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Grants:Simple/Applications/Wikimedia Canada/2019

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Application or grant stage: approved
Applicant or grantee: applicant
Amount requested: $71,795 CAD + 10% contingency funds = 78,975 CAD (~$54,277 USD + 10% contingency funds = $59,705 USD)
Amount granted: $71,795 CAD + 10% contingency funds = 78,975 CAD (~$54,277 USD + 10% contingency funds = $59,705 USD)
Funding period: 1 January 2019 - 31 December 2019
Application created: 6 November 2018
Recommended application date: 1 November 2018
Midpoint report due: 15 July 2019
Final report due: 15 February 2020

Please link to or provide your annual program plan and annual budget here, and add your targets to the grants metrics worksheet.





In August, at the beginning of 2018 H2, Wikimedia Canada retained the services of a regular contractor for the first time, as Institutional Advancement Manager, this proved to be a real success, and will continue in 2019. However, with the budget constraints from the WMF that we cannot double our H2 budget for 2019, we have to reduce the number of hours for this contractor and cut in budget in order to continue retaining his services since it wasn't included in our 2018 H1 budget that is used to calculate our 2019 budget with 2018 H2. As such, Wikimedia Canada took the decision to cut its "Photographic content" program and focus more on capacity building and the research of different sources of revenues.



As explained above, for 2019, Wikimedia Canada went from 3 programs to only 2 programs due to budget restraints. It removed the "Photographic content" program. However, that doesn't mean that no photographic activities will be organized at all, some local photographic activities may still be covered from the Program 1 under "general content". Wikimedia Canada also decided, for this year, to try to run Wiki Loves Earth and Wiki Loves Monuments without giving out any prizes at the national level to assess if giving out prizes have any real impact on participation.

For more detailed information on each program, please refer to Wikimedia Canada Annual Strategic Plan 2019.


Program 1: Content, outreach, education and communities Program 2: Indigenous peoples on Wikimedia projects

Content, outreach, education and communities

Develop free knowledge about Canadian cultures, languages, history, geography, sports and other fields of knowledge, and increase the diversity of contributors.

This program aims at increasing the quantity and quality of content on Wikimedia projects by increasing the number and the diversity of contributors, the number of partnerships with Galeries, Librairies, Archives, Museums and Universities (GLAMUs) in Canada, and conducting education with the Canadian public, mainly through universities, colleges and schools, as well as developing the contributor communities across the country.

  • Augment, improve and diversify free knowledge about Canada, especially on Wikimedia projects.
  • Increase the number and the diversity of contributors from Canada on Wikimedia projects.
  • Increase the awareness and the knowledge of the Canadian public and institutions about Wikimedia projects, free licenses and open knowledge.
  • Host contribution workshops, pedagogic projects, outreach events and local activities, including the following:
    • Continue the successful collaboration with Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ) and the Cinémathèque québécoise to host regular monthly workshops
    • Organize the National Contribution Month in Canada
    • Lead the organization of the International Francophone Contribution Month
    • Participate in the Art+Feminism campaign
    • Develop new partnerships with GLAMUs
  • Provide individual support to improve content, including the following:
    • Help Canadian contributors to have access to references necessary to improve content on Wikimedia projects
  • Provide support to attend conferences to represent Wikimedia Canada
Metrics and targets
  • Number of participants to workshops and training sessions: 2,000
  • Number of content pages created and improved during workshops and activities: 8,000
  • Number of different cities where contribution workshops are hosted: 10
  • Number of different GLAMUs in Canada involved with Wikimedia projects: 10
  • Number of active WikiClubs in Canada: 5
  SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses

  • Existing strong partnership with several GLAMUs partners including Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ), the Acfas and the Cinémathèque québécoise
  • Strong community of volunteers in Montreal, Quebec
  • Established successful National Contribution Month with edit-a-thons all across the country

  • While activities have been expanded to other cities in the last year, the core of the activities are still concentrated only in Quebec

  • Strong interest from Canadian GLAMUs to be involved with Wikimedia projects and new partnerships being developed including with the National Canadian History Museum, the Musée de la civilisation de Québec and Library and Archives Canada
  • Development of new WikiClubs to promote local volunteer engagement across the country
  • Good relationship with other open knowledge communities, such as OpenStreetMaps, to conduct activities together

  • Exhaustion of volunteers due the load of work that is put on them for coordination, planning and management
Opportunities Threats

Indigenous peoples on Wikimedia projects

Develop Wikimedia projects in the indigenous languages of Canada and increase quality free knowledge about Canadian First Nations, Inuit and Métis.

This program aims at increasing the quantity and quality of content on Wikimedia projects in Canadian indigenous languages and about Canadian indigenous peoples by hosting outreach events, training sessions and contribution workshops with indigenous communities.

  • Augment and improve free knowledge in Canadian Aboriginal languages, especially on Wikimedia projects.
  • Augment, improve and modernize free knowledge about Canadian indigenous peoples, especially on Wikimedia projects.
  • Increase the awareness and the knowledge of indigenous communities about Wikimedia projects, free licenses and open knowledge.
  • Host outreach events, training sessions and contribution workshops with indigenous communities, including the following:
    • Support the growth of the Wikipetcia Atikamekw Nehiromowin by continuing the successful partnership with the Atikamekw First Nation
    • Organize the Nitaskinan in pictures event in partnership with the Atikamekw Community of Manawan WikiClub to document the traditional activities and the territory of the Atikamekw First Nation with pictures and videos
    • Conduct outreach to Canadian indigenous communities
    • Participate in conferences and other events about indigenous languages to promote the Wikimedia projects as a free option to revitalize and preserve languages
    • Use Lingua Libre to record Canadian indigenous languages and upload the files to Wikimedia Commons to be used on Wiktionaries and other projects
Metrics and targets
  • The number of content pages written in Canadian Aboriginal languages on Wikimedia projects: 200
  • The number of pictures and videos of indigenous peoples of Canada uploaded to Wikimedia Commons: 200
  • The number of words recorded in indigenous languages of Canada using Lingua Libre: 300
  SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses

  • Strong partnership with the Atikamekw First Nation, including an active school program and WikiClub on the Manawan reserve. The Pedagogic Services of the Atikamekw Community of Manawan is providing a substantial grant to the WikiClub.
  • A comprehensive toolkit on the creation of new Wikimedia projects in indigenous languages has been published by the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), in collaboration with Wikimedia Canada, under a free license and translated on Meta-Wiki
  • Strong partnership with the Wikimedians of North American Indigenous Languages User Group

  • Some languages have very few speakers and most speakers are not technologically inclined
  • Indigenous languages are mostly only oral
  • Indigenous communities are often located in remote locations

  • Strong interest from the Atikamekw communities to continue to grow the Wikipetcia Atikamekw Nehiromowin
  • Interest from the Innu First Nation in the Lingua Libre project

  • Lack of acceptance of the projects by the indigenous communities, which is mitigated by going often in-person to meet those communities and develop strong relationship which is very important to the success of such projects
  • Lack of coordination with other organizations working with indigenous communities in Canada with the same goals due to the lack of time of volunteers to meet and communicate with those organizations
Opportunities Threats

No changes compared to 2018 H2, except a reduction in the monthly hours, continuation of an independent contractor as Institutional Advancement Manager. See Staffing Plan for explanation and job description.

See Annual Budget and SAPG 2019 Requested Budget.

Midpoint report


This is a brief report on Wikimedia Canada's progress during the midpoint reporting period: 1st January to 31 December 2019.

A more detailed report year-to-date is available here on Wikimedia Canada's website.

Program story


Please link to one program story that showcases your organization's achievements during the reporting period.




Content, outreach, education and communities


Wikimedia Canada is on track to meet its targets in this program. We had difficulty in recording data for the number of participants to workshops and training sessions, as such the real number is way higher.

Metric Final target At mid-point %
Number of participants to workshops and training sessions 2,000 532 27%
Number of content pages created and improved during workshops and activities 8,000 3,687 46%
Number of different cities where contribution workshops are hosted 10 19 190%
Number of different GLAMUs in Canada involved with Wikimedia projects 10 37 370%
Number of active WikiClubs in Canada 5 6 120%

Indigenous peoples on Wikimedia projects


Wikimedia Canada is on track to meet its targets in this program. The number of content pages written in Aboriginal languages on Wikimedia projects already exceeds our targets, thanks to the pedagogic project with the Atikamekw Community of Manawan. For the number of pictures and videos, we plan to document the Atikamekw expedition on the Tapiskwan Sipi from 29 July to 9 August 2019. For the number of words recorded, we have not yet conducted a session of Lingua Libre.

Metric Final target At mid-point %
The number of content pages written in Canadian Aboriginal languages on Wikimedia projects 200 381 191%
The number of pictures and videos of indigenous peoples of Canada uploaded to Wikimedia Commons 200 118 59%
The number of words recorded in indigenous languages of Canada using Lingua Libre 300 0 0%



Please report your organization's total spending during the reporting period, or link to a financial document showing your total spending.


Final report


Links to WMCA Annual Report 2019:



Please report your organization's total spending during the reporting period, or link to a financial document showing your total spending.


We have 242.87 CAD left over on our APG 2019 budget and we have not used the 10% contingency funds of 7,180 CAD that was sent to us at the same time of the APG 2019 budget. We request that those funds be reduced of future amount(s) that the WMF will send to WMCA.