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Off The Record

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New Year. New School. New Everything. I was dreading this move across the country and was so anxious to return back our quiet life in California. Until her. Noelle Halstead is the definition of sunshine personified and from the moment I saw her, I've felt desperate to know her. I just need to figure out how to get a girl like her to notice a guy like me, because she is way out of my league.

My life is hectic, frantic almost, and my plate gets more overloaded every year. But, now there is a new guy at school, Caleb Gregory. He plays the guitar, takes incredible photographs, and I can't seem to get him out of my head. I barely have minutes to spare, but something in the way he smiles softly and calls me by a name that isn't my own, tells me that I need to find the time to get to know him, even if something has to give.

**This book contains mature content, including but not limited to strong language and scenes that may be challenging for some readers and not suitable for young readers. See author's website for details**

*Each book is a stand-alone. But with partially overlapping storylines, they would be best enjoyed in sequence: #1. Off The Record (Noelle) #2. In The Moment (Evie) #3. Like The Rest (Anna)

393 pages, Kindle Edition

Published December 9, 2021

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About the author

P. Roper

10 books37 followers
P. Roper is a word junkie & caffeine enthusiast, born and raised in Western Canada. When she’s not writing (or reading) you’ll usually find her with her husband, chasing their hurricane of a daughter. Or she may be grabbing a coffee with her best friend. She loves NA Romance but is convinced that there is no way she could actually choose a favourite trope.

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Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews
Profile Image for Sav.
229 reviews17 followers
December 2, 2021
5 ⭐️

✨ ARC Review, my honest opinion of course✨

This book was genuinely so adorable! It gave me all the beautiful sunshiny feels without being boring or too basic, it was just happy and it made me feel happy as I read it!

Noelle and Caleb are both just such beautiful souls, who are are so perfect for one another. Their love wasn’t rushed but I never got to the point where I wanted to slam their faces together… their timing was just perfect for them.

Noelle was a relatable FMC especially for me, I won’t say why because that would be a spoiler 🤫, but somthing she deals with is something I’ve struggled with for years. So to see a character portray that was very unique to me! Her sunshine personality was just so beautiful to read about I really loved her☀️

Caleb wow whata cutie 😭, I need me a cinnamon roll of man who will treat me like I’m precious the way Caleb treats Noe. He was seriously such a great character, he was an amazing friend and just too perfect to Noe🌙

The side characters mostly Flynn, Evie, and Anna.
Flynn - suchhhh a good guy and such an amazing friend 😭.
Evie - a queen. An absolute queen of a character, can’t wait for her story🥲.
Anna - well now… I won’t say much here, because spoilers, but I am interested to see how this story unfolds 👀.

Profile Image for Kayla.
159 reviews5 followers
March 29, 2022
When minors (three girls, 17) started watching porn together (not to mention, how detailed the orgy was explained) then the had a conversation about how the two of them who share a dorm have sex with guys all the time while the other is in the room. In the same chapter the MC graphicly masturbates at least twice on the same page. That, is when I DNFed. It was very weird and uncalled for.

Up until around the 100 page mark when all that happened it read like a YA book and I couldn't understand why it was classified NA. It was like the gossip girl books without the blog. Just rich affluent teenagers at a private school being teenagers in their senior year. There was so much, SO MUCH, outfits description from socks to jacket everything was described and the main trio's nicknames were just the first letter of their names.

In all honestly, if they were aged up by two years and were freshmen in college I probably would have kept reading. It was just so weird that it kept mentioning how they were minors, and then got so sexual out of no where. In clarification, I'm not anti smut, just anti-minor smut because as a 19 y/o I really don't find any enjoyment in reading that.
2 reviews
December 12, 2021
To say I've been waiting for this release would be an understatement. The anticipation I felt in the count down to this book is undescribable.
From the moment I ended Showcase and realized there was more to come I knew I simply had to read the next installment whenever it may come. Luckily the wait wasn't too long but good golly was it worth it.
So different from her debut book and yet still so true to the particular style that fits the brilliant author so well.
If ever someone were to ask me to describe first love I would redirect them to this book. There is nothing quite like your first teen romance and oh boy this one ticks off all the boxes in the cute, awkward and hot departments.
Despite being centered in a posh little 1% background, most of these characters are still very relatable and down to earth. Honestly you almost forget they come from money until something that would cost us common folk an arm and a leg is brought up every so often.
The slowly budding romance between our protagonist is something you can feel in your bones and it made me feel like a teen again. A beautiful slow burn that went by in a rush as I read my way through the marvelous story.
I can easily say I would die for these two. Caleb is the best of boys and Noe is both someone I want to be and someone I want to take care of as is my maternal nature. I don't think there is a better fit for either of them. I wish I could go it detail but I would spoil the whole book by listing and dissecting every interaction and why they are so perfect together. I simply love them.
I see bits of myself in Noe (both good and bad) and in Caleb I see a sweet boy I definitely would have crushed on in highschool. Hell I kinda am now. He's the kind of first love I would wish for everyone.
Sweet boy that plays guitar that's insightful and views the world through a different lense? Watch me scribble his name in a notebook as my inner tween is urging to do.
And don't get me started on their friends. Those side characters deserve a review of their own with how much I want to be their friend too. And if the ending is any promise we will certainly get more of them.
From start to finish this book was everything I hoped for and more. Bless this precious author's mind for working so fast because after how it ended I am anxiously waiting to consume more of her beautiful words. I simply can't get enough.
If it's not evident enough, I am a big fan and can see myself continue to be one so long as she continues releasing such marvelous stories that possess me to read in one sitting then fall in despair when I realize I will have to wait for more.
Consider me now counting down the days until we get to enjoy her next installment In the Moment.
Profile Image for Locklyn.
134 reviews3 followers
December 9, 2021
OMG I can't rave more for Off The Record!!! P. Roper wrote the perfect first love story. Caleb and Noelle will give you a tooth ache of sweetness! I adored this book so hard. I couldn't put it down. Bottom line y'all P. Roper writes the most engaging and amazing stories! Showcase was a different and stellar debut novel. Off The Record as a sophomore novel cemented the amazing storyteller P. Roper is for me. It's 1000% different story from Showcase, but familiar characters. And just as engaging and engrossing for me as Showcase.

Noelle, over achieving all around amazingly All American girl who has been raised in that 1% life style but not pretentious and vapid like her friend Anna. She loves her friends, adores her brother and his wife(who doesn't), and is excelling in school. Senior year is a time for reaching the last of those high school goals and making those final memories before everyone scatters to new and greener pastures. Noelle is making everything happen this year. Even if she loses a little sleep, whatever. Not...anyways I digress.

Caleb Gregory, transfer from California. Normal guy, a little shy, great eye for photography, and bomb guitar player. Like where was my Caleb at 18? He is simply amazing. Willing to get involved, even though this school is a little ridiculous in their requirements for extra curriculars. Makes the perfect new best friend in his roommate Flynn, who is also a musician, and not from the 1% life style. Even if his cousin Anna is, and he's been around since they were all kids.

We get some cross over from the end of Showcase. The first time Caleb noticed Noelle and thought she was sunshine personified. Then the actual meet cute, and him just not intending to give her a nickname right out of the gate. But it's the sweetest and most perfect nickname.

Evie is Noelle's other bff. And man that girl is awesome. She reminds me of my own best friend. Bold, beautiful and gives zero.... Seriously everyone needs an Evie! And man I can't wait for In The Moment, where hopefully we find out about the Evie and Anna falling out! But we will get Evie and Flynn's story and I am here for it!

But really this book had all the adorable firsts. The cute nicknames all the way around. The awkward stages of being a shy teen. It was seriously the perfect portrait of being a teen on the verge of adulthood and the rest of their lives starting. Some appropriately managed drama, and some typical 1% parent tantrums. Go buy this one, read it, love it. It is everything you are looking for to give you some sunshine!
February 2, 2022
This is the first book I have finished in a very long time, and it has more than earned my elusive 5-star rating! So, I feel compelled to give it a short review, without going into too much detail or spoiling anything so future readers can enjoy it for themselves.

This book is the first in a series of three interconnected stand-alone novels about best friends Noelle, Evie and Anna, or, the Louisburg Girls. This is Noelle's story and a beautiful start to this series that will hook you and have you more than ready to read the following installments. This story in and of itself is a rather simple coming-of-age tale, but Roper puts such magic into it that I often felt like I was watching one of those classic Hallmark movies play out in my head. And I would've given anything to have a book like this when I myself was navigating the transitional period between high school and life after, as Noelle and her struggles are easy to relate to and empathize with.

Roper's writing and pacing style is refreshing, her descriptions and wording are short and concise enough to not be overbearing, and yet more than enough to clearly paint the scenes I was reading as I become entirely lost in her piece. Noelle and Caleb's relationship is built up perfectly and leaves nothing to be desired. And though this is a story set in the senior year of high school, there were none of those cringey and done to death tropes or cliches often found in high school stories. The story itself focuses mainly on the main cast of characters, with plenty of supporting ones as well, but side plots never become overbearing or distracting. Roper knows her characters and story well, and her confidence shows in her writing.

If I wasn't - sadly - busy with other things at the time, I would've devoured this book in a few hours, rather than over a couple of days. Overall, reading this felt exactly like the comforting familiarity of returning home after weeks away and I'm so excited to read more from this author!! You won't regret picking this story up, trust me.
Profile Image for Wicked Spines Kristin.
44 reviews2 followers
December 9, 2021
Thank you to P. Roper and Peachy Keen PR for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Noelle and Caleb were great characters and Off The Record was a really cute read. The book is set at a type of boarding school during the senior year of high school. As an extra curricular activity, Caleb joins the paper as the photographer where he will be working with Noelle, the busy editor.

"The only way I can describe Noelle Halstead is personified sunshine."

Since there are no parents to really check in on them, the lives of these high schoolers are vastly different. They're rich, on their own and very sexually active. It was crazy to read about three girlfriends watching porn together as if it's a normal Tuesday night event. There were teenagers having sex with others in the same room as their roommate and just acting older than their age in general.

With that being said, there is a genuine care for one another and chemistry between the two main characters. While there is an immediate attraction, it's a slow burn to act on those feelings. I loved the bond they share and the sweet way they were with one another.

In a couple of the chapters, I was a little thrown by the jump/transition and it made parts a little awkward. I still enjoyed the book and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a high school romance. The next book in the series will follow Caleb and Noelle's friends and I'm interested to read their story.
2 reviews
February 2, 2022
Off The Record is a wee bit different than Showcase!

That being said - first love is full of self-discovery and self-doubt. P. Roper captures this but still has all the possible best parts of first love shining like a beacon throughout this story. I want to fall in love for the first time all over again after reading this!

The characters are so believable that you find yourself rooting for them and at other times booing them in your head as read the story! For being wrapped up in the cocoons of their privileged lives, they still have issues that the rest of us have to deal with daily. It was lovely to see the elite level still be human and real.

Noe & Caleb's story flows from Dee and Nathaniel's almost seamlessly, yet softens for the younger characters. You see the Showcase characters slide in and out of the story in way that enhances both of the storylines (can't wait to see what the next story brings).

For someone who is writing their second book, I only wonder how many more stories they have to tell and how long I have to wait for the next installment! P Roper has my vote for a escape from my world with a story that is captivating, thrilling, moving, tender and oh so believable!

Well Done! and when is the next one coming?!
620 reviews8 followers
December 11, 2021
This is the first book that I’ve read by P.Roper and I was drawn in from the first paragraph. Noe is smart, determined, and a bit of a people pleaser. She is obsessed with keeping her parents proud of her, which leads to a host of problems.

This book is about self discovery, a coming of age, and the realization that you have limits to what you can do. It’s also about how perception is not reality. The perfect people can still have secrets. Those secrets have the ability to hurt, even if its just yourself.

I love Caleb: the sweet, nerdy boys with hidden talents, with secret crushes, this is how I saw them. I’m excited to read Evie’s story. I love this series.
2,167 reviews12 followers
December 14, 2021
What a nice book for a change! So used to reading darker books that this was such a nice breather. It is a perfect love story in the old traditions but with a nice new touch as it is rockstar but that makes it nice. I so wish I could have Caleb, I mean it would be so awesome as the stars in my younger years weren't anything spectacular but oh my did he just stole my heart. This story is sweet, engaging and a favorite for me to re-read for sure. The caracters come of the page and feel real and the struggles they have are so normal to have. Well done P. Roper.
1 review
December 27, 2021
I devoured this book!

I absolutely love P. Roper’s writing! I read pretty much everything, but romance is my jam, and although this book was a bit different (tamer perhaps) than her last, it fit seamlessly into the storyline and did not disappoint! If P. Roper is writing it, I’m reading it, and if you’re into romance you should be too.
Profile Image for Batwoman.
500 reviews4 followers
December 24, 2021
Loved reading this book, it was so sweet. I loved reading the build up of Caleb and Noelle’s relationship. They both deserved and needed each other so badly. Also get both their points of views! Very highly recommend reading this book. I can’t wait for Evie and Flynn’s book.
2,223 reviews17 followers
December 11, 2021
Good read

I really liked Noelle and Caleb's story. A great mix of romance and angst with great characters. Looking forward to more in this series.
Profile Image for Alicia Ceasar.
1,375 reviews11 followers
September 24, 2022
Off the Record by P. Roper is a New Adult romance that takes place during the characters’ senior year of high school. Noelle “Noe” is the classic overachiever-involved with everything, to the point where it seems impossible for her to have time to do it all. But with copious amounts of caffeine, anything is possible! (as a mother of three kids, I can relate). Caleb is the new guy at school and has an air of mystery about him. He is constantly writing song lyrics and music in his head and he is trying to get used to life in his new home. Caleb and Noelle cross paths when Noelle needs some pictures for the school paper and Caleb steps in to help.

I don’t want to go too much into much more about what this book is about because you really need to read it for yourself! I loved this book. I’m a 32 year old woman so I’m kind of hesitant to pick up a romance book that takes place during high school but this was such a sweet story, it worked perfectly in the setting. I love when the male love interest silently pines after the heroine long before she ever really notices him. There is just something about a sweet guy that will do anything for the girl that makes me swoon.

I really enjoy the friendship group in this book and I love how every character is unique and doesn’t feel placed there just to progress the story. It feels very organic.

This book has very mild spice which to me, felt very authentic to the characters and the ages they are. This book is also dual POV and I think the characters were different enough that I could tell which perspective I was in very easily. There were also a few chapters were the end of one chapter overlapped with the start of another so you get to see the same scene from both sides which was very fun!

Having now read two books by this author, I can tell she is going to be an all time favorite. There is a talent in writing a romance that doesn’t depend on miscommunication but finds other ways to have a little bit of conflict. I think if you are looking for a sweet romance with characters you will really enjoy, you should definitely pick this up! This is a kind of long romance book but I never felt that and flew through the whole thing in a day! It is available on Kindle Unlimited to read so why not try it?
Profile Image for Gina.
134 reviews3 followers
December 15, 2021
I couldn’t love Noelle & Caleb any more than I already do. They are so sweet and I love the nickname that he has for her from the moment he first laid eyes on her, when he declared she was “personified sunshine”. The nickname drives her nuts for a bit because he won’t tell her right away why he calls her by this name and it’s adorable to see how frustrated she gets.

Though this isn’t the first time he’s noticed her, Caleb actually meets Noe when he goes to the school’s paper to join as a photographer for an extra-curricular activity that he needs in order to graduate. From there, we get to witness as their friendship and love builds. This is a coming-of-age story about two high school students trying to find their way and I’m just so in love with this book. It has all the cute firsts and innocence of a “first love” relationship, along with the awkwardness of being a shy teenager. There is drama, romance, angst plus some awesome characters that you are guaranteed to fall in love with! Both Caleb & Noelle have amazing friendships with Flynn and Evie. Everyone needs friends like those two. And then there is Anna. Well, I won’t say much here but we all have a friend like her, that sometimes you just need to put in their place.

I’m read mostly dark romances, so Off The Record was like a palate cleanser for me, so to speak, a breath of fresh air. It is sweet and adorable while keeping the reader engaged and waiting to see what happens next, all while being along for the ride while these two, kind of shy teenagers, come into themselves, on the verge of adulthood, and fall in love. I’m loving this series so far and I can’t wait for Evie’s story. I freakin’ love her!!

I can’t say enough good things about this book or the author, P. Roper. I read her debut novel, Showcase a few months back and knew right away this was an author I had to keep my eye on. This is her second book and I’m looking forward to what she has in store for us next!!
Profile Image for Tracey Magruder.
146 reviews6 followers
September 8, 2023
P. Roper’s Off the Record is a story of young love set on the campus of a private high school for the wealthy. It follows Noelle and Caleb during the senior year as they discover each other while navigating the world of high society.

There was a lot I liked about this book. It has a sweet plot and, despite the ages of the characters, there isn’t a lot of teenage angst. It’s relatively fast paced with manageable chapters and is written in such a way that it will hold your attention from the first page to the last. It is a very slow burn, and it takes a while for Noelle and Caleb to finally admit their feelings, which I think is part of what kept me turning the page.

I think the only negative for me was there were times I felt a little lost. I have not looked closely at the author’s other books, but it almost felt like even though this was a stand alone there were things mentioned that might have occurred as part of the plot for other books Roper has written. These moments or the connections between some of the characters were just not as well defined as I would have liked so there was some occasional confusion, but I still enjoyed the book.

I think what made this book for me was how much I loved Noelle and Caleb’s characters. They're both adorable and charming, and their on-page chemistry is so very steamy. I also loved the supporting characters, especially Evie and Flynn (who I can’t wait to read about in the next book). They’re all very well developed and I think that is what kept me so intrigued throughout the book.

Overall: ⭐⭐⭐.5
Spice: 🌶️🌶️.5

Again, I really did like this book, I just think there are connections to other books that I missed that maybe could have been explained better. If you like sweet stories of young love though, check this one out!
Profile Image for Dee Her.
79 reviews2 followers
February 17, 2023

On a beautiful day, Caleb snaps a picture of a teenage girl in the park as he witnesses a couple getting engaged. He is adjusting to his move across the country after his mother has married a new man and learning to come onto his own as he prepares to finish highschool at a prep school filled with students from very wealthy families. Caleb quickly learns that the girl he took a picture of is none other than Noelle, a beautiful and over achieving student at his new school. He secretly likes her and spends many moments figuring out how to tell her. For Noelle, she quickly notices Caleb as the boy who carries a camera at all times and is a musical genius on his guitar. They spend many moments moving around their attraction for each other as they maneuver through their final year of high school.

This story of new love/first love is refreshing! There is something so sweet about finding a first love and how every step and moment of it is magical and perfect even if it seems silly. Caleb and Noelle are no exception to this. Roper does a great job writing through the emotional highs and lows of new love. The only thing I struggled with a bit was understanding the luxuries and situations of the ultra wealthy. I couldn't imagine being able to do some of the things that these teens were allowed to do because I am so far removed from that world.
Profile Image for Holly Rife.
383 reviews5 followers
September 7, 2023
This was just a beautiful love story, a breath of fresh air I didn't know I needed.

Caleb and Noelle are in an elite high school boarding school. Caleb just moved, but is mesmerized by Noelle from the start. There are several things I love about this story. This love story isn't a crash of waves. It's more like gentle ebbs and flows. I didn't want to breathe too hard, because I was afraid I would interrupt their trajectory. It's a slow burn, but also a soft burn… Another thing I really appreciated about this book - I don't see much of the negative goings on of high school. That's my general concern when picking up a high school romance and I was genuinely surprised.

The supporting characters are awesome sauce. I can't wait to read some of their stories in the next books. (This is book 1 in The Louisburg Girls. Book 2 and 3 are already out.)

Please read the content warnings, dear ones, before starting this story. It is a beautiful story, but as always, not for every person.

If you like slow burn new adult romances, I highly recommend this book.
12 reviews
February 22, 2023
Freaking adorable!!!

Is this what constitutes a 'cozy romance'??? I don't know because I don't usually read those.

But Noelle and Caleb are the cutest, sweetest, couple! I just love their storyline!!!

Noelle is studious, dedicated, and not an airhead (always a nice attribute) and Caleb is a softer version of the 'bad boy'. I just found myself rooting for them from the beginning, there was no annoying insta-love, there was no stupid conflict thrown in just for the sake of conflict, just a nicely paced story of two students meeting and falling in love.

Writing is also very good. I get frustrated when there are overused words/phrases or if the author spends a lot of time telling me how/why the characters feel/do something...none of that in here! Very well done!
Profile Image for MaKenna.
139 reviews4 followers
September 6, 2023
This is a Book Tour Stop for Romance Me With Books!!!
This was a super sweet New Adult read. I really loved how the author set up the characters and we could track the character growth throughout the book! This book is book 1 in a spin-off NA trilogy from her Spicy Adult standalone. I’m curious about these other books because they are about other characters in this one! I love that!
I cannot imagine having Noes schedule when I was her age. Insane… But I thought it was a great call to not overworking ourselves.
Overall great read. A few spicy scenes so definitely not recommended for younger readers even though this is set with high school characters.
Profile Image for Nikki.
119 reviews4 followers
February 15, 2023
"Off The Record" was a really great feel good read. This story makes you fall in love with the characters and root for them throughout the whole book.
Noelle is a senior in high school, Caleb is a transfer student to Noelle's school. These two meet at the newspaper office and they both want to know more about the other. As they get to know each other better, sparks start to fly. Caleb is there for Noelle through thick and thin, and Noelle gets to share many first with Caleb.
Great romance story with a happily ever after. High recommend for readers of feel good romance.
Profile Image for Elizabeth Saucedo.
223 reviews7 followers
September 7, 2023
Wow. Ok I wasn't expecting this to play out the way it did.
Teenagers without supervision are gonna do stuff they shouldn't be at their age. I read a lot of reviews saying it was surprising and that most teenagers wouldn't behave that way. But let's be real, ALOT of teenagers would do this. It's intense, it's uncomfortable, and it can be hard to read.
I did find some of the transitions and the flow to be off a little. The flow had a lot of awkward moments that could have used just a little more attention and it would have received a 4 star rating
Profile Image for Elena.
461 reviews2 followers
August 3, 2022
This book is different than a lot of books that I normally read. This one was way more lighthearted and sunshiny than the books that I have been reading recently and it was a nice change of pace. I loved how everything came together in this book and nothing was rushed, and I never anxiously waited for something to happen. Timing wise everything in this book was perfect. The characters were relatable and not to serious. This book was so sweet.
Profile Image for Britni Johnson.
143 reviews6 followers
September 1, 2023
⭐️: 4/5
🌶️: 3/5

This was a super cute read. Reading high school age romance can be hard sometimes but this was done well and real. Real life problems came up. I have a feeling i should’ve read Showcase first to get Dee and Nate’s story. It was mentioned a few times and I felt like I was missing something. But i also loved the hint to the next couple throughout the book. Will def be checking out the rest of this series.
Profile Image for Breen.
1,457 reviews
February 24, 2023
“The story was sweet and relationship building. To be honest, I’m not so interested in strong build relationships lol I just want romance, passion and lots of sexy times, and well it didn’t exactly was like that but still Caleb and Noelle’s story was interesting and had me hooked up with their interactions.”
Profile Image for Jasbookish.
63 reviews7 followers
February 20, 2023
Days after reading this, it still stayed with me. P Roper has a way of getting you to connect emotionally with the characters and for them to stay in your mind in fond memory. I'll be reading the next book.
291 reviews3 followers
September 4, 2023
These two are so sweet together!! Caleb really is just a top tier book boyfriend and he was so good to Noe. I'm starting book 2 ASAP because the side by side story lines always reel me in and I need to know what else was going on while we were reading these twos love story.
Profile Image for Grace.
4 reviews
January 7, 2022
To me this book had no catch the first 25% of it. I think it has potential but I couldn't get my ADHD mind to finish it 😭 so DNF
Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews

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