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Icehome #11

Raven's Return

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No one ever comes back for me.

I’ve always been on my own, and why should it be any different on an ice planet? So when I’m kidnapped by a feral outcast, I suspect I’d better learn to love raw fish and rough living.

Then…U’dron comes to my rescue.

He’s always understood me more than anyone else. He’s been my friend and my confidante. We’ve made music together. And now that he’s my hero? The crush I’ve had on him is turning into something more, something deeper. He won’t want me when he hears my terrible secrets, though.

But it turns out that U’dron has a secret of his own…

254 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 27, 2020

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About the author

Ruby Dixon

145 books16.4k followers
Ruby Dixon is an author of Science Fiction Romance. She likes fated mates, baby-filled epilogues, and cinnamon roll heroes. She also likes to write biographies of herself in the third person, because it feels more important that way.

Ruby also loves coffee and dirty books and will probably be a cat lady at some point. :)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 475 reviews
July 24, 2022
Romance and Steam!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Narration: 🎙🎙🎙🎙
Romance: 💙💚🖤💜
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📘
World building: 🌎🌍🌏🌎
Character development: 😪😠🤐🥰

The heroine: Raven - since being kidnapped from Earth and stranded on the Ice Planet, Raven has been hiding her true self. She things the others will not like or accept the real her, so she don’s a hippy dippy personality where she acts like a bit of an airhead who loves everyone and everything. In truth, she was a stripper who has spent time in prison.

The Hero: U’dron - he is of the Shadow Cat clan and he knows from the start that Raven is going to be his at some point. When all the men build huts for their mates and to get mates, U’dron built one for Raven. He feels they are kindred spirits.

The Story: One day as Raven is walking on the beach she sees some footprints of a child going towards one of the caves. She follows the footsteps to make sure one of the children has not gotten lost. She ends up being kidnapped by a man she finds with the child, they are not from the tribes she was with but is from somewhere else. When she tries to leave, they drug her and take her.

U’dron is determined to find Raven even after all the others give up, thinking she must have left to be alone. He doesn’t think she left willingly so he keeps searching for her. When he finds her, there are issues to be resolved. Both are hiding secrets and have feelings of inadequacy. The thing I didn’t like about this one was how stupid both of their secrets were.

This book was told in dual points of view and via dual narration where the female narrator does all of the chapters in the Raven’s point of view and the male narrator did all the chapters in U’dron’s point of view. The narration was done by Sean Crisden and Felicity Munroe. They do a good job and are pleasant to listen to.

Profile Image for Zero (semi-hiatus).
582 reviews24 followers
January 20, 2023
Cute book. Some of Raven's actions annoyed me, but she was alright most of the time. I liked the mystery about her past. U'dron is super sweet. I'm glad that this book was about someone from Shadowcat clan because they've been pretty mysterious so far.

There was a ridiculous misunderstanding in the beginning, but it didn't last too long.

I really liked the talk that Raven had with A'tam about how he was acting towards Bridget. I'm excited for the next book in the series that focuses on their romance.

Juth and Pak are interesting characters and I'm excited to read more about them.
August 20, 2021
Raven has a secret: she is not who she says she is. First of all, her name is not Raven... well, at least not her real name. Raven is her stage name when she dons her stripper persona. When she ended up on the frozen planet with several other women around her age, she adopted a sweet and hippy kind of personality as she was not sure they would accept her if she revealed the truth. She also spent a couple of years in jail, and she is pretty sure no one wants an ex-con around, so she conceals this as well. But she can't help being herself when she is with one of the islanders: U'dron. How can she tell him the truth and expect him to still like her?

When he saw Raven, U'dron knew he was looking at the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He wanted her for his own, even if they didn't resonate, they could be pleasure-mates. But he has a secret: he's not a real hunter, which is a shameful status at his age in his clan, Shadow Cat. He is not permitted to take a mate unless he resonates with her, so he settles for being with her whenever he can. When Raven goes missing, the tribe searches for her, but when they find no trace, they assume she left on her own. U'dron does not believe that, and even though he is not a true hunter, he is determined to track her and bring her back. But with each having secrets they are reluctant to reveal, can they trust each other enough to share their "shame?" And what will happen if U'dron attempts to break the rules of his tribe and be with Raven without resonating?

Overall, a cute romance. Both were likeable characters, and the story line was interesting. Steamy in general, but only a couple of full-on sessions well into the book.

Plot --- 3/5
Main Characters --- 3.5/5
Supporting Cast --- 3.5/5
Steam Level* --- 3.5/5
Violence --- nothing overly graphic or major
Language --- yes! (lots of f-bombs and c-bombs)
POV --- Dual

*Note that steam level is not a rating so much as a how hot was it: 0/5 - clean; 1/5 - mild (nothing descriptive); 2/5 - 3rd base action/1 home run; 3/5 - now we're getting somewhere (a couple of full-on steamy scenes); 4/5 - yes please! (erotica territory); 5/5 - they did EVERYTHING in this one, y'all
Profile Image for Mei.
1,897 reviews458 followers
September 14, 2020
This was sweet and simple! I liked that Raven and U’dron are friends before admiting to each other, after some secrets were revealed, that they're lusting after each other.

Here the resonance comes alike a cherry on top of the cake AFTER they admitted that they already love each other! And that was really great!
Profile Image for Megan.
554 reviews35 followers
January 6, 2021
2.5, lowered to 2 after reflection


My opinion of this installment worsened after I read it. Primarily, this is because of a single scene. Without that scene, the book would have remained at a very lukewarm 3-stars, but my mind could not stop cycling back to the moment Raven performed a striptease for the entire tribe after revealing that she had lied about her identity and was actually a stripper.

Overall, I think that Dixon had good intentions when crafting Raven's story. It is a really interesting concept to include women who aren't so on the so-called straight-and-narrow, particularly women with a history that might create actual conflict between the other tribesmates (primarily the other women, who have the full context of human society). It's also nice to have sex workers be represented in literature, especially literature like this series that provides found-family and soulmates to its characters. Sadly, it's still a controversial decision to make and it is somewhat subversive in the genre.

In actuality, I don't think Dixon was knowledgeable enough about sex work or sex workers to pull it off. It felt very caricatured and idealized, and the scene I mentioned above is a great example of that. It was one of the cringiest things I've ever read. I haven't experienced secondhand embarrassment while reading to this extent in such a long time. The fact that Dixon thought it was a cool, edgy idea for Raven to strip to so-called "stripper music" that she was singing herself as she danced on a frozen ice-beach in front of about thirty married couples is astounding to me. To say it didn't work is an understatement.

Also, as much as I enjoy the lack of meaningful conflict between members of the tribe (meaning, the inclusion of really awful human prejudices like racism, sexism, sex shaming, etc.), it really didn't work to have everybody immediately if awkwardly accepting of Raven. It just increased the feeling of fakeness that plagued this book. Even U'dron's conflict with his tribe (not being considered a "true hunter" because he didn't finish his rite-of-passage due to the first volcanic explosion that destroyed their island), felt manufactured to make him "fit" with Raven.

I did really enjoy the inclusion of the "outcast tribe," though, as they were mentioned frequently in the previous volumes, and I was waiting for them to show up again. I'm excited for the inclusion of Juth and Pak, and to see their story, and I liked how warm Raven and U'dron were with each other.
August 29, 2020
This book was like a breath of fresh air in the series of many. I never knew how much I needed a character like the heroine Raven, until now. She has got to be one of the realest chicks to wake up on Not Hoth. The romance was super sweet and once again Ruby found a sneaky way to give these characters time alone together to bond. U’rdok and Raven are both flawed, both not believing they are not worthy of one another. There was also another case of miscommunication going on that seems to cause quite a rift amongst the couple on the planet. But that’s to be expected when their customs, language etc is all different. Talk about a learning curve. As always I’m already awaiting the next book, doesn’t matter who or what its about. I don’t even read the blurbs for Ruby anymore, one click author for sure. 🥰🥰
Profile Image for ♛ Garima ♛.
962 reviews183 followers
September 1, 2020
4 stars

Great cover!


Short review:
I enjoyed reading Raven and U'don's characters and stories. Can a person still regret their life choices even if they don't matter anymore? Yes, I think it is hard to let go...

Review in image/gif:


Aftermath: (possible spoilers)
It was great to see new characters introduced. With Daisy's arrival on the last book, the numbers of the tribe became uneven so it was obvious that Ruby decided to add new male members. I can't wait to read more about Juth and Pak however Ruby has hinted it won't be the next instalment of Icehome series, it would be Bridget and A'tam - another problem couple. But I'm excited regardless.

Profile Image for Ta || bookishbluehead.
536 reviews30 followers
May 31, 2023
In this book we learn a lot about the young, free-spirited Hippie Raven and where she comes from. So far we only saw her bright and happy, but in this book we learn that she has a dark past and that Raven is just another character for her to play, to disguise her true self.

I enjoyed discovering Ravens ‘dark’ secrets, even though I didn’t think there was anything wrong with her old life, she lived with a stigma that shouldn’t exist in our society.

In this book we also met two new characters that we will hopefully see more of in the next few books. The two sole survivors from Outcast clan. It was interesting to learn a little more of the society that the islanders lived in and it was absolutely appalling to see how some people were branded outcast just because they didn’t have some physical traits (like four arms, tall horns or fur). I liked how Raven stood up for these two and tried to educate U’dron.

Now that I named him, I was also shocked to see how the other from Shadow Cat Clan treated U’dron just because he wasn’t able to fulfill his ritual and how they tried to cling to their old traditions, even though it should have been a new beginning for everyone.
Profile Image for Samantha.
397 reviews118 followers
August 19, 2022

2 stars

Heroine-centric story.
It was a bit formulaic.
Great with a heroine with a very different past than the others.
But the chemistry between the hero+heroine felt contrived and lacking.
Also some scenes and conversations were really cringeworthy.
Profile Image for Sheri LaFay.
Author 4 books64 followers
August 18, 2023
Raven and U’dron’s story! So hippie chick Raven turned out to be the one that lied about her past, and I’m not surprised. Without giving the spoiler for it all, her secret is really not bad (at least I don’t think so) and she was honestly worried for nothing. Her adventure and being kidnapped and then rescued also uncovered 2 more survivors from the island! Will be interesting to see them in the future. Raven and U’dron’s love story was so cute and special. I love that they chose one another before resonance and he loved her no matter her past, and same for him with his secret (which also was not a big deal, but to him it was). Great couple and I am so happy they got their happy ending!
Profile Image for Zoe.
338 reviews2,057 followers
January 24, 2023
i respect strippers and what they do
Profile Image for Serena Loves Books.
1,678 reviews97 followers
September 15, 2020
Esperaba más pero aún fan de la serie...

Raven's return de Ruby Dixion libro
12 serie Icehome

Mí humilde opinión:

Raven despierta mareada y confundida en una curva oscura. Desconcertada, se da cuenta que no está sola y que estos aliens no son como los que conoce en Icehome.

Un niño y su padre, parecen no entenderla y se ven salvajes.

Lo que no espera es que la secuestren y la lleven lejos de lo que conoce.

Todos en la isla buscan a Raven y cuando los días pasan y no aparece, se dan por vencidos.

U'dron de la tribu gato sonbray no cree que Raven no quiere ser encontrada. Él la conoce mejor que nadie. Ella es su mejor amiga. La mujer que elegiría como pareja aunque no resonaran nunca.

Raven tiene un pasado del cual no está orgullosa, hizo las cosas que hizo por necesidad pero nunca se lo dijo a ninguna de las mujeres de Icehome.

Raven les mintió y es una carga de arrepentimiento que lleva cada día desde que llegó al planeta de hielo.

No merece a U'dron. Pero cómo renunciar a él cuando se arriesgó a ir a buscarla cruzando tantos peligros? Él es quien logró llegarle al corazón.

Pero no solo Raven guarda secretos,
U'dron también carga con uno que le avergüenza a los ojos de su tribu.

Finalmente la historia de Raven! En el libro anterior Mari's Mistake, quedé intrigada por lo que le había sucedido.

Y aunque creí que ella iba a resonar el marginado que se la llevó, me sorprendió un poco que fuera U'dron de la tribu gato sombra.

Esa tribu es para nada mí favorita, no logro simpatizar con ellos y sus actitudes.

Me encanta Ruby, esta serie en una de mis top 10. Estoy enamorada de lo que escribe y siempre logra meterme con una sonrisa en su mundo de aliens pero últimamente no me están gustando tanto.

Me costó engancharme a la historia por lo que me costó leerla. Y yo suelo devorar rápido los libros de esta serie!

Me gustó el comienzo, Raven conoce a los marginados Juth y
Pak . Toda esta parte fue interesante. El rescate de Raven, cuando U'dron va a por ella genial.

Raven y U'dron como pareja estuvieron BIEN, me gustó como se desarrolla su relación de amigos a algo más lo hizo creíble para lo que sucedió luego. Ellos tuvieron momentos dulces... Pero las escenas eróticas un poco de más para mí gusto.

Pensamiento aparte...

Sobre parejas que resuenan...

En una parte del libro U'dron le dice a Raven que sus padres aunque resonaron, se acostaban con otras personas? QUÉ? Realmente me desconcertó y no encaja con lo que se contó sobre el tema parejas. Si resuenas con alguien, no es esta persona La única para ti o yo entendí mal?

En el libro se habla mucho sobre la aceptación y eso estuvo bueno cómo mensaje. Me gustó que se dijera que por ser diferente y como el hecho de que todos terminarán juntos en una isla los hacía iguales y que aceptaran a todos sin importar que fueran de otra tribu. Ellos no iban a discriminar a nadie.

Lo que no me gustó...

No esperé lo que ocultaba Raven, una stripper? Ok. Lo tomo, un giro distinto, pero me pareció que no se enfocó de una buena manera.

Y porqué Raven pensaba que la iban a rechazar y juzgar por tener ese trabajo que es como cualquier otro?

No logré congeniar con Raven, lo intenté pero no. Sentí que no se valoraba y me cansó que siempre estaba suponiendo cosas.

No me conmovió su pasado, su vida difícil y debería de haberme generado impacto emocional pero no lo hizo.

Es más, terminé flasheando cuando ella hace un baile erótico frente a toda la comunidad para mostrar de qué estaba hablando, excitando de paso algunos aliens por ahí? No lo entendí.

Ella dejó todo eso atrás, no sé si debió traerlo a su nueva vida. Podría entender que lo dijera a su pareja pero a toda la comunidad y con baile incluido? Raro.

La heroína podría haber estado mejor, era un personaje que prometía pero se quedó por el camino.

Otra cosa que me molestó fue que la tribu del gato sombra se empecinara en hacer cumplir una tradición antigua enviando a U'dron a cazar el gran pájaro que supuestamente es letal. Todo para demostrar que es un cazador digno de una pareja... Acaso no lo demostró cuando salvo a Raven y la trajo de vuelta? No aportó a la comunidad cazando y ayudando?

No, su tribu no lo aceptan como cazador digno así que lo mandan en medio de la nieve a una misión para probarse.

Él se va no sé dónde peleando con todo animal salvaje por el camino de ida y vuelve con dos pájaros?! Un gato sombra solo los cazó?! Ahí me resultó exagerado.

Estoy algo decepcionada la verdad, esperaba más emoción y realmente extrañé el humor que aporta Ruby a sus libros.

Estoy muy ansiosa ahora por leer la historia Bridget y A'tam, quiero ser optimista con el siguiente libro así que por las dudas también cruzo mis dedos!

Profile Image for Vintage Veronica.
1,509 reviews134 followers
November 4, 2020
Rating: 2.2 / 5

Ugh. Rather than write up a long-winded rant about this that I've already gone through in my head, let me just list out what I didn't like about it:

- I HATED HATED HATED what Dixon did to Raven's character! What on earth have you done to my happy hippie child!!!!!!!!!!

- the problems of both Raven and U'dron felt like Dixon was BADLY stretching to give them problems to deal with because just leaving them the happy hippie child and chill drummer dude "soooo wasn't a good idea for a relationship", amirite?

- having everyone be so accepting of Raven because...yeah, just no. That's unrealistic. Realistically, she WOULD encounter some hate and disgust and all that shit that she's "so afraid of", so even if I could buy into the fact that some people might be okay with her, I HIGHLY doubt that everyone would just be instantly okay with it

- I was shocked how okay U'dron was with it, even after Raven dances to every f***ing horny male there. Like...WTF?!?!?!?!

- I couldn't take the sexual parts seriously. I'm sorry, but I couldn't. There's a difference between being sexually bold, like Mari, and just blase-casual about sex like Raven and Bridget. So even though Raven's p.o.v. makes it seem like it's mind-blowing and special and all that, I just didn't believe it.

To end off, I'll just mention here to remind myself NOT to read Bridget and A'tam's story because I don't like the casual sex angle of their story either.

*crosses arms and sighs* At this point, I'll just be skipping this and Bridget's story in the general lineup of these Icehome books, and just skip ahead to whoever she's planning for next.

*cough*Like can we finally give lonely R'jaal someone, seriously?!*cough*
Profile Image for Izzie d.
4,199 reviews334 followers
August 27, 2020
Good story.
Interesting developments.
Heroine is an ex stripper but has hidden it.
Mate connection.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Fanny.
2,386 reviews52 followers
September 28, 2020

Leer una nueva novela de esta saga es como ver un episodio de tu serie favorita, no importa el tiempo que dure, a ti se te pasa en un instante y deseas seguir con otro episodio, esa situacion vivo yo cada vez que finalizo un tomo de la saga Icehome.

No se como lo hace la autora pero siempre me deja con ganas de mas, se que en parte es porque sus finales siempre son interesantes y dejan preguntas sin responder, pero la verdad es que no creo que sea la unica razon.

En esta ocasion, pese a que la trama no es la mas trepidante, me resulto muy amena de leer, no se me hizo aburrida en ningun momento, y honestamente no me hubiese molestado de haber tenido mas paginas, sobre todo porque la historia de amor de Raven y U'dron me encanto y me supo a poco.

En cuanto a la trama secundaria que quedo abierta en el libro anterior, no se cierra del todo en esta novela pero si que hay un avance y quede satisfecha con el metodo que uso la escritora para desarrollarlo, no esperaba que Ruby Dixon fuera a tomar ese camino pero realmente me gusto.

Ya tengo una vaga idea de quienes seran los proximos protagonistas y como siempre me muero por tenerlo en mi Kindle.

Para terminar, Raven' s Return fue entretenida, grata y sencilla, incluso diria que es de mis favoritas, hacia tiempo que una pareja principal no me conquistaba tanto como lo hicieron ellos.

3.75 Estrellas!
Profile Image for Corandra.
853 reviews91 followers
September 14, 2020
Raven sale a dar una caminata por la playa y despierta mareada en una cueva con 2 extraños. Ante su desaparición la tribu sale en su busca pero luego de un día de no encontrarla desisten, pero U'dron no se rinde y se prepara para su rescate, ya que está seguro de que ella no se fue por voluntad propia sino que algo le sucedió.

Hasta ahora este es el que menos me ha gustado de la serie.
Lo más destacado de esta historia son los primeros capítulos. El rescate de Raven, cuando nuestros protagonistas permanecen apartados conociéndose y confesando sus secretos. Y por supuesto la inclusión de los 2 nuevos personajes del clan de los marginados.

Profile Image for Ava.
1,087 reviews1,595 followers
September 14, 2020
Okay, this one was soooo good!!

I have been in kind of a funk with the Icehome books. The more recent ones have not really vibed with me, and haven't given me the same feeling the IPB books did.
This one brought back those IPB feelings for sure!

I really loved this couple, and loved how well they communicated together. A problem I have found with the most recent Icehome books is that the couple doesn't communicate efficiently. This couple defiantly does not do that.

I loved how much Raven and U'dron cared for one another and were completely open and understanding towards the other "secrets."

Also, the steam level of this book is A++++ It has some amazingggggg steamy scenes that I LOVED.

*read off of Kindle Unlimted*
Profile Image for Elle ♡ [semi-hiatus].
664 reviews93 followers
February 2, 2023
3.5 stars

Read as an audiobook.

So I was excited for this book because at the end of the last book Raven finds herself with a weird alien child and an unknown alien man in a cave and I was like yes 😤 my single alien dad romance dreams are coming true, but then turns out she’s interested in her friend Udron, so that didn’t pan out…yet. We’re definitely being set up for the single dad romance in a future book so that’s nice. Overall though I enjoyed this book more than most IPB/IH books lately hence the 3.5 stars. I found Raven’s secret past interesting, and the single dad/kid side plot line was fun.
Profile Image for A Klue.
1,499 reviews316 followers
September 2, 2020
This is a quick note to myself, folks, as a reminder I stopped reading this book at 39%. I simply couldn’t endure any more of the subtle but seemed overly done, low IQ caveman dialect spewing out of this sweet, deserved better, good guy, blue alien hero’s mouth and the constant, internal, self berating “I’m not worthy of anything” mental mantras they each had going on inside their own knucklehead heads. Throw in the jumping to wrong conclusions and assumptions, which fed into what I just mentioned, and my annoyance combined with frustration was quickly outweighing my overall enjoyment. Raven, who was obviously sexually experienced, wasn’t helping matters by flaunting herself, making moves, trying to manipulate the hero into getting smexy with her. She came across as a predator at times and the virginal like hero was the sexual prey. Then she'd get all embarrased when he'd turn her down.

It’s been a long time since I’ve returned to Ruby Dixon’s frozen, blue alien planet world. Looks like she’s been busy. With 33 books so far in two very similar series, I’ve only read five. Looking back, it was the first two that had me giggling aloud and shamelessly unashamed I was enamored by these hunky blue men and their sassy, feisty leading ladies. These last three, however, not so much. Maybe there are more diamond in the rough romantic tales still lurking here waiting for me to discover them, but I’m not sure I have the time or patience to weed through so many.

To elaborate just a touch more, I just can’t see how logically Raven would be so wrapped up in worry over her reputation due to her past, risque occupation. After all, under these dire circumstances, every creature was focused on survival. Pride and prejudices would have long been pitched by the frozen wayside. I’m thinking unless you were a serial killer, you’d have it made in the shade here as far as acceptance goes. This gal really needed to get real and get over her insecure self, IMHO.

(I voluntarily read and reviewed a Kindle Unlimited edition of this book.. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I was not given any payment or compensation for this review. There is no affiliation or relationship between this reviewer and the author/publisher/PR firm.)
Profile Image for Angela (Angel's Book Nook).
1,634 reviews926 followers
February 6, 2023
Raven’s Return is book eleven in the Icehome series by Ruby Dixon. It’s a simple sweet story of friends, to lovers, then to mates.

The series needs to be read in order.

Raven has a few secrets that are revealed in this novel. U’dron also has a secret. Those secrets eventually come out, but aren’t bad just things people feel other people won’t like and make them standout.

Raven is kidnapped and doesn’t expect a rescue, but U’dron saves her. He’s the only one that understand her on this frozen planet.

This was a nice friends to lovers romance. It was nice to have a couple who were friends first and then went into a relationship without resonance. U’dron was sweet. I liked how he took care of Raven and talked to her about things. I enjoyed their budding romance, easy communication and willing ness to take instructions.

This novel also introduces use to two new alien outcasts. I’m invested to see what happens with them.

Raven’s Return was a sweet and adorable read. I very much enjoyed and look forward to reading on in the Icehome series.

Rated: 4 Stars

Profile Image for k.
217 reviews
December 22, 2021
We’re really gonna gloss over the fact that this bitch blew up earth in the last book huh
Profile Image for Christi (christireadsalot).
2,309 reviews929 followers
September 11, 2022
Raven’s Return is book 12 in the Icehome series and I really enjoyed this one! U’dron is from the Shadowcat clan, and he and Raven both have secrets about their pasts they don’t want the other to find out about. But they’re sooo cute and fun together!

At the end of the previous book/beginning of this book, Raven got sort-of kidnapped and taken away by someone. U’dron realizes she’s missing she sets out to find and rescue her. She’s safe and he finds her and they end up spending some time together. Both have feelings for one another and want to be pleasure mates, since they’re obviously not resonating. Raven had a tough life back on Earth and because of her past she feels like the others around the camp will not be a fan of the things she did. So instead she has played it off as being a very happy, calm, hippie-type girl. U’dron has something he has kept secret as well that he thinks makes him unworthy of Raven. U’dron is so sweet and Raven is used to others not caring about her, so it was so nice to see her realize U’dron cares. Both of their secrets/pasts were pretty much a non-thing to everyone else except for themselves, so I liked seeing them be embraced by one another through all that and fit in with the rest of the group too. I liked seeing Raven teach some of the other ladies some things she knew from her not-so-secret past at the end!
Profile Image for Virg.
357 reviews1 follower
November 1, 2021
This just wasn't for me. RD was going for some sex-positivity points by making Raven (the happy hippie) a stripper back on earth, but everything felt forced and fake. Honestly, I didn't understand why Raven would feel she needed to reveal to the *entire tribe* she used to be a stripper. It wasn't like she wanted to be one again. If there's ever a time to leave your past behind you and make a new start, it's being stranded on another planet. And yet Raven confessed her "true identity" (because being a stripper is more of her identity than who she is at heart?) and then did a whole strip tease routine in front of a ton of married couples and a handful of single guys. WTF?? It made no sense. And then multiple women come to her for dancing lessons to win their men. (R'jaal's going to wind up with effing Daisy and I'm sad about it.)

I really liked U'dron, he was sweet and kind, and a little unsure considering how his mini-tribe treated him for the last 10 years. I liked Raven sometimes, but it felt very much like the sex-positivity RD was going for morphed into a girl coming on way too strong, and the sex scenes were often cringe.

The WORST part of this book is the conversation where Raven wants to know if U'dron would be okay with her stripping. Because we have to be Earth-modern and progressive on this primitive planet, so of course he has to say he would be okay with her stripping for the other guys. (Which she effing does!) I love these books for the fated mates trope & fierce possessiveness the couples have. But because we're forcing U'dron to be modern, he can't say "you're mine" like every other male has, he has to say "yeah Raven, if dancing naked for other men makes you happy, I would be comfortable with that" which is insane for this culture. AND THEN not only did Taushen's parents have a three-mate a few books back, but now U'dron says his parents resonated but his dad sometimes went off and boned his childhood girlfriend because as long as everybody's okay with it, it's no big deal. Which feels like a total reversal of fated mates, resonance is 97% blissfully happy never wrong soulmates, mine-mine-mine possessive love that's been established for the last 34 books. At this point I fully expect a three-way, "sanctioned cheating", or a resonance divorce from her, and I hate it.
Profile Image for Gale Albright.
2,604 reviews18 followers
May 20, 2022
I loved this story to the uttermost! Raven and her man have secrets that they feel make them less than the others. It was a very interesting concept, in that even millions of miles from home we still bring our baggage with us. I loved how they both worked out their own issues and found happiness together. Amazing story as always Ms. Dixon.
Profile Image for Briana.
180 reviews14 followers
October 18, 2020
4.25 Stars~~
How’d I land on that score? I compared it to the last two books. I liked it less than Mari’s story but more than Penny’s.

This had a strong start with a memorable dramatic scene and interesting new characters. My biggest complaint is that the pacing wasn’t great and the ending came on a bit too suddenly.

The story dragged the secrets out too much. It’s a big deal to them, and I respect that, but eventually it was like Ok, I get it...


Raven’s secret:

U’dron’s secret:

...but, now I have to wait for more.
1,702 reviews5 followers
September 2, 2020

Another Ruby Winning book!
Loved Raven and her mates character. Describing him as a Puppy is good, but I thought he was more like a 19 year old with his absolute devotion to her and his belief in what she wants and does is great. He is put there to ensure her happiness, in way at ever way she wants. Would love to see then in a short story about her pregnancy, birth. Bet it would be hysterical.
It was wonderful that the author made her character a former stripper and Ex-con. People too often think that are past defines us. It is our present and what actions we do in the future after surviving the darkness that defines us.
Eagerly await next book.

How about making the planet a place where abused/rescued humans (male and female, children of them) go to be protected by the galaxy (consortium, whatever controlling group called). Since earth is gone, and now they are in danger of extinction. They can set up an communication site so once a month info sharing can be had. With some limited tech. Like system to mine and melt Native Metal, greenhouses that will survive the high winds, ice, snow, etc.
If not how about making the raft and boat building a thing, with them going on coastal trips to bring driftwood, and the hairy lobster to camps. Hopefully finding more survivors and surprised isolated Natives that no one knew of. As well as discoveries of items of old or use in caves. Like diamonds to use for tools.
Sorry author inspires me to dream of the world she writes about Because I feel like I am living their lives with them when I read books.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 475 reviews

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