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First Born

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From the acclaimed author of The Last Thing to Burn, a psychological thriller about the dark secrets that emerge when a woman’s twin sister is murdered, with his signature “intense, gripping, taut, terrifying, moving, and brilliant” (Lisa Jewell, #1 New York Times bestselling author) prose.

Sisters. Soulmates. Strangers.

Molly Raven lives a quiet, structured life in London, finding comfort in security and routine. Her identical twin Katie, living in New York, is the exact opposite: outgoing, spontaneous, and adventurous.

But when Molly hears that Katie has died, possibly murdered, she is thrown into unfamiliar territory. As terrifying as it is, she knows she must travel across the ocean and find out what happened. But as she tracks her twin’s final movements, cracks begin to emerge, and she slowly realizes her sister was not who she thought she was and there’s a dangerous web of deceit surrounding the two of them.

368 pages, Paperback

First published April 12, 2022

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About the author

Will Dean

16 books1,244 followers
Will Dean grew up in the East Midlands, living in nine different villages before the age of eighteen. He was a bookish, daydreaming kid who found comfort in stories and nature (and he still does). After studying Law at the LSE, and working in London, he settled in rural Sweden. He built a wooden house in a boggy clearing at the centre of a vast elk forest, and it's from this base that he compulsively reads and writes. He is the author of Dark Pines.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,153 reviews
Profile Image for Meredith (Trying to catch up!).
877 reviews13.9k followers
February 2, 2022
“I am half a person. The darkest half.”

First Born
is a psychological thriller about a woman investigating the death of her identical twin. This is a slow-burn, dark, sinister, crazy read!

Molly Raven has always lived in the shadow of her identical twin Kate. Molly is timid, obsessed with personal safety, and a little strange. Whereas Kate is confident and the life of the party. When Kate is awarded a scholarship to study at Columbia University, Molly’s life is ripped apart as her twin moves from London to NYC. When Kate is murdered, Molly leaves her comfort zone and faces her fears in NYC to find the person who took her sister’s life. It is an understatement to say all that is not what it seems.

Molly is the sole narrator. It is a lot being in her head. She is paranoid, a bit delusional, and terrified of the world around her. She is fragile and ready to break at any moment.I found her draining, and she made me uncomfortable. However, she is also an intriguingly unreliable narrator.

The first 50% of the book moves slowly, as Molly comes to NYC, learns to navigate the streets, tries to hold up her parents in their grief, and deal with her sister’s death. She also makes an effort to befriend Katie’s BFF and former boyfriend. Then, the book goes off the rails and takes a sharp, crazy turn. I thought I knew what was happening, but I was clueless.

There are some unpredictable twists and turns which had me suspending my disbelief. The plot grew a little over the top, which I would normally take issue with, but I think it works in this book. One of the twists I guessed early on, but the other I didn’t see coming.

What I enjoyed most about First Born is that it surprised me. I thought it was a quiet character study, but it is much more. I never knew quite what was going on, and the ending threw me for a loop and took the craziness to another level. Overall, I enjoyed going on this wackadoodle ride!

I received an ARC of this book from Maudee Genao from Simon & Schuster and Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,682 reviews53.9k followers
July 1, 2022
Oh mon amie! My little grey cells hurt like hell! I wish they would work as like Hercule Poirot’s!

I can honestly say: this book started like three to four starred regular mystery reading and it slowly grew on me at first.

It was mostly four starred read because Molly Raven was interesting kind of unconventional, unique, absolutely batshit crazy monozygotic twin whose other half- poor outgoing, extrovert, adventurous sister Katie a.k.a KT was found murdered in her Manhattan apartment.

Molly who lives ultra secluded life in London, extra precautious, paranoid, thinking about million threatening things that can kill her at each second, talks with her poor parents and forced herself to get on a plane to fly to NYC for confronting her sister’s death, starting her own investigation to find out the killer.

There are so many suspects who might hurt Katie including weird neighbor downstairs, stalker and also YouTuber who cannot directly make eye contact, a swimmer boyfriend who may seem not so affected by Katie’s death, an obsessed close friend Violet, a married professor who she’s been having affair for a long time. Even their father acts extra weird as if he’s still on a trip instead of grieving for his daughter.

First half of the book was interesting but when we learn about the scholarship circumstances of Katie and secret email address containing surprising secrets about her life, things start getting heated.

And the last twist blew my mind! I just mumbled: what the actual heck! ( of course I cursed even though Molly’s character would be irritated with me) It was truly shocking and I could never see it coming! Well played! The author fooled me so bad!

Because of unexpected smart move which made my jaw drop, I add extra star and gave five intelligent, twisty, burning little grey cells stars!

It was freaking good! I absolutely recommend it!

Special thanks to NetGalley and Atria/ Emily Bestler Books for sharing this amazing digital reviewer copy with me in exchange my honest opinions.
Profile Image for Michael David (on hiatus).
744 reviews1,900 followers
March 27, 2022
March 2022 update: FUN FACT! I just stayed in the EXACT hotel where something brutal happens in this book.

This was not what I was expecting, and I mean that in the best way possible!

Molly and her identical twin sister, Katie, are complete opposites. Molly lives in London, and is an introvert who takes her safety very seriously. Katie is much more outgoing, and has recently moved to New York City for college.

Molly’s heart is shattered when she finds out Katie has died in NYC while their parents are visiting. Murder is suspected. Molly has to be brave and travel abroad to be with her family. Once in New York, she tries to track her sister’s life since she moved, and it quickly becomes clear that Katie isn’t who Molly thought she was.

Not to mention…if Katie was murdered, then the killer is still out there.

This is an unputdownable thriller that starts as a slow burn. I thought it was going to be a bit standard…and then BAM! The first of multiple twists occurred. It was a doozy!

The second half goes full throttle, and it’s full of rich atmosphere (NYC and its many famous tourist attractions and buildings are basically their own characters). I suspected one of the twists, but didn’t think it would actually happen. While I may have had to suspend my disbelief here and there and felt deceived at times, I can’t deny that the execution of all the plot surprises was handled masterfully and effectively.

Author Will Dean shows how versatile he is, as this is 100% different from his previous novel, The Last Thing To Burn. I enjoyed this one even more, and dare I predict this may be a standout for me in my 2022 year of reading.

I highly recommend this one. If you’re reading it and think it’s moving a bit too slow, just savor it and WAIT! You’ll be in for a treat!

4.5 stars rounded up.

Thank you to Hodder & Stoughton and NetGalley UK for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Expected Publication Date: 4/14/22 (UK), 7/5/22 (US).

Review also posted at: https://bonkersforthebooks.wordpress.com
Profile Image for MarilynW.
1,513 reviews3,716 followers
August 11, 2022
First Born by Will Dean

Molly and Katie Raven are twins. They look alike but otherwise they are very different. Molly is reclusive, paranoid, highly structured, and never ventures off a very regimented path. Katie will try anything at least once, travels, parties, and mingles with everyone. There has been a rift between the twins, Molly seems jealous of her sister and the attention that she gets. But now Katie is dead.

Molly must travel from London to New York so she can meet with her parents there and deal with all the things the death of a family member entails. We are in Molly's head, audience to all her excessive and never ending rules for not letting bad things happen. She knows all the stats, all the odds, no wonder she spends her time alone, who'd want to be around someone who is so immersed in constant impending doom.

Once in New York, Molly dives into research about Katie, trying to figure out who might have murdered her. Yes, Katie was murdered and Molly is determined to find out who did it. We learn about Katie's international travels, we meet her hunk of a boyfriend, her best friend, and a few other people in her life. The amazing thing is that Molly is trekking all over the place in her search for answers which is surprising when you consider what a paranoid recluse she has been so far in her life.

Then the story changes. I won't say how it changes but we get big changes. That's where the story lost me, what we learn from that point on is full of the unbelievable and the impossible. From the beginning of the story I didn't like Molly, she felt like an abrasive character who could never be happy. The second half of the story just made me like her less so it was hard to care what happened next. I'm really not saying what I want to say but it can't be said without revealing all that hasn't been revealed.

Pub July 5th 2022

Thank you to Atria/Emily Bestler Books and NetGalley for this ARC.
Profile Image for Holly  B (slower pace!).
893 reviews2,483 followers
April 5, 2022
Buckle up and strap yourself in for this bumpy ride!

The beginning was an intriguing slow burn that sets up the plot. I was never bored, just wanted more. Things do speed up and start to snowball, so just wait for it!

Molly is living a quiet life in London when she learns of her twin sister, Katie's death. The police are investigating the suspicious circumstances. Molly prepares to go to NY and be with her parents, be together as they learn more about what happened.

Molly never takes unnecessary risks. She researches everything and tries her very best to avoid danger. Things like not touching a charging phone (3 percent chance of electrocution risk), she researches the safest airline, how to survive turbulence, all her food must be properly prepared, statistical death traps such as helicopters and motorbikes. She is obsessively careful.

Being in Molly's head made me exhausted at times. All her inner thoughts, research, and helping the police investigate. She was a mess!

I was ready for something to happen when suddenly...... things got boomerangy, sinister forces were in play, my head was already spinning when I was hit with another wild turn!

Right when I thought I had things figured out, BOOM! I'm left scratching my head and picking my jaw up!

Thanks to Edelweiss plus for my ARC. This one is OUT July 5, 2022
Profile Image for Jayme.
1,343 reviews3,457 followers
July 9, 2022
I have never met a set of twins that I couldn’t tell apart.

So, I was relieved when Molly shared with us, in the first few pages, that although she has a monozygotic (identical) twin, that the two couldn’t be more different. Though once, one person-they definitely aren’t anymore.

Molly leads a structured life, finding that comfort in routine, and meticulous research, helps to calm her neurosis.

Katie, (KT) is outgoing and adventurous, and she accepted a college sponsorship and moved to NY.

So when Molly’s parents call her to share the news that Katie may have been murdered while they were visiting her in the States, she must set aside her fears and travel there. Wanting to investigate on her own, Molly will have to channel her “inner twin” for the courage to track her final movements and right some wrongs.

Unlike most readers, I preferred the first half, as Molly pushed herself beyond her comfort zone, on behalf of Katie, in a pulsating Manhattan setting.

But the second half loses ALL PLAUSIBILITY once the first SHOCKING twist is revealed. The motive for murder was weak, and the denouement pretty outrageous.

This was a FUN group read which offered some lively discussion!

NO DOUBT it’s entertaining if you can suspend all belief, and prefer TWISTS to a credible narrative.

Thank You to Atria/Emily Bestler Books for the gifted ARC provided through NetGalley. It was my pleasure to offer a candid review!
Profile Image for Kaceey.
1,298 reviews4,070 followers
March 26, 2022
Maybe just a bit OTT?

Molly and Katie. Identical twins that couldn’t have been more different!

Molly avoids the spotlight, frightened of everything. A true introvert. Her sister Katie is a no-holds barred, grab life by the tail extrovert. She’s chosen to leave London behind, taking a sponsorship to study at Columbia University in New York.

Molly receives a call from her parents pleading with her to immediately get on a plane and come to New York. The news they have to share is unthinkable, and she senses her life will never be the same. Her sister Kate is dead!

This was a lightning-fast thriller I absolutely devoured! But as the twists appeared I found it harder and harder to accept the new trajectory. And let me tell you…there are some major doozies!

All and all it was a fun romp and I think most thriller fans will enjoy. Could be a case of it’s just me…

A buddy read with Susanne.

Posted to: https://books-are-a-girls-best-friend...

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books.
Profile Image for Ceecee.
2,417 reviews2,029 followers
January 16, 2022
Molly Raven lives a quiet life in London minimising risks in ways most of us wouldn’t consider. She’s always vigilant, on guard for dangers which she constantly calculates. Her monozygotic twin Katie (KT) lives in New York and is as different to Molly as day is to night, as light to shade. She is there pursuing her studies and enjoying a New York lifestyle. Molly gets a phone call from their parents, who are visiting New York, to inform her that KT is dead and Molly knows she has to bravely venture out of her comfort zone to join them where revelations and secrets emerge about KT’s lifestyle. Molly narrates, how reliably only time will tell.

Will Dean knocks it out of the park yet again in this superbly crafted mystery thriller. New York as a setting has a frenetic feel yet also provides a claustrophobic backdrop to the multiple twists and is a perfect match; in fact the plot is probably twisted rather than twisty! The author uses locations extremely effectively such as diners, parks, stores to achieve maximum impact.

The characterisation is outstanding especially of risk minimising Molly and the deep seated psychological aspects of the ‘twin thing’ is excellent and I enjoy the transformations that take place. The plot twists are excellent, talk about wool pulling over the eyes, it’s so clever, and I think as the finale approaches my eyes (once wool is removed!) are out on stalks! My mouth hangs open that’s for sure as it’s so full of tension, suspense and what transpires is so unexpected. Well played Mr Dean!

So, if you like a thriller that starts out as a slow burn, the picks up pace, misdirects and shocks you at times to your very core then this is for you! Be warned though it’s very hard to put down once started!

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Hodder and Stoughton for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.

Profile Image for Sandysbookaday .
2,315 reviews2,308 followers
April 23, 2022
EXCERPT: Next to my phone is a photo of them both. My parents: Paul and Elizabeth Raven. Good people. Caring and straightforward and down-to-earth. Honest, mostly. Mum is, at least. Next to that is a photo of me, Molly Raven, and my monozygotic twin, Katie, or as I call her, KT. I don't use the term 'identical twin' because it's a blatant lie. A travesty. Our base DNA is identical, sure, but that's about all that is.

We were once one person.

We are not any more.

ABOUT 'FIRST BORN': Sisters. Soulmates. Strangers.

Molly Raven lives a quiet, structured life in London, finding comfort in security and routine. Her identical twin Katie, living in New York, is the exact opposite: outgoing, spontaneous, and adventurous.

But when Molly hears that Katie has died, possibly murdered, she is thrown into unfamiliar territory. As terrifying as it is, she knows she must travel across the ocean and find out what happened. But as she tracks her twin’s final movements, cracks begin to emerge, and she slowly realizes her sister was not who she thought she was and there’s a dangerous web of deceit surrounding the two of them.

MY THOUGHTS: Another single sitting read that I just couldn't put down! Will Dean sure knows how to tick all my boxes, push all my buttons.

I became totally caught up in Molly's world. It's a strange world. Molly says that she got all of the introvert genes and Katie all the extrovert genes when their egg divided. Not only is she an introvert, she's anxious. Incredibly anxious. In fact, if you suffer from anxiety, this is probably not the book for you. I don't suffer from anxiety, but I started becoming anxious just reading the things she is anxious about! Inside Molly's head is not a comfortable place to be. She's fragile, anxious, delusional, and paranoid.

First Born, Katie was born first three minutes before Molly, starts slowly. We are immersed in Molly's world as she struggles to come to terms with her sister's death and tries to help her sweet but ineffectual parents cope with their loss. And once Katie's death is confirmed as murder she sets herself the task of finding the killer. Is it the landlady's creepy basement dwelling son? Is it Katie's unfaithful student boyfriend? Is it the predatorial married professor? Is it Katie's possessive and obsessive friend Violet? Or the man who flies Katie all over the world in his private jet? There's no shortage of suspects. Molly thought she knew everything about Katie, but she's quickly discovering that she's wrong.

The first twist is slipped in almost unobtrusively. I had to go back and read it again, twice, to make sure that my eyes hadn't deceived me. After that, it's full steam ahead, hold onto your hat, pick your jaw up from the floor and be prepared to be twisted around like a pretzel.

First Born is an a read full of surprises, totally unpredictable, totally engrossing. Exhilarating.


#FirstBorn #NetGalley

I: @willrdean @hodderbooks

T: @ willrdean @HodderBooks

#contemporaryfiction #crime #murdermystery #psychologicalthriller

THE AUTHOR: Will Dean grew up in the East Midlands, living in nine different villages before the age of eighteen. He was a bookish, daydreaming kid who found comfort in stories and nature (and he still does). After studying Law at the LSE, and working in London, he settled in rural Sweden. He built a wooden house in a boggy clearing at the centre of a vast elk forest, and it's from this base that he compulsively reads and writes.

DISCLOSURE: Thank you to Hodder & Stoughton via Netgalley for providing a digital ARC of First Born by Will Dean for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.

For an explanation of my rating system please refer to my Goodreads.com profile page or the about page on sandysbookaday.wordpress.com

This review is also published on Twitter, Amazon, Instagram and my webpage https://sandysbookaday.wordpress.com/...
Profile Image for Jasmine.
272 reviews469 followers
July 7, 2022
First Born by Will Dean shells out uno reverse card after uno reverse card.

Twenty-two-year-old Molly Raven has an obsession with analyzing and maintaining her safety and security at all times. She’ll never leave her phone charging unattended, nor will she fail to check daily that her fire alarm is functioning.

Molly’s safe bubble threatens to burst when her parents call, informing her that her twin sister Katie has passed away in a probable homicide in New York City. Although identical twins, Katie was the polar opposite of Molly - she was the outgoing and adventurous one.

Molly flies to NYC to meet up with her parents. Sure she can help the police with their investigation, Molly probes into Katie’s life and begins to realize she didn’t know her twin as well as she thought.

This slowly-plotted psychological thriller strictly follows Molly’s pov, and what an exhausting perspective it is. At least, it was at first. Her habit of overanalyzing every situation and expecting and preparing for the worst was tiring just reading about it. However, she eventually grew on me.

Just when I thought I had it all figured out, the author slammed down another uno reverse card to shake things up. The plot became slightly dramatic, but it fits with the story and setting.

If you are an anxious traveller, maybe don’t read this immediately before commencing your trip. It’ll have you considering things you probably wouldn’t have given a single thought until Molly put the bee in your bonnet. I’ll be going on my own trip to NYC soon, and now thanks to Molly, I’m a wee bit paranoid. I kid. I think?

Thank you to Atria Books for providing me with an arc via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Dorie  - Cats&Books :) .
1,096 reviews3,532 followers
May 24, 2022
Oh my gosh, this is about the 5th book I have DNF so far this year. Either I'm making bad choices or more mediocre books are being published. It's probably me :(

So I read this book a solid 55% and when the big twist comes -- nope this one isn't for me!! This trope has been done many times and I won't say what it is, that I'm tired of it. This went from what could have been a great mystery to a disappointing and unbelievable psycho-thriller.

If you are looking for pure psychological dysfunction, this one will be for you. I like my books a little more believable.

And for gosh sake, give me a character I can root for please :)
July 11, 2022
**Many thanks to Edelweiss, Maudee Genao at Atria, and Will Dean for a DRC of this book in exchange for an honest review! Now available as of 7.5!**

"Twins are so practical. It's always nice to have a spare."-Billie Burke

Katie (KT) and Molly are identical twins, though like most twins, most of their similarities stop where their reflections end. Molly lives a peaceful and methodical life in London, while wild child, free-spirited, pretty and popular Katie travels and is full to bursting with crazy stories and unpredictable adventures. Despite their differences, the two have stayed as inseparable (as many identical twins do) even after Katie moves all the way to New York City.

This all comes crashing down when Katie is found dead in NYC, and Molly takes it upon herself to leave the safe confines of London to aid in the police investigation. What she uncovers is a tangled web of secrets, deceit, and sordid behavior beyond what she even knew, with a list of suspects a mile long and Katie's past still looming large in Molly's life...and putting her directly in the line of fire. Will she make it back to her parents safely...or has her investigative spirit set her up to be the next twin to fall?

Let me start by saying I wanted to love this book. I really, REALLY did.

The longer I kept reading, however, the less I liked it. What started as some minor annoyances quickly snowballed into eye-rolling and heavy sighing territory...and just got worse from there.

First of all...the giant twist that many found so shocking? Even though it makes NO sense (or at least, not really, until Dean sort of FORCES it to make sense) I saw coming pretty early on. There was so much build-up trying to point you away from what I felt was a pretty obvious conclusion that it just reinforced the point that yep, that's exactly what's going on. And if you've read any thrillers with twins in them, or even take a close look at this cover, you might be able to guess it too.

Then there's Dean's writing itself. I don't expect thrillers to feel literary or be full of long descriptive sentences by any means (okay, it's a bonus if SOMETIMES they are, if it fits in context) but I was starting to think Dean challenged himself to see how many short sentences he could write to make up this entire book. I can't even tell you how many sentences were three words long, some just two. I get that might be his 'style' but it made the whole book feel disjointed to me. Here's an example:

"When the coast is clear, I shuffle down into the bushes and I crouch low and I eat my granola bar."
(line break)
"It is sweet."


Okay. Not sure why that sentence needed to be there, or get its own paragraph. (and now that I'm looking back, that first sentence is a bit of a run-on. Does anyone's inner monologue actually sound like that...?) This is just one minor example, but it happens ALL throughout the book. Molly's rambling and obsessive tendencies in her 'investigative' work were hard enough to slog through without the choppy narration.

Dean also has a habit of sort of restating the same sentence or the same information twice in a paragraph. Here's a prime example:

"The thing is: money.
Money is often, in my experience, the thing."


I understand this might look like an example of one-time emphasis, but I can promise you this sort of thing happened over and over in the book. I can't stand repetition like this, and his characters did the same sort of thing with their dialogue too. Some also have completely goofy names, such as Bogart DeLuca...but I digress.

There's also enough implausibility to make your head ache...or at least, mine did. So much explaining goes into every little plot point that all it did was point to the fact that NONE of this would actually happen or if some of it did, that I still felt like there were plot holes aplenty. For example, we are supposed to buy in to the fact that Molly is such a dedicated little fact-finder that she will put on an ADULT DIAPER just so she can sit and research for long periods of time.


There are plenty of less graphic instances that require your suspension of disbelief, but none of the other ones felt worth it either. The second half of the novel is where it apparently picked up the pace for many readers, but since I had a good idea of what was going to happen, I didn't find it too exciting. There was really only one way this book COULD end, although since Dean tacked on a little extra bit that I found incredibly unrealistic too, it also left me with more questions than answers.

The best thing I can say is that this book is a quick read, and if you aren't completed burned out on the twin trope, OTT plots, and the like, that perhaps you'll enjoy your time with these twins more than I did. Sadly for me this was more "First, Bored" than "First Born."

2.5 stars, rounded up
Profile Image for Lisa.
898 reviews
May 28, 2022
Bravo 👏 Will Dean for writing a dark compelling prose about identical twins 👯‍♂️ Katie &MollyRaven who are polarising opposites Katie lives in New York after getting a scholarship she is smart well liked & happy with her life.
Molly is damaged has mental health issues no friends etc.

Katie ends up dead Molly hears it from her mother, she is totally devastated & decides to book a flight to New York from London to discover why her sibling was murdered?Katie had a boyfriend & BFF who are connected in some way but someone isn’t telling the truth?

This was a dark compelling sinister read.that I enjoyed I warn you it’s a very slow burn 🔥 but you have to be patient as the author puts your head through a washing machine with this twisty psychological thriller I must admit I was going to give up but decided to keep going am glad I did. 5 dark sinister ⭐️
Profile Image for JanB.
1,249 reviews3,721 followers
April 16, 2022
Molly and Katie are identical twin sisters who look exactly alike but with completely different personalities.

We have 3 yr old identical twin granddaughters. Fraternal twins are expected to be different, but to have identicals so different in personality was a complete surprise, despite our medical backgrounds. So, this was a fun element to the story (although our twins aren’t cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!! 🤪)

Molly lives in the UK and takes her OCD and paranoid tendencies to an extreme. Katie is the freewheeling adventuresome twin who lives in NYC.

When Katie dies under mysterious circumstances, Molly joins her parents in NYC to deal with the aftermath. What follows is a slow burn first half, with a crazy wild ride in the second half as the amateur sleuthing and revenge tale ramps up.

First person POV isn’t my favorite and being inside Molly’s head was exhausting. Her thoughts were repetitive and annoying. Does she protest too much about the twin bond? 🤔

The first twist was a complete surprise because the reader couldn’t possibly know. I’m not a fan of a twist blindsiding the reader. I want to look back and see the bread crumbs. Even though I usually fail at armchair detecting, after the first twist I correctly guessed the second one. The rest of the book was simply wading through a lot of implausible storytelling while waiting for the reveal. When it came is was anticlimactic.

2.5 stars for a “fair” read. I’d recommend this only for readers who enjoy the 1st person POV, wild twists, and are able to set aside the OTT implausible elements. To say more would be a spoiler so I’ll just say that sometimes these work for me if I enjoy the journey. This was not one of those times.

This was a buddy read with Marialyce and we had a different experience so do please check out her review!

* I received a review copy via Edelweiss. All opinions are my own
Profile Image for Sumit RK.
1,040 reviews531 followers
July 19, 2022
First Born is a dark and intense, psychological thriller that will keep you guessing right till the end

Molly Raven lives a quiet, sheltered life in London, adhering to her routine. Her identical twin Katie, living in New York, is the exact opposite: outgoing, spontaneous, and adventurous. But when Molly hears that Katie has died, possibly murdered, she is thrown into chaos. She knows she must travel across the ocean and find out what happened. But as she tracks her twin’s final movements, she slowly realizes her sister was not who she thought she was and there’s a dangerous web of deceit surrounding the two of them.

The first half of the book is all about Molly coming to NYC, knowing the people around Katie and dealing with her death. She makes an effort to befriend Katie’s friend, professor, and boyfriend. It plays like a normal whodunit till this point. We slowly learn about the mysterious circumstances around Katie’s death and the many surprising secrets about her life, which make it really intriguing.

What sets the story apart are the real shocking twists around the end of the first half and towards the end. Having said that, these twists will need the suspension of disbelief. It seems slightly far-fetched but the story makes it work. The ending too makes it another crazy ride.

This was a thriller that is slow to start but gets fast-paced as the story goes on. It strictly follows Molly’s pov, and Molly’s eccentricities make for an interesting read. Her paranoid behavior and overanalyzing nature are exhausting at first but slowly the character grows on you. Will Dean perfectly captures the vibe of New York – from various landmarks to streets, and the cuisine, bringing the city alive, like another character in the book. The second half moved at a rapid pace, with plenty of twists and turns to keep the readers engaged.

The ending is slightly dramatic and it will polarize the readers because it is a tad unbelievable. Also, the parts don’t fit in smoothly if you work it backward but it worked with the story and so I was willing to ignore it. One would probably have to suspend their disbelief in order to appreciate the story better.

If you love thrillers with incredible twists, you will enjoy this book.

Many thanks to the publishers Simon & Schuster and Edelweiss for the ARC.   
Profile Image for Melissa (Trying to Catch Up).
4,904 reviews2,685 followers
July 11, 2022
Lots of surprises, some I saw coming and some I didn't.

This is a wild ride! I think part of the reason I liked this story was that I was in the perfect mood for it. I don't think this is one that would stand up to much analysis, but since I was in the zone to just be entertained and go with it and not have to think too hard, it was an ideal experience.

This is the story of Molly, a woman from London whose identical twin Katie (or KT as Molly refers to her for some unknown reason) has been killed in New York City where she was studying at Columbia. Molly has lots (and lots) of quirky and bizarre fears, but she braves them to come to New York at the request of her parents, who were there visiting. We travel along with Molly and inside of Molly's head for about 50% of the book and then...BAM! We are hit with one twist after the other that turn the entire story on its head.

Like I said, it's not entirely plausible, but if you can suspend disbelief and just go with the story you are guaranteed to be entertained. It's definitely a surprising and unique read, totally different from a lot of books out there these days, and for that reason, I found it well worth reading.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, all opinions are my own.
Profile Image for JaymeO.
469 reviews470 followers
July 5, 2022
Not your average twin mystery!

Molly Raven is living a quiet life in London, when she receives word from her parents that her identical twin sister, KT was murdered in New York City. Dropping everything is not easy for Molly, as she is terrified of flying, taking the subway, and Uber drivers. In fact, there isn’t much that doesn’t worry or scare her.

However, Molly must overcome her fears to attend her sister’s funeral in the United States. While she is there, she meets some of KT’s friends and boyfriends. She also does research to help the police figure out who murdered her sister.

But who is this mystery man following her around the city? Was KT involved in something sinister?

Time is of the essence. Will Molly crack her sister’s case?

The Last Thing to burn was a stand out thriller for me last year, so I couldn’t wait to read what Will Dean came up with next. I am a huge sucker for stories about twins (I blame Sweet Valley High for inspiring my obsession!) so the plot of this thriller really intrigued me.

Hmmm…the first half of this book is really difficult to read. The language and dialogue is so stilted, repetitive, and exhausting. I did not like the inside of Molly’s head, as her inner-monologue was maddening. I actually had a difficult time believing this book was written by the same author!

But then, around 50% I was hit with a twist I didn’t see coming. Well played Will Dean! I was shocked, but extremely confused.

The second half of the book flies at lightening speed. Albeit, I just went with not thinking too much about what was going on and just enjoyed the ride. Things that I didn’t really understand from the first half of the book finally fell into place.

However, I didn’t fully believe the second twist, and still felt confused by the ending. The overall plot is OTT, and didn’t win me over in the end.

I am still a fan of Will Dean and am looking forward to reading his next thriller!

3.5/5 stars rounded down

Expected publication date 7/5/22

Thank you to Edelweiss and Simon and Schuster publishing/Atria books for the ARC of First Born by Will Dean in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Sheyla ✎.
1,925 reviews599 followers
July 24, 2022

Born a twin was very different for Molly Raven. She is the twin who worries about everything that happens around her and she is always trying to keep herself safe and avoid getting hurt. She is a little paranoid and plenty introverted.

Then there is the other twin, Katie. She is the polar opposite. She is easy-going and adventurous. Katie moved from Nottingham to NYC through a sponsorship without telling Molly about it until she had accepted the position.

Then, Molly gets a call that changes her life. Her parents called to tell her, that Katie is dead and that the police are treating her death as a homicide.

Molly needs answers. Despite being terrified of flying, she travels to NYC and tries to piece together the life her sister had in the city, the people involved in her sister’s circle, and if any of them could be the one behind her death. Nevermind, that a killer is on the loose and she might be his/her next victim.

First Born had a good mix of suspense and disbelief. I liked it but didn't love it. There were two big twists. One I guessed, the other one took me by surprise.

It was interesting to learn about Molly and her anxieties. It has to be so hard living a life in fear all the time. Exhausting really!

I can’t wait for the next story by Will Dean!

Cliffhanger: No

3.5/5 Fangs

A complimentary copy was provided by Atria/Emily Bestler Books via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

MrsLeif's Two Fangs About It | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Profile Image for Kim ~ It’s All About the Thrill.
685 reviews598 followers
May 22, 2022
Wow! 😍 This is crazy good. ❤️It is official, I am now a Will Dean fan! Sign this girl up.

Katie and Molly are twins 👯‍♀️…so they must be just alike.. right?! Umm wrong…they are so completely different!

Molly is super quirky… and I do mean quirky.. planning for everything.. walking a straight line… not into anything remotely risky or adventurous.. worry controls her life.😬

Katie is popular, spontaneous, the life of the party..sometimes Molly resents her a bit for this.🥳🥂🥃🍺🍹

When Katie goes to the Big Apple 🍎 to college and leaves Molly home in London… Molly is devastated. However nothing prepares her for the phone call… that her sister has been murdered..😳 Buckle up for a wild ride…. this story has just begun!

Wow! This was dark, twisted and orginal! The first twist hit … and I almost missed it.. because I was like wait.. noooo .. wait.. yes that did just happen ..it was kind of like I thought I heard wrong…. Yet I was reading it! 🙄😂🤷‍♀️

Then the plot just got more twisted. This was a definite page turner that I blew through because I just couldn’t put it down.

As it unraveled before my eyes I was completely shocked at the direction it took!

Now apparently I need to get The Last Thing to Burn!!🔥
Profile Image for Carolyn Walsh .
1,705 reviews579 followers
September 1, 2022
3.5 Stars
I have been a huge fan of Will Dean's books. I read all four of his Tuva Moddyson mysteries, and his Last Thing to Burn was high on my list of favourite books for 2021. I found this different from his previous books and regret it did not appeal to me as it did for many enthusiastic reviewers.

I enjoyed the first half narrated by a reclusive, obsessive, introverted twin, Molly. She searches the internet for probabilities and statistics of dangers to be avoided in her everyday life. Molly constructs weapons out of knitting needles, bundles of coins, etc., carrying them to feel safer. She also is equipped with hornet spray and a knife. It is a frightening world in which she exists. She was upset and lonely when Katie suddenly moved to New York without warning to attend University.

She is devastated to learn that her twin sister, Katie, has died in New York City. Katie was spontaneous, gregarious, extroverted and always ready for new adventures. Their parents were in New York for a visit to Katie when she was found dead in her apartment. Molly receives a phone call from her heartbroken parents begging her to come to NYC at once. Although she is terrified of flying, she realizes she must take a plane from London to New York to comfort her parents. She learns that her parents are in serious financial trouble. Her mind is in turmoil. She is devastated by the loss of Katie, her best and only friend and confidant.

A medical examination determines Katie was murdered. Molly emerges from her comfort zone and wanders the streets of NYC after dark, looking for a baseball bat and other necessities for further protection to find the murderer of her twin.

Molly finds that her sister was living a life much different than she knew, even from their daily long-distance phone calls and chats. Was the murderer a creepy young man from the same apartment house known to stalk Katie? Was it her clinging, needy best girlfriend, whom Katie was trying to avoid? Could it be Katie's ex-boyfriend, a University jock? Was it an older married professor with whom she was having an affair? Perhaps a mysterious organization that sponsored her University education and expenses was involved.

Molly meets a police officer who is investigating the murder. She is also contacted by a private detective, Bogart. She is determined to obtain information to help both of them solve Katie's mysterious death.

This is a twisty and twisted tale! I was uncomfortable being inside Molly's disturbed and unreliable mind but was fascinated by her thoughts and actions. A stunning, mind-blowing revelation turned the story upside down about halfway through the book. From this point, it was necessary to suspend disbelief and forget everything you thought you knew.

Molly befriends people known to Katie and becomes an internet expert in searching for hints about those she suspects. She also transforms herself into a master of disguise with a need for revenge. She obtained the funds to live and enjoy the high life in New York City, remaining there after her parents returned to London following a funeral ceremony for Katie.

There was a big final twist that I failed to appreciate. The plot had become too over-the-top and incredible. I believe readers of thrillers with unimaginable, staggering twists will enjoy this book. The story captivated me at first but lost my acceptance somewhere along the way.
Profile Image for Michelle .
1,002 reviews1,730 followers
June 15, 2022
Molly and Katie are identical twins in appearance but could not be more different in personality. Katie is the vivacious one, looking to take risks, always wanting to be the life of the party. Molly is the neurotic one, always plays it safe, and feels most at ease in the comfort of her flat.

Molly receives a phone call from her parents that Katie has been murdered while living in NYC. They need Molly to come out to be with them. This is venturing so far out of Molly's comfort zone but she must be there for her parents and she must find out who did this to her sister. No one knew Katie as well as Molly did and she believes that her knowledge will help aid the investigation.

This book took it a step too far into the land of implausibility for me and it's difficult to discuss why without spoiling this book for future readers. There is a twist at the 50% mark that many other readers found jaw dropping but I found baffling. It just didn't fit with everything we were told previous to it. Not only that but as soon as I read the twist I knew exactly what the final twist would be and I was spot on. It was the only way Dean could go while still remaining somewhat in touch with reality because otherwise I would have really been scratching my head. I know how vague this is and I know that this review isn't going to be very helpful for those trying to decide if this is for them. Just know that you will really need to be able to suspend disbelief to thoroughly enjoy this. Will Dean is a talented writer and one that I have enjoyed in the past. This story just wasn't for this reader this time around. It happens. 2.5 stars!

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for my complimentary copy.
Profile Image for Darla.
4,096 reviews955 followers
July 2, 2022
You got me, Will Dean! What did I just read? This is every bit as good as The Last Thing to Burn and once again victims are fighting back. Or are they? There are lots of surprises in this tale about twins. One twin has been murdered. Was it the creepy downstairs neighbor? The professor with inappropriate advances? The rowing boyfriend? So many questions and Molly is determined to get to the bottom of it. I totally agree with Lisa Jewell: this is brilliant. You won't want to go to sleep until you are done.

Thank you to Atria and Edelweiss+ for a DRC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Marialyce .
2,104 reviews692 followers
April 16, 2022
Oh, Will Dean, you took me on a roller coaster ride 🎢, I yelled all the way, and loved every page of it. The ups and downs of this story left my head reeling and the twisty turns were some mighty fine gotcha moments.

This story revolves around twins, identical in every way. Almost! Molly and Katie Raven, the Raven twins, were united in the womb, but seemed to grow to be as different as day and night. Katie was outgoing, a college student at Columbia University with NYC at her fingertips. She had a scholarship which paid for everything, as well as educational trips to destinations that many of us dream of. Yes, Katie had a brilliant life until someone murdered her. At the time of Katie's murder her parents were visiting from England, and alarmed and devastated they called Molly who came rushing over from London where she lived.

Molly is an odd sort, always worried about the ways in which one could die, and preparing herself for any eventuality, Be prepared was the mantra she lived by. However, Molly's life was dull, boring, and she envied the life that Katie has set in front of her. Molly was shy, didn't date, so this sad trip to NYC was very taxing on her. She and her parents stay in a fifth-rate hostel for money is tight. They console one another as best they can and await the autopsy results which eventually show that Katie was smothered.

Molly is overwrought and sets it upon herself to track down the killer as she meets a cast of Katie's friends and people she knew, all of which give off creepy vibes. Preparing herself with a baseball bat, and assorted other accoutrements which she thinks will protect her from the nasty NY element, she sets out and ferrets out clues, people and internet connections with a contact to the police department.

I was deeply involved in the story and my Nancy Drew radar was up 👀, so at about 45%, I deduced I had found the culprit, only to have my deduction fail in the next 5% 😳. I loved it however 😍! The fact that for the first 50% Will Dean had fooled me and then delivered a smashing curve ball made me realize how brilliant Mr. Dean was. 🧠 (Perhaps I need a refresher Nancy Drew class! 🤷‍♀️)

The second half of the book is filled with schemes, lots of schemes and wondering what was going to occur, I anxiously turned the pages (figuratively, I was on my kindle) and found a story that even at the end had another revelation that blasted my perceptions. All in all, this was a fun story, cleverly executed, and so easy to read. Did it have a few eye rolling moments? Yep!...Did I mind them?.....Nope!

So, if you like books that carry a surprise or two, grab onto this one due out on July 5, 2022.
Many thanks to Will Dean, Atria Books, and NetGalley for and advanced copy this enjoyable story.
Jan and I had differing opinions on this book, so take a look at her review of this story.
Profile Image for DeAnn.
1,530 reviews
July 6, 2022
4.25 twin stars - now available!

These twin sisters – Katie and Molly – may look alike, but they have very different personalities. Katie is more outgoing and always willing to try new things. Molly is fearful of new situations and prefers to be an observer of life. Katie is off on a new adventure, attending Columbia on a scholarship and loving life in New York.

Molly’s world is shaken when she gets word that Katie has been found dead in New York. She fearfully boards a plane in London to be with her parents, who had been visiting Katie, and grapple with her twin’s death.

Despite her fears, Molly heads out into the world of New York to find clues in her sister’s death. She meets her sister’s friends and boyfriend and tries to piece it all together. The police are trying to get to the bottom of the case when another body is found!

True to form with this author, all is not what it seems and this one had some clever twists that kept me guessing and made for a thrill ride. Overall, I did enjoy this one, but it is a tad over the top and stretches believability. If you are good with those elements, I recommend this one!

Thank you to Atria Books for the copy of this one to read and review.
Profile Image for Charlotte May.
783 reviews1,259 followers
December 12, 2022
Another unfulfilling read. Is it me? I haven’t found a book enthralling in like 2 months.

Molly and Katie are twins, and have been inseparable all their lives.
That is until Katie moves to New York and leaves Molly behind.

Molly has severe anxiety, she sees danger everywhere and in everything. I found it a bit annoying at times. When she receives a call saying that Katie has been killed she goes to New York to discover what happened to her sister.

I was pretty invested up until this point. Once we start finding out more of Katie’s secrets

It was actually the ending that really decided it for me.

The whole thing just became stupidly far fetched and I wasn’t able to follow all the changes.
Profile Image for NZLisaM.
472 reviews519 followers
May 1, 2022

Molly Raven lives her life in constant fear of what might happen.

Everything and everyone is a potential threat.

For instance, she won’t leave the room while her phone is charging just in case it bursts into flames.

Charging it on a ‘soft surface’ is also a big no no, for the same reason.

Extensive, meticulous, up-to-date planning, organisation, and research allows Molly to stay abreast of disaster, and mitigate catastrophe.

She envies her carefree twin sister Katie (KT), who doesn’t have an anxious bone in her entire body. She would never be able to do something as brave as moving all the way from London to Manhattan to study. But, that’s just what her twin did the previous year.

When, Molly receives a phone call from her parent’s (currently visiting KT in NYC) to break the devastating news that Katie is dead, murdered in her apartment, Molly is forced to confront her phobia of flying, to make the trip to New York to console her parents, wrap up KT’s affairs, and, more importantly, find out who killed her twin.

From the opening sentence, the evocative, enticing writing drew me in, and, even though it was a slow burn, the first 50% saw me fully immersed, emotionally invested, and constantly guessing.

Will Dean perfectly captured the vibe of “the city that never sleeps” – the various landmarks, scenery, layout, skyline and architecture, and mouth-watering cuisine, made me want to pack my bags and jump on the next flight.

The last half moved at a frantic pace, with plenty of action and excitement, but this was when things steadily felt apart for me. Sadly, it was just too outrageous, preposterous and convenient for my liking. I still look forward to reading The Last Thing to Burn, as the author’s writing was exception, and I’ve heard it’s quite different from this one.

I had a lot of fun reading First Born with a group, and our theories and discussions were fascinating, and engaging.

Available now in New Zealand and Australia.
Profile Image for Debra.
2,827 reviews35.9k followers
July 5, 2022
Molly Raven lives in London. She prefers a quiet life and keeps to herself. Always conscious of being safe and taking precautions. Her twin sister, Katie, live in NYC and is outgoing, active, and spontaneous.

When Molly gets the phone call from her parents that her sister is dead and most likely murdered, she travels to NYC where she goes on a mission to find her sister's killer.

This book begins as a slow burn with Molly traveling to the US to meet her parents who were there visiting her sister when she was found dead. In the beginning of the book, Molly is obsessed with safety and taking precautions. Being in NYC, she throws some caution to the wind as she decides to track down the person responsible. This was, for me, a complete turnaround from how the book started but I chalked it up to her desperately wanting to know the truth.

As the book progresses past the 50% mark, it became more enjoyable for me. There are some twists and turns toward the end and at the end which shocked me. Things went a little over the top and I found myself frequently annoyed by this family. Molly's parent’s vagueness in the beginning and not saying what had happened directly. Stop pussyfooting around and get to it, already I kept thinking.

I had high hopes for this book but sadly it was just an okay read for me. I am not a fan of slow burns and struggled a little with this book. I'll still be on the lookout for Dean's next book. I enjoyed this but can't say that it wowed me even with the twists and turns at the end.

Thank you to Atria Books, Atria/Emily Bestler Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

Read more of my reviews at www.openbookposts.com
Profile Image for Pat.
2,310 reviews480 followers
March 24, 2022
This is the story of identical twins - 22 year old KT (Katie, older by 3 minutes) and Molly Raven from London. But while they might look identical, their personalities are quite different. KT is confident, outgoing, a bit of a risk taker who excels at pretty much everything. Molly is much more reserved, quieter, a bit paranoid actually and assesses the risks of every activity before doing anything. Nevertheless they are very close and talk every day. Until ….

Until KT announces she is taking up a sponsorship to undertake her Masters degree in New York. Molly is naturally gutted but they continue to stay in close contact and Molly learns about KT’s exciting new life. All this time Molly continues to live her small life in England.

About a year/18 months later the Raven parents fly to New York to visit with KT for a week. Then Molly gets the phone call. Her sister is dead! How can this be? She must drop everything and hasten to New York.

And that’s when things get murky and more complicated. While the parents arrange the funeral Molly goes into research mode to dissect every aspect of her sister’s life. Because she isn’t just dead, she has been murdered. There are a few suspects to choose from and Molly goes full on stalker to get close to them. Might she want to punish them for any perceived harm they caused her sister?

And this where it really gets weird! I can’t say any more without giving spoilers and it’s too delicious to ruin it for future readers. I will say though that what you think is happening may be quite different to what is actually happening. The ending is quite shocking really but I did take off half a star because for a lot of the second half of the book I was not sure who was doing what to whom. And I’m not sure that the logic hung together 100%.

Nevertheless it was an enthralling story. Will Dean is a gifted story teller who brought his characters to life and the plotting and pacing were very good. This is very different to his previous book, The Last Thing To Burn and I will be very keen to see what he comes up with next. Many thanks to Netgalley and Hodder & Stoughton for the much appreciated arc which I reviewed voluntarily and honestly.

3.5 rounded up.
Profile Image for Susan  (on hiatus).
504 reviews180 followers
May 1, 2022
Molly Raven was NOT born to be wild.

In fact, she’s overly thoughtful to the point of being neurotic. A sort of doomsday prepper, she consistently weighs the lesser of many evils that would never register with most people.

I couldn’t imagine a more dreary person to associate with.

Yet I was fascinated.

And I couldn’t look away.

And I liked her.

I love a complicated, smart female character. The hot mess types have their audience, but give me an intelligent protagonist who knows how to plan!

Vacillating between varying degrees of unreliability and almost brilliance, I couldn’t quite get a handle on her, which gave me a lot to think about and chew on. I love mirages and kept wondering: Am I assessing her correctly?

Don’t be lulled by the synopsis of yet another twin story. If you love scheming characters and subterfuge like I do, this may be your book! If you love in-the-moment action, vivid descriptions of New York City and crazy scenarios, this may also be your book.

I read this as a group and while I loved this, others had a more balanced view. It’s always fun discussing a book with friends!

I want to thank Will Dean, Atria/Emily Bestler Books, and Edelweiss for my advanced reader’s copy. Expected publication July 5, 2022.
Profile Image for Marialyce .
2,104 reviews692 followers
April 29, 2022

Oh, Will Dean, you took me on a roller coaster ride 🎢, I yelled all the way, and loved every page of it. The ups and downs of this story left my head reeling and the twisty turns were some mighty fine gotcha moments.

This story revolves around twins, identical in every way. Almost! Molly and Katie Raven, the Raven twins, were united in the womb, but seemed to grow to be as different as day and night. Katie was outgoing, a college student at Columbia University with NYC at her fingertips. She had a scholarship which paid for everything, as well as educational trips to destinations that many of us dream of. Yes, Katie had a brilliant life until someone murdered her. At the time of Katie's murder her parents were visiting from England, and alarmed and devastated they called Molly who came rushing over from London where she lived.

Molly is an odd sort, always worried about the ways in which one could die, and preparing herself for any eventuality, Be prepared was the mantra she lived by. However, Molly's life was dull, boring, and she envied the life that Katie has set in front of her. Molly was shy, didn't date, so this sad trip to NYC was very taxing on her. She and her parents stay in a fifth-rate hostel for money is tight. They console one another as best they can and await the autopsy results which eventually show that Katie was smothered.

Molly is overwrought and sets it upon herself to track down the killer as she meets a cast of Katie's friends and people she knew, all of which give off creepy vibes. Preparing herself with a baseball bat, and assorted other accoutrements which she thinks will protect her from the nasty NY element, she sets out and ferrets out clues, people and internet connections with a contact to the police department.

I was deeply involved in the story and my Nancy Drew radar was up 👀, so at about 45%, I deduced I had found the culprit, only to have my deduction fail in the next 5% 😳. I loved it however 😍! The fact that for the first 50% Will Dean had fooled me and then delivered a smashing curve ball made me realize how brilliant Mr. Dean was. 🧠 (Perhaps I need a refresher Nancy Drew class! 🤷‍♀️)

The second half of the book is filled with schemes, lots of schemes and wondering what was going to occur, I anxiously turned the pages (figuratively, I was on my kindle) and found a story that even at the end had another revelation that blasted my perceptions. All in all, this was a fun story, cleverly executed, and so easy to read. Did it have a few eye rolling moments? Yep...Did I mind them?.....Nope

So, if you like books that carry a surprise or two, grab onto this one due out on July 5, 2022.
Many thanks to Will Dean, Atria Books, and NetGalley for and advanced copy this enjoyable story.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,153 reviews

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