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MediaWiki:Gadget-ListingEditor.js: differenze tra le versioni

Da Wikivoyage.
Contenuto cancellato Contenuto aggiunto
Nessun oggetto della modifica
Non mi serva che serva più la funzione separata
Riga 766: Riga 766:
var listingTemplateAsMap = {};
var listingTemplateAsMap = {};
var lastKey;
var lastKey;
// Split the wikitext into an array of params
var listParams = listingTemplateToParamsArray(listingTemplateWikiSyntax);
var listParams = listingTemplateWikiSyntax.split('|');
for (var j=1; j < listParams.length; j++) {
for (var j=1; j < listParams.length; j++) {
var param = listParams[j];
var param = listParams[j];
Riga 795: Riga 796:
return listingTemplateAsMap;
return listingTemplateAsMap;

* Split the wikitext into an array of params. This code exists in its
* own method primarily to allow it to be overridden by Italian
* Wikivoyage.
var listingTemplateToParamsArray = function(listingTemplateWikiSyntax) {
return listingTemplateWikiSyntax.split('|');

Versione delle 17:26, 28 mag 2016

	Listing Editor v1.4.2 (torty3)
	Listing Editor v2.0 (Wrh2)
	Personalizzazione italiana v2.0 (Andyrom75)

( function ( mw, $ ) {
	'use strict';

	/* ***********************************************************************
	 * Different Wikivoyage language versions have different implementations of
	 * the listing template, so this module must be customized for each.  The
	 * ListingEditor.Config and ListingEditor.Callbacks modules should be the
	 * ONLY code that requires customization - ListingEditor.Core should be
	 * shared across all language versions.  If for some reason the Core module
	 * must be modified, ideally the module should be modified for all language
	 * versions so that the code can stay in sync.
	 * ***********************************************************************/

	var ListingEditor = {};

	// see for an overview
	// of the module design pattern being used in this gadget

	/* ***********************************************************************
	 * ListingEditor.Config contains properties that will likely need to be
	 * modified for each Wikivoyage language version.  Properties in this
	 * module will be referenced from the other ListingEditor modules.
	 * ***********************************************************************/
	ListingEditor.Config = function() {

		// --------------------------------------------------------------------
		// --------------------------------------------------------------------

		var LANG = 'it';
			'addTitle' : 'Aggiungi un nuovo elemento',
			'editTitle' : "Modifica l'elemento esistente",
			'add': 'aggiungi elemento',
			'edit': 'modifica',
			'saving': 'Salvataggio...',
			'submit': 'Salva',
			'cancel': 'Annulla',
			'validationEmptyListing': "Inserisci almeno un'informazione tra nome o indirizzo",
			'validationEmail': "Assicurati che che l'indirizzo mail sia valido",
			'added': 'Aggiunto elemento: ',
			'updated': 'Aggiornato elemento: ',
			'removed': 'Rimosso elemento: ',
			'helpPage': '//',
			'enterCaptcha': 'Inserisci il CAPTCHA',
			'externalLinks': 'La tua modifica include nuovi collegamenti esterni.',
			'budget': 'Prezzi modici',
			'midrange': 'Prezzi medi',
			'splurge': 'Prezzi elevati',
			// license text should match MediaWiki:Wikimedia-copyrightwarning
			'licenseText': 'Facendo click su "Salva", accetti espressamente i <a class="external" target="_blank" href="">Termini d\'uso</a>, e accetti irrevocabilmente a rilasciare il tuo contributo sotto la <a class="external" target="_blank" href="">licenza CC-BY-SA 3.0</a>.',
			'ajaxInitFailure': 'Errore: Impossibile inizializzare il listing editor',
			'submitApiError': "Errore: Il server ha restituito un errore durante il salvataggio dell'elemento, per favore, prova ancora",
			'submitBlacklistError': 'Errore: Un valore nei dati inviati è in "blacklist", per favore rimuovilo e prova ancora',
			'submitUnknownError': "Errore: Un errore sconosciuto si è verificato durante il salvataggio dell'elemento, per favore, prova ancora",
			'submitHttpError': "Errore: Il server ha risposto con un errore HTTP il salvataggio dell'elemento, per favore, prova ancora",
			'submitEmptyError': "Errore: Il server ha restituito una risposta vuota durante il salvataggio dell'elemento, per favore, prova ancora"

		// --------------------------------------------------------------------
		// --------------------------------------------------------------------

		// if the browser window width is less than MAX_DIALOG_WIDTH (pixels), the
		// listing editor dialog will fill the available space, otherwise it will
		// be limited to the specified width
		var MAX_DIALOG_WIDTH = 1200;
		// set this flag to false if the listing editor should strip away any
		// listing template parameters that are not explicitly configured in the
		// LISTING_TEMPLATES parameter arrays (such as wikipedia, phoneextra, etc).
		// if the flag is set to true then unrecognized parameters will be allowed
		// as long as they have a non-empty value.

		// --------------------------------------------------------------------
		// --------------------------------------------------------------------

		// map section heading ID to the listing template to use for that section
			'Cosa_vedere': 'see',
			'Cosa_fare': 'do',
			'Acquisti': 'buy',
			'Dove_mangiare': 'eat',
			'Come_divertirsi': 'drink',
			'Dove_alloggiare': 'sleep',
			'Eventi_e_feste': 'listing'
		// If any of these patterns are present on a page then no 'add listing'
		// buttons will be added to the page
		var DISALLOW_ADD_LISTING_IF_PRESENT = ['#Centri_urbani', '#Altre_destinazioni'];

		// --------------------------------------------------------------------
		// --------------------------------------------------------------------

		// name of the generic listing template to use when a more specific
		// template ("see", "do", etc) is not appropriate
		var LISTING_CONTENT_PARAMETER = 'descrizione';
		// selector that identifies the HTML elements into which the 'edit' link
		// for each listing will be placed
		var EDIT_LINK_CONTAINER_SELECTOR = 'span.listing-metadata-items';
		// The arrays below must include entries for each listing template
		// parameter in use for each Wikivoyage language version - for example
		// "name", "address", "phone", etc.  If all listing template types use
		// the same parameters then a single configuration array is sufficient,
		// but if listing templates use different parameters or have different
		// rules about which parameters are required then the differences must
		// be configured - for example, English Wikivoyage uses "checkin" and
		// "checkout" in the "sleep" template, so a separate
		// SLEEP_TEMPLATE_PARAMETERS array has been created below to define the
		// different requirements for that listing template type.
		// Once arrays of parameters are defined, the LISTING_TEMPLATES
		// mapping is used to link the configuration to the listing template
		// type, so in the English Wikivoyage example all listing template
		// types use the LISTING_TEMPLATE_PARAMETERS configuration EXCEPT for
		// "sleep" listings, which use the SLEEP_TEMPLATE_PARAMETERS
		// configuration.
		// Fields that can used in the configuration array(s):
		//   - id: HTML input ID in the EDITOR_FORM_HTML for this element.
		//   - hideDivIfEmpty: id of a <div> in the EDITOR_FORM_HTML for this
		//     element that should be hidden if the corresponding template
		//     parameter has no value. For example, the "fax" field is
		//     little-used and is not shown by default in the editor form if it
		//     does not already have a value.
		//   - skipIfEmpty: Do not include the parameter in the wiki template
		//     syntax that is saved to the article if the parameter has no
		//     value. For example, the "image" tag is not included by default
		//     in the listing template syntax unless it has a value.
		//   - newline: Append a newline after the parameter in the listing
		//     template syntax when the article is saved.
			'tipo': { id:'input-type', hideDivIfEmpty: 'div_type', newline: true },
			'nome': { id:'input-name' },
			'alt': { id:'input-alt' },
			'sito': { id:'input-url' },
			'email': { id:'input-email', newline: true },
			'indirizzo': { id:'input-address' },
			'lat': { id:'input-lat' },
			'long': { id:'input-long' },
			'indicazioni': { id:'input-directions', newline: true },
			'tel': { id:'input-phone' },
			'numero verde': { id:'input-tollfree' },
			'fax': { id:'input-fax', newline: true },
			'orari': { id:'input-hours' },
			'checkin': { id:'input-checkin', hideDivIfEmpty: 'div_checkin', skipIfEmpty: true },
			'checkout': { id:'input-checkout', hideDivIfEmpty: 'div_checkout', skipIfEmpty: true },
			'prezzo': { id:'input-price', newline: true },
			'descrizione': { id:'input-content', newline: true }
		// override the default settings for "sleep" listings since that
		// listing type uses "checkin"/"checkout" instead of "hours"
			'orari': { hideDivIfEmpty: 'div_hours', skipIfEmpty: true },
			'checkin': { hideDivIfEmpty: null, skipIfEmpty: false },
			'checkout': { hideDivIfEmpty: null, skipIfEmpty: false }
		// map the template name to configuration information needed by the listing
		// editor

		// --------------------------------------------------------------------
		// --------------------------------------------------------------------

		// these selectors should match a value defined in the EDITOR_FORM_HTML
		// if the selector refers to a field that is not used by a Wikivoyage
		// language version the variable should still be defined, but the
		// corresponding element in EDITOR_FORM_HTML can be removed and thus
		// the selector will not match anything and the functionality tied to
		// the selector will never execute.
		var EDITOR_FORM_SELECTOR = '#listing-editor';
		var EDITOR_CLOSED_SELECTOR = '#input-closed';
		var EDITOR_SUMMARY_SELECTOR = '#input-summary';
		var EDITOR_MINOR_EDIT_SELECTOR = '#input-minor';
		// the below HTML is the UI that will be loaded into the listing editor
		// dialog box when a listing is added or edited.  EACH WIKIVOYAGE
		// LANGUAGE SITE CAN CUSTOMIZE THIS HTML - fields can be removed,
		// added, displayed differently, etc.  Note that it is important that
		// any changes to the HTML structure are also made to the
		// LISTING_TEMPLATES parameter arrays since that array provides the
		// mapping between the editor HTML and the listing template fields.
		var EDITOR_FORM_HTML = '<form id="listing-editor">' +
			'<div class="col span_1_of_2">' +
				'<table class="editor-fullwidth">' +
				'<tr id="div_name">' +
					'<td class="editor-label-col"><label for="input-name">Nome</label></td>' +
					'<td><input type="text" class="editor-fullwidth" placeholder="nome del posto" id="input-name"></td>' +
				'</tr>' +
				'<tr id="div_alt">' +
					'<td class="editor-label-col"><label for="input-alt">Altro nome</label></td>' +
					'<td><input type="text" class="editor-fullwidth" placeholder="noto anche come" id="input-alt"></td>' +
				'</tr>' +
				'<tr id="div_address">' +
					'<td class="editor-label-col"><label for="input-address">Indirizzo</label></td>' +
					'<td><input type="text" class="editor-fullwidth" placeholder="indirizzo del posto" id="input-address"></td>' +
				'</tr>' +
				'<tr id="div_directions">' +
					'<td class="editor-label-col"><label for="input-directions">Indicazioni</label></td>' +
					'<td><input type="text" class="editor-fullwidth" placeholder="come arrivare qui" id="input-directions"></td>' +
				'</tr>' +
				'<tr id="div_phone">' +
					'<td class="editor-label-col"><label for="input-phone">Telefono</label></td>' +
					'<td><input type="text" class="editor-fullwidth" placeholder="+55 555 555-5555" id="input-phone"></td>' +
				'</tr>' +
				'<tr id="div_tollfree">' +
					'<td class="editor-label-col"><label for="input-tollfree">Numero verde</label></td>' +
					'<td><input type="text" class="editor-fullwidth" placeholder="+1 800 100 1000" id="input-tollfree"></td>' +
				'</tr>' +
				'<tr id="div_price">' +
					'<td class="editor-label-col"><label for="input-price">Prezzo</label></td>' +
					'<td>' +
						// update the ListingEditor.Callbacks.initCurrencySymbolFormFields
						// method if the currency symbols are removed or modified
						'<input type="text" class="editor-partialwidth" placeholder="prezzo d\'ingresso o del servizio" id="input-price">' +
						'<span id="span_currency">' +
							'<span class="currency-signs"> <u><a href="javascript:">\u0024</a></u></span>' +
							'<span class="currency-signs"> <u><a href="javascript:">\u00A3</a></u></span>' +
							'<span class="currency-signs"> <u><a href="javascript:">\u20AC</a></u></span>' +
							'<span class="currency-signs"> <u><a href="javascript:">\u00A5</a></u></span>' +
							'<span class="currency-signs"> <u><a href="javascript:">\u20A9</a></u></span>' +
						'</span>' +
					'</td>' +
				'</tr>' +
/*				'<tr id="div_lastedit" style="display: none;">' +
					'<td class="editor-label-col"><label for="input-lastedit">Last Updated</label></td>' +
					'<td><input type="text" size="10" placeholder="2015-01-15" id="input-lastedit"></td>' +
				'</tr>' +*/
				'</table>' +
			'</div>' +
			'<div class="col span_1_of_2">' +
				'<table class="editor-fullwidth">' +
				'<tr id="div_type">' +
					'<td class="editor-label-col"><label for="input-type">Tipo</label></td>' +
					'<td style="padding-left: 0px;">' +
						'<table width="100%">' +
							'<tr>' +
								'<td>' +
									'<select id="input-type" placeholder="tipo di elemento">' +
										'<option value="listing">listing</option>' +
										'<option value="see">see</option>' +
										'<option value="do">do</option>' +
										'<option value="buy">buy</option>' +
										'<option value="eat">eat</option>' +
										'<option value="drink">drink</option>' +
										'<option value="sleep">sleep</option>' +
									'</select>' +
								'</td>' +
								'<td id="div_status">' +
									'<span id="span-closed">' +
										'<input type="checkbox" id="input-closed">' +
										'<label for="input-closed" title="Spunta il riquadro se l\'attività non è più operativa, al fine di rimuoverla da questo articolo">Cancello?</label>' +
									'</span>' +
								'</td>' +
							'</tr>' +
						'</table>' +
					'</td>' +
				'</tr>' +
				'<tr id="div_url">' +
					'<td class="editor-label-col"><label for="input-url">Sito web</label></td>' +
					'<td><input type="text" class="editor-fullwidth" placeholder="" id="input-url"></td>' +
				'</tr>' +
				'<tr id="div_email">' +
					'<td class="editor-label-col"><label for="input-email">Email</label></td>' +
					'<td><input type="text" class="editor-fullwidth" placeholder="" id="input-email"></td>' +
				'</tr>' +
				'<tr id="div_lat">' +
					'<td class="editor-label-col"><label for="input-lat">Latitudine</label></td>' +
					'<td><input type="text" class="editor-partialwidth" placeholder="11.11111" id="input-lat">' +
					// update the ListingEditor.Callbacks.initFindOnMapLink
					// method if this field is removed or modified
					'&nbsp;<u><a id="geomap-link" target="_blank" href="">localizza su geomap</a></u></td>' +
				'</tr>' +
				'<tr id="div_long">' +
					'<td class="editor-label-col"><label for="input-long">Longitudine</label></td>' +
					'<td><input type="text" class="editor-partialwidth" placeholder="111.11111" id="input-long"></td>' +
				'</tr>' +
				'<tr id="div_fax">' +
					'<td class="editor-label-col"><label for="input-fax">Fax</label></td>' +
					'<td><input type="text" class="editor-fullwidth" placeholder="+55 555 555-555" id="input-fax"></td>' +
				'</tr>' +
				'<tr id="div_hours">' +
					'<td class="editor-label-col"><label for="input-hours">Orari</label></td>' +
					'<td><input type="text" class="editor-fullwidth" placeholder="Lun-Ven 9:00-17:00" id="input-hours"></td>' +
				'</tr>' +
				'<tr id="div_checkin">' +
					'<td class="editor-label-col"><label for="input-checkin">Check-in</label></td>' +
					'<td><input type="text" class="editor-fullwidth" placeholder="orario di check in" id="input-checkin"></td>' +
				'</tr>' +
				'<tr id="div_checkout">' +
					'<td class="editor-label-col"><label for="input-checkout">Check-out</label></td>' +
					'<td><input type="text" class="editor-fullwidth" placeholder="orario di check out" id="input-checkout"></td>' +
				'</tr>' +
				'</table>' +
			'</div>' +
			'<table class="editor-fullwidth">' +
			'<tr id="div_content">' +
				'<td class="editor-label-col"><label for="input-content">Descrizione</label></td>' +
				'<td><textarea rows="8" class="editor-fullwidth" placeholder="descrizione del posto" id="input-content"></textarea></td>' +
			'</tr>' +
			// update the ListingEditor.Callbacks.hideEditOnlyFields method if
			// the status row is removed or modified
/*			'<tr id="div_status">' +
				'<td class="editor-label-col"><label>Status</label></td>' +
				'<td>' +
					'<span id="span-closed">' +
						'<input type="checkbox" id="input-closed">' +
						'<label for="input-closed" title="Spunta il riquadro se l\'attività non è più operativa, al fine di rimuoverla da questo articolo">Cancello?</label>' +
					'</span>' +
					// update the ListingEditor.Callbacks.updateLastEditDate
					// method if the last edit input is removed or modified
					'<span id="span-last-edit">' +
						'<input type="checkbox" id="input-last-edit" />' +
						'<label for="input-last-edit" title="Check the box if the information in this listing has been verified to be current and accurate, and the last updated date will be changed to the current date">mark the listing as up-to-date?</label>' +
					'</span>' +*/
				'</td>' +
			'</tr>' +
			'</table>' +
			// update the ListingEditor.Callbacks.hideEditOnlyFields method if
			// the summary table is removed or modified
			'<table class="editor-fullwidth" id="div_summary">' +
			'<tr><td colspan="2"><div class="listing-divider" /></td></tr>' +
			'<tr>' +
				'<td class="editor-label-col"><label for="input-summary">Oggetto della modifica</label></td>' +
				'<td>' +
					'<input type="text" class="editor-partialwidth" placeholder="Motivo di modifica dell\'elemento" id="input-summary">' +
					'<span id="span-minor"><input type="checkbox" id="input-minor"><label for="input-minor" title="Spunta il riquadro se la modifica dell\'elemento non è rilevante, come la correzione di un refuso">modifica minore?</label></span>' +
				'</td>' +
			'</tr>' +
			'</table>' +

		// expose public members
		return {

	/* ***********************************************************************
	 * ListingEditor.Callbacks implements custom functionality that may be
	 * specific to how a Wikivoyage language version has implemented the
	 * listing template.  For example, English Wikivoyage uses a "last edit"
	 * date that needs to be populated when the listing editor form is
	 * submitted, and that is done via custom functionality implemented as a
	 * SUBMIT_FORM_CALLBACK function in this module.
	 * ***********************************************************************/
	ListingEditor.Callbacks = function() {
		// array of functions to invoke when creating the listing editor form.
		// these functions will be invoked with the form DOM object as the
		// first element and the mode as the second element.
		// array of functions to invoke when submitting the listing editor
		// form but prior to validating the form. these functions will be
		// invoked with the mapping of listing attribute to value as the first
		// element and the mode as the second element.
		// array of validation functions to invoke when the listing editor is
		// submitted. these functions will be invoked with an array of
		// validation messages as an argument; a failed validation should add a
		// message to this array, and the user will be shown the messages and
		// the form will not be submitted if the array is not empty.

		// --------------------------------------------------------------------
		// --------------------------------------------------------------------

		 * Add listeners to the currency symbols so that clicking on a currency
		 * symbol will insert it into the price input.
		var initCurrencySymbolFormFields = function(form, mode) {
			var CURRENCY_SIGNS_SELECTOR = '.currency-signs';
			$(CURRENCY_SIGNS_SELECTOR, form).click(function() {
				var priceInput = $('#input-price');
				var caretPos = priceInput[0].selectionStart;
				var oldPrice = priceInput.val();
				var currencySymbol = $(this).find('a').text();
				var newPrice = oldPrice.substring(0, caretPos) + currencySymbol + oldPrice.substring(caretPos);

		 * Add listeners on various fields to update the "find on map" link.
		var initFindOnMapLink = function(form, mode) {
			var latlngStr = '?lang=' + ListingEditor.Config.LANG;
			latlngStr += '&page=' + encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get('wgTitle'));
			// #geodata should be a hidden span added by Template:Geo
			// containing the lat/long coordinates of the destination
			if ($('#geodata').length) {
				var latlng = $('#geodata').text().split('; ');
				latlngStr += '&lat=' + latlng[0] + '&lon=' + latlng[1] + '&zoom=15';
			if ($('#input-address', form).val() !== '') {
				latlngStr += '&location=' + encodeURIComponent($('#input-address', form).val());
			} else if ($('#input-name', form).val() !== '') {
				latlngStr += '&location=' + encodeURIComponent($('#input-name', form).val());
			// #geomap-link is a link in the EDITOR_FORM_HTML
			$('#geomap-link', form).attr('href', $('#geomap-link', form).attr('href') + latlngStr);
			$('#input-address', form).change( function () {
				var link = $('#geomap-link').attr('href');
				var index = link.indexOf('&location');
				if (index < 0) index = link.length;
				$('#geomap-link').attr('href', link.substr(0,index) + '&location='
						+ encodeURIComponent($('#input-address').val()));

		var hideEditOnlyFields = function(form, mode) {
			var EDITOR_STATUS_ROW = '#div_status';
			var EDITOR_SUMMARY_ROW = '#div_summary';
			if (mode !== ListingEditor.Core.MODE_EDIT) {
				$(EDITOR_STATUS_ROW, form).hide();
				$(EDITOR_SUMMARY_ROW, form).hide();

		 * Verify all listings have at least a name, address or alt value.
		var validateListingHasData = function(validationFailureMessages) {
			if ($('#input-name').val() === '' && $('#input-address').val() === '' && $('#input-alt').val() === '') {

		 * Implement SIMPLE validation on email addresses.  Invalid emails can
		 * still get through, but this method implements a minimal amount of
		 * validation in order to catch the worst offenders.
		var validateEmail = function(validationFailureMessages) {
			var VALID_EMAIL_REGEX = /^[^@\s]+@[^@\s]+\.[^@\s]+$/;
			var email = $('#input-email').val().trim();
			if (email !== '' && !VALID_EMAIL_REGEX.test(email)) {

		// expose public members
		return {

	/* ***********************************************************************
	 * ListingEditor.Core contains code that should be shared across different
	 * Wikivoyage languages.  This code uses the custom configurations in the
	 * ListingEditor.Config and ListingEditor.Callback modules to initialize
	 * the listing editor and process add and update requests for listings.
	 * ***********************************************************************/
	ListingEditor.Core = function() {
		var api = new mw.Api();
		var MODE_ADD = 'add';
		var MODE_EDIT = 'edit';
		// selector that identifies the edit link as created by the
		// addEditButtons() function
		var EDIT_LINK_SELECTOR = '.vcard-edit-button';
		var SAVE_FORM_SELECTOR = '#progress-dialog';
		var CAPTCHA_FORM_SELECTOR = '#captcha-dialog';
		var sectionText, inlineListing, replacements = {};

		 * Return false if the current page should not enable the listing editor.
		 * Examples where the listing editor should not be enabled include talk
		 * pages, edit pages, history pages, etc.
		var listingEditorAllowedForCurrentPage = function() {
			var namespace = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' );
			if (namespace !== 0 && namespace !== 2 && namespace !== 4) {
				return false;
			if ( mw.config.get('wgAction') != 'view' || $('#mw-revision-info').length
					|| mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') != mw.config.get('wgRevisionId')
					|| $('#ca-viewsource').length ) {
				return false;
			return true;

		 * Generate the form UI for the listing editor.  If editing an existing
		 * listing, pre-populate the form input fields with the existing values.
		var createForm = function(mode, listingParameters, listingTemplateAsMap) {
			var form = $(ListingEditor.Config.EDITOR_FORM_HTML);
			// make sure the select dropdown includes any custom "type" values
			var listingType = listingTemplateAsMap[ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_TYPE_PARAMETER];
			if (isCustomListingType(listingType)) {
				$('#' + listingParameters[ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_TYPE_PARAMETER].id, form).append('<option value="' + listingType + '">' + listingType + '</option>');
			// populate the empty form with existing values
			for (var parameter in listingParameters) {
				var parameterInfo = listingParameters[parameter];
				if (listingTemplateAsMap[parameter]) {
					$('#' +, form).val(listingTemplateAsMap[parameter]);
				} else if (parameterInfo.hideDivIfEmpty) {
					$('#' + parameterInfo.hideDivIfEmpty, form).hide();
			for (var i=0; i < ListingEditor.Callbacks.CREATE_FORM_CALLBACKS.length; i++) {
				ListingEditor.Callbacks.CREATE_FORM_CALLBACKS[i](form, mode);
			return form;

		 * Wrap the h2/h3 heading tag and everything up to the next section
		 * (including sub-sections) in a div to make it easier to traverse the DOM.
		 * This change introduces the potential for code incompatibility should the
		 * div cause any CSS or UI conflicts.
		var wrapContent = function() {
			$('#bodyContent h2').each(function(){
				$(this).nextUntil("h1, h2").andSelf().wrapAll('<div class="mw-h2section" />');
			$('#bodyContent h3').each(function(){
				$(this).nextUntil("h1, h2, h3").andSelf().wrapAll('<div class="mw-h3section" />');

		 * Place an "add listing" link at the top of each section heading next to
		 * the "edit" link in the section heading.
		var addListingButtons = function() {
			if ($(ListingEditor.Config.DISALLOW_ADD_LISTING_IF_PRESENT.join(',')).length > 0) {
				return false;
			for (var sectionId in ListingEditor.Config.SECTION_TO_TEMPLATE_TYPE) {
				sectionId = encodeURIComponent(sectionId).replace(/%20/g,'_').replace(/%/g,'.');
				// use a pattern rather than searching by ID directly in case
				// the article uses top-level headings in sub-sections
				var topHeading = $('h2 #' + sectionId);
				if (topHeading.length) {
					var parentHeading = topHeading.closest('');
					$('h3 .mw-headline', parentHeading).each(function() {
			$('.listingeditor-add').click(function() {
				initListingEditorDialog(MODE_ADD, $(this));

		 * Utility function for appending the "add listing" link text to a heading.
		var insertAddListingPlaceholder = function(parentHeading) {
			var editSection = $(parentHeading).next('.mw-editsection');
			editSection.append('<span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="javascript:" class="listingeditor-add">'+ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.add+'</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span>');

		 * Place an "edit" link next to all existing listing tags.
		var addEditButtons = function() {
			var editButton = $('<span class="vcard-edit-button noprint">')
				.html('<a href="javascript:" class="listingeditor-edit">'+ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.edit+'</a>' )
				.click(function() {
					initListingEditorDialog(MODE_EDIT, $(this));
			// if there is already metadata present add a separator
			$(ListingEditor.Config.EDIT_LINK_CONTAINER_SELECTOR).each(function() {
				if (!isElementEmpty(this)) {
			// append the edit link
			$(ListingEditor.Config.EDIT_LINK_CONTAINER_SELECTOR).append( editButton );

		 * Determine whether a listing entry is within a paragraph rather than
		 * an entry in a list; inline listings will be formatted slightly
		 * differently than entries in lists (no newlines in the template syntax,
		 * skip empty fields).
		var isInline = function(entry) {
			// if the edit link clicked is within a paragraph AND, since
			// newlines in a listing description will cause the Mediawiki parser
			// to close an HTML list (thus triggering the "is edit link within a
			// paragraph" test condition), also verify that the listing is
			// within the expected listing template span tag and thus hasn't
			// been incorrectly split due to newlines.
			return (entry.closest('p').length !== 0 && entry.closest('span.vcard').length !== 0);

		 * Given a DOM element, find the nearest editable section (h2 or h3) that
		 * it is contained within.
		var findSectionHeading = function(element) {
			// first see if there is a subsection match nearby
			var heading = element.closest('');
			if (heading.length === 0) {
				// if no subsection match found, look for the nearest major section
				heading = element.closest('');
			return heading;

		 * Given an editable heading, examine it to determine what section index
		 * the heading represents.  First heading is 1, second is 2, etc.
		var findSectionIndex = function(heading) {
			if (heading === undefined) {
				return 0;
			var link = heading.find('.mw-editsection a').attr('href');
			return (link !== undefined) ? link.split('=').pop() : 0;

		 * Given an edit link that was clicked for a listing, determine what index
		 * that listing is within a section.  First listing is 0, second is 1, etc.
		var findListingIndex = function(sectionHeading, clicked) {
			var count = 0;
			$(EDIT_LINK_SELECTOR, sectionHeading).each(function() {
				if ($(this))) {
					return false;
			return count;

		 * Return the listing template type appropriate for the section that
		 * contains the provided DOM element (example: "see" for "See" sections,
		 * etc).  If no matching type is found then the default listing template
		 * type is returned.
		var findListingTypeForSection = function(entry) {
			var sectionType = entry.closest('').children('h2').find('.mw-headline').attr('id');
			for (var sectionId in ListingEditor.Config.SECTION_TO_TEMPLATE_TYPE) {
				if (sectionType == sectionId) {
					return ListingEditor.Config.SECTION_TO_TEMPLATE_TYPE[sectionId];
			return ListingEditor.Config.DEFAULT_LISTING_TEMPLATE;

		var replaceSpecial = function(str) {
			return str.replace(/[.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-]/g, "\\$&");

		 * Return a regular expression that can be used to find all listing
		 * template invocations (as configured via the LISTING_TEMPLATES map)
		 * within a section of wikitext.  Note that the returned regex simply
		 * matches the start of the template ("{{listing") and not the full
		 * template ("{{listing|key=value|...}}").
		var getListingTypesRegex = function() {
			var regex = [];
			for (var key in ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_TEMPLATES) {
			return new RegExp('{{\\s*(' + regex.join('|') + ')\\b','g');

		 * Given a listing index, return the full wikitext for that listing
		 * ("{{listing|key=value|...}}"). An index of 0 returns the first listing
		 * template invocation, 1 returns the second, etc.
		var getListingWikitextBraces = function(listingIndex) {
			sectionText = sectionText.replace(/[^\S\n]+/g,' ');
			// find the listing wikitext that matches the same index as the listing index
			var listingRegex = getListingTypesRegex();
			// look through all matches for "{{listing|see|do...}}" within the section
			// wikitext, returning the nth match, where 'n' is equal to the index of the
			// edit link that was clicked
			var listingSyntax, regexResult, listingMatchIndex;
			for (var i = 0; i <= listingIndex; i++) {
				regexResult = listingRegex.exec(sectionText);
				listingMatchIndex = regexResult.index;
				listingSyntax = regexResult[0];
			// listings may contain nested templates, so step through all section
			// text after the matched text to find MATCHING closing braces
			// the first two braces are matched by the listing regex and already
			// captured in the listingSyntax variable
			var curlyBraceCount = 2;
			var endPos = sectionText.length;
			var startPos = listingMatchIndex + listingSyntax.length;
			var matchFound = false;
			for (var j = startPos; j < endPos; j++) {
				if (sectionText[j] === '{') {
				} else if (sectionText[j] === '}') {
				if (curlyBraceCount === 0 && (j + 1) < endPos) {
					listingSyntax = sectionText.substring(listingMatchIndex, j + 1);
					matchFound = true;
			if (!matchFound) {
				listingSyntax = sectionText.substring(listingMatchIndex);
			return $.trim(listingSyntax);

		 * Convert raw wiki listing syntax into a mapping of key-value pairs
		 * corresponding to the listing template parameters.
		var wikiTextToListing = function(listingTemplateWikiSyntax) {
			var typeRegex = getListingTypesRegex();
			// remove the trailing braces
			listingTemplateWikiSyntax = listingTemplateWikiSyntax.slice(0,-2);
			// convert "{{see" to {{listing|type=see"
			listingTemplateWikiSyntax = listingTemplateWikiSyntax.replace(typeRegex,'{{listing| ' + ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_TYPE_PARAMETER + '=$1');
			var listingTemplateAsMap = {};
			var lastKey;
			// Split the wikitext into an array of params
			var listParams = listingTemplateWikiSyntax.split('|');
			for (var j=1; j < listParams.length; j++) {
				var param = listParams[j];
				var index = param.indexOf('=');
				if (index > 0) {
					// param is of the form key=value
					var key = $.trim(param.substr(0, index));
					var value = $.trim(param.substr(index+1));
					listingTemplateAsMap[key] = value;
					lastKey = key;
				} else if (listingTemplateAsMap[lastKey].length) {
					// there was a pipe character within a param value, such as
					// "key=value1|value2", so just append to the previous param
					listingTemplateAsMap[lastKey] += '|' + param;
			for (var key in listingTemplateAsMap) {
				// if the template value contains an HTML comment that was
				// previously converted to a placehold then it needs to be
				// converted back to a comment so that the placeholder is not
				// displayed in the edit form
				listingTemplateAsMap[key] = restoreComments(listingTemplateAsMap[key], false);
			if (listingTemplateAsMap[ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_CONTENT_PARAMETER]) {
				// convert paragraph tags to newlines so that the content is more
				// readable in the editor window
//				listingTemplateAsMap[ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_CONTENT_PARAMETER] = listingTemplateAsMap[ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_CONTENT_PARAMETER].replace(/\s*<p>\s*/g, '\n\n');
			return listingTemplateAsMap;

		 * This method is invoked when an "add" or "edit" listing button is
		 * clicked and will execute an Ajax request to retrieve all of the raw wiki
		 * syntax contained within the specified section.  This wiki text will
		 * later be modified via the listing editor and re-submitted as a section
		 * edit.
		var initListingEditorDialog = function(mode, clicked) {
			var listingType;
			if (mode === MODE_ADD) {
				listingType = findListingTypeForSection(clicked);
			var sectionHeading = findSectionHeading(clicked);
			var sectionIndex = findSectionIndex(sectionHeading);
			var listingIndex = (mode === MODE_ADD) ? -1 : findListingIndex(sectionHeading, clicked);
			inlineListing = (mode === MODE_EDIT && isInline(clicked));
				url: mw.util.wikiScript(''),
				data: { title: mw.config.get('wgPageName'), action: 'raw', section: sectionIndex },
				cache: false // required
			}).done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
				sectionText = data;
				openListingEditorDialog(mode, sectionIndex, listingIndex, listingType);
			}).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
				alert(ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.ajaxInitFailure + ': ' + textStatus + ' ' + errorThrown);

		 * This method is called asynchronously after the initListingEditorDialog()
		 * method has retrieved the existing wiki section content that the
		 * listing is being added to (and that contains the listing wiki syntax
		 * when editing).
		var openListingEditorDialog = function(mode, sectionNumber, listingIndex, listingType) {
			sectionText = stripComments(sectionText);
			mw.loader.using( ['jquery.ui.dialog'], function () {
				var listingTemplateAsMap, listingTemplateWikiSyntax;
				if (mode == MODE_ADD) {
					listingTemplateAsMap = {};
					listingTemplateAsMap[ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_TYPE_PARAMETER] = listingType;
				} else {
					listingTemplateWikiSyntax = getListingWikitextBraces(listingIndex);
					listingTemplateAsMap = wikiTextToListing(listingTemplateWikiSyntax);
					listingType = listingTemplateAsMap[ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_TYPE_PARAMETER];
				var listingParameters = getListingInfo(listingType);
				// if a listing editor dialog is already open, get rid of it
				if ($(ListingEditor.Config.EDITOR_FORM_SELECTOR).length > 0) {
				var form = $(createForm(mode, listingParameters, listingTemplateAsMap));
				// wide dialogs on huge screens look terrible
				var windowWidth = $(window).width();
				var dialogWidth = (windowWidth > ListingEditor.Config.MAX_DIALOG_WIDTH) ? ListingEditor.Config.MAX_DIALOG_WIDTH : 'auto';
				// modal form - must submit or cancel
					modal: true,
					height: 'auto',
					width: dialogWidth,
					title: (mode == MODE_ADD) ? ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.addTitle : ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.editTitle,
					dialogClass: 'listing-editor-dialog',
					buttons: [
						text: '?',
						id: 'listing-help',
						click: function() {;}
						text: ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.submit, click: function() {
							if (validateForm()) {
								formToText(mode, listingTemplateWikiSyntax, listingTemplateAsMap, sectionNumber);
						text: ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.cancel,
						click: function() {
					create: function() {
						$('.ui-dialog-buttonpane').append('<div class="listing-license">' + ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.licenseText + '</div>');

		 * Commented-out listings can result in the wrong listing being edited, so
		 * strip out any comments and replace them with placeholders that can be
		 * restored prior to saving changes.
		var stripComments = function(text) {
			var comments = text.match(/<!--[\s\S]*?-->/mig);
			if (comments !== null ) {
				for (var i = 0; i < comments.length; i++) {
					var comment = comments[i];
					var rep = '<<<COMMENT' + i + '>>>';
					text = text.replace(comment, rep);
					replacements[rep] = comment;
			return text;

		 * Search the text provided, and if it contains any text that was
		 * previously stripped out for replacement purposes, restore it.
		var restoreComments = function(text, resetReplacements) {
			for (var key in replacements) {
				var val = replacements[key];
				text = text.replace(key, val);
			if (resetReplacements) {
				replacements = {};
			return text;

		 * Given a listing type, return the appropriate entry from the
		 * LISTING_TEMPLATES array. This method returns the entry for the default
		 * listing template type if not enty exists for the specified type.
		var getListingInfo = function(type) {
			return (isCustomListingType(type)) ? ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_TEMPLATES[ListingEditor.Config.DEFAULT_LISTING_TEMPLATE] : ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_TEMPLATES[type];

		 * Determine if the specified listing type is a custom type - for example "go"
		 * instead of "see", "do", "listing", etc.
		var isCustomListingType = function(listingType) {
			return !(listingType in ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_TEMPLATES);

		 * Logic invoked on form submit to analyze the values entered into the
		 * editor form and to block submission if any fatal errors are found.
		var validateForm = function() {
			var validationFailureMessages = [];
			for (var i=0; i < ListingEditor.Callbacks.VALIDATE_FORM_CALLBACKS.length; i++) {
			if (validationFailureMessages.length > 0) {
				return false;
			// newlines in listing content won't render properly in lists, so
			// replace them with <p> tags
//			$('#input-content').val($.trim($('#input-content').val()).replace(/\n+/g, '<p>'));
			var webRegex = new RegExp('^https?://', 'i');
			var url = $('#input-url').val();
			if (!webRegex.test(url) && url !== '') {
				$('#input-url').val('http://' + url);
			return true;

		 * Convert the listing editor form entry fields into wiki text.  This
		 * method converts the form entry fields into a listing template string,
		 * replaces the original template string in the section text with the
		 * updated entry, and then submits the section text to be saved on the
		 * server.
		var formToText = function(mode, listingTemplateWikiSyntax, listingTemplateAsMap, sectionNumber) {
			var listing = listingTemplateAsMap;
			var defaultListingParameters = getListingInfo(ListingEditor.Config.DEFAULT_LISTING_TEMPLATE);
			var listingTypeInput = defaultListingParameters[ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_TYPE_PARAMETER].id;
			var listingType = $("#" + listingTypeInput).val();
			var listingParameters = getListingInfo(listingType);
			for (var parameter in listingParameters) {
				listing[parameter] = $("#" + listingParameters[parameter].id).val();
			for (var i=0; i < ListingEditor.Callbacks.SUBMIT_FORM_CALLBACKS.length; i++) {
				ListingEditor.Callbacks.SUBMIT_FORM_CALLBACKS[i](listing, mode);
			var text = listingToStr(listing);
			var summary = editSummarySection();
			if (mode == MODE_ADD) {
				summary = updateSectionTextWithAddedListing(summary, text, listing);
			} else {
				summary = updateSectionTextWithEditedListing(summary, text, listingTemplateWikiSyntax);
			summary += $("#input-name").val();
			if ($(ListingEditor.Config.EDITOR_SUMMARY_SELECTOR).val() !== '') {
				summary += ' - ' + $(ListingEditor.Config.EDITOR_SUMMARY_SELECTOR).val();
			var minor = $(ListingEditor.Config.EDITOR_MINOR_EDIT_SELECTOR).is(':checked') ? true : false;
			saveForm(summary, minor, sectionNumber, '', '');

		 * Begin building the edit summary using the section name found.
		var editSummarySection = function() {
			var sectionName = getSectionName();
			return (sectionName.lenght) ? '/* ' + sectionName + ' */ ' : "";

		 * Try to find the section name.
		var getSectionName = function() {
			var HEADING_REGEX = /^=+\s*([^=]+)\s*=+\s*\n/;
			var result = HEADING_REGEX.exec(sectionText);
			return (result !== null) ? result[1].trim() : "";

		 * After the listing has been converted to a string, add additional
		 * processing required for adds (as opposed to edits), returning an
		 * appropriate edit summary string.
		var updateSectionTextWithAddedListing = function(originalEditSummary, listingWikiText, listing) {
			var summary = originalEditSummary;
			sectionText = restoreComments(sectionText, true);
			summary += ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.added;
			//Creo un listing commentato dello stesso tipo di quello che aggiungerò.
			//Se nella sezione in cui andrò a scrivere troverò questo listing commentato, lo rimpiazzerò col nuovo.
			var commentedListing = "<!--* {{" + listing[ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_TYPE_PARAMETER]+ "\n| nome= | alt= | sito= | email=\n| indirizzo= | lat= | long= | indicazioni=\n| tel= | numero verde= | fax=\n|";
			if (listing[ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_TYPE_PARAMETER] !== 'sleep') {
				commentedListing += " orari= | prezzo=\n";
			} else {
				commentedListing += " checkin= | checkout= | prezzo=\n";
			commentedListing += "| descrizione=\n}}-->\n";
			var index = 0;
			var index1 = sectionText.indexOf('===');
			var index2 = sectionText.indexOf('<!--===');
			var index3 = sectionText.indexOf('====');
			var index4 = sectionText.indexOf('=== ' + ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.budget + ' ===');
			var index5 = sectionText.indexOf('<!--=== ' + ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.midrange + ' ===-->');
			var index6 = sectionText.indexOf('=== ' + ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.splurge + ' ===');
			var index7 = sectionText.indexOf('<!--=== ' + ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.splurge + ' ===');
			var splurgeOffset = 0;
			if (index7 > 0) {
				splurgeOffset = 4;
			if ( (index1 === 0) && (index2 === 0) ) {
				index = index3;
			} else if (index1 === 0) {
				index = index2;
			} else if (index2 === 0) {
				index = index1;
			} else if (index1 < index2) {
				index = index1;
			} else if (index6 > 0) {
				index = index6;
			} else {
				index = index2;
			if (index > 0) {
				var strApp = sectionText.substr(0, index).replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm," ").trim();
				if (strApp.substring(strApp.length-5) == '{{-}}') {
					var indexApp = sectionText.lastIndexOf('{{-}}');
					sectionText = sectionText.substr(0, indexApp).replace(commentedListing,'') + '* ' + listingWikiText + '\n{{-}}' + sectionText.substr(indexApp+5);
				} else {
					if( (index4 > 0) && (index6 > 0) ) {
						//Mi assicuro di essere in Dove mangiare/dormire (le uniche divise per fascia di prezzo)
						if ( index5 > 0) {
							//Il primo elemento viene aggiunto nella sottosezione "Prezzi medi" (rimuovendone il commento)
							sectionText = sectionText.substr(0, index6-splurgeOffset).replace('<!--=== ' + ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.midrange + ' ===-->\n' + commentedListing,'=== ' + ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.midrange + ' ===\n') + '* ' + listingWikiText + '\n\n' + sectionText.substr(index6-splurgeOffset);
						} else {
							//I successivi elementi vengono accodati nella sottosezione "Prezzi medi" (già priva di commento)
							sectionText = sectionText.substr(0, index6-splurgeOffset).replace(/\n+$/,'\n') + '* ' + listingWikiText + '\n\n' + sectionText.substr(index6-splurgeOffset);
					} else {
						var addbr = '';
						if( sectionText.substr(index-2, 1).charCodeAt(0) != 10 )
							addbr = '\n';
						sectionText = sectionText.substr(0, index-1).replace(commentedListing,'') + addbr + '* ' + listingWikiText + '\n' + sectionText.substr(index-1);
			} else {
				var strApp2 = sectionText.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm," ").trim();
				if (strApp2.substring(strApp2.length-5) == '{{-}}') {
					var indexApp2 = sectionText.lastIndexOf('{{-}}');
					sectionText = sectionText.substr(0, indexApp2).replace(commentedListing,'') + '* ' + listingWikiText + '\n{{-}}';
				} else {
					sectionText = sectionText.replace(commentedListing,'') + '\n'+ '* ' +listingWikiText;
			return summary;
/* +++ END IT CUSTOM LOGIC +++ */

		 * After the listing has been converted to a string, add additional
		 * processing required for edits (as opposed to adds), returning an
		 * appropriate edit summary string.
		var updateSectionTextWithEditedListing = function(originalEditSummary, listingWikiText, listingTemplateWikiSyntax) {
			var summary = originalEditSummary;
			if ($(ListingEditor.Config.EDITOR_CLOSED_SELECTOR).is(':checked')) {
				listingWikiText = '';
				summary += ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.removed;
				var listRegex = new RegExp('(\\n+[\\:\\*\\#]*)?\\s*' + replaceSpecial(listingTemplateWikiSyntax));
				sectionText = sectionText.replace(listRegex, listingWikiText);
			} else {
				summary += ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.updated;
				sectionText = sectionText.replace(listingTemplateWikiSyntax, listingWikiText);
			sectionText = restoreComments(sectionText, true);
			return summary;

		 * Render a dialog that notifies the user that the listing editor changes
		 * are being saved.
		var savingForm = function() {
			// if a progress dialog is already open, get rid of it
			if ($(SAVE_FORM_SELECTOR).length > 0) {
			var progress = $('<div id="progress-dialog">' + ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.saving + '</div>');
				modal: true,
				height: 100,
				width: 300,
				title: ''

		 * Execute the logic to post listing editor changes to the server so that
		 * they are saved.  After saving the page is refreshed to show the updated
		 * article.
		var saveForm = function(summary, minor, sectionNumber, cid, answer) {
			var editPayload = {
				action: "edit",
				title: mw.config.get( "wgPageName" ),
				section: sectionNumber,
				text: sectionText,
				summary: summary,
				captchaid: cid,
				captchaword: answer
			if (minor) {
				$.extend( editPayload, { minor: 'true' } );
			).done(function(data, jqXHR) {
				if (data && data.edit && data.edit.result == 'Success') {
					// since the listing editor can be used on diff pages, redirect
					// to the canonical URL if it is different from the current URL
					var canonicalUrl = $("link[rel='canonical']").attr("href");
					var currentUrlWithoutHash = window.location.href.replace(window.location.hash, "");
					if (canonicalUrl && currentUrlWithoutHash != canonicalUrl) {
						var sectionName = encodeURIComponent(getSectionName()).replace(/%20/g,'_').replace(/%/g,'.');
						if (sectionName.length) {
							canonicalUrl += "#" + sectionName;
						window.location.href = canonicalUrl;
					} else {
				} else if (data && data.error) {
					saveFailed(ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.submitApiError + ' "' + data.error.code + '": ' + );
				} else if (data && data.edit.spamblacklist) {
					saveFailed(ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.submitBlacklistError + ': ' + data.edit.spamblacklist );
				} else if (data && data.edit.captcha) {
					captchaDialog(summary, minor, sectionNumber, data.edit.captcha.url,;
				} else {
			}).fail(function(code, result) {
				if (code === "http") {
					saveFailed(ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.submitHttpError + ': ' + result.textStatus );
				} else if (code === "ok-but-empty") {
				} else {
					saveFailed(ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.submitUnknownError + ': ' + code );

		 * If an error occurs while saving the form, remove the "saving" dialog,
		 * restore the original listing editor form (with all user content), and
		 * display an alert with a failure message.
		var saveFailed = function(msg) {

		 * If the result of an attempt to save the listing editor content is a
		 * Captcha challenge then display a form to allow the user to respond to
		 * the challenge and resubmit.
		var captchaDialog = function(summary, minor, sectionNumber, captchaImgSrc, captchaId) {
			// if a captcha dialog is already open, get rid of it
			if ($(CAPTCHA_FORM_SELECTOR).length > 0) {
			var captcha = $('<div id="captcha-dialog">').text(ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.externalLinks);
			var image = $('<img class="fancycaptcha-image">')
					.attr('src', captchaImgSrc)
			var label = $('<label for="input-captcha">').text(ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.enterCaptcha).appendTo(captcha);
			var input = $('<input id="input-captcha" type="text">').appendTo(captcha);
				modal: true,
				title: ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.enterCaptcha,
				buttons: [
						text: ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.submit, click: function() {
							saveForm(summary, minor, sectionNumber, captchaId, $('#input-captcha').val());
						text: ListingEditor.Config.TRANSLATIONS.cancel, click: function() {

		 * Convert the listing map back to a wiki text string.
		var listingToStr = function(listing) {
			var listingType = listing[ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_TYPE_PARAMETER];
			var listingParameters = getListingInfo(listingType);
			var saveStr = '{{';
			// if this is a custom type (example: "go") then the type parameter must be specified explicitly
			if (isCustomListingType(listingType)) {
				saveStr += ListingEditor.Config.DEFAULT_LISTING_TEMPLATE;
				saveStr += ' | ' + ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_TYPE_PARAMETER + '=' + listingType;
			} else {
				saveStr += listingType;
			if (!inlineListing && listingParameters[ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_TYPE_PARAMETER].newline) {
				saveStr += '\n';
			for (var parameter in listingParameters) {
				if (parameter === ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_TYPE_PARAMETER) {
					// "type" parameter was handled previously
				if (parameter === ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_CONTENT_PARAMETER) {
					// processed last
				if ((listingParameters[parameter].skipIfEmpty || inlineListing) && listing[parameter] === '') {
				saveStr += '| ' + parameter + '=' + listing[parameter];
				saveStr += (inlineListing || !listingParameters[parameter].newline) ? ' ' : '\n';
			if (ListingEditor.Config.ALLOW_UNRECOGNIZED_PARAMETERS) {
				// append any unexpected values
				for (var key in listing) {
					if (listingParameters[key]) {
						// this is a known field
					if (listing[key] === '') {
						// skip unrecognized fields without values
					saveStr += '| ' + key + '=' + listing[key];
					saveStr += (inlineListing) ? ' ' : '\n';
			saveStr += '| ' + ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_CONTENT_PARAMETER + '=' + listing[ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_CONTENT_PARAMETER];
			saveStr += (inlineListing || !listingParameters[ListingEditor.Config.LISTING_CONTENT_PARAMETER].newline) ? ' ' : '\n';
			saveStr += '}}';
			return saveStr;

		 * Determine if the specified DOM element contains only whitespace or
		 * whitespace HTML characters (&nbsp;).
		var isElementEmpty = function(element) {
			var text = $(element).text();
			if (!text.trim()) {
				return true;
			return (text.trim() == '&nbsp;');

		 * Called on DOM ready, this method initializes the listing editor and
		 * adds the "add/edit listing" links to sections and existing listings.
		var initListingEditor = function() {
			if (!listingEditorAllowedForCurrentPage()) {
			mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).add( addListingButtons.bind( this ) );

		// expose public members
		return {
			init: initListingEditor

	$(document).ready(function() {

} ( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );
