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When We Are Married: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

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Two sisters, one man. Someone’s heart is about to get broken. Elizabeth Bennet quickly realises she has misjudged Mr Darcy. In Kent, she learns first impressions are not always accurate. His proposal is disastrous, insulting even, but when she reads his letter her heart begins to thaw, and her objections and prejudices start to melt away. Elizabeth decides to offer Mr Darcy a sliver of hope, an apology, and a second chance. Yet when he begins to call at Gracechurch Street, determined to become a better man and humbled by Elizabeth’s reproofs, he unwittingly stirs the romantic hopes of another lady altogether. Jane Bennet, bereft and confused, rejected by Charles Bingley is fearful of becoming an old maid. She is eager to fall in love with the very first gentleman who takes notice of her, and Mr Darcy’s is, after all, everything her mother has wanted for her, rich and handsome, the perfect suitor. Through crowded, industrious Cheapside, to the elegant ballrooms of Mayfair, Mr Darcy chases Elizabeth Bennet, unaware that the quiet unassuming girl who smiles too much, is fully intent on chasing him.

319 pages, Kindle Edition

Published July 17, 2017

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About the author

Caitlin Williams

8 books200 followers
Caitlin Williams lives in Kent, England, with her family.

She fell in love with all things Regency as a teenager, but particularly admires the work of Jane Austen and the way she masterfully combines humour and romance, while weaving them through such wonderful stories and characters.

Her debut novel, Ardently, was written as a hobby, usually with her laptop balanced on the kitchen worktop, typing with one hand, a glass of wine in the other, while she also attempted to cook dinner and keep her children from killing each other.

She has since written the award-wining The Coming of Age of Elizabeth Bennet and When We Are Married. Her latest novel is The Events at Branxbourne. They are all Austenesque novels set in the Pride and Prejudice universe.

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Profile Image for Nissa | Of Pens and Pages Book Blog.
337 reviews1,027 followers
July 23, 2017
5 stars!

Review and Giveaway at Of Pens and Pages.

When We Are Married is a wonderfully weaved story filled with misunderstandings, some angst and drama, and interactions getting sweeter each meeting. A sister desperate for marriage, an aunt who misunderstood, another aunt who did nothing but scheme, a woman with a change of heart, and a man who will go anywhere and do anything to win the heart of his heart’s desire.

I confess I was reluctant to read this book when I first heard about it since I’m not usually a fan of love triangles. But I rarely come across a book where Jane was written as Elizabeth adversary, so I was intrigued to see how Ms. Williams will write it. Will I hate Jane or feel bad for her?

Now I know my reluctance was all for naught. I was already smiling a few pages in, and although there were times I wanted to push Jane away (I’m a steadfast Elizabeth-Mr. Darcy supporter and wish for nothing but their happy ending), I couldn’t find it in me to hate her at all. In this story, we get to see more of the eldest Bennet daughter, who she really is, how her mother and society has affected her, and what she thinks of beauty, marriage, and her smart and witty sister Elizabeth.

Jane is not the only obstacle in Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy’s happily ever after. I think a P&P story would not be complete without Lady Catherine and her meddling ways. Aunt Gardiner is here too with her own misconceptions of Elizabeth and Colonel Fitzwilliam’s relationship. Plus Georgiana, the Fitzwilliams, a Mrs. Carmichael, and a pug who will definitely leave an impression.

You are probably wondering how Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth are interacting, what with the distractions and all. Heartwarming and swoon-worthy, that’s for sure. We have a Mr. Darcy fueled by renewed hope and ardent devotion, and an Elizabeth who is finally seeing him for the man he truly is. I love them, Darcy especially. I’ve always loved that man, but I loved him even more when he’s pursuing Elizabeth the way he was in this story.

And one more thing, the title is perfect! Absolutely perfect. I giggle and swoon every time I think about it. To avoid spoiling you, I can only say it has something to do with Mr. Darcy. That man, I swear. Ruining other men for women since 1813.

Indeed I do, Mr. Darcy. I highly approve of it.

When We Are Married was such a delight to read! The story was fresh yet still so familiar, and it had the right amount of angst and sweet moments in between. I highly recommend this to Pride and Prejudice fans and historical romance fans alike.

Here’s another Mr. Darcy gif (this time of dear Matthew Macfadyen) because honestly, I can’t get enough of him.

Tropes: Pride and Prejudice, Hate to Love
POV: Third POV

*ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

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Profile Image for wosedwew.
1,281 reviews120 followers
May 27, 2024
Forgive, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace. ~Author unknown

This is a story about love: love on many levels. It is about understanding: understanding yourself and those closest to you. It is about forgiving: forgiving yourself and those who have wronged you and especially those who you only think have wronged you.

Eventually the two closest Bennet sisters lack all understanding and desperately need to forgive.

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. ~Mahatma Gandhi

Is this really Jane’s story more than Elizabeth’s?

Jane: the Bennet sister who on the surface has the most of everything. Jane: who needs glasses but goes through life half-blind because Mother Bennet doesn’t want her to lose her beauty. Jane: who after losing Bingley is so desperate for marriage she mistakes Darcy’s attempt to reconcile with Elizabeth as being attentions directed toward her. Jane: who has no self-confidence and envies Elizabeth’s ability with people.

Jane’s misunderstanding is developed so well the misunderstanding is shared by the Gardiners and not without some reason. Darcy calls on Jane to deliver a letter from Elizabeth; he asks to introduce his sister while Elizabeth is still in Hunsford. When Elizabeth returns to London, she says she will be glad to see Colonel Fitzwilliam, thinking her Aunt is referring to Bingley. Misunderstandings pile on top of misunderstandings and soon the sisters are buried in them.

Minor characters play major parts. I loved Mrs. Carmichael. And Colonel Fitzwilliam commits an ultimate sacrifice that proves his love for his Cousin.

There are several subtle nods to other Austen works: Colonel Fitzwilliam’s Mother visits with her flatulent pug Alberto and falls asleep during her visit. I was reminded so strongly of a James Herriott story it almost made me cry!

A letter is written in the presence of others.

And a service is rendered to someone.

It was almost physically painful to watch Jane and Elizabeth grow apart. Elizabeth as the sister with more inner strength is first to forgive and to beg forgiveness. Jane must find her way and she must find it on her own. How does a young woman develop strength when all her life she has heard that she needs only beauty?

I have read a lot of JAFF but this story is unique.

I can forgive, but I cannot forget, is only another way of saying, I will not forgive. Forgiveness ought to be like a cancelled note — torn in two, and burned up, so that it never can be shown against one. ~Henry Ward Beecher
Profile Image for Les.
2,911 reviews1 follower
February 6, 2024
5 stars, 10 stars Infinity stars!! I loved!!!! this book!!!

This is another stellar success from the inimitable Caitlin Williams. It is just chock full of angsty goodness.

Beginning when Lizzy returns to the Hunsford parsonage after the disastrous proposal and receipt of Mr. Darcy's letter she is surprised to find both Darcy & col. Fitzwilliam in the drawing room. This gives her and Darcy a teeny opportunity to clear the air and he agrees to pay a call at Gracechurch street.

From that moment on things go pear shaped; there is a misunderstanding about who Darcy is courting, there is a misunderstanding about which of the fine fellows Lizzy is interested it. Bingley is a tool. People are injured. Lady Catherine is sneaky. Many Bennets are disappointed in love. We learn Jane's secret to serenity is less character and more ocular. it is a veritable roller coaster that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Profile Image for J. W. Garrett.
1,641 reviews116 followers
June 9, 2021
“I’m here to spread a message of hope. Follow your heart. Don’t follow what you’ve been told you’re supposed to do.” J. Cole

After reading the book excerpt on Claudine’s blog, I was hooked.


I knew I had to read this book. After receiving it as a gift… I immediately started reading and could not put it down. I devoured it in one sitting… I kid you not… I have the fuzzy head this morning to prove it. [OK, no snarky comments from the gallery please]; however, it was so worth staying up until the wee hours just to read the end. Several of my Goodreads friends [Leslie, Wose, Sheila, & Anna] have already reviewed this work and all gave it top marks [that’s 5-stars in this JAFF universe]. I agree with their ratings completely. Since they have done such a good job, I don’t want to repeat what they have already written. I’ll try to look at this from another angle.

On one level, we have the basic love story between ODC [our dear couple]. They will have to overcome their pride and prejudice so they can begin work on their HEA. There are vexations, misunderstandings, pride and taking the time to make those changes in their personalities that allows them to meet somewhere in the middle so they see if they suit. Yeah, the basic D&E love story.

On another level, we have our dear Colonel. Bless his heart, he seems to be everywhere in the story doing damage control. When things get out of hand with his cousin/brother Darcy, it is our dear Colonel that comes in and cleans up his mess. I really felt for our Colonel. I love this guy. He is so selfless in his devotion and dedication to his cousins Darcy and Georgiana.

Then we have the Georgiana story where she is still recovering from Ramsgate. It seems this story was a bit more involved then canon and Georgiana is a bit more emotionally damaged and reclusive, as she does not live with her brother. This is a different turn from the course that many JAFF stories take.

I loved the introduction of Mrs. Carmichael. A P&P story would not be complete without Lady Catherine making noise about the wedding of her daughter Anne de Bourgh to her nephew Mr. Darcy. Yeah, she was in town causing mischief. We also were able to meet other members of the Fitzwilliam family, including the family pug. OMG!! That dog was a scream. Bet he could clear out a room in under 30 seconds. I’d run.

Wickham puts in his appearance and makes trouble. OMG!! For the love of… will someone just shoot him or run him through with his own ego.

The next thread is Jane Bennet being in London as she waits for the return of sister Lizzy and Maria Lucas from their sojourn to Kent. She is nursing a broken heart and has finally accepted the abandonment of Charles Bingley. All hope for the connection is now lost with the break in the friendship with his sisters [due to their abominable snobbish visit].

In a family of five daughters, Jane reigned supreme, not only as the beauty of her family, but also in her community. She was unusually beautiful and yet was still unmarried. Why? She was the daughter of a gentleman landowner, although the estate was entailed from the female line. Her dowry was low, and she had connections to trade through her mother’s relations. Perhaps, her mother’s behavior might have a contributing factor with running off a possible suitor. With such a mother…

Now facing the consequence of the loss of Bingley, who had his own connections to trade… Jane was now experiencing a crisis of identity. Who was Jane Bennet? The only thing anyone EVER said about her was related to her beauty. Lizzy was known for her wit, intelligence and impertinence. Mary was musically talented, and steady with a moral fortitude that gave her a strength of character. Kitty followed Lydia, who was her mother’s favorite and was considered lively, ebullient, flirty… you get the picture. But who was Jane… other than beautiful? Was she the dutiful daughter? Had she not done everything her mother asked of her? Now, she could add jilted daughter to her list of attributes. Jane began to question what was wrong with her.

Enter, into her life [with its crushed spirit and bruised ego] one tall, handsome, dimpled, Mr. Darcy, who had just returned from Kent carrying a note for Jane from Lizzy. He was so changed and kind to her that she thought it must be for her and that he must like her. So, begins the monumental misunderstanding that sets our story on its ear. The other misunderstanding was when Mrs. Gardiner thought Lizzy was infatuated with our dear Colonel.

OMG!! These misunderstandings went super nova one night at Darcy House. Everything that was up, was now down and everything that was down, was now up. In an emotional outburst… Jane blasted Lizzy big time and in public. All restraint was gone as she vented her feelings and emotions. This last part was so out of character for our Jane that I didn’t recognize her. Who was this person? All her years of suppressed emotions burst forth. It was horrible. It was a total misunderstanding. Everyone was operating on a different plane and in a different universe and the sisterly bond between Jane and Lizzy was suddenly broken… perhaps forever.

The rest of the story was of healing… healing the various misunderstandings of magnitude proportions. It was well done as our author orchestrated our various characters toward their HEA. The ending was delightful. There wasn’t an epilogue even though I felt there were several threads that could have been resolved. [Will there be a sequel?] I wonder about Jane’s story. How will it end? I think I know; however, I can’t say without giving a spoiler. Will there be a story for Georgiana? Will Mary, Kitty and Lydia overcome their mother’s machinations? Will Mr. Bennet rein in Mrs. Bennet… yeah, like that is going to happen. I loved this story.

Source: I received this copy as a gift… this is a fair and honest review. I could not do otherwise.
Profile Image for Sheila Majczan.
2,514 reviews182 followers
July 23, 2017
I had the privilege recently of reading Caitlin Williams’ next book, When We Marry. It was, again, a book I could not put down and received a 5 star rating from me.

Initially, we are in Hunsford after “that proposal”; Elizabeth has received Mr. Darcy’s letter written in response to her vehement rejection. When she returns from her walk and after her reading and rereading of his letter she finds that Mr. Darcy and Colonel Fitzwilliam are waiting at the parsonage to say their farewells. Elizabeth seeks to find a way to give Mr. Darcy a hint of how she now feels and so she asks if a letter to Jane might be delivered. Then she asks for Darcy’s help in mending her pen (sounds like Caroline here) and when he goes over to the table at which she is writing, she has penned a short note apologizing to him.

It is a beginning to the change in her opinions and in his addresses to correct his disdain and his interference between Jane and Mr. Bingley. But now he has an excuse to visit Gracechurch Street and decides to take Bingley with him.

BUT, lo and behold, Bingley is not of a mind to now be persuaded to revisit his past feelings towards Jane. Darcy thinks of how unfortunate it is that now Bingley has decided to no longer yield to the opinions of other. What to do? He decides to visit the Gardiners and Jane all on his own, opining that it will allow him to show that he no longer thinks her relatives beneath him and to get to know Jane better.

Jane cannot think why Mr. Darcy continues to visit? He has given excuses about Bingley. But here comes the glitch in matters of the heart. Could it be that he is making addresses to her? She knows Elizabeth hates him, as her sister has let everyone in Hertfordshire know just what she thinks of the man and his behaviors.

This story does have its own angst and it is not just in waiting to see when and how Elizabeth will fall in love with Mr. Darcy; it is also a story of two sisters and how a man comes between them. This is a Jane you may not recognize. Her mother, during the whole of Jane’s lifetime, has told her how beautiful she is and impressed upon her how she is expected to marry well for the sake of saving the family from the hedgerows.

When Elizabeth arrives at the Gardiners she is witness to how Darcy has become friendlier with all of her family. He has brought the colonel with him and subsequently Aunt Gardiner, in witnessing how friendly the relationship between the colonel and Elizabeth seems to be, puts two and two together in her mind and comes up with the incorrect sum.

You will love the conversations between Darcy and Elizabeth as he, in learning to tease adds, “when we are married…” to several statements. And then there are the rare moments when they can find a way to even touch…a certain holding of hands may bring a few sighs. BUT we are not even halfway to our HEA: events occur which do allow Elizabeth’s ardor to grow, but they also have a profound effect on how Jane and Elizabeth interact. Can it be that they will now be strangers who only happen to live in the same household?

While in London, Elizabeth has also met, a Mrs. Carmichael, who is a friend of Lady Catherine’s, who is to tour on the continent. Lady Catherine recommends Elizabeth to her as a possible companion. Should Elizabeth consider this opportunity instead of pursuing her growing feelings for Darcy? Can it be that Jane’s interest in Mr. Darcy will be reciprocated?

The events that follow become even more of a tangled mess. Propriety becomes an excuse when certain communications are not sent and the wrong news is allowed to be communicated. and remain. However, for a man who has said he will go anywhere, where there is a will there is a way, and that may mean more than one path attempted and failed.

This is a book which I highly recommend for your next read. If not that, put it on top of your TBR stack. I will be rereading this.

Oh, and there is that little dog, Alberto, owned by Lady Fitzwilliam who goes everywhere with her and has the habit of leaving certain “airs” in polite company…laughing.
Profile Image for Mary.
560 reviews11 followers
September 26, 2017
Dear Reader,

You're blond,blue eyed,beautiful,serene in the face of a crisis,the perfect partner for any gentleman...even one born of the higher circles.

You've been hurt and humiliated at the hands of another and are now keenly aware that spinsterhood,in all its ugliness and pervasiveness,rears its ugly head.

But all is not lost!! Why,suddenly you are the recipient of a gentleman's eager attentions, one who seeks to go beyond the call of duty in his willingness to show you every civility.

Happy in the knowledge that he obviously perceives no hindrance to such an alliance, you naturally develop a tendre for this man, begin to slowly anticipate the natural progression,the next step a man ardently in love with his lady will take..........

You made a grievous error but Fate,cloaked in the words of the lady that holds your heart
has gifted you a second chance. Determined to make a better impression,you show your lady's dear friends and family the utmost respect,endeavouring to show them what an amiable gent you can be.Accompanying them on excursions,defending them from criticism,you do what comes natural,what your lady would expect of you...........

A perfect gent,rich and handsome,one daily atoning for past mistakes,endeavouring to show her that they are perfectly matched, how life might be for them when they are married......what could possibly go wrong...?!

Dear Reader,I absolutely adored this fantastic angsty tale,a myriad of misunderstandings,miscommunications and the ensuing mayhem that arises from such!

Wonderfully scripted,comprised of characters brave enough to display their human frailties,I recommend this addictive story to all Austen fans and trust you'll love it as much as I did!!!
Profile Image for James S.
1,347 reviews
May 23, 2022
Thank god for authors like Miss Williams. This another great book by her. Everyone who loves reading JAFF stories will like this one. I hate sounding like a fanboy but in this instant, that is what I am.

I would have enjoyed the HEA much better if Darcy showed he had any empathy whatsoever. He still makes HUGE mistakes which led me to believe that even with good intentions, he would be making Lizzie feel terribly sad , every once in awhile.
Profile Image for Don Jacobson.
Author 22 books108 followers
July 25, 2017
Another Brilliant Variation

Ms Williams bring an endearing character...Jane Bennet... into bright relief in her new novel. Her stylings, while they offer a new perspective into the eldest sister, do not detract from a strong and textured portrait of Elizabeth. Well worth spending the time to do a deep dive.
Profile Image for Sam H..
1,034 reviews46 followers
March 23, 2024
2024. I learned about this author from reading Ardently. But now I can't decide if this one or Coming of age of EB is my fave.

I almost did not read this, there was something about that cover that turned me off. Man, Am I glad I did.
If this wasn't so well balanced between Darcy, Elizabeth and Jane, this should be called the many sides of Jane, or Jane unplugged.
It was so nice for a change to read of a Jane with more dimension and layers than we usually see.
Also well balanced were the thoughts of each individual vs the action taking place.
All the side characters do a good job, filling out the story and adding to the drama.
Seriously pleased I gave this one a shot.
811 reviews65 followers
July 20, 2017
My Rating: 10*++++

In vain I have struggled, it will not do...I must tell you...I need a sequel!!!!!

How do I begin to write a review for a book that has reached in and squeezed my heart so tightly, that I am left gasping for air and have tears flowing down my cheeks. I have eight pages of notes highlighting beautifully written sentences that have had me running the gamut of emotions. The first chapter alone is so rich in emotion and innuendo that you are drawn in and tied up in knots not wanting to be let go without even realizing it.

It all starts with Mr. Darcy's letter after his disastrous Hunsford proposal.

"Never before had she struggled with words, but lately her changes of heart could not keep up with her ability to express herself to others."

I honestly don't think I can do this book justice either! There is just so much that I loved!

One of the many elements I loved was how reflective Elizabeth, Darcy and Jane become as they each look into their souls to understand themselves better. Elizabeth questions herself and the veracity of her first impressions before truly knowing someone. Darcy takes Elizabeth reproofs to heart and you fall in love all over again with him. Darcy, as Georgiana says, "...you became lost in yourself again." He is truly besotted and there were so many passages that I loved. I don't want to give away the best ones but here is an example of Mr. Darcy's thoughts.

"She was so original in her manners and thinking. No conversation with her was ever dull, and no moment in her company ever mundane."

I truly believe Jane was given her 'voice' in this variation. It may have been difficult to see the pain both sisters were experiencing, but I found it realistic and compelling. We see the blinders come off of Jane and as Mr. Bennet says,

"...Everything in your garden has always been rosy, and now you have met with the reality of weeds and thorns. You are being tested but you have not yet failed."

I don't want to give anything away in this exquisite story as each reader truly needs to experience it for themselves. I didn't read any other reviews, other than knew they were 5*. However, I have been waiting for Ms. Williams novel with bated breath as her other novels have been exceptional, in my humble opinion.

I found delightful hints of Persuasion and Mansfield Park sprinkled in this story. We do have our usual suspects of difficult characters, Miss Bingley, Lady Catherine and Wickham. The banter between Elizabeth and Darcy was endearing and so much fun. Was there nothing I didn't like? Nope, Nadda, Nein!

So if you want to know more about Lizzie, geese, hay carts and Charlotte's advice on gazing at a painting are, as well as what Mr. Darcy's abacus of errors is all about, and how Jane finally sees the light, along with the many misinterpretations, I highly recommend you read this enthralling variation, that for me, begs a sequel! For don't we all want to know what happens next!

I also want to thank Janet Taylor for the creative and 'perfect' book cover and for a dear friend, who gifted me this e-book...you know who you are.

Profile Image for Tina.
428 reviews46 followers
July 21, 2017
Oh man, this book is another winner from Caitlin Williams.

Rating: 4 1/2 stars
Profile Image for Christina.
Author 12 books322 followers
July 19, 2017
Smart, emotive, well-researched, and well-developed storylines from the "Pride and Prejudice" characters we recognize and love. Caitlin Williams expertly weaves our hearts (right along with Darcy's and Elizabeth's) into her story. Never have I read Jane Bennet thus but absolutely believed how such might happen--her loyalty to family, her disappointment with Bingley, and Mr Darcy's handsome attentions coupled with his improved manners...who wouldn't imagine/want Darcy as suitor? Poor Jane. Poor Lizzy. Poor Mr Darcy. The whole story seems wrought for disaster but Williams carefully takes us to the edge only to reel us back...and that is the genius of Caitlin Williams! What a wonderful read. Every time he says "When we are married"--gah! My heart would skip a beat. Loved!
Profile Image for Tamra.
219 reviews
August 1, 2017
Caitlin Williams does it again. Another great P & P variation. Some very good comedic spots, drama and hunky Mr. Darcy... My only complaint, it ended too soon.
Profile Image for Talia.
945 reviews4 followers
July 21, 2017
Terrific premise. If you ever wanted Jane to have a fit, this is your book. Loved it.
Profile Image for Shifra ♕.
243 reviews59 followers
March 17, 2021
We didn’t vibe, but you might.
I acknowledge I am an outlier in not enjoying this but I believe- though there is smart dialogue and prose- the story itself in terms of characterization, journey, plot and conflict is severely lacking though it may be easy to overlook.


When Darcy takes his leave at Hunsford after the disaster proposal, Lizzy and Darcy are able to surreptitiously make amends. Darcy not wanting to screw the pooch when given the fortuitous second shot sets out to reunite Jane & Bingley.
During his week head start in London he visits with the Gardiners often, but Bingley has had a change of heart and doesn't accompany him. Darcy is personable and in result of his courteous attentions to Jane- a spectacle in need of spectacles- she concludes he is there to court her.
When Lizzy returns, the once inseparable sisters suddenly- for no discernible reason- are no more inclined to 'pillow talk' as of old and thus misunderstandings fester.
The pretty prose and romantic lines mask the massive hollowness of this tale- indeed it took extensive reflection for me to pinpoint why I felt uncomfortable with it, tis not immediately discernible. See, Ms Williams writes beautiful lines so it is easy to overlook the fact that the story itself has no substance to it, there is no real conflict, no character journey or growth.
Characters just are the same as they start; Darcy starts off as a sweet, remorseful, officious, flirt- and remains so throughout; Lizzy is smarting bashfully to Darcy’s virtues-and remains so throughout; Jane is blind & shrill- and remains so throughout (until she turns on a dime at the very last)- see what I mean?

We have these characters in a suspended state and the ‘plot’ is them skirting around each other in an deliberate dance to legitimize a contrived misunderstanding while some courting takes place.

So yes- the lines are sweet and some scenes cute, the prose often is lyrical and the dialogue quips- but there isn't a real conflict, a real plot or anything compelling that makes me say 'wow Lizzy and Darcy are tackling this’, or 'ODC is beginning to understanding each other better from that', or 'I never thought of this aspect of that character.' Chiefly, I felt disconnected from the characters & most distressingly, Darcy and Lizzy. Both of them, increasingly towards the end, seemed famous idiots to me. I didn't like them.
Often in JAFF, stories do lack a plot of substance and I'm entertained regardless. A cute courtship will make me forgive a lot, but for whatever reason in this instance it did not sit well with me.
I kept getting bored & putting it down, and usually I am the type to finish a book in one evening or over maybe three days, but this took me nigh two weeks of deliberate determination and the resolution resounded hollow within me. It was too easy to walk away from.
So, for what I outlined above, I can't bequeath this with more stars and I wager it shan't suffer the meager deprivation of my insignificant approval, this was palatable to most and it has no shortage of good reviews. I will say that this has not turned me off the author & I have every intention to check out her other works as I do think she has some chops and hopefully another one will be a love connection.

❀P.S. The title made me aww- it’s just so tender a sentiment & expression! Likely my very favorite aspect of the story.
258 reviews1 follower
July 24, 2017
Interesting to the Last Word

I tend to read these P&P variations like one might eat jelly beans... one after the other. Some take many pages to capture my interest. Not so this one! If you give it at least a page you will be hooked! The storyline has Elizabeth return to the parsonage while Darcy and Fitzwilliam are doing their leave taking. His letter is still in her hand and she is already regretting her behavior of the previous day. Now how to make amends before this audience? As Darcy tries to begin acting on the reproofs given by Lizzy, Jane gets the wrong idea and also falls under his spell. A big fat muddle ensues but you will thoroughly enjoy all the twists and turns to unravel it to the HEA.

This is best begun in the morning as you won't want to sleep before finishing! Happy reading!
650 reviews13 followers
January 6, 2019
This is such a good book... full of angst and such suspense, I couldn't put it down! So we start at Huntsford with the disastrous proposal - but Elizabeth returns to the parsonage while Darcy and the Colonel are still there. This allows for a little exchange that gives Darcy hope and the tale moves to London. Darcy attempts to correct his interference with Bingley and Jane but things go wrong there too with Bingley refusing to be drawn and Darcy over compensating with Jane so she thinks Darcy is courting her! What could go wrong?

There are serious problems in the relationships with Elizabeth and Jane, Darcy and Bingley, Darcy and Georgiana.... but it makes for such a compelling read as all this trouble is balanced against such lovely, romantic moments. There is also enough of an ending that no Epilogue is required and the story feels completed and finished.

This is a really good book and definitely one I'd read again.
148 reviews2 followers
July 29, 2017
This novel was well written and is a book about love of others, understanding self and can you love more than one thing at a time. It is also about Jane and Elizabeth Bennet and their love of their careers. love of family and can they find true love of a spouse.
Misunderstandings, accidents and harsh words lead to much of the problems that the sisters endure to lead to their true love.
The story is in a modern time but with the same characters and different backgrounds which made the plot interesting. Naturally, Darcy was still the same in modern day as in Regency times, rich, proud, shy and backward. Elizabeth was still the outgoing, petite package of dynamite that she was in Regency times.
They both showed love of family as important and they did find love in the end in each others arms.
However, along the way, Jane somehow was mixed up and couldn't read the signals of Darcy's love for Elizabeth and that did create havoc to some extent. Jane eventually found her here after with Bingley. So all worked out well for all.
2,732 reviews39 followers
May 23, 2022
I gave this five stars because I loved a lot about this story and I could not put it down (well, today that I read it, I couldn't. But I had started reading it previously and didn't finish then, I think I drifted off about when Jane had her tantrum, I am not sure why.)

This story starts out after the Hunsford proposal. There is a cute scene in which Elizabeth apologizes via secretive notes, and Darcy gets encouraged and calls on the Gardiners. But Jane mistakes his attempts to practice civility as special attention directed as herself. Did he separate her from Bingley in order to court her himself? Wicked, perhaps, but what wouldn't a man in love do? This causes a rift between the sisters.

Jane's character arc is Stupid Jane to Bad Jane to Good Jane to Smart Jane. In the beginning Jane is rather clueless about Darcy's motives. Jane seems to have a lot of long-standing resentment against Lizzy, and all the old resentment comes out in full force when she finds out that Darcy likes Lizzy instead of her. Her disappointed hopes and jealousy erupt in a spiteful tantrum, and then she's angry at Lizzy for letting her embarrass herself like that. Elizabeth finds out she's had some negative thoughts about Jane as well, for instance, how she seems to bask in the attention when she gets lauded as the prettiest Bennet sister. The thing is, she can't do much beyond looking pretty because Jane has bad eye-sight and Mrs Bennet wouldn't let her wear spectacles. I thought it fit in well with her serene blank looks and the way she would canonically not see evil. Here she does not see much else either, and when she finally gets spectacles it is a kind of a metaphor for she begins to see other things in a new light as well. Eventually she gets a change of heart when she sees Lizzy's heart being broken in front of her, attempts to fix things between Darcy and Elizabeth, and most of the resentment just seems to fade away. A chance remark by Elizabeth inspires Jane to find more intellectual pursuits

I liked the general style of writing, the dialogue, most of the D&E scenes. I enjoyed many of the romantic details, like the secret notes in the beginning, and where the book title came from. He would cross the ocean to be with her *swoon*. And I liked how Bingley got away from under his sisters' social climbing expectations in the end.

What worked less well:

The countess was rather over-the-top, but her character, while interesting, didn't really serve to further the plot in any way, ending up just an eccentric without a cause.
The misunderstandings about who Darcy was courting depended on a series of miscommunications that could have been easily avoided with a frank word or two.
The sequence of events that caused the final separation between Darcy and Elizabeth was a little contrived, as well as his excuses for not letting her know what happened. The dangerous injury would have sufficed without mixing other manipulative plots into it. And I thought after that huge scene Jane made, Mr Gardiner probably should and would have let Darcy and Elizabeth exchange some explanations in his presence. (Had it been me, I would have been too curious to wait until the morning.)
Profile Image for Madenna U.
2,014 reviews1 follower
July 23, 2017
In this Pride and Prejudice variation, Elizabeth is able to apologize to Darcy the say after their disastrous proposal. In his attempt to make everything right, he pays his compliments to Jane. While Darcy tries to convince Elizabeth of his love, which everyone else notices, Jane feels that he is attracted to her. Hurt feelings cannot be avoided. Each sister must find their way to their happily ever after.
151 reviews11 followers
August 20, 2017

Simply beautiful!! I was worried about the jane and elizabeth strife but the darcy and elizabeth love story here is stunning and beautiful and left me feeling wonderful inside.
158 reviews2 followers
July 21, 2017
First class

Five stars is nowhere near enough for this most excellent book. I loved every page and really didn't want it to end. I have read again the chapter at Hunsford twice and was thoroughly enthralled by it. Being on the next Caitlin.
Profile Image for Elizabeth Bennet.
742 reviews8 followers
July 27, 2017
When we are married puts Jane in a new light. She is always written timid and always pleasant. It was hard for me to see her as a rival for Darcy's affection. Darcy isn't aware of any interest, his heart is with Lizzy alone. Jane however is so caught up with making her family proud to marry such a wealthy man that she even wants to out do Elizabeth. This is after the awful proposal in Kent and D&E have both apologized for the others misunderstandings and arrogant behavior. Elizabeth is uncertain of her feelings and so they leave one another with an intent to meet in London at a later time. Darcy is anticipating the date but Lizzy was hard to figure because she talks as though she wants his attention but then doubts it. Darcy feels awful about the Bingley incident and in attempt to please Lizzy pays respect to Jane. This is when Jane begins to believe Darcy wants her.

This was a different side to see because at times she came across as vain to me. Darcy and Lizzy are together in one scene and Jane questions whether or not he still has feelings for her but pauses and thinks men don't fall for woman that are only tolerable. Those are his words she uses but to me it implied she thought more of her appearance. There is another scene where Darcy is talking to Lizzy sitting across from one another and Jane takes it upon herself to sit next to him. Which struck me as a flirt. The more the story goes on you realize Jane, for all her beauty, is jealous of Lizzy. She says as much when Darcy's true love interest is revealed to her. She throws up to Lizzy how it's not enough to make everyone laugh and get attention with your wit you also have to steal his affection. She believes Lizzy is toying with Darcy's emotions just to out shine her. It's awful because this Jane and Lizzy do not share secrets. I was with Lizzy," who are these people?"

It's a variation so I don't expect the same. There are some parts I cherish reflecting back such as Darcy and Lizzy's secret notes in the beginning and Lizzy saving his letters and apple blossoms with a tied ribbon. Darcy saying to Lizzy," I fear I am never to be anything to you,other than someone to be laughed at."

"In Italy you wouldn't have no one to stare at stupidly across the room at you, insult you at every turn and repel you with his pitiful attempts at courtship. You must stay at home until I can truly disgust you, as badly as I did in Hertfordshire and Kent."

I have to say this was a better experience than her other book I read but for me the constant obstacles, misunderstandings, and secrets compiled with sisters at odds it wasn't my best experience. It is a clean read and the Bennet's excluding Lizzy and Jane are barely showed. Jane at the end discovers herself and her true feelings. I feel she was determined to please herself instead her mother and men. As for D&E they get their HEA but we really never see it which is a big problem to have wasted the opportunity. I feel cheated fighting my way through all of this mess to see them together but never really do. Not all will feel that way I just love seeing the wedded bliss, would have liked to see them break their fast together at least once, going through a day at Pemberley. Lizzy telling Darcy she is pregnant. This did effect my rating along with other issues I mentioned. Also before I go I loved seeing Georgianna and Lizzy together. Enjoy!
Profile Image for Ree.
1,202 reviews66 followers
June 9, 2021
A Jane Who Cannot See
Jane is somewhat blind in this well-written variation, both literally and figuratively. After Bingley decides not to revisit his relationship with Jane following the events at Hunsford between Darcy and Elizabeth, and Darcy visits her himself to offer his apologies, she mistakenly misreads his intentions. She is blind to his feelings for Elizabeth. Meanwhile, all Darcy wants is to marry Elizabeth and is oblivious to Jane thinking he’s about to offer for her. Poor Darcy. It’s very different to read about Jane having a temper and resenting Elizabeth. Caitlin Williams manages it successfully in such a way that you can’t hate Jane for it, and also ache at Elizabeth’s suffering. Highly Recommend.

I first read this book in December 2018, not long after I discovered JAFF and only gave it 3 stars. I was a bit of a canon snob back then. I have since come to favour non-canon variations, as for canon, only the original Austen will do.
454 reviews
January 11, 2023
a good read

This book was a good read.
I thought Jane Bennet was a bit too much in other variations but here she was blind and really unsure of herself causing her to lose the close relationship with her sister Elizabeth. Darcy was more open but still a dunce when it came to courting Elizabeth.
Profile Image for Donna.
48 reviews10 followers
August 20, 2017
One of the Outstanding Books of the Year

As with Caitlin Williams' other books, I found this to be among the best books that I have read and one of the deepest in exploring the emotions of the characters, especially Lizzy, Jane, and Darcy. Jane misunderstands Darcy's attentions to herself and Lizzy. So does Aunt Gardiner at first, though she will later understand. Jane is used to being sought by men for her beauty and valued for other qualities; in fact intellectual development has been held back because she needed glasses and her mother discouraged them, thinking it would prevent her from attracting men. Therefore, she had gone through life unable to see clearly, which was quite a handicap. Bingley and his sisters rather heartlessly rejected and cut her, even when Darcy tried to encourage the relationship.

Jane does not understand the relationship between Darcy and Lizzy, or his constancy toward her and his attempts at friendship were meant to please Lizzy. This book is very, very emotional by an author who writes well and who understands people and their emotions. I absolutely love books best that explore emotions to the extent that this one does. As usual with this author, the book is extremely well written and well thought out. Darcy is tender and loving to Lizzy, and he wants marriage to her all along, but Jane does not understand and misses some things because she cannot see.

This book is unique from others in that it explores a plot I have never before seen any other author undertake, and with great success. Bingley was an a-hole in dealing with Jane in this book, though he does find a life that I think is more suited to him than the one in canon, apart from Darcy. Jane hurts Lizzy badly, but Lizzy is forgiving and encourages her father to see that Jane gets glasses, which opens up a whole new world to her, one that she embraces and seems to prefer it to the one her mother expected. The Gardiners help Jane in this regard, while Jane comes to an understanding that she may have caused a separation of Lizzy and Darcy and goes to great links to right the wrong after Lizzy has agreed to travel to Italy with a well-to-do lady. Can Darcy get to Lizzy in time? What happens when a glasses-wearing bookish Jane meets Bingley on his return to the North of England at a lecture. I loved this part and thought the outcome most appropriate. Bingley seemed interested in resuming his acquaintance with Jane. But, was she interested in him? Just you wait and see. This is one of those books that has stayed with me long after finishing it. I need to read it again, as I keep thinking about portions of it. Even though I do not judge books by their covers, it is impossible to provide a better cover for this book than this one. This outstanding book is a must-read for the year for anyone who likes deeper emotions that get below the surface as this author does in this book and her other writings. This is a five star plus book that I could not put down and could not quit thinking about long after I finished it. Don't miss this one.
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