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Neurolingvističko programiranje

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Neurolingvističko programiranje ( NLP ) je pristup u komunikaciji, osobnom razvoju i psihoterapiji koji su stvorili Richard Bandler i John Grinder u Kaliforniji SAD u sedamdesetim godinama 20. stoljeća. Njegovi tvorci tvrde da postoji veza između neuroloških procesa ("neuro"), jezika ("lingvistički") i obrazaca ponašanja naučenih kroz iskustvo ("programiranje") te da oni mogu biti promijenjeni kako bi se postiglo određene ciljeve u životu.[1][2]

Bandler i Grinder tvrde da vještine iznimnih ljudi mogu biti "kopirane" pomoću metodologije NLP i da te vještine može steći svatko.[3][4][5]

Bandler i Grinder također tvrde da NLP može tretirati probleme kao što su fobije, depresija, poremećaji navika, psihosomatske bolesti, kratkovidnost, alergije, prehlade[6] i poremećaji učenja, često u jednom sastanku.[7][8][9] NLP je usvojen od strane nekih hipnoterapeuta i na promidžbenim seminarima za poduzetnike i državne institucije.[10][11]

Ravnoteža znanstvenih dokaza otkriva NLP za sve uvelike diskreditiranu pseudoznanost. Znanstvena mišljenja ukazuju da sadrži brojne činjenične pogreške,[12] a ne polučuje rezultate koje zagovornici obećaju.[13][14]


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  1. Tosey, P. & Mathison, J., (2006) "Introducing Neuro-Linguistic Programming Centre for Management Learning & Development, School of Management, University of Surrey.
  2. Dilts, R., Grinder, J., Delozier, J., and Bandler, R. (1980). Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Volume I: The Study of the Structure of Subjective Experience. Cupertino, CA: Meta Publications. p. 2. ISBN 978-0916990077.
  3. Bandler, Richard; John (1975). The Structure of Magic I: A Book about Language and Therapy. Science and Behavior Books Inc. pp. 5–6. ISBN 0831400447.
  4. Grinder, John; Carmen (2001). "Chapter 2: Terminology". Whispering In The Wind. J & C Enterprises. ISBN 0971722307. "NLP is a modeling technology whose specific subject matter is the set of differences that make the difference between the performance of geniuses and that of average performers in the same field or activity. In this sense, the objective of modeling studies in NLP is to explicate in a transferable and learnable code these sets of differences.1 The core activity, then, is the mapping of tacit knowledge onto an explicit model. This meta-discipline was created by John Grinder and Richard Bandler in the early 70's."
  5. Bandler, Richard (1993). Time for a Change. Meta Pubns. p. vii. ISBN 9780916990282. "Two decades ago, the founders of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) sought to answer that "why" usefully. With a functional answer to that question, we could train people to perform like geniuses."
  6. In a seminar, Bandler & Grinder (1981, p. 166) claimed that a single session of NLP combined with hypnosis could eliminate certain eyesight problems such as myopia and cure the common cold (op.cit., p. 174)...(Also, op.cit., p. 169) Bandler and Grinder believed that, by combining NLP with hypnotic regression, one not only cured a problem, but became amnesic for the fact that it even existed at all. Thus, after a session of "therapy," a smoker denied smoking before, even when family and friends insisted otherwise, becoming unable to account for such evidence as nicotine stains. Grinder, John.; Richard Bandler; Connirae Andreas (ed.) (1981). Trance-Formations: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis. Moab, UT: Real People Press. ISBN 0-911226-23-0.
  7. Bandler, Richard (1993). Time for a Change. Meta Pubns. p. vii. ISBN 9780916990282. "In single sessions, they can accelerate learning, neutralize phobias, enhance creativity, improve relationships, eliminate allergies, and lead firewalks without roasting toes. NLP achieves the goal of its inception. We have ways to do what only a genius could have done a decade ago."
  8. Bandler, Richard; John (1985). Andreas, Connirae, ed. Trance-formations. Real People Press. pp. 166–8,173–4. ISBN 0911226222.
  9. Grinder, John; Bostic St. Clair, Carmen (2001). "Chapter 4: Personal Antecedents of NLP". Whispering In The Wind. J & C Enterprises. ISBN 0971722307.
  10. von Bergen, C. W.; Gary, Barlow Soper; Rosenthal, T.; Wilkinson, Lamar V. (1997). "Selected alternative training techniques in HRD". Human Resource Development Quarterly 8 (4): 281–294. doi:10.1002/hrdq.3920080403.
  11. Dowlen, Ashley (1 January 1996). "NLP - help or hype? Investigating the uses of neuro-linguistic programming in management learning". Career Development International 1 (1): 27–34. doi:10.1108/13620439610111408.
  12. Druckman, Daniel (1 November 2004). "Be All That You Can Be: Enhancing Human Performance". Journal of Applied Social Psychology 34 (11): 2234–2260. doi:10.1111/j.1559-1816.2004.tb01975.x.
  13. Witkowski, Tomasz (1 January 2010). "Thirty-Five Years of Research on Neuro-Linguistic Programming. NLP Research Data Base. State of the Art or Pseudoscientific Decoration?". Polish Psychological Bulletin 41 (2). doi:10.2478/v10059-010-0008-0
  14. Sharpley, Christopher F. (1 January 1987). "Research findings on neurolinguistic programming: Nonsupportive data or an untestable theory?". Journal of Counseling Psychology 34 (1): 103–107. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.34.1.103

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