Cuckoo Song

Questions About Cuckoo Song

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Answered Questions (5)

thirdworldstar It's not. Scary. Well, not very. It's creepy, but don't worry - it isn't nightmare material. …moreIt's not. Scary. Well, not very. It's creepy, but don't worry - it isn't nightmare material. (less)
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Maggie Mckee
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Fahad I would recommend this for 13 and up, not because it's too scary, but because it's hard to understand for younger kids. It's also a little creepy.…moreI would recommend this for 13 and up, not because it's too scary, but because it's hard to understand for younger kids. It's also a little creepy.(less)
fran This book is INCREDIBLE, coming from the World's Biggest Wimp. It's dark and twisty, but nothing scary - or scarring. read it!!!…moreThis book is INCREDIBLE, coming from the World's Biggest Wimp. It's dark and twisty, but nothing scary - or scarring. read it!!!(less)
Pipkia No, it's a standalone. Her only series is her Fly By Night series, which is going to be four books but only two are out (Fly by Night and Twilight Rob…moreNo, it's a standalone. Her only series is her Fly By Night series, which is going to be four books but only two are out (Fly by Night and Twilight Robbery). They're brilliant--probably my two favourites..(less)

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