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Sing My Name

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Sarah Hammond is the overprotected daughter of passionate Massachusetts abolitionists. Matt Slade is the orphaned son of hardscrabble Texas settlers. Sarah knows about every Civil War battle from studying newspaper accounts. Matt fought in the bloodiest of them under Generals Longstreet and Lee. If Matt and Sarah ever crossed paths, it should have been for an unremarkable moment. He would tip his hat. She would nod and pass on by. Except that as survivors of a Comanche attack, Matt and Sarah spend far more than a moment together. They come to know each other, depend on each other and love each other. Humiliated by Sarah's love for "Rebel trash," her jilted fiance extracts a revenge so vicious, he boasts that he destroyed the young lovers. Did he? Or when Matt and Sarah meet again years later, can they put their lives and their love back together?

407 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 1, 2010

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Ellen O'Connell

11 books1,096 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 244 reviews
Profile Image for -ya.
518 reviews64 followers
May 24, 2016
Last year I was very fortunate to come across Jill’s review on Ellen O’Connell’s Without Words (*wave at Jill*) and man, Sing My Name is my fifth book from this author already. Cheers!

“Life does get ugly sometimes,” Sarah whispered.

Sarah is probably the best heroine I can hope for in a HR. An incredibly loyal, kind, relentless human being in pursuit of something she wanted.

“I’ve lowered myself to gathering buffalo chips with my bare hands, to eating snake and rodents and eating them eagerly. If you know my story, you know that in the eyes of respectable people I am as much a whore as any woman you employ. But I can’t sell what I gave to someone else. My body is not mine to sell.”

Matt is a no-count Rebel drifter who made Sarah see her own strength, and believe in herself.

And in the end, he made a marriage proposal that was the highlight in book:

Minor issue may be a turn-off for some readers: The MCs were separated in the middle of the book (between ~30% and ~60%). It didn’t bother me though.

Ellen O’Connell writes an engrossing, believable love story with great characterization and genuine dialogue. I highly recommend her books to my friends who are interested in western HR:)
# Her books are available in kindle library (unlimited/prime).

Profile Image for Jane Stewart.
2,462 reviews925 followers
October 19, 2014
Too much evil and brutality. Too much separation of the couple. No good revenge.

Carter does something sick, cruel and evil to Matt, and he gets away with it because of his political power. I was depressed almost all the time during the three days I was reading this. One night I could not fall asleep for two hours because I could not get it out of my mind. I don’t want to read books like that. But others who are better at compartmentalizing or something can handle it.

A second problem. I usually don’t like stories where a couple falls in love and then has a long separation. That happened here. They don’t see each other again until 60% which means the majority of the book was struggle and unhappiness. So add that to the brutality, I was even more depressed.

Third. One of my favorite things is revenge, justice, and pain for the bad guy. Revenge feels good because in real life we usually don’t get it. Here there was no justice and no pain for the bad guy. So again depressing.

I’m not asking for sugar stories. I want bad guys in stories. I just want less brutality, less separation, and some good revenge.

The last 35% was a good story. I enjoyed the community, Matt and his fellow gunslingers, the rancher problems, and the relationship development between Sarah and Matt. I liked the Afterward which is a download from the author’s website, but it did not provide good enough justice for me.

Narrative mode: 3rd person. Kindle count length: 5,552 (406 pages). Swearing language: moderate. Sexual language: mild. Number of sex scenes: 3. Setting: 1867 to 1881 mostly Texas and New Mexico. Copyright: 2010. Genre: western historical romance.

5 stars. Without Words - neat things happen - not depressing
4 stars. Beautiful Bad Man - depressing child abuse and bad guy’s evil deeds
4 stars. Dancing on Coals - depressing treatment of Native American Indians
3 ½ stars. Into the Light - not depressing, but relationship a little bland
2 stars. Sing My Name - too depressing, I lost sleep
Eyes of Silver, Eyes of Gold - I’m won’t read because it will depress me - per advice from my friends
Profile Image for KatLynne.
547 reviews589 followers
February 21, 2011
5+++ Stars
Another masterpiece by Ellen O'Connell! A poignant, heart-wrenching, beautifully written love story. Again, Ms. O'Connell held me spellbound as I eagerly devoured her written word, engrossed in the journey of Matt Slade and Sarah Hammond.

And what a journey! I laughed, I cried and my heart sang as Matt and Sarah survive the horrors fostered upon them and in the end, two soulmates find their HEA.

There is an epilogue to this story that is not included in the book. Afterward can be downloaded for free from the author's web site.

My only complaint is that when finished, I found myself wanting more.

Profile Image for Lyuda.
538 reviews170 followers
June 24, 2017

Another engrossing story from the author who is one of the best Western HR writers out there. As an added bonus, much of the story happen in places I recently visited (Texas and New Mexico) so this made vivid descriptions so much more realistic.
Although I liked the story, I didn't love it. My GR friend review described perfectly some of my reservations. Leona
Profile Image for MBR.
1,259 reviews370 followers
January 2, 2011

5++ Stars Historical Romance

The fact that I am starting out the year 2011 with the review of a story that played with all my emotions in a good way is a cause for celebration in itself. Ellen O’Connell who published her first romance “Eyes of Silver, Eyes of Gold” earlier in 2010 shot right into my auto-buy list with the style of her writing and her ability to spin a romance totally different from what you normally read about. In her stories, the tragedies are real and heartbreaking; you don’t just read a narration of a life changing event for the hero/heroine but rather you experience the events right along with them which makes the story seem that much more real and in the end leaves you with its remnants long after you are done. So when I found out that her newest book had been released around 2 months back, I nearly jumped up and down with glee and I didn’t even hesitate to buy myself a copy and lose myself in the story of Matt and Sarah; a story that is so damn quotable that I raged an internal battle to keep the quotes at a minimum.

I Liked:

1- Sarah Hammond. She is hands down the best thing about this story. She is sweet, gentle, kindhearted with a backbone of steel which Matt eventually shows that she has. She is equal parts stubborn, loyal and loves Matt so much that she is willing to go to any lengths to finally be with the man that completes her. The fact that she doesn’t give up when life throws its harshest challenges at her is what makes her my most favorite heroine of all time. There are so many endearing qualities about her that I don’t know which ones I should start naming first. Though Sarah has had a pampered life which her well off parents had bestowed upon her, when the rough and tough times comes calling, with Matt by her side Sarah faces each and every challenge head on and wins them over. Her docile nature fools a lot of people into thinking that Sarah needs to be cossetted and directed towards the path on which she should walk on. But when it does come to stuff that really matters to her like her daughter Laurie and her beloved Matt she is like the fiercest of warriors protecting what is rightfully hers. Needless to say, she has earned the role of my favorite heroine and I loved her character to bits in this heartwarming romance.

2- Matt Slade. He is handsome, utterly charming at the beginning of the story and later towards the end and has a sense of humor that touches something deep inside of you as you read along. Macauley’s vicious plans nearly ends Matt’s life before putting him in prison for 3 years of hard labor from which a harder and a more vital Matt emerges. Not knowing that Sarah had borne their daughter Laurie, Matt refuses to subject Sarah to his presence even though he knows that there would be no one else for him. Even though that part of his character which believed he is no good for Sarah rankled, I still could not help but fall for him because Matt demands nothing less but just that from the reader.

3- Ellen O’Connell’s evocative characterization and style of writing. Though she has just two romance novels to her name, her writing style just draws you in and keeps you in the throes of the story refusing to let go. I would say that her stories are just pure magic – yes, they are that good. If you don’t believe me, I dare you to pick just one of the two and indulge. ^_^

4- How Sarah tries to seduce Matt at the beginning. With Sarah being a virgin and Matt with practically zero experience, it was heartwarming and quite humorous at the same time to read about how Sarah tries to seduce Matt into giving her something even which she cannot understand what it is that she actually wants. Though not explicit in nature, their journey of sensual discovery was one of the best parts of the story worthy of revisiting from time to time.

5- The unique marriage proposal almost at the end of the story. I have never come across a marriage proposal quoted from passages in the Bible, maybe because I don’t read Christian romances, but the way Matt proposes to Sarah is just perfect for this story.

I Disliked:

1- Even though I loved this story to bits, I didn’t care much for the conflict between two ranching businesses which was the main focus of the latter part of the story. Though it was this conflict that enabled Sarah’s friends to bring these two together in the hopes of getting Sarah over Matt once and for all, I didn’t want anything to take my attention away from the beauty of the love between Sarah and Matt even for a second.

2- This story tends to end a bit abruptly until you read the Author’s note to discover that she has an “Afterword” available for download on her website which is the actual conclusion of this beautiful story. All in all, for me, the story would have been more complete if the afterword had been included in the original story. The afterword is a fitting end to a love that held me captivated right from the very beginning.

He held himself above her on his forearms, still looking at her with that narrow-eyed intensity, his eyes darker now in the shadows with the light behind him. She pushed her hips up, dug her fingers into his back, tried to make him give what she wanted without speaking the words.
Matt did speak. His voice, barely a breath across her lips, vibrated through her.“Sing, Sarah. Sing my name, Sarah.”
He moved then, and Sarah sang.

Note: All the while that I was reading this story, I couldn’t help but think that the song “Just the Way You Are” by Bruno Mars effectively sums up all the feelings that courses through Matt whenever he sees his beautiful Sarah whose mere presence is enough to keep him happy for the rest of his life. So I’ll end my review by including a snippet of the lyrics that just brings a smile to my face, and Sarah and Matt to my mind as I listen to this song each and every single time.

When I see your face
There’s not a thing that I would change
Cause you’re amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you’re amazing
Just the way you are

Full review with quotes: http://bit.ly/e2yHJi
Profile Image for Vintage.
2,606 reviews589 followers
October 22, 2021
I've been holding this in TBR file for years really to bring out on a rainy day when I needed a lift because Ellen O'Connell is always so great.

The story for these two is quite a bit more brutal than most of her stories t so DNF for now.
Profile Image for Leona.
1,749 reviews18 followers
May 31, 2017
I had mixed emotions about this one. It definitely is a gripping love story and kept me entertained, but I struggled with the overall character development. People were too one dimensional with very little shading of gray. Both Matt and Sarah didn't evolve which is a bit unrealistic given everything that transpired. Matt remained too perfect with his optimistic, selfless and "kind to a fault" spirit and Sarah was too one-dimensional with her "Matt or nothing" attitude. These too had so many brutal things hit them, their characters should have developed into something deeper and more complex. The fact that their core beliefs and attitudes never changed just seemed unrealistic.

I also agree with one reader's assessment that there was no retribution for the evil villain other than being married to an ugly shrew for the rest of his life. I would have liked to see these two sides come together in a clash that knocked me sideways. The author missed an opportunity for symbolisms and parallels to the Civil War that would have clinched the ending. Just my 2 cents.....

Overall, it's still an entertaining read. Ellen O'Connell on a bad day, is better than most authors. This one just didn't hit the mark like some of her other books.
Profile Image for Stacie.
2,293 reviews257 followers
July 6, 2018
5 "Sing my name." Stars!

This story was more than I bargained for. I was an angst feast. But! Both main characters make it all worth while. Sarah was a stubborn, determined woman. Especially for her time. Matt was simply adorable and swooney and pretty stubborn himself. These two went through some trials. I loved them both. Beautiful story. Happy reading!💗
Profile Image for Regan Walker.
Author 28 books795 followers
July 24, 2023
A Superb Post Civil War Love Story from the Old West

It’s 1867 and the Civil War is over. Young Matt Slade, the son of Texas settlers, fought for the South in some of the bloodiest battles—and he survived. Because he’s good at surviving. So when two shady bounty hunters seize him for a crime he didn’t commit, he determines he’ll survive so they won’t take him dead, as in “Dead or Alive.” While being transported with a group of calvary escorting some women to Fort Grissom, he encounters Sarah Hammond, the young daughter of passionate Massachusetts’s abolitionists, who is on her way to join her fiancé, a Yankee major, a man she does not love. Abhorring the abuse of Matt by the bounty hunters, Sarah intervenes to assure Matt is properly fed and beaten no longer. Shortly after, Comanches attack. Matt and Sarah survive only because of Matt’s resourcefulness. To get to the fort, they must depend on each other—and they grow close. When they finally arrive, and Sarah's fiancé learns that she has fallen in love with “Rebel trash," he takes his revenge on the young lovers. And a fierce revenge it is. It will be 1875 before the story is over…

O’Connell has a way of putting you right in the action, of making you feel the emotion and of understanding what led the hero and heroine to be who they are. The tender budding love between Matt and Sarah is the genuine thing. But they will have many hurdles to cross before they can be together. Along the way, O’Connell will make you laugh and she’ll make you cry. It’s about sacrificial love and standing up to bias that says a fallen woman and a gunslinger aren’t worthy citizens (“What did you do with a man who loved you too much to love you?”). I absolutely love her writing! Simply put, O’Connell tells GREAT stories and she does it very well.

I highly recommend this one and all her Western romances. So far, there’s EYES OF SILVER, EYES OF GOLD (with a part Cheyenne hero), and my personal favorite, DANCING ON COALS (with a full Apache hero). I think you’ll like them all!

For those of you who love this book and wanted a last scene that had Matt and Sarah confronting Carter Macauley one more time, on O'Connell's website, you can download that scene free.
Profile Image for Nefise.
478 reviews57 followers
November 4, 2015
4.5 stars...

Ms O'Connell is one of the most talented author for me. Such as that she made the American Historical Romance genre, one of my favorite.
I think I would read whatever she writes, she's so good.

Like her other books, this one has a very charming hero and heroine, very heart warming and heart aching scenes and a true love story endowed with bad and good times.
And I should add, there's something different about hero, Matt, makes him special among all the other heroes so far I've read. I think I like his gentle, conscientious and faithful personality very much.

There's a note at the end of the book that mentioned there's a short story about protagonist's future, an unresolved issue. I'll read it asap.
And I'll read Ms O'Connell's other books soon too.
Profile Image for Ivana Azap Feješ.
217 reviews44 followers
December 9, 2015
It took me long time to read it, but in the end I realized that this story hook me up, and did not let me go until I finished it!!! And I think that Ellen finished this story too early :D I want moooore!!!! :D
Great recommendation!!!
Profile Image for KC.
527 reviews22 followers
January 16, 2020
A gripping, bittersweet western.

The first quarter of the book stood out as the most enjoyable with tense moments for survival and romance taking up most of the action. I enjoyed the chemistry between the charming Matt and spirited Sarah. Their discussion regarding a bodily function was both awkward and funny. Speaking of funny, Sarah cracked me up with her persistence in trying to get Matt to open up, and with her attempts at seduction especially since it was a case of the innocent leading the semi-innocent.

What prevented me from giving this 5-stars was the long separation. Separations are fine, I just don't want to read about them when they take up a significant number of pages.

Matt's doormat behavior also had me gritting my teeth. I could have smacked him on his good-looking head! Regardless of all the external stumbling blocks facing this couple—and there were a lot—the biggest obstacle Sarah had to overcome was Matt himself. He loved Sarah so much that he wanted only the best for her. Unfortunately, Matt didn't understand that for Sarah HE was the best. I wanted Matt to fight harder for Sarah, but he was too consumed with acting all noble and stubborn. So it was left to Sarah to fight for their relationship after being reunited.

(Apparently she did have some sense during the estrangement and had tried to stop loving him. We were told she'd tried but were not shown the evidence.)

When the HEA finally approached, I rejoiced along with Sarah and sang a celebratory "hallelujah". The epilogue satisfied even if the villain didn't receive the expected comeuppance. He'd done his best to destroy Matt and Sarah, but they proved that happiness truly is the sweetest revenge!
Profile Image for JustJayneIA.
58 reviews3 followers
May 28, 2012
I loved Eyes of Silver, Eyes of Gold, by the same author, so I really wanted to love this too.

I didn't.

The first few chapters were very good. And then the main couple becomes separated ... for a long, long time. Now, separations aren't all that uncommon as a plot twist in a romantic story. But this one dragged out too long and the author went into to much unnecessary detail about what the hero and heroine experienced while apart. That would be one thing if it helped us understand the characters' development and evolution, but it didn't. It was like reading a laundry list of activities that were dull and didn't add anything to the story at all. It was almost like the author had 2 or 3 stories she wanted to write but couldn't, so she just squashed them all into one long, unrelated series of events she wants us to believe belong to one story.

Also, I don't buy the series of circumstances that led the couple to be separated to begin with. Too many unrealistic misunderstandings and miscommunications are involved. And we're supposed to be horrified by the hero's disfigurement, but also believe that all the ladies in town are attracted to him? Huh?

Honestly, I skimmed the last third of the book because I wanted to know how it ultimately ended. But overall, this book was very disappointing. The author is capable of much better. I wish she'd heavily edit this story and put it back out with all the unnecessary extras left out.
Profile Image for Emiliya Bozhilova.
1,627 reviews304 followers
February 25, 2023
Тази авторка наистина разказва истории, а не се напъва да отмята задължителните точки, които е чела в и��тернет или в курса по творческо писане.

Затворник на ловци на глави и годеница на офицер от далечен форт се озовават в една и съща група, пътуваща през прерията, и накрая са единствените оцелели от нея след нападение на команчите. Оказва се обаче, че част от най-големите трудности в живота тепърва им предстоят.

Имаше си невероятните моменти, най-вече при спасяването и после разни твърде удобни случайности, но нещата се развиха естествено, изненадващо зряло и с много трудни решения. Сюжетът беше отлично обмислен и обоснован, с проблемите веднага след гражданската война и прохождащия, все още див, запад. Хареса ми колко човешки се държаха всички герои, без никакви захаросване. Злините, предрасъдъците и убийствата не бяха спестени, нито силата на волята и убедеността в избора. Героинята беше по-силната от двамата не заради някакви привнесени изкуствени елементи от 21 век, а защото просто знаеше какво иска и беше решила да се бори докрай, без да се влияе от обществено порицание, омраза и социални предрасъдъци. Момчето докрай почти не можа да повярва, че някой наистина може да държи на него чак толкова, но и неговият живот беше ад, така че грешките му бяха съвсем очаквани.

Третата част беше твърде раздута, малко орязани страници биха освежили историята, но и така си е сладка.

Profile Image for Denise.
356 reviews81 followers
February 13, 2011
Another great story from Ellen O'Connell. I just wish she would get a better editor and cover art.
For those reasons, I would rather give this book a 4 1/2 star rating, but the story was just so enjoyable. What I love, is that there isn't all that fluff and sugar that I just can't stand. She gets real with her writing. For example, This couple went through so much, you just wanted to jump in the story and fix everything for them. The love they felt for each other came across very strongly in the story and did not feel forced at all. The only real issues I had with the story, were that Matt had too many very violent things happen to him, and his constant pushing Sarah away because he felt he was not good enough for her. During one of the violent acts against Matt, he was horribly scarred on his face resulting in an eye patch. But you just could not help but love Matt and Sarah ~sigh~
At the end of the book, the author states that if you go to her website, there is an afterward where they run into Macauley... I read it and would recommend anyone who reads this book to check it out. It was very satisfying!
Profile Image for Marquise.
1,882 reviews1,054 followers
February 23, 2020
This is a very different sort of Western historical romance, with a male hero that's a gunslinger but not your typical though macho sort. He's rather sensitive to a fault, and more forgiving than I'd be had I suffered a fraction of what he did at the hands of the baddie. The heroine is self-reliant and quite perseverant, and also less kind towards those who've hurt her and people that matter to her, which I can sympathise with.

My bigger concern was that in the second part, the plot slowed down to molasses speed and I was starting to worry this would suffer from Part II Syndrome and that the author would finish the story with an HEA not organically grown but because she'd run out of excuses to keep the hero and heroine apart. Fortunately, it picked up a smoother pace in the third and final part, though I think the background inter-ranch conflict could've used a bit more drama. The ending was too short for me, but the unique way Matt compensates for that.

And no, I didn't like the Afterword chapter to be found in the website of Ms O'Connell that she said she'd written as the ending but cut out after. It felt like trying to force an HEA that was a bit too sugary for this story, and I think the author took a sensible decision by not including it in the published novel as the ending.
Profile Image for Jacqueline.
1,693 reviews153 followers
December 22, 2016

I love a slow burn romance where a couple's circumstances force them together and we watch them slowly come together and that's exactly what this author usually delivers, but this was a bit different from the usual. They get together very early on then suffer a long, long, looong separation that I thought was never going to end. I get my enjoyment from seeing them together and that was limited in this book. To make matters worse, she's pursuing him, something else I'm not overly fond of.

I enjoyed immersing myself in this world for a while but I didn't get the feels. Not my favourite from this author I'm afraid.
Profile Image for Leea.
519 reviews73 followers
February 2, 2013

New Mexico Sunset...

I forgot, Sarah thought, looking up at him. I forgot that happiness isn't just a quiet, passive thing. It isn't just the lack of unhappiness. This is happiness, this wild, delicious feeling fizzing inside me.

I have to say that few Western Romance books really give you the honest truth about life in the late 1800's. If you've read any of Ms. O'Connell's books in the past you know that they are filled with heart breaking moments that are brutal in nature but sweet on the heart. This is one of the reasons her books draw me in and hold me till the last page is read. These lovable characters with flaws have the ablitly to draw you in and keep you entertained.

In Sarah Hammond is traveling to Texas to meet up with her soon to be husband. She's a city girl, who's led a life of privilege and safety within her parents wall in Boston. During her Journey through Texas she meets Matthew Slade, being taken to the Fort because he is believed to be a murderer. Sarah and Matt's paths cross and for some time love blooms but when everything comes to a screeching halt, is there a way for love to last a lifetime?

Then Matt wrapped Sarah in rainbows and made all the colors shine.

This is the second book that i've read by Ms. O'Connell. Fortunatly she is not like many romance writers and does not follow a standard romance plan. This book is not a cookie cutter copy of Eyes of Silver, Eyes of Gold. What is the same are the brutal honest moments that Matt and Sarah must endure by those who are determined to keep them apart. What we don't miss is the way that Ms. O'Connell is able to write these hard and heartbreaking moments and then scenes of such gentle love. This contrast of the two is what makes Sing My Name such an wonderful all encompassing book.

I have a few minor complaints. There are a lot of characters in this book and I found at times a little lost with some many towns and residents. The first part of Sing My Name was a page turner, I could not get enough of Matt and Sarah's harrowing adventure. Once things take a turn and we find Sarah alone and in need of help that's where the books seems to drag a bit. I guess for me I wanted to get more of Matthew and Sarah together. I'm a little selfish that way.

In the end this was an amazing adventure, filled with gun slinging ex warriors, women who are bright, confident and stand up for what they believe in and a setting to take your breath away. I cannot wait to read another novel my Ms. O'Connell

** If you find that you've finished Sing My Name and want a little more about what happend to Sarah and Matt, follow this link to, The Short after, Sing My Name Enjoy!
Profile Image for cEe beE.
552 reviews63 followers
September 26, 2012
This was like one of those journeys you are so looking forward to. It starts out very exciting and riveting. Then halfway through, other people join the caravan, more and more of them pile in and you're loosing track of where you are. Some of the passengers get off, and new ones get in. Pretty soon their names and the towns start to blur.

After awhile, you're thinking the trip is taking way too long. But then the journey comes to an end. And everything is amazing and wonderful. And you think, wow, the long trip was SO worth it!
Profile Image for Kristiej.
1,391 reviews93 followers
December 30, 2010
I was blown away by her first Western and when I finished it and it came to picking the next book to read it was a no-brainer that this would be the one I'd read. As with the previous book, this, THIS is the reason I love Westerns so much. This book is all that I can ask a romance to be; poignant, moving, sad with tenderly sweet funny moments. Both the hero and heroine are to die for great and as with EoS,EoG, the characters are HONEST with each other even though they may not agree.

The story starts out with Matt being mistaken for an outlaw by a couple of bounty hunters. The fact that they have the wrong guy doesn't bother them at all. It picks up after the two bounty hunters and their prisoner have joined an army wagon train heading west. Sarah is headed west to join her fiance, and army officer. She's not in love with him, but is going along with the engagement as she thinks he is better than she can expect and her parents are quite impressed with him. During their journey, she is horrified at the way Matt, our prisoner is being treated and she takes measures to make sure he is treated more humanely. Not long after this, the entire party is attacked by Indians and Matt and Sarah are the only survivors. While Sarah has lived a life of pampered luxury, Matt is well versed in how to survive and the two of them head out to try and make it to the nearest fort. As it's just the two of them, they get to know each other very well. Sarah soon realizes that Matt couldn't possibly be the criminal he was under guard for and for his part, while Matt realizes that Sarah has lead an entirely different kind of life than he has, he admires her tremendously for her 'pluck'. Along the way they fall deeply in love and while Matt is aware of the difference in their stations, he succumbs to the growing love between them. Because they spend time talking, and getting to know each other, the reader can feel the love developing between them. Unlike many a romance where the hero/heroine only have a surface knowledge before declaring their love, with Matt and Sarah, we know it's solid, but undeclared on Matt's side.

They finally make it almost to the fort where they are headed before giving in to hunger, thirst and exhaustion. When Sarah awakens, it's too a livid fiance; a fiance with power who doesn't hesitate to use it. Matt is sent to jail on trumped up charges and Sarah reputation is ruined. At this point there is a separation between them and those reader who aren't fans of long separations may be disappointed in this next section. But it didn't bother me as I was loving the story and I felt that this parting was necessary. The time focuses on Sarah and how her life is a struggle and yet she is so determined to wait for Matt no matter what obstacles are thrown in her way. It serves as a real transition time for her from a somewhat helpless young woman unsure of her own strength into a woman with loyalty, patience and, well, true grit who will survive anything.

Matt is finally released from prison and takes up with a gang of gunslingers. While they don't do anything illegal, they skirt the line at times. He believes the time is lost where he and Sarah could have made a go of it, but Sarah has never faltered in her love for Matt and when circumstances bring them together once more, she absolutely refuses to take no for an answer. I've mentioned before how I love it when a hero is gone for the hero but in this story it is Sarah who is completely gone for Matt. Obstacles? What obstacles. The only one she sees is Matt himself and simply will not take no for an answer.

Sing My Name is simply..... beautiful. It's gritty at times and not easy to read in some places but it's balance out with gently humour and a hero who no matter what life throws at him, meets it with a level headed kind of acceptance. While he had every right to be bitter and angry, he's mature enough to know that he would be the one hurt the most. Sing My Name is REAL. The characters are wonderfully written, from Matt and Sarah, both young and innocent at the start of the book, to mature and capable at the end. The secondary characters are also so very well done. The gang of men Matt is a member of come alive, two in particular. A very dear friend of Sarah betrays her and while she did it thinking it was in Sarah's best interest, there is no simple forgiveness that often drives us readers nuts.

I loved Eyes of Silver, Eyes of Gold but I think I love this one just a tiny bit more. I know I'll be reading both of them over and over.
Profile Image for Michelle [Helen Geek].
1,772 reviews413 followers
July 19, 2011
I feel very fortunate to have stumbled onto this author. Iwas looking on amazon for something to read and saw silver eyes. Ibought it but it was a month or so before i decided to read it. Absolutely phenominal. I wanted more and found this one and enjoyed it just as much. Well written, wih heart. Thank you and i hope for more!
Profile Image for Laura (Kyahgirl).
2,235 reviews151 followers
January 24, 2014
4/5; 4 stars; A-

'Sing my Name' is as interesting and inspirational as it is gritty and painful. Ellen O'Connell's ability to bring the old west to life, in all its gore and glory, is one of the reason's she is an autobuy author for me.

A few fundamental truths come out in this story, as in all her stories; life in the old west was HARSH, people are capable of incredible cruelty and cowardice, people are also capable of great courage and fortitude.

There are lots of reviews that talk about the story so I won't go there but what stands out for me in this book, as in all her books, are the characters. Matt was strong, smart, and good to the core from the beginning while Sarah was a good person who had to grow into herself throughout the course of the story.

I really liked how Sarah never wavered in her devotion to Matt, even though years and miles separated them for much of the story. I did, however, find Matt's nobility overdone in the last part of the book.

I also wondered

I think the book would have been just as good, or maybe even better, if some of the middle was pared down. The free downloadable Afterword was a nice addition too. The author did her job very well because I keep thinking about the characters in the story and wondering how they are doing.
Profile Image for Kathylill .
162 reviews193 followers
February 16, 2015
I’ve gone on a Western trip recently, reading passionately historical romances with western feel: with Native Americans, Cowboys and Wild West romance aplenty. I’ve been not disappointed because let’s face it: the good-to-bad-ratio is higher than in the Contemporary New Adult department.

Ellen O’Connell has been a wonderful discovery. She writes western romances that grow on you slowly but unforgettably, with vivid characters and filled with historical references that render her books to more than just another fluffy romance. Simply said: I love her writing and will give every book she writes at least a try to amaze me as much as “Dancing on Coals” or “Eyes of Silver, Eyes of Gold” did.

Sing My Name rates high on my western romances shelve. I loved almost everything about this story right up to the last 20% of the book.

What I loved:
- The way Ellen O’Connell makes her characters fall in love with each other and let me fall in love with the book over a conversation on a female’s menstruation.

- Sarah and Matt felt so real to me, as all secondary characters did as well (I really loved the scenes between Matt, Beau and Roddy)

- The interaction and the dialogue is simply heartfelt and felt truly authentic

- The slow moving but intense story that creeps up on you and doesn’t let you put the book down till you’ve read the last page

What I didn’t love so much is simply the romance. This book spans over 8 years or so and apart from the first two months at the beginning, Matt and Sarah spend their time separate from each other, pining for each other until they reunite again at the end. Don’t get me wrong I loved the story Ellen spins for both but I never was and never will be a true believer of this kind of infatuated love that lasts over so many years apart after only 2 months together.
Profile Image for Spuffed.
562 reviews60 followers
June 26, 2016
Tugged at my heart strings!!!! I read this several weeks ago so I don't remember too much and that's a shame because it deserves more full reviews.

Quick Rundown: Chick is traveling west under "protection" of the army post civil war to get married to her stoic fiancee who is a general or major or something protecting the citizens of the newly reformed nation from all those scary Indians. Well, shit happens that was pretty intense and our Chick is now trying to survive with Dude who was being delivered in regards to a bounty hunt. It takes a long time for things to work out but as always with O'Connell's books, there is a happy ending. This one just takes a heartbreakingly long time but well worth it in the end. I cried... a lot!

Characterization: Top notch as always. Secondary characters had depth wether they were good guys or bad guys. The Big Bad is truly awful in this book and ends up encompassing more that just one person.

Plot: Heartbreaking, harsh and very realistic from what I can tell. I appreciated the struggle despite all my tears (to be fair, I cry at anything, so...). The end result is two people who fell in love, had a lot of struggles to survive and despite each character's personal growth, that love never died. The intensity of the struggle was a really nice change for historical romance. It's harsh but worth it in the end. I also really enjoyed the realistic insight into a woman's options during that time period. It felt well researched and informative if not completely fucking depressing to think about as a woman today. It's usually a glossed over issue in this genre that while hard to read, was honest and informative.

Overall: Highly recommend
Profile Image for Searock.
147 reviews1 follower
November 2, 2011
4 stars.

I love Ms. O'Connell's romances even though they are, at times, grittier and more brutal than I would normally read. Her book: Eyes of Silver, Eyes of Gold is one of my favorites. This too is a gritty tale with an intense romance between the leads. Its a "keeper", but it never came up to "favorite" standards for me. I loved the beginning third of the book in which the story is set up and the adventure unfolds. ***spoiler alert*** The quality and the intensity of the "escape" is extraordinary. O'Connell is masterful with it. However, I dislike separations, especially lengthy ones (unless really cool stuff happens in it) and this one is loooooong (and cool stuff didn't happen). I wasn't as taken with the gunslinger crew with whom Matt became involved. I wasn't loving the various things that developed for Sarah. And ultimately I felt c**k blocked by the author when their reunion was so slowly developed toward the end. Even when they "found each other again" it was halting (like the slow mo scene of two lovers running into an embrace and it felt like the film got jammed and melted in the middle of it or something). It was exasperating. I need more "wow" factor in my reunion. I must admit though, the first third was worth the whole enchilada!
Profile Image for T Rojo.
600 reviews14 followers
September 14, 2024
Damn, this started out so original and I was loving it! Then idk wtf happened it just dragged and got so convoluted and stupid don’t ask me why I didn’t dnf.
Profile Image for ValeriGail.
25 reviews5 followers
January 27, 2011
I loved O'Connell's first book "Eyes of silver, Eyes of gold." It was one of my favorite reads for 2010. So when I saw that she had a new book out, I grabbed it immediately.

With EOS, EOG, I devoured the book within 2 days, only putting it down to sleep. With Sing my name, I found a huge desire to read it slow and long. To sit with it for days, having it wrap me it its story. I thought about it while doing my normal daily stuff. The story entering my thoughts, hanging there and making me think. When I was finished, I found it impossible to start another story. I wasn't ready to say goodbye to Sarah and Matt.

It is a different story from that of her first book. In EOS,EOG the characters are slow to fall in love, and are shocked by the realization. In Sing my name, the characters fall madly in love swiftly and strongly. They embrace it and hold it close, absolutely sure that they will love forever. Even though forever might mean a forever apart.

The heroine, Sarah Hammond, is a woman that learns the hard lesson of taking care of oneself after everyone she's ever loved has abandoned her. She starts out life as a pampered Daughter of a prominent family, but underneath all the pretty skirts and fancy hair, lays a Woman stronger than she herself believes. How does one who's been protected and sheltered her whole life live completely on her own? She learns very quickly that when things get tough, you have to get tougher. I love the female characters Mrs. O'Connell creates. They are strong, deep, and real. They are not the usual romance novel heroines. They are far better, far deeper and complex. There are people in my life right now that I can say "oh wow, she's Sarah".

Our Hero, Matt Slade, is stubborn and simple and amazing. The unjustness of his life seems overwhelming at times. Born to a farming family in Texas, he loses his entire family to the "fever" before he even hits puberty. He has seen death and destruction through the war, and is only in his early 20's when we meet him. Having lived through such harshness usually creates a vengeful angry man, but Matt is neither of those. He is the most sincere character I have ever read. When I say that he is simple, I mean that what you get with him is simply him. There is no hidden anything. He lays it out there for all to see. He is Matt, and he is amazing. He loves hard and fierce. Too hard and fierce. His sense of protection for those he cherishes is extreme. He will do anything to protect those in his life. From Sarah to his "Family" of gunslingers. My absolute favorite line in the book is "What did you do with a man who loved you too much to love you." I think it absolutely describes Matt. He loved too much to actually let him self love completely.

This is another stunning novel by O'Connell. I highly recommend it to anyone that loves western and/or historical romance. The first section of the book had me spell bound. As they tried to stay safe and hidden, I was right there hunkering in the bushes with them. The second part of the book, with them separate going through their own struggles and desperately missing each other, I longed for them to meet again. In the third part, I sat in anticipation for the face to face confrontation and read with hope that it would all finally turn out well. I was not disappointed, and am hoping that O'Connell offers us more books like this and EOS,EOG to read in the future.
Profile Image for Elle.
644 reviews13 followers
July 11, 2011
This is a tricky book for me to evaluate. I couldn't help but think about Atonement while I was reading this. I very much felt that the story in atonement was the little girl's effect on the lives of the two possible lovers. Atonement was not a love story, although it was marketed as such. My big issue with the 'love story' in Atonement is the HUGE potential that the two lovers would have just had a fling and walked away. There is no evidence of a great love story there, yet the storyline for Atonement stays strong because great love story or not, that little girl still considerably altered the lives of those two young lovers.

There is more of a love story here, the two main characters have a lovely if unbelievable young love that seems incredibly genuine and believable. But with what follows it's hard to believe that the two find their way back to each other. They are just so incredibly naive, the pair of them.

I hated reading this book because I had such a animated emotional response and the story played on so many of my emotions. I just didn't want to see so strongly in a negative way while I was reading on the beach. But I really do think this is the plus for the book. And as much as I didn't want to be subjected to all the emotional junk, I couldn't put the book down.

The love between the two main characters is really well written. They have a distinct relationship that they so easily fall into. These two are SO ADORABLE with their joking back and forth. One reviewer said that she really liked the biblical proposal, I found the face to face stuff much more enjoyable, when he says that he'll just knock her up and she'll have to marry him. It's just so cute!

I will read the afterward on the authors website, but I felt like where the novel ends was the right place. We read romances because we love the fairytale HEA, but I always enjoy a little realism in the story and without the extra afterward the story feels more real ending with the idea that the couple gets their revenge by living life and being the happiest they can, rather than the author actually showing that their enemy is suffering. I really feel like winning isn't about getting revenge, or seeing that someone is worse off, winning is not caring either way because you yourself are happy. By adding an afterward that shows the enemy is worse off, it's sort of no better than the enemy ensuring the main characters are worse off by doing what he did to them. Therefore, as the book stands I feel like it ends at the perfect spot. But in a few days my curiosity will get me and I will track down the afterward on the authors site.

Bottom line: This is an emotionally heavy fairytale. It's well written and will tear you to emotional threads. Not your best light read, but the couple is adorable and the challenges the face and how they face them and love their lives is incredibly admirable.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 244 reviews

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