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Broken Pieces #1

Broken Pieces

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Can three broken pieces make a whole?

Josiah Evans is the orphan who lost both his parents. He’s sweet, shy, and all heart. He wants nothing more than to be loved.

Mateo Sanchez is the son of a gang leader. He’s seen it all, and never hesitates to do what needs to be done, no matter what it is.

Tristan Croft is the wealthy attorney who clawed his way up from the bottom to rule his own world. He’ll never depend on anyone but himself again.

Three men who couldn’t be more different…and yet, as their lives intersect they find an uncommon balance that calms the storms inside each of them, and ignites fires hotter than they ever thought imaginable.

Told uniquely in three parts and spanning over ten years, BROKEN PIECES is a journey of healing for three fragmented souls, finding love in the unlikeliest of places—with each other.

339 pages, ebook

First published February 2, 2014

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About the author

Riley Hart

106 books6,454 followers
Riley Hart is the girl who wears her heart on her sleeve. She's a hopeless romantic. A lover of sexy stories, passionate men, and writing about all the trouble they can get into together. If she's not writing, you'll probably find her reading.

Riley lives in California with her awesome family, who she is thankful for everyday.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 854 reviews
Profile Image for Jess-i-ca .
796 reviews777 followers
February 10, 2014


Three broken pieces....

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Josiah Evans

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Mateo Sanchez

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Tristan Croft

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Part One begins the story of Josiah and Mateo. Josiah and Mateo have both had a hard life. They are 16 and 17 and living with a foster family together. They become friends and over time lovers as well. Josiah is soft, whereas Mateo is hard.

At 18, Mateo is considered a street thug and eventually kicked out Josiah chooses to go with him and runs away from the foster family. Mateo doesn't want for Josiah to live on the streets and have the life they are currently living. He feels that Josiah deserves so much more than he can give him. So he decides to set Josiah free.

"Without letting himself look back, he walked away from Heaven and headed back toward Hell."

Part Two is the story of Josiah and Tristan. Three years later Josiah is still struggling over his loss of Mateo.

"Mateo sent him away, but Josiah still couldn't cut him from his heart."

He is living in San Francisco and working in a coffee shop. He is too scared to let anyone in.

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The years progress and eventually he comes to meet Tristan while feeding the birds outside the coffee shop one morning. Tristan propositions him and it doesn't go so well. From this encounter though, they become friends and walk together and feed the birds daily.

Tristan is a powerful attorney but has also had a painful past filled with sexual abuse so he is emotionally damaged. Over time his bond with Josiah continues to grow and he winds up moving into Tristan's house. They are still on a platonic level even though.

Finally they cross their emotional bridges and get together. This is years down the road. Their relationship as lovers continues to develop over time as well as Tristan helping to build up Josiah. Tristan helps him go to college and get a degree and make something of his life.

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Part Three is the story of Josiah, Mateo, and Tristan. Mateo comes back to town on Josiah's graduation day. Although Tristan is jealous, he has learned so much about Mateo through the years he somewhat feels that he knows him as well. And of course the attraction is definitely there.

Josiah doesn't know how he will choose between the two men. He wants them both. They both give him pieces of the puzzle that makes his heart whole. And lucky for us (oh and him) he gets them both as well. :)

"He, Mateo, and Tristan were all broken in one way or another. Mateo had mended so many of his pieces all those years ago before shattering them again. Then it had been Tristan who handed him the glue to put himself together."

Mateo and Tristan eventually develop a friendship and love for each other through Josiah.

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"We might be broken in so many ways, but together, we're whole."

A few additional comments:

There were parts of this book where my heart actually broke for each of these guys. I felt their pain and just wanted to give them a hug.

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With regard to the sex scenes

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And my feelings at the end

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There were some small things I didn't care for but overall I felt emotionally connected to the characters and enjoyed the writing and that's why I gave it a 5.

I will say I am scared to read the next book because I feel like eventually it will not remain all three of them together and it will break my heart.

To the author

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And for all those homophobic pricks out there who will ask why I read this stuff and how can I be okay with it...

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Profile Image for Baba  .
858 reviews3,967 followers
September 23, 2014
2 stars.**Review completed February 26, 2014

I need to find…
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…that hype gene.
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Yes, I did enjoy hyped books in the past but more often than not I feel odd for not liking them. I would love to say…
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…instead I end up like this…
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…highly consternated. It sucks. Adding a book to my TBR pile is like playing the lottery.

Reading is a subjective experience. Even though we’ve read the same book, it happens all the time that we have a different reading experience. That’s the reason why we’re here on GR; to share our different point of views. I’m sorry to say that I’m swimming against the tide because Broken Pieces didn’t wow me. I think this story was supposed to be a tearjerker and I must admit that I cry very easily. BUT. Unfortunately, I wasn’t even close to tears whilst reading Broken Pieces. The author failed to engage me emotionally. I was turned off by:

a) The cheesy drama.

b) The constant puking or Mateo’s urge to vomit (Puky Mateo/Teo).

I recommend you this drug, Mateo. It's known to be very well tolerated. In fact, my two boys could confirm my statement.
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c) The writing style.

d) The characters in general.

e) The weak Josiah and his antics, mainly after the

f) The repetitiveness: “I’m weak”, “I need to protect him”, the over usage of dios, dios…did I say dios, sexy and beautiful and Tristan’s pulse quirk. More than enough is too much.

g) The unerotic smexin; some of it was downright awkward.

h) The ménage scene came out of the blue; there was no build-up whatsoever. It worked out way too easy considering there should have been so much conflict potential. I’m sorry to say it but some sappy dialogue delivered with a nice little bow is not good enough for me.

i) Too much smexin once the three were (finally) together. Not sure WHY I felt it was too much…maybe because I wasn’t turned on by it…?

j) Tristan’s mom was absolutely Er…I’d rather not comment.

k) The super duper sappy ending including that For the first time I was close to throwing up myself.

It's safe to say that Broken Pieces wasn't my cup of tea. Hence, I won't be reading the sequel.

Profile Image for Monique.
1,068 reviews377 followers
February 4, 2014

Un-fucking-believably AMAZING!

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I have sat here, trying to write my review for Broken Pieces and I know my words will never do it justice, I want everyone to read it but I could never convey in just a few words  how immensely powerful this book is and just how much it moved me. How I was so connected to the characters I couldn’t part with my Kindle… not for a moment did it leave my hands and I was compelled to absorb as much of Josiah, Mateo and Tristan and their story as possible. I lived through their years of pain, every single one another knife in my heart. This book encompasses everything I love about reading… it’s the whole package for me, with dark undertones, plenty of angst, tortured souls, enough emotional turmoil to make you feel your heart will surely explode through the burden of it all… and that’s only me, never mind the characters. There was no quick fix to anything… it’s a slow development of the relationships and trust, the pacing was perfect with each of them in their own way, flawed and damaged by pasts they had no control over. It’s raw and intense, yet profoundly beautiful, my heart bled for these characters, singularly, as couples and as the resulting threesome… because Broken Pieces is such an apt title, that is exactly what they are, broken, not only mentally, but also on their own they are never quite whole, incomplete, a part of them missing, with Josiah being the magnet they gravitate to to complete them and the glue that will eventually keep them all together.

Each chapter is a character POV… which is just genius and where the intensity of it all comes from because I got to know and understand each of them intimately. I could feel their inner most fears and anxieties, the joy in their hearts and the pain of loss and their emptiness, that void that left them all so lonely. It’s smooth, perfectly written and the transition between the chapters never missing a beat in the story. It spans years in their lives, but starts out with the innocence of young love…

Josiah is so sweet and kind, incredibly self conscious and intimidated easily with a vulnerability that called to the protective side of Mateo… Our bad boy, a gang member who has been groomed all his life for his role on the streets. Their love story and it’s rendition moved me to tears, two boys with a past full of demons and no love to speak of yet they find something in each other, so intense they can barely breath through it, they have nothing and no one, but they have each other. Jay has a hidden strength and such commitment in his love for Teo you feel he would move a mountain to be with him. Teo, stomped on my heart and completely crushed it, his love is selfless… loving so much he is willing to push Jay away to save him from the harsh realities of life, nothing quite so bland as propriety, but life and death, wanting Jay to have a better life, one that he deserved. But true love never dies and in the case of Josiah and Mateo truer words have never been spoken.

“…I’d never known what it was like to really belong until you, Teo.”

“Me too, mi precioso. I’ve only ever belonged with you.”

We don’t initially know why Tristan is so emotionally guarded or what happened in his past to make him so distant, so disillusioned with life and love he focuses on his career as an attorney. But like Mateo he is also drawn to the warmth and genuine goodness that emanates from Josiah and also like Teo… he’s not sure why either.

“Love equals power? So, you’ll never love because you never want to hand over the power.”

I have to admit that Mateo being back on the scene after nine years away was an emotional moment that had the tears running down my cheeks and I wanted nothing more than for them to fall back into the love that had never left either of them. However, Tristan is a man to be admired not only did he save Jay, he understands that he cannot give Jay what Teo can offer him… but together they can make the one light in their lives happy.

Josiah and Mateo together was innocent and as sweet as young love should be, Josiah and Tristan together, well that was HOT!… but safe. Now all three are in the same proximity the sizzling sexual tension between Teo and Tristan is powerful, both strong alpha males vying for dominance… which only ignites what is happening between the three of them, making it EXPLOSIVE!  Yep… cold showers at the ready my friends, I LOVE MENAGE!!!

I love it when I find a new author that makes my heart sing, where words morph into visions and emotions that can only come from excellent writing, where a story takes over a part of your soul and everything else becomes invisible, their life, hopes, dreams… their very existence becomes yours for those few hours and you feel blessed to spend that time with them… Then, for some time after, they pop up in your head occasionally and you wonder just how they are doing… Did Riley Hart deliver? FUCK YEAH!!! She bled my heart dry, punched me in the solar plexus on numerous occasions and left me sobbing, ugly tears! (that damn homemade chess piece makes me cry every time I think about it)  …Loved every minute of Broken Pieces and so far, the best book I have read this year and definitely on the all time favourites shelf!

And the best news EVER!

Josiah, Mateo and Tristan’s Story continues in late 2014

July 23, 2016

This was hands-down the most believable menage-as-long-term-relationship book I've read, and it's going on my Unforgettable shelf. Josiah, Mateo, and Tristan complete each other. Their relationship is like a game of chess, all pieces required to play, the queen nothing without the others.

Told in three parts, the book follows Josiah as he meets Mateo in a New York foster home, then five years later as he meets Tristan while feeding birds on a wharf in San Francisco, and finally four years after that as all three men collide and realize they're better together, puzzle pieces that FIT.

Josiah and Mateo are only teens when they meet. Josiah is an orphan, Mateo a gang member who has had to prove his masculinity by hurting people. Mateo becomes Josiah's protector, his everything. But they are young, and the world so rough, and Mateo doesn't want Josiah to get hurt.

Tristan is a prosecutor, a "suit" who still feels guilt over his troubled past. He lives to help his mom, a depressed, agoraphobic woman who did the best she could to raise him on the streets. Tristan doesn't let people in ever...until he meets Josiah...and Mateo.

The three men completely complement each other. The lovin' (both the twosomes and later threesome) is HOT, but the sex does not take over the book. Yes, there is angst, and I usually run when angst overflows, but there is hope too: hope, redemption, LOVE.

As much as I loved these guys, I am a little anxious to read the follow-up. I know there's more to the story. I want to know about Tristan's mom, Mateo's photography, Josiah's coffee shop. I want to see their relationship strengthen and grow. BUT I also want them to be happy, damn it, happy together, and I worry the sequel will throw more crap their way.
Profile Image for Gigi.
2,148 reviews1,033 followers
February 8, 2014

UPDATED Feb. 7, 2014: For those (like me, especially since Josiah and Mateo were so young at the beginning of the book) having trouble putting faces to these three boys, head over to Jess-i-ca's fabulous review to see who she envisioned. I think she nailed it!

There was a lot of happy-hoopla going on with my GoodRead friends for this book when it was first released in February 2014 and that had me excited and convinced me to read this right away. (That and the gorgeous cover photo!) Most said it was filled with angst but well worth the misery then wrote a rave review and rated the book 5 stars. Now, I agree with the lots-of-angst assessment. And I agree that this book could absolutely be a 5 star book for many, many people and will most likely end up with a 4+ star cumulative rating over time. But for me? The angst spiraled out of control and never let up long enough for me to enjoy the story. I love the three boys, Tristan, Josiah and Mateo, and look forward to the continuation of their story in a sequel that is in the works, now that they have had their HEA, but the 10 years it took to get there in Broken Pieces kicked my ass and left me in tears for more then half the book. Uncomfortable, depressed tears that had me popping Advil for headaches and having to put my reader down because I couldn't see the screen through tears.

This one still gets 3 stars because it was a great story and I'm psyched for the sequel, but it is going on my everyone liked it but me shelf since I am definitely in the minority with this one, so be sure to check other reviews before deciding to pass on it! It is a M/M romance favorite by many, many good friends whose judgement I trust. My feelings about the angst could have been just a bad time for me to be reading this kind of book. *shrugs* I may give it another try when the sequel comes out.
Profile Image for M.
268 reviews1 follower
February 13, 2014
**4.8 Broken Yet Whole Stars**

Continuing on after this point, will result in major SPOILERS...

PART ONE: Josiah and Mateo.
There was something so fucking innocent 
about him. And Mateo wanted that.

Wanted to protect it.

Broken Pieces begins with Josiah, a sixteen year old orphan, living in a foster home. His quiet, vulnerable and keeps to himself...never getting close to anyone. Until he meets Mateo, who also joins the same foster family. Mateo is the opposite of Josiah. His strong, dangerous and the son of a gang leader. Yet the two draw closer together as time goes by.
Because even though Mateo was hard...
there was something beautiful about him, too.

Mateo can't help but want to protect the fragile and innocent Josiah. He berates himself for this weakness...a weakness his father tried to beat out of him. A father and 'family' that still expected him back home...where he's to take his rightful spot in the Los Demonios gang.
Breathe. Walk away. Don't come back.
It's what I should do.

But Mateo can't walk away...can't walk away from Josiah, and the faith he holds for Mateo. He can't stop himself from drawing closer to Josiah, protecting his precious...and giving him his heart.
"Takin' care of you is all I have.
The only thing I have."

But sometimes the sweetest love...the most beautiful beginnings, are easily shattered. Everything you dream of, torn away from you...and with no hope of recovering from the loss.
All he wanted to do was love Josiah, 
to be with him and protect him.

Was that too much to fucking ask?

A difficult, emotional and heart wrenching beginning...with a lifetime of hardships still to come...
"Te amo, mi precioso... It means what you 
are to me.


PART TWO: Josiah and Tristan
"I'm sorry I can't give you the
things you deserve."
The loneliness. Worry. Fear. Regret.
Love. Mateo.
It has been, five and a half years after Mateo sent Josiah away...and the pain of his loss is still fresh in Josiah's heart. He still holds hope that Mateo will come back to him. Holds hope that the love they shared, was real...the dreams they discussed was both their dreams and not Josiah's alone.

Following a dream and hoping for his loved one, Josiah visits all the locations he discussed with Mateo...thinking to make himself easily found by Mateo. But instead he finds a stranger watching him feed the birds by the Warf. A man that, for the first time since Teo...holds his interest. But Josiah doesn't know how to move on from Mateo.
I've never been with anyone but him.
I don't want to be with anyone other than him.
He doesn't want me.
He sent me away...
Taking a chance, Josiah approaches the stranger...Tristan, and they form a slow growing friendship.

Tristan has lead his life alone and closed off from other. Coming from a dark and difficult childhood, Tristan doesn't trust so easily and keeps people at a distance. But as time passes and Tristan and Josiah open up more, a connection and a need for each other builds between the two.
"I wanted you. Want you...
I never thought I would care about someone
but you gave me that too.

But will they both be complete together? With Tristan always holding himself back, never giving up his control. And Josiah loving him, but also keeping a part of his heart for Mateo.
"If I could completely give myself to anyone, 
it would be you.
If I deserved anyone to take care of me,
I would want it to be you."
"I don't want to push you, Tristan.
I know there are reasons you still can't share."

PART THREE: Josiah, Mateo and Tristan
Can three broken pieces make a whole?

Mateo has returned, after nine long and hard years, with the intentions of finally saying goodbye and leaving Josiah to his new life with Tristan. But one look, one touch and Mateo can't bare to stay away from him.
Fought to be nearer to Josiah.
To feel him, touch him, after a fucking

But Josiah is hurt and won't forgive so easily. His pain is too deep, still fresh in his mind to be forgotten. He fights the pull he still feels towards Mateo, and stay loyal to Tristan.
"You don't get to do this...
You don't get to touch me and tell me
you miss me. You left, Teo."

To move forward, with the past behind them, Tristan pushes Josiah to seek closure from Mateo. As painful as this is for each of them, Tristan understands the love still present between Teo and Jay.
Nine years apart, and the connection
was still between them,
visible even to Tristan's eyes.
Confusion and indecision begins to form in Josiah. How can he love two men so much and not be able to choose between them? How can he love two broken souls so deeply? And fear losing one or hurting the other?

Waiting on Josiah and missing him, Mateo and Tristan visit the Warf in their need to be closer to their Jay. Their visits become regular and a connection begins to form. Tristan has always felt Mateo was apart of his and Josiah's relationship...so its not long before he wants Mateo apart of them . And an attraction is formed.
"Don't we all deserve some kind of happiness? 
What if we can find it together?"

Deeper feelings begin to grow...and three broken pieces begin to mend themselves, and finally become whole. A love shared, but only complete with all three hearts together.
He was the glue that made all
their broken pieces fit to make them whole.

I cried, smiled and frowned all throughout this book! Its simply...captivating. It's amazing and well written and will keep you intrigued and have your heart racing all the way. Mates this book will blow you away. Its dark, heart wrenching and beautiful at the same time... So give these three broken, yet unique men a try xx
"Mi pieza perdida."
"Mi preciosos.

Or is it?

Thank you lovely gals, for the fantastic and extremely fun BR...Ingela, Bev and Andrea *HUGS*
Profile Image for Ingie.
1,422 reviews167 followers
September 30, 2014
Written February 8, 2014

4 1/2 Stars - stunning romantic - I cried, enjoyed and loved these men and their story

For me is Broken Pieces an "epic", very emotional and from time to time, heartbreaking sad novel. It's a story about a long, and sometimes hard, journey of healing for three fragmented souls. We are told a great LOVE story about three men (in the start boys) over a period of ten years.

This book has maybe been this weeks M/M hype... Rightly so, I think. That hype is this romance so very worth - in my opinion, more than many others. ~ Read, enjoy, be surprised, be upset, cry and blow your nose, try your values, and dare to turn around your own heart, in and out, a few times. Recommended!


Broken Pieces is a romantic tale about three lovely and damaged souls: Josiah Evans, the orphan who lost both his parents as a kid. He is the sweet and the so incredibly loving good guy it all spins around. Mateo Sanchez, Josiah's first love, the son of a gang leader, and later also Tristan Croft, the wealthy attorney who clawed his way up from the bottom.
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‘Maybe...just maybe taking care of this kid would absolve him from some of his sins.’

It all starts when Josiah and Mateo as 16 and 17 year boys meet in a foster home. Their past is two sad stories in themselves. What is so nice is that nothing - emotions, kisses, thoughts, love, touch, sex, etc - are stressed up too fast. It may take some time. Their young love is slowly maturing, and it is an absolutely stunning fine start to this book.

...Years go by and it happens a lot, both good and less good, but their trust, love, tenderness and immense feeling persists.
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“And loving someone would make you lose that control.”

Later, even Tristan arrived into Josiah's life. It was hard to accept what led to this, but in the end I was so grateful because these two also really needed each other for various reasons. Tristan did Josiah stronger and he was there, every day, outwardly very strong but inwardly so scared and hurt.
”He would be kind, loyal. Stronger than he realized. Braver than most people thought. He'd like coffee and cooking. He'd like to walk, and he'd always feed the birds.’

The wave eventually became more and more even. What I deep down waited so long for was happening and I had to work a little with my doubts. In the end, however, I was completely convinced - just as; "is there love.." then everything can be solved.

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“...There isn't a magical time frame where it's okay to fall in love with someone or okay fall out of it. Emotions don't play by rules. That's what makes them so incredible."

There are perhaps a few minor flaws, but d@mn, this was magic. ~ Sometimes I just want to read a grand emotional melodrama. ~ Broken Pieces is: Memorable, so heartbreaking with some sad tough parts but also so beautifully romantic, sentimental, tender hot. Three amazing men, a lot of love and lust, ...actually quite believable in the end.


...and forget the beautiful cover for a moment. It doesn't say all about this book. Don't be scared. This is not an erotic ménage story. Admittedly, it is about three men and it is, as all romances nowadays, steamy and hot at times, but in no way overwhelming.


Nicely done, Ms Hart ~ You gave me three unique men (...loved them) and a wonderful story that dug deep into my heart.

Maybe a four star M/M but the last star is for dear sweet Josiah. You gorgeous boy/guy/man, you'll stay in my heart for a long time. Kiss and hugs!

I LIKE - My heart was broken, healed, cracked again and cheered with happiness in the end.


Buddy read with My Lovely BR Ladies, Bev, Andrea and from now on also the sweet Aussie girl Mona.

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...The Ladies BR Quartette
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,717 followers
February 6, 2014
5--It Blew Me Away--Stars!!!

Broken Pieces is the story of Josiah Evans , Mateo Sanchez and Tristan Croft. We’re introduced to each character within three different parts. I honestly cannot believe this is only Riley Hart’s second book. It was so much more emotional than I ever expected. It was a beautiful journey of self-discovery, of second chances, of friendship and love.

Part One: Josiah and Mateo

Josiah (Jay) and Mateo (Teo) met as foster siblings, Jay after the death of his parents and Teo after his father is sent to prison.

Jay and Teo were two unlikely people who become friends and fell in love, two opposites who found faith and hope in each other.

"Takin’ care of you is all I have. The only good thing I have."

"I told you, it wasn’t just you who had to take care of me. We’ll take care of each other. You and me. Together."

When Mateo turns 18 and their foster mom gets sick, everything changes for Mateo and Josiah.

My heart broke for Josiah and Mateo. Josiah was so innocent while Mateo was so worldly, having experienced so much at his young age. Mateo doesn’t think he’s good enough for Josiah or deserves the happiness that Josiah brings him. He believes he’s destined to follow in his family’s footsteps.

"You make me feel like someone for the first time in my life. Even without me, you’d be something Teo."

Mateo is torn between protecting Josiah and giving in to his feelings. Together they live on the run...scraping by...trying to survive...when Teo’s past catches up with him. Teo is forced to make a decision that will tear them apart.

Part Two: Josiah and Tristan

Two years later and Josiah is living in San Francisco....but he hasn’t seen or heard from Mateo.

Three years later and Josiah is still just existing. Trying to move on, but not able to let go of his love for Mateo. Still holding out hope that Mateo will one day return to him.

"His heart would always belong to Teo, anyways."

Five and half years later Jay meets Tristan.

Tristan has endured his own painful past, and much like Mateo it was filled with a lot of ugly. As a result, Tristan closes himself off emotionally.

Over time, Jay and Tristan become friends...Tristan is there for Jay when he needs him the most. In a sense, he saved Jay and gave him a second chance. Tristan showed him how to live again.

For years, things are purely platonic between Tristan and Jay. And gradually things between them change. Their friendship grew into love. And while Tristan never could give himself completely to Josiah, it was more than he'd ever given anyone else.

With the help of Tristan, Josiah graduates from college. On the day of graduation, he and Tristan return to the beach where it all began. And there waiting for Josiah is Mateo.

Part Three: Josiah, Mateo & Tristan

It's been nine years since Josiah has seen or heard from Mateo. He's finally allowed himself to live again and Mateo returning brings back all of Jay's old feelings.

He's torn between his present with Tristan and his past with Mateo. Mateo has always held a piece of Jay's heart. Mateo returning forces Tristan to really evaluate what he shares with Jay. Is he willing to walk away from Jay or can he give himself to Jay completely?

Josiah is torn between loving the two men. How could he ever choose when they both have given him so much. All three men find that they need each other. Josiah is the link that ties them all together.

"He was the rock, and not just because he drew them together. No, because he held them together. He was the glue that made all of their broken pieces fit to make them whole."

The story of Josiah, Mateo and Tristan literally blew me away. It was unlike anything I could have ever expected or imagined. It was a such a touching, beautiful journey.....

"We might be broken in so many ways, but together, we're whole."

Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,396 reviews1,547 followers
August 21, 2018

Pounding. Throbbing. Pulsing. Thudding.

No, ladies, get your minds out of the gutter. I'm talking about *heart*, which this book has a whole lot of.

This has to be the very best ménage book that I've ever read. You generally get story lines like, they meet, they do it, then they do it again, and again, and again, rinse and repeat, happily ever after. This is NOT that story, for which I am immensely grateful.

Is there sex? Yes. Is it hot? No comment (pronounced 'oh hell yes'). Does it ever leave you feeling dirty? Most definitely not. To me, every roll in the sheets added to the actual story, not to some superfluous, overstuffed spank bank. Again, for which I am immensely grateful.

The book is split into three sections and I was sure that my favorite part would be the first, where Josiah and Mateo meet at a shared foster care home and begin their rough road together. It was charming and loving and finally heartbreaking.

Then I read the middle part, the lonely years, when just surviving was about all that was possible. Until an impossible man came on the scene and a spark of hope began to grow, then finally took root. And then the rains came. (Not literally, but it is San Francisco and we got a LOT of rain during the 12 years that I myself lived there, so yeah, sue me. The line just fit.) : )

And lastly, the thunderstorm of emotions and love. Unconventional, yes, but the heart can be a pretty big thing, so sometimes there's room for unconventional. Because all of the broken pieces just fit together in a way that fewer pieces just couldn't.

So yeah, I ended up with no 'favorite' part, unless I can pick all three as my favorite. But hey, it's a ménage book, so why can't I pick all three??? ;- )

5 ★★★★★'s really aren't enough for this one and I can't wait to read the further adventures of Josiah, Mateo & Tristan in the late 2014 sequel.
Profile Image for Macky.
1,949 reviews230 followers
February 4, 2014
I'm sat here trying my hardest to come up with something clever and sophisticated to show just how much this story affected me and do it justice, and all I can come up with is " OMG!! This totally blew me away"

Yeah, very sophisticated!! But that's exactly what it did to me and I can see that phrase coming up in many more reviews because if it gets to everyone who reads it, the way it got through to me, there's going to be lots more " OMG!'s, Awesome's, Amazing's and Blown Away's" on the review horizon.

The connection was instant. And I mean INSTANT. I knew as soon as I'd read the first paragraph that this book was going to keep me glued and I wasn't wrong. I read the whole thing more or less in one sitting, finishing it in the early hours of the morning. There was no way I could have put it down and sleep wasn't on the agenda!

I simply loved everything about it.

Street tough, but with a conscience, gang leaders son Mateo. The one who I think gives up the most and has to make the most agonising choices.

Sweet, shy, adorable Josiah, who goes through romantic hell, but its his strength that becomes the glue that ultimately holds the three of them together when the time comes.

Rich, emotionally stunted, introspective, lawyer Tristan, who because of his poignant past is probably the most vulnerable of all three of them despite his perceived successful and comfortable lifestyle.

They all had psychological baggage and they all stole my heart. My emotions got played like a fiddle and it's fast become one of my most favourite ménage's up to now... and I ADORE my ménage's. The fact that it takes the three of them ten years and a whole bucketload of heartache to finally get together was what had me on the edge of my seat, unable to look away and pretty much shell shocked for most of the story whilst falling head over heels at the same time. I got an emotional battering but OMG it was so worth it and the ending was totally satisfying but still left me wanting more from this fabulous threesome.

They say three's a charm and the fact that this is told in three parts, has three completely different, beautiful but emotionally damaged men and ends up in a threesome that had my heart flipping beats, shows how true the saying is. I'm not going anywhere near the storyline in this review because knowing what I know now, personally I wouldn't want to start reading this with any prior knowledge of whats to come at all. The blurb is a pretty good place to start but I still think with a hell of of a story like this, it's a diamond worth discovering all by yourself and I envy anyone who gets to pick it up for the first time. But please don't go into this thinking it's all heart wrenching angst and traumatic events because tucked alongside all the drama there are also delicious moments of pure romantic heaven, passionate love scenes that will have you tingling and sighing like a lovesick fool and as it nears it's conclusion... hope... lots of hope! Damn, I'm so pissed it's all over for me!

Kudos to Riley Hart for pulling such a wonderful story out of her mind and sharing it with us. Collide was fabulous. This one was even more so and will stay with me for a long time. I'm now on pins waiting in anticipation for their next book because I want more of these three men and their heartbreaking pasts. I need to see if they can keep their relationship strong despite their past histories, I want to be kept on the edge of my seat again because I'm sure there's more conflict in store for them before they get to their absolute and true HEA and I need to feel the warm and fuzzies when they arrive there because I know that these guys are each other's heart, life and soul. I want to be there when they all truly believe that and I want to sigh again with contentment...I'm a greedy reader... I want more and I'm guessing so will you!

Oh and I've just thought of two more words to describe this.... Blissfully sublime!
January 10, 2015

5++ Broken and Put-Together Stars!

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Broken Pieces
is one of those emotional and angsty books that grabs ahold of your heart strings from the start, never lets go. In a lot of ways, the book is more than one story...more of three broken pieces that, in the end, make it whole... So, because of the way the book is broken down into three parts, I will too break my review down in similar fashion...


Broken Pieces starts out when Josiah was just 16 years old. He's living with foster parents after losing both his parents in a car accident. He has no family, no home, no friends. Until this nice couple takes him in. When a new foster kid is added to their household, he's taken back by his rough demeanor yet beautiful exterior. He just sits and stares at Mateo...

Josiah was such a sweet, impressionable soul. Beautiful, in fact, which left him at the mercy of bullies in his school. It's apparent he lived a good life before it was all snatched away from him. I fell in love with his character from the start. His heart is huge. But with the huge heart, opens him up for predators at every turn. Until Mateo is added to their broad, he's never had anyone stand up for him. It's clear Mateo's history is filled with violence and crime, yet Mateo softens for Josiah, protects him.


Mateo knows this new foster home is temporary. Like all the rest. His past is ugly and so is he...nobody cares about him so why even try? Until he met his new foster brother Josiah... Something about the kid draws a protective instinct to his darkness. He's always staring at him, until he tries to make eye contact...then he always looks away. He's bullied at school, being called a faggot. He has this insane, unnatural desire to protect him...not sure why, but he'll die trying. He has nothing to lose, after all.

Mateo was the dark to Josiah's light. A foul-mouthed, tattooed street kid that has nothing to lose. Until Josiah. The slow build of their friendship and bond was the foundation of the book. Mateo would stop at nothing to protect Josiah. Their draw was from day one and gradually grew to a physical connection. Mateo always hid from his sexual orientation...had it beat out of him. Until this sweet kid, he could hide his feelings. Not anymore.

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Fast forward several years.....


Tristan is a prosecuting attorney living in San Francisco. He's suffered from severe insomnia and works all hours of the day and night. He has no relationships to speak of outside his agoraphobic mother. He has a past that causes him to resist commitments with men...sex is it. One and done. He's not proud of his past and suffers from a fair amount of guilt. When he meets this young man on the bay shore of Fisherman's Warf, watching him feed the birds, there's a strange draw to him. At first he propositions sex before he quickly learns this is the last thing either of them need. So, instead, he stops by the Warf when he can in the early morning hours, feeding the birds with Josiah and taking quiet walks. The kid doesn't have much but he finds Josiah is just what his heart needs to heal...

Tristan was my favorite character in Broken Pieces. While all three men are broken, all having pasts that scar them, something about this tortured hero just attracted me most. He did so much for Josiah, never asking for a thing in return but his companionship...friendship. On the outside Josiah seems so young and impressionable, but deep down, he's so tough and it's that toughness that begins to break down Tristan's emotional walls.  photo 9CABD14A-1C7C-46BF-B556-17CE5770C3E3_zpst8gbvmkj.jpg
Obviously there's three characters I've just listed. So, inevitably I'll be asked if this is a love triangle. I guess so. But not in the typical sense that we see in so many reads. Josiah is the common denominator...Mateo has the past. Tristan has the present. Josiah loves them both. How can the rough street kid Mateo fit in with the suit Tristan so they can both keep Josiah? They're all broken but something draws them together.

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Broken Pieces is one of the most emotional MM stories I've encountered. I simply loved it. There's a fair amount of sadness but so much hope too. The build is perfectly timed between every character...nothing felt rushed. And, in true Riley Hart style, there's a hefty dose of steam I've grown to expect from her. I've read several books from this author and this, by far, is my favorite...and I have loved them all. I loved the depth of the storyline, the character development superb...gah.

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I'd recommend this book to anyone interested in MM genre. I think it packs such an emotional punch, any fan of romance stories will love it. Yes, there's a fair amount of steam and it does have ménage but still, at the heart of it all is a PERFECT love story of three perfectly broken men brought together to heal...one whole.

And I thank you!

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***As a side note. I see there's a second book in this series. Same characters, just looks like new challenges ahead. It's not rated near as high so I'm calling it good with their love story. Happy how it ended and, quite frankly, have no desire to see them face struggles in the future. Ta-ta for now!
Profile Image for Emma Sea.
2,206 reviews1,167 followers
February 7, 2014
Ugh, I can't believe there's going to be another book.

I am the outlier for this. I did not enjoy it. Josiah is a giant woobie. They're all woobies. I am a crier by nature, but my heartstrings were not jerked once.

Additionally, I don't like the whole "you're not healed and whole until you are the receiving partner in penetrative sex" trope, which this belabored ceaselessly, to the very end.

In no way is this poorly written: its appeal just missed me.

Not my book.
Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
725 reviews1,139 followers
March 4, 2023
|| 3.5 stars ||

This book was divided into three parts and they were all very different to me.

The first part is about Mateo and Josiah when they were both teenagers living together in a foster home and after that, on the streets. And my god. Their love was so fucking epic. My heart couldn’t stop hammering in my chest, and my stomach had constant butterflies. I was damn well swooning. They both cared about each other so much. Both so scared to let the other in at first, but both so desperately wanting to. Mateo would literally do anything to protect Josiah, to keep him safe and keep Josiah with him. Mateo would honestly rather cut out his own tongue than say something that would hurt him; ugh, ultimate swoon. When they finally got together I was so damn happy, but their lives were still so hard. And then finally my heart absolutely broke when Mateo had to do what he did.. They deserved so much better.

“Goodbye, my precioso. Te amo.”

The second part is about Tristan and Josiah: it’s five years later and Josiah is still struggling with everything that happened before. He can’t get over the past and he can’t forget Mateo. Tristan is also a complex person with his own deep-rooted issues. They form a tentative bond, which, after a very long time, leads to them getting together. I have to say that I had trouble getting into their relationship; Josiah was obviously still in pain and I didn’t feel like Tristan treated him all that well. They didn’t speak often and seemed uncomfortable around each other. It also took them way too long to get together. I hated how Tristan refused to let Josiah in, and how Josiah just made due with the scraps he got. Josiah deserved a better love than that; he deserved a love like his and Mateo’s.

“I was sixteen when I met him. The first time he walked into the room, I thought he would kill me… but he didn’t. He saved me. He loved me.”

Then part three happened, and it followed all three of them: Josiah, Mateo and Tristan. I cannot tell you how loudly I squealed when Mateo and Josiah were finally reunited after nine god damn years apart, but of course they had the ‘past’ to deal with first.. Nonetheless, it was so obvious that they were still so perfect together: their love has always been so pure and it clearly still was. The way Mateo loved Josiah so fiercely, adored him, treasured him, would have done anything for him.. I immediately wished Tristan would just disappear into thin air, and Mateo and Josiah could get their happily ever after ALONE. It’s like… you have this epic love and then there’s also this random other guy who doesn’t belong. I honest to god felt angry when Mateo and Tristan started to connect: I almost wanted to scream. I wanted Mateo (and Tristan) to only have eyes for Josiah, and it made me sad when they were so quick in their interest for each other: I felt like it totally cheapened both of their love for Josiah.. The fact that Mateo even thought about Tristan that way when he finally had Josiah back.. How could that even occupy his mind? Why was he not fighting tooth and nail to get Josiah for himself? Why was he so turned on by Tristan? I honestly felt like Tristan and Mateo took over the entire story, and Josiah was pushed into the backseat. Ugh. Anyway, I guess I was happy enough that Mateo and Josiah at least found their way back to each other, even if it was with Tristan too. Doesn’t mean I didn’t still wish Tristan would go the hell away.

“Don’t let me lose you. Whatever you’re thinking right now, come back to me Jay. You’re here. Dios, I can’t fuckin’ believe you’re here.”

Long story short, I completely loved the first part of this book, found the second part pretty good, yet the last part honestly just pissed me off so much and made the whole thing lose most of its charm and sparkle from before.
This book went from something I thought could be one of my best reads to something I almost despised. Such wasted potential, and I'm honestly a bit sad about it.

It’s like this: Mateo and Josiah make my heart happy and swoon uncontrollably, and Josiah and Tristan were okay as a couple, but Tristan and Mateo together? I HATE IT. SO MUCH. I want both of them to only love Josiah. And for them to then just open their hearts up to each other so quickly?? I’m raging. I almost felt like they were betraying Josiah by how intense their feelings for each other were.

And truly, this is why I never like to read about polyamory in books; I always end up favouring one duo, and then I get angry when they start to care about the third person too. I’m too possessive for this stuff.

Mateo and Josiah's love deserved their own story.
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,259 reviews261 followers
January 26, 2016
I know I’m late to the party on this one, but when this book was released, I was equal parts excited and nervous. You see, M/M/M doesn’t always work for me. I think I can count in one hand how many I’ve read so over time this book got lost in the black hole that is my TBR list. I finally decided to read, and I’m so glad that I did.

This book is broken down into three different sections:

*Josiah and Mateo
*Josiah and Tristan
*Tristan, Josiah, and Mateo

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In part one, we are introduced to Josiah and Mateo, two foster care teenagers from two different backgrounds whose friendships develops into a loving relationship. Life, unfortunately, gets in the way, and choices are made that will tear the boys apart.

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In part two, years pass and Josiah meets Tristan. A closed off lawyer who refuses to open his heart, but Josiah little by little began to break down his walls. As their relationship is slowly growing Mateo comes back into Josiah’s life.

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Part three- this is the part I was most nervous about. I know that Riley Hart is a great writer, but I was afraid I wouldn’t buy into these three men belonging together. How was it going to work? These three men who were so different yet not.

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My highlights

* Character growth
*Relationship development
* Story flow was smooth and effortless
*We get all three POVS
*The angst. It's the kind that hurts so good.
*The intimate moments between them ♥

This book is an easy one to rate: 5 Stars. It's a breathtaking story, and it deserves all the glowing reviews it received has received. It's exquisitely written. I kick myself for not having read it sooner.

"We might be broken in so many ways, but together, we're whole."

*This review is cross posted at Gay Book Reviews.

Profile Image for Cory .
728 reviews86 followers
July 10, 2014
Gosh, what to write about this book? It was totally different than I expected, but I absolutely loved it. What a great story.

Three men, all broken in their own unique way, coming together for a perfect fit.

Josiah was awesome. He was vulnerable and just an all around nice guy. But the best part about him is that, even if it made him uncomfortable, he would take chances and make moves to get what he truly wanted. He didn't need material items to make him happy and he gave himself, 100% heart and soul, to the people that he loved. He is someone that you just want to be friends with and he makes you want to be a better person. He is selfless and believes that love can conquer all if you are willing to fight for it.

Mateo won my heart pretty instantly. There is something about a guy who takes up for the underdog. He took Josiah under his wing and it didn't take long for Josiah to worm his way into his heart. Mateo took care of Josiah and loved him, while always feeling that he wasn't worthy of Josiah's love in return.

Tristan took a little bit longer to win me over, but he did, of course. There were certain parts where Tristan's actions would just have me gushing because they were just so perfect! His frienship with Ben was a little odd, but it showed how hard it was to break through Tristan's wall he put around himself.

How do three guys that are this different come together?? You will know if you run as fast as you can to the nearest copy of this book and start reading. It's that great! There is a second book and I'm already a little antsy for it to come out!

Lastly, this was especially fun as it was a buddy read with Mishyjo and Catherine!! Seriously, does it get any better than that??
Profile Image for Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read**.
1,448 reviews790 followers
December 9, 2015

**5 Break My Heart and Put It Back Together Stars**

Run and get this book!!! Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Just drop whatever you're doing and read this NOW.


Review to follow after I come down from this phenomenal book high!

UPDATE: 3/6/2014

Ok, there's no way I could write a review of this book that would do it ANY justice. So I'm just going to get to the point and say what needs to be said...

Profile Image for Tanu Gill.
575 reviews262 followers
October 11, 2015
Its hard for me to put into words how much I loved this book!
What depiction of characters!! I could see the 3 main characters in front of me! A wonderful story, that had me reeled in until I just HAD TO finish it! :-P
I have no complaints with the writing or grammar or anything there could be! A perfect read from one of my favorite authors! And this makes me a very happy person!!:-D
Profile Image for Heller.
973 reviews119 followers
February 5, 2014
I'm not sure about my luck lately with picking up sad books. Situations are sad. Protags are sad. Reader is sad. :(

This story a good foundation for their relationship and I while liked the history between Josiah and Mateo and later Tristan...it is all kinds of depressing. Even when things are going well I was on edge waiting for the hammer to fall. Maybe that's why I couldn't really sink into this one...I was too tense.

I will say that the menage really works here. Broken pieces that are definitely stronger together and even if we didn't get another book I could imagine the three men happily living and healing together. I'll be reading book two down the road but right now I need to go find a book that makes me laugh.
Profile Image for Tina.
1,748 reviews1 follower
December 5, 2016

Edit Dec. 5, 2016

Just finished listening to the audiobook and Riley Hart and the amazing narration of Jack DuPont blew me away a second time.

This very unique menage is truly unforgettable.


I'm just blown away! That. Was. Unbelievable!

Can you lose touch with reality while reading a book? Can you even forget to eat and to drink and can you stay up half of the night because you just can’t put the book down?

Broken Pieces is one of those unique books.

It’s told in three parts and spans ten years in the lives of three guys. It’s a journey of healing for three broken souls and finding love with each other.

Sweet and shy Josiah has lost both of his parents and wants nothing more than to be loved. Mateo, the street tough underdog, is the son of a gang leader, and no matter what it is, he never hesitates to do what needs to be done. Tristan is a wealthy attorney, who lived once on the streets, now he rules his own world and doesn’t allow himself to depend on anyone. All three of them are emotionally damaged... you may think beyond repair. So can those three broken pieces make a whole? Can they calm the storm inside each other?

Broken Pieces is this rare kind of book that pulled at my heart strings, had me on the edge of my seat unable to put it down. It shocked me deeply and let me fall head over heels at the same time.

My heart broke over and over and I just couldn’t put the book down. It was raw and intense, it was soooo emotional, it was heart-breaking and heart-warming, it was sad, it was tender, it was hot, it was powerful, it was beautiful and fucking perfect!

I am a big fan of ménage stories, and so this book was a winner from the start, but it surpassed all my exceptions, surprised the hell out of me and left me deeply in awe of the author. Riley, you’ve outdone yourself!

Can’t wait for the next book because I want more of these three men. I want to see if they are still living in their happy threesome bubble and I want to watch over them if their cruel past catches up with them …. OMG, I’m a goner…

Highly recommended to those who want more from a ménage book than smut and porn with or without plot. :)

Thank you Macky girl for our impromptu buddy read on Facebook. It was fun! :)
Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews3,031 followers
June 11, 2018
⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*Wasn't so bad*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱
This review is mostly for me to remember the details; meaning it's long

To be frankly honest, this book wasn't so bad. It surprised me though, that the relationship I desired the most where Mateo and Tristan. There was just something between them that pulled me. Overall, I don't normally read menages, and I believe this is my first M/M/M, so it's wasn't just a waste of time. The characters were likable; I had respect for them and I understood their decisions and choices. My favorite part was watching Mateo and Tristan fall in love; there was really something special there. Josiah was cute and a nice balance in the trio. As for the timeline... I'm not big fan of such time jumbing, but somehow it worked alright. I didn't go nuts of it and it was nice to see the characters fall in love, instead of insta-love, which I hate. On to the next one.
“You might not realize it now, kid, but everyone is some shade of fucked-up.”

The main characters:
Josiah ‘Jay’ Evans (16, then 17, then 18 in part 1 || 23, then 24, then 25, then 27 in part 2), the orphan who lost both his parents, and has been going from foster home to foster home. In part 2 he works at Fisherman’s Roast; as a barista, I believe. He then later starts living with Tristan and start college. In part 3, he graduate and start looking to start his own business. He's the light, pure.
On the outside, Josiah looked like the weakest of them all. Mateo had always known how strong he was, but looking at him right now, hearing him, it slammed into his chest just how much more strength he had. More than himself. More than Tristan, too. He was the rock, and not just because he drew them together. No, because he held them together. He was the glue that made all their broken pieces fit to make them whole.

Mateo ‘Teo’ Sanchez (17, turns 18 in part 1 || 28 in part 3), the son of a gang leader. Mateo was Ricky Sanchez’s son, who was in prison. His uncle Javier was in command, but it was always known Teo would be his second: to take his rightful spot in Los Demonios. His dad was the leader of one of Brooklyn’s biggest gangs. They came to Ricky Sanchez for everything, and Teo was the son he groomed to be just like him. And when Ricky couldn’t mold Mateo himself, his uncle Javier did it. In part 3 he was fresh out of prison. An ex-gang member who’d done things he’d never forgive himself for, and didn’t even know where his life was going. He's the protecter.
He looked up as Tristan reached him. No doubt he had tears mixed with the rain sliding down his face. “It’s my birthday,” he whispered. “That’s when he gave me the queen. He said it’s because I was the strongest person he knew.”
Tristan’s heart ached like it hadn’t since he was a kid. Without a word, or thought, he wrapped his arms around Josiah and picked him up. Settled a little into his touch when Josiah’s arms wrapped around his neck.

Tristan ‘Tris’ Croft (31 in part 2 || 39 in part 3 ), the wealthy attorney who clawed his way up from the bottom to rule his own world. Sold his body to a guy named Wilson to get through college and to support his mom — let someone control and dominate him for money. Despite the fact that his mom had been manipulated with the same thing, that he’d seen it break her. He hates himself for hiding in his closet when he was a kid, counting his pulse as though that would make it go away, while his mom was being used and abused, so she could support them. He's the commander, the one who seems to have it all put together.
“Don’t let people have that kind of power over you. I’ve seen what power does. When people love so much they put someone else above themselves. Or equal to themselves. All it does is hand power to them. Keep that for yourself. No one else deserves it.”
Josiah opened his mouth, not expecting the words that came out. “Love equals power? So, you’ll never love because you never want to hand over the power?” The thought made Josiah kind of sad. It was so...cynical, and so true.
Tristan sighed, making his reply obvious. “Veto.”

The Parts & Timeline:
Part 1 - Josiah and Mateo
— A year and half timeline?
Part 2 - Josiah and Tristan
Chapter One
— Two years after Mateo.
Chapter Two
— Three years after Mateo.
Chapter Three
— Five and a half years after Mateo
Part Three - Josiah, Tristan & Mateo
— Nine years after Mateo.
Nine years apart, and a connection was still between them, visible even to Tristan’s eyes. And the knowledge there, in the back of his head, that Mateo would give Josiah the things Tristan couldn’t.
There were things Tristan could give: Help with his business, a home...but the emotional pieces were trapped inside him. Probably always would be.

The Couples:
Josiah and Mateo
Their relationship started when they were in foster care, in the same foster home when they were 16 and 17. Mateo cold from from growing up in a gang, while Josiah sweet and shy, moving from foster home to foster home. Mateo felt a strong need to protect Josiah at all cost, Josiah wanted love. Together they found safety and love, and a strong bond that will never be broken. Even if they spend 9 years apart.
“Yeah.” There was no sound. Mateo stepped closer, wondering if Josiah said something he couldn’t hear.
“Yeah?” Molly prompted.
“I guess he makes me feel a little less lonely.”
“You shouldn’t feel alone, Josiah. You know we love having you here.”
Her words became muffled sounds in Teo’s ears. His stomach cramped. Josiah’s words collided into each other in his head, falling off into quiet before surging up and sounding again.

Josiah and Tristan
One lost and constantly waiting for this first love, another thinking love is a weakness. Together they find something in each other they didn't know they needed. Tristan helps Josiah grow, become more confident and sure, Josiah teaches Tristan about love.
Josiah’s hand was in his hair again when he said, “I won’t give you up, Tristan.”
Hearing that calmed some of the storm inside him. “I know. And you’re mine. I won’t give you up, either.”
Despite it all, he knew Josiah couldn’t give up Mateo, either.
As they sat there, Tristan weaved his arms around Josiah’s waist and wondered what they were going to do...or why he wasn’t more upset that Josiah couldn’t lose Mateo, either.

Tristan and Mateo
Both been through a different kind of hell which brings them closer than they never thought could happen. They understand each other deeper than any and the bond is powerful. Scared of the unknown, and feeling unworthy, both help each other believe in their love and in each other.
Mateo’s feet stopped moving. He didn’t try to keep his hand from reaching out for Tristan’s arm. For turning to face him, and still holding on while Tristan did the same. Dios, this was crazy shit. He didn’t understand it, but as he looked into Tristan’s dark eyes, he saw more pieces of himself. Pieces he never expected to see in the man. Pieces he hadn’t see in anyone else.

All three of them
Broken pieces come together and becomes whole. They fit each other. Each different from one another, yet all needed to be complete.
Mateo ran a finger down Tristan’s jaw. “Mi pieza perdida. My missing piece.” And then his hand ran down Josiah’s back. “Mi precioso.”
Josiah leaned up, taking Mateo’s mouth first. Then Tristan’s. “We might be broken in so many ways, but together, we’re whole.”

Other characters:
Molly and William, Josiah and Mateo's foster parents.
Elliot, who worked at Fisherman’s Roast (filled in for them when they were shorthanded) with Josiah. And determinant to be Josiah's friend.
Rhonda, Tristan's mom was clinically depressed. Her caretaker, Isabel.
Ben, Tristan’s friend. They used to fuck.
“There aren’t laws for emotions, Tristan. There isn’t a magical timeframe where it’s okay to fall in love with someone or okay to fall out of it. Emotions don’t play by rules. That’s what makes them so incredible.”

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (Adult) Contemporary Romance (M/M/M- Menage)
Series: - Series, Book One.
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - Tristan ‘Tris’ Croft.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Sure.
Would I recommend this book/series? - Sure.
Will I read this again in the future? - Who knows.
Rating - 3 stars.
Profile Image for Mandy*reads obsessively* .
2,192 reviews332 followers
February 9, 2014
I love ménage stories, they are my absolute favorite kind of story to read.
So I gobble up all the ones I find, but I can say I have never read one that was quite like this one.
There are books that somehow just stay with you, at least that's how it is for me, the first book I remember really leaving an impression on me, even now, decades later was Where the Red Fern Grows, there have been a few more over the years like Ravages and now this one, Broken Pieces.
I can't always remember the whole story, but I can still remember the emotions I felt while reading.

I loved this one, I loved watching these three men, all Broken Pieces coming together to make a whole.
To ease the guilt and to fill the void with love and affection they all so desperately need.
I do have to say I wish there had been a little more lightness or happy times interspersed in the story, it was emotional, lots of painful and dark moments in the lives of these men. I wanted and needed a few more uplifting times to keep me from feeling like I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. I kept dreading, unnecessarily, what was to come. There will be a continuation of their story and I will definitely be reading it and hoping that I will see the happiness in them I know they deserve.

I also want to add, the walks on the beach, alone, as a couple, or all three was such a great thread throughout the story, and those walks were some of the best moments for me.

The story is divided in three parts and with alternating POVs within each part. Which again is one of my favorite things, I like being in each MCs head and knowing what they are thinking and feeling. Although honestly, sometimes it was hard, all of them have at times such sad, dark and depressing moments. Although it did make the ending so much better.

Josiah is in all three parts, and there is a reason he is, this is a book about all three men, but as the other men know it's “... because he held them together. He was the glue that made all their broken pieces fit to make them whole.”

In Part One we meet Josiah and Mateo, they are in the same foster home and these two very different boys finally find something that they have never had before. Friendship, love and someone to depend on, to feel safe with.
There is something about Josiah that draws Mateo and changes him, makes him want things he knows he really can't have. “Takin’ care of you is all I have. The only good thing I have.”

Part Two is after Mateo sends him away, Josiah went where he dreamed of living with Mateo, hoping and wishing for Teo to come and find him. I was so chocked up, reading about Josiah walking on the beach, feeding the birds everyday just hoping that one of those days his love would come back to him.
“He was supposed to share this with Mateo and he never had. For these few minutes, those empty rooms that filled him again after Teo sent him away”

Years and years have gone by, and he still loves him, still has him in his heart and mind daily. He works, goes to school, but he doesn't really live not without Mateo.
When Tristan comes into Josiah's life it's a slow progression of friendship and then love. Tristan looks like he has it made, but actually he's the most emotionally repressed of all of them. Like Mateo he has guilt and regrets, and just like Mateo he sees something in Josiah that draws him in.
He wants to help and take care of Josiah too, protect him and love him, even if he can't admit that, to Josiah or even himself.
And again years go by, Tristan and Josiah have made a life together, it's not perfect but it's good, but for Josiah Mateo is still a missing piece. And Tristan is still so closed off that I'm not sure the relationship could make it longterm.

Part Three comes and with it Mateo.
Here are two men who love Josiah, want the best for him and put his welfare before their own.
They both see something in him that, I think, helps ease what they hate in themselves.
Mateo was his past, although I'm not sure that's quite right either, he's always been with Josiah, even when he wasn't physically there. And Tristan is his present and his future.
Poor Josiah, torn, literally between two men he loves. He is so loyal, loving Teo even after he sent him away and stayed away for so long, and loving Tristan, who can't even say the words I Love You back.
“Josiah laid a hand on Tristan’s stomach, breathing deeply. “I don’t know if I can tell him goodbye, but I can’t walk away from you, either.”

Even though Teo wasn't actually in Part Two, he was present through Josiah, so Tristan knows something needs to give.
“I’ve shared you with him ever since I’ve known you. If it wasn’t for him, you wouldn’t be here right now. He’s always been a part of you, Josiah.” Which in a way meant he’d always been a part of them.”

Mateo and Tristan not only see he same things in Josiah, they actually see a lot of themselves in each other. They are far more alike than it appears at first glance.
I liked watching them getting to know the other and then falling for each other.
“Because he’s as broken as me. It was different with Josiah, because even though he had his own painful past, it had always been about love for him."

I think Josiah explains it best, how these three very different men not only find each other but fit together and actually need each other.

“Maybe most things, the important things, don’t really have to make sense. Maybe they just are.”

And that's how this is. These three beautifully different and broken men just need each other to make their lives not only whole, but happy and worth living.
Profile Image for Martin.
765 reviews504 followers
April 15, 2018
This was truly an amazing story!

Anyone who likes m/m/m should definitely have read this.


Orphan Josiah is 16 and in foster care when another kid gets placed in his foster family. Mateo, one year older and a Latino bad boy if there ever was one, is very distant towards everyone, but he does start to protect Josiah against bullies at school and defends him when their foster parents treat him like an insecure kid.

“Don’t baby him. He’s a man. Treat him like it.”

Josiah and Mateo become inseparable despite coming from two different worlds and even though Mateo knows he’s just biding his time here in foster care and will one day return to his father’s gang in the streets of New York, he lets Josiah help him with homework and shares the younger boy’s dreams, not even flinching back when Josiah confides in him that he was gay.

Josiah, who is usually a shy and insecure youth, does take the first step by kissing Mateo – and Mateo doesn’t beat him up, but kisses him back. Both boys become lovers.

Until tragedy strikes again and they are forced to leave their foster home. Josiah lives with Mateo in the streets and relies on Mateo to secure their income by doing shady things that Mateo never fully reveals to Josiah. When Mateo realizes that he can never offer Josiah the life he deserves, Mateo acquires a big amount of cash and gives it to Josiah, sending him away for good to start a life someplace else. Without Mateo and his dark past.

Josiah’s life is basically over after his boyfriend leaves him, but he does find a job in a bakery and has a small apartment. He walks by the ocean every day, knowing that Mateo might one day show up there as well, because walking by the ocean in San Francisco was their dream, but all that Josiah has left from Mateo is a carved chess piece that Mateo gave him as a birthday present.

During one of these morning walks, Josiah meets Tristan. Tristan is a lawyer with a very sad past that he cannot overcome.

Over many years, Josiah’s and Tristan’s lives intertwine, until they are both lovers living in the same house, if not being in a mutual relationship, as Tristan never lets anyone into his heart.
9 years go by and Tristan and Josiah are as close and as much partners as they can be, when suddenly Mateo is back and Josiah remembers the old feelings that he never quite forgot.
Josiah is torn between two men whose pasts are so dark and dangerous that they will never be his for good. But when it’s all three of them together, it’s like puzzle pieces realigning.

If only Tristan and Mateo could feel the same towards each other that Josiah feels for them.

This is un-f***ing-believable! OMG, what a ride.
I hate to not give this the full 5 stars and I loved these guys and how well their problems were solved by the end. It felt like a tight knot was finally unraveled.

However, there is a tiny complaint I do have about the story:
Josiah is way too perfect. His only reason to exist seemed to be being a shining counterpart to Mateo’s and Tristan’s darkness. I assume this was intentional, as there were even direct references to this fact. Still, I would have liked to see more of Josiah as a person. The first half of the book, Josiah was the one who carried the story. In the second half, Tristan took over and by the end, Mateo was in charge, so Josiah faded more and more into the background. That’s a pity because he was so much more than just the glue between these guys. I liked his dreams and his struggles at the beginning and I assume the subsequent books are going to give him more space to fulfill his dreams. In this book, his only goal seemed to be to get his two guys to fall in love with each other – which was kind of odd.

I did not fully like Tristan. He kept Josiah in uncertainty for so many years, it was mind-boggling. And I understand how he dealt with his dark past, but he could have let Josiah in much sooner. And I was very surprised and pleased to see how this worked out in the end. It actually took Mateo to have me like Tristan towards the end. It was a very well rounded wrap-up of the story and a perfect conclusion of an m/m/m romance.

Mateo was clearly my favorite. I think I liked him from the first moment he walked on scene. He’s a genuinely good guy who was born into a criminal family who wouldn’t let him be anything other than a criminal himself and so – to protect Josiah – he decided to give in and be just that.

I absolutely loved how Mateo was the missing piece that made Tristan whole. I would not have believed that Mateo and Tristan would get along at all. Both alpha males who wouldn’t let you look inside their hearts, but in the end, they needed each other just as much as they shared their love for Josiah.

As an m/m/m story this was really perfection.
And yes, the sex was hot. Incredibly hot!! It was fascinating to watch the beginning when the story felt like a YA novel to get the full blown m/m romance stuff later on – but with 3 guys. I am truly impressed!

4.5 stars!
Profile Image for Marte - Thunderella.
782 reviews103 followers
April 10, 2014
Buddy Read April 7-8 with the gorgeous girls here

*************WARNING SPOILER ALERT*********
***************and rant alert*************

Sooo, I guess I'm one of the few who does not swoon over this book. *big sigh*

This was both a good and bad read for me. 3 stars was all I could rate it. Why? Read on.

It got that "many" stars, because I really, really liked part one with Josiah and Mateo. It was a beautiful story about two lonely boys/young men who connected sharing a room in a foster home, and found that they filled each others loneliness. The careful apporach, the sweet kisses and how they completed each other. I really liked that they lived in a good foster home. I mean, I liked that the story was about them, not about them being abused in the foster home or anything.

Having read the blurb, I knew that Josiah and Mateo didn't stay together. So their "break-up" was bound to happen, and I get why Mateo did what he did. He was between a rock and a hard place, and he chose to sacrifice him self to "save" Josiah, even though they both got hurt in the process. It was very emotional reading about that.

Mateo was a character I really liked, although the "I can't give you what you deserve"-obsession with physical stuff got on my nerves a bit. I felt bad that Mateo didn't treasure Josiah's love more, that way he could get behind "I have everything I need in you" statements from Josiah.

Part two (Josiah and Tristan)
This is where the story lost my rating.

I'm finding out I'm having a huge problem with stories that span over a long time. In this instanse many (many) years. I did not enjoy the whole "Two years after Mateo", "Three years after Mateo" and "Five and a half year after Mateo". Soo many years going by? I mean, that's a loooooong frikkin' time, okay! Reading about Josiah holding on/holding out was just sad, and a bit uncomfortable.

And then Josiah meets Tristan. Aw gawd. I never really clicked with him, so he ended up irritating me. Basically, I think he was a bastard, he pissed me off for a good portion of the book. Sorry, people... I just couldn't get on board with who he was and how he acted. It was bloody obvious he got (huge) issues, but I wasn't able to sympathize or empathize with him.

And I had problems getting/understanding Josiah and Tristans "relationship", if you can call it that. And again with the time span! They used about six months walking on the beach, barely talking. Then they kissed in November, Tristan freaked and stayed away for several week. Then Josiah had a break down on his birthday December 1st. Tristan found him, and took him back to his house, where Josiah ended up staying in the spare bedroom.

Next it's April and they have barely talked, and have had no more of their walks together. Then, it's suddenly one and a half year later and still nothing has changed!

This is Tristans thoughts "they’d fallen into this strange, almost comfortable life.(...)He kept his distance. There were so many things Josiah didn’t know about him, and never would. They still didn’t walk together, even though Josiah still always went. But they were... friends."
Ehhhh, o-kay?

But still, Tristan is thinking
"in the year and a half that Josiah’d been here had only made the desire, the craving, grow more and more, until it threatened to eat him alive."

So they have lived together for two years, have barely talked OR spent time together, but Tristan desire and crave Josiah. *facepalm*


I think Tristan's a bastard. Want proof?

“I know I don’t have to do this. I want to. I want you.” Josiah said.
Tristan moaned. His cock jerked.(...)Josiah pushed the door open (to his room) and Tristan closed it behind them.
“You unpacked,” Tristan said against his skin.
“Six months go.” But he didn’t want to talk about that. Just wanted to feel. Wanted the heat of another man’s body for the first time in seven years.

What? You have a guy living with you for several years and didn't know he finally unpacked? Yeah they know each other sooo well.

So now they have had sex. Two and a half after they first met, mind you. Things change to the better, huh? Nope.

"Time passed, and it went from three months to two. Then monthly, biweekly. Now, a week didn’t go by that Tristan didn’t visit Josiah’s bed at least once, sometimes more. He fucked him and held him and talked to him in a way he’d never done with anyone. But always, always, he ended the night with a kiss to Josiah’s lips before going to his own bed."

How romantic, huh? But he always kissed Josiah good night. Riiiight. How sweet....

"As the months went on, he stayed there more and more, until one night when Tristan shrugged and said,
“There’s no reason to go to your bed anymore when you almost always end up in mine.”

Can you feel the romance?? Now another year has gone by, by the way. But they are at least sharing a bed now. That's good right?

"Josiah locked his fingers with Tristan’s.
“Everything about me could be your business if you want.”
Jesus, he wanted that. Wanted it so damn much. He didn’t want to be alone. Still, the words were lodged in his throat. He wasn’t sure how to say it.
“I don’t want to push you, Tristan. I know there are reasons you still can’t share, but—”

Arrrrrrrg! It's been three fucking YEARS!!!

This is where part three starts (Josiah, Tristan and Mateo), because Mateo shows up. I can't be bothered to go into more detail about part three, since this is already too long. However, part three was a little bit better due to Mateo and me liking his character *yey*, even though he still has the same issues as before. BUT! Mateo came looking for Josiah for the first time for FIVE -5- FUCKING years ago, but didn't approach him?? ARRRRGG!

**************rant FINALLY over**********

What really saved the book was the incredible last 10%. It started with Mateo and Tristans heart to heart at 90%. I loved that! And I finally felt something was right and Tristan kind of redeemed himself *sigh* *yey*

“Years ago, you thought I was trying to save you, Josiah. I assume the same way you probably thought Teo wanted to save you . You were wrong. It was you who saved me, the same way the two of you saved each other. And now... And now you brought me Mateo, too. I want you both. I love you both.”

I loved the ending

Mateo ran a finger down Tristan’s jaw. “Mi pieza perdida. My missing piece.” And then his hand ran down Josiah’s back. “Mi precioso.”

MELTING!!!!! Awwww!

“We might be broken in so many ways, but together, we’re whole.”

I loved the book from 0 to 30% and from 90% to 100%.

Would I recommend reading it? I honestly don't know. I get that many have loved this book, it just wasn't a very good read for me. You should check out other reviews and see if you want to.


(thank you, and good night.... this took for frikkin' ever Had fun tough ;))
Profile Image for * Meli Mel *.
856 reviews676 followers
February 24, 2014

♥♥♥ 3 Sad, but really hot Stars ♥♥♥

Ahhh!! I absolutely hate when I end up not completely loving a book others really seem too. But unfortunately it happens. And in this case, I ended up not loving this book as others did. But I did end up somewhat liking it.

This story starts off with a sixteen year old Josiah Evans, and a seventeen year old Mateo Sanchez. Both of them are in foster care and end up in the same home. They both are completely different, but share a common bond of loss. They also share the fact that they are both gay. And as time goes by, this unlikely pair become close. What starts as a friendship, ends into a romantic relationship.

It was really beautiful to read how these two teens find love in each other. From that moment on, I was really hooked to their story. It was full of heartache, though. I felt deeply for these two--which ended up being three--lost souls. But I really thought that by having each other, they could all move on.

First, let me tell you a bit about Josiah--Jay. He was a really shy teen. As he grew up, he remained quite the same. He was sweet, and was really positive. But at times he also seemed to be kind of weak to me, and in other ways not so much. I felt like he relyed too much on the men he loved, rather than to be truly independent. But I also thought he was a brave person because he was able to tell people what the thought and felt. But still, I really wanted him to be stronger. Most of the story revolved around him. So that span of ten years are pretty much about his life and how Mateo and Tristan become a part of it. It was still in all three of their POV's, so don't worry.

Mateo is the gay son of a gang leader. His mother was killed and then found himself in the foster system. He has done and seen things no kid his age should see. When he meets Josiah, he feels the need to protect him. I loved Mateo for the way he cared for Josiah. I could really feel that connection between them. I was saddened by how unworthy he saw himself because he really was a good person at heart. I hurt deeply when circumstances caused him to let Josiah go. This caused him to not see him again until about ten years later.

This is where Tristan comes into the picture. Josiah has left New York and has moved to San Francisco. Here he meets Tristan, this lonely man who likes to keep control of his life and actions, and doesn't let anyone in. Josiah and Tristan are also very different and yet quite common. The start a strange relationship with very little talking. But with time, Josiah manages to get him to open up to him. As this kept going on, they ended up falling in love with each other. They were both so damaged and flawed, but together they worked so well. I started to really like the relationship that they had. Tristan had his own issues to get over, but I felt like the one person to help with that was Josiah. I just loved seeing them together.

I started really liking this story but slowly became...not boring exactly, just a bit hard to follow. It was just hard for me to see a connection between Tristan and Mateo. I think it was because of all the time that was skipped. But I wasn't able to truly feel it. I felt like they fell in love with each other too fast. I also feel like Mateo kind of became like the third wheel which was at times awkward to me. On the bright side, there was some crazy off the charts steam in this book. Like smokin' hot! But again, at times seeing them all together was a bit odd. It seemed to me at first like Josiah had to be with one or the other. And when the three got together, I didn't feel like enough time was spent on how that relationship between the three grew. Because again, time would just go by which was a shame.

While I loved the concept of this story, it didn't really end up working completely for me. I still managed to really enjoy it, however, but not love it. I liked each character individually and in pairs. I'm still not too sure how I feel about them all together. And it's not because I have a problem with menage stories because I don't. I did like learning about each of the character's terrible backgrounds. You could see how that molded them and caused them to live their lives the way they did. I liked that with the help of each other they were able to slowly move on and finally live. There was a sad tone to the story which at times I wished could have lightened up in some moments for a bit of relief. There was also angst which I did enjoy, as well as the high steam. Overall, I thought this one was a pretty good read.

Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews791 followers
August 4, 2014
5 Appropriately Named Stars

Wow! I am not even sure where to start, so I will start at the beginning.

“We might be broken in so many ways, but together, we’re whole.”

Mateo and Josiah meet when they are placed in the same foster care house. Josiah is innocent and a people pleaser. Mateo is from a gang and is only trying to survive.

Despite being so different Josiah and Mateo become friends, and eventually lovers. Mateo is forced to leave the house due to some bad decisions and Josiah decides to go with him. Although Mateo desires to be with Josiah he sends him away to protect him.

Hurt beyond repair, it takes years before Josiah is able to move on and go through with the plans/dreams he and Mateo had for their lives.

Years pass before Josiah can begin trusting people, but eventually he meets and develops a friendship with Tristan. Tristan is a successful attorney and appears to have everything together. As we all know appearances can be deceiving, he is just as broken as Josiah.

Years pass, yes years, many things change and just when things are going according to the new plan Mateo comes back.

What will happen now that Mateo is back? Can Josiah forgive Mateo for staying gone? Can he let Mateo go after finally seeing him again? Can he Josiah give up Tristan and the history they now share?

You will have to start this epic read to find out.

When I was thinking how to rate this I couldn’t think of one reason it wasn’t a 5 star read. This story is heartbreaking and I loved every bit of it. My heart broke for each of the characters and while reading this I fell in love with all the guys. The story is beautifully written and told in such a way you can’t even begin to pick your desired outcome.

Now what we have all been waiting for…the sex is super hot! I mean change your panties hot, and is completely unexpected because there is also so much story and heart.

I cannot put into words how much I loved this one. This is by far one of my favorite books this year.
Profile Image for Dia.
534 reviews145 followers
August 18, 2016
5 BIG stars for this wonderful story

It was the second male/male book I've read, after Lover at Last.

It was also my first menage male/male and I must say I really loved it. I was mesmerized by all three characters.

Even if it was a painful story, it was really deep and it made my heart LIVE their stories.

Josiah, Mateo and Tristan had such a great connection.
Profile Image for Glass.
646 reviews4 followers
February 10, 2014
*Glass sees cover*


*Glass clicks on the book link. Her heart starts beating really fast.*


*Glass reads book summary*


*Returns after cold shower. Takes a deep breath...*

Profile Image for JustJen "Miss Conduct".
2,303 reviews151 followers
February 5, 2014

Review by The Blogger Girls.

There are so many things I loved about this fabulous story. It is told in parts, over a long period of time, and each chapter is told from a different character perspective, which ended up being one of the things I loved about it.

In Part I, Josiah and Mateo meet as foster siblings in their teens. Their unlikely friendship grows and eventually turns into more. Each of them has issues, but we get to see them grow as they naturally gravitate towards one another becoming the one person the other trusts. While Josiah has issues relating to his ending up in foster care, Mateo has the bigger issues here with the gang background. He was being cultivated by his family to take a high position in the gang, often being forced to do unspeakable things that he has a lot of trouble coping with, even if it is in the past. These two take care of each other, through thick and thin. Unfortunately, Mateo’s protecting of Josiah brings this chapter to an emotional end.

Then, in Part II, after quite a few years pass, Josiah is trying to make something of his life. He meets Tristan by chance, a man with his own issues. Tristan has basically closed himself off to any and all emotional connections, believing himself not worthy due to events in his past. But, Josiah ends up breaking through those barriers, little by little, and they end up being exactly what each other needs. Things are not perfect for Josiah and Tristan, but they are making progress.

In Part III, Mateo comes back into the picture. These guys all struggle with their issues, as they find themselves in a different situation (the threesome relationship) they are all cautious and unsure of. Poor Josiah is very confused being in the middle, loving two men. They all take their time, try to figure things out, with both Tristan and Mateo only wanting what’s best for Josiah. It was so easy to feel how much they all cared for each other, even when they were not able to communicate it with words. Things don’t happen fast, nor do they happen easily. But when they do, there are some amazing scenes.

This is not, in any way, the typical ménage. There aren’t any of the usual issues often present in other ménage stories. The problems these guys have all stem from their previous issues and how they deal with them inside. The relationship is all about them loving and caring and trusting as they never had anyone before. There is some hot sex, but honestly, it takes such a back seat to the meanings behind it all. There is a scene near the end where total trust is finally given that was just beautiful and such a joy to see. This is, by far, one of the best ménage stories I’ve read in a long time.

These guys eventually accept their relationship and their need to all be a part of it, with each of them being broken pieces when they are apart, yet whole when they are together. I loved how they each helped heal the others in their own ways. This was a book I picked up and just could not put down. It runs the gamut of emotions, but while it does have its downs, there are enough ups to really make it shine. I truly loved everything about it and highly recommend it.

Profile Image for Isabel.
562 reviews106 followers
April 8, 2014
I've been delaying this book... I knew that it would be emotional, I thought that I would cry and feel devastated! So when I decided with some friends to buddy read this book, I was prepared! But to be honest, I didn't drop one single tear!

This is the story of three men: Josiah, Mateo and Tristan! Each one of them has a very sad and dark past... The book is divided in three parts, and we can read different POV's from the three MC's, wich is very interesting, so we can follow what goes in their minds!

My favorite part is the first! I love Mateo... I love his dark side, his emotional side and how much he wanted to protect Josiah, the one and only man in his heart!

The second part, when Josiah meet Tristan, was the most difficult to me... not because of its sadness, or because there was another man in Josiah's life, but it was to much time without knowing about Mateo... how was he, what have happened to him... I was so anxious, that I actually felt those long years passing slowly by!

The third part was much better, and because I love menage, it was very good to see those beautiful and broken men realize how much they need each other, and how perfect they are together!

The plot is amazing, the characters are superb, the writing is great, and if there wasn't so much time without Mateo, I would give 5 stars to this book! So I give 4, saving the other star to the next book, where I expect to see more of these magnificent men, together and happy... that's what they deserve!

BR with my friends: Barbara, Silky, Lisa, Marte and Rebecca! Thank you my dear friends!
Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,803 reviews2,318 followers
February 3, 2015
2.5 Disappointing Stars
My reaction to Part One

Then Parts Two and Three happened

The story started off so strong and I was loving me some Teo. The way he and Josiah met and the relationship they had was amazing, I loved reading about it and seeing how they grew from that relationship. I was excited to be reading the book and really interested in where Tristan came in. Welp...then Tristan came, you know, years later after Josiah decided to be a little bitch (yep I went there). I started to hate Josiah in the second part. Man up, dude! The story just went downhill from here and I didn't like the relationship that Josiah and Tristan had at all!

And the whole menage thing started off really weird. I didn't exactly understand what was happening when they first all three were together. The relationship that Josiah, Tristan, and Teo all had just didn't do it for it me and there was a lot that happened that I didn't understand why it was even part of their story .

Overall the only thing that saved this book for me was Part One and the rest I could have done without. I still love Riley Hart and will continue reading her books but this was just not my cuppa. Unpopular opinion but oh well. I still recommend this author for anyone wanting some hot m/m loving.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 854 reviews

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