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Clecanian #6

Resisting Maxu

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Being kidnapped by aliens and whisked away to another planet isn’t always a bad thing…

Meg isn’t like the other alien abduction survivors. She doesn’t missmuch of anything from her former life—least of all her deadbeat husband. Her Clecanian rescuers gave her a fresh start, and she plans to enjoy it. Being recognized as a mate is not on her agenda. Too bad a grumpy, possessive, and all-kinds-of-sexy alien has other plans for her…

Maxu never expected to find his fated mate. But he recognized Meg at first sight. Sadly, she’s not as pleased with the match as he is. She’s guarded in a way he doesn’t entirely understand and pushes him away at every turn.

Meg can run, but she soon realizes there’s nowhere to hide—not from a hunter like Maxu. But that doesn’t mean she’ll give in easily. If he wants a happily ever after with her, he’ll have to fight for it.

Good thing he’s not above playing dirty.

332 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 30, 2022

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About the author

Victoria Aveline

30 books3,546 followers
Victoria Aveline has always enjoyed immersing herself in a good romance. Alpha males are her weakness but, while possessive dominating heroes have always been titillating, she craved something more. So she decided to create a world in which devastatingly sexy men could be aggressive and domineering but still bow down before the matriarchy.

Victoria lives with her husband, dog, and about sixty thousand badass honey-making ladies. When not writing or fantasizing about future characters, she enjoys traveling, reading, and sipping overpriced hipster cocktails.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 791 reviews
Profile Image for Romantically Inclined Reviews.
690 reviews2,377 followers
November 20, 2022
Choosing Theo (the 1st book in this series) is one of my favorite alien reads of all-time. I've enjoyed the other books in the series but none of them have surpassed Choosing Theo as my favorite. But dang, Resisting Maxu comes really, really close. Neck in neck, actually.

I started off somewhat hesitant about whether I'd love it because really I wasn't really feeling a situation where characters resist being Fated Mates at the moment, but dang... this turned out so, so good. I love how they learned to communicate with one another and really struggled, but eventually succeeded, with opening up to one another despite their rather traumatic past experiences.

Plus the sex in this was off the damn charts. Magnetic entrapment collars and bracelets that keep you pinned to the wall or floor? Yeah, okay. I'm all for it.
Profile Image for Angie Cox.
453 reviews4,251 followers
November 24, 2023
3.5 ⭐️ Traveling around Clecanian was a blast!

I really liked Meg and Maxu 💕 and the amazing world building.

But y’all. That freaking ending! I was not ready! 🤯

Review to come once I have time to absorb it all.


Update: I already re-read it and omg I'm still just as shocked by that ending as before. RTC.


Clecanian Series + Ratings

💎 = Favorites

1. Choosing Theo - 4.25/5
2. Freeing Luka - 3.5/5
3. Saving Verakko - 4.5/5 💎
4. Tempting Auzed - 4/5
5. Using Fejo - 5/5 💎
5.5. Releasing Maladek - 4.5/5
6. Resisting Maxu - 3.5/5
7. Ruling Sikthand - 5/5 💎
8. TBD
Profile Image for Madz.
19 reviews2 followers
November 2, 2022
Very disappointed to read this book. Series is feeling like it’s sprinting towards the finish and won’t be as good as the first again. None of the characters had much character development, none of the plot points mentioned in previous books are ever mentioned again, each book is like the start of a brand new series at this point (other than the first 3). So much could have been done to build the other plot points by slowing down the pace of the world here, like with Verakkos home city or Fejos crew or even Rita. A lot of side romances just happen or are announced in this series rather than described. There’s major political upheavals and anger which feels so out of the blue and uncharacteristic of this series at this point. Main character was unlikeable too. Lots of questions here, I hope the next book saves it because this was my favorite book series i recommended to everyone :(
Profile Image for DIVINITY&#x1f319;.
183 reviews300 followers
November 24, 2023
I'm going to forever stand beside this series and author like a faithful ride or die gal that I am 😎
However, this particular book of the series disappointed me

Summary: Meg our FMC is actually one of the only humans who was fine with being abducted from Earth because she had a terrible a marriage and life. Her family's religion forced her into marrying her husband when they were caught having sex and she was not able to have a job/career. She never travelled or did anything worthwhile while back home so she has been enjoying the freedoms and luxuries of the new planet. When she finds out she is mated to Maxu she is upset and feels like she will be forced into a relationship because on this planet mates our highly respected. Maxu our MMC is trying to claim her and comes off extremely forceful. He seems inconsiderate and didn't do the wooing my heart desired. In my opinion they just weren't a good match and I do not feel she was ready to jump into a relationship especially not a mate any time soon. Their relationship was too rushed and lacked any definition to it. Eventually, he does learn he must be patient but it just wasn't enough for me to love it at that point.

Will I be reading the next in the series? Hell yes 😉☺️

My favorites ranked so far:
1. Theo
2. Auzed
3. Fejo
5. Luka
6. Maxu
Profile Image for Andrea &#x1f349; .
550 reviews86 followers
January 20, 2024
2.25 ⭐️ Maxu is my least favourite brother...

After thinking about it for a bit, I'm giving this book a barely passable grade. Although I did finish it, I didn't really enjoy the hero in this story. Maxu was so out of character within a series like this, where males are always so respectful and careful when it comes to the female characters - which was the main selling point for the series, at least to me. Well, that and you know... hot aliens.

I was having a hard time pinning down what it was exactly that didn't work for me while I was reading, and then it clicked - the humiliation. There are so many (I'd say most) of the interactions between the MCs in the first half of the book where the FMC is left humiliated or undermined by the MMC. And I just can't get behind that, although I know there's people who will love it. I'm just not one of them.

I did enjoy the ending, and the twist. I really was not expecting that! I'm exited to see where this series goes, because I am writing this one off as an exception to the rule. After all this is the sixth book in the series. Not all of them are going to be my cup of tea, and that's ok!

⭐️⭐️.5 / 5
🌶️🌶️.5/ 5
March 15, 2024
I really like this series!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙❤️💚💜
Steam: 🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📘📙
World building: 🌏🌍🌏🌍🌎
Character development: 😊😘😟🤓
Narration: 🎙🎙🎙🎙🎙
Narration Type: Solo Narration

The heroine: Meg - she wanted a new life, and she got one. Meg was brought up by strict religious parents, so when she was seventeen and got caught losing her virginity to a neighbor boy she barely knew, it was immediately understood that they would marry as soon as they turned eighteen. She was married to him for 10 years and was not happy. Jeremy was controlling, overbearing, and lazy and she was ready to have a life of her own, when she was abducted by aliens.

The Hero: Maxu - he is half Clecanian and half Traxian. He lives in Clecanian society but isn’t fond of some of the rules. Most Clecanians do not find their fated mates, so they have instituted temporary marriages where they only marry long enough to have a child before divorcing. The Traxian side of him is possessive and once he is with a woman for a decent amount of time, he is not willing to give her up. So, he has started to implement a policy of committing small crimes when the time of year comes to get married. Then he is in police custody and can’t take part in the matchmaking.

The Story: Meg is rescued from the Aliens that stole her by the Clecanians and was given a job by the queen to go on a tour of the world so that the population can get a look at the humans who it turns out can be fated mates to the Clecanians. Though Meg doesn’t want to end up mated to a Clecanian, she likes the idea of having an important job and traveling the world. However, when Maxu and Meg come into contact with each other, he immediately recognizes her as his mate.

I liked this story. Though Maxu didn’t want to have a temporary marriage, a fated mate that he would have for his lifetime wasn’t something he minded so much. Meg was a different story, after being in an unhappy marriage to Jeremy for so long, she was not at all happy with the idea of being claimed by a Clecanian.

This audiobook was told in dual points of view via solo narration and was narrated by Stephen Dexter. Stephen is one of my all-time favorite narrators and one of the few narrators, I don’t mind listening to with solo narration. He is great at doing different voices for different characters and his female voice isn’t bad at all. His regular voice is deep yet soft and very pleasant, which makes him one of the best, in my opinion.

Profile Image for Jenn (The Book Refuge).
2,291 reviews3,552 followers
February 24, 2024
Wow.. what an ending! I was not expecting that!

I waited for this on audio because I adore Stephen Dexter's performance so much! I don't know if I can wait for the next one though. Haha!

5 stars
2 on the spice scale
Profile Image for ✨Julie✨.
516 reviews219 followers
July 19, 2024
✩ 2 stars ✩

What to Expect:
➼ Alien Romance
➼ Mate Bond
➼ Slow Burn
➼ Humans Touring Clecania
➼ Political Unrest
➼ Third Person POV

Sad to say it, but this one was a dud. I wasn’t a fan of either MC and the events at the end felt out of place. This is an interconnected series but each book reads like a fluffy standalone romance. I think it’s too late to try to turn this into a more “serious” fantasy series. The undercurrents of political unrest have been subtle up to this point but the events at the end of this installment eclipsed the romance and will likely change the whole tone of the series. I honestly love the world the author created and if she could start from scratch and write a more traditional fantasy series, I would read the heck out of that, but she can’t just jump into that at book 6.

Maxu and Meg did not seem very well matched to me and Maxu in particular was kind of an ass. He didn’t align well with Clecanian culture in that he didn’t seem driven to take care of her or meet her needs like the previous men. The men treating their women like goddesses is the crux of the overall charm of the series and this guy read more like your average earth man to me. 🙃 He purposely embarrassed her and went against her wishes on several occasions and the “thief” angle was very overplayed. His only “redeeming” moments were pretty creepy in my opinion. Call me crazy, but I’m not really interested in a man who steals all my things and keeps them as shelf trophies. 😅 Add in all the stuff about him torturing people for a living and I was really struggling to find the appeal.

2 stars but I would still read 10 more of these. 🤷🏼‍♀️ IDK

✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼

Pre-read: Back to my comfort series 🫶🏻🥰
Profile Image for readabookonce.
222 reviews304 followers
December 25, 2022
Maxu and Meg were interesting characters, but as a couple, they were ill-suited.

Meg has left a toxic marriage where she never felt as if she was in control of her life. Maxu has made himself ineligible to marriages because of his possessive Traxian side. What could possibly go wrong?

It was so frustrating to watch Meg once again lose control of her life. While Meg communicated her expectations and fears, I never once felt that Maxu conceded to her—in terms of giving up his control.

The side romances (Zikas and Rita & Tara and Daunet) were so much more compelling than the main couple.

This book was going to be two stars, but my enjoyment of it was revived by the political dealings going on in the background. The world is progressing (and honestly, falling apart) in the most interesting ways.

The ending of this book was the worst one of the series. Not because it was bad but because it was so GOOD. I will be reading this series until it ends, and if it never ends, that’s okay too. I am officially a forever fan of Victoria Aveline.

Profile Image for Tami.
Author 17 books2,690 followers
May 7, 2023
2.5 ⭐️
Fand ich etwas problematic und wurde leider nicht warm mit den Figuren und den Tropes.
Profile Image for Shruti (Hiatus).
214 reviews101 followers
November 6, 2022
Her strongest book so far in terms of writing, she's come a long way since book 1.
The plot ends in a cliffhanger (I'm screaming internally), but there's a HEA for the couple since they're fated mates (no arranged marriage in this one). I liked this book. The mate-recognition took place early so that was a nice twist from the others. Both MCs had obvious chemistry, and the story was engaging throughout. Sure there are some flaws but it's not unreadable because of it. Maxu (what is this name lol) is part cinnamon roll.
One of the best things about this series is the sex 👌 + throw in fated mates + arranged marriage and I'm sooo down.

So far I've liked/loved every hero in this series except Auzed (book 4) and I've enjoyed every book except book 4 and book 2. Book 2 features Luka and his h (whose name I don't remember) who have explosive chemistry due to their intense, traumatic circumstances in a hostile environment for about the first third of the book, then Luka gets reduced to a super flat character and the book loses steam.

I recommend reading these books in order for the plot, crawling through book 2 if you can because the background plot is important. You can read book 4 if an asshole H who doesn't take responsibility for his attraction towards the h and constantly blames her for everything isn't a trigger for you. I hated that guy, so if you're like me then I'd suggest skipping it.

Fun alien romance series, I recommend.

Dying for book 7. I hope the next one has Rhaego as the H. Sigh.
Profile Image for Mina.
633 reviews25 followers
November 3, 2022
Meg was abducted by aliens and gets a second chance at love when Maxu, an alien hottie, recognizes her as his mate. As you can probably tell by the book title, Meg rejects him in front of everyone and then proceeds to tranq him and continue her worlds tour without him. But Maxu did not become one of the most exclusive mercenaries in the universe to be outwitted by a small and lovely human female.

The best part of the series is that since the political setting of the world is matriarchal, the MMC in the series are baffled by the actions of the MFC. Things like kissing or PDF are none existent in their world and experiencing those things the first time is so refreshing (not all the MFC are sexually aggressive but they do make the first moves). Meg deserved to get to know herself more! She didn’t have a good life on earth and was one of the few kidnapped women that saw the abduction as a fresh start and a journey of self-discovery. She was afraid that Maxu would overlook her desires and try to control her. Maxu proved her wrong throughout the whole book and every other opportunity he got. Maxu is everything I love in a fictional hero: he is possessive, grumpy, ill-tempered, rude, and violent… but with Meg he started to change. He became controlled, clear-headed, sweet, romantic, teasing, and cracking jokes during inappropriate times. His love language was stealing objects that he thought she might like! I also want to thank his Traxian blood for all that primal chasing kink he's got going on! #swooned

The political plot was good and kept me entertained! Can’t wait to see what will happen next in Tremanta and who the next couple will be.

I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review. Not overselling it - I truly did love it. Move over Fejo, Maxu took your place. Theo, you are still my number #1 baby.
Profile Image for girlwithhearteyes.
1,205 reviews127 followers
August 7, 2023
5 stars and my favourite in the series so far!!!

I loved how the matebond was revealed early, so most of the story was about Maxu needing to win over Meg… but as an ex-mercenary, he hadn’t had much practice in the art of wooing. Luckily, even though Meg did not want to be controlled and made him work for it, she was really into his possessive ways.

Meg and Maxu had excellent chemistry, and I enjoyed the slight cat-and-mouse vibe that shifted a bit as they found their footing. And the sexual tension was just off the charts. The actual steamy scenes, especially the ones with light bondage? Wow. Could not fault ANY of them. 🥵🥵🥵

I also loved how they learnt to communicate and work as a team, and the love declaration? I melt. 🥹😍

(Where the external plot left off though! Can’t wait for the next book.)
Profile Image for Rayne.
380 reviews117 followers
August 23, 2023
I just wasn’t feeling this one as much. Couldn’t connection with the characters and didn’t see them as a couple as I would have liked.
Profile Image for Olexandra.
192 reviews23 followers
June 14, 2023
4/5 ⭐ It was good, and better than the 3rd one from this series, but I didn't love it as much as the 4th and 5th 💜

Maxu was too agressive for my taste, and I really wished Meg needed more space at times.

However, that the ending 😮 ???

I'll definitely carry on in the series because of that 🤩
Profile Image for Jess | jadecanread.
852 reviews155 followers
May 26, 2024
Maxu's out here giving Theo a run for his money. I guess it just runs in the family.

My delinquent hunter Maxu is on par if not surpasses Theo in my heart. THERE I SAID IT.

So here's the dealio. Victoria Aveline has crafted a specific archetype for all these hunky alien men thus far in this matriarchal world. They all aim to please, would NEVER intentionally ruffle the women in their lives, and live and breathe husbandry, right? Well in comes Maxu, smashing and disregarding most of the status quo.

He's snarky, jokes around and even embarrasses the FMC a couple times. The way he talks to her has been unheard of so far. And the way he immediately recognizes her from just a whiff of her scent and a glimpse of the back of her head? These just bring more life into the series, jazzing it up a little, and keeping it from being repetitive.

Don't get me wrong, he doesn't HATE females or anything like that. No, this king of a man knows he gets attached and can't bear to put his heart through the ringer time and time again so he ensures he's ineligible for the marriage every season.

If that wasn't good enough of an argument, the superb worldbuilding and MAGNETIC CUFFS THAT LATCH ONTO THE WALL LEADING TO SOME YUMMY BONDAGE SCENES. I swoon.

Then there's the plot. The plot is PLOTTING. We've returned to interwoven, overarching storylines!! This ends in a cliffhanger!! I don't know where it's all going to go from here!!
Profile Image for Amanda books_ergo_sum.
445 reviews60 followers
November 1, 2022
I was reading this book with such a big dumb grin on my face. You know when the intense and obsessive arrogant alien guy says stuff like this:

“His neck ached from staring down at her, but he wouldn't crouch. He'd bend for no one…”

The man is in for a big slice of humble pie. Eat up, Maxu! Tastes like your life being turned upside down by your fated mate. When she rejects you 😈

When Meg asked herself: “Was that hot or psychotic?” 💀 That was the unofficial theme of the book 🤣 If you’re going to read a bad boi MMC, fully commit, I say! Make him a morally grey mercenary who thinks ‘I’m too evil to be loved’, has major rigger/Dom energy, stalker-y tendencies, and truly deserves the descriptor ‘unhinged’.

But then put him in this sci-fi matriarchal world?? Where there’s so much pressure for alien guys to adhere to a romantic and submissive ideal? So good.

And I’m obsessed with Meg’s kinky journey in this book. From a furtive solo time where she was slightly horrified by the kinky direction of her horny thoughts to… that 🥵 These were the kind of steamy scenes that you read in a blushing dream-like state. And when you snap out of it, you’re like “how is this book not actually on fire in my hands rn?” 🔥

These two were so so compatible! And, as amazingly bonkers as Maxu was, I think Meg’s characterization was really special. In the romance world, I feel like we get a lot of alphaholes in the vein of Maxu (maybe being mean and pathologically driven is more of a social ideal, especially for men?) without getting that many of the characters who make a good match for them. But these two brought out the best in each other, my heart 🥰

10/10 would trespass into Maxu’s room, iykyk 🔥🔥🔥

Also, the world-building and the overarching plot of this series is getting so epic.
7 reviews
December 14, 2022
Honestly super disappointing. It wasn't a good book, Meg was undeveloped and instead of actually, y'know, giving her a proper arc and coming into herself I guess we just stick a romance on ladies to fix them in this series now.

Maxu straight up toes the line to NC hard. Some readers might be into that, but it fell on the wrong side of the line for me. I read this series because we drink the lady juice here, not to read trite internalized (and with Maxu sometimes overt) misogyny. He was unsympathetic, she was unlikable, and the plot, instead of a glamorous world building adventure was just a series of rooms and boundaries ignored.


Meg was coming out of a 10 year marriage that included emotional and religious abuse. She deserved to be shown a mam that could respect a woman, listen to her, and challenge her to grow while spoiling her. Wraxu did one of those things, and poorly. He's a brute and not in a good way.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
16 reviews
November 12, 2022
One of my favorite authors but…

I struggled with this book. I wanted to like Maxu and Meg, I really did. It bothered me that there was such a lack of consent. The Clecanian people and the humans would just stand by and not intervene just because he had mating marks. He was able to treat her anyway he wished and they all let him. At times even enabled him. She was giving mixed signals at times and refused to be vocal about her past.

Although I adore this series and reread it often, I won’t be rereading this one. Since I’ve read the series, I think it would be confusing to skip over it. There are some turning point things that happen, so it’s probably a good idea to just read it and get through it. I hope the next one is better though.
Profile Image for Montse Castro.
116 reviews3,868 followers
November 1, 2022
THIS WAS A GREAT ADDITION TO THE UNIVERSE. I got an arc in exchange of a honest review and I was so excited to read it I literally cried. The problem was the ending…how dare you Victoria into leaving in like that. I get it but I hate cliff hangers that aren’t actually cliff hangers
Profile Image for ✧ Elle  Jae ✧.
275 reviews17 followers
February 18, 2024
2.5/5 ★ I was so excited... and sooo disappointed. This one was tedious, both characters were super shallow and one-note and overall this was not Victoria Aveline's best work.

Not gonna lie, my hopes were high because I've been enjoying this series so much. This story is a SLOWWWWWW smolder... not even a burn. The FMC had a lame marriage back on earth, and is glad, ultimately now they are out of danger, to be living on an alien planet so she can explore who she is and who she wants to be. She is also kinda stoked to sample the hot aliens and have some sexy times... as part of her exploration.

The MMC is a shallowly crafted, super hottie, ex-mercenary, who gets his mating marks and, as we all know by now, must have his mate.

She doesn't want a dude in her life controlling her. He wants to claim her... and control her.

So SHE AVOIDS HIM for a bunch of the story.

They don't even MEET UNTIL 20% in!

And when they do meet, it's hard to muster up the cares as they get together because there's just a bunch of nothing at the heart of it.

🌶️ Spicy Level: 2.5 / 5
🔥 How much spice: 2.5 / 5
💥 M(alien)/F
{My spicy scale: 5 = pure, full-on spice-all-the-time/erotica and 1 = closed door}

👀 POV: 3rd person, both MCs

💠 a multi stop tour of Clecanian cities
💠 perfectly polar opposite aligned past traumas that mean the main characters can't get together
💠 sex pillow

🎧Audiobook Narrator(s):
✅ Stephen Dexter

CHOOSING THEO (Clecanian, #1) ★ 4/5
FREEING LUKA (Clecanian, #2) ★ 3/5
SAVING VERAKKO (Clecanian, #3) ★ 3.5/5
TEMPTING AUZED (Clecanian, #4) ★ 4/5
USING FEJO (Clecanian, #5) ★ TBD
RELEASING MALADEK (Clecanian Novella) ★ TBD
RESISTING MAXU (Clecanian, #6) ★ 2.5/5
RULING SIKTHAND (Clecanian, #7) ★ TBD
October 5, 2023
**4/5 stars**

The cities on Clecania are now very aware of the fact Tremanta is keeping the human females. To keep the peace and satiate the cities' curiosity, the Queen of Tremanta sends a party of willing women who will be touring and meeting in those cities. Meg is one of them. She is excited to put her past behind her and to find her true self. On the other side, Maxu is called once more to participate in the matchmaking ceremony. But again, he has the perfect plan to make himself illegible for another year: messing with the vehicules of the tour. When his plan actually works and he is arrested, he can't help but feel relief. That's until he catches the scent of one of the women on the tour, and his mating marks appear on his writs. Only, the people arresting him have had enough of his little schemes and although his mating marks are very visible, he'll have to serve some time in jail before he can be with his mate. Even if he didn't see her face, the need to be near her will gnaw at him, and when he's out of there, there's no where she can go he won't find her.

I really liked this installment. I'd say close to equally as Choosing Theo. Something about the dynamic between Meg and Maxu really charmed me. I would say, things weren't perfect between them, and at first, you'd think they wouldn't be all that good for each other; one didn't want anything to do with marriage, due to religious trauma and her need for independence, while the other was very commanding and didn't let himself be vulnerable. But, I really liked how they learned to trust each other.

Someone sweet. Someone who gave her compliments and found flowers that matched her eyes and sent her romantic messages. That was what she wanted. Instead, she’d ended up with a temperamental demigod who did little more than growl at her, issue commands, steal her sex toys, and plow through every boundary she erected.

Meg was an interesting heroine and it was easy for me to find her relatable. Coming from a religious family who forced her to marry her first boyfriend/hookup, she was stuck with a husband she didn't love and who didn't really value her either. On Earth, she wasn't allowed to have a job or money of her own, and was completely reliant on her husband. Getting abducted by aliens was an opportunity for her to find and become her true self, without having to feel guilty. She was now free to make her own decisions. Personality-wise, I would say she was very curious and feisty. And especially stubborn with Maxu, to his dismay.

“Hear me, Meg,” Maxu growled. “You have no husband. You are not married. And unless you want that male found and gutted, you won’t speak another word of it.”
[About her husband back on Earth]

As for Maxu, he had a strong temper, was very commanding and dominant. His emotions felt rough and so raw due to his Half-Traxian blood, which I really liked. And even though his emotions were like a storm, he tried very hard to control himself, to give Meg the space she requested. Because Meg was his mate and he couldn't stay away from her, he stalked her and felt very protective of her. If you like a caveman hero, he definitely fits that category.

“Stop flailing, or I’ll throw you over my shoulder.”
“You wouldn’t.”
He shot her a dark grin. “Wouldn’t plant your pert ass right next to my face? It’s all I want to do. Just give me a reason.”

The way their relationship started and how it developed was great. Definitely one of he best relationships in this series. They had to learn to be vulnerable, trust and communicate with each other. And I thought their bond became something stronger than the other couples we've seen so far. Their banter was fun and sweet most of the time. I have to admit, I read some of the bad reviews and was a bit wary because of them but after reading this book, I can only say that I don't share those reviewers' critiques.

✔️Fated mates
✔️Dual POV
✔️MC's age
✔️Dominant/ Possessive H
✔️Sweet h
✔️No OW/OM
✔️No cheating
✔️Slow burn
🔥 Steam level: 3.5/5
Content warning
Trigger warning

Although this section of the main plot wasn't all that great, I did appreciate the touring the women did in other cities. It sort of expanded the world building even more, showing us different species of Clecanians, their cultures, their appearances, etc. I didn't really like the 'socialite' ambiance of the parties but still enjoyed bits and pieces of the plot. I think my appreciation of this book comes mostly from the main couple. It's one of the books I would re-read.

Clecanian Series
1. Choosing Theo
2. Freeing Luka
3. Saving Verakko
4. Tempting Auzed
5. Using Fejo
5.5 Releasing Maladek
6. Resisting Maxu*
7. Ruling Sikthand
231 reviews3 followers
October 29, 2022
I can't say enough good things about this series and book. In short, Victoria Aveline puts crack and serotonin in her books-- no one is going to convince me otherwise.

In Resisting Maxu, we follow the story of Meg and Maxu with a Clecanian world tour as a backdrop. Aveline's world-building skills are as top-tier as her ability to write spice. I always walk away from one of her naughty scenes thinking, "Wait, am I into that? I didn't know I was into that." This book was no different. If I didn't have a praise kink before, I do now. I also think she foreshadowed a foot-fetish book in the future AND I AM HERE FOR IT!

It'll take an act of Goddess to knock Theo down from the top spot of my affections, but Maxu was close. I knew when he appeared in Tempting Auzed that his story was going to be amazing. His rough exterior, with small glimpses into his vulnerability was just *chef's kiss*

TBH, sometimes I find Aveline's FMC's a little annoying. Mostly because Earth is ghetto and I wish I was the one whisked away to Clecania! (So maybe more jealous than annoyed). But Meg's resistance was well developed and understandable. She's my favorite FMC in the series thus far.

I wish I knew how to pace myself when reading the Clecanian series, but here we are- I devoured it in a few hours.

Highly recommend!

***I received an ARC via author’s Patreon***
262 reviews
August 12, 2024
Reread, again on audio. Second listen of 2024. I'm in the worst book slump and these are the only things getting me through (along with Ursa Dax and Etta Pierce 😭)

Amazing like always. I love Maxu 😍


Reread: I listened to the audio version this go around. Amazing as always, but I feel like I could feel the tension and longing better in the book! I personally miss some of the small things when I zone out during the audio version. Still amazing! On to the next one.


Ummm hello, best book in the series. This puts all the others to SHAME. There is some story/background leading up to this, but I really feel like this could be read as a standalone and I highly recommend it to everyone
Okay first. I'm a snob about alien romances and I am picky. 👾 I do not give 5 star reviews lightly.
This was perfection. The mmc, Maxu, recognizes the FMC, Meg, almost instantly so of course he is desperate for her. He worships the ground she walks on. He is HUNGRY for her. He craves her. The best! Meg is busy reinventing herself after her horrible marriage on earth. She is traveling this new world. We see so many different new landscapes and new cultures. We witness cultural events. Hear about foods and clothing and all the wonderful out of this world world building that I love in scifi romance. There were so many tidbits about every little thing and I loved it. The MMC is devoted to the FMC. He is kept away from her at first so he is feral and crazed when he first meets her, and it scares her at first. He calms down and it builds into this lovely relationship. He is an ex mercenary, so he has these bad guy vibes going on but he has a soft heart for the fmc. He would kill to protect her. It is delicious. The steam is delicious. The slow burn is delicious. The pining is wonderful. His devotion is perfection Love, love, love!
This one ends on a cliffhanger and I wish we got a second book about Meg and Maxu but I have a feeling book 7 will be about another couple, unfortunately. I also loved the representation! There is a queer couple in this, just side characters, but we get to watch their relationship develop and it's the sweetest thing and I loved it. Cant wait to read more and find out who killed the queen, and what their plan is next now that all the humans are going to be sent around the world by force(before they were assigned to a single area and protected by the now dead queen). When we leave them, they are all holed up and hiding in Maxus safehouse.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ignacia.
540 reviews83 followers
October 30, 2023
With the premise of two strong headed people destined to mate I expected to enjoy this story but I didn't liked the "following around", Maxu robotic personality and his inability to listen to Meg and what she needed to ease her mind, Meg hot and cold ways toward Maxu and that gaslighting like there wasn't anyone there for her, that could take care of her and respected her.

Also, I feel like Maxu was the worst developed character so far (and the worst handled of his siblings).
I understand Meg reasons but more often than not she ended up being just an annoying character 🤷🏻 Even if she annoyed me at least I could understand her but Maxu was just... Nothing. I truly didn't understand his character.

Meg took her abduction from earth as a blessing, a second chance to reinvent herself and experience new things while visiting all around Clecania.
And Maxu, the anarquist rebel and the only one of his siblings to embrace his Traxian side, feeling jaded from the politics and customs of his people that left him hollow and with zero interest in participing in the marriage ceremony.

I was maybe at 60%? when I realized that I wasn't that into the story to begin with and then the conflict came out of nowhere and i kind of just wanted it to end.
I feel so dissapointed in this story, I expected so much after loving the last books. There were a lot of great things to explore within characters and story wise but it ended up just underwhelming.

What I did enjoy was reading about new characters and old ones that I truly think deserve a book of their own.

And the last 10% of the book were a nice surprise and a huge cliffhanger. Can't wait for the next book. And I can't wait to find out what characters come in the next book and even more exciting: where were they when everything happened 🙈🔥
Profile Image for Alexandra.
305 reviews52 followers
December 21, 2022
4 stars!

This book helped me get out of a reading slump and has left me wanting more! (Any romance recs like this series would be amazing!!🥺). It was refreshing to read about a fmc (Meg) who preferred her life in this world over her life on Earth, and how she was given a fresh start in life and new experiences. Maxu's introduction surprised me, and I didn't expect the plot to begin so quickly, when Maxu smells his mate and realises it's too late to reach her. I liked how the plot captured different cultures and locations.

I liked how the plot captured different cultures and places, with different customs and relationships to Tremanta, as well as interactions between humans and alien species!

Meg and Maxu's relationship seemed rushed and anti-climactic? I believed the relationship and feelings could have progressed further. I was surprised by the number of pages, despite the fact that it was similar to the previous books in the series.
Profile Image for let’s get lit.
360 reviews22 followers
March 18, 2023
I love these freaking husband school aliens.

This one was good, and builds on the overarching storyline, I might have wanted a little more time with them in a honeymoon phase but I’m sucked in now and need to know how this all is gonna play out.

Profile Image for liviaslibrary.
51 reviews115 followers
November 7, 2022
“𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐢𝐠 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐚 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬. 𝐈𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦, 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫.”


Summary: Meg sees Clemantia as a second chance at life- back on earth, she was trapped in a loveless marriage with little opportunities. Now, she’s able to become the free-spirited, brave person that she’s always secretly wanted to be, freed of commitment. That is until Maxu, the 6’5, blue-geen eyed, ex-mercenary, claims to be her mate.

I LOVED Resisting Maxu! These past few weeks I’ve been making my way through the Clecanian series (this is book six) and I think this one and Using Fejo have to be my favorites! I had read the first book, Choosing Theo, a few months ago and fell in love! I had been planning to read the other books in the series (probably at a slightly slower place) but when @thebiglittlelibrary & @vic reached out with an arc copy of Resisting Maxu, I couldn’t *resist* 😉 reading all of them!

This book follows Meg as her and a handful of other human women tour the various cities of the planet Clemantia- the aliens there and their technology both being advanced versions of humans and what we have on earth. The amount of world building, thought, and detail put into each setting is stunning to say the least- I’m continually in awe, and thinking to myself “I want to go to there” 😍

But what we’re really here for (the romance!) between Meg and Maxu was just perfect. They have their misunderstandings at times, but I liked that nothing too big got in the way of their progression. So far in the series Meg has been the female MC I’ve connected most with, and I appreciated how much I could relate to her! And Maxu was so sweet, even with his kleptomaniac tendencies and stealing her things so that he could feel like she wasn’t so far out of reach 🥹😅

Overall, I highly recommend Resisting Maxu as well as the other five books in the Clecanian series. I whizzed though all of these books so quickly, they’re such fun reads and I can’t wait to see what’s in store! Thank you @ for the advanced copy, Resisting Maxu is available now!
Profile Image for Rikke  [norwegian_bookshelf].
103 reviews43 followers
October 25, 2022
I was lucky to receive an arc of this book🤍 this is my honest review.

Maxu and Meg is now fighting for 1st place with Fejo and Vanessa on my top 3 clecanian couples list🥹 I love them so so much!

The way this was not some instant romance and something that had to be built from scratch was very fun to read. Them both being very private and having a hard time opening up to other people and then finally opening up to each other made this relationship very special to me.

As I’ve said 100 times before, the clecanian universe is the most beautiful universe I’ve ever read about. And this little tour was just amazing. I loved travelling clecania and read more about the beautiful universe!!

AND THE ENDING?! I’m so excited to see how that’s gonna unfold in the next book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 791 reviews

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