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Marshfield Dreams: When I Was a Kid

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The colorful boyhood of a popular author comes to life in this personal account Imagine learning from a nosy classmate that your mother is having yet another baby. To Ralph's classmates, news of one more Fletcher baby is just "scuttlebutt." But for Ralph, the oldest of nine, being part of a large family means more kids to join in the fun―from making tripods in the woods and "snicking" up the rug, to raising chicks and even discovering a meteor (well, maybe). It doesn't feel like there's life beyond Marshfield, Massachusetts. Then one day Dad's new job moves the family to Chicago, and there's so much Ralph has to leave behind. In this humorous and captivating memoir, Ralph Fletcher traces the roots of his storytelling.

183 pages, Hardcover

First published September 1, 2005

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About the author

Ralph Fletcher

84 books185 followers
Ralph Fletcher is a friend of young writers and readers as well as writing teachers. He has written or co-authored many books for writing teachers includng Writing Workshop: The Essential Guide, Teaching the Qualities of Writing, Lessons for the Writer's Notebook, Boy Writers: Reclaiming Their Voices, and Pyrotechnics on the Page: Playful Craft That Sparks Writing. Ralph has worked with teachers around the U.S. and abroad, helping them find wiser ways of teaching writing.

Ralph's many books for students include picture books (Twilight Comes Twice, Hello Harvest Moon, and The Sandman), novels (Fig Pudding, Flying Solo, and Spider Boy), poetry (A Writing Kind of Day and Moving Day), and a memoir, Marshfield Dreams: When I Was a Kid. His novel Uncle Daddy was awarded the Christopher medal in 2002. He has also written a popular series of books for young writers including Poetry Matters, Live Writing, and A Writer's Notebook. Ralph lives with his family in New Hampshire. He is a strong environmentalist who believes we all must work together to live in a more sustainable way. His other passions include travel, good food, dark chocolate, growing orchids, and sports.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 152 reviews
Profile Image for Kevin Kuehn.
198 reviews4 followers
January 17, 2016
In the question/answer part of this book, Ralph Fletcher mentions how much he appreciates when authors don't waste any words or sentences. If that is his criteria for success, I would say mission accomplished. This memoir is not only clever and enjoyable and meaningful, but you can almost feel the purpose of each and every word. He gives you just enough so that you can connect to the story, but leaves you to figure out why it was meaningful. Absolutely delightful.
Profile Image for Karen.
190 reviews
August 25, 2007
This is a delightful book full of "snapshots" of Ralph's childhood. Any single chapter would be a great model for children learning to write about the ordinary, and not so ordinary, moments in our lives. It took me back to my own childhood.
Profile Image for Isaiah.
1 review2 followers
May 13, 2021

The world can be hard sometimes, and so can other things. We might just want to give up, but giving up is never the right answer. The chapter “Attack” in Ralph Fletcher’s book Marshfield Dreams, teaches readers a lesson through a family’s rough time on their farm in the winter. The author includes the theme to never give up through the character’s perseverance when their roosters were attacked, lost in cold weather, and many died.
The characters work their hardest to save their roosters. When a vicious dog attacks the family’s chickens, the family is determined to find their remaining roosters. The family loves their roosters, so they are willing to do everything they can to save them. In addition, they have to believe in each other, not give up on each other, and keep showing perseverance even when it was late in the day, very cold, and they didn’t know if the remaining roosters were safe.
Secondly, the characters show their determination when their surviving roosters got lost deep in the woods. After the attack, most of the family’s roosters died, but some survived and ran off in the freezing cold weather into the woods. When the family was in search of the roosters, they found two of them up in a tree. The family had to use their past knowledge of the roosters. Therefore, they were able to get the roosters down by calling them. Afterwards, the family kept searching, but they returned with only the two.
Last of all, the characters show their perseverance through the whole story. First, the family’s roosters were attacked by a vicious dog, then, the two roosters that survived the attack ran deep into the woods in freezing cold weather. Even through all of this (and knowing that most, to all of their roosters were dead), the family still didn’t give up on saving their surviving roosters.
Throughout the whole story, the characters didn’t give up no matter what happened, and they saved two of their roosters. The main idea here is that nothing good comes when you give up, so keep going!

Profile Image for Alexander.
2 reviews1 follower
May 13, 2021
cher lied and said she saw her where it once before ht befo
Sometimes, the world can be tough, and people might push you around. But you can’t let that bring you down. “You gotta STAND YOUR GROUND”

In the article “Eleven” by Phyllis Lopez Ok today i am going to do a flash draft that is about eleven. In the story it said that “When you are eleven you are ten,nine,eight,seven,six,five,four, three,two,and one” That is so true.Because then she goes to school and they fined a sweater and they think it is hers because everyone else said it was not there's and the teacher said it was hers to the teare the bell reng Phyllis Lopez said the sweater was hers and that is my flash draft.

but she knows that was a lie but she was forced to take it.
After she started to cry because she had to wear clothes that are not hers and rigIn the story eleven Rachel goes through a big change after being forced to wear the sweater. After reading this story I can relate to rachels problem because I used to feel the same way until I got a good teacher.

Then the end

Profile Image for Jordan.
3 reviews
March 20, 2011
I liked this book because mainly it was true. It was also funny. My favorite chapter was probably when Karen Arrenberg told Ralph he was moving because it was a, "Whoa, didn't see that one coming", Moment. It was a great book, and I understood it even more after reading it a second time.
May 13, 2021

Have you ever read a book that seemed like a story, but it really happened to somebody? I have! Multiple times actually. One of them being from the book Marshfield Dreams. This specifically happened in the short story Scuttlebutt. The story also teaches very important lessons to the character (Ralph, Karen, and the Mom) and to the reader (me) like; the truth can be hard to face sometimes. The reason this is important is because all people need to know the truth but we need to know how to do it too.

I think that Ralph had some trouble facing the truth because he did not even believe Karen when she gossiped to him about getting a new baby brother or sister for the first time(it happened 2 times in the story ).I know he did not believe her because of this quote from the book, “I stared at her wondering if she was mocking me or acting smug or enjoying the shocked look that must have been plastered all over my face.” To me this is showing the craft technique of inner thinking because the author showed what Ralph thought and felt in the story. This also shows he was shocked when she told him and that he thought she was just mocking him and joking around but not being serious.

I think that Ralph had some trouble facing the truth also because he felt mad and scared in certain parts of the story. I think this is because he knew she was right when she gossiped to him about getting a new baby brother or sister for the 2ed time. His face even turned red from anger and maybe even embarrassment. I know all this because of this quote from the book, “‘I've got more scuttelbutt’ she said softly. ‘What?’ My checks berned like she'd just slapped me, hard. ‘A baby?’ ‘Ya, another one .’”to me this shows the author's craft of dialogue and this is important that the author adds this because without it he just thinks everything he says but with dialogue the story comes to life. I also think this quote shows that he knew she was right and was scared to admit it.he also even guessed what she was going to say and was right on what he thought because he had been in that same place a year or so before.

I think that Ralph had some trouble facing the truth also because he got mad at Karen alot. For example when Karen told him the 2ed time she made a list of all the names of the kids in his family to which he got mad at. I also think he got mad at that because he knew she was right. this quote shows this,“Her list was accurate but I was so mad I could not even look at her and Karen seemed to understand because she did not say another word for the rest of the day.” This makes me think that Karen was trying to make him mad because she “seemed to understand.” Referring to earlier with the quote,“I stared at her wondering if she was mocking me or acting smug or enjoying the shocked look that must have been plastered all over my face.” Specifically this part,“I stared at her wondering if she was mocking me or acting smug” To me this shows she knew he did not like the gossip yet she did it 2 times.

As you can see this is a great book with an amazing moral for the character and reader of the truth can be hard to face Ralph lerend this when he was told some very good news in a very bad way. All in all the story has a good moral and is a great story with awesome characters that learn important (yet hard to learn) lessons along the way.
1 review
May 13, 2021
n life you should always be understanding, the littlest thing can be small to you but big to someone else. Has there ever been a time where you literally thought you were drifting away from an important person in your life? Or cared about something or someone more than someone else trust me we all been there. Well, this boy did too, It’s ok to take a break from your normal surroundings/routine, and be the bigger person about it at the end of the day. Also, try to understand them too.

The boy in the story “Last kiss” was always use to getting kisses on the cheek by his mother and father. It was like instant melatonin for him. Every night was the same it was almost, always a part of his bedtime routine. His mother always kissed his right cheek and the father kissed his left. He always uses to fell asleep right after. In the story, it says “I got under the covers and it was an easy glide to sleep.” That all changed one night though. His dad had given him a handshake instead of a kiss on the left cheek, like he is used to, but doesn’t understand why.

The boy learns that sometimes even though it’s hard to let it sit for some time and try to process it, you will still get through it. You will always get through it. Something that I would do is just take a break, in his situation getting kisses before bed, I would take a break from getting kisses from his mom and get used to not getting kisses. Maybe that will help him. If he is used to NOT getting kisses he won’t expect to get them. Plus you won’t regret it, and when you look back and remember, you will glad that you made the decision.

As you can see, the story “Last kiss” teaches that the littlest things matter but it never hurts to grow up, it shows this because the boy had a memory of the jellyfish drifting away and felt like he and his dad was drifting away from each other. In the story, it states “ Even though I was confused one thing seemed clear, my father and I had drifted away from each other in a small but important way, in a way that I couldn’t explain, not even to myself.”

Sometimes you have to be mindful of what someones going through try to put yourself in their shoes and see what they have been dealing with. From now on I will be kind and stay mindful of what people are going through. Has there ever been a time when you said something and it sets and triggers them even if it's an angry or sad one? That tells you to not say that again.
1 review
May 13, 2021
by: Colby

A big problem is a gossip. It can ruin friendships and break trust in others. in the story Scuttlebutt, by Ralph Fletcher. This is shown by his mom telling her, friends before telling her family about a new baby. Which leads to mistrust and dishonesty. yes, she wasn't ready to tell the family yet but she told her friends who told it to their kids who turned it into a gossip/scuttlebutt. before the whole school knew about the new baby but Ralph not.

“The truth is hard to face” he did not believe the scuttlebutt about his mom having a baby. He is mad at his mom for not telling him/his family first. And he loses trust in his mom! The book states “I stared at her, unable to tell if she was mocking me or acting smug.”

“ The truth is hard to face.” he could not face Karen when she gave him the list of his family. He was so mad the second time this happened that his face turned red! He is going to lose all his trust in his mom and never believe his mom. The book scuttlebutt used description to help the readers make a picture in their head. For example, Karen was “enjoying the shocked look that must have been plastered all over my face.”

“The truth is hard to face” Arthur used attestation, for ex “I could not wait to get home and see if what Karen had told me was true.” this play’s a big part because he wanted to make share what he was told was true. And when he found out he was ausanshed! He varied shocked the second time! That right his mom lied to him twice.

In conclusion, I think thor is a big lesson to be lured. “The truth is hard to face.” which is still the fact, because throughout the story ralph could not believe the news about his mother and the new baby. Wich made him feel bad. That is why I think the truth is “hard to face.”
Profile Image for Aiden S.
1 review
May 13, 2021
The truth can hurt in the book Scuttlebutt, this shows when Ralph Fletcher hears that his mom is having a baby and it is from Karen and is in so much shock, he does not believe it. But when he hears it from his mother he feels reassured thinking Karen was pranking him.

The main character learns that the truth can hurt because at first, he did not believe Karen thinking she was mocking him or acting smug. Whenever he got home, he asked his mom, “she said yes I am having another baby isn’t that wonderful.” He wasn’t happy even after she said yes he wanted to know before every other kid in the school did.

The main character learns that the truth can hurt when his face turns red because his mom did not tell him that she was having another baby although his mom said next time she was going to tell him when she has another baby, Karen tells him again.

The main character learns that the truth can hurt when he had trouble facing Karen whenever she had a list of his family names because he knew she was right and when he got home asked his mother again and she said yes again.

In conclusion, this shows how sometimes the truth is better unknown because the truth may be hard to accept if you hear it from a different person. The author Ralph Fletcher used dialogue to get readers to predict. From now on I want the truth from the person it is about. I believe that the author included this so you would tell the truth yourself instead of someone else.

1 review
May 13, 2021

A house full of memories

There was a kid named Eddie and him and his parents are going to move so his mom told him that you should throw away some toys. because we are going to move to different house and after all that he didn't do what his mom told him to do so his mom walked in his room and said you have the same toys that i told you to throw away and he said mom i do not want to throw away some of my toys. Later on in the story he goes and follows his mom to the latter that led to his attic and when they got into the attic. When they got up there at first they saw a really dark room and it was also dusty in there and why they went up there was because the dad went to the attic and they saw him looking throw boxes that where full of pictures
12 reviews1 follower
December 2, 2022
This book was a good book it is a memoir and this book is historic fiction. This book was not the first book by Ralph Fletcher he made a lot of memoir's like this one. The main protagonist was Ralph and his brother jimmy the antagonist for him was having to move and leave his friends Ralph and jimmy remind me of real people they are believable. I believe this book is well written this book feels real This book is great and expresses a lot of feelings. This book was not what I expected, I say this because in the end Ralph moved and didn't want to he left all his friends. I would recommend this book because I thought it was great and that it has a lot of character and feels like they are real.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Holly.
638 reviews5 followers
September 26, 2018
I read this with my son for his summer reading. It was a funny story. My son thought it was a little unrealistic because the author didn't have any problems and everything was always worked out smoothly. I thought it was a nice story about a young boy in a big family.
Profile Image for Jen S.
359 reviews5 followers
March 28, 2024
It was fine- kind of cute, but not particularly exciting.
Profile Image for Coco Knostman.
27 reviews
October 2, 2012
Marshfield Dreams by Ralph Fletcher
183 pages nonfiction biography

Marshfield Dreams is a biography about Ralph Fletcher's life as a kid. It starts around when he was two and ends when he moves to Chicago when he is around thirteen. Ralph Fletcher is the oldest of eight kids each one with a different personality. Ralph is closest to his brother Jimmy who is one year younger and loves to play in the woods. From Jimmy down the kids are Lainie, Tommy, Bobby, Johnny, Joey, and Kathy. Through the book Ralph Fletcher talks about stories of his childhood like how his friends, brothers, and he played war where they would use sticks as guns and pretend to die. In the end Ralph has to move so he has to say goodbye to Marshfield(the place where he lives) and to his friends. His friends show up at his house before he leaves and give him a pretend funeral in the forest then that is where the book ends.

This is my favorite biography because of all of the funny stories Ralph Fletcher tells about his family. I gave this book 5 stars because there is nothing I don't like about it. I would recommend this book to people who like to laugh, and to people who like stories. I love this book also because it's exactly how I want my family to be when I grow up. I hope whoever reads this book will love it just as much as I did.
1 review
February 1, 2018
Riya #26
“Funeral” By Ralph Fletcher
In life, you should have friends, even if someday, they might leave, they do and have done a lot for you. This is what is taught in the story, “Funeral” by Ralph Fletcher. To think of the bigger picture, think of it this way, you are the Sun and your friends are the planets revolving around you, they will always be with you because of the gravitational pull you emit. Even if they are miles away from you they are there for you. To prove this, Ralph’s friends make a funeral for him, they say nice things about him, and in the end, Ralph thinks of all the fantastic memories he made with his friends in the past.
In the beginning, Ralph’s friends planned a funeral for him. But why? They wanted to because now Ralph is leaving their lives, so it is kind of like Ralph is dead. To prove this, Larry, one of Ralph’s friend said, “You’ll be dead to us.” This shows that his friends really care about Ralph, they made a funeral for him. They could have just said bye to Ralph and left the point that he is leaving, but they insisted on doing more for their friend. They lead Ralph to a small area were they made a nice cozy place to sleep (lie down). They then covered very part of Ralph with pine cones except for his head. Also, they made an opening line to as what they say during a funeral. This is one part of proof that friends show lots of significance. Therefore, this then shows that my claim is proven true.
Specifically, during the funeral, Ralph’s friends each said nice things:Steve said, “Last year I had to do summer school. He came by every day to walk me home.”; another friend, Larry, said, “About a month ago, John Berkowitz tried to beat me up and Ralph told John “You’ll have to beat me up first.” So, John Berkowitz punched him instead.”; his last friend, Andy, said in a whispered tone, “He was the brother I never had.” A whispered tone meant that one moment was very sad for them (him). When all his friends said all these things, Ralph lay in the corner in the soft floor of the earth that his friends had made for him. This, therefore, states another piece of proof for the importance of having friends. This paragraph here is also a piece of the puzzle in the claim that I had stated earlier.
Most importantly, Ralph at the end has a clash memory of the moments that Ralph had with his friends. For example, it quotes, “I thought of all the things I’d done with these guys.” This shows that Ralph cares about his friends as well. For example, Ralph recalls trading baseball cards, playing card tricks, bad jokes, and sharing stories while maybe eating snacks. Another thing Ralph remembers, lies in a quote: “Staying up late listening to the radio while the DJ counted the top ten.” The remembering of Ralph and all these things is and can be very important. It shows lots of significance because now Ralph is thinking about his friends and how important they were for him. Earlier, I had stated that Ralph’s friends had started thinking how important Ralph was to their lives, but now Ralph is thinking how important his friends were and are in his (Ralph’s) life. This is the final and the last piece of the puzzle as well as the most important one too.
To close up, Ralph knows his friends are very important to him. Even if your friends are not there with you all the time, that doesn’t mean that they are worthless. They do a lot for you or anyone they know. To support this, Ralph’s friends make a funeral for him, say nice things about him, and then, in the end, Ralph sees the amazing history he made with his friends. In the story, “Funeral”, by Ralph Fletcher teaches not only that you should have friends, but that they are the most important thing one can have if one is lonely. Now the entire puzzle is complete.
1 review
January 25, 2018
Life is full of times when you have to say goodbye, such as when you are moving away. In “funeral” by Ralph Fletcher, Ralph has to say goodbye to his friends because he is moving away, and his friends made the “funeral” for him. “Funeral” teaches you that you should always make your friends feel happy. This is true when Ralph cries in happiness, when his friends said that they would never forget him, and most importantly, the funeral made him feel a lot less sad knowing how much his friends cared for him.
“Funeral” teaches you that you should always make your friends feel happy. This is true when Ralph cries in happiness. I was coming near to the start of my new life and the last time I would be with my friends has come, I was bummed out but as my friends walked me to Ale’s woods, telling me to lie down on the ground, for some funeral they made for me. They shared memories, even one of them made me laugh, but they finished it off and before I realized, I shed a few tears. This shows that because his friends said all those good things about him and the memories they shared, made him shed tears in happiness. During the funeral, Ralph is just lying there while his friends share memories. From the text, “My eyes started to water, I tilted my head so they wouldn’t notice and stayed quiet.” This shows that even though he is moving, his friends made him feel happy enough too even shed tears in happiness, so this day would not be as bad for Ralph.
“Funeral” teaches you that you should always make your friends feel happy. This is true when Ralph friends said they would never forget him. I was lying down on the ground covered in pine needles as my friends finished the funeral. As my friends all said together, “we will never forget him” and then they left, I normally hate it when they ditch me, but this time was different. This shows that he is happy that he knows that his friends will never forget him and that probably made him feel very happy. At the end of the funeral, Ralph’s friends said they would never forget him. From the text, “He was a member of the four stooges,” Larry said in a husky whisper, then they all said together: we’ll never forget him.” This shows that from inferences, that Ralph has loyal friends. So Ralph knows that his friends will keep their word. So once they say they will never forget him, from inferences, Ralph knows for sure that they will never forget him.

“Funeral” teaches you that you should always be nice to your friends. Most importantly, the funeral made him feel better. I had many strong emotions when I woke up that morning, sadness, frustration, etc. As I lay down on the ground of Ale’s woods, for some funeral my friends planned for me. But during the funeral, I knew exactly what they meant and I was really happy to hear what was going on. This shows that all the memories they shared made him feel very secure and happy, so he isn’t as bummed out to move away from his old life, to his new one. After the funeral, “For a long moment it stayed quiet. Finally I opened my eyes. They were gone. Usually I hated it when my friends ditched me, but this time it felt felt different. This shows that even though his friends ditched him, but he still felt happy because of the funeral his friends arranged.
As you can see from reading this essay, The story “Funeral” teaches us that you should always be nice to your friends. One reason is when Ralph cries in happiness, Ralph’s friends said they would never forget him, and most importantly, the funeral made him feel better even though he was moving. From reading funeral, I will now always make my friends happy all the time because you never know when they will have to move away, just like Ralph.
4 reviews
May 4, 2021
After reading this story I wrote an essay on the chapter "ATTACK"
The world can be a challenging place. Sometimes when you face troubles they can be hard to deal with. In the short story; “ATTACK” BY RALPH FLETCHER, there is an attack on the chicken coop and everyone thinks the chickens are dead. The whole family wants to give up and not even go look to see if some are alive except for mom. The text teaches me that no matter how hard or how scary something is, you should never give up. This is shown though the beginning of the story, the middle, and most importantly the end of the story.

Attack teaches me that no matter how hard or how scary something is, you should never give up on accomplishing your goals. In the beginning of “ATTACK” the Fletcher family had just come back from the grocery store and was about to unload the bags. As soon as mom was about to reach into the bag, Lainie panicked. “The roosters!” she cried. They’re dead!” This explains that the characters were in shock and some were about to burst into tears, but mom told Lainie to take the younger kids inside, so she could talk to the older ones. Once mom and the others came inside, She told them her plan. She states, “Some got killed, no doubt. But some could have escaped and still be alive.” Ralph Fletcher uses dialogue to set up a problem. Everyone thinks that it was their neighbor, Buster, who attacked the roosters because he had been snooping around the chicken coop. The characters are frustrated and mad. Mom insisted that she would go into Ale’s Woods to look for survivors, but Jimmy stopped her, and made them go together.

Attack teaches me that no matter how hard or how scary something is, you should never give up on accomplishing your goals. As the story continued, mom didn't want Jimmy to go into the woods to find the roosters with her, she wanted to do it herself. she states, “I feed those roosters everyday when you’re in school. They know my voice - they’ll come to me.” This shows that Jimmy still wanted to go with her, so mom let Jimmy go with her. Jimmy knew the woods better than she did. Later on, as mom and Jimmy set out into the woods, the other kids unloaded the groceries. Once they had finished, the rest of the family sat around and waited for their brother and mom to return home.

Attack teaches me that no matter how hard or how scary something is, you should never give up on accomplishing your goals. At the end of the story, it was starting to get dark and the family began to worry. Ralph and Lainie sat at the window sill and waited and waited… “twenty minutes then a half hour.” This proves that Ralph was getting really worried, and was about to go out and look for his family members. But when he was about to reach for the door knob, “Tommy gave a yell. Look! There they were mom and Jimmy, trudging across the snowy lawn.” Ralph Fletcher uses the author's craft to portray his message. Fletcher uses tone to show building a mood. For example,the quote“Tommy gave a yell. Look!” This shows that Tommy was excited about something. In addition, in each arm there were two roosters safe and sound. Mom explained that they had to go deep into the woods until they looked up and saw both roosters in a tree. They picked up the roosters and trudged home.

As you can see, mom in “ATTACK” unwaves the problem by showing her family that anything is possible if you keep trying. From now on, I will not just give up when I see a problem occur. Someone once said, “Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.”
1 review
January 25, 2018
In literature authors often write about characters overcoming difficulties. In the story A Pox Upon Us All by Ralph Fletcher, the author writes about his family overcoming difficulties in his childhood. This is true when the kids have the chicken pox, when they race around the house getting sore muscles, and most importantly when they get the Mumps. This is true for Dad, Dr.Wentworth, and especially Mom. A Pox Upon Us All is a wonderful story about family difficulties, and overcoming obstacles.
A Pox Upon Us All is about a family overcoming obstacles, this is shown through Dad. With kids all over the house itching, crying, and moaning mom needed some help especially with nine sick children. Well, dad can skip work to help, so that is what happened. If it weren't for dad skipping work mom would have worn herself out just trying to take care of all the children. This is important because it shows how hard it is to take care of nine sick children. In the story mom worked herself out so much that the only worker in the family had to stay home, and help out. This shows how helpful the dad was, and how much he cared. At the end of the story the kids get better which is important to the story because it shows how much dad helped out to make the kids get better. A Pox Upon Us All is a wonderful story about a family overcoming obstacles, this is shown through dad.
In the story A Pox Upon Us All, the characters overcome obstacles, this is shown through Dr.Wentworth. “Lets see what we are dealing with” said Dr.Wentworth. This is important to the story, because it shows Dr.Wentworths personality in the story. “They are all sick? Even the baby?” This shows That Dr.Wentworth is trying to help he, tries to help by gathering information to make a conclusion, and find out what they are dealing with. In the story A Pox Upon Us All the character Dr.Wentworth is a good character because he helps the family overcome obstacles.
A Pox Upon Us all teaches us about a family overcoming obstacles. While this is true for many characters in the story, it is most importantly true for mom. “Don't scratch” yelled mom as we were picking at the sores on our bodies this is important to the story because mom is helping the children by giving them advice so they could get better even faster than it would take if they did scratch. In the end of the story A Pox Upon Us All the characters are overcoming their difficulties, the texts states that mom says”I know they’ll survive, is me I’m not so sure about!” This is important because it shows how hard mom is working to make the the kids to feel better, and go to school. By the end of the story one major problem has been resolved, but one has appeared.
In the story A Pox Upon Us All, the characters overcome difficulties when nine children are sick. The children are are suffering more than getting better I learned that many people face challenges in life, and the best thing to do is help them through their challenges, to not ignore them, and to not watch them suffer through their hard time. Dad, Dr.Wentworth, and most importantly mom learn to just try, to try and help the children as much as they can to get better. I think anyone who reads this story would get a valuable lesson out of it, even if they are different.
1 review
January 25, 2018
The world can be hard for someone whom is going to step into a new life, without any friends. It is like being reborn to your age. In the short story, “Funeral”, by Ralph Fletcher, (also the main character) Ralph is going to move away from his friends. The story Funeral teaches you to trust and believe in your friends. It shows this when Ralph gets no alert that his friends are going to put pine needles on him, when he closes his eyes, and most importantly, when he goes into the woods at the last minute.
In the book, when Ralph went into the woods, he was told to lie down on the ground. His friends started putting pine needles on him with no alert. Then, when he figured out exactly what was happening, he let his friends put pine needles on his body. “I lay down. The ground was thick with pine needles, and soft. My friends picked up big clumps of pine needles, and started sprinkling them over my body”. It makes me think that Ralph trusts his friends to give him an alert to what they are going to do. It is weird that they did not alert him before they put pine needles on him. If I were them I would have told Ralph what I was going to do before even thinking of putting clumps of pine needles on him.
Furthermore, when Ralph walks into the woods, knowing that his friends are having a “Funeral” for him, he lies down and believes his friends when he closes his eyes. “You’re dead, remember? Keep your eyes closed.” This shows how strongly Ralph believes in his friends and does what they say because when he closed his eyes, his friends could have done almost anything at that moment. If I were Ralph during that time, I would have kept open my eyes just a tiny bit so that my friends don’t do something different than covering me with pine needles. I would only actually close my eyes when I know that they are only going to put pie needles on me, nothing else.
“Funeral” also teaches people to believe in their friends most importantly when Ralph goes into the woods at the last minute. When Larry tells Ralph that and his friends are taking him to the woods, he asks his dad if he could go to the woods one last time with his friends. After a little bit of arguing, Ralph’s dad says yes but that he should be back at ten o’clock sharp. “Please, Dad,” I pleaded. “Just one last time?” “All right, but we are leaving at ten o’clock sharp,” he said. This shows a great sign of trust between Ralph and his friends. I wonder why Ralph would say yes when he has to leave soon. If I were him, I would have had a last time with my friends the evening earlier. I would just say bye for the last time on the last day; I would not have a whole goodbye time.
In conclusion, I think that in “Funeral,” Ralph trusts his friends in many different ways including when he gets no alert that he is going to get covered with pine needles, when he closes his eyes, and when he goes with his friends into the woods on his last morning with them. After reading the short story, I learned to trust my friends more and believe them no matter if it is your last day with my friends, or if it is just a regular day with my friends.
1 review
January 25, 2018

The world can be a tough place were overcoming hard obstacles can help things get better if you are willing and able to try, this is just like the story Pox Upon Us All by Ralph Fletcher when all seven of the Fletcher kids get chicken pox and the mumps in the Winter. Dr.Wentworth, Dad, and most importantly Mom need to overcome the difficulty of caring for the sick kids.
The text teaches us that you can overcome difficulties if you try. This is true for Dr.Wentworth. At the end of the story when Dr.Wentworth comes to the Fletcher home and all the kids except the toddlers are sick and he needs to overcome the difficulty of diagnosing the kids. In the text it says “he listened to 7 beating hearts and poked backs and bellies, then says this tells me one thing… they have the mumps! This is important because if mom and dad gives the kids medicine they are not supposed to have they could get more sick than they already are.
In the story Pox Upon Us All,all 7 kids get chicken pox and Mom needs to stay home with all the kids.The text teaches us that you can overcome a hard obstacle in life if you try. But at the Fletcher home this got a little out of hand because when she left for a few minutes to pick up food the were racing around the house. After that Dad needed to stay home and help Mom, but after a day he could go back to work. What this means is Dad overcame the difficulty of taking care of the sick kids because he was able to go back to work the next day.
Most importantly Mom also overcame the difficulty of taking care of the seven sick kids, this shows if you try and face a hard obstacle in life there is a chance that you will succeed. All the kids had chicken pox one winter and Mom overcame the difficulty of helping them get better. When Mom went to the store with the toddlers to get baby food all 7 kids started to race around the house yelling at the top of their lungs and having crazy pillow fights. After she got back she scolded them for messing up the house and they behaved after that but they were limp as rag dolls. This is important because Mom got them to calm down and this shows she took care of them well. Mom also rubbed vicks on their nose and stomach helping them feel better, she took the time to make each and every one of them eggs on toast. One of the other most important thing she said was “ Do not itch it will make it worse” What this shows is she took very good care of the kids and she really cares for them. The best part was she overcame the difficulty of taking care of the because after 2 weeks of rest they were well enough to go back to school.
In the story Pox Upon Us All by Ralph Fletcher, Dr.Wentworth, Dad, and most importantly Mom face hard challenges in life of taking care of the sick kids. This story taught me a valuable lesson in life of if you have a hard challenge in life it is best to try and overcome it instead of just saying “I can not do it” you should try. I hope now in life you will try you best and never give up.
1 review1 follower
May 14, 2021
That is the mini story I chose for this essay and with great perseverance comes great reward.
This is what I believe the text taught after reading the short story “Attack”. After reviewing again and again the texts I have concluded that the mom shows this through pushing very hard in the woods to find the chickens and it paid off in the end. One reason is the very quote “‘how’d you find them’ I asked ‘we went far back in the woods’ Mom said”. This supports my thinking of what the text teaches. “She never gave up on those 2 roosters,” said the narrator of the story. This could also be considered a reason because it talks about how there came the reward(s).
Another big supporter of my original claim could be how Jimmy offered ideas and help while his family did not know what to do. One reason supporting this could be this quote “You better take me with you ,” Jimmy said. “I know those woods a lot better than you.”True, Mom looked over at me” This quote explains how Jimmy offered his help and ended up ensuring that he and his mom did not get lost in the ole’ back woods where his family lived.

I think that the characters are a good ole family in the backwoods of the state and I think the first reason that I chose was probably the most obvious and it is well the whole fact that they are taking care of roosters and chickens and live right by a big woods. “Ale’s woods, Jimmy suggested “that's where I’d go”this main quote really helps support my main claim above because Jimmy just mentioned a nearby woods where the roosters ended up retreating to. Also the second example with Jimmy helps my first paragraph but on with this current paragraph.

For my final paragraph I will now say what the characters learned and that is probably “build a better chicken coop and stay more alert” because the first one turned into a warzone (Brave roosters gave their lives over streams to protect the surviving chickens from the dog menace :)
So one piece of evidence is the little girl who found the post chicken fight scene said in the end that recently there was a neighbor hound nearby who was snooping around kinda like he was planning an “attack”. A last reason could be don’t leave a bunch of chickens/roosters unattended, now I know they had to get groceries somehow, but they at least could have made sure everything was in ship shape.
So in conclusion the text taught many things but mainly with great perseverance comes great reward that is what the text teaches us and I bet if the characters were listening they would agree. Speaking of what the characters taught, I bet the family altogether learned well through their experience building a better chicken coop and staying more alert is the right thing to do.

3 reviews
January 31, 2018

Recollect a time when you were sick and helplessly lying in bed, trying to recover. You must have felt really horrible, right? But, have you thought about what it feels like for the person taking care of you? The author of A Pox Upon Us All , Ralph Fletcher, portrays the challenges of taking care of one another. Particularly the character “Mom” in the story picked up the knowledge that it is possible to become sleepy, frustrated, and worried in the process of taking care of someone.
To begin with, Mom gets tired because of all the sick children. The text says, “ Mom about wore herself out trying to take care of us.” This says that Mom is exhausted from taking care of all the sick children and feels like she cannot take any more work. One way I can associate to this is that when I have a LOT of work, I can get really worn out.
Following my first reason, Mom gets frustrated.”When Mom came home, she scolded us for messing up the house. The next day, our muscles hurt, and Mom said we had used them too quickly after being sick for so long.” This shows that Mom is dismayed that the kids messed up the house, and now that their muscles hurt, she receives more work on top of cleaning up the house.
My last and final reason for my thesis is that Mom gets very worried when the kids are sick. From the text, Mom sighs, “ ‘I know they’ll survive… It’s me I’m not so sure about.” This quote expresses the fact that Mom is worrying about her children’s comfort, and even though she knows when it will end, she cares about their present state. I can relate to this because I am always worried about fellow family members when they have fallen sick. I don’t want them to have to feel both physically and mentally uncomfortable, even when I know when they will recover.
The author of this book, Ralph Fletcher, writes in a way that makes the reader feel sympathetic to the characters. Particularly Mom, whom he describes as a character who has a lot of tasks taking care of her children, but very patient. She never complains while trying to handle her heavy workload.
A Pox Upon Us All shows Mom as a character who faces the difficulties of taking care of others. In conclusion, Mom has experienced that nursing other people can be a challenge because she herself has gotten tired, frustrated, and worried in the process of doing it. So the next time you are sick and lying in bed, think about what your caretakers are going through.

2 reviews
January 31, 2018
In life, it is important to have friends. The short story Funeral by Ralph Fletcher shows the importance of friendship. In the story, the main character Ralph is moving away and his friends, Andy, Larry, and Steve, are having a “funeral” for him because according to them, Ralph will be “dead” to them because they won’t see him anymore. During the funeral, they talk about all the good things they did together. In the text, there is evidence that Ralph is a good friend, because he has unique character traits that make him a good person. He is a great friend because he is kind, caring, and most importantly, he is protective.
The first reason that proves Ralph is a good friend is that he is kind. In the text, Andy says,” He was a good friend… He was the brother I never had.” If someone calls you their brother, it most likely means that you are really good friends with them, because you don’t call someone your brother unless they are really kind and friendly to you. This proves that Ralph is a really kind person and friend.
Another reason that proves Ralph is a good friend is that he is caring. In the text, Steve says, “ Ralph Fletcher was a good friend. Last year I had to do summer school. He came by every day to walk me home.” This proves he is caring towards his friends. You have to be a really caring person and a good friend to take all that extra time to walk to school AND come back just to make your friend feel better. Ralph does not just leave Steve alone saying it’s not his problem that Steve had to do summer school.
The last and final reason why Ralph is a good friend is that he is protective. In the text, it says, “He was a good friend, Larry agreed, about a month ago, John Berkowitz tried to beat me up, and Ralph told John,’ You’ll have to beat me up first.’ So John Berkowitz punched him instead. He was a brave friend, stupid but brave.” This quote proves that Ralph would do anything for his friends. It takes a lot of protectiveness to have your self be punched to keep your friend safe.
To wrap this up, it is clear that Ralph is a great friend, but an even better person. He had some unique character traits that are all very hard to find in some people. The story Funeral teaches in great detail the importance of friendship and ways to be a good friend by giving Ralph, the main character, the traits of being kind, caring,and protective. Having friends is important, but to have friends who care for you, you have to be nice to them too!

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1 review
May 14, 2021
The Full House of memories

This story is by Jens christian bay,Eddie doesn't like cleaning, because of the dried-up silly putty, and some toys are glued together,Eddie family are about to move out, but Eddie dose not wanted to move away from his friends, and he like this house.his mother told him to clean the attic, his father are already up there looking through some old photographs Eddie took some photos, he start looking at it ,he saw a little boy playing baseball in his backyard,he asked his father “ is that me when i was little?” His father told him that was him when is little, Eddie found another old photo that showed a little girl playing hopscotch on a sidewalk, he asked “ is that you….mom?” He never saw his mom and dad playing, they are always doing adult things. Eddie walked to the corner of the attic with his mother, Eddie saw an old dusty window, he looked out the window,he saw their old backyard, and ...he think about it .”it was actuary a good perfect timing to move” because: when he moved, Eddie are going to a new school and he can try out the soccer team,and others sport team.
When they finished cleaning the attic,Eddie took the camera and went to ask their parents”mom,dad can you take a picture of me playing in the backyard”?
Conclusion: Eddie family are cleaning up the house because they are going to move always, when Eddie mom told Eddie to clean up the attic,his father is already up there looking through some old photograph,Eddie took some and saw a little boy playing basketball,and a little girl playing hopscotch,he ask is that his mom and dad,Yes it was his parent when they are a little kid. Eddie was shocked,he thought they were born like this big, and he thought they were always doing adult things. Eddie thought it was a good time to move anyway.

The house full of memories

A boy named Eddie, his family and him are cleaning up because of moving houses,and (Eddie was not happy to move.)when Eddie mom told Eddie to clean the attic,his father are already up there looking through some old photograph, Eddie took some photo and look thought those,he sawed a little boy playing basketball,and a little girl playing hopscotch,he ask is that his mom and dad,Yes and Eddie was *shocked* He thought they were born like this. Eddie noticed that it was a great time to move anyway.

1 review
January 25, 2018

In life, people may make many friends, but they may only have a few close friends who they share a bond with. In the story “Funeral” By Ralph Fletcher, Ralph is moving away and his close friends take him to the woods for a ‘funeral’. The text teaches us about how good friends share a bond. This is shown when Ralph lets his friends take him to the woods, when his friends set up a ‘funeral’ for him, and most of all, when he lets his friends sprinkle pine needles on him.
Good friends share a special bond, and this is shown when Ralph lets his friends take him to the woods one hour before moving. This action shows a great sign of trust. At first his friends didn’t tell him why they were taking him, but his parents were fine with him going. This makes me realize that when you make good friends you start bonding with them, and start trusting them like family. For example, if your friend asked you to come to the park with them you probably would say yes. But, if a random stranger asked you to come to the park with them, you probably would say no.
The fact that good friends share a special bond is shown when his friends organize a funeral for him. When his friends tell him that they are taking him to the woods for his funeral, it shows that his friends really care for him, and that their lives would be different without him. This makes me realize when we make close friends our lives change because of it. Also, we see them often, but if they move away, this may be the last time you see them. This shows that good friends share a special bond because this shows they care for each other a lot.
When he lets his friends sprinkle pine needles on him it shows that good friends share a special bond. This action shows that good friends share a strong bond because they are doing it even though Ralph will most likely he in a car or plane for a long time. I think they did this because they want to give him a proper funeral to show him that they won’t forget him. I think that this is a very sweet and caring and that it shows that Ralph and his friends share a strong bond like most good friends do.
Good friends are close and share a strong bond. In the story “Funeral” Ralph and his friends share a close bond. Now when I’m with my friends I will be kind and trusting to them because we share a bond and because good friends should be caring and trusting.
2 reviews
January 31, 2018
Kevin #16
January 29, 2018
This story is about a boy (Ralph Fletcher, the author) who is moving away from his friends. The story Funeral is written by Ralph Fletcher, who is the main character of this story. His friends, Andy, Larry, and Steve want to say goodbye, and they brought Ralph to the forest. They said nice things about him, triggering their important memories.
When all his best friends bring him to the forest, they have a very sad face to see one of their best friends leave them forever. Plus, they wouldn’t be able to see him ever again. So by saying goodbye, they made a funeral celebration. This was because they wanted Ralph to feel good when they left. That is why people are sad at a funeral (because they have to say their goodbyes, but in your heart you will remember them, and hoping their new life will be good for them). So you don’t feel to sad or too bad about leaving someone you cared about, and never forget each other.
After Ralph leaves his friends and moves on into his new life, he will never forget them, because saying goodbye is forgetting, and forgetting is losing one another (so we always remember each other). But since we are social people, we always make new friends who can can give us emotions because we need it it will make us cherish the moments and. That’s who we are, that is why we have to cherish the past.
Now that Ralph has stepped into his new life, his friends will always remember him as a good friend, because you don’t have to forget someone after they leave. Everyone has experienced this in lost a friend in 4 grade because he moved away, but I still remember him till this day. That is why you never forget someone, and why you should remember him after all maybe you will see him in the future who knows?
So after the moment Ralph left his friends, he wrote this story to remember his friends and his friends will always remember him. And the forest he did the funeral in, because he deserved it for a good friend and all they cared is Ralph the best friend they could ever have because he supported Andy,Steve,and Larry in whatever they needed, when he stood of for her friends when they get bullied he always was there so after all of this they would never forget each other and they would always remember each other as best friends.
1 review
January 25, 2018
In the book which is written by Ralph, in Ralph’s family he had 9 siblings! The family is really close. This is shown through when they, shared the same jokes everyday, had a lot of fun, and most importantly they shared the same germs.
First reason, Ralph shared the same old jokes everyday. For instance in the text, “A Pox Upon Us All” it shows us that, “We all shared the same jokes.” This tells us that they are like a funny family and like to laugh sometimes to keep everyone happy. This mainly tells us that they like seeing each other happy and joyed.
The next big reason, is that they had a lot of fun together as a family. As evidence, the text “A Pox Upon Us all,” said, “ we loved to set up a big line of blocks so that when one toppled it would start a chain reaction all the way from the hall to the bathroom.” This tells us that they like building and playing together as a family, and a team. Also as evidence, the text “A Pox Upon Us All” also said, “yelling at the top of our small lungs, and having the wildest pillow fights!” This tells, us that they like messing everything in their home, but they all get in trouble together. This shows us that they had a lot of fun as a family, but also did some mischief.
Most importantly, they got sick together too! As evidence, the story, “A Pox Upon Us All,” said, “we shared the same germs too.” This is one of the conflicts they have to face while being close is sharing many germs together. For example, the story, “A Pox Upon us all,” said, “The winter I was nine we all got chicken pox at the same time.” This tells us that they pass germs really fast to each other. Also that they need to be extra careful so people don’t get sick in the house. As evidence, the story, “A Pox Upon Us All,” told us, “But two weeks later we were all sick again.” This means, if any of them get sick it is a big risk for their siblings and family members to get sick. This shows us that they also get very sick together!
In conclusion, they are a really close family. They share the same jokes, they love having fun together, and they always get sick together. They always get sick together. Ralph is still lucky enough to have playful siblings.
1 review
January 25, 2018
In literature, authors write a lot about characters being upset. In the story called ‘Funeral’ by Ralph Fletcher teaches to not be afraid to change. The text shows this through when the boys share memories, when they had a funeral, and most of all when Ralph moves.
To begin with, the boys in the story are afraid of what is going to happen in the future when Ralph moves. The boys make a funeral for Ralph, and in the funeral, they each say few things about Ralph. In the text it says, “He was a good friend,” Andy began, then stopped… I waited for Andy to continue, but he did not say anything.” Andy, for example is sad because Ralph has to move. The text also states, “He was the brother I never had.” “He was a member of the four stooges.” Larry said in a husky whisper. Then they all said together: “We’ll never forget him.” These boys are afraid that Ralph is moving because if Ralph moves, maybe other things might change as well.
In addition, the boys also makes a funeral for Ralph. Larry says, “You’ll be dead to us.” This shows that the boys made a funeral for Ralph because it feels like he is dead to them. As they walk to the woods the boys says, “We’re having a funeral.” His friends wanted to say goodbye to Ralph in a special way. They did not want Ralph to move.
Most of all, the biggest change in the story is when Ralph moves. The text states, “I knew every rock and mushroom and pine tree by heart.” I think that Ralph is really going to miss this place and also I think that he is afraid of leaving Marshfield. The text also states, “I saw Andy, Steve, and Larry standing together.” The boys do a lot of things for him. It can be hard to have a new start.
In conclusion, Ralph, from the story ‘Funeral’ teaches us to not be afraid to change. Even though, Ralph moves, he stays strong and steps into his new life. I believe that there many people in life who are afraid to change. But step into your new life like Ralph did.
1 review
February 1, 2017
Attack: By Ralph Fletcher
In the story attack by Ralph Fletcher Lainie ,jimmy, and Mom are very determine to find their beloved pets, they all show this because they problem solve,takes care of kids, and goes to Ales woods to find their roosters.Therefore Lainie, Mom, and Mom are very determine to find their beloved pets.
Lainie is very determine to find her beloved roosters. Lainie problem solves for example, she says this when all the kids were worried " Don't worry, she'll be here soon." Also when the mom asked her to take the kids inside so that they wouldn't have to see the bloody pen. She babysat the kids while Mom and Jimmy went to look for the roosters. Lainie also, has a lot of emotions, for example, she was bitting her lower lip when she saw the bloody pen. Also, at the end she had a lot of excitement when they found the roosters.Also, she was very anxious to find the roosters.
Jimmy problem solves for example,he gives off suggestions for example, he says "Probably a fox or a dog." Also he says " You better take me with you I know those woods a lot better than you" he offers to help someone.
Mom asses the situation, for example, Mom looks at the problem then she gives off things your supposed to do to get it done. Also she shows bravery of going into the woods on a cold snowy night with Jimmy to look for survivors. After she goes into the woods to find the roosters she lets them just to make sure their ready to go back in the pen.
overall Mom, Lainie , and Jimmy have changed by digging inside to find confidence that they can do it. Once we kept calling and calling my dog when he didn't come thought for sure that he was gone but when I saw him in the fields all my nerves calmed down. Therefore they are very determine to find their beloved pets.
3 reviews
March 31, 2022
Marshfield dreams is a terrific page turner for kids who like adventure and a lot of humor that earned me a few surprised stares when I giggled while I read it. It is a quick read, and I finished it in around 3-2 days, but it also teaches a lot about leaving things behind and moving on and encourages adventure and exploration. After I read this book I wanted to go run around outside!

The biggest upside though, Is that it is a completely true story about the author so you can join him as he walks down memory lane and recalls the time where what kids did for fun in his neighborhood was grab gun shaped sticks and run around yelling “Bam! Bam! I shot you!” The story is intriguing and pulls you into the plot so that you can imagine what happens clearly with all the descriptive words used, along with the fascinating chapters and witty paragraphs. Of course there are also real photographs from his childhood in the beginning of each chapter that will amplify the depth of the visualization in your head even more!

My favorite part is when he and his brother rescue two chickens that were going to get killed by sneaking into a farmer’s yard, picking up the cages with the chickens in them, and biked all the with the chickens on their bike's handlebars! The whole book is intriguing, and each chapter is a wacky adventure. I have never heard of the everyday life of a household that is so exciting!

I would rate this book five out of five stars because it shares an interesting story and teaches that nothing lasts forever at the same time. I would recommend this book to people ages 8-adult because the complex vocabulary might be confusing to kids who are 7 years old or lower. It is a great book, and I hope that you find time to read it sometime!
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