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Mentions sometimes do not create notifications in Vietnamese Wikipedia
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Several time our users reported that they didnt get ping notification via Template:Ping or Template:User link, see [1] and [2].

Are there internal problems with this feature, ot it just happen? Could someone please check it? Best regards.



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Hi @minhhuy, could you please link to specific diffs in which somebody was pinged, and that ping did not work? Thanks a lot!

Aklapper renamed this task from Ping system sometimes do not work in Vietnamese Wikipedia to Mentions sometimes do not create notifications in Vietnamese Wikipedia.Sep 2 2020, 9:37 AM

@Aklapper Hi, sorry for using WMF account on this personal matter. I'm Bluetpp. Here are the two diffs that I got pinged but wasn't notified:

These are the 2 times that I found out, there may be other cases as well that I haven't known of.

Thank you.

Just FYI, edits like 1, 2, and 3 do not result in notifications by design. The ping has to happen in a new comment that is signed. No matter what you insert in an existing comment, it will not generate a notification.

(This only addresses some of the examples linked to from here. There are others that look like they should have generated notifications.)

@Aklapper Hi, sorry for using WMF account on this personal matter. I'm Bluetpp. Here are the two diffs that I got pinged but wasn't notified:

These are the 2 times that I found out, there may be other cases as well that I haven't known of.

Thank you.

Thanks, @PPham for providing diffs - it's most helpful. I'm looking into the issue to make sure that there are no regression.

Diff 1 - it seems that the signature was not provided.

Screen Shot 2020-09-03 at 2.25.31 PM.png (604×1 px, 164 KB)

In the second diff - Diff 2 - it seems that the changes were done to the existing text and that might not be recognized as mention(s) Manual:Echo documentation - "The diff chunk must be recognized as an addition of new lines of text, not a change to existing lines".
I'll check the Diff 2 case specifically (and other links in this phab ticket) and will post my testing results here.

I'll check the Diff 2 case specifically (and other links in this phab ticket) and will post my testing results here.

@Etonkovidova: Any news?