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The Lyndon Sisters #2

Brighter Than the Sun

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When Charles Wycombe, the dashing and incorrigible Earl of Billington, toppled out of a tree and landed at Ellie Lyndon‘s feet, neither suspected that such an inauspicious meeting would lead to marriage. But Charles must find a bride before his thirtieth birthday or he’ll lose his fortune. And Ellie needs a husband or her father’s odious fiancée will choose one for her. And so they agree to wed, even though their match appears to have been made somewhere hotter than heaven…

Ellie never dreamed she’d marry a stranger, especially one with such a devastating combination of rakish charm and debonair wit. She tries to keep him at arm’s length, at least until she discovers the man beneath the handsome surface. But Charles can be quite persusasive—even tender—when he puts his mind to it, and Ellie finds herself slipping under his seductive spell. And as one kiss leads to another, this unlikely pair discovers that their marriage is not so inconvenient after all… and just might lead to love.

384 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published December 1, 1997

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About the author

Julia Quinn

138 books43k followers
#1 New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn loves to dispel the myth that smart women don't read (or write) romance, and and if you watch reruns of the game show The Weakest Link you might just catch her winning the $79,000 jackpot. She displayed a decided lack of knowledge about baseball, country music, and plush toys, but she is proud to say that she aced all things British and literary, answered all of her history and geography questions correctly, and knew that there was a Da Vinci long before there was a code.

A graduate of Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges, Ms. Quinn is one of only sixteen members of Romance Writers of America’s Hall of Fame. Her books have been translated into 32 languages, and she lives with her family in the Pacific Northwest.

The Bridgertons, her popular series of historical romance, is currently in production by Shondaland as a Netflix original series starring Julie Andrews, Phoebe Dynevor, and Rége-Jean Page.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 874 reviews
Profile Image for ♥ℳelody.
699 reviews760 followers
April 7, 2018
Another Julia Quinn book that annoyed me to no end rather than delight me. Are rambling characters supposed to be cute?
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1. Every single conversation the hero and heroine have consists of just bickering. Nothing else. It’s always gainsaying the other, getting the last word in, correcting the other, arguing over nothing just to come off witty and smart (looking at you Ellie dear). Good Lord. This sets me on edge like nothing else could. And it’s not even the good kind of heated verbal sparring adults have. No it’s a pissing contest you would see between 2 kindergartners fighting over how to play with a toy. ‘No I know how to do it. No I DO! Let go and let me show you! No, you aren’t doing it right. Listen to ME!...I just said that’........Ugh. Just UGH.

2. The jealous meddling little cousin setting fires and pulling pranks to make it seem like the heroine is the one behind it? No thank you. I found this beneath JQ and it just annoyed me more. Silly outlandish red-herring stunts like this I never found funny but intolerable especially when the hero and his entire family don’t believe the heroine is innocent but just inept at things. The poor dear. *raging* Lyndsay Sands is that you? lol

3. The hero, Charles. I really didn’t care for him to begin with. He was just….there. He came off very very flat and one-dimensional and always seeming to chuckle and shake with laughter when there was no reason to. Was this supposed to convince readers he has a witty sense of humor? Lost me. His backstory is super thin, we are just told he is a rake but see no proof of it. And having the heroine get all upset and extremely hung up on imaginary 'countless mistresses' just to pick a fight with him doesn't count. <_< But what really broke the camel’s back for me was his gross condescending attitude toward Ellie after they got married, thinking she’s just a poor accidental-prone creature who doesn’t know how to manage a household and refusing to believe that the ridiculous incidents were more than accidents. *eye twitch* I didn't mind him at times but there are countless moments where he’s a misogynistic patronizing overbearing moron. And strong arming and kissing a woman every time just to shut her up is not really sweet but chauvinistic. Although I could see why the dude wanted to shut her up.

4. Ellie. *sigh* Once again, another JQ heroine who just veers straight into tstl, whiny and immature. Like...what gives? I just found her too hysterical and irrational. If this girl ‘hummphed' one more time or gasped in outrage, or rambled anymore this book would be shredded to bits. Pick fights over things that are important and MAKE SENSE, half the time I had no idea what these two were squabbling over. She gets in snits over the dumbest things.
“But I do want you to know that despite these very minor, er, setbacks--”
Ellie’s mouth settled into a grim and angry line.
He must not have noticed because he kept talking.
“--I think you are becoming a superb countess. Your behavior with the tenants the other day was magnificent.”
“Are you telling me I am more suited to life outside Wycombe Abbey than inside?” she asked.
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No. He was complimenting you, you peebrain! Find your chill.

5. She shrieked! She screeched! She squawked! Why Julia? It wasn’t cute when you wrote this and it certainly isn’t cute now when you still use it. Yes I’m calling you out for this. Enough. I can’t take a character seriously when they squawk like a damn bird every time they are excited or angry. Hate hate HATE it. It’s supremely distracting and OTT and makes your characters come off one-dimensional. And I don’t know who in the English peerage uses the expression Yikes! or how kids are playing with dominos. Dominos? Did that even exist back then?

6. The villain.
Cecil? His mealy-mouthed cousin, the one who had always tattled when they were children, the one who had always taken an inordinate amount of pleasure in stepping on bugs?

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Yes because squishing bugs just screams future sociopath killer, however did they not see it coming? 😂RME. Come on. Do better.

I honestly am very seriously thisclose to walking away from Julia Quinn for good, Bridgerton revisit or not. I just cannot deal with this kind of juvenile hammy writing that is so thin and with characters that are so underdeveloped. I don't know maybe her writing was always like this and my tastes have changed. I did read the Bridgerton books years ago when I started reading HR so maybe what I found enjoyable then, I no longer find enjoyable? I mean the same hokey writing certainly is there in her more recent offerings with the Smythe-Smith series. Those books are filled to the brim with the same endless unamusing banter that isn't really clever but nails on a chalkboard. There was zero effort or thought put into this one. The heroine meets the hero on page 1--literally-on page 1. He falls from a tree and drops right in front of her feet. LITERALLY. (G-d is that you? Are you trying to tell me something?) Uh hoh, but jokes on me though. Instead of cute and playful, it just came off very clunky and screamed Looney Tunes.
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It’s literally point a, point b, point c…the world building is so flat that it depressed me. I just needed more development all around. If you are gonna insist that your hero is some renown rake that everyone knows about (even in the country) then show your readers the proof. Readers need receipts to buy into a reputation, having your heroine shriek over it and cling to it like a bone is just cutting corners and super flat. I have probably 1 more Quinn book on my shelf but not sure if I will or won't at this point. As for her new Bridgerton prequel series, I am officially indifferent. I need better, less cloying writing.
Profile Image for Geo Just Reading My Books.
1,378 reviews327 followers
February 27, 2019
O carte plină de sentimente! Julia reușește de fiecare data sa îmbine povestea de dragoste cu umorul. Personajele bine conturate si povestea frumoasa mi-au oferit un moment de evadare din viața de zi cu zi.
Profile Image for Estíbaliz Montero Iniesta.
Author 61 books1,288 followers
July 1, 2022
El libro de Julia Quinn que más me ha gustado en lo que llevamos de año☺️, y menos mal, porque empezaba a preocuparme un poco.

Uno de los mayores problemas que suelo tener con el género son los protagonistas (casi siempre con los masculinos, pero los femeninos también me cuestan a veces). Pues me complace mucho decir que en este libro me han gustado mucho los dos.

Ellie es lista e independiente, sabe lo que vale y está dispuesta a demostrarlo y defenderse siempre que sea preciso. Me ha encantado el tema de que invierta su dinero, aunque tenga que hacerlo al amparo del nombre de su padre: ve un obstáculo y busca una forma de sortearlo. Que es precisamente como empieza su relación con Charles, como un modo de escapar de su horrible futura madrastra que, como todas las que ostentan dicho título, es sencillamente horrible (en clave de humor, ya me entendéis).

Charles también me ha parecido un interés romántico a la altura. Hay una única actitud suya que podría chirriar, por lo demás, me parece un hombre bueno, divertido, me encanta cómo trata a las mujeres de su familia y cómo respeta a Ellie y la independencia que ella desea tener y los términos en los que acepta ella el matrimonio.

La química entre los dos, los tira y afloja, los momentos divertidos (y en ocasiones un tanto surrealistas, para qué negarlo), el desarrollar sentimientos reales poco a poco... Me ha parecido que todo estaba muy bien llevado y el toque de aventura/misterio ha sido un buen añadido para distinguirlo de otras historias que en ciertos aspectos pueden ser similares.

En definitiva: una historia fresca y entretenida, muy fácil de leer y de disfrutar.
Profile Image for Alba Turunen.
758 reviews240 followers
December 15, 2017
4 Estrellitas. Tenía ganas de leer un buen libro de Regencia, y Julia Quinn siempre es una apuesta segura, aunque los tiene mejores y peores.

Hace no mucho leí el primer libro de las hermanas Lyndon, y aunque me gustó, me faltó algo, la Quinn en esencia pura, pero fue un libro duro y a la vez algo extraño que no me terminó de cuajar. Ahora he leído el libro de Ellie, la hermana menor de Victoria, y debo decir que no me ha decepcionado para nada. Ellie apuntaba maneras en el primer libro, y lo consiguió, pese a que la Quinn no ha profundizado lo suficiente.

La única carencia que puedo darle a éste libro es ésa, falta de profundidad. Podría haber sido una historia más redonda. Otro inconveniente, y esto es subjetivo, es que todo, todo, todo, es muy predecible, ha fallado el factor sorpresa, porque casi cada cosa que ocurría me la veía venir, y bueno, me gustan más los argumentos rebuscados que no sepas por dónde va a ir la cosa, éste libro tiene ingenio cero.

Pero, estamos ante una historia Quinn, rápida de leer, ligera, de fácil enganche, y sobre todo: fresca y divertida como sólo ella sabe darle su propio toque. El resto, ha sido gracias a sus protagonistas.

Ellie y Charles se conocen de una manera un tanto extraña, él borracho perdido, se cae de un árbol... sobre Ellie ¿Cómo había ido a parar a ese árbol? No se sabe, pero la Quinn quería una manera divertida de que nuestros personajes se conocieran. Desde el inicio se ve ésa chispa, ésa química entre ellos que ha durado toda la novela. ¿Y cómo empieza su historia? Él necesita esposa desesperadamente antes de cumplir los treinta si quiere que todo el dinero que viene con el título sea suyo, y Ellie necesita un esposo para salir de un ambiente familiar opresivo, a la vez que para adquirir cierta independencia sobre sus inversiones financieras.

El matrimonio no será fácil en un principio, Charles quiere una esposa inteligente que a la vez no le entorpezca su vida, y Ellie no quiere que él le guste, no quiere enamorarse, pero las circunstancias pronto les harán cambiar de opinión, sobre todo a través de una serie de desventuras que ocurrirán a su alrededor.

En conclusión, un libro simpático y divertido para leerse en un par de tardes, de los que disfrutas cuando los lees porque te enganchan, pero aquellos, que temo que pronto se olvidan.

Profile Image for [Aengell].
218 reviews117 followers
January 27, 2015
What a delightful and funny book!

Julia Quinn can really put off funny Romances, and before I find my way to the Bridgertons, I want to be slowly introduced to this master of HR.

Her characters are always making me grin, giggle and laugh in a way that pulls me even more into the story. The story in this case is your typical marriage-of-convenience-story, and I'm a goner for that trope. I don't care whether that makes me biased or not.
The characters felt real and even the secondary characters were funny. Yes, I'm talking to you, Judith!
There's even a bit of a mystery here, and even though I could smell the solution from a mile away, it was exciting to read.

And now I feel more confident and ready to start that big, famous mess called "the Bridgertons".

Profile Image for Linds.
1,061 reviews33 followers
April 2, 2010
Do you know the feeling you get when your good married friends are bickering in front of you? It's vaguely uncomfortable, there's no where for you to go, and you wish they would knock it off so everyone can get back to their lives? That's Brighter Than the Sun.

That really is the main reason for me not enjoying this book much. The characters are cute enough, and it has a decent little plot. But listening the the h/h argue incessently for 275+ pages is tiring.

Ellie and Charles meet when Charles falls out of a tree completely faded. Ellie gets him home, they have a nice conversation and even though Charles isn't anywhere near in love with her he likes her and asks her to marry him. (There's a deadline in his father's will that if he is not married in two weeks-his 30th birthday- the fortune reverts to his cousin.)

Ellie is shocked but considers it. She is an old maid that is more or less content living with her father in his parish. She can't stand her father's fiance and thinks marrying a stranger can't be worse than living under the control of that woman.

They marry in the first quarter of the book and preceed to drive each other nuts until the last fifty or so pages. Julia Quinn's strenth as an author is in her banter. This is not banter, it's bickering. Banter is amusing, bickering is annoying. To be fair it has a good twist and an interesting ending, which bumps it up from two stars.

If you have finished Quinn's Bridgerton series and are looking for another good read from her, I would recommend Everything and the Moon. But if you're a Julia Quinn fan like I am you'll read it anyway. We can't help it :)
Profile Image for Nisha.
788 reviews245 followers
August 20, 2013
The second time around, it wasn't that great, but it's still worth a read.

December 2, 2009 - 5 stars

Safe to say, I loved this book. I wasn't even going in thinking I would like it, considering I have this bad habit of judging books by their cover. Plus, it wasn't part of the big family, like the Bridgertons.

Ok, I admit, the dialogue was fun, but the not really the height of wit, since Ellie tends to say 'I beg your pardon' everytime she didn't have a retort. Still, I loved the H/H interaction. They made a cute couple.

The main premise is a marriage of convenience, since our hero, Charles (not my most favorite name) needs a wife before he turns 30 to secure his inheritance and Ellie just needs to get away from her step-mother-to-be and as a spinster, that was nearing impossible. They meet in the most oddest way, Charles falls on Ellie. The rest of the book is packed with accidents and a few fights. Somehow, I like couples who can disagree and fight, but will eventually make up anyway.

Charles and his lists were adorable. I found it odd that he was considered a rakehell, when really he's a nice responsible guy. He was even great with kids (*drool). He kinda reminded me of Colin Bridgerton (my alltime favorite hero, go figure), but more useful. Ellie is more competent that him, yet sabotages make her seem 'inept'. The 'Ept' joke was fun too.

The villain was completely unnecessary. But it provided the accidents that got them together but kept them apart everytime they try to consummate their marriage. He was also incompetent and it almost seemed like he was added as an afterthought.

Overall, it was very enjoyable and the couple was just too cute.
Profile Image for Fiebre Lectora.
2,102 reviews648 followers
June 30, 2022
Charles Wycombe, conde, necesita casarse pronto si quiere conservar su herencia, pero ninguna de las jóvenes a las que podría conocer durante la temporada le llama la atención... afortunadamente, cuando se cae de un árbol, se lleva por delante a Ellie, quien está pensando en huir de su casa para evitar terminar casada con cualquier vejestorio con el que su madrastra pretenda juntarla. Así, ambos encuentran la solución a sus problemas en el otro, a pesar de nunca haber esperado casarse con alguien extraño. Sin embargo, lo que comienza como un deber, pronto se vuelve más y más interesante y atrayente para ambos...

Por favor, ¡pero qué adictivo que ha sido! Encima, lo he disfrutado mucho más que el anterior porque, sorprendentemente, ninguno de los dos era idiota, a pesar de que en alguna situación sí se hayan comportado como tal... pero eso es algo típico de las comedias románticas y que siempre me encanta. Ambos protagonistas, tanto Charles como Ellie, han sido divertidos y geniales a su manera, peculiares y sinvergüenzas, y me lo he pasado pipa.

Una relación falsa, por interés, en la que piensan que no pasarán más allá de llevarse bien y, sin embargo, va creciendo el cariño que se tienen, ¡y las ganas!

Reseña completa: http://fiebrelectora.blogspot.com/202...
Profile Image for Hailee.
211 reviews126 followers
February 18, 2018
3.5 stars

I've yet to read a Julia Quinn regency romance that I didn't enjoy. They have always been extremely light-hearted and emphasise the fun relationship between the hero and the heroine.
Profile Image for Lelyana's Reviews.
3,327 reviews388 followers
November 30, 2017
Ketemu by accident karena Charles Wycombe jatuh dari pohon pas di atas kaki kiri Eleanor "ellie" Lyndon ( ngapain sih si Chareles kurang kerjaan mabok2 naik pohon?)
Dialog2 nya kocak, dan mereka ga pernah gak berdebat, hari itu juga Charles melamar Ellie krn merasa dia paling pantas jd istri nya, krn Ellie cerdas....
Cerita dua org yg putus asa, masalah nya uang, Ellie perlu menikahi Charles agar bisa mencairkan uangnya yg di pasar saham dan agar keluar dari rmh menghundari calon ibu tiri nya yg jahat....(Cinderella banget ga seehhh)
Akhirnya sepakatlah mereka melakukan pernikahan bisnis, juga agar Charles ga kehilangan warisannya ....
Tiga hari setelah ketemu, mereka menikah (yg dapat restu dari papa nya Ellie yg pendeta itu)...sepakat gak ada "itu" sampai Ellie siap...Charles berusaha mati2an ngerayu Ellie ...tp Ellie masih gengsi...

Sebenarnya cerita nya ringan ya, seputar rumah tangga...tpai benar kata orang2, kecelakaan paling banyak terjadi di rumah... di rumah Ellie dan Charles itu benar2 terjadi
Dimana ada Ellie, disitu ada kebakaran oven di dapur, kebun mawar rusak dan bau nya minta ampun...sampai Charles yg jatuh dari cerobong asap saat membantu Ellie di rumah para penyewa
Kejadian paling heboh waktu kebakaran dapur dan waktu Ellie masak selai...tenyata memang ada yg sengaja krn ga suka Ellie menikah dg Charles.... tebak sendiri ya siapa.....

Tapi hal terakhir justru membuat hubungan Charles dan Ellie membaik, dan suka liat Charles yg sayaaaaang banget sama Ellie waktu tangan Ellie terbakar dan panik kalo Ellie kesakitan

Malam pengantin mereka baru bisa dilaksanakan setelah tangan Ellie sembuh dan pesan gaun malam yg bikin Charles panik
Gak terlalu hot sih, cuma memang khas JQ ... so sweet malam pengantin nya
Akhir cerita bisa di tebak spt biasanya..tp ada yg lumayan tegang (tapi lucu) di akhir cerita.... I think you should read it yourself ...
Profile Image for kris.
968 reviews213 followers
October 10, 2014
Charles and Ellie end up married because of Plot Contrivances. Except she doesn't want to sleep with a Horrible Dirty Rake, and all he wants to do is sleep with his Stunning Hot Wife.

Oh, also there's yelling, sabotage, kidnap, yelling, murder, and more yelling.

1. SO MUCH GODDAMNED YELLING. Literally 80% of this book is Ellie and Charles YELLING AT ONE ANOTHER. And about the same stupid shit: Ellie is incompetent. Charles wants sex. It's the same conversation AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN.

For example: Ellie thinks Charles is a Horrible Dirty Rake...that lets his cousins live with him; gets sloppy drunk TWICE (once before he even meets her and once after he falls off a goddamned roof); is caring of the feelings of his younger cousins; agrees to not consummate the marriage immediately... The list goes on. Other than one damning list made weeks before he met and married Ellie, there's no real evidence of this alleged rake-hood.

Meanwhile, Charles thinks Ellie is careless about certain household tasks...except for the fact that she basically ran her father's house FOR YEARS, and repeatedly claims that someone is setting her up. There are clue-by-fours scattered throughout every chapter, but Charles just keeps patting Ellie on the head while telling her that it's cute that she tried.

And the fact that they don't listen to one another tells me basically everything I need to know about this relationship.

2. The tone, again, was just too light. There's no depth to anything.

3. And there were just so many discordant elements to this book! Nothing came together organically or in a way that made sense or felt real. It was all slapstick and forced and sloppy and, ultimately, disappointing.
Profile Image for Sara ♥.
1,369 reviews142 followers
February 16, 2017
(Sequel to Everything and the Moon)

October 22-23, 2010

April 8-9, 2010

Cute, cute book... Charles and Ellie are such a cute couple! ;)

July 1, 2007

It was SO CUTE! The bickering between the hero and heroine! HAHAHAH! I was DYING laughing the WHOLE BOOK! All this bad stuff keeps happening to them, and it's just SO FUNNY! I loved it! YAY for Julia Quinn!

And this book was DIFFERENT than others. I was SHOCKED when Charles Wycombe (Earl of Billington) proposed marriage to Eleanor (Ellie) at the end of the FIRST CHAPTER! (The fact that he was drunk may have played into it in my opinion...)

Anyway, so his 30th birthday is in 15 days, and in his father's will, it states that if he doesn't get married by his 30th birthday, he loses everything that isn't entailed to him... which basically means he gets Wycombe Abbey (the family estate) but loses all the money. And SHE is 23—a spinster, by the time's standards. And her vicar father is getting remarried to a WITCH of a woman in less than 60 days. So in order to avoid her, Ellie really has to marry VERY soon. And she has no prospects. So, even though she doesn't even want to THINK about Billington's proposal, she really has to consider it.

Anyway, so they get married—a marriage of convenience. And, like I said, all SORTS of awful stuff happens—the kitchen fire, the plants in the orangery dying, etc. etc. etc... Anyway, it's totally cute—watching (reading) them fall in love. :)
Profile Image for Courtnie.
744 reviews67 followers
February 23, 2016
On the whole, there was nothing really wrong with this book. It's old school Julia Quinn, with fast, witty dialogue and real sweetheart moments.

A breezy read that didn't require my attention and I could read during commercial breaks of the baseball game. I will continue on my quest to read Quinn's back catalogue even though this one and the counterpart in this series didn't really appeal to me.

Profile Image for Océano de libros.
807 reviews90 followers
July 2, 2022
Charles Wycombe, conde de Billington tiene dos semanas para encontrar esposa, si no perderá su herencia. Cuando casi pierde la esperanza, encuentra a Eleanor “Ellie” Lyndon, una joven que también necesita casarse para escapar de su familia. Así es como acuerdan un matrimonio de conveniencia, el único inconveniente es que Ellie no se entregará hasta que conozca a su marido.

Como todo lo de Julia Quinn lo están reeditando, he seguido con esta serie de las hermanas Lyndon. Le toca el turno a Ellie, la más joven de las hermanas que vive junto a su padre, un vicario y viudo que ahora está comprometido con una mujer que saca de quicio a nuestra protagonista.

Ellie es una joven fuerte, sensata, inteligente, muy despierta para las inversiones, pero sin la figura de un hombre, ella sabe que la posibilidad de ser independiente y de escapar de la vida que lleva no es posible. Así que su única salida es el matrimonio.

Caído del cielo llega Charles, conde de Billington el joven más deseado por las jovencitas casaderas y sus madres, pero estas parecen todas tener pocas luces y Charles quiere una compañera mínimamente aceptable con la que mantener conversaciones interesantes y que le dé herederos; aunque sabe que no puede exigir mucho con el poco tiempo que dispone para encontrarla. Así que Ellie y Charles, pese a sus diferencias sociales, llegan a un acuerdo que les conviene a ambos y establecen un matrimonio por conveniencia.

La relación de pareja tiene un rápido inicio con ese matrimonio, pero no su consumación, en eso Ellie es tajante, antes quiere conocer a Charles. Junto a la convivencia diaria, nuestros protagonistas se irán conociendo y enamorándose, aunque la química ya se nota desde el inicio. La vida junto a Charles se le complica a Ellie con una serie de desastres que pese a todo ella consigue conquistar los corazones de los habitantes de la mansión. Entretanto la atracción surge entre ellos y Charles se propone seducir a su mujer, por la que empieza a sentir algo más que deseo. Así que tendremos complicidad y mucha pasión entre los dos.

Charles ha sido un personaje que me ha gustado, su actitud entusiasta, divertido, cariñoso, pese a un detalle típico que se plantea en los matrimonios de conveniencia de los que os haréis a la idea, nada que sea insuperable... https://oceanodelibros.blogspot.com/2...
Profile Image for Aistė Skaito.
58 reviews9 followers
August 2, 2024
Pirma serijos dalis TOBULA, antra serijos dalis...aaah kodėl tiek daug nervų tampymo, įtampos kėlimo kurią vis nutraukia kažkas netikėto ir begalė nelaimingų atsitikimų?
Profile Image for Anabel.
733 reviews128 followers
May 13, 2022
Pronto reseña, de lo mejor que he leído últimamente de la autora.
Profile Image for Lucía Cafeína.
1,793 reviews208 followers
June 11, 2022
Liiiiiving con este libro⭐️🫶🏽
Divertido, entretenido, y con unos personajes que chocan tanto que necesitan estar juntos, menuda pasada. De los que más me han gustado de Julia 💕
Profile Image for Josie.
1,637 reviews35 followers
July 29, 2012
I was looking for something light and frothy, and this started out promisingly enough. The hero falls out of a tree, right at the heroine's feet, and they immediately begin bantering. So far so good! In fact, the following quote actually made me laugh out loud (and as I was in the staffroom at the time, that was rather awkward as my colleagues then insisted I read out the bit that had made me laugh).

"Lord Billington, I must insist that you use your cane."

"On you?" He sounded intrigued by the notion.

There's a ridiculous set-up in order to force these two characters into a marriage of convenience. The hero will lose all his money if he doesn't marry, and the heroine has a sadistic stepmother to escape. But I can forgive a contrived plot, if the characters are interesting and the writing is done well! However... :| Yeah. Everything quickly went downhill from there. The dialogue went round in endless circles, the "mystery" of who was sabotaging Eleanor's attempts to be a good wife was painfully transparent, as was the ridiculous kidnapping-and-murder plot thrown in right at the end.

The hero is supposed to be a "professional rake" but he's actually mature, responsible, and kind. He lets his widowed sister and her children live with him (and he's very good with the children). Apart from trying to seduce Eleanor every five minutes (understandable, given that he wants an heir), he's actually a pretty good catch with no apparent character flaws, and her protests seemed ridiculously weak. I mean, I don't even know WHY she kept refusing him when she was so hot for his bod. Perhaps it was just so we could have endless description of her ranting and screeching, her hands balling into fists or curling into claws, and stomping off in a huff. (You'd think marriage would make her less of a harpy, but no. In the terrible eventual sex scene "her fingers became passionate claws" -- painful!)

Why are good romance novels so hard to find? Am I expecting too much from this genre?
Profile Image for Zimmy W.
801 reviews12 followers
January 13, 2022
I really liked this one! The characters chemistry was fantastic, but I was so frustrated by how much he didn't trust her when all the accidents kept happening. I know they hadn't known each other for long, but it was like he went out of his way to bring up things that she genuinely didn't do. Also... Miss Julia Quinn, please stop with the kidnapping plot points, I beg of you. I've read at least 5 of her titles with that of the top of my head but probably more. I can't!! Thankfully it was quicker than other stories like, say, The Other Miss Bridgerton.
Profile Image for Helyana Chirinos.
269 reviews5 followers
April 4, 2021
La vida es muy corta para malas lecturas. Amo a Julia Quinn, pero en honor a ese amor, olvidaré que escribió esta saga
Profile Image for Serena Miles.
1,332 reviews58 followers
February 11, 2020
¡Como me ha gustado este libro! la verdad es que hacía mucho que un libro de la Quinn no me dejaba con esta sensación tan maravilloso. Me ha gustado todo, y aunque es bastante predecible lo he disfrutado muchísimo.
Profile Image for Sara.Lectora.
317 reviews769 followers
June 16, 2022
3,5 Muy divertida y con muchos enredos. Gran prota y aunque hay petición de matrimonio al momento, el desarrollo de la relación by los afectos va más lento.
Profile Image for Miss Bridgerton.
343 reviews192 followers
June 30, 2019
Misterio, intriga y amor en un matrimonio no tan inconveniente.

Más brillante que el sol de Julia Quinn es una intensa y apasionante historia de amor donde un matrimonio de conveniencia se convertirá en el mayor acierto de dos jóvenes que buscaban salvarse sin esperar hallar por el camino el verdadero amor, el cual va a dar esperanza y felicidad absoluta a sus mundos.

Link de la reseña completa: http://florecilladecereza.blogspot.co...
Profile Image for Rachel.
638 reviews38 followers
April 13, 2015
Overall rating: 5 "Bright than the Sun" stars!

Love triangle:
Sex with om/ow:
Intimate pasts:


Charles Wycomb is desperate. He has 15 days until his 30th birthday and if he doesn't get married, he will lose all of his money and inheritance to his cousin. All because his father left such a stipulation in his will before he died. So maybe that's why Charles ends up piss drunk in a tree and literally falls at Eleanor's feet?

Eleanor is strolling along, minding her own business, when suddenly a man falls from the sky? No, wait, a tree! And he is damn drunk too! From this unlikely meeting, Charles believes Eleanor may be the answer to his prayers and immediately proposes to her. As unconventional as the marriage started out, this is a very humorous tale of this couple's journey through marriage and most importantly, their development of adoration and love for one another.

Eleanor is not one of Charles' usual bimbos - she is extremely smart and witty. Their banter is just hilarious at times too! I loved how Charles was such a good man - not only to the heroine, but also to his sister and her two young children. Claire ... I took some warming up to her (the 14 year old niece) and little Judith (6 years old) was so funny! She was the boss of that household for sure. Eleanor and Charles were both such lovable characters it's not even funny.

One of my favorite things was how Charles had an affinity to making lists for EVERYTHING. Funny stuff .... of course, one such list got him in trouble! This spoiler is for my safety gang peeps Most of his lists were so very funny though! They had me cracking up. And Charles was just the sweetest guy in the world. He just adored Eleanor. You could tell as the reader even before he admitted it to himself and Eleanor.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes historical romances that are somewhat humorous - which characters you love and unnecessary drama.

"Did you know I dream about your hair?" he asked.
She opened her eyes in delighted surprise. "Really?"
"Mmm, yes. I always used to think it was the exact color of the sun at sunset, but now I realize that I'm wrong." He pinched a lock and brought it to his lips. "It's brighter. Brighter than the sun. And so are you."

Ellie yawned again and settled against him. "Will you stay here tonight? At least until I fall asleep?"
He needed and kissed her temple.
"Good. It's warmer with you here."
Charles blew out the candle and laid back down on top of the covers. Then, once he was sure she was asleep, he touched his heart and whispered, "It's warmer in her, too."

There were so many good parts that I would have to highlight and paste several pages worth of witty dialogue between these two! So I left just these two quotes that I absolutely loved :)
Profile Image for Avid Booker.
279 reviews55 followers
April 2, 2018
2.5 Stars

It wasn't terrible it wasn't great. It was a bit boring. But I got through it okay. There's not much to say in this review.

Our hero, he was supposed to go through this whole transformation from rake to reformed but he never seemed all that rakish to me. He seemed like a normal guy who wasn't ready to get married but had to. They argued so much about petty shit.. He was an adorable drunk lol

Our heroine, she was immature sometimes. Instead of telling everyone from the get-go about Claire, she just kept it to herself when it was obvious. She was very defensive and combative for no reason.

Claire... call it a spoiler idgaf. SHE NEEDED HER ASS WHOOPED. I know some dont believe in punishment. But she deserved it. She caused too many problems for it to just be accepted. And I know it was supposed to make the heroine come off as a kind soul, but no one should be that kind. I dont care about her reasons, that little bitch needs to be in trouble.


"Now then, we must be quiet. Very quiet."
"This quiet?" Judith whispered.
"Even quieter. And you--" He turned to Ellie. "Pipe down."
"I didn't say anything," she protested.
"I can hear you thinking," Charles replied with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

"I'm an animal," he muttered, "seducing you here for the first time outside. Tumbling you on the grass."
"A very nice animal," she tried to joke.

She tuned around. "I suppose you're wondering why I'm here."
He reminded himself to close his mouth.
"I'm wondering myself," she said, laughing nervously.
"Ellie, I--"
She shrugged off the peignoir.
"Oh, God," he croaked. His eyes rolled heavenward.
"I'm being tested. That's it, isn't it? I'm being tested."
"Put that back on," he said frantically, grabbing the peignoir off the floor. It was still warm from her skin. He dropped it and reached for a woolen blanket. "No better yet, put this on."
"Charles, stop!" She raised her arms to push away the blanket, and he saw her eyes were filling with tears.
"Don't cry," he blurted. "Why are you crying?"
Profile Image for Suzanne (Under the Covers Book blog).
1,745 reviews556 followers
July 8, 2012
3.5 Stars

Husbands don't grow on trees...but apparently they fall from them, especially when roaringingly drunk. This is something that Miss Ellie Lyndon finds out the hard way when Charles Wycombe, Earl of Billington, falls from an oak tree and straight on her toes, then not long after proceeds to make an offer of marriage. Although completely foxed Charles thinks the very prickly but lovely Miss Lyndon will make a perfect wife, especially as he only has a few weeks to find one before he loses his fortune, but even he is taken by surprise when she accepts his offer and the marriage takes place. But as time progresses, they find that this marriage of convienence could be much more then they ever expected.

I find it so hard to rate a Julia Quinn book, I believe I have, without fail, enjoyed every single one I've ever laid my hands on. I know exactly what I will find when I draw back the cover of one of her romances; a quirky lovable heroine; a charming and cheeky hero and dialogue that is bound to leave me with a massive smile on my face, as well a sweet love story that is pure and brilliant brain candy. These books are never going to change the world, but they are well written and whilst I am reading them I can't put them down and I always enjoy it. So that leaves me with the problem, what shall I rate it?

I decided 3.5 feathers is best, Brighter than the Sun made me laugh and Charles and Ellie were so adorable together and their banter was witty and well written. But, will I remember this book in 6 months time and be desparate to reread it? Probably not. But don't let this put you off, it is a great book, it is the marshmallow of the book world it is fun, fluffy, sweet and would go great with a barbeque on the beach!
90 reviews34 followers
May 4, 2019
Piacevole se si è in cerca di una lettura poco (molto poco) impegnativa. Avevo intenzione di dare tre stelle soltanto, ma nel frattempo mi sono divertita così tanto che non posso non metterne quattro. (*edit: le stelle sono salite a cinque perché, davvero, i dialoghi sono una chicca).
Avendo letto una gran quantità di romanzi di Julia Quinn, mi trovo costretta a dire che "Brighter than the sun" non è un campione di originalità, c'è qualche cliché tipico dei romance ambientati nell'Epoca Regency e l'immancabile rapimento finale che tutti si aspettano tranne i protagonisti. Nessuna sorpresa, leggendo, ogni relazione causa-effetto è anzi molto prevedibile. D'altra parte, i dialoghi tra i personaggi sono divertenti e brillanti, che è la qualità che più apprezzo in Julia Quinn e che, devo ammettere, non è mai venuta a mancare in un suo romanzo (ho già detto che ne ho letti mooolti, vero?). Ed è bello, tanto per cambiare, che i protagonisti finiscano per innamorarsi perché effettivamente comunicano (davvero, è stupefacente quanto Ellie e Charles siano logorroici) e si piacciono per la loro mente, e non soltanto per il loro aspetto.
Profile Image for suvreen.
129 reviews3 followers
August 6, 2024
Grab your tea and your coziest blanket, because I've got a juicy confession: I’m head-over-heels for this book! Picture this: rain pattering against the window, you snug as a bug in a rug, and Julia Quinn’s Brighter Than the Sun in hand. It’s like a warm hug on a dreary day, except this hug comes with witty banter and swoon-worthy romance. And let's face it, when life throws shade, a dose of literary sunshine is just what the doctor ordered!

Now, before diving into this Regency romance rollercoaster, I had my doubts. Historical fiction can be a treacherous sea to navigate, but fear not, fellow readers! Quinn steers clear of the pitfalls with a heroine, Eleanor, who's as modern-minded as she is perfectly poised for the Regency era. It's like she's got one foot in Jane Austen's world and the other in ours, striking a balance that's trickier than mastering the art of scone-making. Trust me, I’ve burned a few literary biscuits in my time.

But let’s talk about Eleanor and Charles, shall we? They’re like two peas in a pod, if those peas were drenched in intrigue and simmered in mutual attraction. Charles may have fallen out of a tree and into marriage faster than you can say happily ever after, but hey, stranger things have happened, right? If a titled gentleman dropped to his knees and proposed after a tumble, I’d at least entertain the idea. Who needs Tinder when you've got gravity playing matchmaker?

And here’s the cherry on top: Quinn's characters have a knack for popping up in each other's stories like guests at a never-ending dinner party. It's like catching up with old friends over a cuppa, except instead of gossip, they're serving up drama and romance. It’s the kind of literary universe where you find yourself daydreaming about the characters' post-book escapades, like a Regency-era reality show with petticoats and posh accents.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the drawing room: the mystery. Sure, it might be as far-fetched as a goat in a ball gown, but who doesn’t love a good whodunit? Even if the resolution feels like it stumbled in from a different novel, it’s all part of the quirky charm of Quinn’s storytelling. Besides, a little silliness never hurt anyone, right? It's like finding a pineapple in your fruit salad – unexpected, but oddly satisfying.

In the grand tapestry of Julia Quinn's literary world, Brighter Than the Sun shines like a beacon of wit and warmth. It's a love story that’s as comforting as your favorite pair of slippers, with enough twists and turns to keep you on your toes. So, if you're in the market for a pick-me-up on a rainy Sunday afternoon, look no further. Just don’t blame me if you find yourself falling for Charles faster than he fell out of that tree!

Now, excuse me while I daydream about my own Regency romance. Who needs reality when you've got Quinn's world of dashing earls and daring heroines? So, dear reader, what’s your go-to rainy day read? Care to join me in the literary dance of wit and whimsy?
Displaying 1 - 30 of 874 reviews

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