The Refrigerator Monologues

Questions About The Refrigerator Monologues

by Catherynne M. Valente (Goodreads Author)

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Answered Questions (2)

Chris Everson No... but a knowledge of the comic-book stories behind the rants... monologues.. is helpful.
Piper I recall that grayscale was actually grayscale in colouration: like he didn't have colour, though he could shapeshift (but stay black-and-white in wha…moreI recall that grayscale was actually grayscale in colouration: like he didn't have colour, though he could shapeshift (but stay black-and-white in whatever form). It's not related to the shapeshifting power in theme.

As for ZeitGeist, the definition is "the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time." So in TRM world: the persuasion power of the villain is like that of a popular idea that takes you over, rather than describes the belief of a certain period of time in history. He controls your spirit for a time.(less)

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