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Predloga:Infopolje Jez

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[uredi kodo]

Use the following infobox for all types of hydroelectric power stations involving dams. For all types of pumped-storage, wave, and tidal power stations, please use {{Infobox power station}}.

Uradno ime{{{name_official}}}
Koordinati0°0′0″N 0°0′0″E / 0.00000°N 0.00000°E / 0.00000; 0.00000
Začetek gradnje{{{construction_began}}}
Datum odprtja{{{opening}}}
Datum rušenja{{{demolished}}}
Stroški gradnje{{{cost}}}
Jez in prelivi
Tip  jeza{{{dam_type}}}
Zajezena vodna površina{{{dam_crosses}}}
Višina (temelji){{{dam_height_foundation}}}
Višina (globočnica){{{dam_height_thalweg}}}
Nadm.višina vrha pregrade{{{dam_elevation_crest}}}
Širina (vrh pregrade){{{dam_width_crest}}}
Širina (base){{{dam_width_base}}}
Dam volume{{{dam_volume}}}
Tip preliva{{{spillway_type}}}
Kapaciteta preliva{{{spillway_capacity}}}
Skupna prostornina{{{res_capacity_total}}}
Aktivna prostornina{{{res_capacity_active}}}
Neaktivna prostornina{{{res_capacity_inactive}}}
Prispevno območje{{{res_catchment}}}
Max. dolžina{{{res_max_length}}}
Max. širina{{{res_max_width}}}
Max. globina vode{{{res_max_depth}}}
Običajna nadm.višina{{{res_elevation}}}
Amplituda plimovanja{{{res_tidal_range}}}
Koordinati1°1′1″N 1°1′1″E / 1.01694°N 1.01694°E / 1.01694; 1.01694
Začetek uporabe{{{plant_commission}}}
Izvzeta iz uporabe{{{plant_decommission}}}
Hydraulic head{{{plant_hydraulic_head}}}
Installed capacity{{{plant_capacity}}}
Capacity factor{{{plant_capacity_factor}}}
Letna proizvodnja{{{plant_annual_gen}}}
Spletna stran
{{Infopolje Jez
| name                 = 
| name_official        = 
| image                = 
| image_size           = 
| image_caption        = 
| image_alt            = 
| location_map         = 
| location_map_size    = 
| location_map_caption = 
| location_map_alt     = 
| lat_d         = 
| lat_m         = 
| lat_s         = 
| lat_NS        = 
| long_d        = 
| long_m        = 
| long_s        = 
| long_EW       = 
| coordinates_type     = type:landmark
| coordinates_display  = inline,title
| country              = 
| location             = 
| purpose              = 
| status               = 
| construction_began   = 
| opening              = 
| demolished           = 
| cost                 = 
| owner                = 
| operator             = 
| dam_type             = 
| dam_crosses          = 
| dam_height_foundation= 
| dam_height_thalweg   = 
| dam_length           = 
| dam_elevation_crest  = 
| dam_width_crest      = 
| dam_width_base       = 
| dam_volume           = 
| spillway_count       = 
| spillway_type        = 
| spillway_capacity    = 
| res_name             = 
| res_capacity_total   = 
| res_capacity_active  = 
| res_capacity_inactive= 
| res_catchment        = 
| res_surface          = 
| res_max_length       = 
| res_max_width        = 
| res_max_depth        = 
| res_elevation        = 
| res_tidal_range      = 
| plant_name           = 
| plant_lat_d   = 
| plant_lat_m   = 
| plant_lat_s   = 
| plant_lat_NS  = 
| plant_long_d  = 
| plant_long_m  = 
| plant_long_s  = 
| plant_long_EW = 
| plant_operator       = 
| plant_commission     = 
| plant_decommission   = 
| plant_type           = 
| plant_hydraulic_head = 
| plant_turbines       = 
| plant_capacity       = 
| plant_capacity_factor= 
| plant_annual_gen     = 
| website              = 
| extra                = 

Imenaparametrov in opisi

[uredi kodo]
Ime parametra Opis
name Ime jeza.
name_official Uradno ime, če je različno od name. Preferably in native language.
image Image filename, without File: parameter. Animated (.gif) and media files (.ogv) are also allowed.
image_size Value to overrides the default 250px.
image_caption Caption beneath image.
image_alt Alternative text for image.
location_map Name of a location map file. The coordinates must be specified as well (see below).
location_map_size Value to overrides the default 250px.
location_map_caption Caption beneath location map.
location_map_alt Alternative text for location map.
lat_d Latitude degrees.
lat_m Latitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format.
lat_s Latitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format. Remember to avoid being overly precise.
lat_NS Northern or Southern latitude (enter N or S). Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format.
long_d Longitude degrees.
long_m Longitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format.
long_s Longitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format. Remember to avoid being overly precise.
long_EW Longitude East or West (enter E or W). Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format.
coordinates_type Optional parameter to add additional coordinate functions. See here for more details.
coordinates_display Display the coordinates inline or title, or both as inline,title.
country Country where the facility is located. Do not use flag icons.
location General area where located. Avoid being overly-detailed.
purpose Purpose of the dam(s). Common reasons are power, irrigation, flood control, navigation. If there are several purposes,
consider using: Multi-purpose. Field codes:
F=Flood control, I=Irrigation,, N=Navigation, P=Power.
status Current status of the project. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields:
D=Decommissioned, O=Operational, P=Proposed, UC=Under construction.
construction_began Date construction began, consider using {{Start date}}.
opening Date, or future date, of inauguration. Consider using {{Start date}}.
demolished Date of demolition (i.e. removal or destruction of dam). Consider using {{End date}}.
cost Total cost of development.
owner Owner(s) of the dam. Consider limiting to the top two, and include ownership percentage if possible.
Example: Owner1: 60% <br/>Owner2: 40%
operator Operator(s) of the dam. Only use this parameter if it is different from the owner(s) of the dam.
dam_type Type of dam. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields:
A=Arch dam, B=Barrage, E=Embankment dam, F=Earth-fill dam, G=Gravity dam, AG=Arch-gravity dam.
dam_crosses Body of river or stream below dam
dam_height Height of dam. Deprecated parameter; use only if dam_height_foundation or dam_height_thalweg is not known.
dam_height_foundation Height over foundation bed, with metric conversions.
dam_height_thalweg Height over thalweg (riverbed), with metric conversions.
dam_length Length of dam crown, with metric conversions.
dam_elevation_crest Height of the dam's crest above sea level, with metric conversions.
dam_width_crest Width at crest of dam, with metric conversions.
dam_width_base Width at base of dam, with metric conversions.
dam_volume Volume of material in the dam structure.
spillway_count Number of spillways.
spillway_type Type of spillway.
spillway_capacity Capacity of spillway.
res_name Name of upstream body of water, if different than "dam_crosses".
res_capacity_total Capacity of reservoir, i.e. megalitres.
res_capacity_active The active, live or useful capacity (storage) of the reservoir.
res_capacity_inactive The inactive or dead capacity (storage) of the reservoir.
res_catchment Area of catchment for reservoir.
res_surface Surface area (top water level) of reservoir.
res_max_length Length of the reservoir at normal levels, with metric conversions.
res_max_width Maximum width of the reservoir at normal levels, perpendicular to length. With metric conversions.
res_max_depth Maximum water depth of reservoir.
res_elevation The reservoir's height above sea level at normal levels, ith metric conversions.
res_tidal_range Tidal range, if applicable.
plant_name Name of plant, if applicable.
plant_operator Operator(s) of the hydroelectric power plant.
plant_lat_d Latitude degrees.
plant_lat_m Latitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format.
plant_lat_s Latitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format. Remember to avoid being overly precise.
plant_lat_NS Northern or Southern latitude (enter N or S). Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format.
plant_long_d Longitude degrees.
plant_long_m Longitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format.
plant_long_s Longitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format. Remember to avoid being overly precise.
plant_long_EW Longitude East or West (enter E or W). Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format.
plant_commission Power plant commissioning date. May be different than dam opening date.
plant_decommission Power plant decommissioning date. May be different than dam closing date.
plant_type Type of hydroelectric power station. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields:
C=Conventional, P=Pumped-storage, R=Run-of-the-river, T=Tidal barrage.
plant_hydraulic_head Hydraulic head at power station.
plant_turbines Number of turbines, with respective rated capacity.
plant_capacity Current gross installed capacity in megawatts, or planned capacity for those under development.
For those which are operational, but with additional under development, please add only the current installed value.
plant_capacity_factor Capacity factor of the power station, in percentage.
plant_annual_gen Average annual gross power generation. For a single-year value, adding the year in brackets is encouraged.
website Raw wikitext for entering website(s). Use [brackets] where appropriate
extras Free form, spans both columns. Use sparingly.


[uredi kodo]

The coordinates can be specified using one of three different methods

  1. lat_d, lat_m, lat_s, lat_NS, long_d, long_m, long_s, long_EW – For DMS style coordinates which can be used specify the pushpin in a {{Location map}}.
  2. lat_d and long_d – for decimal style coordinates which can be used to specify the pushpin in a {{Location map}}.
  3. coordinates – with a {{coord}} template which cannot be used with the {{Location map}}.

See Wikipedia:WikiProject Geographical coordinates#Parameters for more details about setting the coordinates_type.


[uredi kodo]

HTML-koda, ki jo sestavi ta predloga, vključuje mikroformat hCard, ki omogoča strojno razčlenjevanje imen in naslovov, na primer za katalogiziranje člankov ali vključevanje podatkov o subjektu v adresar.

Znotraj hCarda mikroformat Geo, ki omogoča še strojno razčlenjevanje koordinat (zemljepisna širina in dolžina), zato jih je denimo možno preveriti na digitalnem zemljevidu ali spraviti v GPS-napravo.

Če opisujete kraj, ki ima datum ustanovitve oz. odprtja, uporabite {{Start date}}. Če ima spletno stran, uporabite {{URL}}.

Hcard uporablja naslednje razrede HTML:

  • adr
  • agent
  • category
  • county-name
  • extended-address
  • fn
  • label
  • locality
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • region
  • street-address
  • url
  • vcard

Geo je produkt klica predloge {{koord}} in uporablja naslednje razrede HTML:

  • geo
  • latitude
  • longitude

Prosimo, ne preimenujte ali odstranjujte teh razredov.

Ob podajanju koordinat se prosimo izogibajte pretirani natančnosti.


[uredi kodo]
Click the show link to the right to display the TemplateData

Infobox for a dam

Parametri predloge[Urejanje podatkov predloge]

Za to predlogo je priporočljiva postavitev parametrov v bloku.


Name of dam

Official namename_official

Official name, if different from name. Preferably in native language.

Image captionimage_caption

Caption beneath image.

Image alternative textimage_alt

Alternative text for image.

Location map captionlocation_map_caption

Caption beneath location map.

Location map alternative textlocation_map_alt

Alternative text for location map.

Latitude degreeslat_d

Latitude degrees.

Latitude minuteslat_m

Latitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format.

Latitude secondslat_s

Latitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format. Remember to avoid being overly precise.

Latitude N/Slat_NS

Northern or Southern latitude (enter N or S). Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format.

Longitude degreeslong_d

Longitude degrees.

Longitude minuteslong_m

Longitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format.

Longitude secondslong_s

Longitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format. Remember to avoid being overly precise.

Longitude E/Wlong_EW

Longitude East or West (enter E or W). Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format.

Coordinates typecoordinates_type

Optional parameter to add additional coordinate functions.

Coordinate display locationcoordinates_display

Display the coordinates inline or title, or both as inline,title.


Country where the facility is located. Do not use flag icons.


General area where located. Avoid being overly-detailed.


Purpose of the dam(s). Common reasons are power, irrigation, flood control, navigation. If there are several purposes, consider using: Multi-purpose. Field codes: F=Flood control, I=Irrigation,, N=Navigation, P=Power.


Current status of the project. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields: D=Decommissioned, O=Operational, P=Proposed, UC=Under construction.

Construction beganconstruction_began

Date construction began, consider using {{Start date}}.

Opening dateopening

Date, or future date, of inauguration. Consider using {{Start date}}.

Demolished datedemolished

Date of demolition (i.e. removal or destruction of dam). Consider using {{End date}}.


Total cost of development.


Owner(s) of the dam. Consider limiting to the top two, and include ownership percentage if possible.

Owner1: 60%<br/>Owner2: 40%

Operator(s) of the dam. Only use this parameter if it is different from the owner(s) of the dam.

Dam typedam_type

Type of dam. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields: A=Arch dam, B=Barrage, E=Embankment dam, F=Earth-fill dam, G=Gravity dam, AG=Arch-gravity dam.

Dam crossesdam_crosses

Body of river or stream below dam

Dam height over foundationdam_height_foundation

Height over foundation bed, with metric conversions.

Dam height over thalwegdam_height_thalweg

Height over thalweg (riverbed), with metric conversions.

Dam lengthdam_length

Length of dam crown, with metric conversions.

Dam elevation crestdam_elevation_crest

Height of the dam's crest above sea level, with metric conversions.

Dam width crestdam_width_crest

Width at crest of dam, with metric conversions.

Dam width at basedam_width_base

Width at base of dam, with metric conversions.

Dam volumedam_volume

Volume of material in the dam structure.

Spillway countspillway_count

Number of spillways.

Spillway typespillway_type

Type of spillway.

Spillway capacityspillway_capacity

Capacity of spillway.

Reservoir nameres_name

Name of upstream body of water, if different than "dam_crosses".

Reservoir capacityres_capacity_total

Capacity of reservoir, i.e. megalitres.

Reservoir active capacityres_capacity_active

The active, live or useful capacity (storage) of the reservoir.

Reservoir inactive capacityres_capacity_inactive

The inactive or dead capacity (storage) of the reservoir.

Reservoir catchment areares_catchment

Area of catchment for reservoir.

Reservoir surface areares_surface

Surface area (top water level) of reservoir.

Reservoir maximum lengthres_max_length

Length of the reservoir at normal levels, with metric conversions.

Reservoir maximum widthres_max_width

Maximum width of the reservoir at normal levels, perpendicular to length. With metric conversions.

Reservoir maximum depthres_max_depth

Maximum water depth of reservoir.

Reservoir elevationres_elevation

The reservoir's height above sea level at normal levels, ith metric conversions.

Reservoir tidal rangeres_tidal_range

Tidal range, if applicable.

Plant nameplant_name

Name of plant, if applicable.

Plant operatorplant_operator

Operator(s) of the hydroelectric power plant.

Plant latitude degreesplant_lat_d

Latitude degrees.

Plant latitude minutesplant_lat_m

Latitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format.

Plant latitude secondsplant_lat_s

Latitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format. Remember to avoid being overly precise.

Plant latitude N/Splant_lat_NS

Northern or Southern latitude (enter N or S). Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format.

Plant longitude degreesplant_long_d

Longitude degrees.

Plant longitude minutesplant_long_m

Longitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format.

Plant longitude secondsplant_long_s

Longitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format. Remember to avoid being overly precise.

Plant longitude E/Wplant_long_EW

Longitude East or West (enter E or W). Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format.

Plant commissioning dateplant_commission

Power plant commissioning date. May be different than dam opening date.

Plant decommissioning dateplant_decommission

Power plant decommissioning date. May be different than dam closing date.

Plant typeplant_type

Type of hydroelectric power station. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields: C=Conventional, P=Pumped-storage, R=Run-of-the-river, T=Tidal barrage.

Plant hydraulic headplant_hydraulic_head

Hydraulic head at power station.

Plant turbine count/capacityplant_turbines

Number of turbines, with respective rated capacity.

Plant generation capacityplant_capacity

Installed generation capacity, measured in megawatts (MW).

Plant capacity factorplant_capacity_factor

Capacity factor of the power station, in percentage.

Plant annual power generationplant_annual_gen

Average annual power generation of the previous year. Measured in gigawatt-hours (GWh)


Raw wikitext for entering website(s). Use [brackets] where appropriate

Extra dataextra

Free form, spans both columns. Use sparingly.
