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The Bayou

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"Eugene didn’t know if he believed in the devil beyond the wicked things people did of their own accord, but if the devil had a face, it would look like Johnny Walker’s."

Small-town Louisiana, 1935.

When Eugene was twelve, a girl from town disappeared. Everyone said the gators must have got her when she strayed too near the bayou. No foul play, just a terrible accident. But Eugene can't shake the conviction that Mary Beth's death had something to do with the man who used to haunt her—the man no one else could see.

Now, nearly two decades later, there are more dangerous things than gators in Chanlarivyè. People are disappearing again, and this time, no one can find the bodies. As the town's unease grows, charismatic fugitive Johnny Walker arrives on the scene, shedding bullet casings and stolen bank notes in his wake.

He tangles himself up in Eugene's life and awakens memories Eugene thought he had laid to rest years ago. Memories of the mysterious man who followed Eugene into his dreams, and memories of the bayou—

And of the horrifying entity that lurks beneath the water's surface, slowly seeping into the town like a stain.

149 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 12, 2021

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About the author

Arden Powell

23 books346 followers
Arden Powell is a Canadian author and illustrator. A nebulous entity, they live with a small terrier and an exorbitant number of houseplants, and have conversations with both.

So far they have written fantasy, sci fi, southern gothic, horror, historical fantasy, and multiple subgenres of romance. They intend to eventually write in every single SFFH genre possible. Everything they write is queer.

Join their newsletter here: subscribepage.com/u2p5e1 for new releases, sales, cover reveals, and exclusive bonus content.

You can read their newsletter-exclusive Flos Magicae epilogues here: https://books.bookfunnel.com/flosmagi... if you join their mailing list.

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5 stars
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574 (38%)
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287 (19%)
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81 (5%)
1 star
17 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 369 reviews
Profile Image for Frankie.
586 reviews151 followers
October 26, 2022
This was supposed to be a buddy read but I accidentally read it in one sitting 👁👄👁

Sorry, Sed.

>Southern gothic
>Christianity being terrible
>demons and devils and ghosts and other spooky things
>holy shit that ending
Profile Image for Daydreamer.
205 reviews1 follower
October 12, 2021
My general impression is YOU NEED TO READ THIS BOOK.

I have no words to describe this, but I'm in love.
The Bayou is an example of storytelling at its finest. This dark, gothic feverish story is a gem. The writing is absolutely brilliant and the atmosphere Powell delivers here is INSANE. .. one hundred stars
Profile Image for Iman (semi-hiatus).
726 reviews212 followers
October 7, 2022

Hmmmmmmmmmmm it was a really, really difficult book. I feel so stupid the whole time. It fits to halloween and eerie theme. Halloween BR with Hugo :) which made everything better.
Profile Image for Claire Cray.
Author 21 books175 followers
May 26, 2021
This really gives us a lot.

Melancholy psychological horror. Lurid, soulful crime fiction. That Louisiana Gothic atmosphere dialed up to 11. Relentless human suffering. Heavily descriptive sex scenes full of dark feelings. Vengeance. A killer final act. A moral point of view with heart and teeth.

All that. But honestly, I was sold before the end of page one.
Profile Image for Brend.
691 reviews1,153 followers
March 8, 2024
Southern gothic but no one said y'all :/

It also could have been a Supernatural episode!

Profile Image for Laura (laurascozyreads).
193 reviews69 followers
February 18, 2024
4.5 stars

queer southern gothic horror with men that are too pretty and air that is too hot and smiles that are too sharp my beloved!!

there is something uncanny about hot summer days, how time stretches like molasses, dog days making everyone go a bit insane and blurry around the edges.
arden powell is a master at creating that atmosphere, invoking the oppressive, sickly heat of a southern summer in the 1930s.

the bayou isn't a long book, but it packs a punch. it's unsettling and alluring, the writing seductive in a way that makes your skin crawl. while i enjoyed the built up of the story a tad more than some of the revelations, the ending was just!! the writing and the themes of this book — if you enjoy dark, queer stories that are kind of messed up, similar to summer sons, you would probably also enjoy this. which is to say, personally, i adored it.

also the way this is lowkey a monster romance... a slay if i do say so myself

(you might want to check the content warnings for this one)
Profile Image for Vini.
667 reviews108 followers
July 18, 2024
queer southern gothic horror with pretty men my love!!!
Profile Image for tig :3.
115 reviews156 followers
November 8, 2023
i am a sucker for evil personified in the form of nature and innocence and everything lovely. the bayou is wicked in a way that lures you in like the devil striking a bargain.

i loved the faerie hounds of york, but i want to say i loved this a little bit more. it leans into that dark corner of gothic horror which elicits this slow, impending dread that urges you to run away yet wraps a leash around your neck to prevent you from doing so.

it’s sick, it’s twisted, it’s romantic in a syrupy sweet way that aches your teeth and becomes loathsome rather than enjoyable. powell is the master of creating a palpable atmosphere, and it truly astonishes me.

however, what astonishes me more is the fact that this is the second book i have read this week that has turned out to be some form of monster romance……. what is the universe trying to tell me ? ??

full review soon me thinks!!
Profile Image for Livia.
46 reviews13 followers
March 16, 2021
review to come

in the meantime i'll be staring at a wall
Profile Image for catarina.
262 reviews27 followers
August 30, 2024
2.5 stars

This was a pretty short novella, so I don't know why the author tried to do so much with it. It's the story of the death of a girl and how that impacted our main character, Eugene, who was friends with her when they were children. It's also the story about two outlaws who terrorise Louisiana, Bonnie and Clyde style. It's also about how Eugene gets kidnapped by them. It's also about Eugene's nightmares. It's also a ghost story. It's also about people disappearing from town. It's also about the bayou that's slowly swallowing it whole.

In short, it felt messy. It was a well-written mess, sure, and it had great potential, but it had no business being so short while also trying to juggle so many things at once. There was no time to give each aspect of the story the attention it merited.

The climax of the story was great, though, and so were the sex scenes. But everything else fell short for me, including the romance.
Profile Image for Claudie ☾.
547 reviews169 followers
December 5, 2021
This would make for a great Halloween read. Disturbing and eerie, it captured the southern gothic atmosphere perfectly; the plot unfolded slow like molasses at first, but the gradual build up culminated in a darkly satisfying finale — with an unexpected twist. Beautifully written.
Profile Image for charlie.
118 reviews79 followers
July 21, 2022
i dunno what i just read but i loved it
Profile Image for Kara Jorgensen.
Author 20 books180 followers
January 12, 2021
I greatly enjoyed this. THE BAYOU has a lovely Southern Gothic flavor with plenty of sensory detail to put you in the fetid swamps of Louisiana.
Make no mistake, this is horror, and the uncanny kind that I really like. If you don't like jump scares but love a good creeping, unsettling kind of horror, this is it.
The only thing I didn't like is that I felt like the author messed up some of the Catholic terminology (said preacher once, sermon instead of homily, weekly confession which isn't the norm, even back in the day). This annoyed me because I was raised Catholic, but it isn't something that would bother most readers.
Overall, I loved the gothic energy and the uncanniness of this tale.
Profile Image for DK.
914 reviews36 followers
January 13, 2021
Holy shit. I feel like I've just been on a terrifying dream journey and I'm not sure if I'm back or not. Am I actually in my room because mentally I'm still in the horror swamp or the decaying farmhouse or the eerie ghost town. Also now I'm afraid to sleep. That was something unlike anything I've read. *nervously checks dark corners before turning off the lights*
Profile Image for Kat.
242 reviews191 followers
June 13, 2023
"Johnny Walker stood in the middle of the street like the heat didn't bother him and bullets couldn't touch him. Like there wasn't a cop dying at his feet."

Bank robbers, ghosts, & gators. It's the deep south in the 1930's, and the preternatural things that move through the swamp after dark are almost as scary as the people in the church.

This was jaw-dropping, nightmarish, totally transportive. I'm not going to say a ton about it because it's definitely the kind of book that you should go into knowing as little as possible - but the fact that it has under 800 reviews is a CRIME. I'm going to be yelling about this one from the rooftops for the foreseeable future. This is the epitome of queer horror: it's surreal and atmospheric, relying on its deliciously sinister setting and unreliable narrator to build unease rather than defaulting to cheap scares. In the beginning I was wishing for chapter headers that would clarify whether we were in the past or the present, as I sometimes felt mixed up, but I quickly realized that was the point: Arden Powell makes the passage of time soupy and nebulous, stretching and jumping then doubling back, disorienting the reader along with the main character. The story feels more and more dreamlike as it progresses.

Cleverly constructed and gorgeously executed, I feel somehow fundamentally not the same person I was when I started this. Sprinting to pick up the Faerie Hounds of York. (Also, oh my god, this author has RANGE. The last book I picked up by them was a charming and whimsical little romantasy of manners.)

"They say the devil comes dressed as everything you've ever dreamed of. I never really imagined what that meant until I met you."
Profile Image for thosemedalingkids.
567 reviews59 followers
April 8, 2023
This was a really satisfying queer horror! It felt like the location was another MC with how much description went into the surrounding environment. This is gory, this is mysterious, this is spooky, has the vibes, and was very engrossing. The two plot lines, child Eugene POV and adult present day POV was a great way to add tension and build up the storyline. I don't know if "liked" is a good way to describe this one - it made me feel things and made my head a little confused, which was what I'm looking for in horror!

Definitely check out the CWs before reading.
Profile Image for zuz.
99 reviews29 followers
November 11, 2022
chuckles i sure hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me
Profile Image for X.
922 reviews15 followers
February 12, 2023
Tense, ominous, impeccable Louisiana horror. Alluring criminals, strange disappearances, haunting memories, and the bayou creeping closer and closer and closer… I physically couldn’t stop reading this.

Eugene, the protagonist, is a queer journalist in 1935 who sees a pair of Bonnie and Clyde-esque bank robbers kill a cop and make their escape. But he just heads home, goes into work the next day like usual, and tells no one what he saw. In other words, he’s a bystander.

And I’ll let you read it to see what exactly I mean by that! All I’ll say is this book is really smart, really compelling, and has a *fantastic* ending. What more can you ask for?

Frankly, I have DNFed multiple historical fantasy romances by this author. They always felt a little meandering, a little overstuffed. But here? I don’t know if it’s this author’s style being applied to the exact right genre for it, or just my personal taste, but this book is perfection. The pace, the language, the characters, the structure - it’s all phenomenal.
Profile Image for sher.
121 reviews30 followers
September 21, 2021
"he looked less like the devil then, his eyes wide and earnest, but milton wrote that lucifer knew how to cry."

actual rating: 4.5

i think this book is very well-written. overall, i cant find any weaknesses to the storytelling. but since this book was too short, i kinda quickly got over it so that's why im rating 4.5 stars.
Profile Image for lisa.
70 reviews2 followers
April 12, 2022
not sure how to feel about the romance part of the plot
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Benji.
344 reviews21 followers
June 24, 2024
Damn, this was an excellent Southern gothic horror novella. Powell did a masterful job building an oppressive and sweltering atmosphere, using the swampy southern heat to blur the lines between dream and reality. I used to do some hiking/wading in cypress swamps of southern Florida and this really captures the otherworldly spookiness. It also includes some cathartic vengeance against weaponized religion.

The Devil was alive and well in Chanlarivyè, just as he was all through the South. Folks don’t need so many churches unless they had something that needed praying away.

CWs: murder, blood and gore, religious trauma, child death, suicide, rape of a child, gaslighting
Profile Image for Gillian.
973 reviews25 followers
May 30, 2021
4.5 stars

One of the best short stories I’ve ever read with lots of creepy Southern Gothic charm. This might chill your bones and warm your blood in equal measure.
Profile Image for Sevia.
440 reviews24 followers
May 22, 2022
Jedna z nejatmosféričtějších knížek, co jsem kdy četla. Nemůžu uvěřit, kolik se toho na tak malém prostoru dalo vystavět a odvyprávět. Mám ohromnou slabost pro Louisianu a tohle bylo skoro ve všech směrech perfektní. Poslední pár stránek mi ten pocit trochu pokazilo, ale i tak skvělé.
Profile Image for Nicky.
96 reviews38 followers
May 28, 2022
i don't know exactly why i found it so great. it was a short story, first and foremost; perhaps that was why the plot was never lost out of view. it was quite fast-paced, but it didn't overlook character arcs and it was still pretty in-depth regarding flashbacks and the background of the characters. and also the scenery was written so well, it was as if i was there.

oh and need i mention the hotness???? and no i'm not hinting at the swamp-y surroundings

dammm that f-ing was amazing
Profile Image for James Berry.
Author 3 books74 followers
March 28, 2021
This was honestly going to be four stars until I got to the denouement and things really picked the fuck up in terms to closure, justice, and really just what the heck is happening with the town.

I won’t spoil but this novel is a verdantly-written fable that could’ve been penned a decade ago, so clean and classic is the prose. The queer storytelling is a delicious paprika on top of a haunting tale that reminds me of Christopher Rice’s work. I’m fast falling in love with Powell’s work. 🙌🏻✨
129 reviews7 followers
February 25, 2021
I wasn't sure what to expect from this book but I absolutely loved it. As many people have said, the atmosphere of heat, corruption, damp and sickness is meticulously constructed and maintained. I found the structure, moving between past and present, kept me fervently engaged in both 'ages' of the story. The characters were well-drawn and the book was just a dark gem of a find.
Profile Image for Kayla Martin-Gant.
63 reviews8 followers
June 13, 2021
I've been trying to write this review for almost ten minutes and I'm just...blinking at my screen instead. That was fantastic--beautifully paced, eerie and unsettling and with an incredible build-up that doesn't slam out of nowhere so much as grab you by the chin and force you to face it all the way to the end.

And ooooh boy, what an ending.
Profile Image for Julia O'Connell.
417 reviews18 followers
March 1, 2021
A lovely atmospheric horror piece, although it's a bit heavier on atmosphere than on plot. I found myself absorbed and intrigued in the beginning, but the story went in a very different direction than I expected and turned rather bleak.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 369 reviews

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