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Children have always disappeared under the right conditions—slipping through the shadows under a bed or at the back of a wardrobe, tumbling down rabbit holes and into old wells, and emerging somewhere . . . else. Adventures are always interesting, but they’re not always happy.

From the worlds of Wayward Children comes a story of love, of devotion, of bones wrapped in flesh.

32 pages, ebook

First published November 2, 2022

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About the author

Seanan McGuire

484 books16.5k followers
Hi! I'm Seanan McGuire, author of the Toby Daye series (Rosemary and Rue, A Local Habitation, An Artificial Night, Late Eclipses), as well as a lot of other things. I'm also Mira Grant (www.miragrant.com), author of Feed and Deadline.

Born and raised in Northern California, I fear weather and am remarkably laid-back about rattlesnakes. I watch too many horror movies, read too many comic books, and share my house with two monsters in feline form, Lilly and Alice (Siamese and Maine Coon).

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 405 reviews
Profile Image for emma.
2,248 reviews74.2k followers
April 12, 2023
assuming this is about phoebe bridgers.....

it wasn't, but it was another installment in this weird ass spooky series, and that's more than enough for me.

bottom line: make this the longest series of the shortest books ever, as far as i'm concerned!

Profile Image for s.penkevich.
1,320 reviews10.8k followers
November 2, 2023
The oldest stories said Mariposa began with a song, and like all songs, it would end with silence.

I am torn between being absolutely thrilled Seanan McGuire finally let us experience the world of Mariposa and being saddened that all we get is a short story instead of a novella about Christopher. Set in the world of the Wayward Children series—though this could certainly be read as a stand-alone—Skeleton Song gives us the tragic love story of Christopher and his “skeleton girl” that happens to be the Princess of Mariposa. You can read the entire thing HERE if you’d like. I think I actually enjoy the backstories more than the forward-plot-progression volumes and this one is really fun playing around with the whole Dia de los Muertos vibes. I enjoy how Christopher is so outcast because he ‘came from a world of others like him, skeletons wrapped in flesh and skin’ and how the Princess is able to find him lovely despite him having a face. But what works best is how much this really does add texture to all we’ve previously known about Christopher, like the twist about the origin of his bone flute and how much he misses and loves skeleton girl. It’s all very sweet and tender:
That was the best thing about Christopher, and she enjoyed him in all ways; it was wonderful to have a companion who didn’t demand she be a perfect princess, but allowed her to be a person when she wanted to be.

But that also makes the ending all the more tragic. I really hope this is just a taste and we will get much more of Mariposa in an upcoming book. Also this was fun to read right before Halloween.

“Sing to me of Mariposa, oh mi calaquitas,
Sing to me of the honeyed sky and the fields of endless gold.
Sing to me of butterflies, oh mi calaquitas,
Sing to me of the dreaming days and the nights as yet untold. . . .”
Profile Image for karen.
4,006 reviews172k followers
December 14, 2022

this explanation/intro will be posted before each day’s short story. scroll down to get to the story-review.

this is the SEVENTH year of me doing a short story advent calendar as my december project. for those of you new to me or this endeavor, here’s the skinny: every day in december, i will be reading a short story that is 1) available free somewhere on internet, and 2) listed on goodreads as its own discrete entity. there will be links provided for those of you who like to read (or listen to) short stories for free, and also for those of you who have wildly overestimated how many books you can read in a year and are freaking out about not meeting your annual reading-challenge goals. i have been gathering links all year when tasty little tales have popped into my feed, but i will also accept additional suggestions, as long as they meet my aforementioned 1), 2) standards.

GR has deleted the pages for several of the stories i've read in previous years without warning, leaving me with a bunch of missing reviews and broken links, which makes me feel shitty. i have tried to restore the ones i could, but my to-do list is already a ball of nightmares, so that's still a work-in-progress. however, because i don't have a lot of time to waste, and because my brain has felt scraped clean ever since my bout with covid, i'm not going to bother writing much in the way of reviews for these, in case GR decides to scrap 'em again.

i am doing my best.
merry merry.


ohhhhhhh blessed new wayward children content, and i am all a-swoon. i was always a fan of mariposa, and had hoped for a full-length story set there, so if this is a teaser of that happening, excellent news, but even if this is all we're getting, i will be content. i will happily go wherever s mcg wants to take me, always.

“Good evening, Christopher,” she said, voice delicate as a wind chime. “How did you sleep?”

“Well,” he said, and his own voice was a heavier thing, rendered more substantial by the mechanisms of his breath, which was used to keep him alive, not just to speak. “I went to the meadow and slept in the sun for a while. It was nice.”

“I’d like to sleep in the sun,” she said, somewhat wistfully.

“You could,” he said. “I could carry your bones to the hill and let you sleep with me for a while. It wouldn’t be any trouble at all. You’re light as anything.”

“But skeletons don’t sleep in the sun,” she said. “We sleep in beds of flowers, or in the cool of the catacombs, away from sunlight. That’s how it is in Mariposa.”

read it for yourself here:





2016 short story advent calendar
2017 short story advent calendar
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2019 short story advent calendar
2020 short story advent calendar
2021 short story advent calendar
Profile Image for Sara.
1,312 reviews407 followers
November 10, 2022
This was a great little bit of backstory on Christopher and his Skeleton girl, but I can't help thinking he's getting a disservice by not getting his own book. Christopher is such an interesting character, from his terminal illness that leads him to finding his door, to his determination and devotion for his princess. There could have been so much more tk his story than this.

Still very atmospheric and beautiful though.
Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 5 books4,538 followers
November 12, 2022
I want to say horror because it is the land of the dead, of skeletons awakened to the world song, but really, this is more of a love story -- a story of devotion. Or, if I take a cue right from the title, it's a love song.

I can't say that it's really a story. It's more of a ceremony.

For all that, it's quite a beautiful ceremony. If I took this without its connection with Wayward Children, I might even call it an allegory. It certainly has all the makings of something wise underneath the macabre. :)
Profile Image for Mallory.
1,651 reviews242 followers
January 1, 2023
Seanan McGuire is one of my favorite authors so I may have freaked a little when I won a copy of this story. I hadn’t realized quite how short a story was, but I remained excited. The story is a sweet look at Christopher’s background which I appreciate, but I do wish he got (or gets in the future) his own novella. He’s a great character and I feel like there is more of his story that could be told. It was nice to get a look at Mariposa and the Skeleton Girl to better understand Christopher a little.
Profile Image for Elle (ellexamines).
1,112 reviews18.9k followers
July 9, 2023
To read for free, go here. A Wayward Children story just for Christopher backstory. Lots to unpack here about monstrosity as a matter of perspective, and god, but the ending is simply heartbreaking. This seems frankly odd to not just have as part of a full book. I love Tor shorts. I do not know what the point of having both an eight-book-long novella series and a series of backstory shorts is. But what the hell, I mean, I read it and it made my heart ache. I suppose that's what matters.

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Profile Image for Trish.
2,218 reviews3,690 followers
November 12, 2022
“Sing to me of Mariposa, oh mi calaquitas,

Sing to me of the honeyed sky and the fields of endless gold.

Sing to me of butterflies, oh mi calaquitas,

Sing to me of the dreaming days and the nights as yet untold...”

This is the story of Christopher and how he ended up in mariposa, the world of his Skeleton Girl. It’s also the story of the world itself and how/why the door sent him back.

It was highly interesting to not only learn of Christopher‘s background, but also of that of the princess and her parents as well as the magic that fuels Mariposa.

A short little additional story to the world of the Wayward Children and one I thoroughly enjoyed though it wasn‘t quite as powerful as one of the full books.

You can read the story for free here: https://www.tor.com/2022/10/26/skelet...
Profile Image for Fiona Cook (back and catching up!).
1,341 reviews278 followers
October 31, 2022
No one knew what would happen if the summoning song was not performed. Perhaps a break in the chain would leave all of Mariposa slumbering forever, the abuelas unable to rise without a full night’s celebration to animate their bones, the children unable to wake without the abuelas urging them from their beds. The oldest stories said Mariposa began with a song, and like all songs, it would end with silence.

Halloween, and Tor are gifting us with another short in the Wayward Children series - finally it's Christopher's turn. I really enjoyed this - it clicked for me better than the more recent novellas in the series, and it was nice to go back to loving it!

Free from Tor here: https://www.tor.com/2022/10/26/skelet...
Profile Image for Marnie  (Enchanted Bibliophile).
880 reviews130 followers
May 31, 2023

“It had no words. It needed no words: when the world sang, words would just have gotten in the way.”


A sweet short little story delving into Christopher's world.
We meet his Skeleton Girl and get to know more about Mariposa and how it came to be.

I'd love to see more of this world!
Profile Image for Lexie.
2,096 reviews342 followers
October 25, 2022
"Sing to me of Mariposa..."

For those who have been reading since the beginning, who don't go into this story uncertain of what things beneath the surface are, you'll know why the ending is as the ending is.

Be sure.

Not Be Certain. Not Be Brave. Not Be Happy.

Be. Sure.

Surety does not mean perfect understanding of what you're embarking on, its understanding its an adventure you want. An adventure that you are willing to risk everything for because its what you want.

Christopher is a quiet character, who like Kade, his Door and how he came to be thrown back to "reality", are hard to discuss fully. But he wants back to his Skeleton Girl and in this short story we're given a glimpse at what they had together.
Profile Image for Kristina .
313 reviews140 followers
January 5, 2023
Christopher is one of my favorite characters in the Wayward Children series and I can't help but feel a little disappointed that he won't be getting his own book. I loved the little piece of Mariposa we were given and it was nice to get more of his story. I'm just greedy and wanted more.
Profile Image for Brittany (Britt's Book Blurbs).
788 reviews243 followers
October 8, 2023
I have never been happier with McGuire. All I’ve ever wanted is a window into Mariposa, and it is so much more than I could have hoped for.
"The oldest stories said Mariposa began with a song, and like all songs, it would end with silence."
Christopher and his Skeleton Girl are absolute perfection. This story was the perfect length to give context to what we already know about both these characters, and while I want Christopher to find his doorway, I can understand why it hasn’t happened yet. McGuire has finally given me what I've been hoping and asking for, and while I still want more, she’s succinctly explained why we haven’t been given more yet.
"The pools of starlight in her sockets vanished as she closed her eyes, tilted her head back, and added her voice to the song of Mariposa.

It had no words. It needed no words: when the world sang, words would just have gotten in the way. Christopher knew it was important, essential, even, for the Princess to join the song each evening, even if most of the skeletons in the palace would only hum a few notes before they went about their business. She sang, and he ran his fingers across the surface of his flute, wishing he could find the nerve to join her. It wasn’t his place, though—not yet. Not until he could be sure he’d be staying.

Not until she told him he belonged."
It’s not surprising that there are supplemental short stories in a series of novellas, but I’m ready for a full-length novel now. I’ll just throw that out into the universe and hope it manifests into something tangible.

Review originally posted here on Britt's Book Blurbs.

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Profile Image for Banshee.
615 reviews63 followers
December 22, 2022
It was a beautiful, poetic and bittersweet background story for Christopher. My only regret is that I hoped he would get his own novella rather than just a few pages. It just wasn't enough.
Profile Image for Sophie Elaina.
415 reviews379 followers
November 6, 2022
I’m so glad we’ve finally got a bit more from Christopher’s backstory. This little side story was cute and a great addition although I kind of wish that it was longer. Mariposa is a very interesting world/setting and I really enjoyed reading about it. Fingers crossed we’ll visit it again in future instalments.

1) Every Heart A Doorway: 4⭐️
2) Down Among The Sticks and Bones: 3.5⭐️
3) Beneath The Sugar Sky: 5⭐️
4) In An Absent Dream: 5⭐️
4.5) Juice Like Wounds: 3⭐️
5) Come Tumbling Down: 3⭐️
6) Across The Green Grass Fields: 5⭐️
7) Where The Drowned Girls Go: 5⭐️
7.5) In Mercy, Rain: 3.5⭐️
7.7) Skeleton Song: 4⭐️
8) Lost In The Moment and Found: 5⭐️
Profile Image for Roberta R. (Offbeat YA).
433 reviews39 followers
September 7, 2024
Excerpt from my review - originally published at Offbeat YA.

Pros: An imaginative look-in-reverse at one of the most common fantasy tropes. Fills us in about Christopher's encounter with the Skeleton Girl and the reason why he didn't get to stay with her.
Cons: Requires more suspension of disbelief than some of the other worlds.
WARNING! Death, skeletons (duh), flesh-stripping (off page).
Will appeal to: Fans of the Wayward Children series...past and future 😉.

You may ask - what's the point in reviewing a short story that also happens to be a free read? It's not like one has to decide if it's worth one's money or not (unless you do want to buy the ebook for your collection). But since I'm reviewing the whole series, it just didn't seem right to leave this one out...

Whole review here.
Profile Image for h o l l i s .
2,606 reviews2,228 followers
November 27, 2022
Full disclosure I had no idea who this character was for a few pages. But then it did sorta come back to me. I'm not entirely sure why Christopher warranted a little short (as opposed to giving him a full story and thus why this was needed at all) but it wasn't bad at all. Maybe this will play into the next one? Who knows.
Profile Image for Courtney (bookplaces).
270 reviews88 followers
February 3, 2023
What a gorgeous and heartbreaking novelette... I have been aching to go through Christopher's door and to hear the love story of his Skeleton Girl. I am hopeful this little glimpse into Mariposa might mean we will get an adventure through his door in a full length novella!
Profile Image for Raquel Flockhart.
552 reviews389 followers
January 1, 2024
“The thought of dying to rise again, to dance, was not so terrible. The thought of forgetting who they had been . . . that, they could not bear.”

I quite enjoyed this Wayward Children novelette, even though I was more invested in the world than the characters. This one finally focuses on Christopher and his Skeleton Girl and made me want to read a full novella set in Mariposa. It was bittersweet but with an ending that leaves room to explore more stories about Christopher, hopefully in following installments in this series.

1. Every Heart a Doorway ★★
2. Down Among the Sticks and Bones ★★★
3. Beneath the Sugar Sky ★★
4. In an Absent Dream ★★★★
4.5 Juice Like Wounds ★★★
5. Come Tumbling Down ★★★
6. Across the Green Grass Fields ★★
7. Where the Drowned Girls Go ★★
7.5 In Mercy, Rain ★★
8. Lost in the Moment and Found ★★★

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Profile Image for Nai | Libros con(té).
461 reviews94 followers
February 29, 2024
“The oldest stories said Mariposa began with a song, and like all songs, it would end with silence.”

Si bien quería un libro entero de Christopher y su pasaje por Mariposa, mundo hecho a la medida que él necesitaba en ese momento, luego de leer esta historia corta no sé si quiero. No quiero sufrir, no quiero llorar. Y ya me emocioné con esta simple historia...

Mariposa me parece un mundo precioso. Y, si bien los lectores de esta saga nos lo veníamos imaginando como un gran Día de los Muertos, un gran Coco, acá se ve que es un poco más creepy que eso. Y que es un mundo con mucha profundidad y capas a explorar.
Todo el tiempo me la pasaba pensando en El Cadáver de la Novia, de Tim Burton, no sé por qué. Me dio a esas vibras también.

En fin, Christopher está triste. Yo estoy triste. Vos estás triste. Todos estamos tristes.

“We sleep in shadow to evade the sun, and wake when the stars return. The days of Mariposa have to happen for the sake of the flowers, and the butterflies, but they stay short and sweet for us. That’s how it’s meant to be. That’s how it’s always been.”

Mariposa Spotify Mix 🌟
Profile Image for Dragana.
1,802 reviews150 followers
February 23, 2023
Finally, a story of how Christopher met the Mariposa Princess.
Short but cute. <3

(This story can be read on Seanan McGuire's website for free!)
Profile Image for Em.
235 reviews5 followers
September 10, 2024
This is just a short story in between installments of The Wayward Children series, but it's so worthwhile and easily found for free online. I keep hoping some publisher will gather up all of these stories (there are a handful now) and publish them as a printed collection.
Profile Image for Gabriela.
88 reviews
May 23, 2023
Beautifully written. The world of Mariposa lives very vividly in my mind. I am continually stunned at how much Seanan Mcguire can do in so few pages. So many authors meander and take so long to get to the point and the story while Seanan can build a world, give backstory, and plot, introduce new characters, and end in less than 30 pages without feeling rushed or compressed.

On a personal note... THIS BETTER NOT BE THE ONLY BOOK IN THIS SERIES DEVOTED TO CHRISTOPHER. I might lose my mind if I don't get more for my poor Christopher because he deserves so much more (can you tell I've become emotionally attached?). I feel like he is being used and abused by the plot lines of the other characters and I need him to get special attention.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 405 reviews

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