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VIP #4


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There are some people in life who know exactly how to push your buttons. For me, it’s Rye Peterson. We can’t spend more than ten minutes together before we’re at each other’s throats, which makes working together that much harder. Rye is the bassist for Kill John, the biggest rock band in the world, and I am his publicist. It doesn’t help that the man is gorgeous, funny, talented, and…never takes anything seriously. Avoidance is key.

But everything changes when he overhears something he shouldn’t: a confession made in a moment of weakness. Now the man I’ve tried so hard to ignore is offering me the greatest temptation of all—him.


Brenna James is the one. The one I can’t have. The one I can’t get out of my mind. Believe me, I’ve tried; the woman loathes me. I managed well enough—until I heard her say she’s as lonely as I am. That she needed to be touched, held, satisfied. And I could no longer deny the truth: I wanted to be the one to give her what she craved.

I convinced her that it would just be sex, mutual satisfaction with nothing deeper. But the moment I have her, she becomes my world. I’ve never given her a good reason to trust me before. Now, I’ve got to show Brenna that we’re so much better together than we ever were apart.

Things are going to get messy. But getting messy with Brenna is what I do best.

313 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 28, 2021

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About the author

Kristen Callihan

25 books13.6k followers
Kristen Callihan is an author because there is nothing else she'd rather be. She is a RITA winner and three-time nominee and winner of two RT Reviewer's Choice awards. Her novels have garnered starred reviews from Publisher's Weekly and the Library Journal, as well as being awarded top picks by many reviewers. Her debut book FIRELIGHT received RT Magazine's Seal of Excellence, was named a best book of the year by Library Journal, best book of Spring 2012 by Publisher's Weekly, and was named the best romance book of 2012 by ALA RUSA. When she is not writing, she is reading.

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Profile Image for Phuong ✯.
671 reviews8,095 followers
October 23, 2021
✩⡱ 3.25 - 3.5 stars

✧ It was to be expected that Brenna and Rye wouldn't have the same meet cute moment the other three couples had, but I was still missing it. Not knowing what Kristen Callihan would come up with when both the main characters meet for the first time was one of my fav parts in the other books. Even tho when Rye was eavesdropping on Brenna sex conversation w Jules and how they ultimately come to their friends w benefits arrangement was still amusing.

"You're not getting sick, are you?"
"Why?" I lean in–like a fool, because it's never a good idea for me to get too close to Brenna James. "Would you wipe my fevered brow if I were?"

✧ BRENNA'S HEELS CLICK BEING THE BASS LINE FOR ONE OF KILL JOHN'S SONGS eidkafklafklfj yooo 😭🤚 please that's one of the most romantic thing in the world and you can't tell me otherwise. No wonder why men in real life don't compare. I only needed to read that part to be sold on Rye 🥺

Whip sighs. "What made you think getting physical with Brenna without the poiblity of any kind of relationship in the cards was a good idea?" I stare blankly at him.
"My dick?"

✧ Rye could be an idiot sometimes, but one of the best thing about Exposed was how he was such a simp for Brenna from the beginning. He knew all these little details of her (the click of her heels, her coffee, her perfume when she's on her period etc.) and it was really cute.

"Wings, Bren. So you'll never forget how far you can fly."

✧ Breen is such a QUEEN. I love that she is such a boss lady in her job, but when it was her private life she was a mess. That made her such relatable.

"Brenna, you are my idol, the woman who told the head of RAI Record that the day he started staring at guys' dick when he talked to them was the day it would be okay for him to talk to your tits."

✧ WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME THIS BOOK HAD DADDY KINK LMAOOO (even tho it's only a joke, but still 😭)
His grip on my hair twitches, but he doesn't move. "Tell me one thing firt." Soft lips touch the shell of my ear, his voice dark and resonant. "Who's your Daddy?"
Shock exploded over my skin in a wave of heat. My knees. A breath escapes me–half startled laugh, half groan. Sweet hell, I'm so hot, I can barely breathe. My response is thready, needy. "You. Only you."

✧ Rye and Brenna had a lot of cute moments in this book, but for some reason I wasn't feeling their friends w benefits thing. Maybe it's bc i'm not so fond of that trope, but it took me a while to get invested.

But here, with Brenna's funny little snores buffeting my chest, it hit me with a calm certainty that music isn't the entirety of my heart and soul. It no longer own me completely. She's there too, in my heart and soul. A touchstone in the darkness of uncertainty.

✧ The mandatory comment of Scottie is the best. Find yourself a friend who gives you customise luggage and mutual funds for your retirement. You won't need for anything ele. 💅
"You all suck," Killian mutters, but his posture is easier now. Hi dark eyes pin Libby. "I can't believe you stole my phone."
"You like what I did after I stole it," she drawls, clucking her tongue.
"Lord deliver us all," Scottie pleads to the ceiling.
"Here." Stella punks a tray down before him. "Have a cookie."

✧ I was annoyed to hear that Bren's "hate" of Rye comes from an misunderstanding. For some parts I can undertand her holding a grudge againt him for a while when she saw Rye kissing her aunt, but all that could been easily avoided if she confronted Rye and talked to him. As Rye said "all this time you hated me for something that I didn't do". They could have acted on their mutual attraction way earlier if they had talk to each other ugh i hate this. Now it took them over a decade to clear the air.

✧ that whole birthday party scene with the whole Kill John fam + Killian parents + Brenna parents was unneseccery and made me lowkey uncomfortable. It felt like I was sitting with them at the table with that negative energy coming from Bren's parents and I don't need that negativity in my life 🥴

Stella!!!: FUNNY. Now get your butts down here. All of you. RYE! I know you're there. I can hear you breathing.
Rye-Rye: I was having the weirdest dream. You all were in it. No. Wait. It was a nightmare. Or should I call it a wake-mare since I'm fairly certain I'm awake now, and you're all still texting.
WhipIt: HUR!
So-Sophie: Cocaa, Rye-Rye. You love cocoa.
Rye-Rye: I will not be swayed by a mere beverage
Stella!!!: And cookies. Lots of cookies
Rye-Rye: I'll be down in 5

✧ THE FOUND FAMILY OF KILL JOHN!!! 🥺 honestly, these characters and their family are giving me such comfort.


Love how Rye was such a simp for Bren, but the whole friends w benefits and misunderstanding was kind of meh for me that I wasn't fully invested the first half of the book, but still good addition to the VIP series.


#1 Idol – 3.5 stars
#2 Managed – 4.5 stars
#3 Fall – 3.25 stars
#4 Exposed – 3.25 - 3.5 stars
Profile Image for Kate.
848 reviews108 followers
July 19, 2021
Despite the slow start, Rye and Brenna's story brought me just...IMMENSE J O Y.

4.5 stars!

And just to clarify, the slow start does not refer to action taking a while to pick up, it's more that I expected to love this book immediately. I was looking forward to it for so long and was building all these expectations, and when it didn't sweep me off my feet on page 1, I felt oddly disappointed for a moment. But that did change as I kept reading!

I love romance genre and it's almost exclusively what I read these days but it's been a while since I encountered a story that made me feel so much and delivered on so many fronts: steamy romance, love story spanning years, a beautiful found family trope and characters that seem real, flawed and human in all the best ways, in ways that can be relatable.

"There is a time in a woman’s life when her friends start finding their true loves and suddenly everything is a couple’s deal, complete with private looks and inside jokes that you’re no longer part of, and ugh! Somebody hand me a drink already and get me out of this nightmare."

Tell me Brenna James is not the most relatable person ever! I've adored her from the very first sentence in 'Idol' and that has not changed. I love how Callihan expanded on her character here and really delved deep. Brenna is independent, witty, controlling and vulnerable at the same time. We get layers, dimensions, angles and whatnot here.

Rye is going like this half the time, trying to figure things out:

“Because I know you,” he says softly, firmly. “I’ve spent years trying not to learn you, and failing.”

And yet at the same time, Rye DOES know Brenna, and it would make my heart burst at times with just how well he knows her: knows the rhythm of her steps and makes it into a beat of a song, knows the smell of all her perfumes and what it means when she uses them, knows that it means that she's got a headache when she wears her hair down. This man could make a catalogue of all things Brenna and I am HERE FOR IT.

Half the time I wanted to smack Rye's head for things he said, and half the time it made me melt. Then he would say shit like below, which honestly made me laugh out loud, but seriously, romance gods, whoever you are, give me a person this dedicated to making me feel good:

"As it is, I don’t eat another bite of food. If it isn’t Brenna in my mouth, then I don’t want it."

For all the things Rye knew about Brenna (and things she knew of him), it was made abundantly clear that both of them had built their walls so high, they became impenetrable even to people closest to them. And that's where the title - which is suitable as hell - kicks in, as both Rye and Brenna learn each other anew, and slowly let go of misunderstanding and misconceptions that had grown around their relationship like poison ivy.

“When the stage lights go off, when the music stops, what am I? Where do I go?”

There are two things I particularly love about this series, outside of how the romance itself is written:

❤ how the characters are so well fleshed out, each one a distinct personality, dealing with issues, traumas, mental health, their identity, loneliness...; everyone here struggles with something and is on a personal journey of their own - I can feel their vulnerability and in return, I feel I can relate, and the story goes from being just another story to being my friend

❤ omnipresent love for music - I've said this before but I love how music is an important theme throughout this series, it means something to these characters and I can tell how much music means to the author just by some of the lines/scenes that come up

Quite often, musician setting is used just as a way to sexy things up but the writing does not support it and it's like the characters could be anything else instead. Which isn't something I point out to criticize actually, but just to drive the point home - and that point is that this very much IS NOT the case here.

I don’t think I’m good enough for anyone.
And here’s the real horror: this is the complete opposite of what I project to the world. On the outside, I am a confident woman who knows exactly what she wants and how to get it. I don’t let anyone fuck with me. (...) I believe in myself. When it comes to my profession.
When it comes to me?
Apparently, I don’t.

Brenna is my soulmate, I rest my case, your Honour 😭😭😭

Other random thoughts:

♫♫♫ seeing the Kill John gang together and all their interactions left me laughing, giddy with happy feels and content - it was just so wholesome 🥰🥰🥰

♫♫♫ I was surprised here - in lots of stories, it's possible to pinpoint the source of third act drama after the first few chapters, like it's not subtle at all: e.g. character A hates The Thing with a burning passion and character B used to do The Thing or sth along these lines - we all know where that's going; here there was this Thing with Rye and

♫♫♫ miscommunication happened but in a believable, non-annoying (at least to me) way - what I loved actually was how honest Brenna and Rye were with each other, and the times when they were not so forthcoming with their feelings? I understood that, because the foundation for that had been laid down. Plus, it did not take them too long - like ridiculously long - to actually speak their mind

♫♫♫ there was a bit of this Thing that makes me break out in hives aka a professional woman in control of her life simply must be in need of being controlled in bed to "let go" - but the way this was done was not OTT and in the end, did not bother me***

*** this annoys me for one simple reason: show me a book where the hero is The Boss in his professional life so much that he wants to be told what to do during sex so that he can "let go of control" -

♫♫♫ but there were some refreshing bits, sex-wise - Rye admitting that he had never actually had great sex (even with all the rock star sexcapades), Brenna being opened about her sex drive, sexual desires etc. (that should NOT be groundbreaking but sadly - yeah), Brenna being the one more...challenged when it came to intimacy, commitment and relationships, that's my girl xD

♫♫♫ Scottie playing the matchmaker, he's an evil puppet master in whatever he puts his mind to, it's not even funny 😂😂😆

♫♫♫ there was one continuance mistake that DROVE ME NUTS, in Brenna's flashback at the beginning it's said that A Thing (mentioned in 2nd point) happened during Brenna's birthday party, but when it's discussed later it's suddenly Rye's birthday party and I'm left with my brain churning SO WHAT IS THE TRUTH KRISTEN DON'T DO THIS TO ME

♫♫♫ but aside from that, writing was really something else here, some turns of phrases and lines were so beautiful, it made me emotional

"God, but she’s sharp-edged beautiful in this faded watercolor world of mine."

In conclusion, Brenna and Rye's story was...so worth the wait! And now, having devoured 'Exposed' so quickly and so recklessly, with no consideration for the fact that the next book is not even announced yet, all I can do is patiently wait for Whip's story.



It's probably not healthy to get so psyched for this book and yet here I am:




Waiting for release date like:

Profile Image for Cristiina♡Reads.
587 reviews3,473 followers
July 13, 2021
Enemies to lovers, becoming obsessed with each other to a point of slowly yet instantly falling in love with each other...

A story that we have all been anticipating. Between two characters that are the total opposite and have represented what total obsession truly is. Brenna and Rye have become one of my favorite fierce characters that represent the ultimate lust towards each other. And Kirsten has not disappointed once again. This is the series of the summer that's for sure. But with fair warning, this book like the previous books in this series touches topics that can be more in depth to the emotional side. For those whom are Kirsten reader lovers, you should not be surprised about this revelation. And it's emotional aspect of things is what makes this novel truly a masterpiece.

ARC kindly provided by Valentine PR in exchange for an honest review...

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Profile Image for EmBibliophile.
618 reviews1,911 followers
November 21, 2021
4 ‘clickety-click’ stars

Rye was such an oblivious idiot, but the way he was such a simp for Bren??? The pinning?? Ahhh I can’t! I just truly liked the way he was pinning over her. The fact that the bass line of one of the band’s songs is based on the click of her heels?? NOTHING could be more romantic!! He mentioned that and I was a goner!! Also, the way he just really knows her and notice every little thing about her? I was like please I can’t! He was so sweet and oblivious, he got me feeling like “Aww he’s in love” many times!

“Yeah, I know. So what’s left? What’s your fantasy?”

I freakin admire Brenna! She’s a boss lady to be admired and respected. As much as she want to appear tough she still got her insecurities which makes her more real. I just like the way she talks so blunt and the way she walks like the boss lady she is. I love her.

“Brenna, you are my idol, the woman who told the head of RAI Records that the day he started staring at guys’ dicks when he talked to them was the day it would be okay for him to talk to your tits.”

Ahhh a freakin boss!! She’s such an idol.

As much as I was excited for this I went with low expectations, because the whole friends with benefits situation is a recipe for a disaster that I can’t handle. I got easily frustrated with all the miscommunication and misunderstanding. However, this was still so cute and enjoyable to read. I think this might be my second favorite book in the series after managed. I also really loved seeing the whole band and their lovers being one big happy family. The found family trope here is just so good!

#1 Idol ~ 3.5 stars
#2 Managed ~ 4.5 stars
#3 Fall ~ 3.25 stars
Profile Image for Isabella. R.
989 reviews1,903 followers
October 23, 2021
5 Resistance is Futile Stars ⭐

Exposed is reminiscent of the first ever books I read by this author. Emotional, passionate and an utter joy to read. It was like reading with my feelings bursting out of my skin. I completely loved the golden Viking Ryland Peterson and his devotion to Brenna James.

God, but she's sharp edged beautiful in this faded watercolour world of mine. She makes my knees weak and my heart ache.

Frenemies with benefits. Rye and Bren go way back. The bassist and PR manager for KillJohn. They were in it from the beginning and once friends until it all changed. Immaturity and pride determined their fate for 10 long years. That is until Rye hears something he wasn't privy to.

"Feel that? That's just from standing close to you. From me thinking about all the ways I could figure you out, find all the little things that will make you come."

An arrangement that provides sexual release but acts as the perfect cover for the truth. Bren craves mind-blowing sex, and Rye wants the job. Secret trysts that reveal more than just desire. It begins to strip away the animosity and pettiness these two share. In its place mutual respect, kindness and unrequited love is revealed.

Stupid pride has kept me from admitting he is one of my favourite people - maybe my absolute favourite. When he is near, I hum like a struck tuning fork. Everything is more with him.

However a hookup in secret can't remain that way as there is the rest of the band and entourage of friends to consider. Plus when lust is laced with love, it won't be ignored. Can either Rye or Bren be brave enough to expose themselves?

I really loved this story. I appreciated the maturity between these two and the worship bestowed on each other. I was thrilled that this author didn't provide drama for the sake of it. Instead we got a romance that provided attraction which was palpable, and a couple totally dynamic together. This is definitely my fave of the series. 💙

To my beautiful friend Lana and BR, our conversations bring me so much joy. This was so worth the wait!
Profile Image for Rozberry&#x1f353;.
292 reviews133 followers
July 30, 2021
Idol - 5 stars
Managed - 4.5 stars
Fall - 5 stars
Exposed - 4.5 stars

Okay. CONFESSION: After 2+ years of anxiously waiting - who am I kidding - book stalking Exposed since it popped up on KC’s GR page, I recently started to wonder if I was setting myself up for a letdown. 3 years after Fall, it’s more than possible for a writer’s voice to evolve or just lose the pocket of that headspace they had writing the previous books in a series. It’s also not often 3 books in a series, imho none are any worse than 4.5 stars. So expectations can become lofty pretty quick - be it unintentional or not.

Keeping that in mind, for a hot second I thought that fear was realized at the beginning. Probably mostly due to Exposed not being afforded a strong kickstart the previous 3 books had with great meet-cutes. Because, unlike the previous couples, Brenna & Rye grew up together during Kill John’s rise to fame. So Exposed’s beginning was more about establishing the groundwork that could alter the road of what’s been a loooooong standing history as frenemies for a decade+.

Once the setup for the plot(frenemies with benefits) was in place, KC left no doubt Exposed was worth the wait & then some. Again it’s been 3 years real time since Fall, but after finishing Exposed, imho it doesn’t read like it. KC steps almost seamlessly back into the VIP world.

Okay okay, I know I’m getting off track & rambly. Oops 🙊😂 . Anyhoo…

With Brenna(Killian’s cousin, Idol/book one) in charge of Kill John’s PR, over the years she & Rye often have been in close quarters touring, other band business & whatnot. Despite the longstanding animosity & tension between the two of them over the years, the whole band, Brenna & Scottie’s connection has grown into a strong ‘found family’. (Especially after they learned the full scope of what was going on with Jax. Also since welcomed Libby, Sophie & Stella into their found family with open arms.) Because of that bond they all have, Rye & Brenna know each other in so many ways no one else on the outside would. Yet just the same, they’ve both built emotional walls up sky high. Each fiercely protecting their vulnerability from the other, not letting any cracks in their façades be exposed(yep, I went there 😂) to their deepest vulnerabilities. Brenna particularly because of painful moments in their history. That wasn’t about to change — that is until Rye hears something NEVER EVER meant for his ears.

Instead of dancing around the line of going into too many plot details, what I will do is share some of the reasons why I enjoyed Exposed so much.
— The element of ‘found family’. I know I touched on it a bit above, but it’s truly a special key to why I love the VIP series. It’s beautiful how deeply they care, support, love for one another. Even when they’re teasing & totally giving each other shit - it's all still there, still present. It’s enviable honestly.
— The vulnerability. Sure, what everyone sees is pretty great; a member of a world famous rock band & a successful head of PR for said world famous rock band. But what takes Exposed from a quote unquote good read to a great read is KC’s ability to tap into the part of Rye & Brenna’s most personal thoughts & feelings that are so authentic & unguarded. It tugs hard at the heartstrings & makes them so relatable. It was just as good when they began sharing some of that vulnerability with each other. Like 4:32, I absolutely loved the callback to what had happened with Jax & how effecting it was for all of them. Idk how many romance writers would’ve thought of a detail like that in the 4th book of a series.
— I’m tempted to say VIP is so much more than a rockstar romance series — & in a lot of ways, it is —, yet music feels so believably intrinsic to who each member of Kill John is. Music isn’t just a backdrop of some lucky happenstance to facilitate a crazy sex life as it has in other rockstar romances I’ve read. (Although that’s not to say their sex lives were never of the crazy rockstar kind.) idk there’s just something very believable about them as musicians & their love of it, especially Rye.
— oh & lets not overlook the banter, the romance & the sexy were totally top notch 😉🙌.
— Oh! btw, Scottie needs to update his business cards - talent manager AND matchmaker 😂. Sneaky sneaky.

You might be wondering what the .5 star missing is about. That would be a so-so opening & Brenna’s one f-up kinda annoyed me just a little in the second half. She totally rectified things later on being the one to make a grand gesture 😍. ( update: to be a little clearer, I didn’t dislike Brenna. Just a decision she made.)

🤞🤞 KC doesn’t torture us again with such a long wait for Whip’s book 🤞🤞.

Total transparency here: I most definitely have a big ol’ soft spot for the whole VIP series as you can guess by my ratings of all the books. Nonetheless, I’m aware Fall received a pretty mixed reception. I bring this up because I think if you are on the side that loved Fall, you’ll love Exposed as well. Whereas if you’re of the opinion of not loving Fall so much, I’m thinking you might like Exposed more than Fall, but maybe not love. My train of thought with that is because it’s a little more emotional than Managed & Idol, but maybe not quite as much as Fall.

(not spoilers, just condensing previous updates)
Profile Image for abire.
926 reviews94 followers
July 14, 2021
“You once thought I was worth the risk—” My voice breaks then finds strength. “You’re worth it too. I don’t want to just be your friend, Rye. I want…I want to be yours. I want you to be mine. Wherever I land, whatever I’m doing. Because I…I adore you, Ryland Peterson.”

If I could give this book more than 5 stars, I WOULD IN A HEART BEAT!!!

This was so fucking worth the 3 years wait, it exceeded all my expectations! Brenna and Rye have been one of my favorite potential couples ever since I read Idol back in 2018, and I'm so happy to say that they made it to my top favorite couples EVER!!! This book was absolute perfection, and no one should be surprised to see me rereading it soon! I loved everything about it, EVERYTHING!!!!

2021 UPDATE :


2018 :

Profile Image for TJ ☾.
739 reviews1,732 followers
July 18, 2021
-3.5 stars-

my reading slump has carried over to reviewing lately so apologies for these lazy ass footnotes i been dishing out, but this the best i got rn:

🎸 loved brenna
🎸 rye did the job
🎸 i appreciated brenna calling rye out for shaming her in the past when it came to her flirting/having sexual relationships cause that scene in book 1 pissed me tf off
🎸 this was better than i thought it'd be but my sweet bb jax kept stealing the show for me 😘
Profile Image for Lacey (laceybooklovers).
2,133 reviews11.9k followers
July 21, 2021
I’m always SO happy to read a Kristen Callihan book, and Exposed did not disappoint! I adore this rock star romance series and its cast of characters, so it was a delight to be back with them. It’s got a frenemies-to-lovers romance between a bassist and the band’s PR manager. Their romance has been years in the making and when they finally fall into bed for a frenemies-with-benefits fling, they can’t get enough. I enjoyed Brenna and Rye so much!

Brenna and Rye have been at each other's throats for years. There has always been a simmering tension between and they finally get to act on it when, after overhearing Brenna talk about needing some all-consuming sex, Rye offers himself up on a platter for her. He never expects to fall so hard for her – or for her to be so adamant against being with him for real. But there's nothing that can stop him from proving to Brenna that the feelings between them are real and that he's worth taking a chance on.

Kristen Callihan is always so good at drawing me back into a series even though it's been years since I last read it. Reading Exposed was like being back with a group of friends, even though they're all rock stars. What I love about these characters is how dow-to-earth they are, despite all the fame and glory. Brenna and Rye's romance is also so wonderful to read. I love an unexpected pursuing hero, and Rye is exactly that. You just know how much this man adores Brenna even though they haven't always gotten along. The care and attention he gives to his heroine is swoon-worthy! Brenna herself is a take-charge heroine who you can't help but root for and love. She's had to climb her way up in her industry to be the successful woman she is today.

Exposed might not have topped my love for my #1 VIP book, Managed, but it easily takes the #2 spot. I had so much fun with Brenna and Rye's heartfelt, steamy romance. I loved how much we get to see the rest of the band members and their significant others and can only hope we get Whip's story next!
Profile Image for ellie.
334 reviews3,231 followers
October 31, 2021
i want to preface this review and point out that what bothered tf out of me with the book was a me thing. i think a lot of other people could either overlook it and not give it a second thought, or not even notice it really in the first place. i am not one of those people lol.

i have waited eons for this goddam book. Brenna and Rye had me hooked from book one and i literally craved their story.

this book made me so giddy in the beginning. i had a constant smile on my face. i was internally squealing the whole damn time. i thought i was in for an easy five-star read.

until we find out the real reason Brenna hates Rye... and my enjoyment plummeted.

my feelings reading this book were extremely reminiscent of when i read Inked in Lies last year and The Fourth Time Charm earlier this year. as in, the feeling of anticipating your favourite couple in a series you’re utterly invested in... only for them to fall flat and be underwhelming af.

i can’t really get into why i didn’t enjoy this and what ruined it for me without going into spoilers. so some serious spoilers ahead if you plan on reading the book and would rather not know!


Brenna, early on in the book, notes the reason she truly hates Rye: bcos she walked in on Rye and her aunt, Isabella, sitting snuggly and kissing... looking like they had fucked or were about to.

immediately all of that giddiness evaporated. all of my sunshiney emotions for the swoon-worthy cuteness dissipated and i was left feeling pretty frustrated.

i was hoping and praying it was a misunderstanding. literally anything. i was making up all kinds of shit in my head as to how Brenna could have misinterpreted the situation— i even came up with a fabulous dream sequence lmao. *spoiled alert* that didn’t happen.

the reality wasn’t as bad as i thought... but i still wasn’t a fan. it turns out, Rye drunkenly flirts with her, detailing how she’s the most beautiful woman in the world, blah blah blah and Isabella kissed Rye before he pushed her off and turned her down, and nothing actually happened... but this isn’t discovered until pretty late in the book. and by that point, it was too late🤷🏻‍♀️ id spent so much time not enjoying this that the revelation didnt really resolve any of my icky feelings.

the damage had been done.

it tainted a lot of the romance for me. i wasn’t nearly as invested as i originally was. i was pretty resigned to them being together bcos i could not forget about the reason she’s always hated him. it just loomed over my head like a dark cloud— a constant reminder as to why i couldn’t fully enjoy this to the extent i craved.

and even when i kept telling myself “hopefully it’s just a misunderstanding and it’ll be cleared up”, i realised even if it was a misunderstanding, it wouldn’t take away from the fact i spent the majority of this book not enjoying myself bcos of it.

the secret didn’t have the desired i effect i imagine the author was intending. it didn’t have me on the edge of my seat. it didn’t make the book angstier or grittier. it just... made me enjoy this a lot less than i initially was🤷🏻‍♀️

im all for secrets and misunderstandings when they’re executed properly but this didn’t elevate the story in any way. it really did taint my enjoyment. i found myself flying through the book in hopes that we’d find out the truth of that night bcos i couldn’t get invested until i had some semblance of clarity you know?

and it disappointed the fuck out of me.

bcos it ruined a pretty good romance for me. Brenna and Rye were beautiful, palpable and intense. but i couldn’t fully get into it bcos of that misunderstanding.

especially when Brenna was low-key painted as architect of their crumbling relationship. what was Brenna supposed to think? i mean, Rye had not only actively rejected her by that point when she had seen him with Isabella, but he did it publicly too in front of their friends, and continued to antagonise her about her feelings for him— as though she was a little kid with the audacity to crush on the unattainable rockstar who she should have known would never feel the same.

so, i got that he was upset that their ten year hatred had stemmed from something he actually didn’t do... but he also did other things just to be hurtful for no reason. Brenna just reacted and replied in turn to the rules he set out and made. they just probably didn’t expect that hostility to last ten years.

he threw her feelings for him in her face and proceeded to sleep with countless other women while Brenna had to stand around and watch. so by the time the incident with her aunt rolled around... i didn’t blame Brenna in the slightest for believing that he slept with her. all the evidence pointed to the fact.

and all bcos Killian— Brenna’s cousin and Rye’s best friend— threatened the guys to stay away from Brenna.

so you’re telling me that Rye had feelings for Brenna back then too... but didn’t do anything bcos Killian said so? is that still a plot conflict in romances? i thought we left that shit back in 2017. and not only that, but Rye couldn’t have just let her down gently, so instead he was just an incessant dick instead?


a lot of reviews are painting Rye as the spotlight-stealer in this book— and i get it, i do, he was swoon-worthy af when he wanted to be— but i ain’t overlooking his shittiness too. it really wasn’t all on Brenna.

who i adored. my bad bitch in five inch heels who had the patriarchy by the balls. i loved her. and i truly felt for her with all of her conflicting feelings for Rye. i understood her fears and hesitancy— yeah she could be cold and distant, but that’s honestly my favourite type of heroine. rather that than a doormat with a capital D.

the combination of her and Rye? it was electric. there was a reason ive been obsessed with them from the beginning and their intense chemistry only proved it. bcos despite my less than stellar feelings towards that piece of miscommunication, i still loved Rye and Brenna as a couple a whole lot.

Rye Peterson— Brenna’a personal nemesis and general pain in her arse— was swoon-worthy. and whipped. he even admitted himself that he imagined that hearts were popping out of his eyes every time he looked at her. he was obsessed. and i kinda was too?

THE HEELS!🥺🥰 no way did this man use the click-click, clickety-click her heels make when she walks as the bass line for one of the band’s most successful songs??

It’s the little clickety-click that always hooks me. An audible clue that she adds an extra sway to every other step. I’m not going to admit how many times I’ve watched her walk to figure that bit out.

i– and he knows that she wears a different perfume depending on her mood... and can identify which perfume is for which mood? get me a man like Rye Peterson, STAT.

Brenna’s perfume tickles my nose. She doesn’t have a signature scent but wears different ones for different moods. Unfortunately, I know them all. Over the years, I’ve figured out what mood she’s in depending on what fragrance she chooses.

and he was kinda dorky too, which was adorable and so unexpected. when he chokes on his own goddam spit bcos he was literally drooling over Brenna? iconic, honestly.

he knew everything about her. the man was obsessed and it was swoon-worthy. im just bummed a lot of it was overshadowed by the miscommunication. especially their inevitable fallout too... i literally did not understand it😭 i was reading it confused af.

im i the only one? who reads a romance book and the couple breaks up for the required 80% mark conflict and you’re genuinely confused as to why they broke up? what was the reason?

it was just unnecessary and confusing af. i was reading, kinda just scratching my head and hoping they would resolve things bcos (again) i couldn’t enjoy the angst for what it was bcos it didn’t make any sense to me🤷🏻‍♀️

it really sounds like i didn’t like this book— but that’s the annoying thing. i did. a lot. but all of the ridiculous shit started to pile up until i couldn’t ignore it anymore.

so honestly, Brenna and Rye’s love for each other is a solid five stars. just the culmination of shit that came along with it was not lol.

and Scottie and Sophie still hold my heart🥰 Scottie especially ;)))) im also hoping Whip gets his own book... possibly with Jules?😏

“I always was.”
I can’t quite make my mouth work correctly. “Always was what?”
“Yours.” Tender hands cup my cheeks. “I’ve always been yours. And you…You already are my everything. You’re my music, Bren.”
A sob escapes. “Rye.”
Profile Image for Llakshmi.
509 reviews447 followers
July 12, 2021
4.25 ✨

“She’s the one that got away.”

I cant help but smile over how whipped this guy is. Rye Peterson has been in love with Brenna since page one and no one can convince me otherwise.

I picked this book up because I absolutely adore Managed. It’s probably my all time favorite book and one of my first romances that I ever truly fell in love with. Soooo I picked this up for the cameos. Hehe. I really wanted more glimpses of my Gabriel.

But this was sooo good. Gooey and cheesy and cliche and just what I wanted. As much as I love my dark romances, I do indulge in dessert once in a while.

Story: We follow Rye, Bassist for the band Kill John, and Brenna (no idea what she actually does but she kind of manages their band?). When Rye accidentally catches ( eavesdrops on ) Brenna talking about how she wants to have amazing sex for once in her life, he volunteers as tribute . And so begins their sex buddies no strings attached bs.

I know you don’t believe me, but I’m tired of moving from partner to partner. I’m tired of feeling…” A deep flush turns his face red. “Alone.”

What I loved about this book:


He was everythinggg. Definitely didn’t steal Gabriel’s spot but a close second. Like I said : he was fucking pussy whipped. It was so painfully obvious and all the more satisfying to read about.

He’s the first hero in a long time that I’ve read about, who made himself vulnerable so early on the book.

“I’m good, Bren. I’ll do whatever you want, for as long as you want. I’ll make certain you’re taken care of, and I won’t tell a soul.”

He was the definition of male perfection. He was sexy and sweet. Possessive and protective. Smart and funny. A rock star and a fucking nerd. I legit shed tears at how he doesn’t exist in my life.

Brenna was fine. She was your typical strong heroine who let her pride get in the way too many times. But I did like her personality when she let him in. She was fun and always gave as well as she took.

“Thing you should know about me, Rye. If my partner isn’t pleasured, then I’m not going to be either.”

There were so many moments in this I LOVEEED.

⚫️The friendship between the gang was so hilariously cute.

⚫️The boys fighting over Sam, Dean and Castiel from Supernatural

⚫️Him obsessing over how she takes her coffee and the scent of her perfume.

Group moments:

“She doesn’t count. We’re a relationship unit.” “God.” I groan and pinch the bridge of my nose where a headache is forming. “Which means Sophie knows too.” Scottie’s smile is brief but fond. “No. I love my wife, but that doesn’t mean I’m unaware that she has the biggest mouth in all creation.”

^im crying.

“Let me save you some more future grief. If your woman comes to you to complain about some shit going down in her life, she doesn’t want you to fix it.” “What’s the point of telling me if I can’t help find a solution?” “So you can nod and say, ‘Fuck that noise, you’re completely in the right, sweetness.’ Or, ‘I’m sorry, honey, that truly sucks. Would you like a foot rub?’”

Honestly. I really enjoyed this book. Their relationship was so much fun and filled with banter. The writing in this was humor filled and didn’t bore me out. KC wrote their relationship in a way that’s both slow and fast; but there was so much loyalty in this book and among the friends that it’ll make you ache.

“I always was.” I can’t quite make my mouth work correctly. “Always was what?” “Yours.” Tender hands cup my cheeks. “I’ve always been yours. And you…You already are my everything. You’re my music, Bren.”

Ahhh cheesy goodnesss

Highly recommend this if you’re looking for a good comfort read
Profile Image for Eva.
165 reviews23 followers
Shelved as 'maybe-not-sure-help'
October 6, 2019
Most likely not. Rye called her a slut or whore or something like that in Book 1 just because she was flirting with another guy when he himself fucked every women he met. Disgusting double standards. He wants her to be all celibate and not even look at another guy when he made out with lots of women (and then took them to his room) in front of her, most likely knowing she liked him.

He totally lost it when she when just appeared to be flirty with another guy yet he constantly makes her endure watching him do much worse. How is that even remotely romantic?

Can't believe kristen callihan is writing this kind of plot. So disappointed. But I still have some faith. Would only read it if someone can confirm Brenna also had great sex and didn't pathetically pine after him while watching Rye screw every women he met.

Their relationship seemed very toxic and unhealthy to me. I don't understand how people are so excited to read about this couple.
Profile Image for Bibi.
1,287 reviews64 followers
April 12, 2022
My second attempt at reading this and I was irritated by Rye and Brenna's unrealistic enmity. 10 years of bickering and then one overheard conversation and Rye starts drooling over Brenna every single day.

How? After 10 years? GTFOH. I don't care if they have a HEA. DNF @ 60%.
Profile Image for ApoorvaReads.
543 reviews389 followers
July 8, 2021
3.5 stars ⭐️

”He kisses me as though I’m dessert, hungry lips and seeking tongue. Right there on the sidewalk in the pouring rain. And I forget about everything else. Here is where I need to be. I’m no longer empty or listless. I’m alive. My senses fire with hot sparks that crackle along my skin.”

Managed by Kristen is probably one of my favourite ever grumpy-sunshine books and when I heard we were getting Rye and Brenna’s story after 3 years of waiting, I was all over the moon. Though, I didn’t like this book as much as I liked the previous books in the series, I still enjoyed reading their story and getting to know more about the characters.

”His presence takes away my air. He’s just too much. Too big, his body too strong and tight. His voice too deep—not a bass but a low baritone that has a tendency to vibrate along my skin when he’s near.”

Ryland Peterson also called, Rye , is the bassist of the band ‘Kill John’. In the earlier books, I always got the vibes that Rye was an egoistic asshole which made me like him a little less but in this book Rye totally proved himself.

There are so many things I loved about Rye in this book- how he was whipped for Brenna, how he knew and give attention to small-small details regarding her and how he was such a sweetheart to her and always put her first.

”But here, with Brenna’s funny little snores buffeting my chest, it hits me with a calm certainty that music isn’t the entirety of my heart and soul. It no longer owns me completely. She’s there too, in my heart and soul. A touchstone in the darkness of uncertainty.”

Brenna James is the head of publicity and works for the band. She and Rye always bash up their heads and there’s usually a lot of tension in the air when they both are in the same room. I adored Brenna (most of the times). I loved how she wasn’t ashamed of what all she liked, how confident she was.

”I’m so cold, so empty. Scared. I’m scared. Because I am alone, and I don’t want to be. Not right now. I want arms to hold me tight, the warmth of another body pressing into me. But there isn’t anyone I want in my bed with me either. There’s the rub. I want something that doesn’t exist.”

Brenna was a character I could relate to. I feel like its human nature to seek for affection, company and just have someone to talk. In Brenna’s case this need was amplified because all her friends were in committed relationship and she was all alone. The thing is no matter how much we say that we don’t need anyone, the truth is- we do and Brenna needed that too.

“I’m safe, Bren. I swear.” Safe. Ha. He’s anything but. Rye is my one weak spot. The person most likely to do the greatest damage if he wanted to. But if he doesn’t understand that by now, I’m certainly not exposing my underbelly by telling him.”

I’m usually not a fan of “friends-with-benefits” but in this book it just worked. I loved how Rye was the one who wanted more because usually in the books it’s the girl who always want more so, I loved this uniqueness.

”“I always was.” I can’t quite make my mouth work correctly. “Always was what?” “Yours.” Tender hands cup my cheeks. “I’ve always been yours. And you…You already are my everything. You’re my music, Bren.” A sob escapes. “Rye.”

Did I mention how much I loved the fact that Rye was such a goner for Brenna from page 1?😭 The guy knows her coffee orders by heart, he knows what perfume she wears and what mood it depicts and he legit used the click-click-click voice of her heals for a song beat which is his biggest hit sksksks. God, do guys like this really exist?😩🥲

”The knowledge swells between us, reflected in her eyes. And she touches me with trembling hands, moves with me, taking me just as I take her. In that moment, I know the truth: I am home. After a long journey, I am home.”

What didn’t work for me was the lack of plot, how some details and issues regarding Rye wasn’t really worked well upon but still I enjoyed reading more about Rye and Brenna and how they exposed (pun intended) their true selves to each other.

”I’m his music. And he’s my wings.”
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,669 reviews3,277 followers
July 17, 2021
5 Everything You Could Want Stars
* * * * * spoiler Free
I happened to have love Managed and somehow missed the other books. Silly Me , I know. But I came to my senses and was able to grab Exposed and I will NEVER skip another entry to this series again. Pinky Swear.

This is love story like no other in that the people involved are so meant for each other it hurts.
They have been part of each other's lives for decades and now after so many bad habits of being at each other throats, bickering and snarking, something happens that will finally put them on the right course.

All it takes is Rye overhearing Brenna having a confessional conversation to a dear friend to get our two to have the conversation that opens the door to so much possibilities.

Each person is scared to be close and vulnerable but when Brenna finally lets her guard down, Oh Boy, are we in for some amazing times. Rye takes this chance and does everything in his power to show Brenna how he really feels.

As I said earlier, this love story has it all, personal growth from both people. The lesson of acceptance of who you are is perfect and never let anyone tell you different. The belief in love and how it can allow you to be your best.

And the last little thing I will share that was the BEST, these two had chemistry off the charts and they were fantastic together, not only was it sizzling, most important it was meaningful.

Hopefully there is another entry coming, because I have permanently marked a do not forget when it is published.

Idol (VIP, #1) by Kristen Callihan Idol (VIP, #1)
Managed (VIP, #2) by Kristen Callihan Managed (VIP, #2)
Fall (VIP, #3) by Kristen Callihan Fall (VIP, #3)
Exposed (VIP, #4) by Kristen Callihan Exposed (VIP, #4)

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
July 11, 2021
“I’ve spent my entire adult life either wanting you or wanting to forget you.”

I feel like I've been waiting forever for this book. But if there's one thing that Kristen Callihan does well, is she makes every minute, month, and year of the agonizing wait for our next VIP fix super worth it when she releases the next one. And when I got my grabby little hands on this book, no sleep was had because I had to devour it in one sitting.
I’m good, Bren. I’ll do whatever you want, for as long as you want. I’ll make certain you’re taken care of, and I won’t tell a soul.”
Jesus. I can’t breathe. “So selfless,” I murmur. “And what do you get out of all of this?”
“You.” His fingers stroke my braid. “I get you.”

God. Brenna and Rye. These two just made my cold black heart feel all warm and fuzzy. They've spent years in an antagonizing back and forth of hate lust and forced proximity. Brenna is Killian's cousin and Kill John's publicist and Rye is the bassist and Killian's best friend. Until one conversation that Rye overhears changes everything.
My power is in maintaining the illusion that nothing can get to me, and I accept that as part of doing business. But some days? Some days, I want to crumble. I want…comfort, touch, release.

Brenna is a power woman that always put her career first. But she can't help but feel like something is missing. And when she spills to her friend what it is and Rye overhears? Well let's just say he volunteers as tribute.

While Brenna is all hard edges and fearful avoidance, Rye is the sexy softhearted one that is willing to put it all on the line for her. I loved this man so hard. SO HARD. I loved that they've know each other for so long, but only start to get to know each other over the course of their arrangement. Seeing how they misinterpreted things about each other through the years was almost painful, if they didn't fully talk it out when the subject came out. I loved watching them grow closer together. I loved their fiery passion. And I absolutely loved the tight bond of the band and their friendships and relationships. I live for cameos from Scottie, what can I say?

The story is told in dual POVs and I couldn't get enough. I also loved the twist on the romantic conclusion. I loved seeing Brenna's hard edges soften. And did I mention that I loved my bearded, dirty talking, and uber sweet bassist? Because GAH.
Control has always been mine, no matter the partner, no matter the situation. Rye is another story. Hell, he’s a whole other genre. I can’t control Rye. I can’t control my feelings when I’m with him. I’m on a Tilt-a-Whirl in the dark, terrified the harness might snap.

I did wish we got a little more fleshing out of Rye's story. While Brenna got the focus here, which I get, we did spend a good chunk of the story on Rye's issue, and I would have loved more on that.

But as it was, I still devoured this book. It was sexy, entertaining, and oh so satisfying. I'm already desperate for my next fix of VIP with Whip's story.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Pinky.
533 reviews569 followers
January 22, 2022
Trigger Warnings:

I had a feeling I wouldn’t like this book as much, but I’m glad I got it over with. Now Imma wait for Whip’s book, I have a feeling his book is gonna be him and Jules. So Rye and Brenna have had a buildup in the background of every book in this series. And if I’m being completely honest, the buildup sucked, I didn’t even sense any chemistry when they would argue. It just seemed like two people that shouldn’t end up together. Rye slept around but yelled at Brenna if he saw her sleeping around. Rye would bring the worst outta Brenna and Brenna is a sweetheart. It felt like all Rye ever did to Brenna in the other books was make her upset. Brenna was always flustered and easily affected by Rye’s words in the previous books, but in this, it didn’t feel that way. She would also show her emotions very easily if Rye mentioned he slept with someone or something. They didn’t have good banter in the background and they didn’t seem that interesting together. I went into this book with low expectations and I still hated it, there were small crumbs of the other characters I loved, Gabriel, Sophie, Jax and Stella are my favs. This book also had the daddy kink and I’m sorry but I ain’t into that so I cringed way too much while reading, but luckily it was one scene lol.

“Who’s your Daddy?”
“You. Only you.”

Luckily that was the only time. Y’all can like what you want but this ain’t for me sorry.

Rye and Brenna finally get their book, if you wanna read this I recommend reading the other books since they have buildup in the background. But you don’t have to, you might miss some references but you can try and read it as a standalone, though I don’t recommend it. Brenna is surrounded by friends in happy relationships and she is just tired. She feels alone and wants a partner who is familiar with what will make her feel good and fill her needs. Rye eavesdrops on Brenna’s conversation, the girl that hates his guts, and hears that she feels the same way he does. He feels alone and wants the same as Brenna, so he makes a proposition, friends with benefits, no strings attached.

All of the books in this series have a funny meet-cute except this one since Rye and Brenna have known each other for 10 years. Throughout the 10 years, Rye was an asshole to Brenna, and although it’s obvious they felt things for one another, they couldn’t stand each other. Most of this hate was built on misunderstandings that could have been resolved easily with communication. Since Rye worked in the band and Brenna was part of PR, everyone was aware of how they were around one another. This book focuses on other issues as well as their FWB relationship, but it was kinda boring to get through. I didn’t like Rye much, I felt bad for him but I wasn’t a fan of him. And Brenna was a lot more likeable in the other books, I didn’t like her at all here. Both characters only had lusty thoughts for one another, it didn’t feel like they had much of an emotional connection with one another. There were some things that Rye does that showed he cared for Brenna from the start but I didn’t care much. I loved seeing my guys Scottie and Jax, mainly Scottie. And Sophie was adorable but other than that, I didn’t care for this book. I only read this because I felt like I had to and I wanna read Whip’s book if it ever does come out.

“Scottie’s smile is brief but fond. “No. I love my wife, but that doesn’t mean I’m unaware that she has the biggest mouth in all creation.”
Ugh I love Scottie and Sophie so much🙌🏾🥺😂

Now for spoilers

Stay safe folks, I hope we get Whip’s book soon!
Profile Image for Ida.
130 reviews235 followers
July 21, 2021
4.25 stars ⭐️
Oh, Brenna. I feel you. This book was pretty darn great!
Profile Image for Milla .
647 reviews376 followers
August 3, 2021
✨5 stars✨

Yes, five. Saying the following with my whole chest: this is the best book in the series. Brenna and Rye shit on every other couple periodt.

"We've been like two magnets facing south, repelling because we can't do anything else. Then I overheard what you needed, and I flipped north. Toward you."

I didn't sleep last night (mostly because I was reading this book but also because my stupid baby thinks 4am is a great time to want to spend time together), so I can't get my scrambled thoughts together enough to explain why I loved this so much, but just know that I did. Loved it. So much.

✔️Enemies to lovers?
✔️Mutual pining?
✔️Fuck buddies premise that immediately dies because they've lowkey been in love for a decade?
✔️Rye being a soft sweet boy angel?
✔️Brenna being a bad ass with a marshmallow center?
✔️Minimal angst without being fluff?

Yes, please, thank you, I love you. Bye I'm taking a nap
Profile Image for Christy.
4,234 reviews35.1k followers
April 4, 2022
4 stars

“I’ve spent my entire adult life either wanting you or wanting to forget you.”

After reading the first three books in this series, I was excited to get to Rye's story. Rye is the bassist for the band KillJohn and Brenna is their publicist, as well as front man Kilian's cousin. Rye and Brenna had an instant attraction when they first met, but it kind of turned into an enemies to lovers story and I'm always here for that.

I loved the bantering between the two and I especially loved getting to know Rye better. I wish we would have gotten more of his story and more of his perspective. I liked Brenna a lot, but I felt like it took a little too long for her to come around. Still, I really enjoyed this one and I hope Whip gets a book soon! I would love to read about him.
Audio book source: Hoopla
Story Rating: 4 stars
Narrators:J. F. Harding & Emma Wilder
Narration Rating: 4 stars
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Length: 12h 16m
Profile Image for Dora Koutsoukou .
2,112 reviews608 followers
July 18, 2021
I didn’t expect this... 😔
I was so hoping to love it, despite that my last two reads by this author were not spectacular. It’s the VIP series after all. I loved the first three parts.

Exposed was a huge struggle for me. I forced myself to read chapter after chapter, and finally I gave up since it couldn’t keep my interest or enthusiasm.
There was nothing to thrill me or sweep me my feet.
Brenna might have been a strong and independent figure but she didn’t awe me. Rye was a character that managed to touch my heart, he was more real and amiable.
I couldn’t be invested in this story... dnf @ 59%
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,279 reviews956 followers
March 2, 2022
I finally get my hand on Exposed. And I am not disappointed. Miss Callihan lives to the expectation. Exposed talked about love. How 2 broken and lonely people find each other and comfort each other.

I feel for Ally. It is hard to be unloved/ invisible by her own family. She is talented, fierce and smart. Her back story makes me so sad. And I can relate to her loneliness.
So far I am liking this series.

4 stars
Profile Image for Malene.
1,275 reviews723 followers
July 4, 2021
It’s been a couple of years since the previous book in the V.I.P series Fall was released but after finishing Exposed I can honestly say it was so worth the wait. Rye and Brenna’s story was so damn amazing. These two have been busting each other’s chops since book 1 and throughout the series and finally here they explode. Talk about combustion! I knew Rye and Brenna had chemistry but this right here was insane. I felt it deep in my bones. Goosebumps and the lovely tingles. Also the connection they slowly form was just executed to perfection.

Brenna and Rye have something in common. They’re missing something or should I say someone. Not just physical gratification but intimacy and connection. To escape that loneliness that’s hiding beneath the surface. They find more with one another and I mean a vulnerability, an emotional yearning and of course out of this world sex. But for me it was how they both slowly opened up to one another that did me in. It’s just a Callihan specialty.
I was here for it all and enjoyed it. Didn’t want this book to end.
Then add the other characters from Kill John and I couldn’t control my happiness. This group is not just a rock band but most of all a family.

The V.I.P is one of my favorite rock star series. With Exposed Kristen Callihan has only cemented that. Now I only hope Whip aka William gets his book to conclude this phenomenal series. Bravo!

5 Let Love In Stars

* ARC kindle provided by Valentine PR, in exchange for an honest review *
Profile Image for Radd Reader.
954 reviews549 followers
July 20, 2021

“Never be afraid to fly, Bren. Even if it takes you from all you know.”

“Where you are is where I want to be.”

Brenna wants great sex. That’s it. Nothing more.

~ ”It’s not the daily minutiae of a relationship I crave, but the simple physical connection. I want to be wanted. Craved above all things. Needed with a breathless devotion. I want to be seen, not just as a quick fix—but as something essential. And I want to crave someone too. I want to learn their body, know what sets them off, and what brings them to their knees. To own and be owned.”

When Rye overhears that admission he strikes a bargain with Brenna. Although she fights it for a hot minute, ultimately they settle on some rules and begin their quest for great sex.

~ “I want it to be me,” I blurt without any finesse. I breathe deep and say more calmly, “I want to be the one you use.”

~ “Neither one of us has the time or the inclination to go looking for a real relationship, but we both need physical release and the pleasure of touch or the isolation of our lives starts getting to us.”

Of course, the rules start to get broken and feelings get into the mix and the casual thing they wanted turns into much more.

~ “The attraction between us was always there. You can deny it if you want, but it’s true. We’ve been like two magnets facing south, repelling because we can’t do anything else. Then I overheard what you needed, and I flipped north. Toward you.”

** The following are my thoughts about this book: **

* * in Chapter 1 I had to look up a word. Thankfully, that was just a one-off thing. I understood the rest of the words in the book, so I didn’t get “tetchy” (i.e. irritated) 😉
~ ”I’m in a tetchy funk as I head into my favorite neighborhood bar for a much-needed vodka tonic.”

* * Chapter 17 melted my heart. Rye’s vulnerability and Brenna’s response was exactly what I had been waiting for with this couple. For me, that was really the turning point where both showed the depth of their feelings.

* * the story itself was very typical and nothing new. The one aspect that really could have made this phenomenal (Rye’s medical issue) was glossed over. Someone being forced to give up something that is ingrained into their soul….now that would have been amazing to explore. So I was a little disappointed this stayed on a well worn path and was very predictable.

* * I didn’t think the constant mention of Jax’s suicide attempt added anything relevant to the story. It has been mentioned in all the books, and ironically enough, when it should have really been the front and center issue in Jax’s book (book #3), it wasn’t. I get it, he attempted suicide. But unless it’s going to really add value to the story or can be addressed in a way that could maybe even benefit a reader, it just becomes pointless and less important.

- Content Warning: mention of suicide attempt
- Setting: New York
- Do you need to read previous books in series?: I think it would help. The characters from other books are very prominent in this story.
- POV: Dual POV
- Tropes: enemies to lovers

- Who is the Hero? Rye Peterson (age: 31). The bass guitarist for the famous band Kill John
* The following words/phrases were used to describe Hero: simple things make him happy, loyal to the people he loves, goofball, a flirt, carefree, annoyingly irresistible, unsettled, always been obsessed with music
* H likable? Yes.

- Who is the Heroine? Brenna James (age: 28). Publicist for Kill John
* The following words/phrases were used to describe Heroine: to survive in a man’s world she had to develop a tough skin and a guarded heart, alone, afraid of taking risks, burnt out, restless, empty
~ “I had to be perfect, never take an awkward step, never show weakness, vulnerability, or softer emotions. To be seen as needy was to open myself up to the wolves. If it ever got out that cool-headed, take-no-prisoners, Brenna James yearned to be held… I’ll never be able to show my face again.”
* h likable? I struggled a bit with Brenna. I had a hard time warming up to her and I’m not sure why. I sort of felt like her feelings weren’t as strong and I couldn’t understand her barriers when it came to Rye. And, there was something about her that made her seem a bit cold or detached.

- h virgin? No
- First time they kiss: 23%
- First time they sleep together: 34%
- First time they say I Love You 97%
- steamy? Yes. Descriptive bedroom scenes
- OW/OM drama? No
- H/h cheat? No
- Time apart? About 5 weeks
- Did I skip pages? No
- Big secrets? Rye has something going on and he shares that with Brenna at 55%
- Did I cry? Rye’s visit with his mom was very heart tugging. And when he shared his secret with Brenna, they had a touching moment. No tears, but my heart did a little extra pitter-patter
- Did I laugh? No
- Did I swoon🥰? any guy that can quote Pride and Prejudice deserves a swoon 😍. Plus, he noticed all the small things (even the subconscious things she did when it was getting to be “that time of the month”). And, he used the “click, click, clickety-click” of her heels as a bass line in one of their most popular songs (but that’s Rye’s little secret 🤫 ). Rye is definitely swoony❣️
- Cliffhanger? No
- HEA? Yes
- Epilogue? Yes. A few months later
- Recommend? it was predictable, but Rye makes it worth it.

“The thing about making a deal with the devil is that it’s always for something you want so desperately you pretend the inevitable suffering will be worth it.”

“We’re like…like orange juice and toothpaste. Mix us together and we’re bound to walk away with a bad taste in our mouths.”

“Face it, we react to each other the way we do because we’ve been trying our damnedest to one-up each other.”

“I’m surrounded by millions of people, and I’ve never felt more alone. Cold. Empty. And afraid.”

“And stop trying to change the subject.”
Damn it, he’s like a tick on a dog’s butt.”

“Change is terrifying when it isn’t your choice.”
Profile Image for Lana Reads.
494 reviews216 followers
November 8, 2021
Okay, I loved it. And I have absolutely no idea how to review this.

Was it something new and exciting? Not really. I've read similar types of stories many times.
But was it worth the wait? Yes. I felt like finnaly getting the stuff I know and love by this author and it made me giddily happy.

They were vulnerable and sexy, and I wanted to hug them.
"She made me realize I can have something more out of life, that it's okay to want more."
- Rye.

"He's the one who told me I could fly, who gave me hope that everything in my life would someday be okay."
- Brenna.

Thank you to my lovely friend Izzy for reading it with me and I'm sorry I can't write a more coherent review about it... But I swear, I loved it!
Profile Image for Anna [Bran. San. Stan].
359 reviews231 followers
May 17, 2024
3 stars. My least favorite installment of the series. I had a hard time connecting with the MCs; they simply weren’t my favorite people. I did like that Brenna and Rye have known one another for 10 years and have been working together since then, Rye as a member of the band Kill John and Brenna as their publicist, which means they know each other well. However, because of some events in their youth that are revealed in the book, they have been at each other’s throats since then. It’s basically enemies-to-lovers while the enemies part happens mostly in the previous books.

Then, early on in this book they become lovers when Brenna and Rye decide to have sex without emotional ties, which obviously doesn’t work. They actually have a relationship in all but name and have tons of sex pretty much from the beginning because of that sex pact. To be honest, plot and character development take the back seat in favor of sex and that was just not for me.

Worst of all, the 80% relationship complication was asinine; the reasoning just didn’t make sense to me. It felt like having a conflict for conflict’s sake and, looking back, I realize that I had similar issues with the previous books in the series. The only book I would recommend wholeheartedly is Managed (book 2). I just loved Scottie and Sophie and I remember having tons of fun with their story. I’m actually considering a re-read as it was that good. The best thing about this book was actually seeing Scottie and Sophie again.

Books in the VIP series
1 Idol: 3.5 stars
2 Managed: 4.5 stars
3 Fall: 3.5 stars
4 Exposed: 3 stars
Profile Image for ✰ Bianca ✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰ .
2,244 reviews1,309 followers
July 13, 2021
description description description description description

Brenna + Rye.

Of course we remember those two from the previous books - even though it's been 84 years since the last book. 🤣


Brenna and Rye are two of the last single people in that Kill John world of friends and family. But of course they could never be together because they've always hated each other. They fight all the time! Right?!? 🤣
But when Brenna confides in her friend Jules about how she longs for something more in life - especially in the naked department ... Rye kinda accidentally on purpose overhears this conversation. And it resonates with him, because he feels the exact same way. He hasn't been happy lately - and he's the band's happy guy!
What would be better than offering his services to Brenna??


What will happen with Brenny + Rye??
Will there be a Happy End??



Finally Rye and Brenna's book!
It feels like we had to wait a decade for this story!
It probably would've been good for my bookalzheimer brain to have done a re-read of the series, but I just didn't have the time between arcs!
But I remembered almost everything that happened to those amazing guys and girls.

This book was so adorable and funny! But also so sad and heartbreaking.
I loved reading this. I wanted those two to get their HEA asap! But of course it takes us a while to get there! But we enjoy every word of that journey.
It was all so very rock-stary and adorable and sweet and verry erotic!
I just loved it!
And I obviously loved that all the others were in here a lot too! #TeamScottie - ugh who am I kidding - I'm team everyone!

I so need to see this series on Netflix one day! They SO need a good rock star show!

EXPOSED was a beautiful + adorable + funny + frustrating + emotional + very sexy Rock Star love story. Run to your nearest amazon for your own Rye - this one's mine! MINE! 😎

... and also ... I can't wait to get Whip's story!!! Another 87 years? 😭😭

💜 💜

Smokin Hot Book Blog Smokin Hot Book Blog Smokin Hot Book Blog Smokin Hot Book Blog Smokin Hot Book Blog
Profile Image for Inna.
1,602 reviews348 followers
March 1, 2022
2 stars… only because I think KC is a talented writer in general and because I laughed like once. I really did expect more from this book though. I feel like KC forced herself into a corner with how she had these two MCs behave in previous books and couldn’t quite work her way out of it.

Let me start by saying that these two MCs should never have been a couple. I didn’t understand their sudden desire to be together after over 10 years of being in each other’s lives. Supposedly Rye overhears Brenna talking about wanting more sexual fulfillment and just KNOWS that he needs to be the one to give it to her. AFTER ALL THAT TIME??? I’m sorry, but what utter bullshit! Out of nowhere he just decides he needs to be her sexual savior? Na, not buying that for a second.

Then, this story gave me whiplash. First, Rye didn’t have any feelings for Brenna over those 10 years, then there’s a hint that he did, then he claims he didn’t, but then he comes back and says he always wanted her. She’s “the one that got away”. He pushed her away only because he knew that Killian would be angry if he attempted anything with her…. and he needed to create distance. I’m sorry, but did KC run out of material or what? All the back and forth made me think that the author didn’t really know what she was trying to convey.

But I kept going with the story. I kept thinking that things would get better after I got past the awkward beginning. But that didn’t happen. The story never got better, and may have actually gotten worse. It was boring, predictable, cheesy, and just disappointing. Nothing that KC wrote was even close to original. Everything was right in line with typical romance tropes and full of bullshit misunderstandings and lack of communication. Oh how sick I am of the poor communication in romance. Oh, and plenty of interruptions right when someone is about to confess something major. 🙄

Frankly, I expected better from this author, and I really hate being harsh about her work, but I just really disliked this book.

Also, a few side notes…
1. Brenna is mentioned as being bisexual for like one minute in the beginning and then 💨 never again. It felt like an attempt to add diversity that failed.
2. Rye has issues with his hands that are a big deal one minute and then not the next. And then once everyone knows about his problem, that also goes 💨. Never really mentioned again.
3. Brenna decides randomly that she’s going to start her own company and like magic 🪄 it’s done. And the whole “it’s going to be a safe space for women” thing? Just felt like it really came out of nowhere and for no reason considering her “family” of guys always treated her well.
4. Why was the fact that Rye called Brenna a whore (or slut or something) in the first book never mentioned or addressed? Just too much explaining for KC?? 🤡🤡

For all of my safety-minded friends, this book is questionable imo… I’ll call it SWE, but really, the worst part is their 10+ years of being around each other and witnessing each other with other partners. The hero was definitely an unrepentant manwhore - but he’s been celibate 6 months when this story begins. Heroine is bisexual and supposedly has had plenty of experience with men & women, although her past sex life is mentioned minimally while his is mentioned multiple times throughout the book. 🙄🙄🙄 For me personally, knowing that the hero liked the heroine but continued to pursue tons of OW was just really a huge turn-off. There’s no cheating in this book, no major OM/OW drama but definitely some jealousy caused by OP. No scenes with OM/OW, and no mentions of partners during their separation but also no clarification that there was no one else during that time. I feel like when one or both of the MCs are as promiscuous as these two, I need the clarification that they didn’t seek out solace with OP.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,858 reviews1,487 followers
June 30, 2021
GAH!! I AM DECEASED!!!! I am legit DECEASED because Rye Peterson and Brenna James have killed me! Anyone who knows me knows that Kill John is my FAVORITE Rockstar band of all time. I have been so obsessed with this series from Kristen Callihan that I screamed for joy when this book was announced. Rye and Brenna were frenemies to lovers GOLD!!!!!

REAL TALK , if you do anything in this life...you MUST experience Rye & Brenna banter. You guyssss!! They gave me lifeeeeee!! This book was everything we have dreamed about. The fiery chemistry, the rapid-fire banter for dayssss and the SIZZLING chemistry was just perfection!! I loved every minute of this book!! Callihan nailed it and them some and delivered the story we've always hoped for.

Besides the undeniable connection they shared, Rye and Brenna were amazing characters in their own right! Rye was so delicious. Vulnerable with a cocky front...he puts the hole in A-hole heroes but his heart is pure gold. The way he feels about Brenna is my kryptonite!!! And Brenna likewise is just the most badass heroine: strong, assertive and a ball buster to the max. But there is something about the arrogant bass guitarist that just gets to her and seeing them combust together is so addicting. I die for them y'all and seeing the remaining Kill John members (including my great enduring love Scottie) was just the icing on the cake. This was the PERFECT addition to the VIP series. Rye and Brenna will be a top 2021 read for sure!!! 5 BRILLIANT Stars! ~Ratula ❤
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