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Frat Wars #1

King of Thieves

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We’re basically Romeo and Juliet. But dudes. And without all the dying.


Being VP of Sigma Beta Psi is wild. I get all the benefits of being in charge with hardly any of the responsibility.

Parties, pranks, and frat politics—college life has never been sweeter.

Until I meet Bailey Prince.

He has the face of a goddamn angel. I don’t know where he came from or why I’m so obsessed.

But I do know he’s a Kappa.

And our houses have a rivalry that’s written into legend.


At Rho Kappa Tau, I’m a legacy.

It’s a lot of pressure, but I’ve always been responsible, never had that rebellious need to rock the boat, and I like it that way.

But after a party at Sigma—the jock frat—I meet Chad Doomsen, and for the first time in my life I want to step outside my square.

Our houses have always had a rivalry, but some of the guys seem to hate Chad specifically, and I don’t know why.

He’s surprisingly sweet and kind. At least to me.

I need to stay away. A relationship with Chad would be betraying the very legacy that brought me here.

But I can’t help myself. And it seems, neither can he.

272 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 28, 2021

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Saxon James

51 books4,060 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,088 reviews
Profile Image for Snjez.
884 reviews806 followers
March 22, 2022
4.5 stars

This story was pure fun from the start to the end. It's very low-angst, there's no much plot actually, but I think it worked really well here.

I loved Chad, but it took me a while to warm up to Bailey. He seemed a bit cold and distant at the beginning, but I liked him more as the story progressed. They were really sweet together and their banter was excellent.

I also really liked the side characters. Well, most of them. I'm sensing two more couples for the next two books in the series and I'm really hoping that I'm right.

The epilogue wasn't my favourite for one particular reason, but that's just my personal preference. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Re-read 3/2022: Just as good as the first time I read it. I love characters like Chad. He is so open and honest and doesn't overthink things. I loved that about him.
Profile Image for len ❀.
381 reviews4,238 followers
November 13, 2021
“Don’t get over me. Don’t try to get past this. It’s basically the dumbest thing we could do right now, and I could name a million reasons why we shouldn’t, but let’s be dumb together.”

one of the best things about this? no unnecessary drama and break ups in the end.

however, aside from that, there are also other sweet and memorable moments. while this was my first time reading something from saxon james that wasn’t part of the cu hockey series co-written with eden finley, i found myself pretty excited to make my way through her backlist.

🏅 strangers to friends to lovers
🏅 rivalries between frat houses
🏅 bi mc/gay mc
🏅 supportive brothers and family members
🏅 minimal r&j references
🏅 sweet and tender moments
🏅 sneaking out to catch one or two kisses
🏅 easy writing, little to no plot, no angst, light hearted all around

one of my favorite parts of this was the banter between chad and bailey. while the two first started off as having a somewhat friends with benefits situation, it later turned into friends which then became lovers. their moments were sweet, endearing and wholesome. their friendship felt realistic because of how much they interacted. while we don't see all the moments they have, there are a lot of moments between their texting sessions and times they try to be together that shows the development of their friendship and relationship. their dialogue felt so real and never cringey or ott. they acted and felt like real college students in terms of their feelings for each other and the way they interacted. there were also never any awkward moments between them, in which i really appreciated.

chad calling bailey pretty and admiring his freckles always had me squealing. i don’t think the word “pretty” gets enough credit, and it isn’t fair that it’s mostly associated with women. calling men pretty and catching them off guard is adorable, and it happened every time with chad and bailey. the nickname “princess” wasn’t my favorite, per se, but it was still one i liked that was something between them only. adding on to that, some of the romeo & juliet references were noticeable, yet minimal. like the rivalry and forbidden love, but also how chad quietly and secretly climbed to chad’s room’s window.

i wouldn’t say this is enemies to lovers at all. if anything, it’s strangers to friends with benefits to friends to lovers. while the rivalry is there, they don’t like it getting in between them and coming across in their relationship. they’re rivals because of the different frat and how they’re all competing in terms of the king of thieves, but even when they meet and realize who each other is, there is never hate. instead, the need and want they have for each other is noticeably clear and even felt throughout the pages.

“It’s not too late to run, you know.”
“Of course it is.”
“Because now I’ve met you. I couldn’t run if I tried.”

chad’s feelings towards bailey were much more clear than bailey’s, and that’s part of the reason as to why i liked his character more. it took me a short while to warm up to bailey because of how his jealousy felt childish and how indecisive he was about the whole situation. while chad liked bailey from the start and made it very clear, bailey wasn’t. while i understood why he wanted to keep it a secret first or not get too caught up on it, his jealousy felt childish because of the way he was acting on it. for example, when he and other frat members are at a frat party, bailey gets upset that chad isn’t giving him attention but instead is laughing and flirting with some of the sorority girls. this would have been more enjoyable if the feelings for chad had felt either more developed. meanwhile, chad’s way of jealousy felt executed more strongly and was overall a bigger delight. at least for me, it was the type of jealousy i can stand.

bailey’s jealousy around the beginning was my only complaint, as well as one or two other moments that gave me second hand embarrassment. aside from that though, this was an enjoyable and fun read. while i am from and live in the us, i don’t know anything about fraternities and sororities, and reading these types of books reminds me why they have a bad reputation with people outside of the country because honestly, i feel the same. i think they’re stupid and ridiculous. i’ve heard enough to never want to join one. friends and coworkers around me have told me the reality of them. not to mention you need to pay. no thanks. however, i love reading about them because of the competition there always is with the different houses and how much rivalry there is. while sometimes they can be immature and honestly make no sense, they’re fun and a joy to read.

“How do you always do this?”
“Make me fall for you a little more every time we’re together.”

i appreciated how easy james’ writing was and how quick it was to breeze through. i loved how when bailey and chad became official boyfriends, it was stated and never dismissed in any way. they were in and they weren’t getting out. not to mention how i appreciated saxon james for not making her characters stereotypical. chad was a jock but it wasn’t entirely something his personality was only based on. bailey is also rich and comes from a billionaire father, but it wasn’t something he showed off or relied on. instead, he wanted to get away from it and make a living for himself in any way he could. he wanted to escape and live life without having people see him only for his name and fame, in which i found myself sympathizing with. chad also wasn’t conceited, in my opinion. he was confident, and he knew it. it never felt like he was hung up on himself a lot and used his looks to get himself in places. his family felt entirely real and i loved seeing the support system in between them. there is nothing but joy when a family is supportive in any and every way with their kids regarding their sexual orientation.

overall, i’m definitely curious about saxon james’ previous work. this is one that i’d say is best read when in the mood for a light hearted read where two boys fall in love. nothing entirely new, but it was still a delightful and fun experience, especially with the stack of assignments i have due this week.

Since I met him, he’s been the only one.
And we’re in love.
Now, if that isn’t frat as fuck … I don’t know what is.
Profile Image for Nark.
700 reviews1,529 followers
November 25, 2021
2 stars.

⚡️ very cute and fluffy. if you’re into soft romances with little to no drama, you’ll most likely love this.
⚡️ very low angst.
⚡️ secret dating.
⚡️ frat life. the mcs are in rival houses.
⚡️ lots of juvenile pranks.
⚡️ the mc Chad is like a golden retriever in human form.
⚡️ the other mc Bailey is.. idk. i literally have zero thoughts about him, even after finishing the whole book.
⚡️ no break ups, or unnecessary drama between the mcs.
⚡️ lots of banter.
⚡️ i honestly barely finished this book. it just wasn’t really my thing. i just never understood the whole frat culture, and i didn’t really care about either of the mcs, which meant i didn’t really care about their romance either.
Profile Image for Marci.
478 reviews293 followers
November 8, 2021
We’re basically Romeo and Juliet. But dudes. And without all the dying.

This was so much fun!! It felt like I was right back in the CU Hockey world in terms of the writing style, banter, college setting and hints at which guys would get a book next! Robbie and Brandon book, I beg 🙏 I had it ingrained in my oh so very forgetful brain that this one would be enemies to lovers and while that was not really the case -- I was not let down at all. I don’t think Chad and Bailey’s characters and character arcs would have worked as well for me, had this been enemies to lovers. I don’t think they would have been them. THEIR MEET-CUTE??? Definitely one of my favorite meet-cute's ever, so perfect!! 🥰💜 Chad was so earnest from the jump about his want for Bailey and Bailey was trying to fight the connection he wanted with Chad out of wanting to make friends with his frat brothers and wanting to keep his walls up. I loved seeing how much they clearly wanted each other whilst trying to be distant over loyalty to their two different fraternities. Such gentle and loving characters, this book felt like a warm hug to me (another way I connected it to feeling like I was reading a CU Hockey book!!) 💙 The jealousy in this one was everything omg… I enjoyed the fact that it wasn’t over and done with so quickly and that it was one of the conflicts Chad and Bailey were dealing with but it also didn’t feel like it was in my face all the time. I felt like Goldilocks, it was just right! That scene where they go to the hotel.... 🥵🔥🥵🔥

I read so many M/M books in a college setting and as much as I love them, they can tend to feel a tiny bit samey and formulaic to me and this book just felt different and like something new and fresh. I was so invested! I laughed out loud a ton too (which rarely happens when I’m reading so...yay!!)

Such a fantastic premise and execution. I was never bored for a second and I am so excited for the next book in the series and I shall stay crossing every finger and toe that it will be Robbie and Brandon's book!!! I’m already obsessed with them both and I absolutely devoured every crumb we got of them in this book!!! 😌 Robbie already has my entire heart, it's true, it's true!!!!!
Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,396 reviews1,547 followers
May 7, 2022

There was a lot to like about this first story in the new series, including the fun-loving prankster VP of the Sigmas, Chad.

But there was sooooooo much dude-bro, adolescent behavior, which eventually got a bit grating and tiresome.

Also, the level of feels was pretty low for me, but as a fluffy, filler read, it got the job done pretty well.

Plus, they were flip-floppy between the sheets, and there was a "taking my BF home to meet the parents" scene, which were both selling points in my book.

3.5 stars.


This book is *FREE* with Kindle Unlimited membership.

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Profile Image for ellie.
334 reviews3,234 followers
April 6, 2022
don’t hate me yall...

i think my meh feelings towards this are a combination of my high expectations since so many mutuals were raving about this and my indifference to one of the MCs, Bailey.

while Chad... 🥰🥺🤌🏻

he stole the show for me. he made me giggle like a loon so much. i honestly had a blast reading this in the beginning bcos of him— this was a solid four stars for a while there. but the more i read of Bailey the more... blah i felt.

me reading about Chad:

me reading about Bailey:
idk, i just didn’t fully vibe or connect with Bailey... he kinda annoyed me a bit if im honest. not always, but on occasion i found myself not liking him. it didn’t last long but enough for me to notice, you know?

he felt pretty bland and like every other guy, while being a tad snooty. while Chad felt more fleshed out with more personality— Chad was just the star of the show lol. like Bailey even asked Chad a few times “why him?” and i was asking myself the same thing lol.

i guess i couldn’t pin him down? his personality for me was always changing: he would be nice, playful and fun then he could be kinda mean/rude and dismissive... like when he gets jealous of Chad flirting/kissing other people when he was the one who actively shut down Chad’s suggestions of continuing their friendship and potentially hooking up. several times.

so idk, i didn’t dislike him, per se. he just wasn’t my cup of tea. maybe part of it was that Chad was constantly complimenting Bailey, gushing over him, always putting his heart on the line and being so raw and honest... while Bailey only ever gave a fraction of that back to Chad🤷🏻‍♀️

i guess i just wasn’t convinced that he loved and cared for Chad as intensely and sincerely as Chad did for him. it felt imbalanced for sure.

When people spoke about Chad Doomsen, I’d been expecting a loud, obnoxious dude-bro, not some adorable monster with sweet eyes and pretty words.

while Chad??? he reminded me of Kevin Ball from Shameless if he was a frat bro. like he was a serious himbo and spent the whole time simping over Bailey, and it was seriously adorable. he definitely reminded me of Beck from Face Offs & Cheap Shots... but Bailey was no Jacobs. and Marci said he was like a golden retriever and it’s the most accurate way to sum Chad up😭 he was just a sweetheart. five stars for Chad!!

if Bailey hadn’t annoyed me as much as he did, this would have been a solid four stars. i even ended up skimming towards the end bcos i was kinda over it by the 70% mark ://///

their flirting was top-tier, tho. just the right amount of playful and sexy. i enjoyed it a lot.

also random, but i loved that both guys had nice parents? usually in a college romance, always one MC has some serious family trauma, with shitty or absent parents lmao. and it gets exhausting real fast. i was low-key expecting Bailey’s parents to be shitty with them having a lot of money (since the rich assholes in these books always neglect their kids lmao), but they were the sweetest and super supportive of him🥺

”You’re like the sun.”
“It’s like, I know I shouldn’t look, right? But I’m curious and always thinking about you, and whenever we’re in the same place, I can’t help moving closer.”
He stiffens in my arms, but I don’t stop.
“I know looking will hurt, but I do it anyway, and every time you blow me away. I want your warmth, your attention, and whenever you’re around, you make everything so much brighter.”

...and Robbie and Brandon?? please??? im a whore for the uptight, prickly hero x the douchey jokester. it’s truly my kryptonite (i mean im an Ilya x Shane and Beck and Jacobs whore. ) like his protectiveness at the end there?? 🥺🥰

p.s. as a Brit, i respected tf out of the Chuckle Brothers reference😌
Profile Image for Renae Reads.
593 reviews554 followers
January 31, 2022
*** I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.***

Pure enjoyment, that is Frat Wars in a nutshell. Frat Wars is a blast from the first chapter!!! I loved this story, the characters, and the romance. Frat Wars is a great opposites-attract love story and is my favorite Saxon James story to date.

Frat Wars consists of friendly pranks and competitions between two frats. One is the "jock" frat and the other is the more "studious" one. The main characters, Chad and Bailey are both unaware when they meet that the other is part of the opposing frat house. They have instantaneous chemistry and eventually realize the others' identity after a connection has been made.

Chad, the easy-going VP of Sigma Beta Psi, is the "jock" frat. Chad is a giant ball of sunshine who enjoys pranks while always keeping a smile on his face. Bailey on the other hand is a recent transfer to Rho Kappa Tau and is a serious intellectual. Bailey is at first reluctant about his feelings for Chad but eventually relents. They both offer each other a great escape from their frat house roles while developing genuine feelings for one another.

Frat Wars is the perfect fun, comedic, and fast-moving romance that features a fantastic opposites attract relationship between Chad and Bailey. I loved seeing their relationship progress due to their inability to ignore their feelings. Frat Wars is a great start to a promising series that I cannot wait to read more from in this fun world.
Profile Image for moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus].
688 reviews1,437 followers
November 10, 2021
5 stars

Chad grabs my hand and presses a kiss to the back of it.
"How are you smiling right now?" I ask him.
"Can't help it when you're around.

first of all, can i just say i love the book titles in this series?? king of thieves? master of mayhem? even tho this series has nothing to do with anything circus-related, the titles give me that feeling and i love it. 🤧

after reading a dark romance before this, i desperately needed a light-hearted one to balance it out and i loved every single moment of it. 🥺 while reading this, it gave me similar vibes as Saxon James' (co-written with Eden Finley) other series, CU Hockey series: light-hearted, fluff romance with a lovable cast.

Chad was the highlight of this book for me, i loved his honesty and how he doesn't beat around the bush. if he wants you, he'll make it known but he'll also back down rather than push if you don't show interest. not to mention, he's also precious?? 😭 omg he was so affectionate with Bailey once they finally became official and it was so cute! Bailey, on the other hand—i adored him. i really did, but i was annoyed a few times with his actions before they got together. i love jealousy scenes, but don't be jealous if you're the one who called things off. you're just sending mixed signals at that point and that's the worst feeling. 😩 despite that, im honestly glad he knew to put distance between him and Lucas whenever Lucas would make moves. i appreciated that about him. once Chad and Bailey were official tho, it was my fav part of the book bc we had so many cute moments between them and no miscommunications? thank you. i loved how they stuck together, even tho obstacles were in their way.

i loved the side characters so much, both frats had their own charms imo but my fav would definitely be the ones from Chad's. Robbie/Brandon and Zeke/Charles stories, pls? 👀

i'd highly rec this if you want a light-hearted, low angst and fun romance. just a simple yet sweet story with a lovable bunch of characters. :)
May 6, 2023
re-listen May 2023

Saturday cleaning with Chad & Bailey. Thanks for the company, guys! ♡

re-listen October 2022

Still in love with Chad & Bailey 🥰 I decided not to wait any longer for the audio to release, so I'm gonna start reading Presidential Chaos now.

re-listen June 2022

4.5***** stars

Kappas aren’t bad people. They’re just different people.

Awww. This was even better the second time around. I just freaking looove Chad & Bailey. They are my fav couple so far. And God how sweet was it that they had the hots for each other right off the bat.

I have nothing more to say to that. Ever since I watched that TV show "Greek" in my early twenties (like a hundred years ago) I’m obsessed with stories taking place in college greek system. I have no idea if it is even remotely as funny irl as it seems to be but I always have the best time following those stories.

I’m really looking forward to "Presidential Chaos" and I hope it lives up to my expectations after book #2 being rather disappointing. The roles Charles and Zeke have in their respective frats def make for an interesting plot.

side note regarding the audio: To be honest, I am not the biggest fan of neither narrator (quite the opposite, really) but Iggy Toma's and Alexander Cendese's performance for Chad & Bailey was so fitting and perfect that I think I loved this book even more because of it... or rather them.


Frat Wars Series:

Book 1 - King of Thieves - 4.5 stars
Book 2 - Master of Mayhem - 2.5 stars
Book 3 - Presidential Chaos - 4.5 stars

Profile Image for Riley Hart.
Author 106 books6,454 followers
September 6, 2021
I'm in love with Chad. I want him for myself. He kept a smile on my face through this whole book. Bailey is GREAT too, but Chad has stolen my heart. Such a fun read!
Profile Image for Lau ♡.
449 reviews468 followers
August 4, 2022
Reread #3 to prepare for the last book in the series (it's released tomorrow!!): This gets better with every read 😍😍 I can't wait to read Charles and Zeke's romance, I have a feeling it's going to be ✨AMAZING✨

You know the feeling when you read a blurb for an unpublished book of your favourite author and you instantly know it’s going to be the one? When you count the days for it to be released, excited and hopeful that you’re right? When the day finally arrives and you put everything aside to have the whole afternoon to read and enjoy?

Then it starts. You open the book, with a huge smile on your face that only gets bigger the more you read, and you pray everything continues as great until the ending. And then you finish, your impossible expectations achieved, and you only want to say thank you, thank you for making me happy while you hug your kindle.

Well, that was exactly what happened between this gorgeous book and me.

“You are like the sun.”
“It’s like, I know I shouldn’t look, right? But I’m curious and always thinking about you, and whenever we’re in the same place, I can’t help moving closer.” Bailey stiffens in my arms, but I don’t stop. “I know looking will hurt, but I do it anyway, and every time you blow me away. I want your warmth, your attention, and whenever you’re around, you make everything so much brighter.”

Frat Wars: Master of Mayhem is the first book of what it seems that’s going to be a new favourite series -but not pressure. Light and fun without being unrealistic, a forbidden romance between two men from rival frats that will make you smile, sigh and unbutton the collar of your shirt -because damn, are they hot!!

For the sake of maintain this review coherent, I’m making a list of all the things I loved in this book:

The characters. I love that Saxon James always makes non-stereotypical characters that feel human. Chad (H), the super confident jock with the charming smile, is the one who pursues Bailey, the one who never hides his feelings and says beautiful things that will make anyone melt. The fact that he loves when Bailey takes charge and blows his mind with his ties *coughs* and tailored suits only makes me like him more.

I’m falling for him, and it doesn’t scare me.
I’m falling for him, and I want to be. Not only that, I want to fall faster, harder. No safety net.
And when Bailey pulls back and his gorgeous blue eyes meet mine, I get my wish. I’m in free fall.

Bailey Prince is a private man because he is tired of people wanting to be with him for being the son of a billionaire. He doesn’t date, has next to zero friends and still doesn’t understand why everyone in his frat is obsessed with The King Of Thieves. But even he knows who Chad Doomsen is: the most hated man in his frat, the mastermind behind all the pranks… and the guy he can’t get out of his head.

“I’m going to bed now.”
“I could join.”
Wait, what?
“No.” Bailey grins. “Get out of my room.”

Bailey’s family. It’s so good to see a healthy, normal family who is rich. I swear 90% of the books equate rich parents with bad parents, but not this one. The way they tease each other are some of my favourite parts of the book and I’d love to see even more scenes with them -ones where Chad is not completely shocked by their luxury home.

Mom: I don’t think we’ll be able to make it up there this weekend.
Dad: YOU can’t make it up there. I’m still fine to go.
Mom: We’ve been over this, if I’m going to her birthday, so are you.
Dad: But she’s YOUR mother. Why am I being punished?
Rachel: Sorry, Dad, you knew what you were getting into.
Bailey: I second that^^
Dad: Bailey, you’re supposed to be on my side.
Bailey: I don’t remember reading that fine print.
Dad: Fine. I don’t think we’ll be able to make it up this weekend.

THE friendship. It’s typical of college romance to show groups of friends who seem very close and fun, but when something bad happens they always end up fighting. Not this one. Something bad happened that made Chad’s friends really upset, but they believed him instantly when Chad told them the truth. Because real friends trust each other.

The Bro-motions nights:

Sigma Beta Psi brought in Bro-motions nights to support our brothers (). It’s not mandatory for anyone to show up, but we make sure we’ve got a safe place for people to talk about what they need to.

I love when authors make tiny, great details about the importance of mental health like this one. Because I've said it before and I'll say it again: mental health is important.

The love story. The strangers to friends (with benefits) to lovers was made in a masterfully way that felt so real I won’t be surprised to see Chad and Bailey holding hands if I ever travel to NY. I don’t mind when romances are unrealistic if they are entertaining. But if they are fun, heart-warming, sexy AND real? Perfection.

↬This book was hot as hell. And unique. And sexy. Did I mention hot? Not going to be pornographic here, but read it and you can thank me later.

The TEN YEARS later epilogue. I wanted to cry when I read. Most college romances have ‘x months later’ epilogues that always made me want more. We need to normalize HEA instead of an HFN in college romances.

↬I’m still not over the fact that Chad calls Bailey Princess… and I loved it. Don’t judge me, OKAY? They are so precious together they’d make any endearment work.

↬ *Fangirling* the fact that I can’t wait to read Brandon and Robbie’s enemies to lovers romance. And maybe Zeke and Charles? Pretty please?

↬ Frat Wars series:

1. King of Thieves: 4.5 stars
2. Master of Mayhem: 3.5 stars
3. Presidential Chaos: 4.25 stars

*Rating purely based on my ridiculous love for this series: 10/10
January 20, 2022
I don't like frat boys or the entire Greek system that plagues American colleges. Even so, I liked this book, and I adored Chad, who's the quintessential frat boy, at least on the surface.

But there's more to Chad than his silly pranks and escapades. He's unbearably sweet and caring, and he knows how to speak from the heart.

No wonder Bailey can't stay away, even though their fraternities have been enemies for years. Bailey is a transfer student and longs to make friends with his frat brothers but doesn't want to give up his illicit, yet oh so satisfying, relationship with Chad.

Highlights: low angst, solid relationship development, very sexy, amazing epilogue.

Lowlights: the absurd, OTT pranks both fraternities pulled. I'm too old for that shit and didn't find them remotely funny.

I'm predicting Robbie and Brandon will end up together in the second book, and I'm here for it.
Profile Image for Mariam, the clown.
648 reviews510 followers
November 13, 2021
4.5 “Frat as FUCK”⭐ stars

Let me just brag about the fact that I was HERE when Saxon first announced about this book, and BOY was I so incredibly excited.

I was curious to see how this book would go because my previous book of Saxon was fine, good and just okay.

Considering the woman co-wrote one of my all time favorite series, I was both skeptical of how this book would perform and also incredibly excited.

And PEOPLE, I was NOT disappointed. Not even in the slightest.

“I’m yours,” I whisper into his mouth. “I’m yours, all fucking yours.”

Honestly, in hindsight this book was honestly so comforting. It was positive, encouraging, sweet, and so warm and fuzzy.

⚠️WARNING: Be Aware of MILD SPOILERS regarding the book and Character arc/depth in this review.Highlighted Quotes have the potential to spoil some of the cute fucking moments this book has so save this review for later friends. ⚠️

I'll be honest, most of the frat talk and frat whatever business going on this book completely flew over my head along with the terms in shit that just made me confused, and as a reader who has no clue over what Pledges even meant before this book, I really would've wished for a Glossary of all the frat related talk and business this book had, it wasn't a lot, but it would've made the conversation so much more smoother if I had a general concept regarding what some of terms and conditions meant.

And yet, I still love this book though.

Chad: What up, buttercup?
I force myself to wait a few minutes before replying.
Me: Studying, you?
Chad: Just about to shower this sweat and testosterone off me
Me: Otherwise known as Eau De Sigma?
Chad: The patron smell of my people
I smile as he texts again.
Chad: So … tomorrow is Friday
Me: Finally covering days of the week in class, are you?
Chad: Well for that, I’m not going to finish my thought
Me: Aw … did I hurt your feelings?
Chad: You did. I’ll accept an apology—this time. Next time you’ll need to kiss me better
Me: You’re ridiculous
Chad: Say ‘sorry, Chad’
I’m laughing as I type, Sorry, Chad.

Like c'mon, you're telling me this DOESN'T tug at your heart strings?????

→ Go get a new heart 😌

Okay, I know EVERYONE has been talking about Chad, Chad Chad and CHAD because that's all I fucking saw when the reviews and ratings from my mutual came in, and I was like okay....

PEOPLE, you need to slap my DUMBASS past self because WHO WAS SHE and my fucking audacity to not show His Majestic the respect He DESERVES.

He was just... so unexpectedly sweet, honest, caring and gentle. He was so loving and I didn't expect to see that part of him so soon into the book. Usually characters with “ more muscles than brains ” and who have “douchebag” names like that, take a while to grow on you, y'know? It takes a while for you to cover them and learn more about them and then simp like a fucking obsessive fan.

People, my Chad had such smooth moves, he swept my bloody feet off the damn ground and I've never been more happier.

when I swing my legs inside and stand, he’s closer than I anticipated. Normally I’m more than confident when it comes to hooking up, but there’s something about Bailey that always makes my tongue stumble over what I was gonna say. I’m happy to be the dumb jock most of the time, but when I’m around him, I want to prove that I’m more than that.

“You’re like the sun.”
“It’s like, I know I shouldn’t look, right? But I’m curious and always thinking about you, and whenever we’re in the same place, I can’t help moving closer.”
He stiffens in my arms, but I don’t stop.
“I know looking will hurt, but I do it anyway, and every time you blow me away. I want your warmth, your attention, and whenever you’re around, you make everything so much brighter.”

And Bailey Prince,

It was interesting and hilarious to see how many of my mutuals were annoyed with him at the beginning but then softened at him in the end. I found that extremely relatable because that happened to me in EVERY. SINGLE. CU Hockey book series.

And surprisingly, I wasn't THAT annoyed at him. I thought he was reacting just like how anyone would when you catch the unfortunate eye of Chad fucking Doomsmen. And by that, I mean; You hightail your ass out of there even when you know he's where you only ever want to be.

Chad is supposed to be all about scratching an itch.
I’m not supposed to have fun with him.
I’m not supposed to crave him when he’s not around.
I’m not supposed to fall asleep with a smile on my face from messaging him all night.
This isn’t going exactly to plan

Maybe we never should have started to begin with.
But if I’m the sun, he’s the moon. Beautiful and awe-inspiring. So pure and vibrant. Outshining the stars.

I found his grumpiness and “push and pull” completely endearing and hilarious, I lived for the jealous moments both MC's had over each other, and their attention-seeking asses even when both of them were cock-blocking, and denying each other.

[Yes, I realize I've officially lost it. When has Mariam ever enjoyed, let alone tolerated Push and Pull you say??? FUCKING NEVER. Falloucast has really fucked my brain chemistry up.]

He’s like this incessant itch, sitting too deep under my skin to scratch.

The man kept walking in circles around Chad and it was sight to behold people.

The only time I wanted more from Bailey is the baggage he clearly hold against other people. He clearly had experience from people using him and taking advantage of him because of his name, status, money and/or family. It wasn't highlighted or engrossed in the book, and while I don't mind having that opened for my mind to advance, I still would've liked a conversation regarding that Ms. Saxon 🧐

I don't usually read Rivalry related books because to be honest, I found them so dumb 🤭 I don't understand why someone needs to feel/be threatened just by the near existence or talent of one another. I gave this book a chance be it isn't exactly Bailey and Chad who have rivalry with one another, but their Fraternity with each other.

And Honestly, the Rivalry of their Fraternity is the dumbest and coolest shit I've read in a while. It's dumb but yet it's also so fun to read about. Although I could never be involved with the fucking pranks they play against each other because I'm pretty sure I would have an aneurysm at the inconveniences.

✨ But it's still fun to read about ✨

“So, what exactly do we win with this thing?” I ask as Jordan takes a selfie with the fountain on campus and tucks a coin into his backpack.
“Bragging rights,” he says.
“That’s it?”
“And the Heroes Hunt trophy.”
“Heroes hunt?”
Lucas nods. “Yeah, it’s what the scavenger hunt is officially called, but no one uses that name anymore.”
“Right. So, you guys get super intense about winning bragging rights and a trophy.”
I shouldn’t be surprised.

This book was something powerful because it has the ability to have me at cringe and swooning at the same time.

Bailey’s head is level with my abs, and as I watch, he leans forward and runs his tongue along the groove between them. “Your muscles are a work of art.”
I squeeze them tighter, wanting to show off. “They’re happy to be appreciated.”

I love how this book just was so NOT toxic. This book took Toxic Masculinity and threw it out of the universe it didn't belong to.

Hell, my jaw dropped at how Bailey's Parents weren't assholes 💀 We find out Bailey's rich money and at the notion of this father paying a huge chunk of money so Bailey can get into the University in his senior year, doesn't it just ring Asshole Family Issues to you?

But I'll be damned. His father was supportive, encouraging, sweet, kind and protective! Hell, Bailey's interaction and bond in his family was so sweet and normal, it threw me OFF BALANCE to see such normality.

“You gay, brother?”
“Nope. Bi.”
Robbie nods. “So back to my original question. He the meeting-parents type?”
“Probably. But he’s not interested.”
“Damn. Guy must think a bit of himself to be turning you down.”
The vibe in the whole room relaxes. Conversation moves on.
No one mutters shit about me or makes things weird.
But then, I always figured my brothers would be cool.

And I might call it my brink of insanity since I did read this at o'delirious o'clock, but THIS BANTER, THIS POWERFUL TEASING ENERGY WE GOT SERVED ON A SILVER PLATTER Slayed Me!

“So I take it you’ve done this before too?” He reaches over and rests his hand on my thigh. “This okay?”
Damn, he’s precious. I love this whole bashful bad-boy thing he’s got going on. Instead of answering, I reach for his hand and slide it up my leg until he’s palming my erection through my pants.
“This okay?” I tease

Bailey slides his window open.
“You’re sorta like Rapunzel,” I say, reaching up to climb in.
“This feels far less wholesome than a Disney movie.”
I chuckle

And YOU just know, when someone says, “Let's be dumb, together.” that there's no coming back for you heart because it got SOLD to Chad fucking Doomsmen.

Anyways, thank you for coming to me extremely LONG review where 60% of it was just quotes from this book 😌

Romance is frat as fuck.

[Yes, I realized his last name is Doomsen by the time I finished writing this review, but c'mon, you can't tell me YOU DIDN'T say this last name like that too]

ALSO! Say it with me people, Robbie and Brandon are SO Book 2 And;

Frat Wars: Presidential Chaos is ZEKE AND CHARLES!!! I'm more excited for their book tbh, but I'll still appreciate Robbie and Brandon.

initial reactions:
this was unexpectedly, devouringly good!!! - 4.5 💛
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,754 reviews379 followers
November 4, 2021
Being a Brit, I know absolutely zilch about Frats and Sorority life but I have to say, that didn't stop me from loving every single thing about this book.

Saxon kicks off her new series with an absolute belter of a book grounded in a Frat House rivalry.

It's really funny, incendiary hot, and utterly adorable. I loved Chad and Bailey so much and would happily have read about them for twice as long.

Now I'm desperate to get my grubby mits on book two ASAP as I know that's gonna be explosive 😁

#ARC kindly received from the author via Foreward PR in return for an honest and unbiased review.
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,718 followers
November 19, 2021
I enjoyed this one despite not being in to the whole frat scene.

I liked Bailey and Chad. Enjoyed the banter, especially the texting.

It had some good heat.

Low angst, which I can appreciate it. Despite the immature nature surrounding the whole book, Bailey and Chad actually acted pretty mature with each other.

Guessing Zeke and Charles will be a pairing? Robbie and Brandon?

Profile Image for Gloria (in a slump? idk).
138 reviews213 followers
November 9, 2021
This book!! THIS. BOOK! 5 stars because of everything! Literally everything. But most especially because of the lack of unnecessary relationship drama. It was refreshing 💜
Profile Image for Llakshmi.
509 reviews447 followers
January 29, 2022

I tug a lock of his hair. “It’s not too late to run, you know.”
“Of course it is.”
“Because now I’ve met you. I couldn’t run if I tried.”

Profile Image for oshiiy.
342 reviews53 followers
November 10, 2021
4 stars ⭐️ Does anyone know who is the hottie on the cover? 👀

Omg, this book was a sweet, cheesy, and low angst one that was fast-paced and full of action.
This story isn't boring. You can finish it on a whim.

I know who is going to be the father of my babies!! Yes, it's Chad. I love him so much. He is a sweet talker. He and Bailey are so right and cute together. I typically don't like too conceited guys in books. But damn, Chad is so full of fun and so romantic. His endearments to Bailey are so sweet. I especially like how he called Bailey his sun and the Princess. Oh, my heart 🙈🥺

“You’re like the sun.”
“It’s like, I know I shouldn’t look, right? But I’m curious and always thinking about you, and whenever we’re in the same place, I can’t help moving closer.”

“But if I’m the sun, he’s the moon. Beautiful and awe-inspiring. So pure and vibrant. Outshining the stars.”

At first, I had no idea where the story was going. But how Chad and Bailey met and how Chad tried to win Bailey made my heart melt. They both are so romantic. And the epilogue! It was perfect.

Why not 5 stars?
•If there was a little bit more angst, the story would be more terrific and perfect.
•I don't know sometimes Bailey annoyed me. I had a little bit of a hard time connecting with him.

I really really enjoyed reading this book. The words are flowing and really easy to read. I can't wait to read the next installment of this series.
Profile Image for gloria .☆゚..
522 reviews3,169 followers
April 15, 2023
➥ 2 Stars *:・゚✧ dnf @ 55%

"Huh." He licks his lips, stare resting on my cock. "Just as average and unremarkable as you said."
Even though there's a teasing note to his voice, I frown. "I'm thinking I don't like that joke anymore."
"Would you prefer if I told you it's the biggest I've ever seen?"
"Yes. Might help if you choke a little on it too."

━━━━━━━━━━━ ♡ ━━━━━━━━━━━

The disappointment is strong with this one 😖😪. I don't give a single fuck about this book, man 😭😭. I wanted to love it so bad but it was just so surprisingly bad in so many ways. At least I picked a nice quote for the feature but this quote right here is the best it's going to get.

To make myself feel better, I'm going to start with the positives.

➥ The characters were okay (yes, that's positive).
Chad (we do not talk about his name) reminds me of a cheap version of Christian (from Just a Bit Obsessed). He's the bottom but surprisingly the flirtier, more charismatic one. And he's apparently fucking jacked so ok. He goes to the university thanks to a sports scholarship.

Bailey was meh. He's the top and supposedly like super skinny. The author really tries to emphasize that, I don't know why. He's just ok. He's rich or whatever, but he just can't make up his fucking mind and things he did in the bedroom made me cringe so hard, I can't scrape it from my mind.

➥ The "Princess" nickname that Chad had for Bailey was cute.

➥ This book was actually really funny sometimes, that aspect was executed well.
Chad: What's up, buttercup?
Bailey: Studying, you?
Chade: Just about to shower this sweat and testosterone off me.
Bailey: Otherwise known as Eau De Sigma?
Chad: The patron smell of my people.
Chad: So...tomorrow is Friday.
Bailey: Finally covering days of the week in class, are you?
Chad: Well for that, I'm not going to finish my thought.
Bailey: Aw...did I hurt your feelings?
Chad: You did. I'll accept an apology-this time. Next time you'll need to kiss me better.

➥ I agree with Ellie, it was nice that both characters had good parents. Very refreshing.

Now for the negatives, there are lots:

No mmc interaction until 8% in. You know a book is good when there's tension and interaction right from the beginning. So, when a book doesn't have that, it's very telling.

Obviously the portrayal of women was utter shit. There was a weird sugar mom thing who kept hitting on all the guys at an event(?). Then they tried to pretend they respected women, but then continue talking about them like they're disposable pieces of ass.
The girls are hot as hell, tits out, asses you can bounce a quarter off, but like with everyone I've made an attempt with lately, there's something missing.

Sapphic objectification! 😍🤪 Some guy also comes to tell one of the mmcs that he has to come watch these two topless girls kissing eachother because it's sooo hot. Even if this were a real depiction of college, or men and the way they fetishize and objectify sapphic relationships, it could have been easily avoided and I can't understand why an author would think "hm, lemme include that". Especially when we have gay side characters in this book but not a single lesbian/sapphic person.
"Quick, man. There are two chicks topless and kissing! You've gotta see this."

They made fun of consent. At some point, the frats are competing in a sort of scavenger hunt but it's more like a dare list they need to tick off and have photographic proof of. One of them is to kiss someone from the other frat so Chad decides to kiss Bailey and the kiss was cute, but afterwards, a side character called Lucas (I've read two consecutive books where an evil side gay guy is named Lucas??), spews some bs.
"What happened to a little thing called consent?" Lucas pushes.

"Funny," I say. "I seem to remember you thinking it was hilarious when Jordan hooked up with that sorority sister an hour ago."

Bromotions sounded promising, like a circle time where guys shared their emotions because men are societally encouraged to bottle them up. But they just end up talking about how some guy thinks his girlfriend is cheating on him, he says "fuck that bitch" and everyone nods and agrees. So yeah, that's the sharing of emotions. Not anything of substance really, whatsoever.
Champers goes first. Says he thinks his woman is cheating. After the initial, obligatory rounds of "fuck that bitch," people start to offer real advice.

The sex LMAO WHAT? The first sex scene gave me whiplash. I couldn't help but cringe at just about everything so here's a quick run-through of what happened. It's explicit so. Chad sneaks into Bailey's room. Bailey randomly decides to tie Chad's hands behind his back. Oh, and while Chad is naked, Bailey is fully-clothed. Then Bailey gives Chad a blowjob. Then they kiss and Chad's tastes himself. Then Bailey pushes Chad down for Chad to return the favour. Then Chad gives very vivid gagging depictions. Then we witness his inner conflict when deciding that he's going to try to swallow but it actually doesn't work because apparently Bailey's load could fill a pool so the extra explodes out of his mouth. ...so yeah! Idk, imo there wasn't anything hot about it, no dirty talk banter and I was bored and the descriptions were so clinical idk.

Then we get to the second sex scene! It was 69, which i was like oh? Okay I can work with that. But then the dirty talk was zero again, and these guys were dyinggg to gag on eachother, I swear. Do some people really find gagging attractive? Because I imagine a cat coughing up a ball of hair so the sex scene was very odd to me. Looking back at this sex scene it doesn't sound so bad but there was just nothing that would make your heart flutter. But also, leading up to the sex there was no tension, no buildup, no atmosphere, no anticipation.

Oh, and what in the fuck what this:
"His eyes flutter shut as he starts to lick long stripes up my length. “I love this.”

“What?” My brain is struggling to turn over and decipher his words.”

“Cock. The smell, the taste, the warmth.” He holds it against his cheek. “Mm...fuck.”


Fade to black. So the 69 scene was apparently round 1 and they were going to go on allll night or something. But after that, we get to the next chapter and we are told they've been fucking for days and it's been great...what?😊

The frat-shit. I knew going into this book that the rivalry was immature, but it made me unable to take any aspect of this book seriously. I didn't enjoy it. It could've been executed well though, it just wasn't.

This was meant to be my "make me giggle, make me smile" read alongside all my schoolbooks but it just worsened my headache. Praying for a good romance book 😭.

━━━━━━━━━━━ ♡ ━━━━━━━━━━━
Profile Image for Dani.
973 reviews115 followers
January 8, 2024

I completely forgot how much I like Chad and Bailey! Their relationship is cute, and I love how Bailey makes Chad work for it, but Chad is my favourite in this book. I forgot how much I disliked Lucas, what a prick!

All I know about being in a Fraternity is what I've seen on US TV shows or films, or read in books, but I find the whole concept ridiculously entertaining! Pretty sure that in the UK their antics are what we'd just call fucking around being stupid with your mates, no need for an official organisation 😂

I'm actually re-reading all of Frat Wars because I can't remember who Miles is and he'll be in the next Puckboys. All I know so far is he's a Sigma and from Tennessee 😂

Kinda hoping the Frat Boys might pop up again in future...
Profile Image for Yai Min (semi i.a.).
159 reviews174 followers
November 9, 2021
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.5/5


Glad to say Saxon James delighted us with a very lightened, funny and lively reading. This book was great, I couldn’t stop reading once I started reading Chad and Bailey's shenanigans, frat wars and quirky jock dorks!!

I usually don't tend to read this type of MM, the authors like to stereotype too much with the gay relationship and their characters, but in this book I didn’t feel the stereotyping of the typical cute boy and alpha male, both had their strength and best assets, they both share the same weight of the relationship in every sense.

The PLOT was well executed, didn’t felt rushed or pushy, the story was fluid and lively with interesting and funny characters, the rivalry between the fraternities, the shenanigans, the pranks, the family meeting and the friends banter was what made this book unique and probably so easy and fast to read. How they would plan all those pranks, steal all those things from each and then party like there's was no tomorrow.

The ROMANCE was sexy, fun and cute as fuck, they had great chemistry, and as rival fraternities they had they side things going on with their respective flats but they never let that got through them. This book is kind of insta attraction, both mc's come to be lovers with no strings attached, but also friends who text each other and make the other one laugh, it's really cute how their relationship develops through out the book, how much they tease each other, how much they care and protect each other. The sex between these too was really great and quite shocking, to be honest, some surprises aren't bad, though.
Troupes in this book:
♡ opposites-attract
♡ rich guy-poor guy
♡ bondage
♡ friends to lovers
♡ secret relationship
No O/M or O/W drama, the only thing it's that Chad kissed a sorority girl on a party one time and forgets her, and Bailey has someone pursuing him whom he isn't interested in.

The CHARACTERS both mc's were great, my favourites, they were both different but they complemented each other in the best ways.

💥 CHAD, the Vice President of the Sigma frat, the sportsmen fraternity, he's the jock, the funny football player, who likes to change hookup every night. He's the king of pranks and it's in charge of brainstorming the best pranks and shenanigans against Kappa. But although he seems like the typical airhead jock, who only know how to party, he's sensible, shy, cute and caring. His character was really great and likeable, you truly couldn't move throughout a page without laughing at something he did or said. But then he would just say the most romantic things to Bailey and would leave you thinking if it was the same person, who did both things.
💥 BAILEY, a brother from the Kappa fraternity where all the rich boys go to, they are rivals to Sigma, Bailey is new to this university and isn't well versed in all this rivalry and pranks stuff. So when he first meeting Chad he doesn't know who he is, and what started as a hot and sexy hookup ended in a cold shower.
He was the rational one throughout most of the book, he's mature and althpugh he is funny and quirky, he knows when to get to business. He's relationship with his fraternity brothers isn't as close as Chad's with his. His competitiveness grows when he meets Chad and they always have they need to feed each other’s competitive streak (really cute and funny believe me). He's strong and intelligent, knows how to take care of himself, really well. He's was lovely, such a cutie, I likes him a lot.

The supporting characters were really interesting too (shocking!), the frat brothers were interesting and really mysterious, some of them, I really liked all of them, but L****. They are big closed pineapple family, was quite delightful to read how much they supported and cared for each other. The Sigma brothers were just too funny and too devilish, seriously, how can they all master all that pranks and ideas, doesn't reach my mind, but I had so much fun with them, I can't wait for their books, Robbie, Zekke, Brandon, Charlie. I have my theories but I'm not sure...

This book does have a HEA and no cliffhangers. The story was sweet, steamy, funny, sexy and engaging. I had a really good time with this book and can't wait for the next.

I highly recommend this book, hope you love and enjoy as much as I did!! 💙❤
Happy reading!! 💖💗 🌈 🏳️‍🌈


“You’re like the sun.”

“It’s like, I know I shouldn’t look, right? But I’m curious and always thinking about you, and whenever we’re in the same place, I can’t help moving closer.”

“I know looking will hurt, but I do it anyway, and every time you blow me away. I want your warmth, your attention, and whenever you’re around, you make everything so much brighter.”

“Go get your sex doll. I’ll piggyback her around until we find a place for her photo shoot.”

I glance at the list and read, Take a photo of a sex toy somewhere random. Huh. Well, okay then.

He laughs. “Don’t worry, I don’t use her. Robbie hung her in my room as a gag birthday gift. She lives there now.”

An idea hits me as I flick the lock on his door, and I glance over at his desk. I pick up the desk lamp and turn it over.
A hundred points.

I grin back at him over my shoulder. “Souvenir.”

I slip out of his room, taking the lamp with me.

The other day, I woke up to find my desk chair gone. He’d dropped it out of the window while I was sleeping and wheeled it down the road.
Profile Image for Em Jay.
250 reviews48 followers
November 15, 2021
DNF @ 36%

No rating. And since I’m majorly in the minority, no comments either.
Profile Image for Papie.
783 reviews166 followers
November 16, 2021
2.5 stars, rounded up. This was a cute and sexy, entertaining quick read. But the characters were very immature and annoying, and all the pranking was boring. I skimmed a lot.

The sex scenes were incredibly hot, so that was nice.

But if I have to read the words frat as fuck one more time, I’ll rip my eyeballs out.
Profile Image for Layla .
1,326 reviews17 followers
November 10, 2021
Well this book is "Frat as fuck". Such a great read!


Q: Frat as fuck? That's interesting... What tropes are there?
A: Frat boys duh! Seriously through... pseudo-rivals to lovers, opposites attract, Secret relationship all rolled into one!

Q: What a roll that is! What about the characters?
The characters.... sigh
Let's start with Chad because...

He is just ADORABLE and so freaking sexy with his outlook in life. easy-going, passionate, down to earth and just a nice guy who loved with his whole heart. he's a hard-worker who know his limits, accepts his life and loyal to a fault. I loved him to bits! #PrettyPerfect

Bailey is his opposite. He's new and has no friends. He's stressed about his college work and his future. He just wants to finish senior year in peace. He never even saw Chad coming. #Derailed

Q: This sounds so sweet! How romantic is it?
A: Very... Chad is totally enamored with Bailey and Bailey can't help but think and miss Chad all the time. From the moment they see each other, they are IT for the other, no matter how hard they try to be friends. and what's lovelier is the communication. They talk, they don't keep secrets and they don't lie. They just take it 1 day at a time while their relationship flows naturally. #GreatPace

Q: Awww... Love this! What's the steam-o-meter?
A: High Steam and it's hotter than the sun!! These guys are fire between the sheets. #PantiesWent Poof

Q: Dayum! Angst-o-meter?
A: Low angst and virtually nothing between the MCs. They're solid all the way. #StrongerTogether

Q: Well now I'm simpering. What about the HEA?
A: Now you'll simper even more! We get to see them 10 years later, at a reunion, and still as in love as ever. #CueSwoonfest

We’re basically Romeo and Juliet. But dudes. And without all the dying.
Truth dude... TRUTH
Profile Image for ivy.
596 reviews322 followers
January 29, 2022
This was a really cute, no-low angst read. Still holding my membership card to the Chad Doomsen fan club. Definitely would love to see this as a college rom-com movie.
-Frat house vibes
-No miscommunication or silly relationship drama
-Bailey’s family
Profile Image for ☆ cal’s spooky szn ☆.
642 reviews256 followers
April 16, 2022
*changed to four stars

He starts to laugh, leaning down to rest his forehead on my shoulder. When he sighs, I feel it through his whole body.
"I laugh a lot with you."
"Good. I like seeing it."
"I smile a lot with you too."

i finally saw the light guys. this is a romance book without being a fucked up one that i ended up loving. i was hesitant to pick this one up even though i bought it like months ago because frat bro shenanigans are just not my thing. and here i am with my heart happy. i feel like with books like this you just have to embrace and devour what is being given to you as a reader. dont counter it. the story was shallow i admit and if youre still going to point out its shallowness as one of its weak points well girl youre just setting yourself for frustration. as for the characters, bailey was okay but chad doomsen got me. i was cracking up for most of his chapters. being funny and witty without the arrogance is a talent. he has my heart. i was full blown swooning and grinning.

dont judge me lmao but im willingly putting chad doomsen as one of those guys i consider as one of my fictional boyfriends:
wes (the jock)
darren (the end zone)
ilya (heated rivalry)
liam (high and hopeless)
ryne (about last knight)
➵ chad (frat wars)
Profile Image for Julia (bookish.jka).
775 reviews217 followers
November 8, 2021
"Frat first, everything else second, That will never change."

Uh huh, yep, okay then 😊.

I absolutely love a MM college romance and you can't beat a jocks v nerds type love match, especially when it's written by the divine Saxon James.

Frat Wars is the first in the Frat Wars series and is Chad and Bailey's story. Chad Doomsen is the VP of Sigma Beta Psi and loves the jock lifestyle, parties, pranks, hook ups and frat politics. He's bi, but keeps it on the down-low.

Bailey Prince is a legacy at Rho Kappa Tau. He comes from old money, keeps his head down, keeps himself to himself and works hard. He's gay and would never fall for a jock like Chad. But then they (literally) bump into each other at a frat party and all bets are off....

"It's been too long since I hooked up, I need it, and for some reason, I can't move on to anyone else until I've had you." His face lights up. "Oh, really?" "Don't read into it. It's extremely inconvenient for me."

If you love mm, enemies to lovers, 'forbidden' romance college style and cute, fun and steamy reads (these boys are HOT 🔥) without all the angst and triggers, then you need to read this one💜💙 .

5 cute and steamy ✨✨✨✨✨
Profile Image for alyssa.
960 reviews194 followers
November 8, 2021
in the eloquent words of our main man Chad, this book is "frat as f*ck" 😌👌

trust me, i never thought there would come a day when i'd give a book about frat boys five stars but here i am, with THE Chad ending up as my favorite character, no less!!! i know, i know, i am just as shaken up about this revelation as you are--i don't even recognize myself in the mirror anymore--BUT i'm a-ok with this development because this was...


i literally have nothing but good things to say about this. like maybe we could've gotten to see , but i'll just cross dimensions and beat him up myself if i have to 💅 also a bit curious how .

from the dedication ("This one is for the Chads") to the welcome time skip in the epilogue, the experience was ✨chef's kiss✨

Chad and Bailey's banter? sassy, hilarious, impeccable. their vibes? hawt and cute af (Chad calling Bailey "cute," "beautiful," "the sun" omg just let me beeeee 🤧). their communication? TOP-TIER PERFECTION.

the star-crossed lovers comparison sums up their dynamic perfectly--if their frats' rivalry were taken out of the equation, they wouldn't really have a reason to keep their hands off each other. so not the enemies-to-lovers you might expect coming into this book, but i still love them to the moon and back 😇

Chad is so genuine, and his honesty was especially refreshing in a college frat setting. only he could put Bailey's worries of being used solely for his family's status at ease. speaking of Bailey's family, man were they a hoot! the glimpses into their family chat and their interactions with Chad were such a pleasure to read about given how astonishingly scarce positive family relationships are in books 🥺

i must also report that the Big Conflict comes about and gets resolved without our mcs acting like dumdums! what more could you ask for?? 😍

special shout out to the Bro-motions nights where frat brothers would talk about their feelings and support each other, that's such a cool addition. yay to prioritizing mental health and being open!

this is without a doubt a finish-in-one-sitting kind of dealio, so make sure you carve out a few hours of your day to devour it without interruptions 😎
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