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“I never wanted a mate. Until this troublesome human showed up and changed everything.”


Lerokan is a huge pain in my human butt. He’s cocky, obnoxious, and refuses to show me his face, hiding it behind a bone mask.

He keeps saying he saved me from the battle.
But all I see is the man who separated me from my friends.

Luckily, he seems to find me just as annoying as I find him, and he agrees to take me back to my friends as soon as it’s safe.

But then a sudden storm traps us in a deep, dark cave…
For days on end…


I’ve been exiled from my tribe for sixty-two days, all because I don’t want a mate. Well, that’s fine. I’ll wear the mask of an exile and remain alone out here if it means I don’t have to lose myself in the mate bond.

Only, I’m suddenly not so alone after I rescue a small boy from a battle.
Turns out, it’s not a small boy. She’s a female.

I have now saddled myself with the strangest, mouthiest woman I could possibly imagine.
The worst part?
The longer we’re together, the more I grow to like that mouth. And those eyes. Her laugh. Her many, many frowns…

Alas. Lerokan the exile is now Lerokan in love.

But despite my obvious charms, all Priya wants is to get back to her friends.
And away from me.

316 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 18, 2022

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Ursa Dax

30 books691 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 106 reviews
Profile Image for Amanda books_ergo_sum.
445 reviews60 followers
March 23, 2023
So fun!

◾️ We had our first alien hero who didn’t want a mate—fun!
◾️ He was exiled and forced to wear a mask because of it—also fun! (Falling for a hottie you don’t know is a hottie because he has a mask never gets old)
◾️ Danger + a big storm = forced proximity in the wilderness waiting out the storm goodness.

And then the gentle angst of our masked non-mate-wanting alien hero falling for our human lady Priya.. thinking that if he stays in exile he’ll never see her again. But if he breaks his exile to follow her, he’ll be tied to a mate who’s not Priya.

Don’t worry hot alien guy, we all know who your mate is 🥰
Profile Image for nat. ❦.
397 reviews31 followers
August 6, 2024
3.5/5 alíen sarcástico que no quiere ninguna pareja predestinada y es exiliado de su comunidad por eso, aunque aún así se termina encontrando y enamorándose de dicha pareja 😨, jajajaja en realidad fue refrescante leer a un protagonista que solo buscaba tener la opción de ELEGIR, no que alguien decidiera por él y lo hiciera “enamorarse” de la nada. Y se enamoró ☝️.

El último 25% me aburrió un poco porque fue como presentación a anteriores y futuros protagonistas con sus próximas historias, así que eso no me interesaba tanto(? Y ahora que lo pienso, no sé cómo leí el último libro de esta serie (#15) y le entendí JAJAJA, aquí se presentan más todos esos personajes, mundos, rangos etc
262 reviews
January 17, 2023
I really liked this one! It was a slow burn with a hero who didnt want a mate. They got to know each other naturally. I enjoyed all their alone time in the cave during the storm and the survival aspect to that. I also enjoyed the only one "horse"(flying alien bird thing) trope. The hero was so cocky and I loved it! And even before they were mated, he loved the heroine and would do anything for her. I also liked the whole mask thing - that the hero had to be exiled and wear the mask because he refused the vrikas call to mate and would rather make his own decisions.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jenni Bishop.
4,554 reviews49 followers
November 25, 2023
I stumbled across Ursa Dax and her romance Fated Mates of the Sea Sand Warlords series after finishing up reading books from another author. I wanted something a bit different from normal romance and decided that Sci Fi romance was the go because anything can go. Let me tell you I really enjoyed them and read the whole series one straight after the other,
Alien men in all sizes and shapes, all growly and protective of their mates was just what I needed. Of course, it takes a while for the abducted Human women to come around but that is just part of the fun.
Ursa’s world building makes it so easy to imagine the world she has created, and the characters are so easy to fall in love with.
If you love Sci Fi romance that is messy, sexy, a little alien erotica and fated mates then Ursa is your gal.
I was not disappointed, and I know you won’t be either.
Profile Image for Poppy || Monster Lover.
1,265 reviews243 followers
December 12, 2023
Yay for sarcasm

Honestly, it was such a breath of fresh air to have an alien in this series who was sarcastic AF. He was every inch the arrogant prat, but he brought Priya out of her shell. They had some fun banter and grew from one another.

Spice: 4/5

Triggers: grief, violence, gore (mild), abduction, imprisonment
Profile Image for Claire Carroll.
29 reviews1 follower
January 19, 2023
Clever Cartographer meets Cocksure Sky Clan Warrior

"I'll choose you. I'll choose you every day. Every moment.”

When a rescue turns into an accidental kidnapping, Lerokan is only more than happy to return the bossy Pria back to her people… If only a storm didn’t roll in, blocking their journey back. Trapped in a cave for shelter, they form a tentative truce as neither are looking for a mate. The truce turns into a friendship and develops into an attraction that neither believes is reciprocated.

There are so many ways to describe Lerokan: cocksure, cocky, cheeky, snarky, blustering goofball, flippant, sarcastic, sexy, heart melting… you get the idea. And Pria, a usually quiet, accepting, open and calm individual turns into a testy, emotional person due to circumstances she cannot control and the added stress of not knowing what happened to her friends.

The story focuses on the trust and friendship built between the two, and the simmering attraction that grows the more they learn from one another. The spice factor didn’t really pick up until close to the end of the book, but that won’t be a problem. The back and forth between the couple was interesting and the new characters draw you in and get you excited for their own stories (Erokan is on my watch list).

I loved the introduction of the new clans and am super excited for the progression of this series. The world building was also amazing and contained a lot of depth. An added bonus is the dynamic between the two new tribes. Also, Thaleo, I want him. His personality sucked me in straight away.

Overall, I rated the book 5 stars. Ursa goes above and beyond my expectations and I am truly hooked for life. I love her writing style and ideas so much. I truly look forward to everything she does and will continue to revel in the masterpiece’s that she continues to create. Congratulations on another beautiful read.
Profile Image for mars.
107 reviews16 followers
May 29, 2024
ursa dax my queen forever
Profile Image for Esmeralda Silva Tenazinha.
911 reviews13 followers
December 5, 2022
I loved to read this book. Absolutly amazing. I havent read the other books but I'm going to now! It also means that I could read it without the background but it did left me wanting to read the rest! Its so much fun to read. The MMC is so funny and sarcastic that we both love him an think he is super anoing. A must read for sure.
Profile Image for Imara219.
464 reviews16 followers
December 10, 2022
Mask was nice touch

I love the diversity of characters. I even loved the mask angle. The hardest plot point to digest: enemies to friends to lovers angle. No steam between the two until 90%. Love yous were declared around 88% but real character information didn't come until 95% 😩. That means large swaths of the story were drawn out. The threat from different bands took up too much of the story when the MCs don't even kiss until closer to 70% of the story. The first half of the story hit much better than the convoluted second half.
Profile Image for Danielle Wu.
40 reviews
November 23, 2022
Ursa Dax does it again

I’ve really enjoyed this series since randomly picking up book one last year.. but with each addition she’s just gotten better and better. Alien Mask is the best book yet. I LOVE Lerokan, he was snarky and sarcastic (very different than the other male MCs in this series) and extremely funny. This book felt very different from the others in that we got so much dialogue and time with the two MCs apart from the main story plot. In a way it felt very standalone but we still circled back at the end and got to meet back up with the main crew and further that storyline! I really love how the over arching plot has evolved, we’ve still got unanswered questions and relevant threats after 12 books, but the world building picks up the slack because each book sort of expands what we already know about the planet.
I’m really interested to see what happens with the human forces.. will there be any new women landing in Zaphrinax? There’s an awful lot of lonely warriors, Ursa! And lest we forget the vague historical mentions of a sky creature..

There’s just plenty to cover, which makes me happy because I really enjoy reading a super long world building series. If you’re a fan of Ruby Dixons novels, you’ll love Ursa Dax. She publishes very quickly and the work is always well written. Can’t wait to read the next installment!!
Profile Image for TaylorReads.
127 reviews6 followers
February 18, 2023
UNDERWATER LEROKAN?!? Whew🥵 mans really said idc, BON A-PETITE
I thought this one was cute. The banter was great and the love story made sense. Can’t wait to start the next one!
Profile Image for Grey Story.
351 reviews17 followers
November 28, 2022
Easy 5/5 - Good story, loved the characters, loved the landscape and new information and that little bit of action.

I already liked Priya from the previous book and this just soldified that I liked Priya a lot! I loved hearing about what made her go into geography and that she was a homebody. "We’ll just ignore the fact that being a homebody who spent all her time doing homework or watching K-dramas meant that the chances of meeting someone cool were slim to none..." Relatable. I liked her pragmatism and she seemed overall very genuine and fair. She apologized when she made a mistake and communicated with everyone around her.

Breena was an unexpected character and I loved her immediately. Lerokan named his mount braxilk, Breena, which is more care than the Sea Sand dudes ever gave to their irkdu and has my approval. He also later checks her for injuries and genuinely seems to care about her well-being, which makes me already like him better. In fact, it sounds like the braxilk are far more revered and respected by the Deep Sky people than the irkdu by the Sea Sand people.

It's implied that braxilk are possibly more intelligent than irkdu but I'm not really too sure on that. In any case, Breena was a badass and I adored her and all six of her eyes.

Lerokan is interesting because unlike every other male character we've encountered - main or side character - he doesn't want a mate. He straight up ignored the Vrika (the equivalent of the Lavrika and Kell) and even accepted exile from his tribe over it.

Also interesting is that Lerokan was exiled 62 days ago at the start of the book, meaning he was originally called earlier than that. Had he followed the Vrika, he would have seen a human for the first time months ago and it's interesting to wonder how different things might have turned out. Lerokan and Priya wonder about the same and seem to come to the conclusion that it wouldn't have been the same (or good) but they're also assuming Lerokan would have tried to take her from the group.

We also find out there are actually TWO Deep Sky tribes run by Gahn Errok and Gahn Thaleo. I like the detail that the Deep Sky tribes have a different accent and some language differences due to the geographical divide from the other aliens. Makes sense and adds some depth and character (and humor).

Lerokan sounds pretty as hell and I don't mean his muscles or dimples or whatever - he's described as having skin that's "tinged slightly blue, a sort of stony violet colour" that melts into a deeper, indigo blue on extremities. His hair and eyes aren't black but very, very dark blue with white sight stars. Add in the bone mask (where's my duskwalker/ancient magus bride fans at??) and it sounds really cool and probably very stunning.

Beyond all of that, Priya probably sums it up best by describing Lerokan as a pretty good bloke. He's smart, funny, charming, pretty, loves his pet/mount monster birdipede - what more could you want? I loved his brand of sarcasm and humor and it worked so well with Priya.

I'm interested to see how the overall plot of Zaphrinax vs Earth pans out and looking forward to seeing the reality check that Gahn Errok is in for. :) Also what the heck is Oxriel is up to?
Profile Image for Nevena.
731 reviews17 followers
November 20, 2022
💜 “I could never feel resentment for something I chose. And I chose you, Priya. I still choose you. I’ll choose you every day. Every moment.”
Priya is one of the quieter humans on Zaphrinax, often preferring to focus on her cartography work instead of any drama and arguments. She’s so smart, loyal, brave and quite stubborn. And I adored her feistiness! Priya is one amazing woman and I loved her so much!

And then we have Lerokan - the brave, the mighty, the saviour, the hero, the cockiest alien known to womankind! He’s one strong, sarcastic, protective and honorable Deep Sky warrior. Even more, that masked, confident, charming and utterly irresistible male will win your heart from the moment he appears. He completely won mine! Yup, Lerokan is a Deep Sky kangaboo I’ll happily claim as another one of my book boyfriends. I adored every single thing about him!

I absolutely loved everything that happened between Priya and Lerokan. Lerokan is one of the few warriors who refuses to take a mate and Priya is not keen on having one, either. So, of course they would be perfect for each other! And, ooohhh, talk about tension! I loved the moments they spent together after Lerokan “rescues” Priya. They went from enemies, to friends, to lovers and it was a wild ride. And their phenomenal banters had me cackling throughout the whole story! I loved that both gave as good as they got. Even more, I loved how well they fit together and how they managed to overcome all the challenges thrown their way, especially the greatest one of them all - the sticky tape! Lerokan and Priya were amazing together and the passionate moments they shared were so hot! I just couldn’t get enough of either of them! But will the relationship they choose last without the sacred mate bond?

In addition, the worldbuilding and the storyline were spectacular! I loved that we got to explore more parts of Zaphrinax and discover the Deep Sky tribes. And we get to meet two new Ghans. Who knows, maybe new alliances will be made? And there’s another ancient entity with amazing matchmaking skills - the Vrika. The Lavrika of the Seas Sands, the Kell of the Bitter Sea and the Vrika of the Deep Sky definitely know how to choose the best human matches for their fearsome warriors! Moreover, let’s not forget Breena - that braxilk is the coolest, most loyal and protective giant alien bird and I loved her so much!

Overall, the story is another remarkable addition to the series! It’s filled with danger, action, humor, suspense, twists, blazing hot romance and magnificent characters.

I absolutely loved every single page of it and am super excited to see what will happen next!
Profile Image for Abbella DiNoto.
291 reviews9 followers
November 27, 2022
great series

great book, great series
They just get more & more exciting!
Uh oh ! They are getting closer.
Earth government has abducted women young college girls in a “forced” suicide mission to an alien dessert planet, to learn about their strange resources. They want to take it from them. However the primitive barbarian like males are not gonna just say sure, go ahead,take our sacred life giving dragon milk energy source. So instead of sending scientific or military trained professionals. The earth government kidnaps young professional women to get reconnaissance information with no intention or care as to whether the women survive or not. Why only, women you ask well.. the barbarians are probably less likely to kill them since they have so few of their own. But the sacred creature of this planet like a dragon god… has predicted the women to be mates for the primitive race. And could save their species and bring them together.
This is an earth abduction, alien fated mate romance. I was not triggered by anything in this book although there is some violence. Warriors will be warriors and they will fight to the death for their pretty earth mates
These aliens have tails, claws, talons, and unusual genitalia which is used in some very interesting ways to please the earth girls.
This lol is like Conan the barbarian meets land of the lost .. meets earth girls are easy. Lol
Now I’m off to get the next in series
Profile Image for JML.
1,140 reviews20 followers
March 19, 2023
4&1\2 wonderful 🌟's for Alien Mask

Priya and Lerokan’s story is easy paced and filled with good humor and I really enjoyed it made me laugh out loud on more than one occasion as I read. The characters had chemistry and lots of witty banter that made thus book a pleasure to read. The deep sky clan ride through the sky was on beautiful winged beasts. They're warriors are just as deadly as any from the bitter sea or the desert sands. As an attack happens Priya is rescued /taken from her friends by a mysterious blue alien and she doesn't hesitate to show him just how feisty she is. Lerokan exiled for not waiting to take a mate sees a battle going on and thinks to rescue a child from the fight. Little does he know the child he rescued is a full grown human woman with attitude that does not appreciate being taken from her friends. these two must learn to work together and navigate dangers to reunite Priya with her people. Along the way the learn more about each other. Trust grows and the attraction between them becomes all consuming. Will Priya want to leave or will she fall so hard in love with Lerokan that she decides to stay and be his mate. You need to read and find out! This was one of my favorites in the series due to the chemistry between the couple and the sense of humor the both shared. 🔥💖💖🔥🔥💖🔥💖🔥💖🔥💖🔥💖🔥💖💖🔥💖🔥💖💖🔥💖🔥💖🔥💖🔥💖🔥💖🔥💖🔥💖🔥🔥💖🔥💖💖🔥🔥💖:-P
Profile Image for Debbie.
354 reviews1 follower
February 23, 2024
Alien Mask

These two main characters are delightful. The main group we've been reading about discovers people far away from the Sea Sands. The MMC is from this newer area. My favorite thing about them is sarcasm. I love the fervent earnestness and directness of the Sea Sand guys, but the use of humor with the MMC is hilarious. His relationship with his brother is fraught with envy and competition with a healthy amount of care underneath.

The author does a great job of sprinkling the MMC’s humor and ego throughout the story. A couple of examples,

“Do not stab me,” called a familiar voice. “It is merely I, mighty Lerokan, bringer of fire to the darkness.”

“Fine,” he replied. “But you should know what my friends call me, then. It is only fair.”

“Oh? And what would that be?”

His mouth quirked up, his dimple appearing as he answered. “Lerokan the courageous, Lerokan the virile, Lerokan of the deadly aim, Lerokan the-”

One more.
“I wear this mask because none in this world would be able to handle the shocking beauty of my visage.”

Okay, last one.
“You’re crying,” he said softly. Then, he gave me one of his heart-stopping grins. “I told you my face without the mask would prove too overwhelming for you.”

Thank the gods for the funny ones. If I recall correctly, the pompous brother starring in the next book is also funny.
Profile Image for DemetraP.
4,925 reviews
November 22, 2022
I liked the book but it was a slow burn, friends to lovers theme. The earlier books in this series were much steamier.

The plot is that the human spaceship scanned for other alien life signs and found some new aliens far away in the mountains. The aliens already in the alliance decide to find them and ask them to join them.

It doesn't go well at first. The hero sees the battle (he is in exile for refusing to go with the Lavrika and find his mate) and thinks the heroine is a kid. He scoops her up on his flying dragon to get her away from the battle. Then they get stranded in a cave by a sandstorm.


The first kiss doesn't happen until almost 60%. The first time they are physically intimate is around 80%.

The hero didn't want a mate because his father faded away and died very quickly after his mother died. The hero didn't want to feel that pain. But he is happy to have the heroine as his mate. He likes her a lot and then falls in love.
Profile Image for Evie Alexander.
Author 15 books872 followers
April 28, 2024
Priya is in deep, deep, doo-doo. She’s part of a group that have travelled to the furthest reaches of an alien planet, hoping to find a new tribe. They’re attacked, and just before she’s about to be killed, an alien on a winged creature swoops down from the skies to rescue her. But then she’s trapped with him in a cave during a violent storm and realises she might never find her friends again. And even worse? Her abductor wears a mask, is exiled from his own tribe, and is quite possibly the most arrogant and annoying male she’s ever met.

But he’s also rather amusing. And soon her hate for him starts turning into lust…

This is a fabulously funny, high steam and even higher drama alien romance. It had my heart racing and my fingers turning the pages as fast as my eyes could read. I love this series of books and Alien Mask did not disappoint. Another five star read which I will go back and re-read over and over again!
Profile Image for Arctic_Banshee.
114 reviews1 follower
June 25, 2024
The mmc in this one was such a sarcastic testicle. I loved him. And I could totally understand why he didn’t want a mate. It’s explained further towards the end of the book the complete reason. I won’t spoil it here.

The fmc was funny. First, as someone who gets motion sickness at the drop of a hat, I could really empathize with her issues lol. His constant questions of “What is wrong with you” had me laughing.

These two were matched in snark, intelligence, and loyalty. Was the sexual chemistry there? Hmmm… well, it was an extremely slow burn. Buuuut.. she was competent, intelligent, strong sense of justice, and good at masking interest. Good banter. It took a long time for both of them to let go.

Overall, I enjoyed this book, but if I had let read the other books before this, I don’t know that I would have liked it as much. I’m looking forward to reading the next one with Gahn Errok. :) He’s gonna crash and burrrrrn lol
Profile Image for Rachel.
365 reviews8 followers
January 14, 2024
Super cute.

This was totally more of a slow burn than I thought. Usually alien romances have a insta love trope to them because of mating practices but this one kinda turned it around.

They really don’t even intimately interact until after 50% so by then I was completely committed to the slowness. But then she says she loved him like at 60%?!

If you do a slow burn… do it slow.

It was still cute and I enjoyed the writing but it all felt like the setting was in between the exposition and end like nothing ever felt resolved? Maybe that was just me but it was still enjoyable.

Priya was so capable and funny and Leorkan was so arrogant that is was comical, so they fit well together.

I haven’t read any other in the series and I think that would’ve helped bc the world building made no sense of payoff to me but the romance was good enough to carry it.
Profile Image for Evelyn Fae.
Author 1 book17 followers
November 20, 2022

“Haven’t you ever been overwhelmed by something beautiful?” I asked him quietly.
His answer was even quieter than my question.
I turned once more to find his sight stars pinned to my face.”

This is one of the most hilarious enemies to friends to lovers I have ever read. Lerokan is a MOOD. He is the swag the Sea Sand people need! And Priyanka is the lucky girl who gets to discover it first. Their dynamic is so beautiful and strong you could watch them all day and night! *wink wink* Would you still chose your partner even without the mate bond? This question is perfectly answered in this book! Avatar Vibes included! My Alien Romance Lovers we have been blessed again!

Profile Image for Jax.
84 reviews1 follower
November 21, 2022
*ARC review*
This should come as no surprise - Ursa's done it again!!!!
Our little cocky SARCASTIC dramatic baby Lerokan!?!? *Chef kiss* And as if that wasn't enough Ursa knows my fav trope is when our babies CHOOSE eachother before the Lavrika/Vrika... Not to be confused with my other fav trope of hers - post Lavrika/Vrika hardcore simping (Errok I'm looking at you lol!)
There was also so much GREAT plot development and some wicked Chapman cameos??!! Gosh I miss her & Fallos dynamic lol.
I cannot wait for more!!!!
Also - Oxriel you sweet baby boy when are you gonna get a mate?! And maybe Gahn Thaleo? 💜
1,702 reviews5 followers
November 26, 2022
One of best

In series. Loved the relationship dynamics and progression. Good twist of a warrior not wanting mate. Acting almost like spoiled younger brother. Frankly did not like him but the story was entertaining and author made them a perfect for each other couple.
Not sure how the hybrid human kids will work. What if they have no claws? Practical issues is what sticks in my brain. Such as the window since she is human. As well as fact since it is in mountains she will be apt to altitude and sun issues. And diet.
Which author needs to address for all. Humans need citrus, other vit, min. Calcium, to keep healthy.
2,287 reviews5 followers
November 26, 2022
loved it !! love this series !!! love Lerokan and Priya.. this is their love story.. a fast paced action packed drama... Lerokan didn't want a mate chosen by the Vrika.. he wanted to choose himself.. it got him exiled, he must wear the skull head/mask... he believes that he has saved a small boy child from his enemies the Thaleo clan... he has saved Priya, a strange human woman... Priya is a quiet human and she makes maps... she is stolen in battle...imagine the shock when Lerokan sees her for the first time !!! the snark... the comebacks... the danger and the Vrika.... so good !!!
received this on an ARC from the author, my honest review... just loved it !!!
Profile Image for Ally Wright.
37 reviews
December 2, 2022
I Love Ursa Dax!

Im probably so annoying for her bc I’m always tagging her in tt comments telling people to read her books. I love this series so much it does for me what I wanted IPB to do. In this book I love the Hero he was so grumpy and groveling the majority of the time until he realized the truth about Priya! And I loved Priya she was neither desperate or disinterested in having a mate, it just wasn’t the forefront of her mind. It was Interesting for her to be a cartographer I’ve yet to see another novel have the heroine have such an interesting job! Not super spicy but a little more angsty. I also loved that he know before the Vrika took him that Priya was his mate.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Cia Petrichor.
Author 6 books110 followers
November 23, 2022
I keep saying each new book is my favorite, but this is definitely my new favorite for this series! I absolutely loved the chemistry and struggles with Priya and Lerokan, even if I wanted to conk their heads together over a couple silly miscommunications. Luckily they got it together and after some bl00d, sweats, and tears, realized what they truly wanted.

I can’t wait to see who Errok ends up with! It’s got to be someone headstrong because that boy needs a reality check before he earns his mate’s heart.
Profile Image for Kirsten.
63 reviews1 follower
January 6, 2023
this one took me a while to get into as evidenced by the long reading window but once it found its groove i really enjoyed it more than the past several installments. ngl i didn’t like lerokan at first and his being an exile made me really wary of him; obviously he wasn’t going to have done something unforgivable but there was a fair amount of tension in me until we knew why he’d been exiled. thrilled to see oxriel and taliok again; when will oxriel get his book?! not super looking forward to the next book, but maybe we’ll get a decent grovel.
Profile Image for •Kate•/.
373 reviews18 followers
October 2, 2023
It was extremely evident that I was coming in deep in the middle of a long-running series. Which I typically have an aversion to. However this book was free at the time and I kinda thought the premise was interesting, so I gave it a whirl. I feel that I need to present that fact before I review.

I was hugely bored. I felt that it could have been tons shorter than it actually was. Book equivalent of ‘this meeting could have been an email.’

Also the writing was a bit tedious. I feel like there were a lot of missed opportunities to edit.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 106 reviews

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