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An alien species dedicated to eradicating emotions and relationships--
If these aliens can’t feel sexual attraction… Then why is he staring at my ass?

The Earth’s been alien-occupied for five years now, and Ella’s just fine with that. She loves her job as a Handler at the local research facility where she helps aliens navigate life on Earth. But when she’s assigned a brand-new team of alien warrior scientists that use tech to suppress their natural hormones, she realizes she’s going to have her work cut out for her. These silver-skinned hotties are here to study reproduction, but they are seriously clueless about sex…

Kila’s on an important mission to find a solution that will cure the dangerous drop in Kar’Kali birth rates. If they ever want to win the war in Sector 5, Kila and his team will need to study human mating techniques. But when he cannot take his eyes off their new human Handler, he starts to worry that the feelings she gives him are a result of a serious malfunction to his brain chip. It’s not long before Kila is sure he’s turning into a lustful Alpha-male monster, just like the ancestors he’s always been taught to hate.

In the new series Virgin Warriors of Kar'Kal, a team of scientists from a warrior race will discover that the mating call of their ancestral culture is not as suppressed as they thought it was. One by one they will fall victim to their fated mate, and all the unpredictable feelings that come with her...

170 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 17, 2020

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Gemma Voss

12 books72 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 64 reviews
Profile Image for romancelibrary.
1,226 reviews575 followers
September 10, 2021
OMG I randomly found this book on Goodreads and I read most of it in one sitting *cue X Files theme song* 👽

Kila is a Kar’Kali alien warrior whose species use a chip to suppress their emotions and hormones. They are born in labs and then bred as warriors. So...they are basically emotionally constipated virgins who are clueless about sex 😂

But since the Kar’Kali birth rate is in decline, Kila and 4 of his team members visit Earth to research a solution. What is their research about, you ask? Why, studying human mating techniques, of course 🤣

Ella is the human handler teaching the Kar’Kali all about humans and their earthly ways. When Kila first meets Ella, he thinks his chip is malfunctioning because he literally cannot stop staring at Ella. So we have a starchy and emotionally constipated alien who discovers ~FEELINGS~ for the first time and he cannot handle it 🤣

Kila basically goes through phases of:
- "why am I admiring her ass?!" 🍑
- "what is this erection?" 🍆
- "what is this feeling in my chest?" ❤️
- "what is this hugging and cuddling?" 🤗
- "what is this love?" 😍

And I enjoyed every single one of his epiphanies 🤣

Kila is a starchy man, a pure cinnamon roll, and a dirty talking alpha all in one package 🔥 It sounds absurd, but it WORKS!!! It was SO freaking cute watching this hot ass virgin alien come to life and experience new things that were foreign to him. I really enjoyed the romance and the flirty banter between Kila and Ella. Their romance had good emotional development ❤️ and it was veerrryy steamy 🔥

The plot was also very interesting and I enjoyed the secondary characters a lot. The story did get a bit too violent in the end, but I like where the series is going. I'm very excited to read Kiva's book. I don't like his heroine, but I want to see how she redeems herself.

CW: physical torture and violence
Profile Image for Serena Loves Books.
1,678 reviews98 followers
August 31, 2021
Primer libro que leo de GV y no esperaba que me gustara tanto!

•Mi opinión puede contener Spoilers

•Esta destinada a ser un descargo personal no para que alguien más lea pero si lo haces y te ofende, me disculpo porque sé lo que es que te guste un libro y otros lo critiquen

The Alien’s Handler de Gemma Voss Serie Virgin Warriors of Kar’Kal libro 1


Una especie exótica dedicada a erradicar las emociones y las relaciones.

Si estos extraterrestres no pueden sentir atracción sexual... ¿Entonces por qué está mirando mi trasero?

La Tierra ha estado ocupada por extraterrestres durante cinco años, y Ella está bien con eso. Le encanta su trabajo como Handler en el centro de investigación local donde ayuda a los extraterrestres a navegar por la vida en la Tierra. Pero cuando se le asigna un nuevo equipo de científicos guerreros alienígenas que utilizan tecnología para suprimir sus hormonas naturales, se da cuenta de que le costará mucho trabajo.

Estas bellezas de piel plateada están aquí para estudiar la reproducción, pero no tienen ni idea sobre el sexo...

Kila tiene una misión importante para encontrar una solución que cure la peligrosa caída en las tasas de natalidad de Kar'Kali. Si alguna vez quieren ganar la guerra en el Sector 5, Kila y su equipo deberán estudiar técnicas de apareamiento humano.

Pero cuando no puede apartar los ojos de su nuevo Handler humano, comienza a preocuparse de que los sentimientos que ella le da sean el resultado de un mal funcionamiento grave de su chip cerebral. No pasa mucho tiempo antes de que Kila esté seguro de que se está convirtiendo en un monstruo macho Alfa lujurioso, al igual que los antepasados ​​que siempre le han enseñado a odiar.

En la nueva serie Virgin Warriors of Kar'Kal, un equipo de científicos de una raza guerrera descubrirá que la llamada de apareamiento de su cultura ancestral no está tan suprimida como pensaban.

Uno por uno, serán víctimas de su pareja predestinada y de todos los sentimientos impredecibles que la acompañan.

Mí humilde opinión:

No creí que este libro tendría un buen esqueleto, creí que iba a ser un romance más sobre alienígenas para pasar el rato pero me equivoqué.

La historia era sólida, atractiva, entretenida y con un picante romance de quemadura lenta, pero también estaba la parte de la acción y hasta racismo porque había una movida ati-alien sucediendo que se puso peligroso. También fue diferente porque no hay mujeres abducidas, los aliens vienen a la tierra y aprenden a interactuar con los humanos.

La raza Kar'Kal y su cultura fue algo curioso, nunca leí sobre aliens con chips en sus cabezas que reprimen los sentimientos y que vieran malo sus impulsos sexuales cuando encuentran una pareja.

Ellos tienen la 'llamada de apareamiento Kar'Kali', su sangre cambia de color a rojo, sus ojos se vuelven negros, tienen fiebre y sobre todo impulsos sexuales incontrolables. Lo importante es proteger a su pareja y verla feliz.

Esto es algo que viene de sus ancestros pero ellos creen que es bárbaro y peligroso por lo que sus científicos controlan esto colocando chips supresores en sus cabezas.

Pero hay quienes rechazan los chips y estos son llamados Deviants por querer experimentar la llamada de apareamiento y son excomulgados.

Todo eso fue un giro interesante para leer con respecto a parejas destinadas.

Kila me encantó, era un guerrero pero también científico, me lo imaginé como un sexy nerd por lo que la descripción que da de que parece un modelo con rostro melancólico, me hizo reír. Era todo alfa pero tan lindo que cada vez que lo confundía algún sentimiento o algo que no entendía sobre los humanos me daban ganas de enseñarle todo yo misma! Kila y sus compañeros me sacaron algunas risas mientras preguntaban sobre el apareamiento humano.

Ella es una Handler, les explica a los aliens cómo deben actuar para encajar en la sociedad humana sin causar disturbios. Era irónica y sin filtro pero una mujer bondadosa, me gustó que no tuviera prejuicios y le gustara ayudar a los aliens. Era un personaje fuerte y que no tuviera miedo de plantarle cara a Kila para preguntarle qué le pasaba con ella.

Realmente me sorprendieron los protagonistas porque los encontré bastante creíbles. Sus interacciones, cómo se desarrolla su relación romántica y la química era increíble. Me gustó la broma y la ternura entre ellos. No lo sentí insta-love, me pareció que se toman su tiempo para entender y descubrir que se aman.

Lo único en contra: encontré errores en la escritura y el final me pareció apresurado. Ojalá hubiera un epílogo porque esperaba algo más para el final con Kila y Ella.

De todos modos, es un gran inicio de serie, no puedo esperar leer ya el siguiente libro!
October 30, 2020
This was actually really good. It's not like a lot of the cookie cutter 'we need females' alien crap books. It had an interesting and different premise. It flowed and was written well. I kinda don't understand the lower rating on this one.

I just loved Ella's snark and sarcasm and her realist attitude was refreshing. So much about Kila was heart breaking but to see him come alive and experience things for the first time was cute and funny.

I read a lot of alien and SFR and this one surprised me. I am really looking forward to the next one.
Profile Image for Poppy || Monster Lover.
1,267 reviews243 followers
April 7, 2024
Sweet Ella

Ella was seriously so adorable and patient. Kila was a total jerk at the beginning of the book, but def grew as a person as it went on. And had a good reason to be how he was. Their chemistry was great. The culture of the Kar’Kali is interesting and I’m looking forward to seeing how it tangles up more with Earth’s culture in future books.

Spice: 4/5

Triggers: kidnapping, light torture, prolonged captivity and torture (off page), war, genocide (off page), surgery
Profile Image for Christina (stinarinareads).
304 reviews254 followers
August 29, 2023
3-3.5 stars⭐

Super casual and informal review.

'The Alien's Handler' is book 1 in what is obviously an interconnected series with a different main couple featured every book. We are introduced to 5 alien males in this book, but the featured one here is Kila, and his relationship with his fated human mate Ella.

This is a science fiction romance that is heavy on the romance, and LIGHT on the science fiction. Which is fine! It's always good to have variety in the genre out there, a mix on the spectrum of heavy on sci-fi worldbuilding as the focus vs heavy romance elements as the focus.

The reason 'The Alien's Handler' feels light on the sci-fi is due to a couple factors. One, the setting. It takes place in New Jersey. Yeah, read that again. South Jersey to be specific. Hah. But honestly as a native New Jerseyean, I give this 5 stars in my heart for that. But because we're kept on Earth the entire time, it tends to not feel so alien. Another factor is the worldbuilding. This was a shorter novel at less than like 220 pages, so the time to develop any sort of meaningful plot or lore wasn't there. Which again, is totally fine in a book like this if that's what you're seeking, a super digestible romance with a twinge of sci-fi.

Like, for example, change a few words around in the romance, and it could definitely read like a romance between 2 humans. I personally like to FEEL the alien in my romance when reading this genre LOL.

So overall, this was a cute and quick read, with no responsibility of having to invest brain power to understand the world. I'm happy I read it, if only to cross off the bucket list that I read a science fiction novel set in New Jersey :)
Profile Image for Juliana Philippa.
1,029 reviews971 followers
September 15, 2021
4.25 stars
This was one of the more enjoyable alien romances I’ve read and I promptly read Book 2 (as in immediately after finishing this book). The Kar’Kali are a warrior people who are normally equipped with suppressor chips and don’t have family or romantic relationships. It turns out the newly arrived Kar’Kali team’s suppressor chips are malfunctioning and Kila, our hero, experiences that first-hand when he finds himself inexplicably drawn to their assigned Earth Handler, Ella. Normally, the virgin hero wouldn’t even look twice at a female for romantic reasons, let alone get an erection every time he thinks of her, but now Ella is on his mind all the time and all he wants is to spend time with her, be close to her, and keep her safe.

I loved Kila and his need and love for Ella, and they were a perfect pairing together. Ella was a nice and sweet heroine who reacts with the expected confusion one would have when faced with an alien species’ mating call, but also keeps an open-mind and values Kila for the loving warrior he is. It’s also really fun seeing Kila learn about Earth and our Earth ways.
Before I take a sip, an idea strikes me, a possible explanation for my physical response to her body.

“Are you planning on sexually propositioning me?” I ask her. “Perhaps, emitting a pheromone to entice me?”

She blinks and her mouth falls open. “I—I … I’m sorry—WHAT?”

I take a long drink of water, hoping it will indeed make me feel more myself again. “I suppose that is a ‘No’?”

“Oh my G-d,” she sighs. “I guess I have my work cut out for me on this project. No, I wasn’t planning on propositioning you. I hope that’s not how you start all your friendly conversation.”

“No,” I explain. “Your appearance has triggered a physical response in me.”

“Oh …” Her cheeks begin to flush a pretty shade of pink, and her mouth twitches. Those wide blue eyes flicker, dropping to glance at the front of my pants. “That sounds like a personal problem.”
Profile Image for Sarandah chrysalis.
505 reviews53 followers
December 4, 2021
Had some very sweet and sexy moments, plenty of humorous ones. BUT. Was not prepared for it to devolve into grim torture and violence near the end, would have appreciated some kind of content warning, it really shook me after such a lighthearted story. I couldn’t stomach the final 10%
Profile Image for Tamara.
92 reviews22 followers
April 11, 2024
2 🌟

I didn’t love this. I actually had to sit on the review for a few days because I didn’t have anything nice to say at first, so I think I will keep it fairly brief.

Ella (h) and Kila (H) meet when his alien research team come to Earth to study human mating practices. Earth is now part of a much wider alien network, where most humans have accepted life under an alien council, but there are some outliers who resist the changes.

I liked the general concept of this, just not so much the execution. Kila was a nice H, but most of the relationship building was centred around their physical attraction and so I don’t think we got to know him as well as I’d have liked. I ~think~ the author was trying to be empowering when she made the h a sexual person and the H a virgin. However, this was immediately negated by the fact that the h refers to herself as “easy”, which in my mind is pretty derogatory, and rubs all her previous experience in the H’s face.

I also felt like Ella was leading Kila on by allowing him to take her on a date and being physical with him when she knew that their mate bond would be all-consuming for him, and yet she had this mentality of “oh I want some alien dick so what harm could one weekend do?”. Like, so much harm if you decide you don’t want him??

Anyways, while this was a miss for me I do think other people will enjoy it so I recommend giving it a try.

H a virgin, h very experienced.
No ow drama.
No true om drama - om is interested in h but it’s not reciprocated. h threatens to call her regular hook-up/s when H refuses to have sex with her and just generally refers to her past partners and experience more than I care for. If it was a H speaking that way, I would have immediately DNF’d and came close in this.
September 23, 2023
New author. So, new author qualification.

They fall into one of three categories:

💚 Meaning: Happy to read this author again.
🟡 Meaning: I'll need to read one more book to decide
⛔ Meaning: Nope (pretty self-explanatory)

I thought this book would have breeding-kink and maybe even a surprise pregnancy.

Given that originally they wanted to study human reproduction to help with their own dwindling population, I thought it was a given. Add to that the mass genocide of their species, then we have the perfect combination.

I was wrong.

Additionally, this takes place on Earth, and beside the eyes-turning-black thing, Kila didn't feel very alien. He is supposed to be a virgin and not know feelings, but to me it came across as 'science guy/nerd learns socially skills/how to bang' trope. Not alien, just inexperienced. He secretes magical saliva and the only time we read about the full effects in details they don't do the dirty. They talk about advanced technology, but the only thing 'advanced' we see is the 'microwave', a sort of full body scanner. What's the point of writing an Alien Romance if there's nothing alien about it?

Conclusion: ⛔
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sesshkyaah.
234 reviews8 followers
October 7, 2021
Hero is a virgin, heroine is not.
Fated mates trope
Happy ending
No self induced angst from assumptions
Yummy alien stud going into beast mode!🙌🏻🙌🏻
Steamy smex scenes, once you go alien there’s no going back 😔💯👌🏼
No cheating, no other man/woman.

I like it~
Not your typical alien-race-lacks-uterus tropes.
The planet of Kar’Kali has a low birth rate and sends 5 warrior-scientists to Earth to study reproduction due to similar anatomy between humans and them.

+1 star
HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE REFERENCE! ❤️❤️ I love howl’s moving castle so that’s a super bonus for me!! ☺️☺️

Would I re-read this again on my free time? Unfortunately no. It has a good plot and entertaining story, but it still lacks that last bit of magic for me. 😔

Definitely recommend to read it at least once!!
Onto the next book!

P.s. I can’t wait until Vala’s book comes out! He’s the biggest amongst the 5~ ooh la la
Profile Image for L.P..
Author 25 books155 followers
January 5, 2021
Love it!

Seriously, you should definitely pick this up. It’s well written and the story is so good. You won’t regret it.
Profile Image for ChanelReads.
59 reviews38 followers
January 4, 2023
Star Rating:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Spice Scale:🌶️🌶️/5
Darkness Scale:🖤/5
Burn: 🔥🔥 Med

Series: Virgin Warriors of Kar’Kal #1
Standalone: Yes
Ending: HEA
POV: Dual (1st)
KU?: ✔️

“I guess being attracted to me is a real hardship for him. This realization makes me want to laugh, but I decide it’s better to hide that, since he is so serious about all this. I don’t know how to react; I’m completely in shock. I’ll have to talk to Jen and find out how the heck to navigate a Kar’Kali crush without causing an intergalactic moral panic. Kar’Kali that succumb to sexual desires are excommunicated, so for Kila there is real reason to be fearful, even if the whole situation would be comical to any human.”

🪐 On-Earth
🪐 Alien Romance
🪐 Fated Mates

Tropes: Alien-Invasion, On-Earth, Workplace-Romance, Virgin-Hero, Fated-Mates, Jealous-Hero, Protective-Hero, Badass-Heroine

Kinks/Spice Details: N/A

Thoughts: I usually go into books blind and I’m especially glad that I did with this one because I was pleasantly surprised by how different this book was from any other alien romance I’ve read. For starters, this one takes place on earth, an alien research facility located in a futuristic New Jersey to be specific. I don’t think I’ve read a sci-fi romance where the entire story takes place on earth and it was refreshing to have the change in setting.

The heroine, Ella works at the facility and is tasked with assisting a group of former Kar’Kali warriors research human mating habits in hopes of finding a solution for their people’s dropping birth rates. Ella had a practical and sassy attitude that really added life to the story. Though she was brutally honest and spoke her mind freely, she was warm and compassionate, and incredibly open-minded.

Though like most books in this genre, the fated-mates trope was a major factor in this storyline, however there was no insta-love from the hero, which caught me by surprise. The Kar’Kali people have been living in a state of war for a long time, which has required that they go through strange child-raising practices to produce skilled warriors. The Kar’Kali also are embedded with chips that reduce the intensity of their emotions and of course suppress their mating bonds to avoid distracted warriors.

When arriving on earth their chips fail; for the first time in their lives, they begin feeling their genuine emotions. Kila’s chip was the first to malfunction when he immediately was hit with foreign feelings of attraction when he met Ella. It took him a long time to move past his embarrassment and shame towards his natural emotions and it was enjoyable to go along on his journey of change and accepting himself as he is.

Overall this was a solid read and I enjoyed the fresh take on the tropes I commonly read in alien romances. This was unique and I definitely am interested in reading more by this author 🔥

Profile Image for queerdo.
310 reviews
January 8, 2022
TLDR high-key recommend to any fans of ruby dixon!

i read all three within two days - itching for the next one! (tell me there’s a next one?)

comparable to ruby dixon’s wonderful “ice planet barbarians” series, in the way that it is at once pretty ridiculous smut and also well-written & cognizant of the reader.

it’s less comparable when it comes to the escape factor - this series takes place mostly on earth, albeit as a colonized planet, & the daily life-stuff described in the book is pretty damn familiar. and there’s definitely a “big global event” in the present/recent past, but instead of a pandemic, it’s a ‘united nations’-esque group of aliens/governments (aka “the alliance”) taking over the reigns.

in terms of the big global event/its impact on daily life: this book takes place in south jersey, presumably in the pine barrens, in a science lab funded by the alliance. outside of the lab/campus, life seems pretty normal - it’s not like the UN plays a big role in small south jersey towns IRL, & the alliance seemingly has a similar presence in the town outside of campus/lab staff. which is to say, barely any presence.

super super fascinating is the presence of the anti-alliance/anti-alien protestors/conspiracy theorists, which definitely draws from anti-vaxxer/covid-19 conspiracy theorist groups IRL. the feelings of anxiety/fatigue/over-it-ness that this group generates for the main characters is super familiar, and honestly a relief to see reflected in the text, on some level.

some issues present -

1. i think the author should offer a fair amount of cw/trigger warnings, similar to ruby dixon, though i think dixon’s are gathered via responses from readers & with fewer readers here, there’s less help on what should be outlined in the cw/tw.

2. very white, very able-bodied, very cishet ‘cast’ of human romantic interests. i get that the whole “mating call” is (at present) what’s driving the pairings, and that’s so that babies get made, but i’d really love to see some new development on the kar’kali’s research/understanding of what they call the “mating call”, or the mating call’s evolution influenced by new circumstances, on maybe how “mating” isn’t the biological imperative to reproduce, but can rather also appear in older/infertile couples AND queer couples **without the use of mPreg plot-lines** (we don’t need more breeders, thanks). (i’ve been reading quite a few co-authored books that have turned out really well, which means that the author wouldn’t necessarily have to tackle this alone!)
Profile Image for Nevena.
731 reviews17 followers
May 20, 2022
🔥 “Watch me when I claim you.”
Ella works as a Handler at the local research facility and is teaching aliens the human ways. I loved how kind, caring and compassionate she is. Even more, I loved her snark and sarcasm. She’s one amazing, strong and brave woman and I loved her very much.

Kila is one of the five Kar’Kali warriors sent to Earth to research human mating practices in order to find a solution to the drop in Kar’Kali birth rates. He’s one strong, dangerous, cold, fiercely protective and loyal male. And he’s dealing with so much anger and guilt. But, oh, how things change when his emotion-dampening chip malfunctions.

I absolutely loved everything that happened between Ella and Kila. The transformation Kila went through was amazing and I loved every step of his journey through emotional and physical self-discovery. He went through so many phases - denial, shock, awe and acceptance - and I loved that Ella was right there by his side. And I really loved the time they spent together and that both were unapologetic about their feelings for one another. Their romance might have been forbidden according to the Kar'Kal culture but, nevertheless, it was blazing hot and full of passion. Who could have thought that the virgin warrior would turn out to be such a possessive and dirty-talking cinnamon roll? Their road to happiness was definitely not an easy one and both had to deal with a lot. But Ella and Kila were an absolutely perfect match and I absolutely loved them.

In addition, the worldbuilding and the storyline were fantastic. I really liked alien-occupied Earth with all the different alien races living together with the humans. And loved the Kar'Kali with their unique culture. Even more, the suspense and twists kept me glued to the pages till the very end.

Overall, the story is a magnificent start of the series. It’s filled with humor, suspense, danger, fast-paced action, drama, twists, steamy romance and wonderful characters.

I loved it and cannot wait to see what happens next!
171 reviews
November 3, 2020
Ella is proud to work as a liaison between humans and the many new alien species who now frequent Earth. Her latest assignment is five Kal'Kari researchers who wish to study Terran reproduction in order to better understand the dwindling fertility on their own planet. Implanted with hormone suppressors at birth, the warrior scientists are shocked when Kila starts exhibiting "deviant" behavior in response to Ella. She's not averse to exploring their connection, but mounting threats by anti-alien factions may ensure that their potential romance never sees the light of day.

At first, I was worried about where this story would go because it came across as a bit immature and slow. I'm so happy that I stuck it out because once the ball got rolling, it never slowed down. At first, the Kal'Kari males just seemed like varying levels of frigid, but their distinct personalities were revealed in time. Of course, Kila's character got the most development due to his interactions with Ella. She was a champ at going with the flow and never let anything faze her for long. It's no wonder that she was so good at her job. I really appreciated that both Kila and Ella got the chance to show off their unique skillsets when the situation called for it.

This book set in motion a number of plots which are sure to have a profound impact throughout the series. The ending felt somewhat abrupt, but there was a tease for the sequel. Because Ella and Kila will certainly continue to be relevant, I have no doubt that their relationship will keep on developing on the sidelines. I'm definitely curious to find out where the author will go from here.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Spinneretta.
2,574 reviews14 followers
November 30, 2020
Kila and Ella

Ella works for an alien research outpost on Earth as a handler, a human who acts as an intermediary between humans and aliens.
Kila is a scientist for the Kar’Kal, studying the effects of mating.
When Kila meets Ella, suddenly he realizes he is feeling emotions his suppressor chip should be preventing, and Ella finds the idea of showing the alien just what he is missing, an irresistible temptation.

This book, first in a series, introduces us to a world in which aliens are present on Earth, and trying to save both their own and the human race.
There are some big things going on in the background story, that affect our alien hero and his friends in a big way. It’s a gripping storyline, which is a good thing, because I initially disliked Ella a lot.
At first, Ella comes across as a rather selfish person. She seems to have very little empathy, and never shows any real signs of understanding the confusion and disorientation that Kila is feeling. She does go to bat for him, and shows some empathy after a big event, but for the most part I found her rather annoying.
Fortunately the background story made up a lot for the heroine’s deficiencies, and after she had annoyed me, it was curiosity about what was going on in the background that kept me reading.
The big events that happen there, and later, seem to wake Ella up some, and she begins to mature a lot, and open herself up more so that in the latter half of the book she’s a much better character.
Kila, on the other hand, was sweet (although definitely alpha). His confusion over the feelings he was experiencing and his attempts to understand human mating protocols were amusing.
This was definitely set up for subsequent books, and will probably be a very good series.
Profile Image for Wendy.
842 reviews142 followers
December 31, 2021
Well, if my jam is virgin heroes and this whole series is called “Virgin Warriors of Kar’Kal” then it stands to reason this should be great for me. Right? Right! It actually was, no sarcasm here!
I loved how innocent he was. I love her job (showing aliens around and getting them acclimated to earth life and human culture).

And most alien romance/erotica give the alien something unique about their business. This guys was different than all other books and by far my favorite. If I had to pick my favorite alien sex accessory, this is what I pick. (Here is a hint, it is not in his pants!)

I love when the virgin is as virginal as possible. Like Ella says:
“I suppose I could tell him what to do like he asked, but I find I’d rather watch what he comes up with for the moment.”

I liked it all until his mating instinct kicked in and suddenly he can last a long time and make her come first before he finishes. Even though this is only the third ejaculation of his LIFE! He can hold off for a monster session that includes changing positions!? Really?!

But otherwise, I loved the book and am jumping into book 2 immediately.

Virgin rating:
Innocence of virgin hero: 5/5 - never had an erection until he met her
Innocence in losing it: 4.5/5 - no idea what to do until the last moments
Build up to losing it: 5/5
Hotness of losing it: 5/5
Busted touching himself: not busted but there are 2 scenes about it
POV of losing it: male
Profile Image for S.
Author 10 books19 followers
August 5, 2022
Cute, Spicy, Alien Romance

Alien’s Handler is an adorably cute alien romance. Monogamous, fated mates, setup but not exactly “Insta-love”.

The spice is well done and portrays a v-card guy believably. I’d give it three out of five peppers. Takes times to get there, and is fairly vanilla, while still entertaining.

Story wise, the action scenes are spectacular, as are the descriptions of the guys in the alien research team. Ella (our leading lady) has some character development, but the main changes are in the aliens, specifically Kila (Ella’s mate).

See, this team of researchers have come to Earth to study their mating habits in the hopes to create something that will assist with their breeding. While relationships exist on their home planet, it’s all sterile breeding. Test tube babies. Created and developed fully in a lab, implanted with a hormone suppressing chip, then sent off to train in facilities. Their planet is at war, and they need more soldiers.
Ella is the teams “Handler”, their PR person, personal assistant, and guide for all things Earth. Right off the bat, things are strained, because Kila’s hormone suppressing chip is malfunctioning in her presence. He tries to ignore his feelings, obviously it doesn’t work, then things in his home planet turn dire.
Profile Image for Phoebe Cook.
51 reviews
November 6, 2023
Okay it was really fun and enjoyable and I did like reading it, but I had too many problems for it to be above average for me.

The world building/alien explanation was just way too confusing it was so hard to get a grip on. There were parts where they tried to explain their world to Ella and therefore to the reader, but it doesn’t help if you just use loads of alien words!!! Still don’t know what it all means! I kind of glazed over for those parts, waiting to get back to the romance part.

Despite the series title and description, a lot less spicy than I thought it would be as well.

My biggest problem was probably that Kila was a very very very confident virgin?? He seemed to know exactly what to do, last a lot longer than I expected and he literally made her scream with pleasure? The first time he had sex ever? He was immediately very dominant as well-asked her to show him what to do and then instantly forgot he asked and just started taking the lead? EVEN THOUGH HE DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO DO DURING SEX LIKE TEN MINUTES BEFOREHAND????

Anyway yeah, three stars for enjoyable and fun but too many things to stop it being above average.
781 reviews1 follower
November 3, 2020
Did not expect to like this. Glad I was wrong. Ella and her family's life is better since the aliens came. She has a job that she loves helping them understand Earth culture. When shes given her new assignment, things start to get weird. The Kar’Kalis aren't supposed to have emotions, but Ella and Kila keep finding themselves staring at each other drawn to each other and he keeps asking her questions about sex (????) The chemistry between them is off the charts! These warriors, turned scientists are also facing a threat that might be their undoing . Action, adventure and a HEA. A really great read.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
3,864 reviews8 followers
November 6, 2020
This well-written book 1 in the Virgin Warriors of Kar’Kal Book Series was intriguing as it has very well-thought out scenes and story plots. These characters have very strong wills and personalities and their interactions are believable.This wonderful story has the following: intrigue, twists, turns, adventure, action, humans, aliens, love, steam and a HEA. This book in the Virgin Warriors of Kar'Kal Series is about a team of scientists from a warrior race that discover the mating call of their ancestral culture is not as suppressed as they thought it was. One by one they will fall victim to their fated mate, and all the unpredictable feelings that come with her and their mating.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Amanda books_ergo_sum.
445 reviews61 followers
February 24, 2024
Loved it! This alien romance was just a riot. I couldn’t stop laughing and I was doing that thing where you’re face-palming but also smiling the entire time.

Because this alien guy was so STUPID. In the funniest way.

Set on a post-first-contact earth, these aliens were simultaneously the most badass special-ops assassin guys and the sweetest baby angel clueless virgins. With a heavy dash of Buddy the Elf. Or the dog from Up 😂

And our human heroine was an “alien handler” aka it was her job to explain the most basic earth culture to aliens and help them avoid any major PR nightmares. Basically, it was her job to handle the chaos of this book like a champ.

And their whole fated mates journey was comedy gold.
Profile Image for Bookishgames.
205 reviews73 followers
February 27, 2023
Histoire : ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Personnages : ⭐️⭐️/5
Spice : 🌶🌶🌶/5

Une romance alien qui se lit rapidement, mais qui reste très en surface. La prémisse est drôle et légère, c'est ce que j'ai le plus apprécié. Par contre, le insta-lust/insta-love est vraiment intense et ça m'a refroidit 😅

Les personnes sont assez bancales, on a pas vraiment de développement. Ils sont sympas, mais sans plus. Peu de choses les caractérisaient.

Quant au spice, il y en a pas mal. Les scène sont assez basiques pour une romance alien (les aliens sont humanoides, juste plus grand, la peau grise et les yeux noirs) 🤷‍♀️

Honnêtement, j'ai préféré Ice Planet Barbarian, c'est pour dire.
Profile Image for DemetraP.
4,929 reviews
September 12, 2023
I liked the book but I had a few issues with it. I enjoyed how obsessed with her the hero is. I like the research he does so he can be a wonderful lover. I liked how he watched movies to figure out what love meant.

S. The bad aliens, the Azza, invaded the hero's planet and killed everyone. We are told the entire species is wiped out except for whatever aliens were not on the planet at the time. The hero and his friends are devastated. The weapon was developed on Earth as an accident when they were researching something else.

I wanted an alien romance. Not to read about genocide. It was horrible to see this plot development.
Profile Image for Jenny.
534 reviews21 followers
January 15, 2021

I like the angle of this story. Usually we get sci-fi romance where the human women are taken to an alien planet one way or another. This one, the aliens come to Earth and attempt to assimilate one way or another. The secondary plot is intriguing as well. Ella is a Handler at a research facility, she usually helps the aliens adjust to Earth life. Kila is a warrior turned scientist who came to Earth with his fellow Kar'Kali scientists to research reproduction. This is a fated mates, the alien is a Virgin, and the heroine is strong yet sweet.
Profile Image for Grey's Books.
604 reviews5 followers
March 22, 2022

A decent sfr. The setup - virgin aliens with chips controlling their emotions researching human sex - lent itself to a decent number of laughs. There’s actual time for the characters to get to know each other and form a relationship. Then a dose of danger a bit on the dark side (heroine is cut & hit) before a HEA. My problem with this one is simply that it failed to really draw me in and hold my attention. I found my mind wandering.
Profile Image for Shannon Cameron.
848 reviews6 followers
November 2, 2020
Extremely imaginative and inventive. If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like if aliens were to show up, this takes you to a point about five years after. I really loved the ideas the author brought forward about how both humans and other races would get to know each other’s customs.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 64 reviews

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