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Aura’s life is anything but easy. Her boyfriend, Logan, died, and his slides between ghost and shade have left her reeling. Aura knows he needs her now more than ever. She loves Logan, but she can’t deny her connection with the totally supportive, totally gorgeous Zachary. And she’s not sure that she wants to.

Logan and Zachary will fight to be the one by her side, but Aura needs them both to uncover the mystery of her past—the mystery of the Shift.

As Aura’s search uncovers new truths, she must decide whom to trust with her secrets…and her heart.

367 pages, Hardcover

First published April 28, 2011

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About the author

Jeri Smith-Ready

28 books1,596 followers
Jeri Smith-Ready has been writing fiction since the night she had her first double espresso. A steady stream of caffeine has produced twelve published novels for teens and adults since 2001.

Jeri lives in Maryland with her husband and two cats, who often play tag-team "sit in the author's lap and keep her from writing." (The cats, that is, not the husband. Though, actually...)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 618 reviews
Profile Image for Wendy Darling.
1,926 reviews34.3k followers
June 16, 2011
1.5 stars The first book in this series was really entertaining. I liked the concept of a world in which kids born after a certain time period could all see ghosts, as well as the idea of exploring how difficult that reality might be for both the ghosts and the ones they leave behind. Aura's boyfriend Logan made a stupid mistake and paid for it with his life, leaving her full of guilt and unresolved feelings. In both the previous book and in this one, she has to find a way to help him come to terms with his future as well as coming to terms with her own. Complicating matters is the handsome Zachary and the Department of Metaphysical Purity, both of whom want Logan gone for good.

With such an interesting set-up, expanding on the story that began in Shade should not have been particularly difficult. But when 75% of this sequel is spent on the ridiculous back and forth relationship of Aura-and-Logan and Aura-and-Zachary and then Aura-and-, the direction has officially turned from intriguing paranormal series to annoying romance series. I'm one who actually doesn't mind the dreaded love triangle as long as it's handled well and it's not too drawn out, but the events that happen in this book are absolutely ridiculous. And gross. There are more details in my status updates if you care to see them, but suffice to say that in the space of a few weeks, Aura and there are two hugely, hugely icky moments (between her and one of her partners and between ) that will turn off a lot of women who read this. Or they should, anyway.

I am so disappointed that the author not only chose to spend so much time on the romantic complications in this book, but that she also chose to put in such unforgivable scenarios, all of which could have easily been avoided. I am especially frustrated because there are some nice moments in it involving a brief, bittersweet journal entry that Aura finds as well as some gallant behavior from . I also think it's pretty ballsy that the author pushes the boundaries a little as far as the sexual intimacy between teens goes, without going overboard. It's just too bad that it's spread around with so many partners in this book, and in such an off-putting way. I really don't know if I'll be checking out the next book in the series, but I probably will just to see if it continues on this hideous path. I'm a glutton for punishment that way.

Oh, and by the way? Reading through 36 pages of an unhappy prom (and more pages wasted on talking about it and shopping for it) does not make for good entertainment.

This review also appears in The Midnight Garden.
Profile Image for ~Tina~.
1,092 reviews158 followers
April 6, 2011

What to say, what to say...

Okay, to be honest here, I do like this series, it has all the elements I look for in a good read; swoon-worthy characters, a complex plot and strong writing and I simply adore Logan. But! This book made me dizzy and it felt completely different from the first. With Logan it's- he's a shade, he's a ghost, he's alive?
With Aura, she's basically messed-up throughout this book and flip-flops between Logan, Zach and even had a moment with another character. I sincerely believe this girl doesn't know what she truly wants. She says one thing and does something completely different and why oh why does everything end up with sex with this girl? I get that part with Logan since he was her childhood friend turned boyfriend/love of her life, but what was the rush for Zach and...the other character? I get she's not in a good place right now but it's very hard to sympathize with someone who is hooking up all over the place. And then there is poor Zach who has been competing with a dead guy ever since he meet Aura, but he still wants her but can't really be with her under some new circumstances and they have to obstacle out of it and then he has his own 'conflicting moments'. It felt like there was just to much drama, to much angst, and as much as I want to love it, I just didn't buy it. Lots of high and low emotions running the book and romantic-confusion/conflict that are all over the place and I didn't know what to feel from one chapter to the next.

With that said, I still liked Shift, but I didn't love it. The plot was crazy, sure, but it's also unique and entertaining and has a great creative twist. I also really liked the way it ended and content enough to leave it here, but since there is a thrid book in the works I know my curiosity will get the better of me and I'll end up checking it out. Plus, Logan owns me and I wanna see if his story is truly done and kinda hope that he finds a way to come back...for good. It's not realistic I know, but what is in this book?
A sap's heart wants what it wants. *shrugs*

Bottom line, while this book did upset me, there were a lot of moments that melted me as well. I just wish I could have loved it the way I wanted too.

(Arc provided by Simon & Schuster Galley Grab)
Profile Image for KJ Shadows.
73 reviews23 followers
October 6, 2011

OK..Now before you think I'm a hater and go ballistic on me I'm going to explain WHY I gave this book a two star rating instead of three stars which was what I originally planned on giving it. I will have some spoilers but I will block those out for those of you who have not read it.

First off let me start out by saying I loved the first book of this series. Especially since it got review from PC Cast one of my fav authors, I was excited to get into this series. I'm definately pro-logan of course, something about the guy that always gets shafted that I'm drawn too or whatever the reason. However, I was willing to give Zachary a chance and even liked him somewhat in book one. NOW, in Shift we go deeper into why the actual shift happened, what happened at newgrange with Aura's mother, who her actual father is and all the romance drama just comes between. I REALLY did enjoy finding out more about newgrange and Eowyn the only character that really still has a mysterious vibe and doesn't annoy me at this point.

In the book, Aura finds out that big shocker? I wasn't that suprised however when she from Eowyn the actual shift interested me more then the drama between Her vs. Logan vs. Zachary. Let me start off by saying I REALLY wanted to like Zach but if you read the book then you know how he gets incredibly whiny and annoying. There are parts of the book that literally had me saying WTF!!?? Aura are you braindead? This is why Zach is the most retarded guy on the planet. He Which to be honest is understandable. Then I mean can anyone say HYPOCRITE? like its ok to un-ask you but not her cause he'll be the bad guy? But its ok to hurt the girl you supposedly "love" AND go out with another girl. If I were Aura I would be like its either me or NOBODY.

Does Zach take this as a hint? OH NO...it gets worse. Zach

I apologized to Zach fanatics out there but after this book I'm more pro-logan then ever. Atleast for Logan he did not eye other females, he truely was about aura always. And is always there when she needs him not running away to "protect" her bullcrap. I will still buy Shine to see HOW the series surely out of the curiosity about the shift and her mother's past history. Anything else purely just makes me wish you had a stronger, wiser main character. But that can obviously never happen. Although I'm sure Zach is going to remain faithful and so in love in the next six months away from Aura. I have no doubt about that HAH!.

And that is why I gave my 2 stars. Disapointed is the word for it. If you read my long essay kudos to you =)

392 reviews342 followers
May 3, 2011
Rating 2.5

Shift was just an okay read for me. The concept is unique and I love the paranormal element of the storyline. The writing was fast paced and full of suspense. However this time I felt that there was too much relationship drama and it annoyed me to the point I thought about giving it up. Just when you thought things would settle down with Aura and her love life and new problem would appear and completely overwhelm the story. Very disappointing :(
Profile Image for Terri ♥ (aka Mrs. Christian Grey).
1,490 reviews474 followers
April 20, 2012
Quick review

Cover: Pretty
Rating PG-13 for subject matter
Thumbs Up 5 glowing stars
Overall: Love it!
Characters: As great as before.
Plot: Talk about a roller coaster ride.
Page Turner: Yes, definitely.
Series Cont.? Yes, absolutely.
Recommend Yes.
Book Boyfriend: Still Zach

SUMMARY (50 word or less)

This is up to be one of my favorite series ever. What can I say but this book is full of drama. My mouth was gaping opening for most of the book unable to accept all that I was reading/hearing. Jeri Smith-Ready sure knows how to add shock value!

To see my full review, book boyfriend pic, check out my blog post.


Khistine Hvam did a fab job with this story. It’s been a while since I listen to this one, but I do remember her great Scottish brogue for Zach. I also remember really enjoying this story thanks to Jeri Smith-Ready writing and Khristine Hvam in reading.

Profile Image for Acordul Fin.
491 reviews166 followers
January 27, 2021
But it was time to stop forgetting the world–and time to start changing it.
Wow, Aura was really playing the field in this book, ballsy move. Despite a few surprising events and revelations, this wasn't as engaging as the first one but I hope the third book will wrap up the story nicely.
Profile Image for Kayla Silverss.
Author 1 book120 followers
April 12, 2018
A good sequel, I didn't love the romance in this book because it always felt like Aura wasnt considering both boys feelings and just really self centred which is a shame cause I love Aura and think she is a strong character.
Profile Image for Rachel.
Author 2 books716 followers
May 3, 2011
Since Logan turned shade it was almost as if time stopped for Aura. Her life was on pause as she waited for him to come back to her. Calling out for him, hoping that somehow he could hear her call. That once again she would be enough to bring him back.

Logan had been her entire life, her past and her future. And even though she might have been ready to let him go, to let him move on so that she could finally learn how to live her life without him, she never wanted his existence to be in the dark, as a shade.

But when he finally answers her plea, his return brings with it a complication that she never would have thought possible. One that puts Aura in danger, raising questions that cannot safely be asked, and one that can change everything.

And this time Logan’s return will force Aura to choose between the boy she has always loved and one that could become her future.


Shift is the electrifying, gripping and absolutely heartrending second book in the Shade series. The mystery, the action and the love story will keep readers hanging on to the author’s every word and unable to break away until the story’s conclusion.

Shift picks up where Shade left off. It is a few months later and Aura is still reeling from just how wrong things went for Logan. She has put her life, and Zachary, on hold, until she can find Logan and figure out how she can save him.

But when he does return, she realizes that she will need Zachary’s help to figure out just what Logan’s return means and to finally get answers to the questions about what significance, if any, her and Zachary’s births had on the Shift.

With time running out, Aura must decide who to give her heart to or risk losing both.

Jeri Smith-Ready has done an exceptional job of building on the story and characters she introduced in Shade, and further developing and bringing to the forefront a couple that had been previously in the background.

The author takes readers further along on Aura’s journey as she attempts to unlock the secrets of her and Zachary’s existence while trying to break away from a past that doesn’t want to let go.

Shift is a story that will keep readers so immersed in the plot that only as the tears begin to fall will they get pulled away from this beautiful tale. The ending offers a number of possibilities for the next book and will give readers some closure, but they will definitely be left wanting more.

The third book in the series, Shine, is slated for release in 2012.

On a personal note:

Let me just start by saying that I am a die-hard fan of this series and the author, so be warned that there may be a little gushing below.

As much as I wanted to read this sequel, I didn’t really think it was possible for it to top the first book. I loved Shade, fell completely in love with Logan, and was a total sobbing, heartbroken mess after I read it.

But oh I love this one so much more. I didn’t think the author could possibly make me cry for Logan again and again. I thought my heart broke just that one time, but she managed to break it again.

I am one of those sappy romantics that like to believe in love eternal, and that even death will not break that bond. So, of course, I’m a total Logan fan and think that Zachary has always been in the way. And yes, I do cheer every single time something gets between him and Aura.

I know it’s completely not realistic for Aura to be pining over a dead guy, but there is magic involved in this story and I will just keep the hope alive that things will work out with Logan for as long as I possibly can.

Aura is much more practical than I think I could ever be in that same situation. But I am rooting for her to find happiness, even if it isn’t in the end with Logan. (Did I actually say that?)

Whatever direction the author takes with the characters I know will be the right one, even if it’s not my perfect ending. But until the final page of the final book, I will keep that torch burning for Logan.

I read this book in one sitting. I think it’s taken me longer to write the review than to read the book, actually. And I cannot even begin to do justice to how awesome and amazing and utterly devastating this story (and series) is.

I can’t believe there is another year until Shine is released. I don’t want to have to wait that long to see these characters again in my mind. So I will be re-reading this series.

I always love it when I discover a new author and series. I am so happy that I picked up Shade a year ago, even if I didn’t think it was a sub-genre I would like. The story wasn’t anything like I thought it would be. It was so, so, SO much better. And any time a story can make me sob like both these books have, they are my perfect reads.

Favorite passage:

I looked at his face as his gaze flicked back to meet mine. He held it, held it, held it, while my entire body turned to flame.

A note from my inner Geek: I love that this author added this tiny little detail that I think is cool, but may probably shoot me to the top of some Geek list somewhere. Zachary was the last person born before the Shift. His name starts with the letter Z. Aura was the first one born after the Shift. Her name starts with A. I know. I could have kept that one to myself.
334 reviews179 followers
April 27, 2011
*4.25 stars*

Book 1 in the series, Shade, ended on a bloody cliffhanger. Which meant I had to begin reading this one kind of right away. And duuuude, the first 100 pages or so were AMAZING. So good I could barely stop reading. In this book, (as we find out in Book 1) after Logan fails to pass on and has turned into a Shade, he comes back to Aura after three months, and somehow changes back into a ghost. And then, BAM!, he turns into a flesh-and-blood human for fifteen minutes, during which Aura and him almost love their virginity.

The plot does move at a pretty crack-a-lackin’ space, although it does grow a bit slow in the middle. But not for long, though, and it totally becomes addictive a while later. I mean, I did read this book in one day, ya know, so obviously it was super-exciting. All the stuff about the Shift we got to find out in this book was riveting!

So, let’s see: Logan did sort of annoy me in the chapters post the almost-love making, mostly because he made it awfully hard for Aura to try and move on with a guy she really has a chance with. She still loves him, obviously, but can they actually have a relationship based on conversations only and no-touching-only-desperate-wanting? All this when ZACHARY is right there?

Aura could’ve easily come across as slutty (especially considering how she’s kind of getting it on with Dylan, too, Logan’s younger brother, and the only one on his family who can see his ghost and thus feels very close to Aura because of this), but somehow Smith-Ready manages to make the reader totally empathize with her situation (for the most part, anyway. It was a bit head-scratching-y sometimes). The character development in this book was truly quite great, and I felt, in turn, both charmed with Zachary and Logan and alternately pissed off. (Seriously, guys, at one point in this book I went like: ZACHARY YOU BASTARD YOU COULD YOU OMGGGG I HATE YOU SO MUCH I CAN’T BELIEVE I ACTUALLY THOUGHT YOU WERE A DECENT GUY BUT NOW I REALIZE IT WAS ONLY YOUR YUMMY ACCENT WHICH I NOW ABHOR<-- no kidding, I got verrry emotional. And then some chapters later I was all: oh wow was I really that cold-hearted and judgmental? You poor thing, I totes get you know. *Sniffle*) The secondary characters were kick-butt, too, especially Aura’s best friend Megan. She was a delight! I’d so kill for a BFF like her.

This book also features answers to some questions that the first book posed (even if not completely), so I was glad about that. I was also tremendously pleased with the ending, even if it did tug on my heartstrings.

Only complaint? I never actually felt like I got to know Aura that well. We never really explore her personality without regard to the dudes she’s with…so that aspect could’ve been more fleshed-out.
Profile Image for Jaime (Two Chicks on Books).
825 reviews396 followers
April 21, 2011
Let me start by saying this book was awesome and I hope I do it justice.

I loved Shade and the world Jeri created with the pre and post shifters so I couldn't wait to read Shift and I was not disappointed! Picking up Shift was like coming home. Shift picks up a couple of months after Shade ended and digs right back into the story. There are some amazing moments of steamy passion, mixed with action scenes that have you gripping the sides of your chair, as well as some utterly heartbreaking moments that will leave you with a pile of Kleenex next to you.

The connection I felt with these characters was just so real I could feel Aura's anguish over having to chose between Logan and Zachary and I also felt their pain with decisions they had to make. I also enjoyed getting to know Dylan (Logan's little brother) more I loved the scenes with him and Aura his awkwardness made me laugh and his desire to protect Aura was heartwarming. I really loved seeing the growth in other characters as well like Mickey and Siobhan. Of course there were the baddies from the DMP who were up to no good like usual.

The story unfolds so effortlessly between the love triangle which has become even more complicated with the addition of a few other people and the story about Aura and Zachary researching the shift and why it happened. There are some interesting discoveries and some disturbing clues that they find by the end of the book. You'll want to grab a copy of Shine and read it so you can find out what happens too bad we have to wait a year to read the conclusion which I know will be epic! Shift comes out May 3rd so remember to put it on your to buy list. Go to bookstores, order it from Amazon I don't care how you buy the book but BUY IT you will not be disappointed. I don't normally rate reviews on the blog but this definitely deserves an off the charts 5 stars!

I received this copy of Shift from Jeri Smith-Ready for review it does not reflect on my review in any way.

Profile Image for shady boots.
504 reviews1,970 followers
October 11, 2012
This review is also available over at my blog.


WOO, I'm on a roll. I finished this book in like 4 hours or something? Can't believe it. xD

I just had to read this book straight away after the ending-that-doesn't-even-deserve-to-be-called-an-ending that happened in book one. I simply just could not deal with waiting. I would say this book is better than the first one, but at the same time, it's, well . . . not better. If that makes any sense. Let me clarify.

Hokay. So. The book starts off exactly where book one ends—obviously, cause the ending for that was practically as if the author just decided to stop writing—and we get this little moment at the beginning of the book where . . . well, I can't say, but it's huge. And kinda depressing. Meanwhile, Aura's and Zach's relationship becomes confusing as hell and—oh, who am I kidding, I didn't give a crap about those two being together. TEAM LOGAN!

Anyways, yeah. Most of this book is filled with Aura and Zachary and them fighting and making up and blah blah blah. Aura could give two shits about Logan at this point. But besides the romance and the angst and stuff, they make some pretty interesting discoveries about the Shift and even some bits about Aura's parents, including her father. I do hope there will be more info on them in the third book, though. I want all my questions answered.

The reason I couldn't give this book five stars was, again, the romance. Oh, and don't even get me started on the major Second Book Syndrome that this book has. -_- UGH. For those of you who don't know, that's basically when the love interest gets all kinky with another girl and the heroine has to go through with it and shit.

Zachary asks Becca—the school bitch (of course)—to the prom, and soon we get a barrage of scenes where Aura gets whiny and jealous about them being together. And during prom night, shit really hits the fan. Zachary goes as far as almost having sex with Becca. We even get a detailed scene of this—well, just the sounds, since it was from a phone call that Becca set up.

But yeah, it was really annoying, and Aura forgave him way too quickly, cause before prom night, there were so many scenes where Aura and Zach were all over each other and even officially dating. They break up for a stupid reason, yeah, but still. GAH. They're so annoying. Do you see why I'm Team Logan? I feel like I'm the only one immune to Zachary's sexy accent.

Anygay, that's the only reason I couldn't give the book five stars. That, and also the major insta-love between Aura and Zach. Oh, and ALSO, a very disturbing and unexpected scene that involves Dylan. I was like "what?" and I have no idea why the author even put the scene in. For drama I guess?

I wish there was more of Logan, but *sigh* what can you do about it? :/ He's dead. I don't think he'll even be around at all in the third book. Which will really piss me off because I don't ship Aura and Zach at all. Not even a little bit. And if most of that book is just them making out, I could just puke murder. I WANT MORE LOGAN, DAMMIT.

I teared up at the end. That's all I'm gonna say. Anything else I say will spoil everything. But I can say that it wasn't a cliffhanger, not really.

I really really like this series. A lot. But I won't read the third book right away because, well . . . because of how this one ended. The ending is really really sad, and it confirmed the fact that something will be missing in the third book. *sniff sniff*

But yeah, I definitely think you should read this series. But I will warn you that it's more character-driven than action-packed. A lot of relationship angst and teen drama and all that. But the characters are likable (at least for me) so that helps.

And, once again, LOGAN. Just . . . Logan, okay?

Okay, I'm done. I promise.

April 24, 2012
Zachary has utterly left me speechless!!

Merged review:

My review can also now be found on Reading Lark: http://readinglark.blogspot.ca/2012/0...

Another favourite to add to my shelf!

I have been enjoying a really great roll of good books lately... and I have to confess I was a little worried about Shift because it was the second book in the Shade trilogy... and we all know how painful second books can be... but upon closing Shift, I can say that my roll with awesome books continues!

Sure there was LOTS of angst... and maybe I'm getting a thicker skin... but it just worked in this book. Aura is trying to move on with her life (possibly with Zachary), but Logan's presence continues to hold her back and muddle her feelings for both of them. I totally bought into the angst because Aura was still trying to deal with Logan's death... and it was made that much harder for her because Logan was still "there" -- not wanting to let go of her and his tenuous grasp on the living world. Logan is infuriatingly adorable and lovable. But then a big question was asked of him -- one that turned out to be a crucial turning point for him -- a point from which he just grew up, and with that, he took a little piece of my heart with him.

I found Shift to be all about discovery. Discovery of Aura's origins (the secrets from her mother), the mysteries of the Shift, and the three major characters' discoveries of themselves. They all had their worst moments and their best moments in this installment.

So although I'm still thoroughly "Team Zachary", I did find myself a little disenchanted with our Scottish heart-throb with a poor error in judgment he made... but at the same time, I did understand why he did what he did even though I didn't like it. Like all the characters, they're all going through their "stuff" and Zachary wasn't any exception. He has been patient with Aura, but as he said once in Shade, "I'm no' saint" (or something like that).

I think my heart melted on more than one occasion during those special times between Aura & Zachary (as well as Aura & Logan), and I might have reread the scene by the river a couple of times. He-he...

Aura -- I still really enjoyed going through her journey with her as well, even though she was being pulled in so many different directions and admittedly not handling some of it very well. Despite some of the content of the book, she's not an adult -- she's still impulsive and has her insecurities like many teens -- but what I always look for in a good protagonist is growth... and there was that in Aura.

I did sort of have ambivalent feelings about the little detour between Aura and Dylan (Logan's younger 16 yr old brother).

The ending of Shift was beautifully done ... and even though we know there is more to the story, I'm happy with the resolutions that needed to be fulfilled in this installment and I did in fact need some tissues at the end.

I was totally engulfed in this book. It had everything I love in a story and I've enjoyed tagging along on this journey so far... unraveling mysteries with lots of sexy romance woven in. I will note, however, that there is some mature content more suitable for older teens. I SOOOO can't wait for SHINE and hope the story continues with the change of scenery that was hinted at.

Note: I just finished rereading Shift as Shine is coming out in a week! Even better the second time around!
Profile Image for Krys.
775 reviews167 followers
March 31, 2014

Last year I fell utterly and completely in love with Jeri Smith-Ready's Shade. It was my favourite book of 2010. Hands down. Naturally I was looking forward to Shift, the sequel that will be out this May. However, this kind of gleeful level of anticipation is a double-edged sword. Will the sequel be as good as the first one? Will I be disappointed? Will I lose faith in the author?

I've burned out on many sequels recently. I'm pleased to report that this was not the case with Shift. I loved this book as much, if not better, than the first book. Squee!

In Shift Aura is trying to get over Logan's death in the previous book. Problem is, he's still here, despite numerous attempts to pass on and nearly turning into a shade as well. Aura has fallen for Scottish boy Zachary and wants to be with him but Logan is still hovering about. In one moment Logan becomes real and Aura looses herself in him, throwing away any chance that she and Zachary might be together.

Besides the romance there is a lot going on. Logan plans to go out of this world with a bang, the DMP begins to follow the two around, Aura and Zach are still researching the Newgrange project. Now Aura has to act as Logan's translator, filtering his words so that she can protect herself from scrutiny. It's a big, giant, explosive ball of awesome and I loved every word. I devoured this book from cover to cover while barely stopping for a breath. It. Was. Absolutely. Wonderful. Absolutely.

It's more than just a teen romance book... it's about life, and dealing with losing people. In Shift Smith-Ready explores the profoundly woeful nature of grief. She follows several people as they deal, or do not deal, with the ramifications of the loss of Logan. The metaphors are thick in this book, and they are powerful... and expressive... and very, very sad. While the context is disheartening the meaning is pure - Death changes everything in subtle and terrifying ways. Death is the greatest modifier. This book is about people getting through and getting on. Or ,in several cases, not getting on. It's a very apt portrayal of how death tears people apart. The execution is sublime.

This book has it all. It made me laugh out loud, it made me cry. It's sweet, it's tender, it's exciting... and it's exactly what I wanted. I wish I could reread this for the first time. I wish I had written it. I can't gush enough. I think it's absolutely smashing and I want another book.

I love Jeri Smith-Ready. For those of you who have not read it you're missing out. She's one of the best. I love this. It's beyond 5 out of 5 stars. It's in a whole different dimension.

- review courtesy of www.bibliopunkkreads.com

Profile Image for Smash.
425 reviews254 followers
May 30, 2011
Read this review at Smash Attack Reads!: http://www.smashattackreads.com/2011/...

There is much more emotion in this book. My heart broke for Aura, especially, because of the ugly situation that she’s in. Love triangles are never easy, but Aura’s predicament takes the cake. She is truly stuck between holding on to her first love and desperately trying to move on at the same time. Logan will always remain in her heart, but she can’t deny the ache she feels when Zach is not near. Zach is a passionate, considerate soul who just takes my breath away, really. I’m pretty smitten with him. And the author dropped a pretty rad surprise on us during the prom scene. I love her for that! Ok, back to Aura. As the story progresses, she begins to realize that he has invaded her heart and that their relationship is pretty pure.

"Zachary fit me, like the answer to an equation I’d forgotten how to solve."

The pain felt by Aura, Logan’s family and close friends is so poignant, and it alters their relationships. In particular, Logan’s older brother, Mickey, has not dealt with his grief and he’s overcome with depression. His character remains in the background, but being who I am, I couldn’t help but pick up on the struggles he was enduring. I really want to give him a hug and take him to a local therapist. My heart also goes out to Logan’s younger brother, Dylan, who is the only family member that can see Logan. His character matures greatly in this book and he snagged my heart!

Logan is a character that I’m constantly on the fence about. His sincerity felt real, at times, but I was really angry with his character at other times. I felt some of his decisions and actions were selfish as hell. But then he’d have this wow moment, where I’d say to myself “who is this guy and what did you do with Logan?” All his loved ones feel like they can’t move on until Logan does, because even in death, he still demands an audience.

“It’s like we’re back in the neighborhood playing freeze tag, and Logan’s It. Everyone he touches has to stop living, until we’re all frozen.”

There’s some great action near the end of the novel. These books also seems mature for the genre, or maybe I’m viewing Aura as a more mature protagonist. Of course, there is much more to this book than the love triangle. The mystery that surrounds Aura and the Shift is revealed slowly through the books, and I think the end of this novel sets up a nice conclusion. Shine, the final installment, is due out in 2012.
Profile Image for Princess Bookie.
960 reviews99 followers
May 22, 2011
My Thoughts: Wow, I did not think I could love Shift as much as I loved Shade. I ended up loving it even more. Shift was full of tears, happiness, anxiety, love, fear, romance, family.

In Shade we were introduced to the world of anyone under 18 can see ghosts. In Shift, we start to discover why the Shift happened. Aura and Zach are trying to find out why they are in the middle of it and how it effects them. Logan is also back and for 15 minutes every so often he becomes solid. A real live person with a body! A body that Aura can touch and kiss. A body that can play music again and sleep. Intense right? Aura's feelings are jumbled because not only does she have feelings for both Zach and Logan but a third mystery guy comes into the picture and not who you would expect. Talk about a love triangle

In Shift, Logan's family is dealing with his being gone (sorta), Zach and Aura are dealing with their feelings for each other, Logan is trying to cope with letting Aura move on (even though he really isn't dealing well or letting her) and Aura is trying to find out more about her mother. Who was her mother really? Did she know Zach's father? Were they connected?

As Aura gains speed on finding out her mother's secrets, there are certain people who don't want her to know the truth. For some of the book, Aura and Zach are trying to find out secrets and on the run from people on their tail.

Instead of enough questions being answered, more questions are asked. I want to know the answer to all my questions. As Shade ended on a cliffhanger, and Shift also had a cliffhanger. Enough of one, that made me want to go see Zach!

My favorite scene was Aura and Zach in the water! How awesome was that? How romantic was it? Oh Yes!!

Whats more to say? A LOT! I want Shine right now! I want to know what happens next! I loved Shift. I loved how beautiful it is. I cried a few times, I smiled a lot of times. I laughed a few times! I yelled a few times.

Shift was amazing, full of beauty, and the 3 boys within it, are HOT! Every single one of them! HOT!

Overall: Loved! Wish I could get my hands on Shine right now! Loved Aura and her boys!

Cover:This cover is just as gorgeous as Shade's cover! These covers are perfect.

what I'd Give It: 5/5 Cupcakes
Review Based On Hardcover Edition

Taken from Princess Bookie
1,122 reviews303 followers
May 23, 2011
Seventeen years ago the world shifted and every one born after that date is able to see and hear ghost. Some ghost get agitated and shift in to shade a type of hell for ghost . So when Auras boyfriend is unable to pass on and becomes a shade, she will stop at nothing to help him come back to her as a ghost and pass on. But Logan may have other plans once he becomes a ghost again he finds he's not willing to let Aura go and will do everything in his power to stay with her. This just complicates things worse for Aura with Zachary.
Zachary was the last person born before the shift and he gives off a red aura that repelled ghosts. But when it rubs off on to Aura when they kiss Zachary feels may be its too dangerous for them to be together.
Somehow Aura needs to help Logan move on, convince Zachary that they are meant to be together the entire wail trying to figure out her mother’s secret, who her father is and what her and Zachary’s births might have to do with the shift.
This is a great series. I'm not big on ghost stories, but this one is put together so well I enjoy it all The characters are so likable that you just fall on love with Logan in book one. But you know it would never work with him and Aura because he is a ghost so instead you fall for Zachary. Even though it’s a bit of a love triangle you know it will all work out because Logan is a ghost and he can't have truly her.
There is no dull moments in this book, you get completely sucked in and on the verge of your set wanting to know what’s going to happen next. There was a few moments when I was like Omg I didn't see that coming. I can't wait to read the last installment of this trilogy. This is a great YA book. It is not afraid to touch on sex, without all the sweaty goodness of a romance novel but warm enough to keep you wanting more. I recommend this series but you must read book 1 Shade before reading this one.

Profile Image for Nicole.
Author 2 books80 followers
November 5, 2011
You can find this review and many others on my blog, The Reader's Antidote

Honest-to-God wishing my boyfriend was Scottish right now. I even slept on this review, and it's still true. Zachary is one of my favorite YA guys, also because he's so sweet. This book, though, definitely didn't show him in the best light at times. I can count on one hand how many times I wanted to punch him, but they were big deals. I can't say much else about Zach without spoiling.

Logan was annoying as crap. It's made obvious in the cliffhanger in Shade that he comes back all violet and non-Shady again. But it gets worse (see spoilers). Then he wants to start forming a band that only pre-Shifters can see and still wants to be with Aura (dude, it doesn't work, and she likes Zachary, get it through your nonexistent skull!). But Aura can't piss him off because she doesn't want him to go Shade again. The ending of this one ends in nearly the same way as the last one, with just Aura and Logan. I hope he leaves this time...

What an amazing sequel to Shade. I feel like this book is highly underrated, in that no one is reading it. But seriously, this is an awesome series and I cannot wait to see what waits for me in the final installment.

Wow... Aura's real dad is-was-a ghost... Blew my mind there Jeri! We already knew that ghosts returning from being Shades can have real bodies on the solstices and equinoxes for around 15 minutes because it had happened with Logan in the very beginning when Aura brought him back from Shadetown. So now he has a body...and they're in her room...alone. Don't worry, it wasn't a repeat of whatever weirdness her parents had, but she thinks that the Shift started because of her and Anthony (her father) making love while he had a body. I'm just glad Aura and Logan never got to it. I would not have been okay with that.

Surprising even myself here, I'm going to talk a little about Becca Goldman. Would you believe I had a Becca Goldman at me high school? She was a popular quiet slut though, not a bitchy boisterous one like this Becca. I still can't believe she dialed Aura while she and Zachary were in a hotel room together. I think I actually cried, because I think what it would have been like if it happened to me, and I don't like it. He better be goddamn miserable for that crap. And then when they're trapped in of all places Pittsburgh, Becca drives 6 hours and comes and gets them. I just don't get it... We will never know.

Aura and Dylan... well that was weird. I couldn't believe that they had kissed, and then very nearly had sex after learning from a journal that Logan had started before he died, that Logan knew he was going to die from becoming a rockstar. That was just too weird for me, her being with Dylan. I like Dylan, but not with Aura.

Okay, so how hot was the scene where they're near the river? I think I nearly died from happiness for Aura. At least she loves a guy that can touch her for more than 15 minutes four times a year. And when he left on the plane back to Scotland, he gave her the reservation to that beautiful castle he wants to take her to and the airplane ticket. How can you say no? I certainly couldn't. The man is Scottish for God's sake. I think if I wasn't in love with my boyfriend, I'd have found a boyfriend with an accent (one that wasn't going to leave the country at the end of the year or whatever). If you don't go, Aura, I will. The guy has got to be good with that tongue of his.

Poor Zach. His Dad is dying from cancer (I still think it has something to do with that light refracting thingy) and now his absentee mom is back and English as ever. It's good that they're all together though, and I hope there's something that can be done so that he doesn't die. The DMP need to stop sticking their noses in everything. Kidnapping kids? Seriously. How low can you go?

Ugh, I cannot wait for the next one!! 2012 is way too far away. :(
Profile Image for Jenny.
472 reviews110 followers
June 1, 2011
Review originally posted at: http://supernaturalsnark.blogspot.com...

This is a joint review with SHADE

Despite its paranormal element, the world of Shade and Shift is one that's easily believable, the existence of ghosts explained in such a matter-of-fact way we have no choice but to accept the parameters set for us and get immersed in a tale of love and loss, pain and joy, and life and death. Because we know Logan's passing is inevitable from the beginning, the weight of this knowledge draws us into this story almost instantaneously as we mentally and emotionally prepare ourselves for his demise, and attempt to steel our spines in order to be a vicarious support system for Aura when the time comes. Our preparations don't spare us the pain of his loss as we'd hoped though, and we read on with heavy hearts to see what awaits us now that Aura's relationship has changed so dramatically. Ms. Smith-Ready does a lovely job of interrupting our pain with the distraction of a new possible love interest and the mystery surrounding Aura's connection to him, ensuring we never get lost in the churning tide of misery but always have a lifeline to pull us out of the despairing blackness.

Logan is a fascinating character–a young man who seems rather selfish in his pursuit of music to the exclusion of all else (including Aura) during life, and then who, after death, glories in being a ghost despite the pain his presence causes those around him. Because of this, as well as the fact that we are introduced to him a point in his and Aura's relationship where she's beginning to have doubts and reservations about her place in his life, our connection to him is troubled. Though his death is agonizing, it's fairly easy to shift our focus and affection to Zachary as we don't have the benefit of years of memories that Aura has from their shared childhood. Then, just when we think Aura should move on and let Logan go, he either voices a sentiment or makes a gesture that sucker punches us in the gut, the ethereal violet tendrils that comprise his ghostly form suddenly becoming tangible emotional links instead of whispering through our fingers as we grasp for connection. This surprising rush of feeling makes us realize we're not quite ready for Logan to pass on, and we begin to see more clearly why Aura has been waffling with her reactions to both Logan and Zachary.

Shift is a bit heavier on the angst than Shade, Aura's continued confusion over her affections for both boys becoming more prominent, and just as she seems to have a decision made, new information pops up with regard to the Shift to the keep the drama going. When a third romantic player enters the picture, we do begin to question the state of things, but luckily for us his presence is short-lived and the angst is toned down in favor of some very interesting revelations about both Aura and Zachary's pasts. We're given just a few more hints as to what makes these two so special, and our tumultuous emotions are given a brief and welcome reprieve while our minds churn over the possibilities this new information has provided. When the Logan gut-clenching moment does come back at the end to blissfully torture us, we find ourselves ready for the onslaught and finish the last few pages greatly looking forward to the future.

Shade and Shift are very quick reads that deny us any other option than to be involved with characters and story, working us into a frenzy of teen drama and then shifting our attention to an intriguing enigma surrounding our two main protagonists. The combination of romance and suspense is beautifully executed, and Ms. Smith-Ready seems to know just when the Logan/Zachary competition is about to become too much and then relents, allowing us to breathe again and immerse ourselves in the story in a different way. The final installment in this trilogy cannot release soon enough, and I will be at the bookstore the moment it's available.

Overall Series Rating: 4/5
Profile Image for M..
446 reviews43 followers
June 19, 2012

Let me go ahead and say SCREW ZACHARY AND LOGAN! I’m a team DYLAN! I’ve never come across a love triangle where the two guys were such complete assholes. Both of them! Ugh!

Let’s take a closer look at the clowns:

Logan: I liked the Logan from Shade. Yes, he was impulsive, childish but I got the sense he truly loved Aura. But in Shift we really get to see that Logan is a spotlight loving, selfish douchebag. Everything he does he is only thinking about himself and he doesn’t spare a single thought about how his actions will affect not only Aura but his family as well. Ghosts can’t lie and Logan's love for the media circus can jeopardize the secret that Aura can’t afford to let the world know. Do you think Logan cares? No. The worst thing is that Aura lets him get away with stuff. Even when she will have to pay for the consequences later.

Zachary: I swear boy you were a waste of space in this book. Okay, I enjoyed the book because of the deep angst you provided to the story and the heroine but you are an idiot and also an asshole. First Zachary invites Aura to the prom then uninvites her because he is pissed at her because she was honest with him. Yes, Aura almost went all the way with Logan during the brief 15 minutes that he had flesh but hey, 1. She was not Zach’s girlfriend, 2. If I was in her shoes I would have done exactly the same thing. Okay, I wouldn’t have even considered birth control methods. That was really irritating and sort of unrealistic that at that point Logan would stop and ask Aura if she was on pill. Really?

Aura: I have only one word to describe her: DOORMAT. Let me put it this way, after the stunt Zachary pulled during and after prom, I would have never talked to him again. I was hoping he would explain later that it had been a misunderstanding but he really did almost have sex with Becca, a girl who hated Aura. How could he do that to her? And she forgave him? Because she felt that she was the one who screwed up first? At this day and age I'm appalled that I still have to read about submissive and pitiful heroines. That being said, I really, really wanted her to lose her virginity to Dylan. Why do all the heroines in YA have to be freaking virgins whereas the ‘heroes’ are all sleeping around and that is all good?

Aunt Gina: I might be wrong but what I got from the revelations from Aura’s mother’s journal is that dear sweet aunt Gina was a slut who pretty much seduced the man her sister loved. And to boot she was already married. I’m going ahead and say I don’t like her at all.


Unfortunately, I had to come back to my initial review of Shift and change the rating because the final book of this series just ruined the whole thing. Another classic case where the whole is lesser than the sum of its parts.
Me and a friend of mine started reading this series together and by the final book we couldn't be bothered anymore to know about Aura's fate. It is really sad when an author can't sustain the same quality of work throughout the series.
For that reason I'm changing my rate of Shift from 4 to 2 stars.
Profile Image for Rachel Loke.
205 reviews59 followers
June 19, 2011
I can't decide whether to give this 3.5 or 4 stars, because my mind is just so incoherent right now, but I know if I don't write my review at this point, I'll forget what I want to say.

I'll start off with my favourite character in Shift: Logan. Boy, has he developed and matured as a person in this book. He finally learns to think about others and he learns truly what it means to love someone enough to let them go towards the end of the book. I nearly teared up every time I read the bits where he thinks about moving on and about the people he loves (not just Aura). To be honest, he seems to a better person dead than alive. But I am happy for him that being a ghost allows him to be the person he never was. I've never felt choked up with so much emotion until I read the last note he wrote before he died. It was so so painful. Without spoiling the ending, it was a bittersweet, so much so that I think my heart broke from the happiness I felt and the sadness that came flooding in right after.

I enjoyed finding out more about the Shift and what actually happened a year before the Shift happened at Newgrange, as well as the truth behind Aura's parentage and the missing pages from her mother's journal. Also, something strange happens between Zach and Aura because of their abilities (not revealing what it is). This book did not reveal clearly whether Aura has any special abilities like Zach. It did explain some of the things that happened in Shade, like how Logan shaded out and yet managed to turn back into a ghost, but I had hoped that more details would be given as to how this works. But I think all these will be revealed in the final instalment.

The reason why I did not give this book a higher rating is because of Aura and Zach's characters. The first book ended with Logan shading out and Aura left hanging as to whether he would return. She holds on to her feelings for him and waits for him to return, and he does. On the other hand, she has feelings for Zach, a real person. I'm actually glad that she doesn't cling onto false hope that she will end up with Logan, but what annoyed me was how she kept running to Zach like he was a safe house, even though she evidently hasn't gotten over Logan and claims she has. And basically what results is a tug-of-war between Logan and Zach. The things she did after Zach and her fought were sometimes unfathomable. I was nearly screaming 'WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU THINKING?!', especially when she hooked up with a particular and highly unlikely character.

Zach was a jerk at times in this book. It was a very different side from his sweet and sensitive side in Shade, which I actually liked. While I think he understands what Aura is going through, sometimes he can be so insensitive. I don't really know how I feel about Aura/Zach right now, but I do agree that they belong together in a way. I'll see how the story progresses in the last book before I actually decide where I stand on Aura/Zach. Well because part of me still wishes for an Aura/Logan ending (as unlikely it will be).
Profile Image for Elizabeth Drake.
437 reviews92 followers
April 28, 2012

This and other reviews can be found on Reading Between Classes

Cover Impressions: This cover is better than the predecessor but I am still not a fan. Come on publishers! The authors write fantastic books and you put crappy covers on them (or crappy books and beautiful covers - GET IT TOGETHER!). The cover model seems a little to grown up and the back-on-to-the-camera-looking-over-my-shoulder pose has been done and done. At least she doesn't have a tattoo.

The Gist: Shift picks up a few months after the events of Shade. Aura has helped Logan make the impossible transition from Shade back to Ghost and must deal with the fallout as her attention seeking ex-boyfriend demands to steal the spotlight once more. Aura's attention, on the other hand, is back on the oh-so-endearing and not-so-eternally-patient Zachery. With help from both, Aura begins to unravel the mysteries surrounding her birth and the special abilities that she and Zack possess.

Review: Jeri Smith-Ready continues to surprise me. A good half of this book is spent on angst-ridden teenage relationships, a considerable part of the plot involves a complicated love triangle and finding answers to the BIG QUESTION seems secondary to the day to day issues brought on by teenage hormones. I SHOULD hate this book, but I don't. I FREAKING LOVED EVERY MINUTE! I think perhaps it is the author's ability to create characters and situations that are so desperately real that my gut wrenches with sympathy, longing, anger or betrayal. I wanted to hug the characters, or shake them, or slap them (whichever was appropriate for the situation).

In the second half of the novel, the action picks up considerably and we start to get some answers to why the Shift may have happened and what makes Zachery and Aura particularly special. After reading this book I am ridiculously happy that the final book is being released in a few days and I won't have to wait long for the rest of my answers (and to see Aura and Zachery finally have sex - seriously, I have never in my life rooted more for two teenage characters to get it on - Jeri, what have you done to me??!!)*

As I mentioned in my review of Shade, this is really a book for the older end of the YA spectrum. I am sure lots of readers can handle the mature elements (and I am sure that I read way more risque stuff when I was a kid) but, as a teacher bent on avoiding parental anger and keeping her job, I wouldn't give it to any student under the age of 16.

Favorite Quote: "Her energy drink took effect right away, and I wondered if it had disappeared from the mainstream market because it had been made from the pituitary glands of deposed dictators and executed serial killers."

Teaching/Parental Notes:

Age: 16 and up
Gender: Female
Sex: Discussed but not described, some naked shenanigans.
Violence: Gunplay
Inappropriate Language: Bitch, Fuck
Substance Abuse: Underage Drinking

*I'm going to hell aren't I?
Profile Image for Jess M..
557 reviews394 followers
September 9, 2015
Read this review on my blog! --> Shift by Jeri Smith-Ready

Ok, so I picked up Shift right after finishing Shade. Good thing I had it ready to go (Thanks to Ginger of GReads!) because I was not through with these characters! Not by a long shot! I started the first 50 pages or so during my lunch break then proceeded to read straight through once I was home. I loved it!! But now I have to wait months for Shine!! *sobs*

Shift was focused on discovering more about Aura and Zachary’s connection to the Shift. It was also about helping Logan finally pass on since he wasn’t too successful in Shade. I love Logan, but I’m without a doubt Team Zachary. Besides being hotness personified, he is selfless, sweet, and caring. And the accent! *swoons* But our Zach isn’t perfect and I’m ok with that. I was happy that he finally blew up at Aura, she needed the wake up call, but I was so hurt about Becca! It was like he had done it to me personally instead of to Aura. I did eventually forgive him but the hurt remains a little. Aura’s doing way better with it than I am, that’s for sure.

I felt so bad for Aura in this one! She has been through so much and it just feels like she’ll never have her happy ending...you know, until she does. Teehee... Jeri Smith-Ready does not shy away from the sexytimes and I really appreciate that about her writing. One thing I did not suspect was who Aura’s father would turn out to be. I love all the mystery surrounding Newgrange! I have now put it on my bucket list of places to visit one day.

My heart continued to break for the Keeleys, but I was glad that Logan was getting a chance to make things better for them...to whatever extent they can be ok after losing him, anyway. And whoa! What was that whole deal with Dylan!? That caught me off guard! Logan charmed me and tugged at my heart all the way to the end. One person who could make me laugh like no other in this book was Megan. Man, I love that girl!!

And so now, here I sit, with this bittersweet book, desperately wishing I had Shine in my hands already. This series is making my favorites list without a doubt, so if you’ve been putting it off like I was...don’t! Got out and get them now!

(If you want to see what I thought of the first book in this series, Shade, go HERE!)
Profile Image for Britta.
322 reviews53 followers
May 24, 2011
I thought Shade, the first book in the trilogy, was good, but Shift is at least ten times better. This installment had more secrets, more romance and way more action than the first. In a nutshell, it was awesome.

In Shift Aura finds herself in an even more difficult situation that before. She has started pulling away from Zachary out of worry and stress about the current shade state of her dead boyfriend Logan. Will all that is going on, even she can't figure out who it is that she loves, never mind what to do about it. As if that wasn't enough, she finds herself uncovering dangerous secrets about her and Zachary's lives through the hidden clues her mother left behind.

While the first book was more introduction to the world, the characters and their problems, this book was more expansion on the plot, which gave it extra room to explore. Let me tell you, Smith-Ready took advantage of that and created a fast paced adventure in 367 pages of pure awesome. I loved this book! Even more so than the first. I liked how the first book kind of makes you think that events are going to happen a certain way, but then this book comes along and erases all of your preconceived notions. Nothing is quite predictable, and I was really glad for that.

As readers of the first book know, this series has a sort of mystical, or magical feel about it. Even when nothing paranormal or fantastical is happening, the writing has a way of making the reader feel like it is. It is hard to describe or understand without having immersed yourself in the book- but hey! That is one good reason why you should. (Soon.)

Contrary to the ending of the first, this ending almost wrapped everything up. I am really glad that there is going to be a third and final book, since I am not yet ready to part from this lovely world. However, I almost felt like this was the conclusion to the series. There was no big cliffhanger like the first, which disappointed me just a bit, but I'm sure many people will like.

Each little plot point is pretty essential to the story line, even if it doesn't seem so, so I do not want to take the chance of ruining anything for anyone. So I am going to stop myself here from raving uncontrollably. But I will say two things before I leave you. One, Team Zachary! (Honestly, why are you still here Logan?) Two, someone please get me Shine!
Profile Image for Isalys.
187 reviews121 followers
January 3, 2023
I'm not sure how to review this book because all I really want to do is gush about all its emotional awesomeness.

If I thought Shade was emotionally intense, then Shift left me stupefied. We're left with a pretty gnarly cliffhanger in the end of Shade and Shift picks up right where it left off. I don't want to spoil it for anyone so pardon my cryptic-ness *made up word* but something happens to Logan's ghost that flips Aura's world yet again and makes it even more difficult to choose between her first love and her new love! Oh, these two boys...they make it hurt so good! There were so many moments where I wanted to alternate between hugging them or bitch-slapping them!

Meanwhile, Logan's family is still reeling from his death and older brother Mickey is taking it especially hard. While he's only a secondary character, you can't help but feel so much compassion for him. (I would probably die if anything ever happened to one of my younger brothers! Perish the thought!) Dylan, the youngest sibling is the only other person who can see Logan so he has his share of emotional struggle as well. He quickly matures in this book and although I personally didn't care for the interesting turn his relationship with Aura took, I can certainly understand their need to seek comfort in each other as the only two people who can still communicate with Logan. Oh and the prom scene, I totally wanted to high-five him too!

But wait, there's more! We finally learn more about Aura's mother and her mysterious father (this will make sense WHEN you read it). Unfortunately, while Aura is desperate to know about her mother's connection to "The Shift", some very powerful people are desperate to keep her from learning those secrets. Her and Zachary's lives become more threatened and even more entangled.

So there you have it folks - I pretty much loved everything about this book. The writing was just stellar and JSR did a fantastic job of tying all these elements together without making it feel convoluted or over-bearing. I probably felt some version of every emotion with this book: happiness, awe, irritation, concern. It's a beautiful thing when an author can deliver a story that makes you feel so much!

In a nutshell my friends, Shift was the perfect follow up to Shade and I eagerly await the arrival of Shine!!!
Profile Image for Jaime Arkin.
1,441 reviews1,370 followers
September 10, 2012
3.5 stars...

This picks up shortly after the end of book one, and I'm going to try and do this without spoiling any of that book for you!

So in the first book, Aura's boyfriend dies suddenly and she struggles with that and also some new feelings for the new Scottish student, Zachary. (I also have feelings for this new Scottish student ... just saying)

In book two, Shift, Aura is focused on getting over the loss of Logan and moving on, and that seems to be the major focus here, even though there is a lot of other stuff going on.

This is where I express my frustrations. The back and forth, the indecisiveness, the dreaded love triangle... or quadrangle or whatever. This book is an example of why I don't like them.


I'm not going to spoil anything here by saying anything about who/what/when/where/why but I will say irritated me to no end.

I really enjoyed the crux of this book and it's actually really well done for a book 2 of a series. (typically I find them to be more transitional than informative) Quite a bit happens in this book, some of it shocking!

This series, though is a bit more than just a YA romance with some paranormal aspects. It really delves into how death can impact lives and how some people deal... and others don't. I think the biggest message of this series is the idea that death will always be a part of life and getting through it and moving on with your life is an important part of the process.

This book has a bit of everything for everyone. Funny moments, cute moments, sweet and tender moments and even the sad moments all weave together seamlessly to create a wonderful story and I think anyone would enjoy this series. I'm very excited to see what the third and final book in this series has in store for me!

This review can be found on my blog, Fic Fare

Profile Image for Mundie Moms & Mundie Kids.
1,952 reviews209 followers
August 23, 2011
Reviewed for MM's by Sophie:

In Shift, we find out more about the origins of The Shift and Aura’s and Zachary’s roles in it. Jeri’s well established world-building skills are showcased in the how she weaves her ghostly mythology in and out of key points in their lives. As a reader, I delighted in turning a page only to discover a key element that made everything before it make even more sense.

And Jeri brings us not only a Love Triangle but a Love Square (of sorts). Without bringing in any spoilers, Aura’s decisions on prom dates set into a place a very believable, sometimes humorous and very heart- aching chain of events. This subplot made me happy and sad, at the same time. I understood the reasons behind Aura’s decisions but oh man, did they frustrate me. I kept thinking about my 16-year-old self and I think even she would find these decisions frustrating. But hey, that’s exactly what makes for a good read. My disagreements with Aura created enough of a conflict inside me that I had to finish the book as quickly as possible only to find out what-the-heck-happens-next.

Let me take a moment to talk about the fictional hotness of Zachary. Okay, yes, he wears a kilt to prom but that’s not what made him swoon-worthy to me (let’s not kid ourselves that part helped). It’s his poor decisions and recovery from them that made him a romantic hero. Aren’t those boys the best? They make awful mistakes but stay true to themselves. Yes, yes, I can hear the collective sighs of Mundie Moms everywhere.

If you love a ghostly world where one solved mystery only leads to another and a Hot Boy in a Kilt (okay, you knew I’d mention it again) who is frustrating, right and yet oh-so-very-very-wrong, then be sure to pick up the Shade series.
July 25, 2011
*published on Mundie Moms on July 30, 2011*

In Shift, we find out more about the origins of The Shift and Aura’s and Zachary’s roles in it. Jeri’s well established world-building skills are showcased in the how she weaves her ghostly mythology in and out of key points in their lives. As a reader, I delighted in turning a page only to discover a key element that made everything before it make even more sense.

And Jeri brings us not only a Love Triangle but a Love Square (of sorts). Without bringing in any spoilers, Aura’s decisions on prom dates set into a place a very believable, sometimes humorous and very heart-aching chain of events. This subplot made me happy and sad, at the same time. I understood the reasons behind Aura’s decisions but oh man, did they frustrate me. I kept thinking about my 16-year-old self and I think even she would find these decisions frustrating. But hey, that’s exactly what makes for a good read. My disagreements with Aura created enough of a conflict inside me that I had to finish the book as quickly as possible only to find out what-the-heck-happens-next.

Let me take a moment to talk about the fictional hotness of Zachary. Okay, yes, he wears a kilt to prom but that’s not what made him swoon-worthy to me (let’s not kid ourselves that part helped). It’s his poor decisions and recovery from them that made him a romantic hero. Aren’t those boys the best? They make awful mistakes but stay true to themselves. Yes, yes, I can hear the collective sighs of Mundie Moms everywhere.

If you love a ghostly world where one solved mystery only leads to another and a Hot Boy in a Kilt (okay, you knew I’d mention it again) who is frustrating, right and yet oh-so-very-very-wrong, then be sure to pick up the Shade series.
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886 reviews62 followers
July 3, 2011
Holy moly are these books amazing!! Thank you to my dear friend Jennifer Strand for reccommending them to me! This is book 2 in a 3 part series (really? another series? and its YA? so unusual! heh heh) and I already gushed about how much I liked the first book. For me, the difference between books 1 and 2, and therefore 4 and 5 stars was that this time, I LOVED Aura! I don't know what it was exactly, except that maybe I understood her better. One of the greatest things about these books is how dynamic and real the characters are. (OK, I know, one of them is a ghost, I use real figuratively.) The characters make mistakes, they feel real emotions and react realistically to situations.

And the conflicts in this book were even more hieghtened for me. Because Shade was orignally only going to have 2 books, there is a lot of resolution in Shift, which I really liked. I think this helped to avoid the "middle child syndrome" a lot of second books have. Definitely twists and storylines I didn't see coming, and I was seriously sucked in. There is ALMOST nothing better than being lost in a book, and I was majorly lost in the world of Aura, Zachary, and Logan. Oh, and that reminds me of another thing I love about Shade and Shift: the secondary characters. I really loved how Logan's siblings and Aura's friend Megan were fleshed out more.

Just overall, a great read, both well-written and highly addicting!! Team Zachary!

(Oh, and I should mention this book is best for more mature readers. Jeri doesn't hold back much on more mature topics, which makes it even more realistc for me, but thought I should inform those readers who are more sensitive to this.)
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