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Colters' Legacy #1

Colters' Woman

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Adam, Ethan and Ryan aren't looking for women. They're looking for a woman. One woman to share their lives and their beds. They don't want a casual romp in the hay, they want the woman who will complete them and they're losing hope of finding her. That is until Adam finds Holly lying in the snow just yards from their cabin. He knows she's different the minute he holds her in his arms. But before Adam gets his hopes up, he knows he has to gauge his brothers reactions. Soon its evident that she's the one. There are a few problems, however, like convincing her she belongs with them and keeping her safe from the man who wants her dead.

Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex, graphic language, menage a quatre, violence.

272 pages, Paperback

First published April 6, 2006

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About the author

Maya Banks

334 books21.1k followers
Maya Banks is the #1 New York Times, #1 USA Today and international bestselling author of over 50 novels. A wife and mother of three, she lives in Texas.

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5 stars
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1,562 (8%)
1 star
884 (4%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,005 reviews
July 29, 2013

I know I am in the minority here, but I do not understand how anyone can read this book and rate it 5 stars!! I understand that this is erotic fiction but it should at least be somewhat plausible to retain a reader's interest; especially this one. In the first chapter the eldest brother finds Holly in a ditch and brings her to the cabin he shares with his 2 brothers - believable. They think finding her is fate and she may be "the one" - okay, also believable knowing they are looking for one woman to share their lives with. It's clear to the men that she is running from someone as she shows signs of abuse, so what does the eldest brother do next? Basically feels her up while she's sleeping (definitely the G rated description of what happens) and tells her he's looking forward to doing it again!!! Umm, Hello!!! Although Holly did reluctantly enjoy it, it was just a little creepy even for erotica. I can get around the idea of an abused woman finding shelter with 3 male strangers for the sake of plot line, but for the first sexual act to be without expressed consent??? That's a bit much to take even for fiction's sake!! So, even before Chapter 2 I knew this was going to be a terrible read. Even the sex was blah -- the scene where she loses her virginity was handled with the tact of a freight train; absolutely nothing special. Which is fine if this is how you want to write a story, just don't make your heroine an abused virgin. The heroine, if you can call her that, was weak and annoying, the brothers, although slightly more interesting, fell flat due to their obsession with her which was never fully explained or truly understood on my part. The story only came alive for me when attempts were being made on Holly's life, and only because I was rooting for the hitman!!! While I respect that she finally stood up for herself in the end, how Ms. Banks had her go about it was all wrong. Hands down probably the worst book I've ever read.
Profile Image for Eastofoz.
636 reviews394 followers
July 24, 2009
This book is sooooo bad. It starts with an interesting idea but goes downhill fast. The poster child for the TSTL heroine is in this book. The brothers are moronic and it's totally unbelievable given the fact that the girl who's a virgin suddenly turns into this Debbie Does Dallas character. Bad writing all around.
Profile Image for Zoe.
30 reviews1 follower
June 30, 2015
TSTL virgin damsel in distress is rescued by three hot brothers who instantly decide they all love her/want her for their wife 'cause apparently that's the way they roll. They call her "doll" and "baby" before they even learn her last name or who she is, and have very cleverly choreographed inventive sex with her, which is perfect despite the fact she's a virgin and three other people are participating. Oh, and the brothers never touch each other while they are all having the four person sex despite all being naked in one bed and moving around. Not accidentally, never a part brushing up against another, like magnets, I think their naughty bits must repel each other to avoid any implication of reality.

She proceeds to take baths and have threesomes with brothers. Takes more baths. Has more threesomes. Sometimes she sleeps with just one brother while the others are out chopping firewood or tracking lost children in the snow.

They instantly recognize her as "the one", fall in love with her, and are completely dedicated to her care and upkeep, and I don't get why. The story idea had promise, but the execution here is just silly, and completely unbelievable.
Profile Image for Bonnie G..
1,556 reviews341 followers
December 1, 2021
I rated this three stars, but it is not a three star book. Here is my quandary. This is absolutely one of the worst books I have ever read BUT my enjoyment of the read is one of the primary considerations when I rate a book, and I enjoyed the hell out of this one. I quite literally could not stop laughing whilst reading. I get romances on audio so I can listen to them as I fall asleep, drifting off on thoughts of beautiful places and gorgeous, generous, sexually gifted men. Colters' Woman though did not lull me to sleep. This book kept me awake. It is not an exaggeration to say that in the first 2/3 of the book I did not go more than 5 minutes in the audio without laughing. I am not talking about a smile or a derisive snort, i am talking about cry-laughing alone in my room. Banks must have been on the good drugs when she wrote this one.

The premise (is this a premise?): The Colter boys live in a place (as we used to say about Michigan Tech when I was a lithesome coed) where the men are men, the women are scarce and the sheep are scared. They are looking for a wife. 1-for-all-3. Now, family is everything to me, but (there are so many ways I could finish this sentence, but I am going to leave it here and let anyone who reads this sentence finish it as they wish.) So the Brothers C are sitting around waiting for THE ONE, certain they will know her when the see her. Where they are going to see her I am not sure. There is only one woman anywhere nearby and they have already determined that she, the sheriff, is not THE ONE. Then, hallelujah! Adam finds a woman unconscious in a ditch and gets hard (ew!) and knows she is THE ONE, He carries her inside, She is suffering from exposure and dehydration and . As she hangs limply in Adam's arms, Ryan and Ethan see her. Sho 'nuff, schwing!schwing! Blood flow don't lie. She is THE ONE! They are all in love! And it all follows from there. I don't want to tell the whole story, and honestly the story beyond what I have shared really doesn't matter.

So all that takes me back to my first sentence, about how I don't know how to rate this. As noted this is objectively terrible in every way, The story, the writing, just everything is terrible. A single star would be a gift. BUT. If I had picked up a comedy book and it made me laugh this hard and consistently it would be a 5-star. Deciding on the rating turned out to be a bigger dilemma than I expected from a book where the primary plot can be condensed down to "3 holes no waiting." Thank god the Colters' parents stopped at 3 or they would have had to find THE TWO or else organize some sort of shift system. That would be complicated, but once you read the mechanics of their various 4-ways you will have to concede that all are clearly masters of trigonometry and geometry, and they know how to make gravity work for them, so an erotic work-wheel would likely be a cinch for these boys.

So do I recommend you read this? If you are looking for sexy material I think the answer is no. My jaw muscles started to ache in sympathy during every sex scene, to say nothing of my sphincter. If you are reading for the romance my answer is also no. There is nothing romantic about three men getting boners looking at an unconscious woman they have never seen before and instantly deciding they will spend the rest of their lives with her. Even more unromantic is a woman who has made a terrible decision in choosing her first husband and then decides what the hell, yeah three horny brothers I met an hour ago sound good to me. However, if you are looking to laugh and laugh at purple prose and instalust and the poetic pronouncements of deeply lonely cowboys, and if you are a reader who will take pleasure as you marvel at the unbounded ingenuity of three brothers longing to have simultaneous sex with the same women, well then you really need to get your hands on this very special addition to the literary canon. A one-star for nearly everything, a five-star for being a hell of a lot more fun than a trip to the circus. Today that equals a three-star.
Profile Image for Mahlet.
214 reviews
October 14, 2008
It was a very hot read, but I had a few issues. To say that the female lead Holly was stupid would be an understatement. Also, some of the storytelling was just a little unbelievable. At one point, I busted out a piece of paper and started making a list with 2 columns “Stupid/Pathetic” and “Unbelievable.” But Holly made a MAJOR turn-around for the better about two thirds of the way into the book, so I got over all of it :)

The Colter brothers have a family tradition going back at least several generations: the 3 brothers will share a wife. And they’ll just know “the one” when they find her. All brothers will be instantly attracted to her and recognize her as their mate. The book gets off to a very quick start when Adam Colter finds Holly lying unconscious in the snow near their property. The Colters live together in a secluded Colorado ranch up in the mountains. They earn a comfortable living guiding hunters during the warmer seasons, but it’s Winter now, so they’ve got nothing better to do than have hot sex with their recognized mate Holly :) Unfortunately, Holly happens to be on the run from her crazy, killer husband.

I loved the unique personalities of the brothers. Adam is the very authoritative older brother, so much so he even frightens Holly in the beginning. Ethan is the middle child, and definitely the softest one of the bunch. A little bit of a sap, so Ethan was my least favorite. The youngest brother Ryan was the most complex and definitely the hottest. Ryan was an Iraq POW for several weeks, and the pain and memories still haunt him. Ryan has refused to discuss it, and his brothers recognize he needs healing. (I’m not alone in loving Ryan as he was also the favorite of all my Cincinnati girlfriends who read this book)

The Sex! Here’s where some of the unbelievable part comes in….someone has saved their virginity for marriage, runs away from their husband before consummation, and gives it up to 3 strangers?? And the ease with which Holly has rather advanced sex was very troubling. So you’ll need to suspend your disbelief a bit. But do it, because MAN was it hot! Ryan, the military man, was very dominating in the bedroom. When he orders you to drop your pants, you listen! :) Lots of spontaneous sex in a barn, an elevator, a hotel room, and bedrooms. Men drawing hot baths for you, bathing you, washing your hair---it was a woman’s dream. Holly has individual and ménage a quatre sex with all the brothers. (Note: it’s too bad hotels don’t clean their sofas often, because they use the hell out of one in Denver!)

Although the “mate” recognition is instant, the loves takes time and it comes across as believable. Three hot cowboys loving on one woman was enough to redeem all the problems I had with this book.
Profile Image for Snow.
2,264 reviews710 followers
August 14, 2017



I fell for it again... *teaches myself a lesson*

Not every-thing-threesome/foursome is a good written story, Snow...

*pouts her lips*

No, no...i m telling you, even if you throw in a smutt to burn your insides from off the chart heat...it still doesnt justify a 200 and smth pages to make a good story...

*picks under her nails and rolls her eyes*

You know what, i think you've learned your lesson...when you pile up some lame excuses for a characterisation downplay and toss in a few 'dangerous' situations

yeah, you don't dwell long upon that, you just 'ride along with the smutt'...and then you move on!

So, run along now...
Profile Image for jenjn79.
723 reviews264 followers
July 29, 2008
I wasn't sure what to expect from this book because there is such a varied opinion of it among my GR friends. Some loved it, some thought it was okay, others hated it.

Me, I ended up enjoying it quite a bit. I did roll my eyes a few times in the beginning when the brothers kept going on about "you're the one" and "you belong to us now" because it came off a little ridiculous, but it didn't annoy me too much. It just seemed a bit silly.

But overall, I didn't have any major problems with the book. I'm a sucker for a menage story with a happy ending for ALL of them. There's a lot of explicit sex in the book, but there was still enough of a story going on to keep me interested. So the book didn't seem like just a bunch of gratuitous sex to me.

At the risk of having some of my GR friends thinking I'm nuts, I have to admit that I liked the character of Holly. I can sort of understand the other comments about how she was whiny and annoying and all that, but to me, she was just a different type of heroine than you find in most romance novels these days. She came off a bit old-school to me - a woman who defers to her man and wants him to take care of her. It's a bit atypical and I wouldn't want to read about that kind of heroine all the time, but it didn't really bother me. And I liked that she showed she did have some inner strength by escaping from her kidnapper and for taking charge of the situation with her husband toward the end.

I would liked to have seen a little more character-background development. Banks only gave the necessary details of their pasts needed for the story, but didn't develop them more than that. I wanted to know more - where were the brothers parents? What was it like growing up with a polygamous family? What was Holly's family like? Those kind of details give you insight into the characters and it was lacking in this book.

Other than that, I thought this book was an enjoyable erotic menage romance. I did have to suspend reality a bit - I mean, Holly trying to be sexually available to 3 virile men is a bit much - but I thought it was a fun read.
Profile Image for Mollie *scoutrmom*.
937 reviews39 followers
November 4, 2010
This book demonstrates the danger of picking something up at Half Price Books on instinct.

This book disappointed me on many levels. To begin with, the author, Maya Banks, needs to repeat fifth grade English class. The usage, spelling, and grammatical errors were a distraction from the flow of the story.

The premise was one of the only two things I did like about this book. A woman finds three men, brothers, to love her forever, take care of her, and protect her. Wouldn't that be cool? Too bad Banks' skill at plot construction did not bear out the promise of this premise. The bad guy goes away at the end unbelievalby easily. The escapes from the bad guy's minions are unbelievable also.

The other thing I liked about this book were the sex scenes. The were not that well written, but they were imaginative and the images come across all right. Had they been more frequent, I could simply say this book is pornography and write it off as a bad movie. You can almost hear the bad musical score thumping away in the background. At only one point does a sex scene serve to forward the plot, and that is a poorly imagined version of love conquering PTSD. If that worked, I would be spending more time hugging veterans.

Banks showed no skill at characterization, each of the four protagonists is more of a caricature. There is a dominant protective one, an empathetic gentler one, the one on the run, and the wounded soul. The villain seems like Snidely Whiplash. The sole secondary character is the jealous witch, we are not even told what she looks like.

How about a scene earlier in the book where the heroine, safe in the clutches of the law, tells the Sherriff to leave her alone with Snidely? Too stupid to live? Then, Banks describes the dastardly way she ends up bruised, but none of her three guys notices or comments on that?

Oh, come on now. I could have done better than that.

Dudley Dooright could have written a better book.

Muttley could have written a better book, if he had opposable thumbs.
Profile Image for Yar.
148 reviews8 followers
January 26, 2024
Відчутно, що писалось давно, але не прям погано😁
Малоймовірно, не правдоподібно, але читати можна 😅
Profile Image for seton.
713 reviews317 followers
April 10, 2010
Written April 9, 2010 -

Colters' Woman was reissued this week with a new "expanded ending and bonus material." There is also an excerpt for the upcoming ebook Colters' Lady (http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/77...). For those who have already read the original 2006 version (and they are legion), I would say that the added material is not worth getting this again unless you are hardcore or have OCD. Like me! :-)

The expanded ending consists of one chapter added to the original story. The original had 29 chapters. This is Chapter 30 and it features their wedding ceremony. I would say that it's most notable for introducing the Colter brothers' parents. The original's ending was really abrupt so I guess this is an improvement.

The bonus material is a short story called "Callie's Meadow." Not to be confused with Colters' Wife (http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/71...) which is a different short, that also comes after Colters' Woman. Callie's occur approximately eight years after the end of Colters' Woman and it's mostly about the birth of their fourth child Callie, who will get her own story in Colters's Daughter (release date unknown). I put Callie's through WORD and it's approximately 12K. It's similar to Colters' Wife in that Holly is a regular prairie woman but this time, Adam doesnt liken Holly to a mare (that Adam is SO smooth). There are no sex scenes. I guess having three rambunctious sons even puts a damper on the sex lives of the Colters. What a shock!

For those who have not read the original Colters' Woman, I am posting my original review from 3 years ago below:

Written February 17, 2007 -

Holly, our heroine, is running away from her psycho-killer husband. Fate decree that Holly ends up at the Colters’ ranch with the three Colter brothers. The Colter have a family tradition that is like a reverse Mormon — instead of one dude having many wives, all 3 dudes are looking for just one wife . . . to share. This is suppose to be a menage a quartre romance. Holly, with her virginity (she ran away from psycho hubby on her wedding nite) and her big-ass trust fund, is obviously The One the Colters Have Been Waiting For. Much sexual antics ensues with some weak suspense elements thrown in.

This e-book had been at the top of the Samhain website’s Bestseller List for MONTHS so I finally gave in to see what all the fuss was about.

The verdict? This is some good smut. Exhausting, going-at-it-like-bunnies, how-the-heck-do-they-do-that, jaw-dropping smut. You know how exhausting it is to read about Skye O’Malley or Erica Kane as they go through their countless marriages and lovers over a period of 25 years? Well, Colters’ Woman is like that, except condensed to about, um, 2 weeks.

Okay, so why the B- grade? Well, a girl cannot live on smut alone (altho seton tries, really really hard) and the falling-in-love aspects are not very believable. IMO, Holly only has a real connection with Ryan, the youngest Colter brother. I wouldnt be surprised if Holly and Ryan run off together and leave the other 2 behind. However, I admire Banks for going out there with this story that I will swallow the whole fantasy.
The fantasy that Holly loves all the Colters equally.
The fantasy that Holly has the energy to service all three oversexed men at least once.
Every. Single. Day.

Jeez, I’m exhausted just typing this book review.
Profile Image for Dee.
1,500 reviews173 followers
May 23, 2015
I am really in two minds as to what rating to award this. I read other reviews and all said there was no plot and basically just full of sex but I like Ms Banks' writing and I fancied a naughty read so picked this up.

Yes it was full of sex but I had to laugh and then I got a little indignant. Now this isn't a PNR but all three brothers miraculously knew she was 'The One' and was their mate yet she was virtually comatose due to hypothermia. Now, if this was a PNR then I could understand that but it wasn't. Miraculously she wakes up and decides that she fancies all three men and wants to have sex with them but ok she doesn't at this point but then falls back to sleep and one of them climbs in bed cuddles her and then starts fingering her and brings her to climax, she awakens and he tells her he has just made her come. Yes she is surprised but accepts it!!!!! OMG what woman would just accept that a total stranger gets into bed with her and touched her up I don't know about anyone else but I would have been outraged (even if I did fancy him!) and would have beaten the sh*t out of him!! Then to top it all off she sleeps with them all after spending a day in their company and decides she wants to spend the rest of her life with them. I had to check again to make sure I wasn't reading a PNR because it obviously should have been!

If it wasn't for the gentle and loving way they treated her outside of the sex scenes I would have had the impression that all she was to them was a warm body to stick their Dicks into! Most of the time they would push her on her knees and she would give a blow job then he, or one of the other brothers, would then shove their dicks in and pump away. Ok so sometimes us women like it hard and fast but we also like a bit of stimulation before shoving it in. I think there was only once in the book that they returned the favor and went down on her!

The other thing I couldn't believe was the very first sex scene, she tells them that she is a virgin yet she was expected to give all the brothers a blow job before they all took turns inside her and the first one to enter didn't really show any care and attention and virtually rammed in.

As I have said I like Ms Banks but have to admit that I am not a great fan of this series. Unfortunately I have all of them so will continue to read as can't stand the idea of wasting my money but quite honestly if I didn't have them I wouldn't bother. I read a lot of erotica but expect the sex scenes to more content and foreplay and not just ramming in within 30 seconds!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for P .
691 reviews342 followers
May 31, 2015
อ่านไปนี่ก็เบะปากหมั่นไส้นางเอกไป คนอะไร๊ มาเป็นลมหน้าบ้านพระเอกพอดี แล้วก็เจอหนุ่มหล่อสามคนฉุดเข้าไปปู้ยี้ปู้ยำ แต่ก่อนอื่นนางเอกก็กัดปากเจ่อๆแล้วบอกพระเอก(ทั้งสาม)ว่า ... ช้าก่อนค่ะ !!! เดี๊ยนเวอร์จิ้นค่ะ ... (คนอ่านกรอกตาไปสามตลบ) คราวนี้พระเอก(ทั้งสาม)ก็เริ่มแย่งกันว่าใครจะเป็นคนแรกของนางเอก...แล้วนัวเนียๆกันไปประมาณครึ่งเรื่องได้มั้ง ก็ตัดมาที่ฉากนางเอกโดนลักพาตัว นางเอกก็แบบ กรี๊ดๆๆๆๆ ไม่นะ นี่ฉันยังไม่ได้บอกรักผู้ชาย(ทั้งสาม)ของฉันเลย แล้วนางกระพือขนตาเพื่อที่จะบอกพระเอก(ทั้งสาม)ว่า ไอเลิฟยู เบบี้ !! แล้วนางก็โคม่าไปอีกสิบแปดตลบ

ตอนต้นๆเพลินดีนะโดยเฉพาะช่วงเลิฟซีนช่วงแรกๆที่ผู้แต่งทุ่มพลังใส่จนหมด ก็เลยหมดมุก ทำให้ช่วงหลังๆน่าเบื่อมาก(ก.ไก่ล้านตัว) ไม่มีอะไรให้น่าสนใจเลยด้วยซ้ำ การแก้ปัญหาในเรื่องก็แลดูง่ายๆ อ่านแล้วก็สงสัยว่าทำไมหล่อนไม่ทำแบบนี้ตั้งแต่ทีแรกฮะ !? ปล่อยให้เรื่องคาราคาซังมาตั้งนานถึงคิดได้ โธ่ !!! แม่คุณ โดยเฉพาะ เรื่องสั้น Callie's Meadow นี่สงสัยว่าจะใส่มาทำไม ขอโทษนะ...แต่เราไม่ได้อยากจะรู้เลยว่านางเอกไปเบ่งคลอดอึ๊ดๆๆๆกลางท้องทุ่งเนี่ย !

เนื้อเรื่องนี่ก็เดาได้ตั้งแต่หน้าแรก นี่เราไม่ได้เวอร์นะ มันเป็นแบบนั้นจริงๆ อ่านแค่ย่อหน้าเดียวก็เดาได้แล้วว่าที่เหลือจะเป็นไงต่อ เรื่องทั้งเรื่องน่าสนใจแค่ตรงเลิฟซีนที่มีการจับคู่สมานฉันท์ แบบวิ่งผลัด 3x100 ก็มี แต่อ่านๆมานี่รู้สึกว่าไรอันจะได้กำไรเยอะสุดนะ 555 สังเกตมานานละว่านิยายแนวๆ Menage นี่อะไรๆก็ง่ายไปหมด รักกันก็ง่าย แก้ปัญหาก็ง่าย ตอนจบก็ง๊ายง่าย นี่มีพระเอกตั้งสามคน อยากให้ช่วยสร้างปมที่มันแก้ยากๆท้าทายความสามารถพี่พระเอกกันหน่อยดิ ^^

Profile Image for Daisiemae.
425 reviews159 followers
February 8, 2008
I admit I am not into reading the menage thing too much. This book had it's good and bad points.

Good: I thought the heroes could have all stood alone with their own book. Each brother was interesting, but honestly I would have liked their own book. Of course, this can't be since they are all sharing, and in love with the same woman.

Bad: I didn't like the heroine. I know she was on the run from her husband, but I thought she was weak. She didn't contribute anything to anybody. She sat around being scared and pitiful..unless she was horny or course..then she willing jumped into bed with three men within 48 hours of meeting them...and her being a virgin no less.
Plus, now don't get me wrong...I like being waited on, but she did NOTHING for herself, and certainly didn't do anything for the brothers..unless it was in a sexual way. None-the-less, the brothers were interesting and I thought it was an okay read.
Profile Image for Sammy Loves Books.
1,137 reviews1,642 followers
February 23, 2020
This was an OK book, but I will not continue to read this series. This had too many elements I don't care for. I also think I was looking for a real romance and this didn't feel that way.

-InstaLove.. It was literary love at first site for all 4 of them.

-Stupid Useless Heroine.. She even admits she is stupid and naive.

-More sex than plot...I love reading about sex, but not with 3 men within 24 hours of meeting

-Weak storyline...there was more sex than communication. I get annoyed when couples don't talk about important matters, but have time to have sex all day!

-Zero Character development...
Profile Image for Zemira Warner.
1,569 reviews1,235 followers
July 17, 2011
I was up all night reading this God awful book. Lemme tell you something this chick has sex with three guys at the same time. And that's not the worst part. They are not some random dudes,no,in fact they are brothers(?!). I wanted to throw up. I like reading about some kinky stuff but this is beyond sick. The girl is (like) a virgin and the first shot she gets she ends up effing all of them. What a whore! Plus she was married to a mobster who wanted her for her money. Se ran away on her wedding night when she saw him kill somebody. *yawn*
Profile Image for Joelle.
1,680 reviews17 followers
September 6, 2023
What to say about this book but Wow! Wow! Wow! This was one hot book. Started reading this, and I was not sure what to expect from three men to one woman had to wrap my head around that one LOL, not the sexual part of their relationship but, all the three Colter's wanting to be committed to a relationship with one woman to be their wife and have their kids. In reality, you think how could a relationship work without jealousy and protective instincts take over? Well, this relationship worked for these three men. Their families chose this way of life and so did these three sons. Their father told them that the women for them would just show up one day and their lives would be filled with happiness and love.

Holly is found stranded in a snow bank freezing to death when Adam finds her and brings her home to their ranch. He saves her life and realizes she is the one that the brothers have been waiting for. She is on the run from a husband she just married and fleeing her wedding night away from her husband learning he is not the person she thought he was but a murdering lying bastard. Holly is running scared and is not about to trust a sole. But, her attraction to all these Coulter men has her thinking she is a slut and has all these mixed emotions, but these men are gently wearing her down gaining her trust. All three men are so different in personalities but the loving relationship that develops between these men and is Holly is truly something to see unfold never mind having hot, hot sex with three men at a time or one on one. While trying to protect Holly from her ex-husband and trying to keep her safe it is becoming a job to protect her. Something has to be done.

And when things start to unfold she will do whatever it takes to him her men safe! Very enjoyable hot read! Holly is one lucky lady! Finding myself a little jealous LOL!
Profile Image for Azet.
1,061 reviews271 followers
November 29, 2019
I think this is the first book i have ever read by Maya Banks,and i know many readers are fans of her stories. "Colters Woman" is a menage a quatre (and a daaammnn sorching hot too), where the three Colter brothers Adam,Ethan and Ryan finds their one soulmate in the runaway beauty Holly Bardwell. She finds solace,warmth and happiness in their undying love and passion.

I have never really read a full novel of this erotica genre,as i usually read novellas when i crave a quick menage. This one is well-written and done for its cause.All three heroes are sexy hunks all women wish for, Adam is the older and dominating brother,Ethan the most care-free and goofy,while Ryan is the tortured badboy.Holly grew on me later on when she found her backbone and courage for life and love.

I know their three sons Michael,Seth and Dillon will have their story with their mate coming up in "Colter`s Lady",will see if i will read that one later.But god how cute and funny wildcats they are as small kids!I laughed everytime they told that "daddy" had said something about Holly burning down the kitchen,and Holly being like "which dad?",just jeeeezzzz!

My favourite of the heroes is without a doubt:the youngest brother Ryan Colter!!!He was so mysterious and dangerous that i wanted to eat him up,and gosh how the scenes with him and Holly individually having sex heated up the pages more than the threesomes!!!Even the scenes with Ryan and Holly together had more heart and sizzling chemistry!He just stole my heart badly from the first glance!!!
Profile Image for Cherise Sinclair.
Author 49 books8,193 followers
July 10, 2010
I wanted it longer, more development, and yet I couldn't put it down. The men are wonderful and I'd be perfectly happy taking all three home with me.
Profile Image for Laura.
783 reviews48 followers
April 24, 2011
While the book was a fun read, it may have been because I was halfway reading this as a joke. Will you enjoy it? Take this test:
Do you enjoy books where
+1 there's bathing constantly (and a lot of thinking about wanting a bath, as well)
+1 loving, tender description of a man undressing and oogling a woman he found by the side of the road who is unconscious
+1 people repeatedly discussing a bad dye job
+1 woman doesn't walk anywhere, she is constantly carried, like a child or a doll.
+5 guys are speaking to a woman they just met, there's evidence that she has been abused. They tell her not to worry because "you belong to us now". This is not considered triggering.
+5 The sheriff/cop/whatever is a woman who wants to get with one of the brothers. She takes her anger out on the new girl by promising that her abusive husband is not at the police station when they go to take a statement. He, of course, is. She immediately leaves the two alone together. (well, duh, women and their crazy emotions can't do an important job properly or responsibly)
+10 abused woman is carried into house and undressed, takes a bath, falls asleep in a bed, having barely spoken to these brothers. She awakens with one of them and his fingers inside her. She takes it pretty darn well. what?
+10 woman is a married virgin
+10 woman who, married or not, has never had an orgasm before. She does seem to have fingers, so I don't know what's up with that.
+10 woman is a rich, multimillion dollar heiress, and believes that the guy who pushed her to marry him immediately actually loved her and wanted to marry her with no ulterior motive.
+15 three brothers share a woman, through generations of this family. The brothers all mystically know the woman is the one upon meeting her (even though she is unconscious). One explains that this isn't genetic.
+10 Although the three brothers have different personalities, they still fall into masculine-sensitive-wounded, leaving something for every reader!
+10 complicated assassin-mafia-congressman? ending
+5 obligatory baby ending

If you genuinely or ironically enjoy more than 20 points, then go ahead. If you don't, still go ahead provided that you can get it for free and provided that you have like, an hour to spare. The book is only two hundred or so pages, and honestly, that was my biggest problem with the book. It didn't need to be so whacked out crazy, but shoving everything into such a short page count made it so. The same amount of action and same amount of sex but in 300 pages would have worked so much better. There was too much shit going down in too short of a time. Maybe if they took some of the pages devoted to bathing and made them about emotion or trust, I'd believe it.

When I suspended my disbelief for all of the complete and utter insanity involved, I kind of enjoyed it, but to be honest, the sex was hot and you might be better off just reading those bits. I didn't like anyone (except maybe Ryan), and Holly is treated so much like a RealDoll, carried everywhere and used for her holes. I didn't WANT to read anything about these people other than the sex.

P.S. Reading the reviews of the sequels makes me wonder, how do they make sure that there are three boys in every generation? If one generation had six boys, would they all share one woman, too? Or magically, mystically, split into three and three? Will this be the next Colter book?!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lo.
201 reviews52 followers
May 27, 2020
I am a little stuck on what to rate this book so I am going with a middle ground of three stars.

Overall, I enjoyed this read and I liked reading about Holly, Adam, Ethan and Ryan. There was just something about them that drew me in.

However, at the same time, I was always aware of how utterly ridiculous the actual plot was. It was just mindblowing how things progressed and the ways that they did, there were no elements of believably at all (and I love to read sci-fi and dystopian novels so realism isn't hard to achieve with me!). There was so much drama and all Holly seemed to do is sleep, take baths, have sex or think about sleeping, I am really not sure what she actual did the entire story!

All that being said, I had a fun time and at no point though of DNFing the book, so how could I not give it a good rating! 3 stars for Colters' Woman and I am not going to lie when I am struggling with what to read next, I might just pick up another book in this series.
Profile Image for HJ.
793 reviews46 followers
November 15, 2017
reread 2/2014

One of my first permanent menage books, so will remain a favorite. And definitely my favorite of the entire series.

Not for those who find brothers married/having sex with the same woman icky, though. ^_~

Profile Image for Oleksandra Chernyak.
53 reviews1 follower
May 11, 2024
Наче порно подивилася🤭🌶️🔥🤣
Але мені справді сподобалось))) не судіть мене)) одна жінка і три чоловіки🤭 це було дуже гаряче) і дуже легко читалося. написано непогано! Краще, ніж 50 відтінків сірого) буду читати серію далі😏
November 11, 2019
3 predictably somewhat cheesy insta-love with 3 brothers guilty pleasure stars

This book is definitely not for everyone, but it fit the bill for me in terms of what I was looking for at the time: steamy, suspenseful, erotic, and THREE HOT MEN. There are plenty of aspects of it that might be considered cliche, but I went in knowing what I'd be getting, so expectations are key to enjoyment.

Adam, Ethan, and Ryan Colter (in that birth order) are brothers who run the aptly named 3 Brothers Inn in Colorado where they make a solid living from taking horse riding parties and hunters out in the Great Rocky Mountains. While they are happy to be doing what they always wanted, they are missing one key element: a woman. Yes, just the one. As the product of 1 mother and 3 fathers (and said fathers the product of a similar scenario), these brothers have been told and have felt that there will only be one woman for them. But as Adam goes out to gather the mail, he is starting to have doubts that they will ever find her. He is a dominating presence as the eldest; Ethan has always been the peacemaker; and Ryan has not been the same since he came back from the war where he spent time as a POW (that he refuses to discuss). How can 3 very different personalities find 1 woman to meet their varied needs? As he is lamenting their circumstances, he spies a brightly colored object contrasting with the stark white snow covering the ground. When he gets closer and realizes it's actually a woman, he is shocked. And when he picks scoops her small form up into his arms and sees her for the first time, he is struck. Could she be the one?

Holly is a woman on the run who is out of options. She witnessed her husband do something horrible on their wedding day, and then she ran away from him on their wedding night when he showed his true colors and physically abused her. When her car died on the highway, she did the only thing she could think to do: keep moving. Ill prepared for the cold weather and not recalling the last time she ate, she succumbed to the elements and exhaustion and collapses. Imagine her surprise when she wakes to find herself in a warm tub with a gorgeous man staring at her with concern. Her first reaction is fear, but something in his eyes tells her he won't harm her. And when she realizes there are THREE of these large hunky brothers who all look at her as if they want to simultaneously devour and protect her, she is at a loss for what to do next. She doesn't want anyone to be harmed trying to help her, but she is out of options. And what sense does it make to trust 3 men she just met when she is fleeing from a man she thought she knew? Has she exchanged one bad situation for another? Can she trust these strangers she feels inexorably drawn to? And what happens when her "husband" will stop at nothing to find and reclaim her?

What I liked:
--- It can be corny, but I kind of like instalove sometimes, especially when it means more steamy goodness throughout the story
--- The brothers were different but likeable in their own ways
--- Some element of suspense always makes the pages turn more quickly

What I didn't like as much:
--- There was some corny/cheesy stuff going on at times
--- Holly was tough to like at times - immature moments and some general "I don't know what to do" hand-wringing situations - I tend to like heroines with a bit more backbone and confidence
--- She dated her husband for 4 years or something like that and never slept with him? Yeah.... okay
--- A few plot holes and inconsistencies

Overall, if you know what you're getting into and want a little insta-love with LOTS of steam that is worlds of over the top with some thin plot points, it's a good read. All about the expectations going in with this one.

Plot --- 3/5
Main Characters --- 3.5/5 (Men = 4/5; Holly = 3/5)
Supporting Cast --- 3/5
Steam Level* --- 5/5 (M/F/M scenarios with another M in there with the F; no M/M anything, thankfully since they're BROTHERS *shudder*)
Violence --- some (stabbing, shooting, rock bashing, and some domestic abuse descriptions)
Language --- not egregious
POV --- 3rd

*Note that steam level is not a rating so much as a how hot was it: 0/5 - clean; 1/5 - mild; 2/5 - sensual but nothing descriptive; 3/5 - now we're getting somewhere; 4/5 - yes please! ; 5/5 - they did EVERYTHING in this one, y'all
Profile Image for KatieV.
709 reviews461 followers
March 17, 2015
Is it weird that I was mostly bored? I was curious because I've enjoyed some of the work Banks has done for Hqn and thought I'd check out her erotica.

Granted, this isn't exactly my 'thing'. I can see the appeal of 3 guys devoted to your every desire in an erotic sense, but I can't suspend enough disbelief to buy the scenario long term. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe this is done in the real world. However, most men I know have no intention of sharing and I can't imagine that jealousy isn't rampant.

Also, after the initial excitement is gone, I think 3 men would be quite a bit to put up with.

The sex wasn't quite as hot as I imagined. A lot of it seemed rather rushed. I mean, come on, the girl's a virgin and then wham bam her first experience is with 3 guys. Seems like it would have made more sense and been more erotic to seduce/ease her into it. Not go straight to double/triple penetration after one night.

I also thought the non sex parts of the book were kinda cheesy and didn't flow well.

Oh well... I'm sure this is a YMMV book. Many love it.
Profile Image for Collette.
97 reviews28 followers
March 24, 2009
The story has been repeated several times around here so I won't bore you all with that but I will agree that the heroine caused my eyes to roll more times than I care to remember. Maybe I'm just not into the weak, can't-think-for-myself type of heroines in my books or maybe she just was extremely irritating but either way the brothers swooped in and saved the day. I loved them all with each of their different personalities. After all, if you are going to be tossed around among three gorgeous men, do you really want them all to be from the same mold?
Profile Image for Lover of Romance.
3,363 reviews1,025 followers
February 18, 2024
Quickie Review (May contain spoilers, please be responsible before moving forward)

Colter's Woman is a reverse harem romance. I actually think I might have read one of the books from this series and I hadn't been a fan and probably why I put off this author for as long as I did. I just grabbed this one hoping that maybe I would enjoy it better but yeah I see why I struggled with these books. I do think these aren't this authors' strongest writing but it could also be the reverse harem aspect. That is NOT my cup of tea and the more I try I out, the more I realize its not a trope I like at all hardly. Every once in a while I can find one that will work for me, but for the most part its a trope I avoid. I really struggled with it at times. This isn't the worst RH that I have ever read though. but its definitely not the best. I really didn't know if I wanted to DNF this one or not, the pacing in this book was a bit off. Not sure I will continue the series, or if I do I will pace it out quite a bit.
Profile Image for Lindsey.
1,261 reviews133 followers
March 2, 2018
*Audio Review*

I should have known right from the start that this was not gonna be for me..

Instalove ... check
Innocent wounded bird who “fights” the sexy men’s help... check
Psycho ex ... check

And if we couldn’t get more stereotypical, guess what?! She’s a virgin! Yup! But not only was her first time ever with 3 men, she had 2 orgasms... say what?!

The narrator’s version of the female were too “girly”, and Holly (i think that was her name) just aggravated me continuously. If this were 100 pages, I probably would have liked it, but no way you need over 200.

Profile Image for dumbells.
963 reviews5 followers
August 14, 2014
If you wanted to see a perfect imitation of a sloth you’d have it in Holly. Except she is infinitely less endearing. Seriously, when is this bi*ch not tired, scared, doubting everything and crying her pretty little heart out. Women are not like that. I swear we’re not. We may have self-pitying moments, but like any self-reliant, self-respecting individual we power through it. We don’t need some muscled hunk carrying us around (though it is nice once in a while, but do it all the time and I’d just take it as the guy thinking me so dumb I can’t even walk properly) and basically making that girl completely co-dependent so that ultimately she can’t even think for herself. Not that she was doing it that well in the beginning either. Holly, girl, how have you made it out alive so far? All I can say is probably sheer dumb luck, cuz if I was in charge of the selection process when it comes to Darwin’s theory of evolution, this bi*ch would meet her end at her first period, I’d probably sic a shark on her.
Also there any real plot or is it just a lot of fillers involving sex to make the required page count? Answer is no. There is just not a lot of plot, just some douchebag ex making trouble for the sake of drama and show how the heroine is unable to think for herself. Oh, you don’t think if divorce is possible? Could the basic human rights set into your Amendments be tripping you up? Or has the extenuating circumstance that the marriage has never been consumed, which can probably speed up the process, never even crossed your pretty little head? I repeat, how has this bi*ch been allowed to live so long.
It’s taking me months to finish this book since I keep throwing it away in a rage and picking it up because of my stupid resolve never to leave a book unfinished. One thing is certain; this author is a big miss for me. Never again.
Profile Image for Colleen (NerdyWoman) Kayter.
78 reviews29 followers
April 28, 2008
I love all my friends here on goodreads. You're all so serious about reading! Goodness knows I'm intense and tend to over-engineer projects here and there, but sometimes...

Colters' Woman is a R-O-M-P (lotsa sex wrapped in a little storyline)! It takes a ridiculous situation, adds love-at-first-sight X 3, throws in a wimpy/wussy/whiny heroine for the 3 hunky brothers to fawn over, and then throws in an impossible life-or-death situation for suspense. At what point are we expecting to find a real story in here?

Maya Banks tends to write erotic romance lite. For a more serious take on menage a la Banks, try Brazen or For Her Pleasure. For a sweet, monogamous bit of erotic romance, try Seducing Simon.

If you want an intense story with a menage element, head straight for Shayla Black's Decadent.

Colters' Woman is an enjoyable lite fairy tale. And hey, I wouldn't mind having 3 hunky guys worrying about me breaking a fingernail (grin).
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,005 reviews

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