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Time Served #2

Dangerous Breed

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PREACHER GRAVES made a fatal error in judgment when he was just sixteen years old, and it cost him twenty years. Now, he plans to live out his days in quiet isolation. For six months, he’s done just that. Until a favor for a friend finds him rescuing a twelve-year-old boy from a ruthless biker gang, putting him face to face with the boy’s beautiful and very damaged older brother, Memphis.

MEMPHIS CAMDEN suffered an unspeakable childhood, culminating in an act that left him disfigured, inside and out. When he could, he ran, leaving his past behind, including a baby brother he thought was safe. For a time, Memphis is content living and working in an LA flower shop. He’s put thoughts of love aside, unable to trust anybody enough to let them see all of him. But a phone call changes everything.

Preacher assumes his protective detail will end when Memphis arrives, but one look and he can’t bring himself to leave. Memphis is terrified of his abuser, but he’s fiercely protective of the brother he barely knows, and now, Preacher feels the same way for Memphis.

But protecting the Camden brothers is going to take more than just Preacher. Their father is the head of the vicious biker gang that chained up one son and maimed another, and he’s decided they need to be silenced. Memphis is battling a past that’s come back to haunt him and the irresistible draw Preacher seems to have over him, but each time he gets close, Memphis pulls away. Can Preacher keep Memphis safe and convince him that he can trust him with his body and his heart?

231 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 29, 2021

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About the author

Onley James

35 books3,130 followers
Onley James lives in North Carolina with her daughter, her daughter-in-law, son-in-law, and a menagerie of animals, both good and evil. James splits her time between writing m/m romance and mainlining dangerous levels of caffeine and attempting to maintain her ever-slipping sanity.

When not at her desk you can find her whining about how much writing she has to do while avoiding said writing by binge-watching unhealthy amounts of television and doom scrolling on social media. She loves true crime documentaries, anti-heroes, and writing kinky, snarky books about morally gray men who fall in love with other men.

Stay up to date: www.onleyjames.com/newsletter

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Profile Image for Florence ..
894 reviews272 followers
March 2, 2023
5 “You’re one of the strongest people I know” stars

I adore Onley James and I love most of her books and I have been waiting for this book for what feels like ages. I was so excited to read it. I was so excited for it that I made sure to read most of it yesterday, since it was my birthday. And lets just say it was a perfect birthday gift and that it did not dissapoint me at all. This book was everything I wished it would be and more.

Also, I loved Preacher since we met him in book one of this series. I was really excited to read his story.

Brief summary: Preacher is 42 years old and just got out of prison after 21 years (he was there for murder). Memphis is 26 years old. His father and older brother were really abusive towards him and he ran away from home 10 years ago, after he was set on fire, in his own house. Memphis left behind his younger brother, Knox. Which brings us to Memphis and Preacher meeting because Knox, who is now 12, needs to be rescued from his family. Preacher wants to do everything he can to keep them safe and Memphis and him fall in love.

“I don’t give a fuck about odds or statistics. I don’t care if it’s only been a month. My life’s been on hold for over twenty years, and then I met you and you’re…perfect. I’m not about to give this up just because a bunch of science geeks crunched some numbers and decided there’s no such thing as love at first sight.”

First, I absolutely adored the two main characters. I’m a massive fan of wounded main characters that experienced a lot of trauma so I adored Memphis. He experienced a lot of trauma but he was still so damn strong. He was such a strong man. I also love how memphis wanted attention, how he was starved for it. He also was touch starved and I loved the descriptions of him just wanting some affection and how good he felt when he got it, it was just so well done. I loved how Memphis started to get out of his shell more as he got more comfortable with Preacher, it was so lovely to see. I also loved how Preacher also had flaws, I really love a good flawed character way more than someone who seems perfect. These two were a really good match and they fit so well together. I loved them together so much, they were the perfect fit for the other. Preacher was really good to Memphis. He was always there for him and was ready to do everything to make sure that Memphis is safe and happy. I loved how he never cared about the burn scars on Memphis’ back, how it never changed what he thinks of Memphis, and how he did everything he could so they would stop bothering Memphis. I also loved how Preacher tried to get Memphis to stop worrying about the little things. I loved how Preacher wants memphis to get over his fears and how he helps him with it. Preacher is just a really good and supportive man and I adored him for it.

Second, I absolutely adored how Memphis’ trauama was described. I like how he still lived with it and it didn’t just suddently go away because he escaped the situation that was bad for him or because he fell in love. I loved how his trauma was constent and always present, that felt really realistic. I liked how he always seemed scared that something would happen to him, that also was very realistic. I also really enjoyed the descriptions of Knox’s trauma, that was also perfectly handled.

Third, I quite enjoyed the side suspense plot. I liked that actually fit in the story and that it never seemed out of place. I also liked that it was easy to follow along and to understand it. I really enjoyed the darker vibes of those scenes mixed in with the more tender scenes with Preacher and Memphis, it was a really nice balance.

Fourth, I also loved the dogs. Preacher has two attack dogs and they were a big part of the story and I loved them so much. They were really good with Memphis and Knox and really protective of them, it was so sweet.

Fifth, Preacher and Memphis were so good at communicating. They told each other everything, they never kept a secret from the other. I loved that, so much. Also, special mention to the fact that there was no break up at 80%. When a conflict happened, they talked about it and found a solution together. I loved that very much.

Sixth, damn this book was hot. I loved how Preacher gave orders to Memphis, it was really hot. All of the sex scenes were so nicely described and they were really fun to read. I also loved all of the cum play, that was really damn hot.

Seventh, one of my biggest problems with most Onley James books is that I never feel like the ending is satisfying enough and I always want a better and longer resolution. But the resolution here was perfect. It fit the story perfectly. I felt like the story ended at the perfect point and the epilogue was really satisfying too.

Also I loved catching up with a lot the previous caracters, I love this group of characters so much and I missed them.

I loved this book so much and it was everything I wanted it to be, it more than exceeded my expectations.

I received an ARC of this book in exchange of my honest opinion
April 21, 2021
I was expecting this book to be edgier and grittier, but despite the tense beginning, the story lost trajectory along the way and ended not with a bang, but a whimper (a happy whimper, but still).

The relationship between Preacher and Memphis was all hearts and rainbows. Being with Preacher for a few weeks cured Memphis of a lifetime of fear and trauma, PTSD, and severe body image issues. "It's just that easy," said no trauma survivor ever.

Even the steamy scenes started to feel a bit repetitive. Maybe if Memphis and Preacher had been more nuanced, complex characters, but they weren't, so the relationship lacked oomph.

Bo and Luke (Preacher's German shepherd dogs) stole the show.
Profile Image for ☆ cal’s spooky szn ☆.
642 reviews256 followers
April 1, 2021
This book may not have completely wowed/pulled me, but I must say Onley James really came through with this latest release. It was a complete whirlwind of trauma, high steam romance, and with a bit of suspense. My excitement and enjoyment were just there right from the beginning. I love also how Preacher and Memphis communicated in this. They were a unit through and through. Unfortunately, the ‘i hate you because you’re gay’ storyline needs to rest honestly. I feel tired reading about characters being hated upon because they don’t play for the ‘right’ team. I wish the bad guys hated Memphis for some other reason. I need something else. Lastly, the sex was hot and filthy! I was shook. Preacher set it up high 🤭🥵
Profile Image for Layla .
1,326 reviews17 followers
April 1, 2021
I received an ARC from GRR and this is my honest review.

Loved this more than book 1!

Why read this book...

_Memphis: Damaged cute twinky MC starved for touch and love. #IWannaBeDirty

_Preacher: big bad ex-con who goes all gooey and sweet for Memphis. #MeltForYou

_Close proximity trope: the men go on the run from some uber bad guys and grow closer and closer as the time passes. #ComeCloser

_Romance, cute moments and #AllTheFeels

_Steam-o-meter: High Steam! #F&ckYeah

_Angst-o-meter: low-ish angst (none between the MCs) #HappyWithYou

_HEA: Starts with some filthy hot sex and ends with Sappy sweetness #AllAcrossTheScale

Profile Image for Jinx.
255 reviews50 followers
June 14, 2021
Dnf @ 40% not cos the story was bad. I was actually enjoying it until the cameo parade ran through. I know this series is a spin-off of the Elite Protection series so cameos are going to happen to tie things together but it was too much. Characters whose stories I’ve read and adored have become these annoying side characters I can’t skim fast enough to get away from.

It’s truly unrealistic how the author continues to make insta BFF’s of all the younger love interests. Maybe if the author stopped making these May-December type romances she wouldn’t need to find play-dates for the younger MC’s.😒

I personally feel like Nicky’s connection to Elite in book one was enough of a recap and that this series could have stood on its own with a whole new cast of characters instead of heavily saturating this book with so many names of past characters that I didn’t even remember.

I’m probably judging this book too harshly cos the author is one of many who does this but it seems I’ve reached my breaking point. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Profile Image for Aimee Nicole Walker.
Author 70 books1,916 followers
July 28, 2021
Another excellent read by Onley James with complex characters and a compelling storyline. Looking forward to Javier’s book next.
Profile Image for Saimi Vasquez.
1,685 reviews85 followers
January 18, 2022
Preacher salio hace poco de la carcel, cumplio su condena casi completa por el asesinato de su padre, un hombre que maltrataba psicologicamente a su madre. Pero la vida fuera de la carcel es un poco mas complicada, ahora tiene un trabajo remodelando una casa para Lincoln (jefe de Elite Service), ayudando a Cy con la recuperacion y entrenamiento de perros y apoyando a los niños cuando deben enfrentar a sus maltratadores en el jurado. Por eso, lo que menos espera es encontrar a un joven atado junto a unos cachorros que estan siendo entrenados para peleas, y mucho menos que ese joven tenga un hermano mayor por el que se siente instantaneamente atraido. Sus instintos de proteccion se activan casi inmediatamente, y no tiene mas remedio que ayudar y proteger a esta pareja de hermanos.
Memphis cree haber huido de su padre y hermano mayor, y del todo el maltrato que vivir con ellos implicaba. Por eso cuando lo llaman para que vaya a buscar a su hermano pequeño en el hospital, todos sus viejos temores se activan y decide en ese momento, que va a luchar para que su pequeño hermano no sufra los mismos maltratos que el. Pero cuando llega al hospital, su hermano no esta solo, esta con un hombre mayor por el que siente una atraccion instantanea, y con el que enseguida se siente seguro y protegido. Y cuando su padre y su hermano mayor comienzan a perseguirlo para matarlo, debe confiar su vida y la de su hermanito a este hombre y su grupo de amigos, pero no sera lo unico que confie en Preacher, esperando que sus sentimientos sean protegidos y correspondidos.

Otra historia fuerte sobre maltrato fisico y psicologico, ademas de orgullo por hacer lo que sea necesario para salvar la vida de sus seres queridos. La parte del maltrato fisico, es bastante grafica y muy manejada, pero el abuso psicologico no tanto, quizas por eso no logre conectarme tanto con los personajes como en otros libros de este autor.
La trama sigue siendo de drama-romance, pero donde esperaba un poco mas de resistencia por parte del personaje de Memphis, o por lo menos un poco mas de intereaccion con otros personajes, la escena de esa primera noche juntos, me parecio forzada y apresurada, siento que le falto algo, no se.
Ademas, la relacion con el hermano pequeño, me parece que fueron muchas oportunidades desperdiciadas, tal vez si el autor hubiera dedicado un par de capitulos por su punto de vista, hubieramos podido entender mejor la forma de pensar del joven y el porque de muchas cosas que dijo o hizo, que se sintieron demasido "espontaneas".
Por supuesto quiero saber mas de los otros personajes, como Law o Javier, pero tambien los nuevos Mason y Cabbot, por lo que seguire leyendo la serie.
Profile Image for Gerbera_Reads.
1,512 reviews145 followers
March 31, 2021
As with every book by Onley James we get fast paced narrative, a whole lot of steam and a bit of suspense. This is the story of one called Preacher. We met him in the first book from this series. As a long term friend of Cy and the persona he created while in jail, Preacher is a very interesting character. We get to know his story and what shaped him. I liked him. He was strong, resilient and slightly dominant without exhibiting crazy alpha caveman vibes. That was a welcome change.

Memphis is the broken young man who has to face his past and overcome his fears in order to save the younger brother he never thought he would see again. By himself he was typical character - suffering many issues in the beginning of the book but somehow overcoming most of them within 2-3 weeks (the duration of the story line). The book ends in a wedding of the MCs and everybody figuring their problems out.

I would have liked the story more had there been less convenience with everything, really. Many situations were such an easy fix. There was a bit of predictability for the sake of creating conflict. The issue of Memphis and his father's hatred was not resolved and the showdown between them was not as satisfying as I expected. I was left hanging there.

For the first time I wished for little less intimate moments since it felt at times that they were used as the solution to Memphis's body image issues as well as his insecurity. Yes, the characters talked but their relationship centered on physical comfort most of the story. This was insta lust/love situation here. I just wanted things to be a little bit unpredictable and for the guys to work for things to come into place. It was a good story but I didn't love it like I did the others by this author. Copy received for my honest and unbiased review
Profile Image for Antisocial Recluse.
2,712 reviews
April 18, 2021
Reminds me of Sloane Kennedy’s stuff. It’s good for what it is; an action suspense with bad guys being good guys, sort of. Too many sex scenes for me, I skim a lot.
Profile Image for Amanda.
1,529 reviews76 followers
March 31, 2021
This book was phenomenal! I literally fell asleep while reading it because I couldn’t put it down and as soon as my alarm went off in the morning I picked it back up. I will start by saying major CWs for child abuse. It starts pretty much page one, so if that’s triggering for you please take caution. So this book definitely has some heavy hitters, and at times was tough to read, and I still did not want to put it down. Preacher was one of my favorites from the first book and this book made me love him even more. And he was just perfect for Memphis, who just couldn’t realize how strong and amazing he was after everything he’s been through. Action packed from the beginning, you’ll feel like you’re on the run with our two MCs, but also so incredibly steamy you might need a fan to cool yourself down while reading. I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve read by James, but this book definitely goes into the top spot!
Profile Image for chantel .
95 reviews18 followers
April 21, 2021
Dnf. Not a huge fan of this series. It just loses momentum less than halfway through and I don’t wanna continue with it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for BookSafety Reviews.
456 reviews442 followers
July 9, 2023
Book safety, content warnings and tropes & tags down below.

«‘All jail does for most is teach them how to be better criminals and give them a network of like-minded people to work with when they get out. The deck is stacked against them forever.’»

Dudes with trauma, instalove, smut and action. I’ll always dig it. From the little we got of Preacher in book 1, I didn’t feel like he was the same character as in this one, though. I wish we got a lot more about him in general. About his time in prison, his release, etc. It was still good though and I was entertained. Memphis was a sweetheart buried in a lot of trauma. His family was record breakingly cruel. I didn’t connect with these characters as much as I have with previous couples in Only James’ books, but that might just be down to my mood. Who knows. I was hoping the next book would be about Lawson, as book 1 and 2 have made me curious about his character, but oh well. I’m sure Javier will bring the good stuff as well.

«“Why did you think he should marry me?” “I don’t know. At the time, I figured there weren’t a lot of gay dudes around, but now, I know they’re everywhere. Do you guys even know any straight people?”»

Lmao, I’ve had this exact same thought while reading this and the Elite Protection series.

Book safety


Tropes & tags
Profile Image for Diane Dannenfeldt.
3,861 reviews73 followers
March 31, 2021
I loved it. I didn't love what Memphis & Knox went through with their dad & older brother, that broke my heart. So we have Preacher who was released from prison after serving time for murder, there is no remorse & when you read the back story, you do understand. He and several men that he was serving time with are rescuing animals & during their latest rescue, they find Knox chained to a wall & rescue him. They are able to contact Memphis to come take charge of his brother. It is immediately apparent that not only does Knox need to be protected, but so does Memphis. Memphis has never healed from the trauma he endured growing up. We get to watch Memphis slowly open up and grow to trust Preacher, the only man he has ever totally lowered his guard for. They find out that a hit has been taken out by Memphis' POS father & his crew is coming after him. The action keeps you on the edge of your seat. Memphis does confront his demon, but doesn't really get the closure with him that he wanted. Tennessee just taunted him and made him feel worse. There was some very hot sexy times, these two burned up the sheets. Preacher has a heart of gold & there is nothing he wouldn't do for the ones he loved. I loved the entire crew. There is a very satisfying closure for Memphis & Knox. They can stop looking over their shoulders and live as a family with Preacher. Somehow, I didn't read the first book in the series, but I will be rectifying that ASAP. I can't wait for more.

I received a copy of this book from the author, and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Ana  Nimity.
1,159 reviews63 followers
March 30, 2021
If you are a fan of intense, sexy, hurt-comfort romances, you'll love this book.

It's the second in the Time Served series, which is a spinoff of the Elite Protection series, but it's not 100% necessary to read those before you read this - through you truly should. At least read Endangered Species to meet Preacher. Onley creates characters that are memorable, even a bit twisted, and I'm here for it.
Heed the trigger warnings, though. I didn't have a problem with the descriptions, even though they're pretty graphic. I was so caught up in the love developing between Memphis and Preacher that I didn't have any issues. I also went in expecting to see some ugliness, so I'd braced myself.

There are a ton of sexy-times, though. Filthy-hot, nasty in the best of ways. It was also great to see the Elite crew again.
Profile Image for ReadingAddict.
198 reviews5 followers
March 28, 2021
OMG I loved, loved, loved this book! It is definitely one of my favorites in 2021. It is fantastic!
This book is loosely connected to the Elite series by Onley James and I already loved this series, but I did not know that there is a new series. After I read this book, I had to read the first one in this series and I loved it as much as this one! But you do not have to know any of these books to fall in love with the story and the MCs.
Preacher is an Ex-Con, who spent 23 years in prison. After his release he rescues animals. That's where he meets Knox, a 12-year-old boy, who is shackled in a building. He tracks down Knox's older brother, Memphis, and soon it is obvious that Memphis also endured horrific abuse.
Really I cannot describe how much I loved this story. I am a sucker for traumatized characters and them overcoming their pasts, so it was no surprise that I would like this story, but Onley James manages to make the characters so alive, so heartfelt and so connectable it was amazing.
There are emotional, angsty, suspenseful, heartwrenching, and scenes with a lot of heat. And all of them felt so real. I wanted to wrap Memphis in a huge hug and never let him go.

A must-read!

Trigger Warning: This book contains scenes where horrific abuse is mentioned.

*I received this book as an ARC. I chose to write an honest review*
Profile Image for ❀ Jess ( Semi hiatus ).
689 reviews62 followers
May 19, 2023
When I saw Preacher mentioned in the last book as someone who didn’t talk unless they felt like they had to I was expecting a more stoic type of character and I didn’t feel like he was that at all. Maybe I wouldn’t have been expecting that if I had read the first book first instead of starting at the third book.

This one for spicy REAL FAST, I wasn’t really expecting it so I was kinda caught off guard but I kept reading. It was okay, I prefer the 3rd in the series even tho I like these characters too. This one felt like it was mainly smut and the rest was kinda just floating around until it kinda picked up towards the end. 🤷🏻‍♀️

This was my first time reading a M/M contemporary with breeding kink 🤔

Loved the doggos!

Profile Image for DebbieReadsBooks.
2,584 reviews44 followers
April 4, 2021
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Time Served series, and before reading this one, I had NOT read book one, Endangered Species. I have now, but only because I wanted to, not because I HAD to. I wouldn't say it was a necessity to read book one before book two, but as a personal recommendation, I would say to. You'll get a better feel for these men and what happened to them inside.

Preacher served a time of 20 years, now just wants to live in peace. But a favour is called in, and Preacher comes face to face with Memphis, and his little brother Knox. Preacher knows he can't walk away, but will Memphis let him help, or will he run into hiding again?

Memphis and Knox are sons of a vicious biker gang leader, he maimed Memphis, and their eldest brother started on Knox. They'll never be free, while dad and Nash walk this earth, and they know that. Letting Preacher and his friends help is a step in the right direction.

And this group of friends are deadly, and equally as dangerous as Memphis' dad, but more highly trained! I loved these guys, all of them. The guys from a previous series pop in and out and at some point, I'll go back and read thier stories.

Memphis' story is dark, and painful and Knox' life is going the same way. Knowing the men he's getting help from are as dangerous as his dad, but also knowing he's safe with them, with Preacher especially, goes a long way to helping him heal.

Yes, there is a lot, a LOT of sex between these two, and it moves quickly and that passion between them BURNS through the whole book, but I kinda liked that. I would have liked there to have been some mention of the emotional support both Memphis and Knox would need to fully heal, but I appreciate that maybe might come a bit further down their road to recovery.

A darker read than of late, for me, but one I did enjoy. I'd like to follow the series. I've read book one now, and while it was still very good, I didn't quite enjoy it as much as this one.

4 good solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Profile Image for gina .
1,671 reviews9 followers
August 26, 2024
It just didn’t hold my attention. I’m spread too thin reading too many books at once I think. It was fine. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2.5 stars
March 28, 2021
This was a great new book by Onley James, with the perfect balance between romance and action. This was classic Onley James, and I mean that in the best way.
The premise is essentially that Preacher, an ex-con who we've met before, rescues a 12 year old boy from abuse after breaking up a dog-fighting ring. After that, he finds himself protecting the boy and his older brother Memphis from their abusive criminal family.
I loved the two main characters and their dynamic. Memphis went through so much, living in fear of his father for so many years. I enjoyed seeing him come into his own with Preacher by his side. The book had me on the edge of my seat. On the one hand, I was learning about Memphis and Preacher's pasts and seeing their relationship develop, both romantically and in the bedroom (there are plenty of sexy times). On the other hand, there's the action component, which had a twist at the end that managed to catch me by surprise. I also liked catching up with the characters from the Elite Protection Services series and the previous Time Served book. Wyatt and his friends are, as always, hilarious. I highly recommend this book for readers who love MM romances with angst and a dose of light kink, especially fans of the Elite Protection and Time Served series. I can't wait to see whatever Onley James writes next!
**I received a copy of this book from Gay Romance Reviews and this is my honest review**
Profile Image for Angel.
502 reviews6 followers
March 28, 2021
I read this book in one night, couldn't put it down. But this usually happens when I read Onley James's books. Memphis's story made my heart hurt for him, so much suffering and pain. Being surrounded by evil monsters that just made his life hell but they got what they deserved (not going to spoil it but definitely satisfying). Preacher with a soft heart and protective instincts is exactly what Memphis needed. And as we have become to expect and love from this author, the chemistry between the MCs was sizzling 🔥🔥. But definitely does not over take the story. There is suspense, action, humor/sarcasm, romance, and awesome characters that you just want to learn more about. This book can be read as a stand alone; however, since characters from the other books are very involved, highly recommend reading the other books to really enjoy it. And all of the books are great so it's a win-win.
Profile Image for Evelyn220.
457 reviews26 followers
January 15, 2022
4.5⭐️ Loved everything about this book! It was fast-paced, exciting, sweet, and steaming hot. 🔥

I especially loved the hurt/comfort aspect. Preacher was so sweet trying to reassure Memphis that he’s beautiful and worthy, even with his scars/disfigurement from his childhood abuse.

I loved the dogs! Preacher works with Cy from book 1 to save abused dogs. Swoon!
Luke and Bo, their German Shepherds guard dogs, were badass and played such a great role in the story. We don’t deserve how wonderful dogs are. ❤️

“I told him to marry you the day after you met.”
Preacher’s eyes went wide. “You did?”
“Yeah. Right after he told me he was gay.”
“Why did you think he should marry me?”
“I don’t know. At the time, I figured there weren’t a lot of gay dudes around, but now, I know they’re everywhere. Do you guys even know any straight people?”
Profile Image for ML.
1,414 reviews1 follower
March 28, 2021
Memphis and Preacher were such a perfect hurt/comfort story. So well written. You felt both these characters’ past pain so acutely.

Memphis has been abused by his father and brother most of his life. He finally escapes and get dragged back when he needs to take care of his little brother Knox.

Preacher , we met in book one. I was so excited to learn his back story. It’s as tragic as you would expect.

Preacher is tasked with protecting Memphis and it turns into SO much more. Sparks fly. They realize they really need each other. AND it is smoking hot whenever they are together. Wowser. HOT!

This book has the best ending.
You’ll love Javier’s gift the most imo. Another great addition to this wonderful series!
Profile Image for m ✦ foesandlovers.
836 reviews84 followers
July 26, 2021

Preacher and Memphis were cute and I enjoyed their story but the romance itself felt a bit rushed/underdeveloped. The tension between the two men was kind of lacking which didn't help in creating an enticicing romance plot.

Still enjoy this author's writing and characters though so I'll definitely read more by her.

Plus, Javier sounds HELLA hot so I'm excited for his book. 🥵
Profile Image for ✨Lucy  IntheSky☄️.
956 reviews124 followers
October 13, 2022

Again, the author doesn't disappoint.

This book is also very emotional, interesting, yet not with that much angst, which again, is very doable for me.
I can enjoy a dramatic story without hyperventilating and that is a big plus for me.

🌞Age gap - almost 20 years

💙Light daddy/boy dynamic

❗TW - severe child abuse

Preacher was Cy's friend in prison and although he is talked about a lot in the first book, I thought he's just some old guy with a sleezy character, but that is certainly not the case.

🌟Preacher is a daddy/almost silver fox. He's a tall, muscled, 42-year old hunk with long hair and an amazing character.

💟Meeting Memphis is love at first sight for him and they quickly acknowledge their feelings for each other.

💙Considering what Memphis went through, I thought the story could use a little more - of the story itself, a little more diving into Memphis and his struggles and how it takes enormous courage to let Preacher get close.
They fell in lust and then in love, and it was quick, I get it, but still the story could have taken a longer time to get to that HEA.

🤍All the characters were really great, yet the daddy/boy aspect of Memphis and Preacher should have been a little more milked.


I don't know.
Feels like there was something missing in this story.

The MC's were a little too hallmark-y for my taste, especially Preacher. He's said to have that hardened look, so I wanted more of that part to come out.

Memphis is said to be feisty and demanding when relaxed with Preacher, but we get exactly two sentences of that.

I think this is the first book where I've wanted less of the spice and more of the MC's dialogues.
Profile Image for Bourbon, Books and Brenda.
1,089 reviews95 followers
May 16, 2022
Why did I wait so long to read this book! I loved Preacher and Memphis!

Rating: 5 stars
Steam: 3 flames
Genre: MM / Hurt Comfort / Age Gap
Triggers: Physical abuse (parent/child)
I simply adored Preacher… and he was the perfect match for Memphis!

Preacher, excon, now released from prison spends his time rescuing animals and children from abusive situations. Imagine his surprise when he and the team are rescuing dogs from a dog fighting ring and he stumbles across a young boy that is obviously malnourished, and has been abused and chained to a wall.

Memphis suffered so much at the hands of his family until he finally escaped. He has tried to start a new life, in a new city, constantly looking over his shoulder waiting for the day his family comes for him and ends him for good.

Memphis receives a phone call one day informing him that his younger brother is in the hospital. He puts his fear aside and boards the next plane out to rescue Knox. Memphis and Knox’s story broke my heart. Memphis has a lot of trauma to overcome... Will he ever accept the fact that someone could love him for who he is? Scars on the inside and outside?

Preacher and Memphis are one of those couples that just worked for me! I became emotionally invested in both of them from page one, and as the story progressed, I needed them to get revenge, and a happily ever after. These two have a lot to work through, but the way they grow together was perfect.

This book is dark, it has dark themes, it has pain and suffering... but it also has two wounded souls coming together to create something beautiful and almost whole. AND surprise! Numerous Elite Protection characters make appearances... OMG I loved the cameos! The Trauma Twink Squad was amazing!

This book was excellent, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I wasn't even halfway through the book when I called my best friend to tell her she must read it. A must read romance in my opinion and if this author writes it, I am going to read it!
Profile Image for Stephanie.
769 reviews1,097 followers
January 19, 2022
I don’t have a ton to say about this series.

I adore Onley James and her MM romances - I like the relationships she crafts maybe because I’m obsessed with the trope of “big tough man protects the one he loves”.

I really liked Preacher, the wise and zen-ish man we met in book one of the series, who spent 20 years in prison for murder. I liked his instant chemistry and protective instincts towards Memphis and his younger brother Knox. I liked his dogs!

If you’re into MM romances with a dreamy protective hero, I would suggest to start with Onley’s Necessary Evils series, then move to Elite Protective Services. It’s out of order (the order is Elite > Time Served > Necessary Evils) but that’s just my fav series order.

CW: SEVERE past abuse, PTSD, hospitalization, dog fighting, abuse, attempted murder
Profile Image for Allyn.
530 reviews
March 31, 2021
Onley James delivers another book filled with heat and suspense. Preacher, an ex-con who helps rescue animals, meets Memphis, a man who ran away as a teenager to escape horrific abuse from his father, after saving Memphis’s younger brother from a similar fate. Preacher has a soft heart and has experienced abuse himself. Memphis has both emotional and physical scars and has a difficult time trusting people and feeling worthy of love. James does a beautiful job of developing their relationship, giving the reader lots of sweet and passionate moments. Both men help each other overcome their traumas and discover how to create their own family. Cameos from different characters from the Elite Protection series, Memphis’s precocious little brother Knox, and two of the sweetest guard dogs elevate the book to five stars.
22 reviews4 followers
March 28, 2021
This is the story of Preacher, an ex-con, and Memphis, an extremely abused young man.

The story starts with Preacher saving 12 year old Knox, who is Memphis' baby brother. With Knox in the hospital, Memphis is dragged back in to his horrible past.

Memphis' family is not letting him go easily. Memphis and Preacher had an immediate connection, and Preacher talked it upon himself to keep the brothers safe.

The bulk of the story is Preacher and Memphis doing everything they can to hide, and stay safe from Memphis' father and older brother.

There was never a dull moment in the story. It was action-packed, and super hot!🔥🔥🔥

This was a fantastic 2nd Installment of the Timed Served series. I couldn't put it down!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 221 reviews

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