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The Debutante Files #1

A Good Debutante's Guide to Ruin

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The last woman on earth he would ever touch . . .

Declan, the Duke of Banbury, has no interest in ushering Rosalie Hughes, his stepsister, into society. Dumped on him with nowhere else to go, he's determined to rid himself of the headstrong debutante by bestowing on her an obscenely large dowry . . . making her the most sought-after heiress of the Season.

. . . is about to become the only one he wants.

But Rosalie isn't about to go along with Declan's plans. Surrounded by fortune hunters, how is she supposed to find a man who truly wants her? Taking control of her fate, Rosalie dons a disguise and sneaks into Sodom, a private club host to all manner of illicit activity—and frequented by her infuriatingly handsome stepbrother.

In a shadowed alcove, Declan can't resist the masked temptress who sets his blood afire . . . any more than Rosalie can deny her longing for a man who will send her into ruin.

373 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published July 29, 2014

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About the author

Sophie Jordan

67 books8,469 followers
Sharie Kohler

Sophie Jordan took her adolescent daydreaming one step further and penned her first historical romance in the back of her high school Spanish class. This passion led her to pursue a degree in English and History.

A brief stint in law school taught her that case law was not nearly as interesting as literature - teaching English seemed the natural recourse. After several years teaching high school students to love Antigone, Sophie resigned with the birth of her first child and decided it was time to pursue the long-held dream of writing.

In less than three years, her first book, Once Upon A Wedding Night, a 2006 Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice Nominee for Best First Historical, hit book shelves. Her second novel, Too Wicked To Tame, released in March 2007 with a bang, landing on the USA Today Bestseller's List.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 448 reviews
Profile Image for WhiskeyintheJar.
1,417 reviews655 followers
October 12, 2014
Had to jot a few thoughts down about it but there are some other really good reviews out there that should be read for a more comprehensive take.

I don't have a stepbrother or a brother, so I have no feel for that kind of relationship but I was never bothered by the fact that Declan and Rosalie were stepsiblings. When the story starts they have been separated for 10 years and then we get a few reminiscent memories talked about throughout. I never got the ick factor; I was so into the overall story that the terms stepbrother and stepsister were barely a blip on my radar.

I have never read a book by Sophie Jordan before but am definitely going to rectify this, she has got my number. This one started off dark and alluring and the way scenes are described, the way Declan runs his finger around the rim of the glass, put me right in the room with them. The heat and tension between Rosalie and Declan made me, trust me I had no choice in the matter, read this book in one sitting. I'm more of a tension, foreplay, push/pull person so I ate this story up with a freaking spoon. The bedroom scenes (and library scene ;) were on point too as they were descriptive and hot with the desperation, longing, wanting, and chemistry.

This story had me invested but there were a couple times when I was able to step back, think, and notice the few instances where there were some repetitive descriptive lines, Rosalie was a bit overly naïve innocent regency miss, and at about 60% through I stopped to think about how much time they really hadn't spent together. Declan and Rosalie work extremely well together in high tension, sexual situations but could they ever just, I don't know talk about the weather? Really though, who wants to read about that? There is also an abuse situation discussed that adds a little heft to the story but it’s never flushed out fully, so just a little. What I’m saying is this story is to be read for the sexual tension and not to change your life.

If you were at all hesitant about reading this because of the stepsibling relationship, I would say that it is enough of a nonentity that you should be fine. I was a big fan of this one and am putting most of the reason down to Ms. Jordan's writing style. I am also frothing at the mouth to read Max and Aurelia's story. Aurelia is Declan's sassy cousin and Camden is Declan’s stoic friend, they bicker a lot and I can already feel the sexual tension between the two. I have a feeling their book is going to be a read in one sitting too.
Profile Image for Colette .
118 reviews152 followers
February 16, 2022
I don’t think I will be writing a detailed review for this book. I almost forgot that I haven’t yet reviewed this one. This was not bad but it wasn’t particularly good either. I read A Good Debutante’s Guide to ruin more than a week ago and I don’t really remember anything except for the fact that the main characters are step-siblings. This book is the first one I have read from the author. I decided that for the month of February, I would try to read books from new-to-me-authors. This one was not bad! It managed to hold my interest but I wasn’t fully invested. It was readable (you know what I mean?) but I just wasn’t overly impressed. It did not inspire any intense feelings while I was reading. It was so-so. It was a fun escape for a few hours but definitely not memorable enough. Still, I would most likely check out more of the author’s work to see if anything might be of interest to me. This is such a vague review but I honestly wasn’t very fond of the book nor was I mad about it. I do love writing my thoughts about books I’ve read, but as I have mentioned in my last review, I have no energy at the moment to write reviews especially for books I neither loved nor hated. I think I blame Ravishing the heiress for the slump I was in. That book was so bad it put me into a slump…Kidding! (Or am I?) Over all, this one was okay enough but not the best book / example of the historical romance genre. I’ve read better books.

Some quotes:

“You saved me, Rosalie. Being with you has made me a better man. I’m ready to wake up next to you every morning.” His chest expanded. “I want those mornings. I want you.”

“So we’re stuck with each other.”“I suppose so,” she murmured. He kissed her then, and it was the kiss of forever. The promise of all their tomorrows.

“You looked too content. So at peace. I didn’t want to ruin that.” She smiled and looped her arms around his neck. “You can’t ever ruin that. You’re the reason I can even look that way.”
Profile Image for ♥ℳelody.
701 reviews759 followers
August 21, 2019
*just gonna insert this here*

Who wouldn't want to read this after seeing that??

That gorgeous sassy cover, this stunning stepback and the intriguing stepsister/stepbrother set up had me snatching this up so fast. But things fell short for me.

First of all, the heroine is not really "headstrong" as the blurb labels her to be. She does go toe to toe with the hero when she needed to but overall I would not label Rosalie as a headstrong heroine. Not at all. Not saying that's a bad thing but for this particular story? It didn't help. You definitely feel a little mislead with how it's packaged. Because of the cover and the blurb I honestly went into this expecting a reckless hellion who gives the hero a run for his money. That's not what happens. Not really. I thought Rosalie was too passive aggressive and a quivering timid naive mess when she didn't need to be. Which honestly made her so inconsistent. She finds her backbone when she's outraged with Declan's overstepping but other times that gumption & strength just up and disappears. I mean you are barricading your door and sleeping on the floor to block a creepy ass man from raping you and you refuse to ask your stepbrother for help because you don't want to bother him and you can ‘handle it’? Refusing to sleep for a whole week while you guard your bedroom door is not handling it sweetie. She's definitely sheltered and naive and slow on certain things. The constant gasping and stammering and wanting to run off because things made her uncomfortable just made her come off more wilting lily than a 'headstrong' hell raiser.

As for the hero Declan, I found him underdeveloped and unfeeling for half of the book. He's not fully fleshed out for a good chunk of the story so I struggled to really buy into the chemistry between him and Rosalie; especially when they didn't spend enough time together for him to suddenly realize she's it for him after having sex. There were things missing to really sell it. But the sexual tension was there in places and the sex scene was very hot. So there is that. But I found it lacking overall. And the fact that we don't really know what Declan looks like or the color of his eyes until suddenly at the half way mark was so startling and frustrating. It was weird, he goes from a hazy undefined character you can't get a clear picture of to a well-defined rakish brooding man with tousled brown hair and 'intense green eyes' in the second half. I'm not sure why the author chose to do this because it came off like an accidental afterthought she scrambled to address near the end. That to me came off lazy. And sidetone: A man not realizing the flaming red carpet do not match the drapes while the heroine is in disguise is off-putting to say the least. Or dumb. Considering his face was all up in there, yeah I'm not buying it. (PSA: If you are gonna use a fellow reviewer's wording for calling out a scene in your review at least give credit when someone applauds you for it. 😉)

As for secondary characters, I was intrigued by Aurelia and Max with their heated sparring but given all the poor reviews on that book (why are there only 2 books in this series?) I think I'll skip out.
July 21, 2016

"True, he was offering her a roof over her head... a Season, a dowry, but he was not a kind man for all that. He was hard. Rude and curt and high-handed. And yet when she was near him, she wanted to stand closer.

Well! They did say be careful what you wish for, and I'm thinking they're right! Whoever they are. So I've had this book for awhile now and I also got it for a $1.99. Yes I am shamelessly promoting a book I enjoyed! The main selling point for this book for me was the love/hate relationship between the H and h and boy was it ever! Declan infuriated me at first with his blatantly "I don't care", rude and often hurtful way he treated Rosalie. Inside I was telling me myself, "this is it, Christine. Its going to happen. The first time you can't stand an alpha male with asshole tendencies. And for half the book I was on the fence about even enjoying the story but Sophie Jordan's writing is so damn addicting she could be writing you instructions on how to assemble a chair and you'd be mesmerized. So I kept at it until finally there was a glimmer of hope, Declan finally started letting down all those walls he had around his heart and while he may not have been a perfect human being he did show himself to be perfect for Rosalie.

"Inviting bodily injury can be called nothing else. Why on earth would you desire such a thing? Would you care to stick your hand in this door?"
She waved her hand toward his chamber door. " I can slam it on you several times."

And now for the story. Did I mention the fact that the H and h were step-siblings? No? Well Declan is Rosalie's older step brother who she's held a torch for ever since she was a little girl when he would help her from trees she'd climbed, and call her Carrots for giggles. She's been stuck in a boarding school for girls for the last 2 years, her mother seemingly having forgotten all about her. So obviously she's missed her coming out and she's wasted 2 years where she should've been looking for a husband. Rosalie is 20 years old.

Her headmistress parcels her up and leaves her unceremoniously in the care of Declan who wants nothing to do with her. He immediately gives her a dowry of £50 000 ensuring she finds a husband as quickly as possibly. Now let me stop right there because this isn't a retelling. So back to how I felt about this book, Rosalie and Declan's antics where both frustrating and hilarious. The frustrating part mainly because of Declan, but never fear there was a good reason for it so all was forgiven. I have a soft spot for Dukes... and earls and barons. Kings and princes too. So sue me.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book so I will definitely be continuing the series. Aurelia and Camden are going to be a treat, I just know it!

"I care."
Her gaze flew to his at that.
"And I'll always come when you need me, Carrots."
Profile Image for Caz.
2,984 reviews1,114 followers
September 7, 2016
I've given this a B- for narration and a B for content at AAR, so I suppose that's technically 3.75 stars.

A Good Débutante’s Guide to Ruin
is the first in a new series from Sophie Jordan, and if you can get past the rather daft idea of two innocent, well-bred young ladies sneaking out to a sex club, being provided with suitably skimpy clothing by the owner/madam, and not being recognized by the male relatives they encounter there, it’s an enjoyable story which boasts plenty of sizzling chemistry between the two leads.

Twenty-year-old Rosalie Hughes completed her education at a Yorkshire school two years earlier, but her mother has ignored all the polite reminders to come collect her daughter. Rosalie’s only other family is the step-brother she hasn’t seen for over a decade. Declan, now the Duke of Banbury, was fifteen when his father threw him out of the family home. He is not best pleased at finding a young woman he hardly knows on his doorstep, but he is at heart a gentleman and allows her to stay, calling on his aunt to move in and act as chaperone.

Rosalie is relieved at the fact he doesn’t turn her out, but rather bewildered by his coldness and thinly veiled hostility towards her. It’s clear that she worshipped him as a child and continues to carry a torch for him. But for Declan, Rosalie only dredges up painful memories of her mother Mélisande , who caused his rift with his father and whose lies and deceit have coloured his attitude towards women ever since. All he wants to do is get rid of Rosalie so he can return to his normal round of drinking, gaming and whoring.

Declan decides that the best way to be rid of Rosalie is to marry her off, so he lets it be known that he has settled a large dowry upon her. Rosalie isn’t against marriage, and, trying to set aside her childish fancy for Declan, knows the best she can hope for is to be able to find a kind and considerate husband. But before she settles, she wants to live a little, so when Declan’s cousin Aurelia suggests they slip out and pay a visit to Sodom, the notorious sex club frequented by the young men of the ton, Rosalie agrees. On the appointed night, skimpily gowned and heavily masked, the girls are escorted through the club by its mysterious lady owner, and get an eyeful of various amorous encounters (!). While Aurelia is quite happy to hang around and watch, Rosalie decides that what she’d like is to be kissed for the first time, and by someone who knows what he’s doing.

The identity of the selected orally experienced paragon will come as no surprise.

Rosalie is intelligent, kind, and unafraid to speak up for herself, without being stupidly feisty or independent to the point of being TSTL. Declan is a prize arse at the beginning of the book – cold, unpleasant, haughty and doggedly determined to persist in his dislike of Rosalie because of who her mother is. But in the weeks they spend under the same roof, he begins to remember what he used to love about the young woman he once nicknamed “Carrots” – and then, to his dismay, he begins to realize he’s starting to feel more than “like” for the young woman she is now. Declan can’t get the masked, lithe-limbed beauty he’d kissed at Sodom out of his mind, but his fascination with her does not quench his growing desire for Rosalie. But just as he learns to separate his animosity for Mélisande from his feelings towards her daughter, a massive spanner is thrown into the works: the woman herself reappears, out to get her hands on Rosalie’s dowry by fair means or foul.

I enjoyed the story, although there were points at which I had to suspend my credulity just a little bit too much. I also struggled to find an emotional connection between the pair that was matched their desire for each other. Rosalie has clearly been nursing a tendre for Declan for years, but he’s not given her a second thought – so his sudden, overwhelming lust for her comes as a bit of a surprise. Much more satisfying in terms of the storytelling is the way in which Ms Jordan hints at the reasons for Declan’s hatred of Mélisande, and then doesn’t delay the big reveal or allow those reasons to come between him and Rosalie.

Still, the chemistry between the couple is scorching. All credit to Carmen Rose for her portrayal of Declan in the love scenes: he’s a deliciously naughty, take-charge kind of guy, and she has a way of injecting an element of sternness into her delivery that expertly conveys his dominant personality which is quite sexy and very appropriate.

Her naturally low-pitched voice enables her to portray Declan convincingly by giving an added resonance and harder edge to her tone. She portrays Rosalie using an attractively husky timbre and a slight northern accent. Her performance of Mélisande is excellent – the woman is a self-centred bitch beneath a beautiful façade – and Ms Rose expertly captures the calculating menace beneath the veneer.

I generally enjoy Carmen Rose’s narrations, and this is no exception, although minor issues I’ve mentioned in other reviews (her tendency to breathe in odd places or to emphasise the wrong word in a phrase) are still present. There’s one glaring mispronunciation that occurs throughout: Rosalie’s school “Harwich” is pronounced “Harrich,” NOT “Har-Witch.” Still, the strength of Ms Rose’s characterisations and her differentiation are good enough that these become minor concerns which did not detract from my enjoyment overall.

Taken as a whole, A Good Débutante’s Guide to Ruin is an enjoyable audiobook. The story is entertaining, well-told and well-performed, and I will definitely be looking out for future instalments in the series.
Profile Image for Alyssa.
1,069 reviews853 followers
July 29, 2014
***Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***

A Good Debutante's Guide to Ruin by Sophie Jordan
Book One of The Debutante Files series
Publisher: Avon Books
Publication Date: July 29, 2014
Rating: 4 stars
Source: eARC from Edelweiss

***Warning: this is an adult book, and for the eyes of mature readers***

Summary (from Goodreads):

The last woman on earth he would ever touch . . .

Declan, the Duke of Banbury, has no interest in ushering Rosalie Hughes, his stepsister, into society. Dumped on him with nowhere else to go, he's determined to rid himself of the headstrong debutante by bestowing on her an obscenely large dowry . . . making her the most sought-after heiress of the Season.

. . . is about to become the only one he wants.

But Rosalie isn't about to go along with Declan's plans. Surrounded by fortune hunters, how is she supposed to find a man who truly wants her? Taking control of her fate, Rosalie dons a disguise and sneaks into Sodom, a private club host to all manner of illicit activity—and frequented by her infuriatingly handsome stepbrother.

In a shadowed alcove, Declan can't resist the masked temptress who sets his blood afire . . . any more than Rosalie can deny her longing for a man who will send her into ruin.

What I Liked:

My first Sophie Jordan historical romance novel - a HUGE success! I've read a few of her Young Adult books, one of her New Adult books, and now, one of her historical romance books. I'm a historical romance novel junkie, and I've read many historical romance novels from many different authors. I haven't read one since March, unfortunately, and that made the victory with this one even sweeter!

Rosalie is the stepsister of Declan, a Duke and bachelor who wants nothing to do with her. But when Rosalie is deposited at his doorstep with nowhere to go and no mother in sight, he can't just turn her away (even if they are not blood-related). Declan places a huge dowry on her, and ushers her into the Season with his cousin, Aurelia. Rosalie has been in love with Declan for quite a while, and it's time that Declan realized that.

I. Loved. This. Book. Seriously. There were so many parts and puzzles, so many subplots and twists. Rosalie moves in with Declan, and the chemistry doesn't start yet. Declan despises the idea of Rosalie because he hates his stepmother (her mother). Rosalie's mother married Declan's father, but everyone knows that she is a gold-digger, horrible mother, and a loose woman that flits from man to man. But as time goes on, and the proximity of Rosalie doesn't change, Declan starts to realize that she isn't like her mother. At all.

I really liked Rosalie - she is quick-tempered and strong-willed, but she is also shy and well-mannered. I liked Aurelia as well - she is intelligent and thoughtful, but brash and bold. Aurelia convinces Rosalie to come with her to Sodom, which is basically a fancy whorehouse. Rosalie goes there masked, for a kiss, and guess who the hostess of the house sets her up with? Declan, a notorious nobleman who frequents the house, but also quite the gentleman. Declan doesn't realize it's Rosalie. Not until much later on in the book... oh, I loved that scene.

Let's talk about that scene. My favorite scene in the book was probably the library scene. You'll know what I mean if/when you read it. It was sweet, steamy, vulnerable, tense, and revealing (in terms of many secrets between them). Favorite. Scene.

I really liked Declan as well. I love how smoothly Jordan made the progression of his feelings. It wasn't just they-see-each-other-and-BAM-smoking-hot-chemistry-everywhere. No, in the beginning, Declan can't reconcile his negative feelings towards Rosalie. Things slowly change, and I love how both of them went after what they wanted.

So... I loved the chemistry. And the romance. The relationship between Declan and Rosalie isn't just physical (though that a pretty hefty part of it), but they also are best friends, from childhood and in adulthood. I love how Jordan kept bringing things back from their past, like the climbing trees aspect.

There is a story to this book, besides the romance. There is the relationship between Rosalie and Declan, Declan and his masked woman from Sodom (who is Rosalie), Rosalie's relationship with her awful mother, and Rosalie's first Season. So much is going on, and I loved all of it.

Basically, this book is in the running for one of my favorite historical romance novels so far. My first Sophie Jordan was a hit!

What I Did Not Like:

There wasn't anything specific that I didn't like about this book! This isn't towards the book, the content, or the author, but I wished the title matched the story a little more. I was expecting something different, based on the title. BUT THAT'S OKAY. This book was excellent.

Would I Recommend It:

If you're a historical romance fan, definitely do NOT let this one float by you. I love historical romance novels and I've read so many in the past two years, and I'd definitely say that this is not one to miss. Be sure to check out Jordan's new series with Avon!


4 stars. I cannot wait to read the next book (it's a companion novel, as with most historical romance series)! I believe it features Aurelia's story. EXCELLENT. I hope it features Max as well. I LOVE their banter ;)
Profile Image for Meghan.
569 reviews11 followers
October 19, 2022
I wasn’t sure about this one. The step-sibling thing made me super uneasy. But as the story went on you realize their parents aren’t married anymore, they weren’t even around each other that often and they constantly corrected people when they said brother or sister.
Point is I actually really enjoyed this book and thank god there wasn’t a 3rd act break up, it was 3rd act drama which I’m totally here for! Give me all the drama! Oh and this was a grumpy/sunshine, mistaken identity (kind of), good girls gone wild situation. 😏
This was my first Sophie Jordan book and I can’t wait to read the next one!
Profile Image for Lover of Romance.
3,363 reviews1,024 followers
July 31, 2014
Rosalie Hughes knows that she has no alternative but to go to her step brothers home in London, since she has no other place to go. Her mother left her at a school years ago and Rosalie hasn't been able to reach her, and Declan is the only one she knows she can reach out to, not knowing the kind of reunion it will be. When they were younger Rosalie would get into all sorts of mischief and Declan was always there. Even now there is a part of her that loves him. Declan is not the same man that once climbed into trees with Rosalie and swam in the ponds. He has changed, and her mother is the reason. Only Declan knows the truth that changed him forever. Now he is the Duke of Branbury and he is a rake of the highest order. While coming home with a group of friends and ladies of the night, he comes across a figure in his sitting room...a young woman he hasn't seen in years. Even now he tries to block his feelings for her, but it seems that his heart is stronger than his will and he can't help but fall for this woman that held his heart years ago. Now he will need to make a choice, a choice that could imprison him or free him...

This story is the first book in the latest series by Sophie Jordan. Sophie Jordan is a personal favorite of mine and I always know that I will love her, and I adored this one. I just flew through this story because I just couldn't get enough of it, and when it sadly ended I was satisfied but thinking "its over already??" There is such sensuality to this story and oh boy enough to curl your toes with pure bliss!!! I LOVED it!!! The epitome of what I love in a solid regency romance. Not many authors can write like Jordan can and a SOLID A++++ to this author. What a winner of a story.

The story begins with Rosalie having no place to go, so Declan being a rogue and rake is rude and intolerant but can't kick her out, something holds him back. So he decides to bring his aunt and cousin to his bachelor home to act as chaperone's and introduce her into society so he can get her wedded and out of his hair. Rosalie is tired of orders and not having any joy or any say in her own life especially from Declan, who is so different from the boy she played with and followed around. So she decides to dress in disguise and go to a notorious night club "Sodom", where she can find a man who will kiss her with desire. The man she finds unexpectedly....Declan....a man she has dreamed about and when he kisses her with such passion she is lost.

I loved the relationship between these two....it definitely has its rocky hills and jagged cliffs in the relationship....but what a sunset there is at the end!! These two are a hoot and I adored both of them and they seemed just right for each other. They definitely know how to make fireworks pop and what a engaging story this was!! The chemistry between them is electric....sizzling, sweet, tender and powerful!! There are so many scenes that pull you in further in the story. From the first page you will be hooked...line and sinker. I couldn't put it down at all...I was having way too much fun with this one. It just makes me want to read the rest of this authors books that I have yet to read. This story was a treasure to read....with jewels of characters, a golden romance to enchant you.....and from beginning to end it will DAZZLE!!!
Profile Image for Tracey.
638 reviews46 followers
January 26, 2020
This is a well written, entertaining, steamy historical romance novel with likable, engaging characters, a heart warming romance, and a happily ever after ending. I am looking forward to reading Aurelia's story with great anticipation.
Profile Image for Hannah B..
1,098 reviews1,826 followers
March 7, 2022
✨Historical step siblings say whaaaaaat✨

I wanted to love this one. I love Clueless and technically this one is similar because neither character would get a clue if it stripped naked and wiggled in their faces. It was step siblings yes, but it wasn’t any fun and the characters weren’t very likable. I liked the beginning but I got lost around the middle. The end made me so angry but also helped me understand Declan better and my heart broke a little bit for him.

Rosalie was having “none of it” well she had all of it because she made the decision to go with her wench of a mother. I’m just irritated and lost interest when Rosalie made a stupid decision because she didn’t “deserve” to be happy or get what she wants or to at least try. Like seriously this dude is harassing her and a clear threat and she knows it and then she has the audacity to say it’s no big deal? And that she doesn’t want to bother Declan? Politely fuck off with that thinking. She was too passive for me. She was all tittering and breathy gasps and barely ever made a smart decision.

Declan wasn’t much better. I thought he had potential at times and I definitely understood more of his character by the end, but one thing really peeved me. When he finally found out it was Rosalie at Sodom, HE WAS ANGRY AND KIND OF A WEENIE. Like, back the fuck up and praise Jesus because your masked fantasy is now a distinct reality and you should be HAPPY. I was waiting for the big reveal and it just let me down. He was weirdly patronizing and angry that she was at Sodom and it really made me question him. To top it off, Rosalie finally opened her mouth and asked for what she wanted and the bastard rejects her. Be still my poor heart.

There was an extreme lack of faith in each other, but I get some of it though; their back stories were rough, especially Declan’s. However, there were just too many negative things to equal a true positive story. This was a pretty heavy book and not the light step-sibling romance I was hoping for. I usually like the trope but it didn’t mean much to this story. It was a problem and then suddenly it didn’t matter.

The mother deserves no pity or chance at redemption and I didn’t like that Rosalie even deigned to think she could change. You don’t change from her offense. She also doesn’t deserve any money or chance at happiness. I think I was seeing red for a moment there.

The villains deserved worse. Much worse. I’m starting a thing where I specify the type of villain—there are annoying villains, bad villains, fifty feet of crap, and then there are bloodboiling villains that never meet the ends they should. I feel that the latter though need introduction since I get very, very angry and if they don’t meet the proper demise or punishment, I don’t feel like the book is complete. It’s also just a huge investment to hate a character that much.

The reviews for the second book scare me so I think I’ll pass on the audio and maybe pick up the hard copy from the library so I can skim or throw it at the wall if need be. Audiobooks really exacerbate issues in books so I shall take no chances because book one tested me.

⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 🌶🌶🌶.5/5

CW: SA of minor (not by MCs)
Profile Image for Missi Nussbaum.
4 reviews2 followers
August 30, 2014
A Good Debutante's Guide to Ruin should be just the kind of book I love to read. There's a likeable heroine and a hero with a dark, tragic secret in his past. There's delicious, snarky banter as the pair revisit an old childhood friendship and renegotiate their interaction as adults. The love scenes are hot enough of scorch the print right off the page.

Yet I can only give this book two stars. If this were a first book, from a new author, I might rate it higher... but I just expect more from the talented Sophie Jordan. The prose is lush, the side characters well crafted and humorous. The difficulty lies with the main characters, Rosalie and her stepbrother, Declan. These two characters never come fully to life. Rosalie just isn't particularly...deep. She's grown up in a rural boarding school, placed there by her mother, the notorious second wife of a recently deceased Duke. Her mother is an awful person, who has abandoned her... yet we are never really shown how this abandonment has impacted her personality. When our book begins, she's been living at the school two years beyond graduation, without any financial support from her family. She's being unceremoniously dumped on the doorstep of her step-brother, the new Duke, by a headmistress who can't keep her and has no place for her.

The stepbrother hasn't seen our heroine for ten years, since he was unceremoniously chucked out of the house by his late father, the previous Duke, at roughly the same time that Rosalie was sent to school. When our characters reunite for the first time, he doesn't even recognize her, and apparently hasn't given her a thought in a decade.

As for Rosalie, she seems to have cherished a childhood crush on her stepbrother... but has made no attempt to keep in contact with him after they were separated. (At this point, the reader will start wondering, why not? But no explanation is ever offered.)

Actually, that's the main problem with Rosalie. For whatever she does, throughout the course of the book... no explanation is ever forthcoming. Her mind is completely opaque to the reader. She moves from situation to situation without really reacting to them, unmarked by the tragedies around her. She is never perplexed by the attitudes and behaviour of her relations, but accepts them unquestioningly. So Mom stuck her into a school and never came back... Rosalie doesn't mind. Declan left the house, never wrote her a letter, and didn't answer the headmistress when she wrote him about Rosalie. Again, Rosalie doesn't ever question why this is the case.

Small spoiler, here... Declan, our hero, is a victim of child molestation at the hands of his stepmother. But we are never really shown any effects this situation has left upon his life, either. He's your cliche regency rogue. He's even introduced to the audience with a tart on his arm, bringing his friends home for a bit of drink and debauchery. When reunited with his stepsister, we are given glimpses of his thought processes which are frankly, disturbing. He goes from "who is this chick?" to sexual yearning in about a paragraph. Remember... This is a sexual abuse victim, looking at the daughter of his rapist. If that doesn't tell you what's wrong with this book, nothing else I have to say will really matter.

Selling these stepsiblings as a love story was always going to be a challenge. But the author never really delves into the necessary angst to make us believe in this relationship. Instead, she relies on some sort of instantaneous sexual magnetism between her lovers- a situation which, under the circumstances, beggars belief.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Becca.
685 reviews114 followers
August 24, 2015
Rosalie and Declan star in the start of Sophie Jordan's newest historical romance series. Rosalie and Declan are step-siblings. I am not sure if this would gross some people out so be warned. They hadn't seen each other in years and had not been raised as siblings so this relationship did not bother me. There is no blood relationship between them.

I started out on Jordan's works reading her forgotten princesses series. I thought that the tension between Rosalie and Declan was similar to the characters in Wicked in Your Arms only it was not done as effectively (I gave WIYA 5 stars). I could definitely see the tension and the attraction between the two, but I never believed they were actually in love. To be honest, they only had one or two true conversations the entire book!

I thought Declan's cousin Aurelia's character was more interesting; although people have said that in her book, she and Lord Camden are downright cruel to each other so I am a little nervous.

Anyway, in this novel, Rosalie is dumped on Declan's doorstep by her schoolmistress who can no longer support her since Rosalie's mother stopped paying tuition two years before. Declan is initially very hateful to Rosalie due to his hatred for Rosalie's mother (you eventually find out why) and settles an enormous dowry on her to try to marry her off and get her out of his life as soon as possible. The two rarely interact and Declan does not realize he actually likes having Rosalie around until she is gone.

The oddity in this book stems from when Aurelia and Rosalie go to a pleasure club, Sodom, as a way to have an adventure. I knew this was coming since it is in the description on the back cover, but it still was ridiculous. Two unwed, untried, upper class women sneaking into a sex club and not getting caught or abused? Hmm... However, the trip does the trick of turning up the heat between Declan and Rosalie and pushes the story along.

I will be trying out the next book in this series, but I felt that the Forgotten Princess series had more well-developed tension and deeper love. If you find this book disappointing, try that series instead.

Profile Image for S H A R O N .
303 reviews24 followers
August 21, 2014
I hate the word "mewling". Loathe it. Think it's idiotic sounding. Makes me picture a cat.

Can't. Stand. That. Word.

Unfortunately, that word is used on several occasions (since the "good" debutante is known by her "mewling" noises) throughout the book.


Now that my opinion's been stated...this was a "meh" book. It started out pretty solidly with an interesting premise (step brother and step sister reconnect....sparks fly...there are other complications including an evil mother/stepmother...oh, and a scandalous sex club called "Sodom". You know...a nice, wholesome story) but it felt like the author threw all her cards on the whist table and the last half of the book fell flat.

Not much romance...a whole lot of lust, poor decisions, and anachronistic slang.

......(spoiler ahead).......

And to slap icing on the cake, the plot's big finish was the heroine being chased up a tree by the evil suitor. Like a cat. That mewls.

Mewling. What a horrible word. *shudder*
Profile Image for GigiReads.
585 reviews157 followers
November 4, 2022
Step Siblings taboo-ish catnip that went nowhere *sadness* Sweet what's her face (I already forgot her name and I literally just finished this. That's exactly how memorable she is) is dumped at her stepbrothers doorstep after her mother the duchess conveniently forgets her at finishing school. For years. Stepbrother is aghast but quickly recovers and settles a huge dowry on her to marry her off posthaste. She has pined for him since they were children. He's indifferent until he meets a mysterious woman at a sex club. She frosts his cookies but of course he has no idea she's his stepsister. That's the most exciting part of the book tbh

I had the same problem with this book as I've had with all the other Sophie Jordan books I've read. The setup is fantastic but the execution is just bad. In this case the pacing was off, everything happens in the last quarter and I never cared about the characters. The relationship isn't developed and the characters are weirdly passive. The fmc is like a little puppet never really reacting to anything. The mmc had his moments but he too was just bland most of the time. One whole star for an awesome library tryst and the love scenes were surprisingly steamy. But since I wasn't invested in them, they didn't have much of an impact.

Tropes: step siblings
Tortured hero
Pining heroine
Childhood Friends

Profile Image for Ashlyn.
1,272 reviews54 followers
November 17, 2023
I went into this book completely blind. Probably a bad idea, but then again, I might not have read this if I read what this was about. About 32% in I was trying to convince myself to finish, then I talked to my friend who had read it, and she said it gets better. I'm so glad I listened to her because she was right (as usual). I ended up being extremely invested in these characters and really enjoyed the story. I'm looking forward to continuing this series. So, I'm just here to say to give books a shot that you might not think you will like because you might actually ending up loving them.

Read this if you enjoy
- Step-siblings (but not really - this is the trope I don't like)
- False identity (kind of)
- Horrible mother
- Forced proximity/roomates
- Wallflower/rake
Profile Image for Laura.
Author 14 books605 followers
January 4, 2016
Review posted on Got Fiction?


This is the first book in Sophie Jordan's The Debutante Files, and it begins with our heroine Rosalie Hughes being dumped upon her step brother, Declan the Duke of Banbury.

Rosalie is about 20 or 21, and was sent to boarding school, but then forgotten. Her mother liked to pretend she didn't have a child. Rosalie's mother was a piece of work. She'd been a legendary beauty, and still was, but being reminded she had a daughter reminded her she wasn't a young girl anymore. That was simply unacceptable.

Poor Rosalie was still at the school 2 years after she'd finished her studies. The headmistress, even though she liked Rosalie, knew she couldn't stay any longer, and left her at the duke's house.

Declan didn't recognize Rosalie as the girl who used to climb trees and tag along after him, and barely remembered her. But he hates her mother, so the idea of her staying with him was ridiculous. Even if he knows Rosalie is not her mother, the past still haunts him.

But unable to unload Rosalie on anyone, and with her mother in Italy with her latest conquest, he settles a huge dowry on her, and decides she will marry this Season, or she's on her own.

Rosalie hates it, she hates every bit of it, especially when Declan accepts the first proposal she gets without even asking her. And when she rushes to tell him off, the worst part is that she realizes he's right. He's doing her a favor. And it sucks.

But Rosalie wants one night to herself before her life is no longer hers, so she and Declan's cousin Aurelia disguise themselves and go to a club.

And she asks the proprietress to find someone who will give her her first kiss. When the woman brings in Declan to take care of the job, Rosalie knows she cannot do this with him. He hates her so much, she just knows it would be wrong. But Declan can be very persuasive, and the two of them have such off the charts explosive chemistry, that he can't stop thinking about her.

Through it all, Rosalie realizes she's in love with Declan, but she knows he'll never love her back. Even after their chemistry and passion are so explosive Declan finally recognizes it, she knows she'll still have to marry.

And then her mother comes back into the picture. What a piece of work. And suddenly she's not just angry she's old enough to have a grown daughter, she sees that her daughter is now competition for the younger men she favors. This simply will not do.

The biggest problem is, will Declan realize he loves Rosalie before something happens that he can't fix?

I loved this book, and I've really enjoyed this author's style. With only two novels in this series so far, I really hope we see another this year. I for one, can't wait! Full of emotion and action, this author engages the reader from page one, not letting go until your heart has been ripped out, and then repaired, because happily ever after, of course.

***ARC courtesy of Avon
Profile Image for Jen Davis.
Author 7 books717 followers
August 7, 2014
I wasn’t sure how I would feel about a romance involving a step-brother and sister pairing. It could easily get squicky. Not only did this romance avoid any gross-out factor, I found it very engaging. There is just the right amount of longing and self-denial, mixed up with some delicious sexual tension. It really worked for me.

Rosalie has spent the past seven years at boarding school –that’s two years longer than she was supposed to stay. Two years after graduation; two years without anyone paying tuition; two years with no word from her mother. She has nowhere to go except to her step-brother and childhood friend, Declan, who is now Duke of Banbury. To call her arrival a surprise would be an understatement. Declan had not thought of the young girl he called “Carrots” in years. She was too inexorably linked to her mother, the viper who turned his father against him and made his life miserable. So his reunion with Rosalie is nothing like she had hoped for.

Despite his misgivings, he does his duty and invites her to stay in his home while he searches for her mother. And that morphs into a plan to marry her off. But somehow along the way, he begins to remember why they were once so close. Even more, he begins to burn for her, against his better judgment.

I ended up really liking both Rosalie and Declan. He was, indeed, a bit of a jerk in the beginning but we learn, he has just cause. The more I got to know him, the more I started to started to see his feelings for Rosalie as a bit of a miracle. I loved the way the author brings them together physically in the early. The private club… the masks… it was all very sexy and really amped up the tension when we saw them together again in daily life.

Rosalie is a good blend of practical, fiery, and adventurous. With the mother she has and the abandonment she has faced, it would be easy for her to be a whiner, but she is not. I loved how she stood up for herself and her future. And I loved, loved, loved her interactions with Declan.

This book scored with me in character development, romance, and physical intimacy. If the step-sibling thing doesn’t bother you, I suggest you give this one a shot.

Rating: B+

*ARC Provided by Avon
Profile Image for Kelly.
Author 44 books33 followers
August 30, 2014
A quick read where the secondary character (Aurelia) was more interesting than the main character (Rosalie). I liked Aurelia's humor and the way she quickly befriended Rosalie. Too often a source of conflict in Regency romances is when the secondary characters (esp females) are cruel to the h. Also, Aurelia's mom (Lady Merlton) was a lot of fun and I liked her a lot.

Rosalie, other than her crush on her step-brother, which, I'll be honest, is the reason I picked up this story (pseudo-incest is of interest to me right now), was sort of... sorry to say... a doormat. Yes, there was lust between the h/H, but it never felt substantial or anything more than physical. I pick up Regency romances for quick wit, funny banter, and the h/H working out their differences. With A Good Debutante's Guide to Run, I never found the "it" factor that made these two characters, these two step-siblings, fall hard for each other. Honestly, the H acted like he slept with any woman available. It's a golden rule in romances, especially Regency (at least for me) that the H doesn't sleep around once he's interested in the h. So the book had this going in it's favor. I would have thrown the book against the wall if Declan slept with someone else after he kisses the h (even though, in his defense, he doesn't know it's the h).

Declan is your typical Regency H. Dashing, good looking, rich, and not interested in being "proper". Declan has his reasons for keeping Rosalie at a distance, and it has to do with her horrible mother. Once I learned Declan's secret, I felt so bad for him. I felt the author treated this topic appropriately and showed that certain crimes can still be felt years, even decades, later. So thanks for that, Ms. Jordan.

Overall, a decent story that promises more from the secondary characters while not being strong on the love/lust/chemistry side of the house with the main characters. The step-sibling thing didn't seem like that big of a deal to other people in the story (only the h/H seem to find it an obstacle) and I had hoped for more on this topic, like how the Ton might have reviewed their union, but we never get any of that.

However, I plan to pick up the next book in this series, hoping that it focuses on Aurelia.
Profile Image for Marianne Wells.
63 reviews3 followers
October 15, 2019
Really didn't like this one. The premise sounded good, the title was clever, and I had high hopes for a tongue and cheek romance a la Tessa Dare. I'm not picky when it comes to this genre, and I should have taken my lack of enjoyment at the beginning as a sign. I would even go so far as to issue a trigger warning, with the following spoiler:

Profile Image for Zoe.
762 reviews196 followers
April 24, 2015
I had not expecte to like this book so much. It is a typical historical romance, with a very attractive hero. I don't mind that. If the story delivers, I do not mind a little (or a lot of) cliche.
The struggle for the hero was heart-wretching. He does not want to like the heroin because her mother is the B word personified. Hero has a history with the heroin's mother (they slept together when the hero was a teenager.). All in all, hero cannot help but fall in love with the heroin, but is unwilling to admit that he is poorly besotted and refuses to show any tender affections toward the heroin. But of course he cannot help it. The hero is sponsoring a season for the heroin, as her legal guardian and wants (or does not want to
This book really came together for me, when after much internal struggle, the hero showed up in the heroin's room at night. He said "I am not fighting this anymore." And then there it was, he had me at hello.
Unlike Julie Garwood or Lisa Kleypas who I have read and appreciated since my youth, Sophie Jordan is a new author for me. I am pleasantly surprised at how much I like this book and look forward to reading her new book soon.
Profile Image for Nefise.
478 reviews57 followers
September 17, 2015
It was a quick and easy read. There were almost everything I like to read in an historical romance. Still, it was not enough to make this book a "rereading" or one of my favorites.

There was angst, some adventure, some scandalous scenes, hot scenes (I should confirm, they were one of the best scenes and the best part of the book that I felt the emotions, chmesitry etc. and very well written) but all of these elements didn't make to story an intense, a good romance book. Like, it's written very metodlogic way but lack of genuine emotions.

I'm sad that I'm giving 3 stars to this book because it could be better, it has all the materials, even though each of them are very cliche, classic. Imo, in a good hand, a romance book that written with the classic materials, are can be the best.

Although, it couldn't fit my expectation, it was not that bad, at least I didn't quit reading it(I'm doing this lately very much). I'll read next book in the series. Author could success to capture my atention to the couple.
Profile Image for Tracy T..
1,020 reviews21 followers
October 10, 2015
Too much inner dialogue and thoughts is annoying and makes a potentially good story not so good. 2 star narration.

This is barely an okay story, Very predictable. The heroine was okay, she wasn't a very strong heroine by no means. A bit too naive and just kind of boring to be honest. The hero was just okay as well. Nothing great or swoon worthy. The chemistry felt forced and not genuine. The sex scene was nicely written. There was one and half sex scenes.

The story line and plot was just meh. There is more inner thoughts and inner dialogue than there was dialogue between the characters. Which also made the story barely okay. This book really needed more dialogue for sure. The inner thoughts were just too much. Sigh... It also needed more character development/interaction.

As for the narration it was barely okay. I don't hate Carmen Rose but she sure does read in a robotic tone that's for sure. It can get annoying. I really wish she would read less robotic. She does try to make the men sound like men so there is that. She didn't help this story at all.
Profile Image for Esther .
923 reviews197 followers
August 6, 2014
Not a long review but just to say I enjoyed the book and the couple. I was hooked from the beginning and kept my attention till the end.

Looking forward to the next couple...sounds like there will some sparks flying between those two.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 448 reviews

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