studied poses communicate his inner thoughts and embody his souls unexpressed desires."

"But you have to be careful; sometimes the energy is so powerful I worry about overstimulating my aura. At those levels, an unstable etheric oscillation could collapse into an astral vortex and suck my spiritual reserves into a sate of negative sub-matter."

There's no way this is all genuine. Part of me is disappointed; I thought I'd discovered something genuinely ridiculous, like the way those old B movies are always more hilarious than intentionally bad ones, just because of the creator's sheer earnestness and obliviousness to how awful it is. But I just don't think it's possible that something this outrageous could have been sincerely made; there's really no way.

Is there?





(if by some strange quirk of the universe it turns out that this book is for real then it is quite likely one of the most unintentionally hilarious books of all time.)
Profile Image for Kristi.
974 reviews
May 17, 2017
On the surface this book may seem a bit silly, perhaps outlandish, and even downright nutty! On a deeper level, it is inspiring, fun, and pure magic. Many have written about this book as parody, and it is certainly a humorous book, as a quick scan of the images will reveal. Yet, the authors are individually involved in the field of feline energy dynamics and cat dance therapy, which certainly infers that there is a more earnest dimension to this project as well. While there may be tongue-in-cheek humor, it is quite possible a self-referential humor, which suits the tone of the book perfectly. Whether in jest or seriousness, this book resonates with levity to uplift the soul.
This book is premised on beliefs in energy fields, a spiritually vibrational universe, and the ability to achieve deep communication with another species, namely, cats. The authors contend that humans and cats can participate in a mutual communication that can result in synchronicity of movement in the form of dance (even performative dance!). As scientific studies have shown, cats vibrational energy fields can have positive physiological and psychological effects, which (according to this book) when expressed through dance create an ecstatic experience that can last for days. This book is - without a doubt - amusing, and the possibilities it offers are fascinating (if you open your mind to an alternate reality). I, for one, will now look at my cat's behaviors from a different perspective, and if I should be so honored with an invitation to dance, I will accept with joy!
Profile Image for Voracious_reader.
215 reviews11 followers
January 27, 2013
I adore my cats and have been known to hop around the house with ours quick at my heals, hopping and skittering around; however, Dancing with Cats by Burton Silver and Heather Busch is a weird little satirical book. The unnerving thing: three different people have given me this satire.

Its title says it all. It was amusing to glance through but you do not need a copy. The book has the same tongue-and-cheek feel of [Painting with Cats]--namely, it's funny but strange. It contains entries by purported spiritual healers and shows a bunch in various states of attire 'dancing' around with their cats. I could have gone an entire lifetime without seeing the photograph on page 28. Wait a moment--scratch that--I could have done without not only the photograph on page 28, but also those on pages 88 through 94.

If you are my friend, please don't give me this book a fourth time or I will be tempted to count you an enemy. I'm already going to have nightmares about page 28.
Profile Image for Aspasia.
790 reviews10 followers
July 1, 2009
If my husband came home and found me dancing with our cats, he'd have me committed. This is a very New-Agey type book.
1 review2 followers
April 12, 2018
Got this one as birthday present from a friend and i love it. This book is hilarious. The dry serious tone in the text together with the crazy pictures. Mockumentary at its best. Well done!
190 reviews
March 3, 2024
What a fun book and wonderful pictures aof people dancing with their cats.
Book to make you smile and giggle.

non-contact stroking, mutual nuzzling and rubbing, prone mirroring ...ways in

"Don't ask is your cat will dance with you - will you dance with your cat?"
"He rubs against me and I rub against him. They do it because it builds up energy and makes them feel great and want to dance. My partner and I now regularly rub up against one another to reenergize and it's made a big difference to our relationship. "
"Pussy tail does wiggles that make me do I don't know why things"
"I feel all tingly and good in my tummy. It makes me want to jump."
Profile Image for Meri2020.
8 reviews
March 31, 2022
I first read this book in 2001. I am passing it to my twelve-year-old who finds it as delightful as I do. It’s a delight in the way that only an author who lectures on feline energy fields could envision. The photos are wonderful. The whole book is deranged, but innocent and beautiful. Do cats dance? Who knows. Who cares.
32 reviews1 follower
March 8, 2018
Hilarious. Fast read. Worth it for the pictures alone.
Profile Image for Cori Arnold.
Author 7 books40 followers
April 10, 2019
I think I liked "Why cats paint" better. The cats in this book all look like they've been thrown out of a plane.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 90 reviews

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