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Marauders (2019)

Marauders, Vol. 2

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THE TREASURE OF ISLAND M! As Verendi's plans against Krakoa grow, the Marauders find themselves missing something vital...something that brings Storm and the White Queen to blows.


160 pages, Paperback

Published November 10, 2020

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Gerry Duggan

1,309 books332 followers

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Profile Image for Anne.
4,388 reviews70.2k followers
April 25, 2021
Kitty is dead.
But is she dead or dead-dead? Mutants can't die forever anymore, can they?
Except maybe Kitty can because something has always been different about her.


It's a good story. All the love for Kitty was awesome, especially the letters between her and Kurt (Nightcrawler) was just so sweet and well done. What I wasn't expecting was for Emma to fight so hard for her. Surprisingly, that was maybe even more touching than anything else.


I like this title. I'm not in love with the art all of the time (especially the way Kitty looks), but I'm still enjoying the story all the same.
Profile Image for Baba.
3,814 reviews1,273 followers
April 24, 2021
Kate Pryde is no more!!! Machinations, feints and sub-plots abound as the Marauders' time is spent as much with internal Krakoan politics as it is their adversaries. I feel like in the small minority of not really appreciating the racist Krakoan cult ere of the X-books, bit I do get the rationale; what I don't get is how everyone is oh the same page, albeit with their own agendas. Which I feel is why this is one of the more popular books of the Krakoan era with the likes of Kurt, Emma and Shaw following as much their own personal agendas / concerns as much Xavier's.

The long time ongoing rebranding of Kitty to Kate continues; although one of my fave sub-plots if Emma Frost becoming an integral part of the X-universe again. This volume? Interesting, I don't get the feeling that once the dust settles and these Krakoa ear serials are reread, that this one will be one of the standouts, with it's more minimalist (for this era) story telling and actually daring to focus on character development! 6 out of 12
Profile Image for Chad.
9,138 reviews1,000 followers
November 13, 2020
At times, this is even better than Hickman's X-Men. That probably has to do with my preference for concentrating the focus on a smaller group of characters than an anthology series. I love all the political maneuvering. Even though Kitty Pryde died at the end of the first volume, this is still very much her book as we see how the rest of the characters react to her death. I absolutely love the letters between Kitty and Nightcrawler. He's the one thing that has been missing from this book.

Stafano Caselli is one of my favorite Marvel artists so I was ecstatic to see him come aboard in this volume.
Profile Image for Scott.
1,995 reviews230 followers
May 7, 2022
" . . . and now - we celebrate!" -- Kate 'Kitty' Pryde, after being resurrected from the dead

Sorry, Ms. Pryde - every moment you were waylaid by your demise (which was the initial two-third's of the book) meant that this follow-up was lackluster compared to the superior Volume 1. While it intermittently had its moments - such as Emma Frost, a.k.a. the stern White Queen, although 'ice queen' would also be a sometimes appropriate sobriquet, tearfully breaking down after learning of Pryde's death via shotgun blast - the story did not really come alive until the upbeat reunion finale, with Pryde adorning herself with her Star of David necklace (after relieved hugs from longtime pals Storm and Nightcrawler) before heading out on her understandable roarin' rampage of revenge.
Profile Image for Jesús De la Jara.
753 reviews96 followers
August 14, 2020
Yaaaa, una estrella más por la emoción del final. Definitivamente en mi opinión ésta es la mejor saga de los X-Men entre las actuales, sé que eventualmente la saga principal X-Men debe eclosionar pero aún no le llega el momento para mí.
Vemos en estos números las consecuencias de la muerte de Kate en el volumen anterior, muchas emociones e interacciones de por medio entre Emma quien es medio acusada por muchos por ser la causante de ello y desde luego de todos los que desean que Kate resuscite pero intento tras intento fallan así como falló desde un inicio la posibilidad para Kate de vivir en la isla Krakoa nuevo hogar de los mutantes. El último número definitivamente vale mucho la pena.
Profile Image for Artemy.
1,045 reviews960 followers
October 27, 2020
If not for all those evil Russians and that one moment where Emma Frost defeats them with her boobs, this would be a 5-star book for me. I am willing to forgive Duggan for those things because everything else he does here is just wonderful — the small character moments with Emma, Pyro, the Cuckoos, Lockheed's journey, the letters between Nightcrawler and Kate, and of course Kate's entire story arc here, just pure perfection. The art was also mostly excellent with the exception of that truly horrible haircut choice for Kate in the final issue. Other than that, yeah, Marauders keeps being a great little book in the current X-roster, and I can't wait to read more of it.
Profile Image for Chris Lemmerman.
Author 7 books108 followers
November 6, 2020
The Red Queen is dead - and Sebastian Shaw's...getting away with it?

Marauders has been Kate's story from the get-go, so to have her step away after only six issues initially feels like a misstep, until you realise that Duggan's still managing to tell Kate's story even without her being there. Her presence is felt in every page as the character grieve her, plan their vengeance, and just generally kick ass. The political intrigue is fun, as Emma Frost, Bishop, and Sebastian Shaw move around each other like circling lions, which makes the final few pages especially delicious as well.

Matteo Lolli also steps away from the book, pencilling only 2 of the 6 issues collected here, but his replacement is frickin' Stefano Caselli, so there's not very much to complain about on that front, because Caselli's art is always gorgeous.

The Marauders' status quo takes a hit, but the boat keeps on sailing and keeps on entertaining too. It balances X-Men action with more intimate character moments perfectly, and it looks good while it's doing it too.
Profile Image for Robert.
1,860 reviews150 followers
February 16, 2021
I've got to say, this continues to be pretty entertaining stuff even as (for this volume) the centre of gravity for the story shifts from the dearly departed Kate Pryde to the machinations of Emma Frost. Fun!

Clearly the answer is a resounding "no"...

I'm glad this series has continued to remain more or less focussed on Mutant Affairs whilst the main X-Men title is going full crossover Hickman. Sign me up for the Marauders' next voyage!

Profile Image for Lashaan Balasingam.
1,456 reviews4,619 followers
February 24, 2021
The tone and structure of this volume are nothing near what the first volume introduced us and that is a shame. I couldn't get behind the humour or the lack of direction here either. Anything that has to do with a mutant dying is also a hard sale considering how their life cycle works nowadays...

Yours truly,

Lashaan | Blogger and Book Reviewer
Official blog: https://bookidote.com/
Profile Image for Jason.
246 reviews4 followers
December 9, 2020
I found this a little lackluster compared to the first volume. A big part of that has to do with the fact that Kate Pryde is barely in this book, for reasons that are very obvious to anyone who read the first volume. It has some good moments though, like Emma Frost's selection for White Knight recruit for her Hellfire court. It was great to see this character return, and I think she will be a very fun addition to the cast in future stories. Also enjoyable was seeing how the group dealt with the Yellowjacket spy who was riding Innerspace-style in Pyro's bloodstream. I also enjoyed seeing Bishop running around investigating what happened to Kate.

Still, for all its enjoyable moments, it felt like very little of interest happened here. Mostly we see the emotional reactions to the team dealing with the loss of a dear friend and ally, which all feels a little hollow as it's fairly obvious given the new status quo for the mutants that the death isn't going to stick. Even so, seeing the team get revenge on those responsible for hurting their friend is satisfying.

The art by Stefano Casseli and Matteo Lolli is crisp, clean, and very enjoyable to look at. I'm still really enjoying this team make-up, and having Kate return in the next volume has me excited for what happens next.
Profile Image for Mike.
1,532 reviews144 followers
June 24, 2023
Still a great book about Kate & friends. Can’t wait to see where the intrigues lead - Emma and Kate are a very dangerous combination.
Profile Image for Rylan.
383 reviews15 followers
February 1, 2021
Marauders continues to be one of the best Dawn of X books. Duggan does a good job telling a compelling character focused story, he does a great job handling these characters especially Emma, Storm, and Kitty (Kate). Duggan does a great job at pacing his story, a lot of the set up from the first volume is payed off in here. The art in here is also really good and fits the story perfectly. I’m eager to see where things go in the next volume.
Profile Image for Adam Williams.
306 reviews
September 27, 2020
I read this issue by issue when they were released but now I'm giving the Dawn of X books between House of X and X of Swords a reread (except Fallen Angels. Sorry).

This second arc is consistent with the first. Duggan writes some phenomenal character moments for Emma and Storm, among others, and every member of the expanding cast is really well-used. The art here is even better than vol 1 in my opinion, although Caselli's style isn't radically different, it's just a touch nicer. A Dawn of X highlight.
Profile Image for Shannon Appelcline.
Author 25 books150 followers
December 30, 2020
Duggan's Marauders continues to be great. In fact, if you want to measure by quality of storytelling, instead of pure ideas, it's edging into becoming the best X-Men book as we move through this second set of releases.

And that's with V2 suffering a huge disadvantage: the lack of Kitty Pryde. But Duggan makes us really enjoy the other characters too, especially Emma, but really everyone, even Pyro, who gets to shine in issue #9 or so.

Everything really comes together in the last few issues, which are most excellent.
Profile Image for Chantaal.
1,164 reviews173 followers
January 25, 2022
X-Men 2021 Dawn of X project continues!

Ratings and links to previous reviews under the spoiler:



There are concerns that they're not able to resurrect Kitty just like everyone else, but eventually they do. Again: what's the fucking POINT? I have ZERO emotional connection to any of this. Kitty's viking funeral was cool, I guess. Lockheed found his way back to Krakoa, that was sweet. There are scenes where Storm and Emma mourn Kitty and that was a really nice touch, to have two women who have been such an integral part of her life grieve her together. So they have a moment and then immediately go to resurrect her!! ???

Lots of random stuff happens with the Hellfire Club and the volume ends with Kitty and Emma deciding to get Shaw back for "killing" Kitty. That promises to lead to what looks like some fun fuckery in volume 3, but this volume was just so...why. Just why.

Every volume I read, I question whether this is all worth it. There has to be some big payoff eventually. This Hickman era is stripping away everything that makes the X-Men and mutants who they are, and for what??
Profile Image for Dakota Morgan.
2,846 reviews39 followers
May 12, 2021
Marauders is a tighter, more fun version of the main X-Men series. Instead of visiting characters from the far reaches of the X-verse, we stick with a core handful, and the plot is generally focused on keeping the magic pills flowing from Krakoa and keeping mutants abroad safe. It's also nicely political with the machinations of Emma Frost and Sebastian Shaw (though that's somewhat subdued in this volume).

The big deal here is that Kate Pryde is dead and she can't seem to be resurrected by Krakoa. Gerry Duggan does a nice job layering the grieving alongside the main plot in the first few issues. He also does a good job of pacing, neatly matching action with moments of calm. I worry that most fights are resolved instantly by Emma's voluminous telepathic skills, but for now it's still good fun to see her trick a ship full of Russian soldiers into thinking they've been abducted by aliens.

The art in Marauders isn't as pristine as in the main X-Men series, but it's more than serviceable. This series has hooked me on Krakoa and its attendant mysteries more than the main series - not something I expected after the first volume left me a little cold.
Profile Image for Christian Zamora-Dahmen.
Author 1 book30 followers
February 7, 2021
Marauders is definitely my favorite book of the entire post House/Powers of X set.
I love how the story moved in this second volume, and while there was this intriguing issue that seemed wasn’t getting solved, it kept moving in the background until it finally saw the light.
Of course, it sets the stage for some really interesting moves coming next.
I just can’t wait!
(And I guess that’s all I can say without spoiling the whole thing ).
Profile Image for Caleb Robinson.
131 reviews6 followers
July 27, 2021
Emma Frost, Kitty Pryde, Pirates, Gay Kissing, Hellfire Court. I want this book and no other books. Give me an event where every X-book is replaced by books about the various characters and factions from this one.
Profile Image for Justin.
275 reviews8 followers
April 24, 2021
That was fun. Much mutant on mutant shenanigans.
Profile Image for TJ.
746 reviews56 followers
August 12, 2020
This series continues to be so so good! The final issue had me very emotional, but the ending was so satisfying. Can’t recommend this series enough. 5/5 stars.
Profile Image for Marco.
263 reviews35 followers
September 23, 2020
- Tell the White Queen to leave none to tell the tale.
- Of course, sir.
Profile Image for Adam Fisher.
3,200 reviews17 followers
February 9, 2021
With it's second Volume, Marauders shows why it is seen as a powerhouse comic in the current X-Books. The story is very rich and deep, playing well from issue to issue, as well as staying in the overall "Dawn of X" narrative. Highlights:
- With both Homines Verendi and Shaw's Black Court of the Hellfire Trading Company working against Emma's machinations, she needs to decide on a White Knight to protect her interests. Enter Callisto, former leader of the Morlocks, and perfect for the chaotic nature of the "pirates" of Krakoa. Her first mission? Find out what happened to Kate Pride, last seen off the shores of Madripoor.
- Kate's body and sunken ship is found off the coast, and Bishop, Iceman, and Storm, are full of fury over their lost comrade. Kate had still not been able to travel to Krakoa via gates, so it was unknown if The Five would be able to resurrect her. Retribution is taken heavily by Iceman (Very cool scene!)
- Knowing that Verendi is spying on them, they find that Yellowjacket has hitched a ride inside Pyro. Through the combined power of Magneto and a lot of telepaths (Emma, the Cuckoos, and others) a mental assault is staged against the spoiled asshole teens of Verendi, causing them to think twice about messing with the mutants of Krakoa.
- A Russian submarine learns the lesson as well.
- The Five are having trouble resurrecting Kate Pryde, so a funeral is held on Krakoa, releasing her body back to the sea. The return of Lockheed, who was present when Kate when taken out, gives Emma the insight she needs to help The Five bring back Kate, who now can use the gates.
- A party thrown by Emma for Kate's return, as well as the overwhelming success of the Hellfire Trading Company, has our two ladies conspiring to overthrow Shaw for his treachery, which I assume will resume once the "X of Swords" crossover is finished.
- Kate, in her new body, lost her knuckle tattoos, which said "Hold Fast". She goes and gets them redone, this time reflecting a new mission, with them saying "Kill Shaw".

Other than the main X-Men title, I think Marauders might be my favorite of the current X-Books. A great hybrid between heroes and ex-villains, as well as the pirate spin, and the mostly non-Krakoan centered stories, give it a different and appreciated feel. Hoping this one continues for a long time.
Strong recommend.
Profile Image for Lenny.
447 reviews34 followers
February 16, 2021
Loved binge reading this after finishing Marauders volume 1. Five stars for Duggan's perfect depiction of Kate and Kurt's relationship, and the way he weaved in some great Jewish symbolism (the number 18) and that Kurt recognized it and also gave Kate back her Star of David, and thank God finally made her queer into canon.

Some emotional beats were off, sorry, why would Kate be cremated if she's Jewish (assuming she's more traditional even though some progressive Jews are cremated)? Didn't Kate deserve Xavier's eulogy in-comic, because we know it would be resolved in the next issue?

But I'll overlook it for how significant this arc is for Kate's character. I wish it had happened with Rachel Summers, but we have time, don't we? Caselli's art is phenomenal. Lolli's was a bit disappointing in the last issue, but I think he made Kate resemble her earliest look on purpose.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Alex Sarll.
6,496 reviews326 followers
April 28, 2021
Less high seas adventure and more politics than the first volume, and in places a little unclear, but still enormous fun - sexy and funny and violent like a good eighties action movie. Along the way it finds room for everything from justifying the awkward history of that team name, to Iceman finally realising how badly he can fuck people up with those powers.
Profile Image for Rick Brose.
1,010 reviews24 followers
April 29, 2021
Marauders was one of the few books in the new X-Men launch that I really loved. It had a cool cast and a great focus. Unfortunately, the second volume loses some of what made it feel special. The overall focus feels sidelined for other X-related needs, and the shake up in the cast was a bit disappointing. However, this was still a decent story with interesting story beats and enough cool characters not heavily featured elsewhere to make it still standout from a lot of the X books.
Profile Image for Greg.
699 reviews38 followers
September 16, 2021
4/5 Marauders has been one of my favorite X titles so far. Interesting characters and plot and great art. Kate Pryde is out of commission after issue #6 and most of this volume is spent remedying that. Someone poisoning the flower shipments and they have to find out who is manufacturing all of these power dampening weapons.

A solid amount of action and humor. And a fair helping of brutality which I enjoy. Mutants are bound by law to not kill humans but that doesn’t mean they can’t F them up.

Read 9/16/21
Profile Image for Mitchell Friedman.
5,257 reviews205 followers
April 21, 2024
Is this high art? no. But it has its moments. I still have trouble with Kate ever forgiving Emma for anything. It was odd to appreciate Emma being basically naked in public and it making sense. Kate still doesn't quick ring true but there are pieces. And this all basically works.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 119 reviews

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