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Houseswap 101

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Working remote on a houseboat in Seattle sounds amazing—until it rains for four months straight. Now Robbie Price would love any excuse to get on dry land. A sun-filled holiday would be ideal, but with work amping up, no one’s taking time off. When a co-worker who’s going through a divorce suggests a house swap, Robbie can’t pass up the chance to spend four weeks in a beach cottage in San Diego. All she needs to do is avoid her co-worker’s ex-wife and finish a few home improvement projects.

Devyn Lancaster never expected to get divorced, but she isn’t exactly unhappy about how things have turned out. She has more time to focus on being a doctor in a busy hospital and can let go of trying to be a better wife. Still, there are some things at home she’d like someone to take care of. Like basically everything she has no time to do.

Robbie Price is the last person Devyn expects to want to keep around—especially after Robbie accidentally weed whacks her pollinator garden. But Robbie makes a mean lasagna and in one weekend completes half the items on her to-do list.

Soon Devyn has to admit she likes having a temporary housebutch. And Robbie can’t deny the house swap turned out to be a perfect change. Saying goodbye at the end of the month, though, might be harder than either realize.

290 pages, Paperback

Published April 11, 2024

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About the author

Jaime Clevenger

30 books254 followers
Jaime Clevenger lives with family in Colorado. Most days are spent working as a veterinarian. Writing is a side gig but also a true love. Hobbies include swimming, karate, dreaming about beach vacations, and convincing random strangers to share their life story. Bonus points are given if they include a good romance—whether or not there’s a happy ending.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 48 reviews
Profile Image for JulesGP.
544 reviews165 followers
April 8, 2024
Robbie loves certain aspects of her life, living on a houseboat on a lake near Seattle, being close to her favorite uncle, and cheering on the Mariners. But she hates the constant rain so her work counterpart in San Diego agrees to houseswap for 1 month to also give him a break from a messy divorce. What is not disclosed to Robbie is that Matt did not inform his soon to be ex-wife that Robbie will be living in their cottage on the property to take care of diy projects before it’s sold.

Devyn is an Emergency Room doctor with long hours and not much time for anything else, other than her Jack Russell, Angel. Devyn is a decent human being who just finds herself in an impossible situation and is having a tough time processing the past year. Then a stranger appears. Who wouldn’t feel ambushed if someone shows up at your doorstep unannounced, sent by the lying ex? So when Devyn meets Robbie, there’s a harsh confrontation. I felt for Devyn but I also knew Robbie was a good hearted person. Both are excellent characters but I wanted more depth, even if it meant a longer book. Three weeks is just not enough time to work through both their pasts, their fears, and to fall in love. Don’t get me wrong. Houseswap 101 is a solid romance chockfull of steamy scenes and cute as heck doggy moments. There are also good supporting characters like Devyn’s best friends and Robbie’s uncle. But I wanted to know more about Devyn and Robbie. I recommend if you like cozy romances with a small bit of angst/pining, housebutch/femme tropes, and good boys (dogs) in a story.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an arc in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Rosi.
342 reviews105 followers
April 5, 2024
This story has had several positive aspects for me, the main one being that I loved the two protagonists.

One is Robbie, very butch, housebutch according to Devyn's friends,. Devyn, for her part, is very femme, in the process of separating her marriage with Matt, Robbie's co-worker.

The reason that the two of them coincide in Devyn's house is that, with the divorce, and as long as they can't get rid of the house, Matt and Devyn can't stand living near each other and Matt proposes to Robbie a temporary change of residence, between Matt and Devyn's in San Diego and Robbi's in Seattle. All without Devyn having a clue. So, with enormous surprise to Devyn but also to Robbie that Matt didn't say anything to Devyn.

Devyn is straight and not even the first meeting with Robbie made her change this fact. But since that first meeting was somewhat tense, that also contributed to Devyn's lack of attraction or even tolerance for Robbie. It was Robbie's housebutchness that won Devyn acceptance, previously it had been the approval of her Jack Russell, Angel, usually surly towards strangers.

Robbie's good nature and her easy manners and availability to solve any domestic problem, including cooking and taking care of Angel, gradually weakened Devyn's reluctance. Once Devyn decided to take the step, the temperature level rose to the top.

In the final part, as things did not start out completely clear, the situation had an expiration date and each of them had their own issues to solve, it gave rise to the usual and expected small final drama. But overall it was a really interesting story.

Publisher Bella Books was kind enough to provide me with an advanced reading copy via Netgalley for an honest review
Profile Image for Cherie.
488 reviews1 follower
April 13, 2024
This was a story about Robbie who is an IT systems engineer and her co worker Matt who is just getting divorced from Devyn. Matt is broke and wants to get away from Devyn so reluctantly Robbie agrees to a 30 day job switch. Robbie moves into the guest house in San Diego and Matt moves into Robbie’s houseboat in Seattle.

Robbie and Devyn get off to a bad start when Robbie cuts down her pollinator plants on accident. Both have an instant physical attraction for the other. Devyn is straight and fights her attraction to Robbie. Robbie is really patient and understanding with her and that’s what endeared her to me, eventually they seek each other out and and have the start of a relationship. Until the 30 days ends and…..

I really liked both Robbie and Devyn and Robbie’s uncle. The characters were well developed and we got to know both povs.

Clevenger is always entertaining and a good read for me. Oh and the dog Angel was the star of the book, he was very entertaining.

Thanks to Net Galley for the opportunity to read and review this arc.
326 reviews13 followers
April 13, 2024
Sweet, sexy housebutch
A great idea: rain-weary Seattle-denizen Robbie goes for the offer to houseswap with her San Diego colleague … and falls for his unsuspecting ex-wife, Devyn. I loved the idea of a housebutch and Robbie is not only handy with tools around the house but with tools of all sorts (just sayin …). Fun and sexy times are developing quickly.
There is a lot of lightness in this novel, esp. the cute dog and the beach times. The staunch friends of Devyn are a welcome addition. Of course there a bumps on the road to HEA but nothing which can not be handled by true love and a little determination.

I received an ARC via netgalley. The review is left voluntarily.
Profile Image for currentlyreadingbynat.
753 reviews84 followers
May 2, 2024
Houseswap 101 brings an unique setting and intriguing characters. Robbie, who lives on a houseboat near Seattle, swaps homes with Matt from San Diego to escape the rain and unwittingly finds herself embroiled in a domestic dilemma. She arrives at a cottage that Matt’s ex-wife, Devyn, an ER doctor, didn't know was part of the swap, leading to an awkward yet intriguing first encounter. As Robbie settles in, her presence becomes a catalyst for change in Devyn's structured life, sparking unexpected feelings.

Both characters are deeply relatable, with Robbie's easy-going nature complementing Devyn’s intense career as a doctor. Their relationship unfolds against the backdrop of home improvement projects and daily life adjustments, bringing them closer in unforeseen ways. The story is not just about romance; it delves into personal growth, resilience, and the complexities of moving on from past relationships. The addition of a lovable dog and supportive side characters adds layers to the narrative, making it rich with emotional depth and genuine connection.

It's no secret that I'm a big fan of Clevenger's novels. I love that they typically include characters that are complex and realistic. Clevenger’s writing shines in Houseswap 101, combining humour with characters that kept me engaged from start to finish. I loved the housebutch aspect, as this was a new term for me but one I'd love to read more of.

This book is a delightful read for anyone who enjoys contemporary romances with a dash of realism and a lot of heart.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Bella Books for a copy of this novel. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Cheri.
970 reviews77 followers
April 17, 2024
Oh how I loved this book. All the feels! And the sexy scenes... *fans face*

I've read some other offerings by Jaime Clevenger but Houseswap 101 is my absolute favorite and makes me want to seek out her back catalogue and get to reading. What a great job of bringing Devlyn and Robbie to life and making me care about them.

There wasn't loads of background info given but there was enough to make the issues they had to deal with believable. And while there was some lack of communication, it didn't feel contrived simply to create drama. I hate that. So much. There was just the right amount of angst. *chef's kiss* A beautiful, slow-burn, not-quite-enemies-to-lovers romance. Highly recommended.

Thanks to Bella Books and NetGalley (especially the read-aloud option on NetGalley's Shelf app) for letting me make a couple new imaginary friends. And thanks to Ms. Clevenger for sharing her imaginary friends with us.
Profile Image for Meghan.
597 reviews12 followers
March 28, 2024
This author is one to watch for even though I'm newer to her books, I absolutely adored this one. Housebutch is not a term I've heard before, but Clevenger definitely did it justice with this book.

Robbie Price decides to houseswap with her friend for a month and live in San Diego to get a break from all the rain in Seattle. She expects a nice vacation and to do some things her friend had meant to do, but hadn't gotten around to. What she doesn't expect is the ex wife to not know about the arrangement and they get off to a very rocky start.

Devyn Lancaster is a busy ER doctor who doesn't expect a stranger at her house weedwhacking her garden and planning to live on her property for a month. She gives in and lets her stay after realizing just how helpful she is around the house and how well she cooks. She doesn't expect to be attracted to her as she'd never been with a woman.

This was enticing, engaging and very, very hot. It was fantastic to read how their relationship evolved and even though they didn't talk about what was happening between them, it was conveyed across the page. I couldn't put this book down and read it in less than a day. I fell in love with the story and I highly recommend.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Silvia.
338 reviews7 followers
April 2, 2024
Houseswap 101 is a cute, rom-com style read. Devyn comes home from a long shift at the hospital to find a stranger weedwacking her pollinator garden. And it turns out Robbie is not a gardener her ex hired but she plans to live on the property for a whole month. There’s no way Devyn will allow that. But Robbie manages to knock down wall after wall, one apology or repair at the time. I enjoyed reading this book.
Free ARC via NetGalley
Profile Image for Sue Plant.
1,973 reviews25 followers
April 12, 2024
would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this awesome book

this has to be one of the best books i have read in a long time...just what the doctor ordered....

Devyn arrived home after a long shift at the hospital to find a total stranger in her garden hacking down her pollinator garden for butterflies and that wasnt the worst of it... her dog was also be her side.....

robbie was at devyn house, the plan was she stayed a month and did all the jobs that matt her friend and devyns ex husband was suppose to do around the house...only it seemed that matt hadnt said anything about the swop and devyn wasnt happy at all in fact devyn had told robbie to pack up and leave.... not a great start....

but she couldnt go back home not just yet and so an uneasy truce settled between them both

what a ride this book was.... funny in places and frustrating as hell when things got difficult for them both but the scene with the dog brought a tear to my eye

well worth a read and will be keeping an eye out for more books from this author
Profile Image for Siddie.
364 reviews3 followers
April 22, 2024
Devyn is a doctor in a very stressful and busy ER department. Her marriage with Matt has been suffering because of her work and his infidelity and attitude, and they have been separated in the same house for over a year, now seeking a divorce. More recently Matt has moved into the tiny cottage on their property.
Matt works in IT, maintaining server sites in the San Diego area. One of his friends Robbie has the same IT position in Seattle, living on a houseboat near her uncle in the marina they own and maintain together.
Matt needs a break from his personal life, and Robbie needs a break from the Seattle rain, and so Matt and Robbie decide to swap positions temporarily.
This is a good story, and Robbie especially is such a warm loveable character. Devyn seems closed off for much of the story, but that is part of her character, finding it difficult to trust anyone, especially after Matt.
I liked the book, but I found some of the characterisations were superficial; for some reason I didn’t really get deeply into this story, even though the writing is very good.
Profile Image for ReadingwithCaz .
168 reviews26 followers
April 16, 2024
What can you do when a hot stranger invades your house with no notice? Of course you hate her….and then fall for her completely. Of course!

I received an advance copy from Netgalley for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Devyn’s life has been reduced to working long hours as an ER doctor and getting cuddles from her dog Angel. Her marriage to Matt ended after he couldn’t deal with her work schedule and decided to seek attention from another woman. Or other really, other women. Devyn is left alone in their big house in San Diego while Matt moves into the little cottage in the yard. They have to sell the house in order to get everything finalized with the divorce. But the house is not nearly ready to be on the market because Matt never completed the work that needed to be done.
One day Devyn comes home exhausted after another long shift at the hospital to find a strange woman attacking her precious pollinator garden with a weedhacker. What the actual F?

Robbie is done with the rain in Seattle. She loves her houseboat and she loves her uncle who lives on the same dock. But the rain. Nope, she needs a change of scenery. A sunny escape if you will. The proposition her colleague Matt presents her with comes at the exact right time. A month in sunny San Diego, living rent free, in exchange of doing some DIY projects on his house. Matt himself can’t wait to get away from his ex wife. Robbie and Matt swap houses, each with a to do list for the chores they’ll complete for the other. Robbie arrives and digs into the first job immediately: weeding the garden. She did not expect Devyn to come barging out of the house screaming about bees and butterflies. Nor did she expect that Matt hasn’t told his ex of the plan. Robbie did expect Devyn to be gorgeous, though she would never have predicted that she would find the woman of her dreams right then and there.

Jamie Clevenger can write a very good story. This one had me hooked from page one. The initial situation in which the women meet is hilarious and of course you know that Robbie will charm the pants off of Devyn. The way she does it is so entertaining though. The story is told from both viewpoints, which makes it so much easier to understand where Devyn is coming from. She tries to put up walls as high as the heavens but Robbie chips away it them one DIY project at at time.

It’s heartwarming to see Devyn warming up to Robbie and starting to open up and give glimpses of the woman she actually is. Robbie proves to be such a good and respectful person. She completely understands the demands of Devyn’s job and her hesitations towards trust. Robbie never pushes her to do anything beyond what Devyn is willing to do or feels comfortable with. She truly is a gem!

If you need scorching hot, this book is for you. Robbie and Devyn are very, let me repeat that, very compatible and combustible in the sheets. Or against the wall. And in this case too, Robbie let’s Devyn set the pace and matches her where she is. It doesn’t take long for Devyn to feel completely safe with Robbie and lets herself explore and feel and desire.

The relationship Robbie has with her uncle is so loving and tender. He raised her as his own when her parents failed to do so. Their bond is strong and equal. I love the part where her uncle talks to Robbie about the choices he made in the past about his love life. He wants to protect her from doing the same. I wanted to squeeze the old grump in a tight hug for that.

So, if you like strange but funny situations, scorching scenes and witty banter, this is a story you’ll definitely like!
Profile Image for Scriptmonkey.
55 reviews2 followers
July 26, 2024
I've read many Jaime Clevenger books and this--is one of them. Wait, no. And this--isn't the worst. Better? Eh.

Before going deeper (Ha! But relatively speaking, I don't have much to say), let's deal with the phallus in the room.

A professional reviewer might say, "Jaime Clevenger writes exclusively in the Butch-Femme sub-genre of lesbian erotic fiction." I am not a professional. Well, at least in the sense that I am doing this for free. In any case, what this means for Clevenger is that the Butch character will be wearing a strap-on, they will walk around "packing" and the use of this strap-on will be viewed as the culmination of the couple's lovemaking. Yes, it's true. This has happened in every Clevenger book (I've read), and in every book they've had a lesbian couple achieve their highest orgasmic bliss engaging in heteronormative sex to the extent that both MCs refer to the strap-on as if it was a functioning part of the Butch's anatomy (E.g.: "I am going to come inside you"). Hey, whatever makes you happy, right? But it feels like it sends the message that it's not truly real lovemaking until phallic penetration is involved.

My biggest complaint with the book (apart from pulling a Jaime--that's what I call the strap-on fixation), is that the supporting characters of Matt and Lou/Lew/Lu (sorry, it was the audiobook) never received a comeuppance for being just awful--horrible--human beings. Lou/Lew/Lu only had one sequence to be terrible, but snatching the phone out of a virtual stranger's hand to "fix" their problem by yelling at the person on the other end without having heard any of the conversation is--well, who does that?

Let's ignore that Devyn's friends were trying to set her up less than a week after she broke up with the person she was in love with (Robbie, the other MC) and did it with a person that one of the friends thought wasn't right for Devyn--then immediately changed her mind for reasons. While Devyn did eventually ask WTF? in response to Lou/Lew/Lu's actions after it was over, she forgot how to use her hands or voice for a good ten seconds while Lou/Lew/Lu ripped into Robbie thinking it was Matt. Let even your best friend snatch the phone out of your hands and see if you forget how to speak in protest or snatch back. When the friends ask Lou/Lew/Lu what happened they and the reader only get an annoyed shrug. No satisfaction whatsoever.

If Lou/Lew/Lu was bad, Matt was a monster. I could tell from the start something was off with him because--well, he's a guy in a lesbian novel. The odds aren't looking good. Clevenger, to their credit, made Matt come across kinda skeevy even if he was Robbie's work buddy. What does he do? First, he tells Robbie that if they get caught switching, he'll take the blame. That's not how that situation would play out, especially when the job involves something like bank security. Second, he doesn't tell Devyn that he's given a stranger (to her) keys to their house and residency in their pool cottage. Third, we learn Matt cheated on Devyn repeatedly. Fourth, he squandered their shared earning supporting a mistress. Fifth, he comes to realize that "Devyn was the problem not him." Sixth, he tears down Devyn in front of Robbie. Seventh, when Robbie reveals her feelings about Devyn to him, he does his best to crush them.

Despite all this, nothing happens to him. Robbie is still technically friends with him and living on her boat. Jaime is not the only author that seems to avoid letting the horrible characters that populate their universe getting their just desserts--but this was too much. I don't know why they want to torment readers by depriving them of that satisfaction. If serving up HEAs, regardless of how improbable, is an unbreakable law, what is wrong with letting the readers believe there is justice in the world too?

As for the MCs, Robbie and Devyn--they're--fine. Their chemistry was mild at best. It seemed mostly one of convenience. The very fact that Jaime let them stay apart for six months suggests they weren't that connected.

This seeming lack of chemistry may be the result of a lack of conflict. Think of a novel as a blender. You pour in the ingredients of the story. If you just let it sit there, the stuff will float around. Eventually, some of it might actually mix together a little. However, when you pour it out (read it), it's not going to taste good. The introduction of quality conflict is like pressing "Puree" and then things start spinning around creating frothy goodness.

Every conflict in this story was cut off or ended quickly. I've already mentioned the lack of engagement with Lou/Lew/Lu and Matt. Here are more:

Devyn's horrible conservative anti-gay mom? One scene of any note, then Devyn escapes the luncheon and that's pretty much it.

Angel (the dog) has a medical emergency and--oh, no, just squirrel bones. It's fine. Move on.

Robbie and Matt secretly swap houses/jobs, the very catalyst and title of the story--in every sneaky swap story, having the swap get uncovered is the main plot point beyond whatever romance may happen. What Robbie and Matt did was probably illegal, and certainly unethical, given their IT duties, NDAs, and presumably clearance checks. The beginning sets it up as a possibility. Robbie gets called in. She is warned not to tell Devyn but she does! And--NOTHING happens. No consequences or real drama whatsoever.

Bob Marley sang, "No woman, no cry" but I'm here to tell you, "No conflict, no care".
Profile Image for Jens.
64 reviews3 followers
April 10, 2024
Robbie agrees with her best friend from work, Matt, to swap houses between Seattle and San Diego. He wants to escape his soon-to-be ex-wife Devyn (which he still shares the house with). Robbie wants to to exchange the rain in the North with the sun in the South. The deal includes also that both do each other's chores at their respective new location. In Robbie's case this is a number of house repairs needed so that Matt and Devyn can sell the house and finalize their divorce.

This setup includes also a series of more confusing and silly details, like that Robbie and Matt have to impersonate each other at their respective new work location or that Matt "forgot" to inform his ex. Thus, Robbie and Devyn are in for the worst possible start when Devyn finds Robbie mistakenly destroying her garden. But romance has to have its ways, so we get what is going to happen.

I thought that such a silly and unrealistic prerequisite would make this a dull read for me. But surprisingly, after I got around the initial part, it was a really well-written and captivating story with enough realistic detail and secondary characters that make it relatable.

I liked also the emergence of the "housebutch"--not an entirely new concept but fun anyway!

(based on an ARC from NetGalley)
Profile Image for TJ Phillips.
100 reviews6 followers
July 30, 2024
This had potential to be a decent romcom. I was looking forward to “The Holiday” sapphic vibes. The 🌶️ was 🔥 and I totally want my own “house butch” now. So, tell me why in this sapphic toaster oven romance is so.much.time (pages!) devoted to the cheating, cowardly, man-child of an ex? Like why? Also, why so much justification for his shitty actions!? The ex-husband was merely supposed to be (should have been) the setup for this meet cute and then fade into oblivion but that didn’t happen and it totally ruined the story for me. I’m now an irrational hater of the name “Matt” for how many times this man’s name appeared on page.
Author 1 book11 followers
March 27, 2024
Robbie Price expected a month long vacation in San Diego as part of a house trade with a coworker.

She did NOT expect her coworker's ex-wife to be right there.

Devyn Lancaster is NOT happy.... Matt did not tell her about the trade or about the strange woman staying in her cabin on the property.

On the us side, she's willing to help fix up the place.

Robbie not knowing garden plants in kinda... wtf? Poor Devyn tho. "YOU WEEDWACKED MY FLOWER BED"

They tolerate each other st first, then Devyn realizes she's attracted to Robbie, whom already finds Devyn hot.

The book does have the traditional 'break them up 3/4 through the book for drama' twist, but st least it's not a stupid fight.

Good read, a very solid and well written book.
342 reviews4 followers
March 29, 2024
Very enjoyable. The events and characters' behavior pleasantly surprised me, and I appreciated the author's comment about how the book came about. However, I found some repetition of certain sentences, which became quite annoying. Additionally, the communication between the main characters was frustrating. If anyone were to use the communication skills they presented, I would be confused and feel unimportant to that person.
Profile Image for SM Vyas.
7 reviews
April 8, 2024
I was really excited for this release, it didn’t disappoint.
When you love an author there is always that tiny bit of apprehension that their next book won’t quite live up to their previous works.

I needn’t have worried. Robbie & Devyn are a perfectly imperfect match - who come together (yes snigger I’m a child) in the most unusual way.
In essence Robbie’s friend Matt is going through a messy divorce, he wants out of his current living arrangement with his soon to be ex wife & offers Robbie the chance to Houseswap- tiny issue, he doesn’t mention this to Devyn his wife.
Cue a lot of misunderstandings & the cautious move towards friendship & more. The term housebutch enters here- is there a service- because yeah sign me up! Robbie comes in & ends up doing all the things Matt couldn’t/ wouldn’t do…. Yes in all the ways.
Clevenger’s talent lies in the way they almost imperceptibly push you to where they want you - writing simple scenes that casually build the intimacy between the two MC’s. True intimacy is found in those small moments & this is exploited beautifully here. There is a paddle board scene that really worked for me when I think you really sense the shift from attraction to something much much deeper. The author is a master at this kind of subtly & intelligent writing.

Now the spice, they have done it again here. This is one area where I had no concerns with this author because, well if you have read their other books then you’ll know. If you haven’t - do yourself a favour, have at them 😇 thank me later. The balance that Clevenger achieves between smoking hot steam & intimacy is again a testament to their abilities as a storyteller. There are few who can strike such a perfect balance, Clevenger does.

I’ve talked before about the realism that is a central point of all of JC’s books. It is here in spades. The question of long distance should they/ could they is perfectly executed. I adored the miscommunication as well, again, it’s real. The characters journeys, especially Devyn’s is wonderfully crafted. I wouldn’t say she’s an ice queen - but there’s some frost there for sure.

In summary I really loved this book.
Oh and no small matter, there’s an adorable dog which had me from the get go! I read this in almost one sitting as I couldn’t put it down. So if you want a fantastic read with all the components that make romance great this is a perfect choice.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
144 reviews
April 7, 2024
Enjoyable story with two main protagonists that are easy to like.
Robbie wants to get away from the rain in Seattle and her coworker who is going through a divorce wants a change of scenery (to escape responsibilities 🙄) and suggests a house swap for his cottage in San Diego. Robbie agrees and is staying in a cottage on the property where her co workers ex wife still lives.
Devyn is a doctor at a local hospital and is left with finishing repairs in the house to ready it for market. Her ex husband had agreed to do the repairs, then took off. She stumbles across Robbie, thinking she is a gardener her ex must have hired as he didn’t tell her about the house swap arrangement.
Devyn comes off a bit icey and is irritated at the situation and her exes behavior and lack of communication. She needs the repairs in the house done and since Robbie is there to do it, she acquiesces and lets her stay.
Devyn, who has always been in straight relationships is surprisingly drawn to this “house butch” staying in the cottage. Even her dog, Angel, who hates everyone likes her. She and Robbie settle into sharing space and feelings develop for each other. Will they take a chance? Robbie has responsibilities in Seattle, helping her uncle with the marina and Devyn isn’t really keen on relationships atm.
This is a fun, engaging and sweet read. I’m often found myself smiling as I read. I have enjoyed all of Jaime Clevenger’s books and this one is at the top of my list now. I’d rate is 4.5 stars if I could.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bella Books for the arc in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Sara.
51 reviews8 followers
April 16, 2024
I had already been a big fan of Jaime Clevenger’s work but with Houseswap 101 she’s raised the bar yet again. This book has everything I’ve come to expect from this author; well-drawn characters and a story that completely drew me in. As an extra bonus it introduced me to the term “housebutch” which I will now be using copiously.

Like most of Clevenger’s books, the true strength of this story is the chemistry and passion developed between the two main characters, Robbie and Devyn. They don’t start off on the best foot, but the journey from enemies to lovers is swoony and I found myself on the edge of my seat waiting for that first kiss. And oh my goodness, when I said this book was passionate I meant it. Literally some of the best plot-driving spice I have read in a while.

This story isn’t all sweetness and spice though, there is some definite drama during the last quarter and a very well-written will they, won’t they get together that had me hanging on every word. While some of the lack of communication was frustrating, it fit with the personal growth both mc’s had to go through to make it to the HEA I was hoping for them.

Whether you’re already a fan of Jamie Clevenger or not, I highly recommend you buy this book if you’re looking for a steamy, emotionally poignant, and just overall really great piece of sapphic fiction. You will be a fan once you finish reading. 4.5 stars

I received an ARC from Netgalley and all opinions are my own.
518 reviews14 followers
April 7, 2024
Devyn Lancaster finds herself still trying to break all ties to her soon to be ex-husband. Fixing their house for the market was supposed to be his job, But like most everything else she’d asked of him he never found the time. Too busy chasing other women, which is the main reason they are getting a divorce. If Devyn was honest with herself that was just one of the many reasons to end her marriage, move on.
Little did Devyn know but her ex was looking for a way to get out of town so unbeknown to her he decided to trade houses with a co-worker. Robbie Price lived with her uncle or I should say had a houseboat next door to her uncles. She couldn’t pass up the chance to go to San Diego where she was sure to find some sun. All she had to do was finish the repair jobs Matt was supposed to do. Of course it’s not until she arrives that she learns Matt never told Devyn his plans.
One month to make the repairs and hopefully get Devyn to like her, while Devyn tells herself it’s only going to be one month. Ms Clevenger has given us another fun read. Devyn and Robbie, well you can't help but cheer them on. Great supporting cast makes this one of Clevenger’s best. Absolutely wonderful from start to finish. Very, very enjoyable read.
ARC via NetGalley/ Bella Books

Profile Image for ASapphicLitReader.
28 reviews2 followers
September 2, 2024
This book was really good! I quite enjoyed how unique the premise was. A butch lesbian, Robbie, trades homes for a month with her straight male coworker so that he can get away from his ex wife, Devyn. The forced proximity was very well executed with them bumping into each other around the house and working together to care for Angel, Devyn’s beloved dog.

The characters were very easy to love with Robbie being super handy and challenging Devyn instead of always letting her have her way. Not that Devyn was too controlling, she just needed to have a say in most things after a recent period where much was out of her control. They clashed a bit but they still complemented each other very well.

The side characters were an additional treat in this book. Angel was simultaneously a handful and adorable and Devyn’s friends were supportive and caring. I only wish that Matt had gotten his just desserts at some point during the book because I’m petty.

Abby Craden’s performance for the audiobook was flawless as always. She’s so expressive and easily brings the author’s words to life. 10/10.

I’d recommend this book to anyone who likes forced proximity and/or toaster oven romances and butch/femme pairings.
Profile Image for Joanna.
586 reviews17 followers
March 31, 2024
This was very cute! Loved the premise and the execution. Robbie is such a dream and just the sweetest person alive and she and Devyn just made such a good match. I do wish we got a bit of a confrontation between Robbie and Matt re. the cheating, it seems like he got off super scot-free, he and Devyn kinda of stayed friends (even wanting to hook up with her again like bro who ARE you) and he didn't even get roasted by Robbie.

Devyn says he was a bad husband but not a bad guy the dude didn't even warn his wife a stranger was gonna live with her for a month - which also set Robbie up for difficulty so he's a bad friend too - not to mention he had never even MET Robbie IRL... so zero concern for his ex-wives safety lol. Also not gonna lie, I fully believe this man told Robbie to do the weeding and didn't tell her about Devyn's garden so that it would get ruined.

I also would have liked to see Robbie meeting Devyn's parents and Devyn meeting Robbie's uncle.

Thank you to Netgally and Bella Books for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kaye.
3,826 reviews57 followers
April 22, 2024
Housebutch. What a fun word to inspire a main character. Devyn Lancaster is a busy emergency room doctor. Her divorce is almost complete with all that needs to be done is fix ups on the house so it can be sold. Her cheating, and soon to be ex husband, offers to switch places with Robbie Prince, a person he works with. They work remotely, mostly online. He will live on her houseboat in Seattle and she will move into the cottage of the San Diego house. Only thing is he doesn’t tell Devyn. Part of the deal is that Robbie will do some of the chores that have been neglected.

Devyn is shocked to find someone else living on her property and wants to send them home. But she realizes the advantage of Robbie and her housebutch skills. Things her ex has neglected are easy chores for Robbie. And of course it helps that her Jack Russell terrier Angel adores Robbie. This is cute and playful. Devyn is Bisexual and has never been with a woman. They both know there is a time limit but that doesn’t stop them from going from strangers to friends and more quickly. The ending comes with a little angst that is short lived, and I like the reality of it.

I’ve read several of Jaime Clevnger’s books and I always enjoy them. Throw in a dog on the cover and I’m going to read it, maybe more than once. This is entertaining and sweet. (4.5 Stars)
Profile Image for Domi.
358 reviews4 followers
May 23, 2024
Very cute read about sparks that start flying when an (unexpected for one party) houseswap doesn't go quite as planned. When Robbie murders the important plants Devyn has in her garden on top of living in her shed after house swapping with her soon-to-be ex-husband without Devyn knowing about the arrangement it seems like things will not work out well. Luckily there's the cute dog to force a longer co-habitation and it turns out there is a lot of chemistry between both ladies.
Jamie Clevenger always manages to write relatable characters with realistic storylines, as if it could happen to you or your friends. The development of a relationship feels realistic without forced drama or angst. Just life, sometimes swinging a curve ball. Ideal book to curl up with and to immerse yourself in a sweet romance. Recommended for any contemporary romance lover out there.

***Thank you Netgalley and Bella Books for giving me the chance to read and review this book***
Profile Image for Ed Lee.
37 reviews1 follower
June 17, 2024
This one’s hard to rate. It’s one of those books where you can’t quite name why you don’t love it. Good writing, good characters, I liked it all. I just didn’t love it. And how do you rate such book? Were there any major problems? Not really. I didn’t like how it all wrapped up. You don’t just skip six months. It sort of felt like the author got bored with thinking up the story. Other than that it’s good. There’s humor, there’s emotion, tears. It’s all lovely. I guess you can’t force love whether for people or books. Also, was there really just one straight character?

I always have the same problem with Jaime Clevenger books. My mind knows it just read a good book. My heart just doesn’t fall for it.

With all that said, I’m sure plenty of people will love it. Don’t hesitate to pick it up. It is a good book. It’s not a forgettable book. I just don’t think you’ll be wowed by it.

I received an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Nathalie.
270 reviews2 followers
April 30, 2024
I'd never heard of the term 'housebutch' but now I feel like we all need one.

Robbie switches houses for a month with her work buddy as a favor to him. He's going through a divorce and needs a new scene. She figures going to a sunny place for a month can't be that bad. Turns our her buddy forgot one small detail, notifying his ex-wife.

Devyn is a doctor who works way too many shifts. Coming home to find a stranger hacking down her garden was not in the plan. Apperantly her ex thought getting someone to do his chores he never got around to doing would be a smart thing to do.

I liked how Robbie stayed true to herself despite getting the full brunt of Devyn's frustrations. Devyn on her part could see her own flaws and was willing to work on herself. Growth in characters is always an interesting read.

An ARC was provided to me via Netgalley in return of an honest review.
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