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The Ghostwriter

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Four years ago, I lied. I stood in front of the police, my friends and family, and made up a story, my best one yet. And all of them believed me.

I wasn't surprised. Telling stories is what made me famous. Fifteen bestsellers. Millions of fans. Fame and fortune.

Now, I have one last story to write. It'll be my best one yet, with a jaw-dropping twist that will leave them stunned and gasping for breath.

They say that sticks and stones will break your bones, but this story? It will be the one that kills me.

This book is not a romance. It is contemporary fiction, but very suspenseful in nature. It is about a famous romance author and a dark secret she keeps.

321 pages, Paperback

First published October 2, 2017

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About the author

A.R. Torre

9 books6,998 followers
A.R. Torre is a pseudonym of Alessandra Torre and is her dark alter ego. While Alessandra writes spicy romances, A.R. focuses on twisted stories filled with secrets, suspense, drama, and danger.

Alessandra/A.R. is a multi-time Goodreads Choice Nominee. Her books have hit the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Amazon Charts bestseller lists. Over a million readers have enjoyed her novels in more than thirty countries.

In addition to writing, Alessandra teaches online courses to aspiring and published authors via www.alessandratorreink.com. She hosts an annual conference (Inkers Con) and has built a community of over 40,000 authors.

Alessandra is also the CEO of BingeBooks.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,758 reviews
Profile Image for Melissa.
647 reviews29.1k followers
October 3, 2017
It doesn’t matter how many times you read the synopsis or try to meticulously assemble the pieces of this plot as you make your way through Helena’s story—you’ll never guess what you’re in for. That’s the beauty of an Alessandra Torre novel though and exactly what sets her work apart, in my eyes. Every time I pick up one of her books, I know I’m about to embark on a unique journey. Believe me when I say, a cookie cutter is not a tool you’ll find in this author’s arsenal.

Whether it’s romance, suspense or in this case, contemporary fiction, Alessandra Torre is a master at pulling-punches, knocking the reader off-kilter and delivering jaw-dropping twists. In those moments when she isn’t using her words to pull the rug out from under you, she’s dragging you through an array of emotions, making you feel exactly what her characters are experiencing—be it the giddiness of love, the pain of losing it, utter heartbreak or even disgust. As a reader, is there anything better?

It’s hard to pinpoint Helena’s redeeming qualities, especially when you first meet her. She comes off as cold and harsh, governed by endless amounts of self-imposed rules. Her grim outlook on life would never lead you to believe that she is in fact the author of fifteen love stories, earning her a prominent name in the industry. It’s a major blow that gets her to ditch her latest work-in-progress and starts the countdown—three short months to write the story of all stories . . . her truth. It’s Helena's one chance to come clean and bring to light an alternative version of the events that took place four years earlier—the day she lost everything.

“If you lie enough times, no one believes your truth.”

For this reader, the magic of the story was in Alessandra Torre’s ability to taunt me with the shocking tidbits of truth she sprinkled throughout Helena’s unburdening. A series of memories, flashbacks and scenes written in Helena’s words were used to deliver the bombshells. Executed at just the right moments, I found myself seething with anticipation of what was to come next.

Even though Helena isn’t the most lovable character, you have to give her credit, she never once claimed to be anything other than who she was—a woman driven by her need to put pen to paper, to have the freedom to breath life into the scenes that played out in her head—everything and everyone else be damned. The one person that managed to bring out somewhat of a softer side of Helena, if you can even call it that, is actually quite surprising. It’s the ghostwriter that adds some much needed heart and balance to the sea of grey.

Keep the tissues handy because the ending is a doozy. It’s soul-crushing in many aspects and highlights the fact that sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own heads, we’re blind to what’s really going on all around us.

*Thank you to Alessandra Torre for a copy in exchange for an honest review and for keeping this reader on her toes, once again.
Profile Image for Deanna .
722 reviews13k followers
December 9, 2017
My reviews can also be seen at: https://deesradreadsandreviews.wordpress.com/

Alessandra Torre has written many novels but this is the first I’ve read. You can be sure my “to be read list” has quite a few more titles on it now that I’ve read this novel. I loved it!

We are told right from the start that this isn’t a romance novel.

From the blurb: This book is not a romance. It is contemporary fiction, but very suspenseful in nature. It is about a famous romance author and a dark secret she keeps.

I realized early on that this book was going to break my heart. But it did it in the most incredible way. This is another book that is going to stay with me for a very long time.

"A perfect morning. A perfect husband. A perfect daughter. A perfect lie. "

Helena Ross is famous for telling stories. She has millions of fans and has sold over fifteen bestsellers. She’s a difficult woman to like. A woman with many secrets. A woman who rarely smiles. In her house with so little furniture and locked rooms. What happened in that big rambling house four years ago?

Helena receives some bleak news….But truthfully she had been waiting for something like this.

Now she will write just one more book. This news comes as a huge shock to her agent, Kate. Helena has had tight deadlines before, but this will be the tightest. The story would normally take years to write. Will she be able to do it? Is it possible? She's written fifteen novels but this is the novel that terrifies her.

"I fear that I'll tell everything, and still no one will understand"

It’s easy to dislike Helena at first. To say Helena can be hard to work with is like saying…..snow is cold. She has strict rules for her agent. Kate has been with Helena for thirteen years. Thirteen years of high maintenance and unpredictability.

"She'll rip your heart out, but she doesn't mean it"

Helena just wants the readers to understand how she felt, her emotions and why she made the decisions and mistakes that she made. She knows that many will judge her…but she hopes at least a few will understand. She spent four years trying her best to forget everything. So can she do it? Can she pick up the pen and write down what happened that day?

"Soon… My final story will come out, and everyone will know the truth."

The story is told in the present tense, mixed with flashbacks and memories. Told from multiple perspectives, we are pulled along, not really knowing what has happened or what is going to happen. But the whole ride is captivating.

"Sometimes, it only takes an instant to understand a person"

An excellent plot with fantastic characterization, this really was an incredible read. A well-written, well-paced novel about secrets, betrayal, guilt, lies, and confession. This is Alessandra Torre’s fourteenth book and she says it was the hardest to write.

Alessandra Torre says:

"I hope you felt the love, sweat, and emotions that went into each of these chapters"

I can say with complete honesty that I did.

I read this book with some of the Traveling Sisters. It was a pleasure reading together and hearing everyone's thoughts. Thank you, ladies.
Profile Image for MarilynW.
1,513 reviews3,718 followers
May 16, 2024
I never wrote a review for this book when I first read it because I wasn't even writing reviews when I read this book. But I saw my friend Kaceey's review and immediately remembered this book because I had enjoyed it. 

Helen is a famous author and wants to write one last book before she dies. She's a young woman but doesn't have long to live and really, she doesn't even want to continue living. But she needs help to get this last book finished so she enlists a rival author to help her finish her book. When she meets this author face to face, she finds the person is nothing like the public persona that the other author had cultivated. She breaks through the other author's defenses to get the help she needs to write her books. It is a heartbreaking story and it kept me wondering what has really happened in Helen's past, to the very end. 

Pub Oct 2 2017

This was a Kindle Unlimited selection.
Profile Image for Alessandra Torre.
Author 46 books16.2k followers
November 1, 2020

Some information on The Ghostwriter:

* This book is not a romance. It is contemporary fiction, but very suspenseful in nature. It's about a famous romance author and a dark secret she keeps.

* The is available NOW on Kindle Unlimited! >> amzn.to/2WtAEji

* Goodreads Choice Nominee in Mystery/Suspense

Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,669 reviews3,277 followers
June 9, 2023
5 Another Brilliant Side of Torre Stars
* * * * * Spoiler Free-Pssst, It's Kindle Unlimited!
Semifinal Round Nominee for 2017 MYSTERY
It is 1:30 AM and I just finished this book. I should go to sleep as I have work tomorrow and an early start. Instead, I am sitting here and thinking back to my first Alessandra Torre experience. I was new to Goodreads, made a few friends, and was somehow directed to a little series. The first entry was To Have, Part One of The Dumont Diaries.

From the start, I was taken with it... So taken, I took it upon myself to reach out to the author and let her know. I wrote to her and surprisingly enough... She wrote back. From that first contact, I was lucky enough to get to know the person responsible for those words that captured my imagination.

That was in August of 2013.

Alessandra Torre has written a lot of books since then. She has done many different types of romance books. All of them are crafted, focused, and with a specific flavor. Some are darker than others, and some may be more RomCom... but all of them clearly sit in the Romance category.

This book... Not a Romance at All.

But this Book...is the one where you get to say... You knew all about the author, Alessandra Torre before everyone else did. Because this book is the kind where other readers of Women Fiction, Thrillers/Mysteries, Psychological Dramas... those readers are going to discover her and think they have found something special...But you will be able to say...Smugly...

You knew she was special all along.....and it's nice to see others catching up.

Now you might think, damn that is some praise...It must be a bit off... going on and on about this book to say all of this...and that could be true...

But for me...this book struck a chord...The idea of it all and how it was done... The way we were led down a path we knew was going to be difficult... but didn't know why...The way all of the layers were stripped away and what was left was the raw, real experience...

I am sorry I cannot tell you anything specific... I genuinely feel you need to go into this with just the blurb. Just know you are in the artful hands of Alessandra Torre and in my opinion, she will not let you down.

~~~~~ Before Reading ~~~~~
I had the pleasure of learning about this from the beginning...
Couldn't see how AT was going to figure this out...
But Never doubted she would...
Read an early version...
And now am lucky enough to see how it all turned out...
December 15, 2016
I have something to tell you...
You thought you knew what type of books Alessandra Torre wrote, right...

She did Erotic...
She did Romance/Erotic...
She did Romance/Mystery/Erotic...
And then there has been those Rom-Com/Women's Fiction/Erotic...

Well, just when you thought you had Torre pegged as what type of Author she is...
Be Surprised, Be Very Surprised...

The GhostWriter

For more Reviews, Free E-books and Giveaways
Profile Image for David Putnam.
Author 19 books1,850 followers
June 9, 2020
A perrrfectly structured thriller. The author set the conflict quickly and efficiently and kept the dastardly secret (the heart of the story) dangling in front of my nose throughout the book making this a true page turner. The chapters are short as they should be in a thriller structure (verses a mystery construct). The story is kept to three (4) points of view which helps with the Fictive Dream. The story is about two bestselling authors who dislike one another but come together to write an important story, (This might be why I enjoyed it more than other readers). What I found missing was the romantic component which would have greatly enhanced the overall depth of the story. Romance was impossible with the author’s choice of motivation to establish a “ticking clock,” on the story. The protagonist is a well-drawn female character who is both vile and loved at the same time something very difficult to accomplish. Bravo. Since the dastardly deed is kept from us throughout the duration of the story it had to pay off in the end. And it did. I was very satisfied. (Although, the physical way it occurred I couldn’t rectify in my mind but that didn’t matter. Also, that the police would have had to figure it out—a tad bit of suspension of disbelief needed here)
I was also surprised this book was self-published, the quality of the writing should’ve easily propelled into one of the big five publishing houses. This book accomplished what all great books strife to do, take the readers emotions on a roller coaster. The letters at the end were particularly emotional and some of the most genuine writing in the book. The letters reminded me of The Lonely Silver Rain by John D. MacDonald.
Loved, loved this book and highly recommend it.
David Putnam the author of The Bruno Johnson Series.
Profile Image for Corinne Michaels.
Author 66 books14.1k followers
September 20, 2017
My official thoughts:
A gripping story so profound that I’ll still be thinking about it months from now. The Ghostwriter is hands down one of the best books of 2017.

My messages to Alessandra at the end.

Oh. My. God.

I mean ...

Did you seriously do this to me? I can't ... I just can't

I'll just be over here like ...

Her response:

Profile Image for Berit Talks Books.
2,062 reviews15.7k followers
December 9, 2017
4.8 cHARACTER driven STARS 🌟🌟🌟🌟.8
It does not get much better than this emotional Book inside this brilliant Book! This mystery inside this heartbreaking story!

I really need to apologize to Alessandra Torre this is my first book by her, and I truly had underestimated how amazing she is! This book captivated me from the first page to the very last!

The character development of Helena was quite remarkable.... at the beginning of the book she came across as such a cold harsh woman, with a list of ridiculous rules... who I didn’t like very much..... by the end of this book I saw her sense of humor and she had even captured a piece of my heart.... she was so real and raw and well-developed I was shedding tears for her at the end....

I really can’t say much more than this... don’t want to spoil this for you.... you have such a wonderful journey in front of you.... along with how well developed Helena is... she also has quite the unlikely friendship with her Ghostwriter(Another character I adored)....

The characters were definitely not the only strength of this book.... The pacing was perfect.... Miss Torre peeled those layers off at just the right speed to keep you completely engaged throughout the entire book....

Strongly recommend! And I hope you enjoy!

this was another stellar Traveling Sister read! All of us thoroughly enjoyed it, and we had a wonderful discussion as usual.... once again ladies thank you for adding so much to my reading experience!💕

You can find all the Traveling Sisters reviews at Norma and Brenda’s fabulous blog...
Profile Image for Bibi.
1,287 reviews64 followers
December 3, 2018
*Spoiler Alert*

Sad, sad, sad. Phew....

How can one love a book while simultaneously hating the main character? Huh?

There's no doubt in my mind that Torre is one of the best authors of the contemporary fiction genre. And The Ghostwriter is a testament to how she's evolved as a writer. For one, the pacing manages to keep one engrossed from prologue to epilogue with ĵust enough back story to keep you wondering what was this damning secret.

Weirdly, this story is reminiscent of Mud Vein because not only are both protagonists authors but they are, easily, the least likeable and monumentally selfish characters that I've read. Ever. But unlike Mud Vein, I actually loved this book although I absolutely disliked, Helena, our main protagonist. I mean, this was a woman who was dying from cancer yet I couldn't find a modicum of sympathy for her plight.

But you know, I think Torre doesn't actually want us to like Helena. I think knowing what an awful person she was made the story infinitely more impactful so when we eventually get the big reveal, it feels authentic. Like, yes, I can see how she would be capable of doing what she did.

As with most psychological thrillers, the journey and the whodunit are what keep the reader engaged which Torre parses in measured intervals and as we navigate Helena's past, she even succeeds in eliciting our empathy.

Eventually, we get the big reveal and, OMG, it was tragic on too many levels. Too many.
Profile Image for Meredith (Trying to catch up!).
877 reviews13.9k followers
July 24, 2020
“A perfect morning. A perfect husband. A perfect daughter. A perfect lie.”

3.5 stars

A best-selling romance author finds out she has only 3 months left to live. She uses her time to write one last book about her life and the monsters who destroyed her happiness.

Helena Ross, a famous author, is dying of cancer. She has one last story to tell to make her mark and tell her truth. She has lived her life by the rules and was fond of reminding others of the rules. But a list of rules couldn’t keep the monsters at bay. Too sick to write her final story alone, she contracts her rival to help her complete her final work and reveal her truth.

Told through the eyes of Helena, Mark, the ghostwriter, and Kate, Helena’s agent, all sides of Helena are revealed. Mark and Kate's perspectives felt superfluous and dragged the story out. While they add elements that soften Helena's character, it would have made a greater impact if the reader got the point through Helena's own words.

Tense. Jarring. Horrifying. I don’t know if I liked this book. I read to find out Helena's secret. Helena is not a likable character, which worked for me. Her character got under my skin, and I was eager to find out the truth, but getting to the truth, at times, felt tedious and drawn out. I was completely WRONG about what Helena was hiding, and was shaken by the reveal, and the events that followed.

There is more than one monster in this book, Helena included. In the end; however, Helena sheds what made her a monster and, through her words, she is humanized.
Profile Image for Carlene Inspired.
991 reviews273 followers
September 27, 2017
I have three months to write the last book of my life. Three months to confess the details of that day, and how it changed everything for me.

My name is Helena Ross. I’ve written fifteen romance novels, ten of which have become international bestsellers. But this one isn't a romance, no Happily Ever After in place. This novel holds only the truth, which I have run away from for four years. The truth, which I have hidden from the police, from my loved ones, from the world.

This final book?

It's my confession.

"A perfect morning. A perfect husband. A perfect daughter. A perfect lie."

The Ghostwriter is Alessandra Torre's latest, and greatest, new release. It's the kind of novel you go into blind and finish a changed person, pushing it on your fellow readers and trying desperately to not giveaway the story while still convincing them "they have to read it now." Okay, maybe that's just me. It's an unpredictable novel, with the main character most kindly described as emotionally vacant and mean. The reader gets to know Helena's inner-most thoughts from first person point of view, while also seeing her from the outside perspective of a handful of secondary characters written in third person perspective. Alessandra Torre further adds to the novel by giving us a book within a book, the start of each chapter of Helena's novel providing us glimpses into her past and the events that left her closed off and aloof. We discover she isn't vacant of emotion, rather she's drowning in them and fully aware of the mistakes she's made as a wife and mother.

"Soulmates or Tragedy. And sometimes, both."

I had tears in my eyes 20% in, I was exclaiming out loud by 40% that this was such an amazing book, and at 70% I tweeted that I suspected this had a chance of being my top read of 2017. I never could have predicted the ending, the twists, the past that had turned Helena into the witch the townsfolk never saw. Helena is difficult to like, but she's impossible not to feel for. My heart broke for her, I ached over the life lessons she never should have had to learn, and I hoped so dearly that something positive could come of her terrible prognosis. Helena is a fierce woman and it was incredible to read the book from her perspective. The secondary characters were phenomenal as well; I loved the little bits of gossip that made Helena real, the people who come to her side unwelcome, but necessary, and the constructive change they brought to her bleak world. I felt every emotion as I read The Ghostwriter and I slipped into this book like it was my life too, it was like being a writer myself. It was captivating, heartbreaking, and so profound.

"It's not hard to imagine a happier version of you."

I am a massive fan of Alessandra Torre and I thought I knew what I would be getting out of The Ghostwriter, but it was beyond anything I could have ever imagined. It's a stunning novel that highlights Alessandra Torre's storytelling ability and her strength as a wordsmith. I was held captive by this book from beginning to end, not even tears and the suffocating emotions that the book brought on could stop me from reading. Though it is about a very challenging subject matter, I think the original story line and the pacing of the novel took it from uncomfortable to thought-provoking. The Ghostwriter doesn't read like previous novels from Alessandra Torre, it's an outstanding example of her versatility and will captivate fans of all genres. If I could give it more than 5 stars I would, because The Ghostwriter is absolutely my Top Read of 2017.

"We all have a Happily Ever After, each story just needs to pick the right time to claim it."

ARC provided via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Diane S ☔.
4,893 reviews14.4k followers
December 9, 2017
4.5 Helena lives alone, though this was not always the case. She is a well known romance writer, and she has just had some terrible news. She has also had a horrible event in her life, with both things combined, she decides she needs to make her story known. Not sure she is capable of writing her story, doing it justice, she asks her agent to get her a ghostwriter.

This book was utterly fantastic. So much more than a thriller, it is more like an inside view of the disintegration of a life, a person. Because Helena is no longer who she was, no longer has any control over what has happened, or is happening in her life. The story is told by Helena herself, alternating with that of her agent, and the person who becomes the chosen ghostwriter. Who this person is was a big surprise. It is wonderfully written, with bits and pieces revealed at a time, small clues strewn here and there, leading to many guesses by this reader. The story leads you where the author wants to take you, in her own time, and the big reveal, was just that, big. This is a book that sucks one in and doesn't let go, the tension, the suspense created, made this an a book that was for me impossible to put down.

This was a sister's read with all of us just stunned at the end, a big WOW was the general consensus. The epilogue, brilliant and impactful in it's simplicity.
Profile Image for Debra.
2,827 reviews35.9k followers
January 17, 2018
4.5 stars

Well, that was not what I expected - at ALL! I read the book blurb and I made assumptions about what the book would be about based on what limited information I was given. I was wrong, and I loved it.

Helena Ross is a successful Author who has quite a prickly personality. She lives by rules - just come to her house you will see some on her door! She is not the most likable character - she rarely smiles, is gruff, comes across as cold, likes to get to the point, and doesn't appear to have any friends.

Helena makes an announcement to her agent, Kate, that she is going to write her last book. A book which she is not willing to divulge what the book is about. Kate decides to pay Helena a visit and is shocked at what she finds. While discussing the book, Helena informs Kate that she is going to require the assistance of a ghostwriter to help her complete the book in the tight deadline she has set. Kate helps her connect with the Ghostwriter and *BAM* this is where the magic happens.

As Helena and the Ghostwriter begin writing the most important book of Helena's career, the reader is given glimpses into Helena's life, her past, why she lives the way she does and why this book is so important to her.

This book is told through a past and present story-lines with various character's POV's. This book is well written, with a gripping story-line that sucks you in and won’t let go. As the reader learns more and more about Helena and her Ghostwriter, both characters grow on the reader and each other. **This is not a romance ** Just good old fashioned storytelling with riveting characters. I especially enjoyed that I really had no idea what this book was about. It does have a twist which packs a nice little PUNCH. I also liked that as the book progresses the tension and suspense mounts- this is not your typical page turner - but gosh darn it I had to keep reading to learn why it was so important for Helena to write this book! There are not a lot of characters in this book and there doesn't need to be. I appreciated the character development and how this aided in the *impact* of the twist in this book. There will be that "aha! now some things make sense!" moment for the readers. This is both satisfying and heartbreaking. I thought this book was brilliantly told and loved how the plot unfolded.

Highly Recommend!

See more of my reviews at www.openbookpost.com
Profile Image for Debbie.
479 reviews3,629 followers
January 12, 2018


Wanted to love it!

Wanted to love it. Wanted to love it. The reason I’m stuttering is because I’m embarrassed that I’m not in the gush club on this one. Before all you gusher friends look at me like I’m weird, I will say I LIKED it—it just wasn’t any great shakes.

This thriller features a snarky, odd writer, Helena, who has suffered a great loss. Right off the bat you learn she has only a few months to live. She is intent on telling her story, but because she doesn’t think she’ll have enough time to write it, she hires a ghostwriter. Whatever happened to her in the past blew her away, and it’s a secret she wants to reveal.

Don’t worry, there is a Joy Jar, but I’m afraid I did have to haul my Complaint Board out of the shed.

Joy Jar

-The last quarter of the book, wow. No laundry, no shower, no coming up for air. Thank god I didn’t have to be anywhere! I could sit, all uptight, and read straight through the last section. This was the thriller part, and it worked. The action scene is nice and long, and it’s clever. The reveal wasn’t what I was expecting, and it was poignant.

-The writing is good. The author is obviously a pro (she has about 14 books under her belt). Nothing fancy, but good sentence structure and occasional insights. One that stuck with me: “Maybe all she was blessed with is the talent to tell stories, and not the talent to create them.” Interesting distinction.

-Good dialogue, decent plot. Again, we see the author’s talent shine. The plot is interesting (even if it goes on for too long—see my Complaint Board). There’s one visit made to a cow (I know! I wasn’t expecting that) and it worked beautifully.

-The plot structure is kick-ass. There is the present-day story of Helena, and then there is the story Helena is writing, which is about some big secret past event. The rhythm between the past and present stories is perfect. Helena hands over chapters to her ghostwriter as she finishes. We learn about her past through the story she’s writing but also through hints she gives to the ghostwriter (and the reader). I’m making it sound all convoluted, but believe me the structure is complicated yet executed beautifully.

-The characters are well-drawn. Both Helena and the ghostwriter are complex, and you really feel like you know them. The ghostwriter is one cool person, someone I couldn’t get enough of. The relationship between Helena and the ghostwriter is complex and nuanced.

Complaint Board

-OMG, this book wins the prize for tedious. (Note that I’m in the minority here; most other reviewers say the pacing is great!) Since the book is well-written, it was easy to read, but at the same time, I thought it was way too drawn out. Luckily the book isn’t ungodly long. But I found myself saying “Hurry up already. Get to the point!,” impatience suddenly my middle name. This was a case of holding on to a secret too long—way too long. By the time I finally got to the juice, I was almost too annoyed to care (the “almost” being the operative word here!). I did like the story, it just needed to be a lot shorter. Too much waiting for the good part, which compromised, or more accurately, ruined, the suspense.

-She’s nasty. This is one of those stories where you know you’re supposed to end up sympathizing with the main character even though she’s a bitch. It’s the old curmudgeon-turned-nice-person deal, where the author is implying that there is a nice person buried in there somewhere, and we’re going to see that at the end of the story. We have seen it a million times and I’m not a fan. (Well, I take it back—sometimes I love unlikable characters, especially if they are psychos. Their unlikability is so dramatic, and it’s clear I’m not supposed to like them, so I can just marvel and even giggle at their meanness.) Helena is so nasty I didn’t enjoy spending time with her. She’s a control freak, she puts people down regularly, and don’t even get me started on her parenting skills. Cringe-worthy. Some of her actions are unforgiveable in my book. So when I did finally feel sorry for her, I couldn’t help but put on the brakes; it was half-hearted sympathy.

-Heaven to Betsy! When a character asks another character if they believe in heaven, the story loses some cred in my book, and I grimace. This happens at the end of the book, and heaven is mentioned several times in earnest. And the tone turns sort of sappy. The words Hallmark, chick lit, lightweight, and unsophisticated pop into my head and seep into my opinion.

-Reminiscing about cutesy-pie kid stuff gets on my nerves. I’m becoming less and less tolerant when I have to listen to tales of parental joy about their child’s every motion, every word. Oh isn’t she adorable—look at the way she kicks her little tootsies while smearing applesauce on her rosy cheek! Spare me the sap, please. Luckily there wasn’t a ton of it in this book, but a little dab will do ya. This seems like girly writing and makes the book teeter on the chick lit shelf. (In case you’re wondering, I am a mom, and I do remember those embarrassingly sappy days, but honestly, I knew to keep my ga-ga-ing to myself and close family members!)

-Awkward switches in narrations. Though the blending of the past and present stories worked well, the switch in narrative voice did not. Helena’s chapters are told in first-person; the ghostwriter’s chapters are told in third-person. It felt jolting. I spent some time trying to understand the reason for structuring the story that way and I couldn’t figure it out. I had one lame theory, which turned out being totally wrong. I don’t understand why the ghostwriter’s chapters had to be third-person, but the author must have had her reasons.

-Overkill in the foreshadowing department. Too much foreshadowing, yet each tease didn’t really add much new info. It seemed like the same hint was being told over and over.

I did enjoy coming up with theories of what was going on, and of course I was all wrong! The fact that I was all wrong perversely makes me happy. For those of you who have read this book, here are a few whacko guesses I had.

So as you see, the Complaint Board is fuller than my Joy Jar, so this book gets 3 stars. Well, 3.5, actually. The last quarter, where the secret is revealed in vivid detail, is dynamite. I just thought getting there took way too long.

P.S. This marks my 200th review! I can’t believe it! When I joined Goodreads, never in a million years did I think I’d get so obsessed, that I would insist on reviewing every book I read. I realize I enjoy writing reviews as much as I enjoy reading books. Thank you, dear friends, for turning me on to so many great books, and for writing such kick-ass, inspiring reviews. Time to celebrate!
Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15k followers
Want to read
October 4, 2017


I have three months to write the last book of my life. Three months to confess the details of that day, and how it changed everything for me.
My name is Helena Ross. I’ve written fifteen romance novels, ten of which have become international bestsellers. But this one isn't a romance, no Happily Ever After in place. This novel holds only the truth, which I have run away from for four years. The truth, which I have hidden from the police, from my loved ones, from the world.
This final book?
It's my confession.
Profile Image for Sandysbookaday .
2,316 reviews2,308 followers
January 9, 2018
EXCERPT: "What's happened to you, Helena?"
What's happened to me? I have a story that I don't have time to tell. I have an empty house that reeks of death. I have no friends, no family, and no one to ask for help. I'm dying, and it's the best thing that's happened to me in a long time.

THE BLURB: Four years ago, I lied. I stood in front of the police, my friends and family, and made up a story, my best one yet. And all of them believed me.

I wasn't surprised. Telling stories is what made me famous. Fifteen bestsellers. Millions of fans. Fame and fortune.

Now, I have one last story to write. It'll be my best one yet, with a jaw-dropping twist that will leave them stunned and gasping for breath.

They say that sticks and stones will break your bones, but this story? It will be the one that kills me.

This book is not a romance. It is contemporary fiction, but very suspenseful in nature. It is about a famous romance author and a dark secret she keeps.

MY THOUGHTS: The Ghostwriter by Alessandra Torre gripped me from the start- I come, I eat, and afterward, while Bethany draws and I settle into the recliner to write, he does the dishes. A perfect morning. A perfect husband. A perfect daughter. A perfect lie.

This is a book that I devoured, hungrily, yet a book in which I savoured every word. It is a book in which I became completely absorbed. It is intense. It is vivid. In its own way, it is scary. It is painful. It is wonderful! It is a story that is not going to leave me in a hurry, not just for its magnificent plot, but for the emotions it engendered.

5 very bright and shining stars ☆☆☆☆☆

Thank you to DCA via Netgalley for providing a digital copy of The Ghostwriter for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions. Please refer to my Goodreads.com profile page or the 'about'page on sandysbookaday.wordpress.com for an explanation of my rating system. This review and others are also published on my blog sandysbookaday.wordpress.com
Profile Image for Norma.
557 reviews13.5k followers
September 24, 2018
5 Stunning Stars!  THE GHOSTWRITER was a spectacular read that left me absolutely speechless upon finishing it and was quickly placed into my favourite reads shelf for 2017!

THE GHOSTWRITER by ALESSANDRA TORRE is a beautifully written novel that is so emotionally moving about a famous romance novelist Helena Ross that wasn’t always the most likeable person but definitely the most interesting and in the end she totally captured my heart.  I have never been so moved and touched by a novel before like I was with this one.    

ALESSANDRA TORRE delivers an extremely impressive, well-written, well-paced and touching story here with well-developed characters that was interesting, heartbreaking and captivating to read.  I was totally engrossed in this novel from start to finish and it was extremely hard for me to put down.

The way that this story was written is one of my absolute favourite ways as I love books that are about writers and stories within stories as I find them so fascinating and so interesting to read.  I also really enjoy when an author drops little shocking tidbits of truth along the way for us to pick up on and chew over which always keeps me guessing and eagerly waiting in anticipation of what is coming next.  I like not knowing what is coming next until it is right upon us and then when the big reveal happens I am totally blown away.

What an emotional and powerful end for a beautifully written book that I won't soon forget!  Would highly recommend!!

This was an absolutely wonderful book to have shared and discussed with our Traveling Sisters and I thoroughly enjoyed the reading experience! Thank you ladies!!

Thank you so much to NetGalley, DCA, and Alessandra Torre for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book in exchange for a review.

All of my reviews along with Brenda's can be found on our Sister Blog:
Profile Image for Caro.
633 reviews22.3k followers
October 14, 2017
Aghhhhhh! My heart has been trampled into a million little pieces.

You know what you did Alessandra Torre, you know what you did...

What a book! What a story! The book starts with writer Helena Ross. She has recently learned that she has terminal cancer and about 3 months to live. Before she passes away she wants to write her last novel and the most important story of her life.

Helena knows that because of the illness she won't be able to complete the book unless she hires a ghostwriter to help her. This is the setup and the rest is a journey you will have to take by yourself because I'm not going to spoil it for you.

I love books about writers and stories within stories. I wish I could honor this book with a wonderful, well-written review but I'm good with numbers and not with words, all I can say is that this novel is captivating, emotionally moving, and suspenseful.

The novel is told in alternating points of view. It is similar to Lies She Told and Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore which were books that contained stories within stories and also were both books I loved.

Please note that the book takes its time revealing the story so if you're 60% in and wondering still, please keep going, you won't regret it.

Overall I enjoyed this book and highly recommend it!

Thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this publication in exchange for an honest review.

FINAL NOTE: What a beautiful cover!

Profile Image for Bookphenomena (Micky) .
2,704 reviews522 followers
February 25, 2020
THE GHOSTWRITER is my joint favourite book of 2017 and I've read upwards of 200 this year. This is a contemporary suspense read with challenging subject matter but with the kind of writing that beautifully navigates you through the difficulties.

There are three main characters in this story but Helena is at the helm. She's an author but this time she needs a ghostwriter to help her tell this story and it's her autobiography she's telling. Her husband Simon is at the fore, as is the ghostwriter Mark.

"I hate Simon with my entire soul, and I love him with every other inch of my body, and neither really matters."

Helena is a character that is rather hard to like. She was a hermit to all intents and purposes. The why of this was a question I asked of the book all the way through. I felt compassion for her but the more I got to know of her behaviour to other human beings, of the realities of her parenting, the more I struggled with who she was. I questioned her mental health, diagnosing disorders but it didn't really matter. Over time, I came to an understanding of who she was, of her self awareness and her fight for others. I admired her.

A lot of this story is about Helena and Simon, on the face of it their marriage was uncomplicated, underneath, it was so complicated that it took the whole book to fathom the depth of the secrets, lies and subversive deceit. I'm not even going to speak to my feelings regarding Simon but it felt 'off' early on.

"Maybe we're normal. Maybe every husband drives his wife crazy. Maybe every wife falls short. But it doesn't feel normal. It feels like we are at war. A war I am losing."

As Mark helps Helena to tell her story, something special happens, a chink of light, of friendship. Mark was my ray of good in this book and I admired his friendship towards Helena, complex though it was. Mark was carrying all the same questions that I had as a reader, waiting and waiting for the answers.

"We are climbing the hill towards the climax, though Mark doesn't know that yet. He has no idea that all of these pieces, all of the stories, are blocks of dynamite, carefully placed and positioned for eventual explosion."

The book started as hugely intriguing, even a little mellow. The suspense built and built to crescendo of need to know the answers and I blew through the last 30% to reach the conclusion. What happened was utterly unexpected, the whys, the how's and the tragedy. The context of the answers were difficult to read but ultimately fulfilling in what was a excellently developed story with characters that don't often come along.

I am a fan of all the genres Alessandra Torre has written, I've read all of her books but I favoured the 6e series. THE GHOSTWRITER is her best work to date. I am emotionally drained and at a loss after reading this book because it was just that good.

A copy of this book was provided by the author through netgalley in return for a honest review.

Profile Image for Kendall.
664 reviews772 followers
December 9, 2017
This book was SPECTACULAR!!!! The Ghostwriter is one of my top reads for 2017.

Helena Ross has a story to tell. And oh my goodness what a heart crushing, dark, and deep story it is. Helena has written successful romance novels over the years...but this LAST novel is a story that is rooted personally with dark secrets oozing out. Helena instructs her agent Kate to hire a ghostwriter Marka Vantley to help her write her own story. Marka and Helena don't have the best relationship.. while Helena sends out harsh emails to Marka degrading the author's talent.

Marka shows up to Helena's home with her ridiculous over the top "lists" and rules that she has for others to follow. Helena comes off as a harsh and cold woman... that has a serious hate to life.

Alessandra Torre slowly reveals Helena's story alternating from the past and present. Torre's characterization is so amazing and the story is so beautifully written. Torres has such a perfect balance with showing the darkness that unfolds in her characters. The pacing was perfect and each layer was slowly revealed to the readers keeping you on edge!

One of my favorite quotes in this book which I think sums up the book perfectly in so many ways

"That is how life is, it gives us burdens to carry and doesn't give a damn about the weight. We shoulder it or we break."

READ this book! Highly highly recommended. 4.5 stars!

This was a traveling sister read and I think was my favorite read with the ladies yet! Please check out the full traveling sister review at: https://twogirlslostinacouleereading....

Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
December 12, 2021
i think my rating may be a little unfair because i couldnt help but continually compare this to ‘verity’ by colleen hoover (which i feel is a far superior novel).

however, this is still pretty okay in its own right. the writing is great. AT has a nice writing style - her words are so easy to inhale and get lost in. so while i wasnt quite in love with the content itself, i didnt mind reading it.

i just had some issues with this being labelled as a “thriller/suspense” as there is nothing thrilling or suspenseful about the story. as far as the characters and plot go, its actually quite uneventful. i also wasnt a fan of the resolution/reveal at the end, but thats probably because of my lack of attachment to anything.

still, this was a quick read and one that i dont regret picking up.

3.5 stars
Profile Image for Lindsay L.
763 reviews1,465 followers
January 21, 2018
4 stars!

This novel started off strong, then lost a bit of steam in the middle where it slowly built up to the heart-wrenching ending that had me sobbing like a baby. I had no idea what to expect from this story and was surprised it turned out to be such an emotional journey. I found myself in a mess of tears a few times.

I had a love/hate relationship with the main character, Helena Ross, an international bestselling author. Her personality was negative to the point that I found myself cringing while reading several of her inner thoughts and personal interactions with others. Yet, I found myself deeply sympathizing with her situation. I felt fully drawn into her world, feeling her emotions over her past and contemplating her life decisions.

Overall, I enjoyed the writing and storyline, I just wished the pace was a bit quicker. The characters, though not all likeable, were well-developed and impactful.
Profile Image for Theresa Alan.
Author 10 books1,138 followers
May 7, 2018
This novel is dark and slightly depressing but good. Helena had a life many would envy. Money from a career she loved—being a romance novelist—a husband, and a little girl. Four years ago, she lost her husband and daughter. Only she knows the truth behind their deaths, and she’s ready to tell her story, but she needs help, so she calls in a rival author to ghostwrite.

Helena is an odd character. She’s not just introverted, which many writers are, she’s cantankerous and bitchy. She didn’t initially want to have kids, but her husband Simon convinced her to. She also wasn’t always the perfect mother, which her husband and mother used against her. I found the last third of the book a little stressful as all the secrets of her relationship with her husband were finally revealed. I admire authors who can create that much tension.


Fore more reviews, please visit: http://www.theresaalan.net/blog
Profile Image for Linda.
1,470 reviews1,555 followers
October 11, 2017
Pause for a moment......

Pull up a chair and sit with me a while.

The Ghostwriter beckons like a Shapeshifter in the darkest corner of the room. It transforms itself from one level of recognizable existence into the blurred, uncertain vision of the next. Elusive and quite daunting.

Helena Ross has a story to tell. As a successful young author, her hand has rocked the cradle of many a romance novel. But there is a definite sense of urgency to this one. Life has given her a deadline unlike the ones demanded by her publishing company. Helena has been diagnosed with brain cancer and has only three months to live at best.

Knowing that the writing process may exceed her own limitations, Helena instructs her agent, Kate, to contact a particular fellow author to ghostwrite parts of the book for her. Over the years, she has sent Marka Vantly snarky emails derailing this author's books. But Helena knows that no one else could possibly match her style like Marka.

As Marka and Kate show up for their meeting at Helena's home, they are met with a venomous list of "rules" taped by the front door. It's evident that the entrance way bears no welcome mat. The chill that they feel doesn't come from the weather. It wafts from Helena herself who begrudgingly allows them to come in. The interior of the home is practically barren. It reflects the standoffish vibes coming from Helena herself. They arrive at a business deal and the writing will take place immediately.....no time to waste.

Alessandra Torre, herself, is a gifted writer. She reveals "the story" in a then and now format with Helena slowly filling in the blanks of her past. Her highly guarded persona and her refusal to allow anyone to come close is extremely significant to this storyline. She spits out insults and sinister retorts like a gumball machine loaded with pennies. Helena covets this process of dying as the final culimnation of her life's darkest secret. She must purge herself of it before she breathes her last.

The Ghostwriter must be experienced rather than just revealed. And Torre does an exceptional job with this. She is a wizard with portraying her characters with the focus of transparent light and the self-imposed barriers of one's own darkness. The dialogue is sharp, witty, and at times humorous. Believe me, this book will have you sitting in that pulled up chair lost in your own thoughts at the end. Speechless is about right.......

I received a copy of The Ghostwriter through NetGalley for an honest review. My thanks to Alessandra Torre for the opportunity.
Profile Image for Kat .
291 reviews985 followers
December 8, 2022
Fun note: I just realized after finishing this earlier, that today is the 5–year anniversary of its release. What a nice way to celebrate! It also means I’m five years late in discovering this earlier gem of a thriller by A.R. Torre, written under her original pen name, Alessandra Torre. Better late than never!

Helena Ross is an international best-selling author of romance novels, but to know the real woman you’d never guess it. She’s relentlessly exacting on her standards of how things should be done, distant towards others, and comes off almost emotionless most of the time. She’s also fairly young and living with a terminal disease that will take her life in a few short months. First, she needs to write one last book, though. It’s not a romance, but it is the most important one she'll ever tell: her own story … and boy, is it a doozy.

We know from the prologue that she was married to Simon and had a young daughter named Bethany. She alludes to them frequently, but now she’s alone. Why? What happened to them? That’s the story Helena needs to tell before it’s too late, and she can’t do it alone. She instructs her beleaguered assistant Kate to convince her rival bestselling romance writer, Marka Vantley, to ghostwrite the novel. Marka agrees, but who actually shows up at Helena’s house to begin writing isn’t at ALL who Helena, or I, was expecting! Their interactions were the highlight of this book for me.

What these two experience and write together was in turns heartwarming, and even funny at times, but it also broke my heart into teeny tiny pieces! I didn’t see the ending reveals coming, but they were a game changer for me with this story. Up until that point, I liked but didn’t totally love the story. After Helena’s truth was revealed … WOW. I was back on the field and ready to play, so to speak!

Torre knows how to write characters and plotting that draw you into the story, and she’s one of only a few authors that could keep me invested in an unlikeable character like Helena. I genuinely cared for her by the end, which is saying a lot.

My one major takeaway: Be patient. It may take awhile to get to the best part, but if you can stick with it, the ending will reward you! This book has great characters, excellent plotting and a solid story.

An additional piece of advice? Consider reading rather than listening to it. Andrea Izzy Anthony narrated, and she did a decent job, but her interpretation of Helena was so emotionless and flat that it was hard to invest in her for awhile. It may work better for others!

★★★★ ½
Profile Image for Carol.
1,370 reviews2,293 followers
January 7, 2018
4.5 Heartbreaking Stars!

"Someone has to know the truth."

Helena Park's is a successful author, but by no means perfect. She is outspoken to a fault, bitter, difficult and needs help desperately (from an unlikely adversary) to meet a pressing deadline for a story that must be told....a story filled with painful memories and secrets too awful to recall....her story.

With no knowledge of the storyline going in, THE GHOSTWRITER shocked me. It turned out to be so much more than I envisioned at the start. At first I thought we might be headed for a work of women's fiction, but instead found myself reading a gripping, well-plotted story with good characters, surprising twists and suspenseful pacing to the text.

Not sure how I missed this one last year, but what a great addition to my January reads! Highly recommend.

Profile Image for Canadian Jen.
564 reviews1,901 followers
February 22, 2018
I'm no ghost reviewer so what you read is what you get from me. Not sure what I expected as I've read some conflicting reviews. Helena is a well known romance writer with 3 months left to live and in desperate need to tell her story. Because of the tight deadline -no pun intended- she hires a ghostwriter to assist her in finishing her last words before she passes away.

What I liked - it was a mystery. The writing of a life story leading up to a climax and I was pulled along not really knowing what had happened but given glimpses. Some good character development but at times seemed inconsistent.
What I didn't like - it was in parts, overly dramatic and cliched.
I liked it - didn't love it. Was for me, an alright read and that's the best I can do as I sit here and wrap up my vacation.
3.5 stars rounding up⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Profile Image for Felicia.
254 reviews980 followers
February 1, 2019

First...allow me to stand and do a slow clap for Alessandra Torre.

👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏

I just THOUGHT I was an Alessandra Torre fan before this book, however, after reading this offering, I am now a SUPERFAN.

This is an utterly captivating storyline unlike any I have read before. JFC I don't even know how to capture the words I need to review this book.

The main character, Helena, is so unlikable but fuck dammit is she ever relatable. Torre has so thoroughly fleshed out this unsympathetic character that I was actually sobbing for her by the end.

And the tension...omfuck the tension builds at such a deliciously slow pace that it is nearly unbearable at times.

I completely devoured every cuticle on my right hand while reading this book. Idk why!! I didn't even realize I was doing it until I turned the last page with fingers so friggin sore and swollen they look like I stuck my fingers into a garbage disposal.

Please, please Alessandra, I implore you to write more psychological suspense books. You have nailed it with this book.
Profile Image for ✰ Bianca ✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰ .
2,244 reviews1,308 followers
September 15, 2023


32 year old Helena has been a very successful romance author for the last decade.
She also has been married and had a daughter.
But both Simon and Bethany are not in her life anymore. We have no idea what happened.
We only know that Helena has only three more months to live and she wants to write one last book. Not a romance. A true story kind of thing. But we don't really know what the story is. Only that it's the story of her life.
And since she doesn't have enough energy to write a book she would normally have a year for, in three months - she hires a ghostwriter. Who better than her archenemy - smut author Marka!
Only Marka is so not who Helena expected ...

What will happen with Helena & her ghostwriter???
Will the book be finished on time?
And what will be in it?????




That was so not what I was expecting. Especially after just watching Alessandra's Hollywood Dirt on PassionFlix! ☺
I already kind of knew that it wouldn't be a romance - but I was hoping for a bit of something sweet or adorable!
And even though there wasn't .... it was an amazing book.
A different kind of book, but still amazing.
It's not a thriller - not a mystery - even though it is kind of mysterious and/or suspensy until we find out what happened at the end. ☺
It's a story so full of pain and hurt and guilt and fear and regret.

I loved reading it. (Does that make me weird?🤔 )

Helena is an amazing character. Amazingly broken and flawed and talented ...
The way Alessandra desribes her and everything around her - I felt like I was right there with her - or at least sitting in front of Netflix watching THE GHOSTWRITER! Please Netflix, come do this!!!

Marka was also really great - a good friend to Helena in that last chapter of her life.

What can I say without spoiling anything...

Don't expect a romance.
Don't expect a happy end.
Expect a bit of crazy and weird.
Expect to feel.
Expect to be thoroughly entertained and left with a lot to think about.

THE GHOSTWRITER was such a heartbreakingly sad story. A very moving and emotional last chapter in the life of a bestselling author. Don't be afraid - read it!!!

P.S. I needed a box of tissues at the end. ☺


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Profile Image for Olga therebelreader.
890 reviews760 followers
September 30, 2017
A good read is a story you can't put down once you start, and makes you glad for the time you spent consuming it. It can provoke you to tears, it can shock you, it can make you feel strong emotions.

The Ghostwriter is a good read! It has a unique plot with one twist after another. It was hard to read some parts because their pain was real and gut wrenching. This story hits all the points required to warrant 5 stars.

Helena, a famous young author, has a grave illness and does not have much time to live. Her final wish before she dies is to write a book confessing deep dark secrets from her past. Obviously it is a difficult topic but the author somehow created a story I wanted to read and not put down. The characters are well established and this makes the story realistic and believable. I felt that the book captured Helena's emotions well. She's very selfish at times, but then I suppose in this situation who wouldn't be at some point?

I can't reveal special spoilers but this book takes a twist that it melted my heart, I felt everything with Helena. The ending was infinitely painful and heart-breaking. Books hardly ever make me actually that emotional so this was special. Just read it!

In short:
Hero 4/5 | Heroine 5/5 | Plot (Point, Originality) 5/5 | Writing Style 5/5 | Steam 0/5 | Romance 0/5 | Angst-Suspense 4/5 | Darkness 3/5 | Humor 1/5 | Secondary Characters 4/5 | Drama-Conflict 5/5 | Mystery 5/5 | Twists 5/5 | Pacing Fast | Action 3/5

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