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A gripping, painfully honest, and ultimately inspirational memoir from global superstar and creator of the Red Table Talk series Jada Pinkett Smith. In a media driven landscape that crafts narratives for our celebrities, Smith recounts her story in an intimate conversation with readers. Along the way, she explores her path to accepting her power as a woman, and her discovery that a strong sense of self is every woman’s right and saving grace.

An impactful and rare memoir that engages and educates, Worthy is a courageous love song to self, to family, to life, and to the world.

From an unconventional upbringing in Baltimore, to an unconventional marriage to one of the most famous men in the world, adhering to the status quo has never been a familiar road for Jada Pinkett Smith. In Worthy, Smith strips herself of all the labels and stories crafted by others, and reclaims her narrative with radical self-love. Worthy teaches us who Jada is, and how to embrace our most authentic lovable souls.

416 pages, Hardcover

First published October 17, 2023

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Jada Pinkett Smith

3 books73 followers

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Profile Image for Bookishrealm.
2,793 reviews6,019 followers
October 23, 2023
Expectations prior to diving into this book are going to play a huge role in how people may or may not perceive Jada. This isn’t solely about her relationship with Will. It’s about her personal journey. I’ve seen reviews of this posted before release with no ARC release and reviews written by those who didn’t even read the book. It’s truly fascinating. As always, I’m not here to judge Jada’s story whether people believe it to be factual or not. We can’t construct the way in which someone tells their story nor can we determine how much they should and should not reveal. There are definitely content warnings for this one including emotional abuse, substance abuse, parental abandonment, and more.

Worthy, in my opinion, isn’t what the masses are expecting. Because of their openness about their life, I think that quite a few readers are going to anticipate a book filled with juicy details related to the relationship between Will and Jada that haven’t been revealed to the public. There are some things that aren’t common knowledge; however, what most will find is that this book is about Jada and her journey. Yes, Will is a part of that journey, but this is Jada taking the opportunity to center her narrative. To be quite honest, I enjoyed Jada’s authorial tone and it gave me a better perspective of who she is and why she handles things the way that she does. Unlike Will, Jada isn’t as charismatic, she’s quick to react and, to be quite frank, overreact (I’m thinking about the theme park situation), but a lot of that stems from her past trauma. She isn’t always perceived as likeable, but I think that comes from a lifestyle in which she had to maintain a guard for protection. Being in an industry where you are expected to charm the masses wasn’t, in my opinion, ever going to work out for Jada. This book isn’t her aim to make herself seem more likeable, but to give a better understanding of who she is as a human. She acknowledges her faults and the wrongs in her personal life, but she also holds people accountable. I think the danger in living such an open life is that people feel as though you owe them every single detail. While it can make people feel seen, it leads to a level of scrutiny I don’t think I would ever be able to handle. At some point; however, people must understand that the dynamics of Jada and Will’s relationship is a choice of their own. Even if it seems out of traditional roles for the majority of people, it is their life and it is their right to decide how they want to conduct their family. Jada admits that it is flawed, imperfect is so many ways, but it’s what they wanted. In fact, they’re still learning and the two of them have a connection that we, as public viewers, will never be able to understand regardless of how we feel. And there is more to Jada beyond Will. She is constantly viewed only in relationship to him and this was her opportunity to create that separation. There are parts of her thinking that I still don’t quite understand and dynamics of her relationship to Will that I would never choose for myself; however, I appreciate her sharing her story. The same grace that Will was provided in his memoir should, in my opinion, be applied to Jada instead of this rampant attempt to silence her.

I’m going to refrain from rating this because, to be honest, I’m not sure I could rate this even if I tried. My feelings about it are complicated especially about those sections that were “self-help” like in nature. Yet, I still think that Jada deserved a place to share her story and feelings. I don’t follow the couple at all so some of the things covered may have been discussed during Red Table Talks. I only knew minimal things about her relationship with Tupac and nothing about her upbringing. For me, as a reader, it was learning a different side and perspective to her and her life beyond Will. It is my hope that they both find some clarity. They have a love that is unbreakable, yet gut wrenching. It is clear that peace is needed for both. I highly recommend diving into this one without the preconceived notions and judgements of the rest of the world.
Profile Image for Bradley.
25 reviews1 follower
January 10, 2024
This is one of the most vapid, narcissistic pieces of trash I’ve ever had the misfortune of reading. Spare yourself.

(To the people harassing a stranger because they didn’t like a book, bless your hearts)
Profile Image for Erin .
1,425 reviews1,450 followers
November 6, 2023
Ooh Child!!!

I wanna start this off by saying I'm not a Jada hater. I think she's a great celebrity. I love gossip and she gives me tons of it. Her movies back in the day were some bangers.

Low Down Dirty Shame
Set It Off

Iconic movies!

She birthed two weirdos and yall know I love a weirdo. I never watched Red Table Talk but I loved the tea she got other celebrities to spill. I knew I was going to read this book as soon as it was announced because I'm a messy bitch who loves drama. I'm happy that Jada gets to tell her story. I think it's weird that people want her to shut up. I don't think she's ruining Will Smith's career/ reputation, he's a grown ass man who I believe loves this messy drama.

All that is to say....this book ain't it. Jada Pinkett Smith is a liar and she seems incredibly self centered. She talks in therapy speak and she uses spiritual language to lie to us. I said when I read Will's book that they shouldn't be married and if we are to believe her they aren't married...on paper....but they are married...and working on their bond. I felt in Will's book like Jada didn't like Will and this book confirmed that for me. She LOVES being Will Smith's wife...but she doesn't love being married to Will Smith. She complains that his career comes first but then doesn't see that his career is how she got her role in The Matrix or how her Punk band got to open for Britney Spears and perform at Ozzfest.

Like girl you really you earned that?

She talks constantly about being authentic while being phony and inauthentic. She said she wrote this book to share what she learned but what did she learn? If you say things using flowery language it sounds less like lying. She turned what sounds like a great friendship with Tupac into this great platonic love affair. She turned preying on a much younger emotionally and mentally fragile man into an "entanglement". She believes everyone should share "their truth" but wonders why that young man chose to talk about their relationship. She never talked about her alopecia but then feels that Chris Rock joking around her baldness is an affront to all alopecia sufferers. She and Will publicly painted their marriage as a rock solid partnership but then seems confused that people are interested in their weird marriage. She talks about growing up poor but then seems obvious to how her wealth makes her children's artistic endeavors much easier( they are gurus).

Oh and she lies about her and Will being Scientologist. She admits that she used their homeschooling curriculum and that she sent her father to their rehab but denies ever being a member. Multiple former Scientologists have said that not only were Will and Jada members but that they were supposed to recruit other Black famous people.

I'm obviously in the minority with my opinions on her book, almost every review I read talked about her openness and honesty. I didn't buy it. She's came off out of touch, self centered and morally superior. But her worst crime was that this book was boring. She has lead a big and action packed life but I actually fell asleep multiple times while reading this book. Usually reading wakes me up, that's why I try to stop reading at least an hour before bed but Jada was a sleeping pill for me. She should stop trying to sound wise and profound and try sounding entertaining.

This book wasn't for me but I still recommend it because Will and Jada are important for the culture....Will's book is better tho.
Profile Image for Traci Thomas.
721 reviews12k followers
October 20, 2023
This was a mess. Way too long. There was hope at the start of part 2 but she was unwilling to get vulnerable or craft a compelling story. Her editor failed. It’s fake tell all in the sense she gives tons of details on random boring shit (a spiritual trip to Vietnam) but skims over the reasons we’re here (the slap, her open marriage, her “entanglement”). Oh and there are self-help prompts to really just add chaos to the mediocrity.
Profile Image for *TUDOR^QUEEN* .
541 reviews616 followers
October 30, 2023

I felt like I was a voyeur to a really long therapy session with Jada reading this one. And I kept thinking that it must be really exhausting to be around someone like this all the time, if this is how her thought processes go. There are also sort of psychotherapy prompts ending the chapters with self-help information on different topics. I know that this is a memoir, but another thing I kept thinking was, "This is awfully self-indulgent". I only requested this from the library after a recent spike of articles about Jada and the explosive information that she and Will were secretly separated for years. It sounded like it would be an interesting read. The ironic part is that the most interesting part of the book (for me) was her formative years growing up before she was ever famous. With more editing cutting down on all the psycho-babble, it would have been more enjoyable. I'm currently reading Britney Spears' memoir and it's the total opposite of this one. She's very concise and moves the story along efficiently. I made it to 50% in one day. This one is a dirge in comparison.
Profile Image for Captain.
112 reviews2 followers
October 16, 2023
From the person currently abusing Will Smith comes a brave, no holds barred, yadda yadda
Profile Image for Katen Knight.
11 reviews8 followers
October 17, 2023
This book truly is excellent. Insightful, raw, vulnerable, gripping, and self-aware. Jada Pinkett Smith opens up about every aspect of her life that’s ever been put under the microscope and she does so with far more grace than is due to the people who slander her for seemingly no reason.

The reviews that have been left before mine are ALL by people who have not even read the book because the book didn’t even release until today so pay those no mind. They’ve all been left by people who chose to be hateful and to pre-judge a book they’ve never read all because they’re bitter misogynists, incapable of original thought, it would seem. Sheep, all of them.

If you’ve pre-judged Jada Pinkett Smith, don’t waste our time by even leaving a review. Especially if you’ve never read the book. But if you’ve decided you hate her for being outspoken about her own damn life, don’t bother to even read the book. We all know you’ll end with the same assessment that you began with if you’re the type of ignoramus who dislikes a woman for speaking about their own life. We all know the same judgment wouldn’t be made against a man or even a white woman who chose to speak about her own life, childhood, marriage, career, children, etc. There’s nothing offensive or problematic in this book or in any of the things she’s shared in interviews so it’s clear to see that the hatred is born of misogynoir.
Profile Image for Karen.
2,175 reviews648 followers
June 1, 2024
“We can make different choices with better outcomes. We can have remorse and we can atone—without forgetting that sometimes we have to live who we’re not in order to know who we are.”

“You are so much more than your trauma.”

To be honest, Jada Pinkett Smith has been more on the periphery to her actor husband, Will Smith. He has always been the star of the family to me, despite the famous Oscar slap. My review of “Will” is here, if interested: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...

It wasn’t until the height of the pandemic when I noticed her. I happened to be on Facebook one day, and because her show, Red Table Talk passed across my feed, I noticed Jada for the first time, beyond her relationship to Will. This time I decided to watch her.

For those unfamiliar with Red Table Talk, it was an American talk show featuring Jada, her mother Adrienne and her daughter Willow who sat around a red table and tackled current social and cultural issues with an inter-generational perspective. It was respectful, thoughtful, fascinating, heart-full, heart-wrenching, deep, trailblazing and wasn’t afraid to tackle difficult issues with other individuals well-known in the entertainment industry.

I was truly spell-bound that day listening to the women share their thoughts and feelings. I can’t even begin to tell you what the topic was that day, but I found myself looking forward to her episodes after that one, and was disappointed when her show was cancelled last year (2023).

So, when her book came out, I was one of those people first in line at my local library to get on the list to check it out. Of course, it would take a while before I received it. And, unfortunately, I forgot to add it to my “currently reading” list when I did eventually get it.

My review…

If you are looking for self-healing, you might have come to the right book. Because this may be what Jada Pinkett Smith is attempting here for herself. This is definitely her story to tell, laid out quite bluntly on the table for all to see – the good, bad and ugly – all of it – the “unhealed trauma” of her life. Her vulnerability, depression, struggles, important people, difficult people, cycles of chaos, and transition to acceptance.

“The sweetest part was my kids—Jaden, Willow, and my bonus son, Trey—my three favorite people in the world. They were, hands down, the best thing that ever happened to me.”

Even knowing this, it doesn’t erase being diagnosed with complex trauma with PTSD and depression.

And through it all, you can’t help but root for her as she finds her way. For everything she shares about her journey, there is still something inspirational she offers to her readers.

“A woman has a right to her adventures, even if it means courting her shadows as guides to her brightest light. And she has a right to her pitfalls as well as her triumphs, and to the wisdom gained that leads to her self-actualization.”

This may be an imperfect story, and some may not like her, but I appreciated her laying herself bare. This was obviously a therapeutic, spiritual journey for her to write this book. And for some, it may be a bit too self-indulgent.

Personally, I don’t think she needs permission from anyone to be deemed worthy.

We all can be deemed worthy in our own eyes. That is all that truly matters.
Profile Image for Christine.
14 reviews1 follower
October 19, 2023
This woman has been through a lot and has not gotten to really tell her truth. So glad that this book has given her the opportunity to share what her real story is and not the salacious headlines, blog posts and articles of the opinions of others. Great Read.
Profile Image for Laura.
774 reviews192 followers
November 10, 2023
I listened to this during a free trial of audible. The author is narrator and being she's a terrific actor it made listening as opposed to reading, a joy. It's more than a memoir. It's a critical look at the life and career of one woman, but I found it inspiring and empowering for all women. #OurWorthyJourney
Profile Image for Qiana Groves.
348 reviews63 followers
October 20, 2023
I found this read satisfying and enlightening. It sheds light on some of the events you may have saw in the media, but if you're looking for the "tea", this may not be the read for you. Yes, she addresses their separation, her entanglement and even the slap. But her recount isn't messy. It's literally her version of events. How they got to those points and the role she played in them. I admired her honesty. I loved her transparency. Throughout the entire book she took accountability for her role in everything that had transpired. She didn't villainize Will. She spoke of him in the highest regard but made it clear that their partnership is for life.

Link to full review: https://www.hopefulheartbreakers.com/...
Profile Image for Kenitra.
61 reviews4 followers
October 19, 2023
|| B O O K R E V I E W ||
Okay I’m not gonna lie I was like girl we don’t wanna hear nothing else you gotta say. And for a moment I was like I don’t even wanna buy this damn book. But I caved in and got the audio version of @jadapinkettsmith book #Worthy and I am glad that I did. I read Wills book and he kinda talked about a few of the things she talked about in her book.
I love the fact that she place no blame on anyone in this book and she was very open and unapologetic about her actions and I love that about her. At times in the book I wanted to reach out and hug her. And I wanted to go out and shake her like girl get ya shit together.
I felt like at times I was girl ENOUGH with 2Pac let that man rest in peace. I know that he’s a big piece of her life but she spent a lot of time talking about him and his life and the things he’s gone through.
I loved they bond and their friendship 2Pac was definitely a real one for sure she really addressed everything we wanted to know from the breakup with Will to how she just wasn’t happen and had to truly find happiness within herself and not with Will. She told us things we might have felt like we didn’t need to know but glad she told us.
I was on the I don’t like Jada and Team Will and I am still very much team Will but I got more respect for her for telling herself her truth regardless of what the world might think or say. I really thought we was going to read this book and she bash the hell out of will but she didn’t. She took actions for her actions and the role she played.
It just seems like they couldn’t get it together when it came to what they wanted from a partner. Wills way of showing love and affection was throwing her these over the top parties and taking her around the world. And buying Her the finer things in life. And all Jada wanted was more of Will’s time and for him to make some sacrifices for her like she made for him.
Profile Image for Amy.
471 reviews41 followers
October 20, 2023
Regardless of what you feel about Jada as a person/performer, I could take or leave her before reading her memoir, this book was written well. I dang near highlighted half of it. The pacing was spot on & even not being a fan, her “origin story” kept me intrigued. Knowing only basics about her as an actress, she opened up a world of growing up in Baltimore roaming the streets as her single mom worked the night shift leaving her doing what she had to survive. She went into her connection to Tupac which was so interesting to learn.
Stories of sacrifice, married life, children and unresolved trauma, help you feel connected to Jada as a woman, though our lives as women couldn’t be any more different. Putting our spouse’s and children first and somehow losing ourselves along the way is a universal conflict that goes beyond any barriers, as women we all feel or have felt that way in our lifetime.
She got a bit “hippy dippy” with her spirituality but it didn’t overpower the reader. Or at least not me. I definitely finished the book with a new respect for her as a woman trying to be everything to everyone.
Profile Image for Teresa Todd.
187 reviews1 follower
November 14, 2023
The only thing worse than a memoir by someone who has zero reflection and perspective on themselves is a memoir by someone who has zero reflection and perspective while considering themselves to be supremely self-aware and enlightened. JPS is just as arrogant as her husband and has the audacity to blame her discontent with her life on her husband. He's no catch either based on his memoir, but at least he's apologetic.

My takeaway is this: Will Smith's memoir was mostly an apology to JPS for not being enough for her.
JPS's memoir is broken into 3 parts as I see it.
Part 1 is talking about how hard she grew up on the streets of Baltimore dealing Crack and wants readers to know how gangster she is.
Part 2 is name dropping anyone and everyone she's ever encountered in LA so readers know how important she is on her own accord.
Part 3 is blaming Will Smith for her misery. She seems to have no clue what her identity is outside of his, despite having his full support for her career and side projects and parenting choices and adventures with ayahuasca.

There are multiple points in this book in which she asks readers to participate in a guided writing exercise for the purpose of therapy. This woman honestly believes she is qualified to counsel her readers on spirituality, relationships and healing inner wounds. I would rather have weekly oral surgery without anesthesia than to listen to her armchair psychiatry for one more second.
Profile Image for Karen.
126 reviews
October 18, 2023
I listened to about 15% - skipping around a bit - but I just can’t.
Profile Image for Amanda.
606 reviews
October 24, 2023
1.25 stars. The only reason this rating gets an extra .25 of a star is because I finished the book. Before reading this book, I must admit I was dreading it. Usually, celebrity memoirs are right up my alley. I was guessing that Worthy would not be, and it turns out I was right. Before starting this review, I just have to say that I know next to nothing about Jada Pinkett Smith apart from the fact that she was/is married to Will Smith. I will say that I found the chapters regarding her childhood interesting to say the least. Towards the end of every chapter in the audiobook there is a bell sound and then a self-help tidbit of information. I found this slightly odd. You know how when you start off disliking something but still have hope that it will get better well that was me with this book. I started feeling the strain of reading/listening to this book during track 11. Jada mentions a couple of times that she has a chip on her shoulder this chip is clearly visible throughout her writing. The chapters regarding her relationship/marriage with Will all I can is wow and not in a good way. This book as a whole has an air of self-centeredness and egotism. Sorry if this review is all over the place. This book is sort of chaotic in nature in my opinion. Jada also states in the book that she is separated from Will though not legally so her entanglement or what have you still counts as cheating at least in my view. Jada victimized herself so much throughout the entire book, but she made her own choices so is she really a victim in my opinion no she is not. I know I shouldn't compare books, but I seemed to enjoy Will's memoir better. Please note none of the opinions in this review are meant to be mean spirited this is just how I felt while listening to the book so take my views with a grain of salt.
1 review
October 18, 2023
Anyone who reads this book is an idiot and likes to waste money. Don’t give her the satisfaction. O stars should be an option.
Profile Image for Breeee Ranae⚜️.
189 reviews49 followers
November 4, 2023
I went into this book thinking I was going to hate it because the media had me so annoyed by her. 😣

This memoir was actually very good. Some chapters really had my mind going!!! There’s really no need to break this book down in a review because she tells it all in interviews the book just gives a little more detail. Coming into this right after Wills book I got a different perspective on certain things.

Um them folks need to cut the bs and officially divorce though. BSFFR 🤨😆✌🏽
Profile Image for Reading with Yolandas Books.
157 reviews30 followers
September 1, 2024
Memoirs are my thing this one about Jada Pickett life was very good. The thing I love about memoir is you get to look on the inside of a person‘s life and hear things you never knew. This book was well written and I loved that she was her own narrative in her audio books
Profile Image for Angelica.
34 reviews1 follower
October 23, 2023
For so long, Jada has been made out to be the villain of the “Will & Jada” partnership. I will admit, I also saw her as the villain because I’ve always been a fan of Will. However, after reading her memoir, I found out she’s not a villain. She is a misunderstood, painfully honest black woman who is trying to navigate life after so years of trying to check boxes and pleasing others like society tells everyone to do. She’s creating her happiness after years of depression, trauma, and unprocessed grief. This happiness ruffles a lot of feathers because it’s “unconventional”, but she’s walking in her truth with her head held high. I applaud her bravery and hope that other black women can do the same.
Profile Image for Jay DeMoir.
Author 23 books71 followers
December 30, 2023
Dabbling in Scientology, but won’t commit to membership? Hmm… you study multiple religions, but don’t believe in organized religion? You don’t commit to any of them, but you understand most of them? open relationship, but not really? You commit to your family and seemingly your marriage but in terms that seem illogical. It just seems that Jada has issues committing in general...

I try to be understanding when it comes to memoirs, but this just seem to be as if she took herself way too seriously and tried to come off very meta instead of just being real…. And with a huge chunk dedicated to Tupac… I found this… puzzling at best.

A lot of this content was straight from “Will” (her husband’s book) and I didn’t find myself connecting with this narrative. It didn’t seem organic or true. Though she says she takes accountability, I couldn’t find it on the pages.
She plays the victim in a plethora of ways and blames will for what’s become of her life. I was left disappointed
Profile Image for Nay Keppler.
419 reviews18 followers
October 31, 2023
I will NEVER care about ANY celebrity’s journey with ayahuasca
Profile Image for Kayla Clark.
63 reviews1 follower
October 20, 2023
Definitely too long, at times I felt like she just rambled on and on about some very unnecessary details.
Profile Image for Ms.Blkbelle Reads.
86 reviews12 followers
April 15, 2024
I finished @jadapinkettsmith book, #worthy. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I definitely learned a lot more about one of my favorite actresses. She is really in touched with her inner being and I love that for her. I can’t wait for you guys to read my review of her life story. Key takeaway is that self-identity is very important in a marriage or any type of relationship. We are all worthy.


Thank you, Partner @cocoachapters @deystreet
for my copy of Worthy by Jada Pinkett Smith

Pub Date: October 17, 2023

I was so excited when I found out that I was doing a Book Tour for Jada Pinkett Smith’s book! I listened to her audiobook and I loved her story. I have always been a fan. Jada always appeared to be down to earth and her book confirmed it. She stayed true to herself. I could picture young Jada, when she spoke on her childhood experiences and her journey of becoming an actress. She still has a youthful voice. She sounded like one of the homies or one of my girls. Jada is a girls, girl. She is humble.

“This book is about a woman’s quest to find… love for herself… true empowerment.”
Her book spoke on challenges she faced through childhood into adulthood, her spiritual journey, depression, family, career,etc…She continues to grow. Jada touched me when she spoke on feeling lost in her marriage.🥲

She was born in Baltimore, Maryland as Jada Koren Pinkett. Her book cleared up a lot of questions I had about her child rearing, marriage, the entanglement, the open relationship rumors, etc… It just shows that we shouldn’t be quick to form opinions on people we don’t even know, just because a blogger has an exclusive. She definitely talked about Tupac a lot but after listening to her book, I get it now. He was one of her best friends and they both had drug addicted parents so they were able to bond in that way.

Jada is still that around the way girl that’s becoming the best version of herself. She is relatable. I love that she took accountability and admitted that at times she was the problem. I learned a lot.

If you are a fan or just want to know Jada’s truth, read it for yourself, instead of getting snippets from blogs.

QOTD: Have you read it?

Trigger Warnings: suicidal thoughts,violence, suggestive language, drugs
Profile Image for LeeTravelGoddess.
849 reviews62 followers
October 21, 2023

Jada is all of us at some point in our life— just wanting to be loved in her own special way!!! I’m sooooo glad I got over myself and read this book. I had no idea about her upbringing, wow! AND I WANTED TO BE MAD AND PISSED AT JADA, BUT WHY THOUGH??? I have loved Will Smith since the first day I laid eyes on him but let me tell you, the same can be said about Jada… we loved her, we rooted for her and we championed her as one of our lasting faves in the artsy community. An unrivaled talent, someone you couldn’t take your eyes off of when they were on your tube! In our vitriol, we have taken lies and spewed them viciously to, in some weird way, make ourselves feel better about who we are but in this book Jada has allowed us to see it from her perspective and to be quite honest, I believe her. Call this book what you want but I enjoyed it and I hope that the world reads it in its entirety so that they get the full picture rather than the snippets that the world wants us to see. We don’t want to be controlled in our regular lives so imagine being a part of a machine that demands control to a wild soul… I pray that she continues to seek peace and happiness and find the love that she wholeheartedly desires. Thank you for sharing your story with us. 💚✨
Profile Image for Ashley G..
576 reviews83 followers
November 13, 2023
3.5 stars

Sometimes this felt like someone longing to be understood. Like someone who desperately wanted to tell their side of things after the internet had painted them in a bad light so for that reason it sometimes felt questionable.
Glad I read it. Interesting enough
Profile Image for Kahina.
34 reviews
November 1, 2023
This memoir is a love letter to high functioning Black women who are stuffed from swallowing depression, anger, and anxiety. Jada Pinkett Smith was open and honest with the perfect balance of tea and true insight into the road to her stardom and the many people she crossed paths with along the way. Yes she discusses Tupac, the #entanglement, and the slap — but aside from the takeaway that the media unnecessarily did irreparable harm to her reputation because most of the public perception on all these moments are LIES, she gives us insight on the deep learnings from all of it that can be applied to our regular everyday lives. Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Ginny Muse.
729 reviews67 followers
December 11, 2023
I almost stopped reading/listening so many times! But for some reason I wanted to ‘hear her out.’

Good for Jada for writing her truth. There are some good nuggets of advice and some good ideas interspersed throughout the book. She’s had impressive success, and it’s admirable to see where she is now considering how her life started.

But. . . I’m less of a fan now than I was before.
I found this book to be too long and filled with too much information that I didn’t care about. Some parts seem raw and honest like she is being vulnerable and transparent, but she also seems to keep up her walls and reveal only parts of stories. I don’t know how she shared so much while still coming across as guarded. It wasn’t endearing and didn’t bring me to feel much empathy or compassion for her tough times. She also comes across as someone who is always seeking, yet still comes across as thinking she knows everything. She seems very sad and lost to me. The book is also a bit of an odd dumpster fire where she throws in personal life stories, self help guidance, spiritual seeking, and even writing prompts. Did anyone reading this book actually stop and write down the introspection points at her encouragement? It was very off-putting to me. I internally rolled my eyes so many times while reading. It’s kind of bizarre.

At least Will’s memoir was entertaining and kind of fun to listen to. This one was kind of painful.
I definitely disagree with many of Jada’s beliefs. But I could get past that and give her more stars on a book rating if the book was good. Rating memoirs is hard because it sometimes feels like you’re rating the person. I guess in some ways I might be rating the way she came across to me in her writing. And I was not impressed.

If you’re a big fan of Jada’s and love watching or listening to her red table interactions you might love this. I see other glowing reviews. If, like me, you mostly know what you’ve seen of her and her family in the media through the years, I’d say to skip this memoir. I’m a bit irritated that I wasted so much time on it. There is some good; but it wasn’t worth wading through the rest to mine for those nuggets.
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208 reviews6 followers
November 15, 2023
This book is NOT a flop. I am so glad that I read it. Jada had a very traumatic childhood that showed up as fight, flight & strongly defend equaling looking like she had a chip on her shoulder as an adult. If you have read Will's book, then you should read this book. If you haven't read his book, then read it first & then read hers. You should then come to your own conclusions. I believe that if you read both books, you will find that they both came from different traumatic backgrounds and found common ground. In terms of Jada, she did make herself smaller in some ways to her husband to continue to live in a life that she sometimes thought had saved her from herself. From a life that she wished to escape from. Even though she met her husband when she was a Hollywood name in her own right, she still function like the young Jada who was fighting to survive & low key looking for her black knight in shining armour.

Don't fall into the trap of social media haters. This book is well worth it. Keep an OPEN MIND.
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