

จากวิกิพีเดีย สารานุกรมเสรี

อักษรรัสเซีย (รัสเซีย: русский алфавит, รุสสคี อัลฟาวิต, rússkij alfavít) เป็นอักษรซีริลลิกแบบหนึ่งที่เริ่มพัฒนาขึ้นในช่วงคริสต์ศตวรรษที่ 10 โดยอักษรรัสเซียในปัจจุบันมี 33 ตัว


อักษร ตัวเขียน ชื่อ IPA เทียบเคียงเสียง ยูนิโคด (ฐานสิบหก)
Аа а
/a/ สระอา U+0410 / U+0430
Бб бэ
/b/ or /bʲ/ U+0411 / U+0431
Вв вэ
/v/ or /vʲ/ "v" ในภาษาอังกฤษ U+0412 / U+0432
Гг гэ
/ɡ/ U+0413 / U+0433
Дд дэ
/d/ or /dʲ/ U+0414 / U+0434
Ее е
/je/ or / ʲe/ เย U+0415 / U+0435
Ёё ё
/jo/ or / ʲo/ ยอ U+0401 / U+0451
Жж жэ
measure ในภาษาอังกฤษ U+0416 / U+0436
Зз зэ
/z/ or /zʲ/ zoo 7 U+0417 / U+0437
Ии и
/i/ or / ʲi/ อิ U+0418 / U+0438
Йй и краткое
[i ˈkratkəɪ]
/j/ U+0419 / U+0439
Кк ка
/k/ or /kʲ/ U+041A / U+043A
Лл эл or эль
[el] or [elʲ]
/l/ or /lʲ/ U+041B / U+043B
Мм эм
/m/ or /mʲ/ U+041C / U+043C
Нн эн
/n/ or /nʲ/ U+041D / U+043D
Оо o
ออ U+041E / U+043E
Пп пэ
/p/ or /pʲ/ U+041F / U+043F
Рр эр
/r/ or /rʲ/ rolled r U+0420 / U+0440
Сс эс
/s/ or /sʲ/ s ในภาษาอังกฤษ U+0421 / U+0441
Тт тэ
/t/ or /tʲ/ stool U+0422 / U+0442
Уу у
/u/ boot U+0423 / U+0443
Фф эф
/f/ or /fʲ/ face U+0424 / U+0444
Хх ха
/x/ Ugh (voiceless velar fricative) U+0425 / U+0445
Цц це
/t͡s/ sits U+0426 / U+0446
Чч че
/t͡ɕ/ chip U+0427 / U+0447
Шш ша
/ʂ/ Close to shut (voiceless retroflex fricative) U+0428 / U+0448
Щщ ща
sheer (sometimes instead pronounced as with fresh cheese) (a voiceless alveolo-palatal fricative) U+0429 / U+0449
Ъъ ตวอร์ดืย ซนัค
[ˈtvʲordɨj znak]
silent, prevents palatalization of the preceding consonant U+042A / U+044A
Ыы ы
อืย (close central unrounded vowel) U+042B / U+044B
Ьь มยักคิ ซนัค
[ˈmʲæxʲkʲɪj znak]
/ ʲ/ silent, slightly palatalizes the preceding consonant (if it is phonologically possible) U+042C / U+044C
Ээ э
/e/ เอ U+042D / U+044D
Юю ю
/ju/ or / ʲu/ ยู U+042E / U+044E
Яя я
/ja/ or / ʲa/ ยา U+042F / U+044F

The consonant letters represent both as "soft" (palatalized, represented in the IPA with a ⟨ʲ⟩) and "hard" consonant phonemes. If a consonant letter is followed by a vowel letter, then the soft/hard quality of the consonant depends on whether the vowel is meant to follow "hard" consonants ⟨а, о, э, у, ы⟩ or "soft" ones ⟨я, ё, е, ю, и⟩; see below. A handful of consonant phonemes do not have phonemically distinct "soft" and "hard" variants. See Russian phonology for details.

Letter names


แม่แบบ:Confusing section

Until approximately 1900, mnemonic names inherited from Church Slavonic were used for the letters. They are given here in the pre-1918 orthography of the post-1708 civil alphabet.

The great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin wrote: "The letters constituting the Slavonic alphabet do not produce any sense. Аз, буки, веди, глаголь, добро etc. are separate words, chosen just for their initial sound". But since the names of the first letters of the Slavonic alphabet seem to form text, attempts were made to compose sensible text from all letters of the alphabet.

Here is one such attempt to "decode" the message:

аз буки веди I know letters
глаголь добро есть "To speak is a beneficence" or "The word is property"
живете зело, земля, и иже и како люди "Live, while working heartily, people of the Earth, in the manner people should obey"
мыслете наш он покой "try to understand the Universe (the world that is around)"
рцы слово твердо "carry the knowledge ("word" here refers to "knowledge") firmly"
ук ферт хер "The knowledge is fertilized by the Creator, knowledge is the gift of God"
цы червь ша ер ять ю "Try harder, to understand the Light of the Creator"

In this attempt words only in two first lines somewhat correspond to real meanings of the letters' names, while "translations" in other lines seem to be fabrications or fantasies. For example, "покой" ("rest" or "apartment") doesn't mean "the Universe", and "ферт" doesn't have any meaning in Russian or other Slavonic languages (there are no words of Slavonic origin beginning with "f" at all). The last line contains only one translatable word – "червь" ("worm"), which, however, was not included in the "translation".

Another version of "the message", incorporating the letters phased out by mid-1750s, reads:

Verse Transliteration Translation
"А(в)се буквы ведая глаголить – добро есть. Живет зло (на) земле вечно и каждому людину мыслить надо о покаянии, речью (и) словом твердить учение веры Христовой (в) Царствие Божие, чаще шептать, щтоб (все буквы) (вз)ятием этим усвоить и по законам божьим стремиться писать слова и жить" A(v)sye bukvy vyedaya glagolit' – dobro yest'. Zhivyet zlo (na) zyemlye vyechno i kazhdomu lyudinu myslit' nado o pokayaniyi, ryech'yu (i) slovom tverdit' uchyeniye vyery Khristovoy (v) Tsarstviye Bozhiye, chashchye sheptat', shchtob (vsye bukvy) (vz)yatiyem etim usvoyit' i po zakonam bozh'im stremit'sya pisat' slova i zhit') "Knowing all these letters renders speech a virtue. Evil lives on Earth eternally, and each person must think of repentance, with speech and word making firm in their mind the faith in Christ and the Kingdom of God. Whisper [the letters] frequently to make them yours by this repetition in order to write and live according to laws of God".

Non-vocalized letters

  • hard sign (⟨ъ⟩), when put after a consonant, acts like a "silent back vowel" that separates a succeeding iotated vowel from the consonant, making that sound with a distinct /j/ glide. Today it is used mostly to separate a prefix from the following root. Its original pronunciation, lost by 1400 at the latest, was that of a very short middle schwa-like sound, /ŭ/ but likely pronounced [ə] or [ɯ]
  • soft sign (⟨ь⟩) acts like a "silent front vowel" and indicates that the preceding consonant is palatalized. This is important as palatalization is phonemic in Russian. For example, брат [brat] ('brother') contrasts with брать [bratʲ] ('to take'). The original pronunciation of the soft sign, lost by 1400 at the latest, was that of a very short fronted reduced vowel /ĭ/ but likely pronounced [ɪ] or [jɪ]. There are still some remains of this ancient reading in modern Russian, in the co-existing versions of the same name, read differently, such as in Марья and Мария (Mary).



The vowels ⟨е, ё, и, ю, я⟩ indicate a preceding palatal consonant and with the exception of ⟨и⟩ are iotated (pronounced with a preceding /j/) when written at the beginning of a word or following another vowel (initial ⟨и⟩ was iotated until the nineteenth century). The IPA vowels shown are a guideline only and sometimes are realized as different sounds, particularly when unstressed. However, ⟨е⟩ is used in words of foreign origin without palatalization and indicate /e/. Which words this applies to must be learned (generally to avoid using ⟨э⟩ after a consonant), and ⟨я⟩ is often realized as [æ] between soft consonants, such as in мяч ("toy ball").

⟨ы⟩ is an old Common Slavonic tense intermediate vowel, thought to have been preserved better in modern Russian than in other Slavic languages. It was originally nasalized in certain positions: камы [ˈka.mɨ̃]; камень [ˈka.mʲɪnʲ] ("rock"). Its written form developed as follows: ⟨ъ⟩ + ⟨і⟩ → ⟨ъı⟩ → ⟨ы⟩.

⟨э⟩ was introduced in 1708 to distinguish the non-iotated/non-palatalizing /e/ from the iotated/palatalizing one. The original usage had been ⟨е⟩ for the uniotated /e/, ⟨ѥ⟩ or ⟨ѣ⟩ for the iotated, but ⟨ѥ⟩ had dropped out of use by the sixteenth century. In native Russian words, ⟨э⟩ is found only at the beginnings of words, but otherwise it may be found elsewhere, such as when spelling out English or other foreign names, or in words of foreign origin such as the brand-name Aeroflot (Аэрофлοτ).

⟨ё⟩, introduced by Karamzin in 1797 and made official in 1943 by the Soviet Ministry of Education,[1] marks a /jo/ sound that has historically developed from /je/ under stress, a process that continues today. The letter ⟨ё⟩ is optional (in writing, not in pronunciation): it is formally correct to write ⟨e⟩ for both /je/ and /jo/. None of the several attempts in the twentieth century to mandate the use of ⟨ё⟩ have stuck.

Letters eliminated in 1918
Grapheme Name Description
і Decimal I identical in pronunciation to ⟨и⟩, was used exclusively immediately in front of other vowels and the ⟨й⟩ ("Short I") (for example, ⟨патріархъ⟩ [pətrʲɪˈarx], 'patriarch') and in the word ⟨міръ⟩ [mʲir] ('world') and its derivatives, to distinguish it from the word ⟨миръ⟩ [mʲir] ('peace') (the two words are actually etymologically cognate[2] and not arbitrarily homonyms).[3]
ѳ Fita from the Greek theta, was identical to ⟨ф⟩ in pronunciation, but was used etymologically (for example, ⟨Ѳёдор⟩ "Theodore").
ѣ Yat originally had a distinct sound, but by the middle of the eighteenth century had become identical in pronunciation to ⟨е⟩ in the standard language. Since its elimination in 1918, it has remained a political symbol of the old orthography.
ѵ Izhitsa from the Greek upsilon, usually identical to ⟨и⟩ in pronunciation, as in Byzantine Greek, was used etymologically for Greek loanwords; by 1918, it had become very rare. In spellings of the eighteenth century, it was also used after some vowels that have since been replaced with ⟨в⟩. For example, a Greek prefix originally spelled ⟨аѵто⟩ is now spelled ⟨авто⟩.

Numeric values


The numerical values correspond to the Greek numerals, with ⟨ѕ⟩ being used for digamma, ⟨ч⟩ for koppa, and ⟨ц⟩ for sampi. The system was abandoned for secular purposes in 1708, after a transitional period of a century or so; it continues to be used in Church Slavonic.



Russian spelling uses fewer diacritics than those used for most European languages. The only diacritic, in the proper sense, is the acute accent ⟨◌́⟩  (Russian: знак ударения 'mark of stress'), which marks stress on a vowel, as it is done in Spanish. Although Russian word stress is often unpredictable and can fall on different syllables in different forms of the same word, this diacritic is only used in special cases: in dictionaries, children's books, or language-learning resources, on minimal pairs distinguished only by stress (for instance, за́мок 'castle' vs. замо́к 'lock'). Rarely, it is used to specify the stress in uncommon foreign words and in poems where unusual stress is used to fit the meter.

The letter ⟨ё⟩ is a special variant of the letter ⟨е⟩, which is not always distinguished in written Russian, but the umlaut-like sign has no other uses. Stress on this letter is never marked, as it is always stressed, except in some loanwords.

Unlike the case of ⟨ё⟩, the letter ⟨й⟩ has completely separated from ⟨и⟩. It is neither considered a vowel, nor even a diacriticized letter.

Keyboard layout


The Russian keyboard layout for PC computers is as follows:

Russian keyboard layout

See also



  1. Benson (1960:271)
  2. Vasmer (1979); see the etymology of the Russian word мир at here, an online version of the Russian translation of the dictionary. (retr. 16 October 2005)
  3. Smirnovskiy (1915:4)


  • Benson, Morton (1960), "review of The Russian Alphabet by Thomas F. Magner", The Slavic and East European Journal, 4 (3): 271–272
  • Smirnovskiy, P. (1915), A Textbook in Russian Grammar. Part I. Etymology (26th ed.)
  • Vasmer, Max (1979), Russian Etymological Dictionary, Winter

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