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Mels Carmichael, reporter for the Caldwell Courier Journal, gets the shock of her life when a disheveled man stumbles in front of her car outside the local cemetery. She pays a visit to the stranger in the hospital, but the only thing he remembers of his past is seeing a name written on a headstone: that of Jim Heron — a fallen angel charged with rescuing souls from the seven deadly sins.

His amnesia is just the kind of mystery she likes to solve, but she soon discovers they're over their heads with his past. Over their heads with passion, too… As shadows walk the line between reality and another realm, and her lover's memory begins to come back, the two of them learn that nothing is truly dead and buried.

For as Mels struggles to help this mysterious stranger rediscover himself, Heron himself returns to prepare for a battle between good and evil. And Mels and her love find themselves trapped in a no-holds-barred war between angels and demons. With a soul on the line, and Mels's heart at risk, what in heaven — or in hell — will it take to save them both?

502 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2012

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About the author

J.R. Ward

211 books50.5k followers
J.R. Ward is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of numerous novels, including the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. She lives in the South her family.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,081 reviews
February 3, 2018
What do you get when you have ....

some spoilers

1 an impotent hero
2 a heroine that doesn't stand by her man
3 a plot that doesn't really move forward but feels stuck
4 and lastly an angel that has sex with a gross rotten fleshed demon not because he has too, but just because she made him so mad his dick got hard and it happened...... Even though he hates said demon and is obsessed with a dead girl.

You got a boring meh read that is what you got! And that is what this book is
Profile Image for Buggy.
534 reviews688 followers
October 16, 2012
Just noticed that this series is switching to a hardcover release!

Which pisses me off. I'm not sure I'm invested enough in Ward's angels to shell out the $$ for hardcover especially when I'll just end up replacing it in PB so my series is all matchy, matchy. (Yeah I know) Damn I hate when publishers do this.

So far this series isn't up to BDB standards, and what I mean by that is that I've yet to reread any of the books whereas my BDB's are trashed, I've reread them several, several times so it doesn't hurt so much having 2 copies.

I wonder if this wiil damage sales?

3.5 ~Real Review to follow~
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,474 followers
April 17, 2018
Sometimes I can't see eye-to-eye with J.R. Ward. She's like a date that keeps taking you to all of these awesome places, and then one night she takes you to Waffle House, and you're like, "What the hell?" So, you're not too sure about this date thing anymore, but then she takes you to Benihana and you're like, "Okay, we're cool again." Then, back to Waffle House. So, your left wondering if she thought you liked the Waffle House experience, which then makes you wonder, "Does she even get me at all?"

Okay, maybe you get me a little bit.

This book has a little Waffle House going in it. First of all, we basically have a re-do of a previous book. Jim is supposed to save the exact same guy that he was assigned before. I feel like if you can't come up with something new in a book #4 out of 7, there's trouble a brewin'.

Secondly, I'm still not getting why we are being forced into this idea that Jim is completely in love, and obsessed with a 19 yr old girl that he spoke with for 30 seconds - in hell - who seemed to have the mental capacity of a kindergarten kid with PTSD. I mean, no judgement for her, she is in hell after all, but WHY does Jim have this bizarre obsession with her? He's willing to throw over all of humanity for this one girl. And, frankly, he puts her in a hell of a lot more danger because of his obsession. One way to make sure the devil treats her badly? Make sure she knows that you are in some sort of creepy-love thing with the girl. You do know that the devil will not play fair, right?


So, those were some waffley problems for me. And, I just know that we are going to get some big Jim and Sissy epic love story down the road. In other words - another Waffle House date. I am just wondering if I'm willing to keep on dating this series.
And, yes, the girl's name is freaking Sissy. Sissy! If that doesn't make a man's penis shrivel, I have serious questions about him.

Profile Image for Shawna.
3,655 reviews4,712 followers
September 26, 2012
3 ½ stars – Paranormal/Urban Fantasy Romance

I’m an avid, loyal J.R. Ward fan and love the Fallen Angels series, but this was a bit disappointing. It just didn’t have the same oomph like the previous books, and I wasn’t as invested in the story or characters this time around. The dark, edgy, biting snarkasm that’s one of Ward’s trademarks seemed lacking in this, and overall it honestly fell kind of flat for me. I’m not going to write a full review, but needless to say I was expecting more, especially considering the steep $16.23 that I paid for it.

But I have absolutely no doubt that Ward’s next (much anticipated release) Lover At Last will make up for this...and then some!

Profile Image for Sammy Loves Books.
1,137 reviews1,642 followers
November 13, 2015
Gah! I was really looking forward to this one.
But it was just Meh. A sure cure for insomnia.
A solid 2.5 star read.

Matthias is a pawn in the battle of good vs evil.



His will face a cross roads, and his decision will determine the winner of round four. The game continues and the battle to save souls continues as Jim Heron and Devina try to out maneuver each other.

Devil in a red dress, Devina

The demon, Devina, cheated during the last battle by breaking rules. So this battle is basically a do over. Matthias gets a second chance at redemption also since he totally chose evil during the last round.

What a chore this book was to read. I kept falling asleep. It was a bad sign when I started itching to skim pages. There were assassins out to kill Matthias and I really enjoyed those brief bits of action. I also enjoyed the chemistry between Mathias and the heroine. I refer to her as the heroine, because I keep forgetting the name, Mels.

Mels was a reporter, and was overly suspicious of her lover, Matthias. I couldn't relate to her need to investigate EVERYthing Matthias confided in her. I lost all respect for her when she left him after a night of making love, just to report him to the police for a crime she suspected he had committed. Matthias was honest, loyal, and selfless in all his actions towards Mels. She was distrustful, conniving, and selfish in her dealings with Matthias.

Oh and the couple's HEA took place in the epilogue. It was too little, too late. I wish I could have the time I spent on this book back.
Profile Image for UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish.
1,097 reviews1,699 followers
November 20, 2015

Exciting, funny, heartbreaking, uplifting, romantic, sexy... Rapture, the fourth book in J.R. Ward's The Fallen Angels series, is all that and more.

I've enjoyed, even loved, every book in the series so far, but there's something about this story - about Matthias - that drew me in and kept me totally engrossed in his tale, first page to the last. I've never met a man more unworthy of salvation and yet, at the same time, more deserving of redemption.

I laughed, I cried, I sighed, and I wanted it to never end... this is, beyond a doubt, my favorite book in the series, and one of my favorites in the PNR/Fallen Angel genre.

My only complaint? That I have so long to wait for more.
Profile Image for Lora.
186 reviews1,023 followers
March 8, 2013
3.5 stars I definitely enjoyed this one more than the first two installments in this series; my opinion of it is more along the lines of my thoughts on book 3. Full review to come.
Profile Image for Karen.
814 reviews1,193 followers
August 6, 2013
For me, J. R. Ward = 5 STARS!!! Another Fallen Angel story, and I have yet to be disappointed!!!

Jim Heron and his wingman, Adrian Vogel once again take on Devina, the evil she-demon in round four of the fight for good and evil!!! This particular battle is a redo for Jim's former XOps boss and nemesis Matthias Hault, who had recently been condemned to Hell after the loss of battle no. 2 with Devina.

Mels Carmichael, a young reporter for the Caldwell Newspaper, is sucked into the story, after she accidentally hits Matthias with her car outside of the Pine Grove Cemetery, where he wakes up after doing his time in Hell. Confused and weak, Matthias finds himself waking up in a hospital, unable to recall who he is or how he arrived in this situation. He wakes to the vision of Mels at the foot of his bed, apologizing for the accident. There is an instant connection between them, and he will come to rely on her generosity to help him find out who he is and where he came from.

It isn't long before Jim Heron, the 'Golden Boy' for the good, is back on the scene. As round four starts to unwind, Matthias is now at the center of the battle. This time, Matthias must chose the correct path at the crossroads of the challenge. Although, now, Jim becomes aware of the impact that Mels has made on his former boss, and will soon realize that she may be the key to winning the battle.

The story is involved and quite complicated. This is not a stand alone book, but with the background of the previous stories, this one fits in perfectly and advances the on-going battle to yet another level. There are many twists and turns in the story that are completely unexpected, and a couple of really hot sex scenes, as Matthias and Mels find themselves falling in love. Watching their relationship unfold was so amazing. Him being a soulless psychopath of past, and her genuine innocence coming together was so unexpected, and beautiful to behold.

"Maybe he could somehow get back to Mels and let her know that angels existed. Because he knew that now. She was one of them."

"I'm finding it increasingly difficult not to think of you as mine....You are a strong woman and you can take care of yourself-but that doesn't mean I'm not going to have all the stereotypical guy reactions when my female gets hurt or endangered. I'm impotent, but I'm not genderless."

"When it came to you, and being with you, I always told the truth-that was real, the only real I've ever had."

"I fell in love with you. I am a monster--it's true. But I opened my eyes in that hospital and the second I saw you...everything changed. I went after you...because I am in love."

Then there is Adrian Vogel.. if you are an Ad fan, you will not be disappointed here... until maybe the end. His self-less act left me completely STUNNED!!!!

I really loved the story!!! I am completely addicted to J R Ward's witty male-speak! And the quotes...priceless!!!! I highly recommend this series, especially to J R Ward and BDB fans!!! I'm giving this one 5 stars... as usual.

This is how I see Matthias...
Chris Evans photo images-7.jpg

My Mels...
 photo images-2copy.jpg

Jim Heron...
Marco Dapper photo marco_dapper4.jpg

Adrian Vogel...
Thierry Pepin photo tumblr_m02hj0rgpH1qg22hlo1_500.jpg

Eddie Blackhawk...
 photo Eddie.jpg

and Devina...
 photo beautiful_women_09-2.jpg

Profile Image for Saimi Vasquez.
1,685 reviews85 followers
January 7, 2023
Mathias no puede creer que vaya a tener una segunda oportunidad, no puede creer que se haya liberado de ese infierno de almas torturadas. Y ahora esta de regreso en la tierra, y solo sabe que debe moverse, pero un accidente de trafico lo deja de nuevo en un hospital, pero esta vez conoce a una hermosa mujer. Su atraccion por la mujer es muy fuerte, pero sabe que tiene que dejarla, su vida corre peligro, sabe que en cualquier momento va a volver al infierno por la mano de alguno de los que fueron sus operativos. Pero la atraccion que siente hacia esta mujer es muy grande, si tan solo pudiera tener la oportunidad de estar con ella una vez. Que pasaria si pudiera mantenerse vivo? Realmente ella podria ser su proxima oportunidad? Podria el ser capaz de ser bueno y no ir al infierno de nuevo?
Mientras Jim sigue con su lucha del bien contra el mal, ahora debe apoyar a Mathias y ayudarlo a entender que el tiene el poder de hacer el bien, que puede estar con quien quiera en la tierra si solo se da cuenta de sus errores y rectifica. Pero Jim tambien tiene el dolor por no haber podido recuperar el alma de Sissy, y no sabe como lograr de Devina la libere, y Devina se aprovecha de eso, asesinando mujeres parecidas a ella para que nunca olvide la tortura que la joven esta sufriendo en en infierno. Que sera capaz de hacer Jim para liberarla?

Con la pareja de este libro si senti la relacion, la quimica, la personalidad de la prota, senti el conflicto de Mathias y de Adrian, y senti como Jim se volvia cada vez mas oscuro. Ahora la historia se vuelve cada vez mas interesante, Devina casi pasa a segundo plano, dando a entender que con lo que deben luchar los protas esta dentro de ellos, y eso me parece mucho mas natural y logico.
En fin, no creo que sea una de las mejores series del autor (me sigue gustando mas Black Dagger Brotherhood), pero tiene bastante emocion y una trama conjunta interesante y entretenida, asi que voy a continuar con la lectura para ver como se desarrolla el final de la historia.
Profile Image for Malissa Thurman.
75 reviews
October 9, 2012
Maybe I am a litte shallow, but I fail to be impressed by a main character that is as flawed as this guy. I don't get why he gets a second chance. I failed to feel any compassion for him and often while listening, wondered why Ward decided to make Mathias the F**r, as Jim calls him, the focus of this new novel. For most of the book she kept harping on how messed up he was, physically and morally. I mean seriously there was no fantastical visions in my head of Mathias - One eyed, limping, scarred and marred villain/heroin? Let me say I only listen to these because they are space savers for the BDB books(oh and I like the narrator), but after this one I may opt for books about Anthroplogy or Maps before investing in another Fallen Angels book. One more thing, the Jim and Divina "sitch" is just gross. Let's just have her described as a rotting corpse and then suit her up in pretty skin and hair and then describe her and Jim having sex. Truly gross.

As far as the female lead for this story, Mel, she was fair. I liked her okay. Too good for Mathias, so I did not get what attracted her to him. The tie in to me, was forced and ridiculous. It had the same as usual female tantrums and hurt feelings, blah, blah, blah. Made me want to virtually reach through the audiobook and smack her upside the head.

I am still a J.R. Ward fan and really enjoy her BDB books,but I am so disappointed that this series is not a love affair for me at all.
Profile Image for Buggy.
534 reviews688 followers
October 26, 2012
Opening Line: Grave. And not as in serious. As in headstone and freshly disturbed earth, as in body down under, as in ashes to ashes, dust to dust.”

I’m one of those obsessive JR Ward fans that knows the release date of her latest book about a year in advance and plans accordingly, rearranging my work schedule and blocking off several uninterrupted days to read it. If I’m honest though her Fallen Angels have never quite made it to the same level as her BDB boys however I did feel (at least with the last book (Envy) Ward had turned a corner with the series, as it was a fantastic read and really got me excited about what was to come. Unfortunately with this installment it just feels like we`ve gone back to square one because in the end I came away feeling underwhelmed and disappointed.

Don't get me wrong, it’s still ‘new’ Ward so it’s still all kinds of awesome but Rapture took me over a week to finish with sections where my mind wandered or I just felt like I’d read it all before. There wasn’t really anything new here with characters, traits and events that felt rehashed and a little too familiar along with a slow moving storyline and not a whole lot going on in the romance department. I also don`t feel like this book moved things forward; in fact I would go as far as to say that Rapture stalled, essentially taking the series nowhere.

Okay now that that’s out of the way. Rapture is book 4 in the Fallen Angels series following our angel Jim Heron as he battles the devil in the ultimate endgame of good vs evil. Jim has been chosen (by like GOD himself) to rescue the souls of seven people from one of seven deadly sins. If he fails so does all of humanity, so the stakes are pretty high. Currently he stands at a win of 2 to 1 with events in the last book hitting him hard as Devina (the devil) took out one of his team *sigh* Well and then there`s that little issue of him having sex with her, and oh that whole Sissy trapped in hell situation. Anyways.

As usual going in Jim (and the reader) don’t know whose soul is going to need saving. I have to say I was a little surprised to learn that previous bad boy Matthias was being resurrected here as the latest hero. Can’t say I liked him much before, but I wasn`t supposed to. Of course through clever writing Ward manages to transform him into, if not swoon-worthy at least redeemable enough that I felt for his plight.

We join Matthias as he wakes up naked on top of a grave (Jim’s) He has no memories of how he got there, in fact he has no memories at all which might actually be a good thing considering the type of life he lead before his little trip to hell. As the leader of XOps (a covert group of assassins) he was a bit of a monster and his body still has the scars to prove it.

So Matthias stumbles around the graveyard, getting used to his dysfunctional legs before wandering onto the road and getting hit by a car. Say hello to Mels Carmichael; reporter for the Caldwell Courier Journal, user of Beth’s coffee mug and romantic lead. Mels is your standard Ward heroine; little bit Jane, a dash of Griers, entirely forgettable but perfect for Matthias. And while their romance was fine it was nothing special, they did however seem to spend an exorbitant amount of time in hotels and restaurants or eating in general.

All the Wardisms are here, yup Ward's unique brand of slang and riddelesque product placement is in full bloom, which sometimes makes me laugh but also gets to be a bit much particularly in this series. “He’d come to the land of Lysol, piss-green tiles, and scales that were used to weigh brains and livers” -Um, couldn`t you just say morgue?

I’m surprisingly becoming a big fan of Devina, what with her ongoing therapy sessions, OCD, hoarding issues and school girl crush on Jim her POV`s are always a blast to read.

I also just have to mention Adrian; the sacrifice he makes here is so well... moving, it had me way more invested then the whole crossroads climax that we had supposedly been waiting all book for. That was kind of meh, what did he do that for? Whereas Adrian, he broke me. Cheers peeps.
Profile Image for Keri.
2,075 reviews113 followers
January 27, 2016
This JRW book had a much "quiter" feel to it, than previous FA books. That isn't a bad thing, it was just something that I noticed. I think Devina was still reeling over the realization of her feelings for Jim. So this book is about Mattias and second chances and all about redemption. Mattias was an evil hated character in the other FA books. So I wasn't sure how JRW could possibly not only redeem him enough, but also turn him into hero material, but darned if she doesn't do it. Our story opens with Mattias waking up on top of Jim's grave and right there is where the door is opened for forgiveness. As he struggles to rememember how he got there, he ends up on the road where he is struck by Mels's car. So our love story begins.

Devina is present, but we don't have the explosive evilness that we have seen her perform in the past. Mattias has amnesia, so in a way this sheilds him from realizing just how evil he has become and the good that was in his heart(tiny though it was) to flourish. Finding love with Mels only helps it flourish. Devina knew that once Mattias's past comes to life, then Mels would run like a rabbit and her work would be done. The fly in the sticky ointment for me was the scene in the boat house with Jim and Devina...ewwwww...even I felt dirty after that scene. But a thin line and all of that, so I will have to let that slide and just go take a long hot scrubby shower. I wish that Mattias and Mels ending could have been just a bit beefed up, but I never get enough ending. I loved that we found out who Dog is and can't wait to see Eddie again. There were a lot of exciting references with Adrian and Devina. Where is this all going? Have no clue, but I am sure it is going to be a heck of a ride with JRW at the wheel...crazy woman driver. :-) I may come back and edit the review, but for now this is it. Looking forward to the next BDB and FA!
Profile Image for Auntee.
1,335 reviews1,444 followers
November 14, 2012
Guess what? This wasn't as bad as I'd feared. After reading lots of mixed reviews, I was expecting the worst. But despite some problems (mostly with my memory of where this series left off) I kind of enjoyed it. (I did have to skim some parts of Crave and Envy to get up to speed). Granted, it wasn't the best book of the series...aaannnnnd I had trouble remembering/loving the formerly evil hero (Matthias--who was referred as "that F***er Matthias" in previous books). Aaaaand there was the problem of the author having to redeem a former villain into a hero, which is not easy to do. Actually, my faulty memory of Matthias might have worked in my favor in this case. I mean, I remember him as being a bad guy, but I didn't remember the specifics...which maybe helped me to believe him as hero material? Anyhow, I do love J.R Ward's voice (although at times she was a little over-the-top with her "Ward-isms") and storytelling ability. Not once was I tempted to chuck the book...I just had to see where this was heading. I did like the heroine, newspaper reporter Mels, and of course I still love the Fallen Angels Jim and his sidekick Adrian (who really pulled off one surprisingly unselfish act in this book that amazed me). The romance between Mels and Matthias happened really fast, so you have to be able to go with it here, and there was sort of a creative aspect to their romance (). There were a couple of scenes that were really hot--Ward does these so well! Where the book disappointed me a bit was the lack of scenes with the evil- we-hate-to-love--Devina! Where was she? I find this character the most interesting/evil/gruesome of the whole series--when she's on the pages the book just comes alive.:) And oh, her sick relationship with Jim...:)

I think this captures the image of "is he evil/is he good" Matthias...

Devina...cloaked in the body she prefers...

Jim Heron...
Oh well, this one seems like it's going to be a bridge to some really good stuff coming up. Will Devina accept Jim's offer? What will become of Adrian? Will Jim ever get a chance with the woman he's obsessed with--Sissy? So yeah, there's lots to look forward to in this series. A possible 2-2 tie with maybe 3 more books to go? This is no BDB but I'm still in. 4 solid stars
Profile Image for Debra Johnson.
10.8k reviews171 followers
May 24, 2022
Rapture by J.R. Ward
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense
4 Stars

Great series.
I love this series.
J.R. Ward really knows how to make a reader become entranced with the story.
It's like you are a part of everything going on & you don't dare put the book down.

Our mc souls are Mels Carmichael and previous bad guy Matthias. Talk about a kick in the gut for Jim!

While I loved it all, all the characters and the story, it definitely was not my favorite.
I have to say my least favorite of the 4 I have read so far.

So much intrigue, suspense, twist & turns in this series.
It has definitely kept me engrossed and anticipating the next in the series.
Profile Image for Mary Beth.
110 reviews34 followers
Want to read
August 31, 2012
Seriously JR, 14.99 for an E-Book? It sucks that there are so many books I want to read but can't afford to. I will never understand how a book that you don't actually have to publish could be as much as the physical book.
Profile Image for Suzanne (Under the Covers Book blog).
1,745 reviews556 followers
September 27, 2012
I am in raptures over Rapture....excuse the bad pun, I just couldn't resist! Normally I start my reviews with a little blurb of the book, but I am far too excited and if you have read the books this far then you know the gig, good vs evil, angels vs demons and sexy bad ass Jim, possibly the hottest match maker in existence! In this book, Matthias makes a reappearance and gets a second chance to save his soul, with a little help from Jim and Adrian, not to mention Melissa Carmichael, the woman who accidentally runs him over on their first meeting. (Okay so I couldn't resist doing a little blurb!)

What I continue to love about this series is the mix of genres, romance far too often gets in the way of a fantastic plot and you are only reading in the end to get to that I-love-you moment with any background events just a plot device to get the characters together. And, although you could argue that this is exactly the same, after all Jim is saving the world with the power of luuurve, I find the events surrounding Devina, the hell bitch, Jim and co are what are propelling me from book to book rather then possibility of another HEA.

Not to say that the romance in this wasn't fantastic, with her usual bad ass male and kick ass, no nonsense female in action I avidly read their pages. JR really manages to give them chemistry that bounces off the page, leaving you forgetting that they have only known each other a few days as their emotions feel so genuine and soul deep.

But the action continues for Jim and co, and I felt Adrian made a real transformation in this book, he has already changed massively from Covet and it will be interesting to see where she goes from here with his character. As for Jim and Devina, the action has massively ramped up, their relationship is so twisted up and with that damn cliffhanger we were left with I can't even guess how it will all unravel!

JR has written Rapture with her usual flair for words and has added new twists and turns to her characters; this series just gets better and better and the only regret I have is that I read it so damned fast and now have another year to wait until the next in the series is out!
Profile Image for Pam Nelson.
3,586 reviews111 followers
February 5, 2019
I think this might be my favorite yet, the redemption that happens in this book really called out to me.
Matthias wasn’t a good person, and he knew his fate. What I loved is that he accepted it and was going to pay the price but before he does he has the chance to do good. He had the choice.

I think what I loved was he was already on his path and then Mel happens and poof a real honest to god good woman, and he wants to do right by her. Even if that means never seeing her again.
My heart can’t take this kind of swoon. I loved it, I loved it, I loved it!

Eric’s narration is really starting to grow on me. I guess it just took me so many books to appreciate him.
Profile Image for Mandi.
2,319 reviews727 followers
September 28, 2012
Please Note: The hero of this book has been kept pretty hush hush. If you want to go into the book with a totally clean slate, please don’t read this review.

Rapture is book four in JR Ward’s Fallen Angel series. I wasn’t a big fan of the first two, but the last book was an enjoyable read. Rapture falls down the middle. It is an okay book, slow at times, but continuing this battle between good and evil.

Matthias wakes up on top of a grave completely naked, and he has no memories of anything. He can’t remember, but as the reader if you are current with this series, you know he died and spent some time in hell, thanks to the ‘lovely’ Devina. But hell spit him back out, as it was decided he was to be a player in this game again. Matthias is the creator of the XOps, a very secretive group of assassins, and he hasn’t lived a very saintly life. But now with a clean slate of sorts, he kind of has a chance at redeeming himself. Or at least Jim Heron hopes so. Jim has been tasked by the Maker himself, to save the souls of seven people, hopefully meaning the good guys win and the world will continue to spin. Currently, the good guys have won two and lost one.

Confused, injured and just all around in bad shape, Matthias starts wandering around trying to find help. Instead, he wanders in a street and gets hit by a car. The driver, Mels Carmichael is frantic, as he just came out of nowhere. Mel is a reporter, and ends up investigating a few of the murders that Devina causes. Devina sets out to murder blonde haired women, hoping to remind Jim that his beloved blond hair girl, Sissy, is still writhing in Devina’s hell. With no money or friends, Matthias turns to Mels to help him figure out who he really is. Jim and Adrian get involved, knowing Matthias is the soul they must keep safe, if they are to win this war.

This book is on the slower side for me. Mels worked pretty well for me as a heroine and that is saying a lot because I’m not always a fan of Ward’s heroines. Matthias’s journey discovering himself all over again and dealing with some horrific memories when they do surface was interesting to watch. Their romance is a very slow one and one that frustrated me. Matthias physically can’t perform in the bedroom (he can’t get it up y’all!), so that hinders things for a long while. I’ve read every book JR Ward has written, and this is one of the least dirty/smutty. (boo!) But we are all holding out for Qhuay, right? *wink* (I can’t help myself)

Anyway! Jim is still plodding along, trying to win this war. We get a lot with Devina in this book. She is seeing a shrink and has a massive OCD issue. She confused me at some points. I mean, yes she is the evil one – the devil – but I feel like she outwits Jim and Adrian more than she should. She has never come across as super smart, and I don’t understand why she can get away with what she does. She isn’t a favorite character of mine for sure.

Speaking of Adrian, oh Adrian. Still so torn up over Eddie’s death. He goes to some dark places in this book. I wish we had gotten a lot more from him. I really like his character.

This book doesn’t necessarily have the ‘oomph’ factor I was expecting. It is slower with a romance that I wish had been bigger.

Rating: C
Profile Image for Olivia ツ.
751 reviews38 followers
September 18, 2012
In my opinion it took this series about two books to get into its own rhythm and find it's own entity away from Ward's other series -- although there is a cameo. After Envy, it was clear that the war was on. It wouldn't be a Ward story if it wasn't full of acronyms and pop/label/fashion references, things that some people find annoying. These don't bother me since it doesn't take away from the story development.

A summary of the story thus far: In Caldwell, NY Jim Heron is an XOps now angel that has been selected to fight in the contest for 7 souls. He is guided by the main angel Nigel and on earth has his sidekick Adrian and Dog. On the evil side is Devina. Devina is so evil I can't help but love her. She has OCD, low self-esteem, sees a therapist 5 times a week and of course is breathtakingly beautiful in her human form. The score thus far: Heaven 2, Hell 1

After Envy we knew this would be about Matthias. Jim's ex-boss and the only soul he has lost. A man that Jim has been convinced was born evil. Matthias meets reporter Mels and sparks fly immediately. As usual there are twist and turns as far as what the crossroad that Matthias will encounter really is. The other half of the story is about Adrian trying to keep it together after the devastating death of Eddie and Jim trying to figure out a way of getting his Sissy out of hell. The pace of the book was steady. SOme might consider it slow but I liked how it all just unraveled nicely. There were some good developments that have now left me eagerly waiting for book 5. So much of this is about Jim not losing his soul...

Oh... we also learn Dog's real identity. =)
Profile Image for Duchess Nicole.
1,270 reviews1,545 followers
April 8, 2013
This was on par with book one for me, sort of blah. Matthias had the potential to be a really dynamic character, and I felt that he WAS in earlier books. Evil or no, the dude blew himself up with a bomb! That's pretty memorable.

Mels started out a fairly interesting character, maybe because she took over Beth's (from the Black Dagger Brotherhood series) job at the Caldwell newspaper. In the opening scene, she hits a man with her car outside of a cemetery, and is so distraught that she sneaks into his hospital room to ensure his good health. One thing leads to another and she falls for the scarred, evil bastard who walks with a limp and has no memory of his life.

Matthias slowly gains his memories, and what he learns isn't good. Readers of the series know how truly cold and calculating he was in his former life. But we also know what happened to him when he was sent to hell to pay for his horrendous deeds. Is there anything worse you can imagine than being one of Devina's pets for months and months? That lady is disgustingly evil, with no remorse, and even worse plans for the future. The comic relief that is her therapy sessions and her OCD just feels odd and out of place. I mean, Ward is great at making bad guys into good guys (see: Matthias, BDB boys) but I can't ever see Devina being the forgivable type. After all, she IS the devil!

I'm big fan of Jim's but even he fell a bit flat for me. What is his purpose here? He lives to win this game, and also to save Sissy...whether or not he thinks he deserves her, she has become a huge part of why he wants to beat Devina. So what is he freaking thinking during this book? He's almost a different guy than he was in previous books.

Anyways, the book had a few action scenes, a few interesting points to move the series forward, but the plot to THIS book...winning Matthias' soul to the side of good...not so much. It felt directionless and pointless. I wanted to love Matthias, but couldn't. I'm really only glad that he and Mels got their HEA so that I can move to the next story and get more Jim and Sissy...possibly more Adrian? We'll see.
Profile Image for Jeann (Happy Indulgence) .
1,028 reviews5,427 followers
May 16, 2013
This review has been cross-posted on Happy Indulgence. Check it out for more reviews!

This is the first J.R. Ward book that I've read, and I'm already wondering what I'm missing out on due to the creativity and dark world building in Rapture, the 4th book of the Fallen Angels series.

The paranormal romance series is about a war between Heaven and Hell as Jim Heron, a fallen angel must save the souls of 7 people from the seven deadly sins. His opposition is Devina, a gorgeous, evil demon that has a hold over him. Each book focuses on a different person, and Rapture is about Mels Carmichael, a reporter who one day runs into Matthias, an amnesiac with supreme fighting skills.

As a typical alpha male, Matthias wants to protect Mels from the assassins that seem to be after him, but she's also a strong heroine who carries a hidden handgun and is trained in black belt skills. Mels is inextricably drawn to Matthias due to his broken soul, and they begin investigating a string of murders caused by the evil demon Devina. Unbeknownst to them, the murders are part of the power play between Jim Heron and Devina, who are battling it out to see whether Heaven or Hell will prevail. Each book will record a win or a loss against each side.

While I haven't read any of the previous books in the series, Rapture is relatively easy to follow (aside from the start) as we're slowly putting the pieces together for who Matthias he is and what he's done in the past. I do feel like some references are lost on me, for example the revelation between Dog and the significance of Sissy, but still enjoyed the title as a standalone.

J.R. Ward breathes new life in the angels and demons theme, with the angel struggling to resist the pull of the seven sins and the demon as an evil, gorgeous demon who is seeing a therapist for her OCD. I enjoyed the theme of salvation within Rapture, and look forward to reading the rest of the series.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher (courtesy of Readsplus) in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Ronda.
887 reviews166 followers
October 5, 2012
Another fantastic edition to the Fallen Angels series by our very own J.R. Ward!!!

I have to admit, Rapture didn't captivate me straight away, not like the previous books and it's not my favourite of them all either, however, I loved it, I found working and living my normal life an inconvenient interruption when all I wanted to do was see what Jim and Ad were up to...

I love Ad, I have from the beginning and I have to say the emotions in this book, especially towards the end, grabbed at me and I found myself wanting Ad to sort things out - just not in the way he did!!! I am still crushed at Ad losing the one thing that he loved, lived and fought for (can't say what that is here for those that haven't read the previous books), he remains almost half a man, now? I don't even know if we can call him that!

Jim, I adore Jim, but I wish he wouldn't get 'so' involved with Devina - ewwww

I did enjoy reading about Mels and her story and I did tear up, again towards the end. Her story is quite touching in a few places, what I didn't expect was what she ended up with and I'm not sure I can quite go with that one - but ....

In additions to that, I can't help thinking here that there was hardly any battle this time - the round seemed almost placid compared to their prior ones, I keep thinking, reminiscing and I am looking for something that I maybe missed with this book - oh don't get me wrong, I truly enjoyed it, I just feel that Rapture didn't live up to its predecessors.

The two questions I have to ask is - what happened? what is the score?

Bring out the next book already!!!!
Profile Image for ALPHAreader.
1,215 reviews
September 30, 2012
  Contains spoilers of all previous books in the ‘Fallen Angels’ series  

The odds are in their favour, but Jim Heron and his last remaining angelic aid, Adrian, are still fighting hard in the war against Good and Evil.

This time the soul in question belongs to Jim’s old XOps boss, the pathologically cruel Matthias who was a previously lost cause.

Matthias is back from hell and upon his return he’s involved in a car accident with Caldwell Courier journalist Mels Carmichael. Mels can’t forget about the John Doe she hit with her car and when the limping, scarred man admits to her that he has amnesia, he also asks for her help in finding who he is. Mels finds that she cannot refuse him, and it’s not just her guilty conscience pushing her to stay close to Matthias . . .

Meanwhile, evil beauty Devina is still rampaging mad that Jim duped her in the last souls round, and her payback will involve poking at the open-wound that is Jim’s little lost, virginal soul, Sissy. . .

‘Rapture’ is the fourth book in J.R. Ward’s ‘Fallen Angels’ series.

I swear, this fourth book in the ‘Fallen Angels’ series feels like a giant step back . . . which is such a shame after the four-star glory of third book, ‘Envy’. I have not been an easy fan of this series, but I will admit that the books had been getting progressively better from the lacklustre two-star first book ‘Covet’, each new book gaining a one-star improvement. But here we are with ‘Rapture’ and we’re backtracking. It was a mixture of slow plot, a too quick romance and the Warden yet again dragging her pen on the slow-as-molasses developing plot of Sissy and Jim that really put me off this book.

First of all, it felt like the Warden was not-so-subtly reminding fans of the ‘Fallen Angels’ timeline throughout this book. I marked the four odd times that characters alluded to the series timeline – from ‘Covet’ through to ‘Rapture’ – revealing that there has been only a span of about two weeks. A couple of weeks. That’s it. The Warden mentions it when Mels and Matthias investigate the electrocution/shooting death of Jim Heron – the fact that he has been dead for a little over two weeks. Now, I think part of the reason that the Warden made it a point to put a mark on the ‘Fallen Angels’ timeline is to reveal the real urgency in the Heaven vs Hell competition. This urgency is actually part of the reason I have never really enjoyed the romances in the ‘Fallen Angels’ series – because they are very quick; Jim and Devina are fighting tooth and nail for these lost souls, and that urgency translates to all of the romances in which the men need the love of a good woman to save their soul.

Luckily the Warden has shied away from out-right ‘love at first sight’ clichés, but it has been a close thing. With Matthias and Mels, for example, he feels a stirring for her when she comes to visit him in hospital – but it’s more seeing her head-strong journalist self that really turns him on. But, all in all, the quick-fire romances have never really worked for me and that’s again true with Matthias and Mels. Never mind that following the same tropes in every single book is growing a wee bit old – lost guy’s soul needs to find his one true love to get a win for heaven. Slight yawn. Bigger yawn in ‘Rapture’ because Matthias and Mels’s physical relationship has strong echoes of Rehvenge and Ehlena’s romance in ‘Lover Avenged’ – particularly because battle wounds have made Matthias impotent (and where Rehv was a bad-ass nightclub owner/drug dealer, Matthias was a bad-ass XOps leader). The scene in which Matthias and Mels find ways around sex without penetration read like déjà-vu for the same exchange in ‘Lover Avenged’.

Jim cleared his throat. Twice. “Ah, you’re back because we need you to make the right choice this time.”
“At the crossroads.” Jim prayed he was going to make some sense. “You’re, ah, you’re going to come to a moment where you need to choose, and if you don’t want to go back where you were, you have to pick the righteous path, not . . . what you’re used to.”
“So it’s true? About Heaven and Hell?”
“And you’ve got a second chance.”
“The devil cheats.”

Part of the reason I’m actually really impatient for Sissy to hurry the heck up and get a bigger role in this series is because I like the build-up for her and Heron. Whereas all the other romance focuses in the series have followed the lost soul’s romances, and have been very quick developments, Jim and Sissy’s potential romance is the only one that has roots going back to book one and a bit of history behind it. But we’re in book four now, and Jim’s occasional slip-ups of “his girl, Sissy” are quickly becoming not quite enough to keep me on the hooks with this romance. And I’m also becoming concerned that the Warden is writing Sissy into a Mary-Sue type of role, a girl who can do no wrong who, we are always reminded, was a beautiful blonde-virgin-smart girl before Devina killed her. Jim is building her up waaaaaay too much, and as a result Jim’s holier-than-thou thoughts of her are off-putting to the reader. It may have helped if the Warden had given us the occasional POV chapters from Sissy? – yes, she is stuck in a wall of souls, but maybe if we were there with her, experiencing the horror or reading how she’s keeping herself psychologically strong, then we’d be a bit more sympathetic towards her. As it is? I really feel like ‘Rapture’ should have been the book in which Sissy steps into the spotlight, because as of this book the romance I was looking forward to is rapidly losing my interest and patience.

Another reason I think the Warden mentioned the two-week timeline is to remind us that it wasn’t all that long ago that Jim Heron was getting down and dirty with Devina in ‘Covet’ . . . because there is quite a big focus in this book, on Devina’s growing infatuation with Jim. Actually, there’s also a growing focus on Devina as a multifaceted villain, complete with OCD quirks and job pressures. I’m not so sure how I feel about this; on the one hand, I always love a bad guy with shades of grey. But on the other hand, I have been enjoying Devina’s truly heinous self . . . and I’m not entirely certain that the Warden won’t continue to give Devina more emotional depth, and possibly push her towards Jim. I really, really hope not. Because that’s creepy. Although, I think it may help to throw a spanner in the Sissy/Jim romance if Devina is in a viable love triangle with them – and I'd be interested to see how it plays out, if Jim (the veritable balance in this whole game) has to choose between the evil Devina, and the innocent Sissy.

All in all, I think this series is going a little wonky. We’re four books in now, and Sissy is still being alluded to as the ultimate Mary-Sue, we’ve been reading the same guy-needs-true-love-to-make-a-win-for-heaven storyline and Devina has only just started to become more multifaceted. *Sigh*. I’m struggling with this series, I really am.
Profile Image for Alexa (Alexa Loves Books).
2,360 reviews13.2k followers
November 7, 2019
3.5 stars, though I really enjoyed that more than I expected to! While there was still a thing or two that made me roll my eyes, this story was just so compelling and well-constructed.
Profile Image for Annie .
2,484 reviews944 followers
October 10, 2012
Though more slow-moving than the previous novels in the series, Ward hooks readers in with her signature writing style. Her descriptions are wholly her own with a touch of slang and that confident swagger that fits so well with the Fallen Angels world she has created.

Ward explores the aftermath of the events in Envy as Adrian and Jim try to keep a grip on their sanity. Without the presence of Eddie, Adrian has been out of control, experiencing bouts of depression and aggressive behaviour. The team is unraveling and I think it will cause readers to sympathize with them as they read about their struggles.

Meanwhile, Ward spends some time developing Devina's character. Up to this point, readers have seen her as devious, ruthless and manipulative. However, Ward creates more layers than an onion as she expertly explores Devina's OCD tendencies to reflect a more tortured side to the demon.

I love that Ward is able to intersperse the Fallen Angels world with some details from the Black Dagger Brotherhood, her other red hot paranormal series. Recognizing familiar characters and details makes for a more enriched reading experience and creates a lot of excitement for hardcore BDB fans.

RAPTURE is another sizzling page-turner from one of the premier authors of romance. J.R. Ward never fails to deliver a spellbinding story. Brimming with danger and sexy passion, readers get lucky with a spicy taste of adventure and romance. J.R. Ward is always a must read.

Read this review in its entirety at Fresh Fiction
Profile Image for Darcy.
13.5k reviews514 followers
September 28, 2012
I liked this one, but I had a hard time getting into it. I think the main reason is due to Matthias. Until this book he was the bad guy, one you really didn't want to like and with this book he is supposed to become the hero, it was a little hard for me to buy. His having amnesia didn't help, seemed too contrived.

I did like Mels, liked that she had an open mind when dealing with Matthias. I also loved how her whole line of thinking in regards to her mother changed. The open and honest discussions they had were great.

Jim tended to annoy me in this one. I get that he is in love with Sissy, but he keeps making one stupid move after another with her being the reason behind the actions. Adrian, likewise, got on my nerves. I get that he and Eddie were such good friend and that that loss hit him hard, but the choices he made were knee jerk reactions, not what I expect from someone in his position and who has been around as long as he had.

I did like what we discovered about dog. I had been having a feeling something like that was up.

It will be interesting what Davina's answer is to Jim's question, if she says yes, will she play it straight. I look forward to finding out.
Profile Image for Esra.
413 reviews1 follower
October 9, 2012
when I started this book

When I finished this book

Jim'in yaptığı yenilir yutulur cinsten değil. takıntısı ona ve dünyaya çok pahalıya patlayacak. Yazarın seriyi uzatmak adına skor'u eşitlemesini bende bekliyordum ama böylesinide değil. bu yüzden kitaba 3 yıldızı zor zahmet verdim kusura bakmasın.
Profile Image for Jess.
1,051 reviews155 followers
October 15, 2012
Review posted: Happily Ever After - Reads

*Possible series spoilers, beware*

The score is currently good – 2, evil – 1 and it’s the first side to reach 4 that wins. The scores are souls, one person in each book will reach his or her crossroads and the decision they make will count for either the good or the bad side; heaven and hell. Jim Heron is in the middle. An angel with both good and evil in him, he’s been fighting the fight for the good guys and intends to keep it that way, but a murdered young girl is pulling his attention away at the worst times and in this case, his attention is split between Sissy, the murdered girl whose soul is being held in hell and Matthias, the soul at stake.

Matthias is back from the dead. We were introduced to him earlier in the series and he was evil through and through. He died and his soul has been in hell, knowing a torment like no other. Now he’s been given a second chance. He has no memory of his past and with the help of a reporter, Mels, he tries to piece together who he is and what his connection to Jim is. Matthias is scarred, has no sight in one eye, he’s impotent, has aches and pains and is a shell of the man he once was. First off, I’m a sucker for a scarred man with amnesia. I can’t help it, I fall for it every time and I couldn’t wait to see him and Mels start to fall in love despite all the other stuff going on in their lives. Mels is struggling with her own life, still dealing with the losing her father, a man she loved dearly three years ago and she’s never let herself grieve. She moved back home to take care of her mom, who was doing just fine on her own. But Mel was stuck. She resented moving back home, not chasing her dream of being a reporter in a big city and took it out on her mom who was grieving as well. I loved this storyline for mom and daughter. I thought it was touching, emotional and it really helped Mels grow and be able to find some peace that let her move on.

The romance between Mels and Matthias was more sweet than sexy. There are a few harder sex scenes in the book courtesy of Adrian and a nameless female and Jim and the woman everyone loves to hate (including me) Devina. I’m used to more intense, sexier lead couples when it comes to a Ward book, but I wanted Matthias to find love, in any form and with his physical struggles, I was satisfied with how their romance played out.

Adrian plays an unusual role in Matthias’s life that impacts his relationship with Mels. This poor guy – he’s still reeling from Eddie’s death, he’s not coping and in a real wake up call, he realizes that it’s not just the one soul they’re helping that needs to make the right choice. He needs to as well and he makes an unselfish decision that for now, is a game changer for him. I’m proud of him for that moment, but like Adrian, I miss Eddie too and if there’s one thing that’s certain with this series, it’s that nothing is certain. He’ll be back, it’s just a matter of how, when and why.

As with every book, Matthias’s decision at his crossroads moment will determine who wins this round. Things get a little muddied when Matthias’s memories start to come back in pieces. The key is having Mels in his life and having something real that he can hold on to. It’s just a matter of him making the right choice during that moment of truth and if it’ll be enough to save his soul a second time. Oddly enough, Devina doesn’t play an obvious role in swaying Matthias, as she’s done in the past with other souls. I can’t stand how she’s allowed to break the “rules” but Jim isn’t. I think that leveled out somewhat in this book but it still bothers me how the rules for her and the game in general tend to bend and sway to fit whatever the current situation.

Jim, while he spends a lot of time helping Matthias, still deals with his obsession over Sissy and Devina plays him like crazy. Another game changer comes at the end, this time courtesy of Jim and it’ll impact not only him, but the series as well. I admit, I’m still confused about Jim and Sissy. She died at nineteen and Jim’s much older than she is, but the feelings he has for her, calling her “his girl”…it’s odd right now. I’m not sure what Ward has planned for these two, but I’ll trust her to make it work and have it make sense.

This book isn’t as intense as the previous stories, it’s not as down and dirty sexy, but I still found myself flipping through the pages quickly as the story unfolded. There wasn’t a huge, knock my socks off moment in Rapture, but there are a few small things that happen (Adrian’s sacrifice, Jim’s parting statement to Devina) that will impact things moving forward. But for Rapture, I enjoyed seeing this scarred, broken hero get a second chance with Mels, who finally started to live again.
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